The basic steps to succeed in network marketing

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The Basic Steps To Succeed In Network Marketing /business/the-basic-steps-to-succeed-in-network-marketing Apr 04, 2017 Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Reference and Education 44 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 124 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

One of the vital facts you learn about network marketing is that most successful people use the same basic steps to create their fortune and freedom. It is a system which anyone can learn and use to create speed wealth as where someone else would need to wait much longer to succeed.


In fact, I am using it. If you do not know it already, you should learn that in network marketing people do not join a business, but they join YOU! A marketing business should be a way of helping people rather than trying to sell them your exceptional product. This system is for anyone who wants to have security and a life of freedom. These basics steps work on general principles and work for all kind of businesses as well as network marketing. You should know that by consistently following a few simple measures in an orderly fashion over an extended period, you will understand the formula for financial independence. This system recognizes what every successful person is doing and, if followed, you may see your business soar to new heights. Remember that the order of these steps is critical because if you do not follow through, it will blow up in your face.

The 4 Rules to Follow at First 1. Detach yourself from the outcome. Separate yourself and disconnect your emotions from the result. Act as a consultant offering suggestions on how your people can live a better life. 2. Be yourself. Do not try to be different or become someone you are not. Just work on being your best self. 3. Have passion. Have passion in what you do and enthusiasm as it can be contagious. Smiling also helps your voice to sound friendly, sincere, and accessible. 4. Stay strong and confident . Have the ability not to be discouraged, influenced or affected by people who are negative. Be bold with your message. See what Ray Higdon says about the Art of Posture in this short YouTube video

Step 1: Creating Wealth is Feasible To begin with, you need to believe that creating wealth is achievable. People who make their money fast are usually considered as crooks or scammers. But in truth, thousands of people including my mentors have made their money in a quicker way and legitimately. More and more fortunes are made with lightning speed, and for a good reason, the world of technology is changing rapidly, and every time there is a change, it brings an opportunity! In network marketing, quick change brings immediate opportunity and this, in turn, allows to create quick wealth. For any business, there is a startup phase; a grow up phase; a maturating phase and a saturation phase, and even a decline phase for some. Everyone who’s great at something was once terrible at it. These successful people just didn’t give up; they kept going. Be willing to learn business abilities, new skills and master yourself. There is nothing that can stop you.

“Every master was once a disaster” – T. Harv Eker

Step 2: Delivering Massive Value The law of income states that you are paid in direct proportions to the value you provide according to the marketplace. The first thing that determines our value in network marketing is ‘Demand.'


The second is ‘Competition’ because if you have too many businesses in a niche, you won’t do well. The next is ‘Quality’ as it is critical to know how good your product or service is. The last one is ‘Quantity’ and how much of your product or service are you delivering. You can be good at your craft, but if you are not good at marketing, nothing will happen. So you need to understand these four factors and deliver enough quantity to create wealth. Try to serve not ten people but 1000 a day. Find a way or a strategy to do so; surely when you have a service to offer. And never have a ceiling on your income.

Step 3: Timing is of Great Importance You need to choose the right business or niche at the right time. You must get on trend; Gary Vaynerchuk is a good example of network marketing. A trend is simply a field or an arena of a long term upscale network market. Any entrepreneurship or service is an excellent way to go! The word ‘Job’ in the dictionary means ‘Just over broke’ because that is the way they keep you coming back tomorrow.

Step 4: Systemizing Your Business It is the most delicate step in network marketing for many people. It also means that it is a repeatable process that produces a profit but how to create such a system? There are three parts to every business: 1. The Marketing 2. The Production 3. The Operation & Administration You must design specific processes for each of these areas so as to create a money machine. It is critical that this device works without you after a while. The idea here is to have a life of freedom. You need to work ‘ON’ the business, not ‘IN’ the business. You need to be the conductor of the orchestra. Every single task you do at the beginning, you should ask yourself: “How can this be done without me?” The goal in speed wealth through these necessary steps in network marketing is to do NOTHING. Then you have what is called a business.

Step 5: Duplicating If it works, keep doing it! It changes the money machine from average to thousands and thousands. Duplication without limitations is keeping doing it again and again, and after that repeat. But before duplicating, you must always create a secure system. Do not duplicate until you a methodology that works efficiently on a small scale. Network marketing is a procedure of doing things over and over again like McDonald, etc. To begin, follow someone else’s model because they got to be rich with it. Then create your own when you are


wealthy. Duplication shows the principle of the Golden Goose and her eggs. The idea is to replace yourself and build a system that will become my golden goose. Your next move as it says in network marketing is to “Recruit Up.” It means gettting help or hiring people who are more successful. How can you do everything on your own? Hire individuals who know their stuff and are successful winners. That is the only way to create wealth with less effort. Surround yourself with great people so as to build yourself great too. Find people and train them to understand the opportunity. The best people for network marketing are usually ex-athletes, best teachers, etc. The more you duplicate yourself and the system, the more it will feed you later!

Step 6: Leveraging Leverage in network marketing is doing more with less. It is the secret ingredient that all wealthy people share for succeeding. It is impossible to get financially free without it. Money working for you or self-education is examples of leverage. The root of the system is to take and teach 20 of the best people. In turn, they will teach others that will teach others and so on. How do you find such recruits? Work smarter instead of harder! Learn from the best, have and model mentors, keep repeating the system that works and keep following these steps. Network marketing is a beautiful thing when you know how to use it. If you do what most people won’t do for the next 3 to 5 years, you will be able to do what most people can’t do for the rest of your life. Do whatever it takes even if it makes you uncomfortable. Remember, people are buying you, not your service or product. If your energy is attractive, what you sell will be too. Finally, your income can only grow to the extent that you do. So be aware of and use these necessary steps to network marketing which could improve your success and give you financial freedom, then repeat, repeat, repeat. The best to you!

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker



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