Successful people who defied all odds and achieved success

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Successful people who defied all odds and achieved success /business/successful-people-who-defied-all-odds-and-achieved-success Dec 19, 2016 51 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen

Author Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 86 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

Numerous times, growing up in a broken home builds further willpower and even motivates many to fight back and pave their own road; one that leads to success. These successful people which made history defied all odds and turned their failures into an achieved success. As a young child, I had a very abusive father who would hurt my mother and beat me up each time I came back


home from school and just throw me in the attic for nights. This happened until my parent’s divorce, I was 9 years old then; following this, my mother and I moved back to Ukraine during the course of the Soviet Union era. You may comprehend how poverty, violence and abuse can all be acting as mile stones and used as motivation to become something better. Regardless of what happened to them, some people are shining today and believe me; these peoples did beat all odds and achieved success. Many successful people worked day and night, against imaginable odds to get where they are today and deserve every ounce of success they have acquired. Unfortunately, I can’t mention all of them but here are some of their stories.

Orville and Wilbur Wright Before opening a bicycle shop, Orville and Wilbur Wright, fathers of aviation fight family illness and despair. They fail countless of times. It is only after years of hard work and unsuccessful prototypes they build the world’s first successful airplane. It gets airborne, stays in the air and a successful human flight takes finally place.

Marilyn Monroe Marilyn has it rough as she grows up in numerous foster homes. Modeling agents tell her that she should think about being a secretary. Most of her life, she is being told she is a failure but pursues her dreams anyway, defies all odds and becomes the icon we all know today. Her playing often the dumb blonde is only an act that eclipses a diamond in the rough. In real, she is maybe lonely, but is a very intelligent woman full of energy that desires to express the real Marilyn but nobody listens.

Jim Carrey At age 12, Jim’s parents are jobless and are unable to provide for their 3 children. They accept a small job offer in an industrial unit for the entire family. They moved into a tiny place close to work. But collapsing under the burdens, the family decides to leave and becomes homeless. Living in a van, 16-year-old Jim begins to work as a janitor while some days he performs at a local comedy club so as to generate a little income and provide for his family.

Elvis Presley Elvis grows up through daily rejection and poverty while other children consider him as a lone wolf, a redneck. When Elvis applies to auditions, he finds rejection everywhere he goes. They even tell him he can’t sing. Determined not to quit, he keeps auditioning but gets rejected again. One agent tells him to go back to truck driving because he will never make it by singing. One day, Elvis auditions but he is so nervous and ruins his first tries. He knows this is his last chance, so he relaxes and plays a song with a faster rhythm. This unique style impresses. The King is born.

Dwayne Johnson "The Rock" In the 1980’s, Dwayne turns to crime as his family faces poverty and eviction. He is arrested several times for theft. In 1996, he is cut down from pro-football after only 2 months. He is then depressed, desperate and has only 7$ left to his name. A year later, he makes his pro wrestling debut as “The Rock”. Today, he is the highest paid actor and people love him.


Woody Harrelson Woody is born of a religious mother and a father who is not religious at all. His father works as a professional killer. Leaving his wife and three children in 1968, his father is hired to murdered two people that year and get away with both murders. Eventually, he is sentenced to 2 life sentences for the murder of an American judge. There have also been claims that his father was the one to have really assassinated John F. Kennedy.

Sylvester Stallone He is expelled from 14 schools during youth. Sylvester Stallone is then evicted from his apartment and sleeps in a bus station for weeks. He goes on 1000’s of auditions and still cannot get work. With $100 to his name, he finally gets his big break. He is 30 years old.

Eminem Abandoned by his father as an infant, his mother moves often and Eminem has to change schools 2-3 times a year and is frequently bullied. He is never able to make close friends and is constantly treated as an outcast. He is beat up in the bathrooms and hallways daily. His mother has a drug abuse problem and possible suffering from a syndrome that leads her to harm her children in order to gain attention.

Oprah Winfrey Oprah is born into poverty. Her life story is one which defied all odds and achieved success. At 9 she is raped by her cousin, and sexually abused by her mother’s friends. She gets a position as an evening news anchor in Baltimore but gets fired. People tell her that she is unfit for television. She keeps trying until she becomes a talk show host in Chicago, and takes the ratings from last place to first in only a month. Later, she creates “The Oprah Winfrey Show” on a very tiny budget, and within a few months rose to stardom.

Larry Ellison Larry Ellison is the founder of Oracle. He contracts pneumonia at 9 months, then given up for adoption by his mother. He is told repeatedly he is “good for nothing” by his adopted father. Today, he is the fifth richest person on earth. These people’s obstacles, failure, and endurance fit into their life story. They emerged from difficult experiences and turned their misfortunes into something bigger, which combined made their extraordinary success against all odds.

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker



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