The Inner Power Of Your Mind /business/the-inner-power-of-your-mind Mar 02, 2017 Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Reference and Education 39 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 113 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
With each day that passes, it becomes more of a fact that our mind can be our greatest asset or our worst enemy, and often times; this inner power can work against us instead of working for us. But why and how is this happening?
To begin with, you need to understand that “You are not your mind” and you are not the thoughts in your head. Your mind and thoughts are only a part of you, like a leg or an arm. And you are the ONE which has the mind and hear the little voice in your head. So in reality, “You have a mind”. Therefore, this mind is not to be trusted. The little voice in your head also cannot be trusted. Why not? Most of us believe that we live our lives based on the choices we make. But for the most part, we run on automatic, subconsciously ruled by our past conditioning and habits. And that is kind of scary. So I decided to write this post in association of part 1 in the book “ Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. Well, let’s get down to it! There are four elements of all change. The first element is: “Awareness”, the second one is: “Understanding”, the third one is: “Disassociation” or “Consciousness”, and the last is: “Reconditioning”.
Awareness Imagine your mind looking like a filing cabinet filled with data base information. As you get into a situation in life, the mind goes straight into those files, looks at your database and decides “YES or NO” to the matter at hand. And depending on the file stored in your mind, action or inaction will follow and be determined. Your file cabinets are getting filled since the day you were born via other people such as your parents, family, friends, teachers, the web and everything around you. And all these people received their files and data from other people around them…and so on. But is the information you received TRUE? Maybe not! It is their way but not your way. Your file cabinets and the data stored in it need to be reconditioned and changed. You are not what you know or think, but simply who you learned to be via the database of people around you. The inner power of your mind is a meaning creating process which determines your life. This process runs your life and to get a better one, it has to be changed. The world is the same for all of us but our perception, the meaning we give it is different. All things are neutral until you come along and make interpretations out of the things around you. Nothing is anything until you make it into something and then it becomes what you make it. So in short, you give neutral things meaning. What you see and the meaning you give it mentally is what you get physically. Therefore, your reality is personal. And each and every one of us has their own objective reality. You have a choice. You can hear that little voice but you have the choice to believe it or question it. And like it is filled, for the most part, with a lot of incorrect information through the years, you shouldn’t be hasty in believing it if your life right now is not where you want it or if you do not have the life you desire.
Understanding Here is a profound truth: the storage cabinets in your mind are filled primarily for SURVIVAL. Meaning that your mind’s primary function is to keep you alive , and not get success or happiness. Your mind and those files are like your bodyguard, and like any bodyguard, it has a predisposition and will only look for the negative because that is his primary job: to keep you alive.
That is why most people focus on problems and fear because their mind does such a good job to protect them. Unconsciously to you, the mind takes over and controls your life, but in reality, his initial job is to protect you and not control you. He is not the boss, you are; he is just the bodyguard. You are the captain of the ship and your mind is only a subordinate. Only 1 in 100,000 people understand this law and only 1 person in a million lives by this. Your mind is your protector and of course, it doesn’t want your life to change. It likes the comfortable way it is in, it likes the same familiar routine, so why would it want to change? What the mind does when it cannot find a problem? It creates one.
Consciousness For that reason, you do not need to believe a thought you think. As the thought comes in, you must think objectively about it and then act or not. It is called “consciousness”. It is living from choice in the present instead of living from programming and habits from the past. You must question and consciously monitor what your mind is telling you and decide accordingly. The best way is to learn methods for your mind to work for you instead of against you. Here are four Magic Words: “Thank you for sharing” to stop your mind dead in its track.
Reconditioning You have 3 laws of thought: 1. I have the ability to control my thoughts. 2. I have the ability to remove any thought from my mind. 3. I have the ability to install any new thought in my mind. Your greatest inner power is to be able to choose your thoughts. It is your thoughts that create your life. The only way to change this is by resetting your thermostat, known as your blueprint. In part 2 of his book, T. Harv Eker gives 17 wealth files to recondition your mind so as to change your blueprint and recondition the way you think about finances, success and life. Finally, your mind needs to work for you instead of you working for your mind. You need to be your own Samurai. Know that the word “Samurai” means “to serve”. Be a master of inner power and remember: your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker