What To Do When You Have Free Time digitalbloggers.com /business/what-to-do-when-you-have-free-time Jun 01, 2017 31 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 141 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
Free time seems to be an unusual commodity which very few of us possess enough of nowadays. It never appears to be on your side when you are up and rushing from one thing to another. However, once all the fuss comes to a standstill, you often do not know what you would rather be doing.
Occasionally, frustration even rolls in because when you are busy, you seem to have no problem thinking of what you would like to do during that welcome period. Some people, on the other hand, appear to know exactly what to 1/4
do. When having free time, some people spent it on useful skills, some on things that have a meaning in their lives and others on useless things such as playing video games or watching TV all day. So, what should you do then, when you have free time? Of course, such time should be used in any way you wish it to be; but again, it all depends on the person, and how much allowed time they have. I would suggest making up your mind as to what you describe as "beneficial." Traveling, creating, relaxing, thinking, meditating, getting refreshed, and even doing nothing are all "valuable" activities which can lead to an improved, enriched, better, and more rewarding life. An excellent example of this is to learn a new skill while you have free time which can bring joy but also such an asset to your life. You could spend this allocated time in any way you would like, but a thing you should never do is to waste it. Taking online courses is another splendid idea for anyone who is in a situation like not having a job. But whatever you choose, do not include doing chores in your time of freedom as it is not a very healthy thing to do while you have such moment.
Acquire a New Skill The internet is such a wonderful tool that you are getting the world at your fingertips. Rather than having to go in your free time to some other location to get a lesson, you can use microlearning programs like ‘Skillshare’ or ‘Grovo’ from the coziness of your home. YouTube is also a prodigious place to have more education. My most recent undertaking has been to learn how to create a website. It has been fun, and it is a new asset to attach under my belt. Do not get me wrong, I am no master, but I got the hang of it. And even if I still do not understand all the advanced stuff, I know now how to build one from scratch. My next learning skill should be how to create ‘dissolve’ videos which are a gradual transition from one image to another. The great Warren Buffet has a fantastic quote about this:
“The more you learn, the more you earn.”
Learn a New Language Traveling and learning a new foreign language while having free time is a beautiful path to take. It expands your horizons and helps you learn diverse cultures, thoughts, behaviors, as well as different foods. It also helps your brain staying healthy as it gives it a daily workout. You might already know about my passion for reading, but I am not sure if I ever revealed to you the deep joy I have in learning foreign languages. As I grew up, I learned French and Russian while at home, as well as Ukrainian from my grandfather. I began learning English later on at the age of 24 when I lived in North America and quickly realized that I liked foreign languages. Thus, my English was followed by German when I moved to live in Austria. I would love to focus more seriously on learning Spanish as I know many words and it is the world’s second language after English. Anyway, below are some suggestions on what you could do when you have free time, allocated by periods. 2/4
Extended periods of time such as Days Travel the world. Create your blog and write your experiences. Think outside the box by creating something new to you or for others. Create your videos and get a YouTube channel to publish them. Expand your comfort zone by trying new things. Take the dream trip you have always wanted. Take a journey of self- discovery. Enjoy a challenge such as skydiving, bungee jumping, or flying lessons. Teach private lessons on something you love doing. Volunteer overseas.
Smaller Periods of Time such as Hours Spend more time with your pet or get one in an animal shelter. Visit a museum Read a biography of someone you admire or something that interest you. Reach out and spend time with people you care about. Write a book, a short story or a play. Take courses online. Find a way to create a second passive income. Go to take a walk in nature. Learn a foreign language as it is a wonderful way to go. Do some day dreaming. Get a new hobby. Meditate 30 minutes or more. Teach yourself a new skill through a microlearning program. Learn graphic designing. Learn amateur photography. Learn to dance or get into a martial art. Take cooking or baking lessons online or offline. Get involved in your community or volunteer in a soup kitchen, animal shelters, and rescues. Create a group on social media. Hold a yard or garage sale by clearing unwanted or unneeded things from your life. Watch a Ted talk; this could change your life in many ways.
Short Periods of Time such as Minutes Brainstorm ideas.
Make a phone call. Think about your personal or professional goals. Check your emails. Reflect on things. Close your eyes and let go of stress. Write down your plan for tomorrow. Do some push-ups or crunches each time you have 5 minutes and do it 3 or 4 times a day. Go outside and breathe some fresh air. Make a follow-up list. Make some quick research on the internet. Show up early at a meeting, at work or a personal appointment. There are so many things to do in a productive and creative way when you have free time. You do not need a lot of time; you just need some of it. There are travels to be made, books to be read, languages to be learned, blog posts to be written, museums to be visited, and more. What you do when having free time is up to you, but you should tap into your imagination and share with other people as well as giving yourself things you and they can enjoy, learn from and treasure. It would be such a win-win situation.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and sergeivanbellinghen.com, Success & Self-Improvement Expert, Lifestyle entrepreneur, online marketer & business partner of Stuart Ross, also a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker