Which would bring regrets failing or never trying

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Which Would Bring Regrets, Failing Or Never Trying? digitalbloggers.com /business/which-would-bring-regrets-failing-or-never-trying Jan 18, 2017 44 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen

Author Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 100 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

Which would bring regrets, failing or never trying? What is one of the major reasons that numerous people put things off until it is too late? What is this powerful weapon that stops them from ever moving forward on their goals and closer to their dreams? It is FEAR. The fear of not knowing if they could in fact accomplish the dreams they intend to achieve. They are scared, afraid of failing. Somehow, if they don’t try, they don’t need to admit that they were inadequate. Many of us are so afraid of what people might say or think if we don't achieve what we expect to do. Failing is never easy, but we all have to go through it. If you try to dodge failure as much as you avoid trying, you are also never going to succeed.


Everyone Faces Defeat. Have you ever faced defeat in any of your undertakings? Ask any successful person if they have undergone defeat or obstacles along their path to success and you can hear a "Yes" each time. Indeed, the majority of successful people have gone through far more defeat than those who are not as fruitful because they tried many times over. Most people get defeated once or twice and throw the towel. But when successful people get knocked down again and again or crushed, they get back up, try yet again and keep moving forward. What would be disappointing? You failing, or not trying at all? Which would bring you more regrets? Not having even tried, failing or kept at it instead of giving up? Which would take you closer to your goals and dreams?

What Would Bring Regrets? Imagine now you never try, or try but give up promptly, I promise you will have regrets further down the road. I am not telling you there will never be moments when you need to let go to be able to move on, but too many people’s lives look like a roller coaster. They jump too often from one thing to another in pursuit of something that they think will get them to their desired result. You need to realize that often time it is not the mean of transportation that is the problem, but you which are at the wheel. You should choose the vehicle you want to get where you want to go, and stick with it to make it happen.

Failing or Never Trying. Your past failures are your best teacher. Even if you do fail, at least you know you gave it everything you had and you don't have to regret not having tried at all. Even if it doesn't work out the way you planned, it is better than looking back and having regrets, not knowing what could have been because you never even tried. So go, do, take action, and start failing! When you will move forward past your failures, success will be waiting for you around the corner.

10 Tips to Get You from Failure to Success. 1. Failing is not being a failure. It takes quite some guts to go out there and try. So don’t think or label yourself as a failure. By spending your all life doing nothing but only fail is being a failure, and the chances are you will probably succeed to get two thing or three “rights” along your path to success. So don’t be hard on yourself. 2. Failure and humility. By always getting everything you desire, you will probably get arrogant. But if nothing is ever definite, you will learn that hard work is of such great importance and will see the relation between what kind of effort you put in and what the result is. 3. Even more determined. Failing or making mistakes once in a while is a great way of learning and making you want to work even harder to succeed. It is even more satisfying to achieve something that was difficult and you really had to work hard for. 4. Learn different approaches. At times you will not realize you are taking the wrong approach until you fail. Only then, will you be able to look back and understand what you did wrong, so you can change it for the following time. 5. A different path may come. You are now on the “trying” road, but perhaps along your journey you recognize what you are not doing right and you decide to switch gears. That epiphany would not have come if you did


not embark on this voyage in the first place, so you never know where inspiration will spring from. 6. Being an inspiration. All people are paralyzed by the fear of failing at least once in their existence, but very few find the determination to push past it. Who knows, your determination, desire and positivism could give someone else the wish to go after what their dreams. 7. Trying is no loss. Most of the time, you spend trying things. You do not know what the future holds right now, or what functions and what doesn’t. Until you try. What your life is going to be like if you are scared to try new things? Would you be happy realizing the life of your dreams? I do believe so. 8. Be 100% sure. You may have doubts and think that you are going to fail. But how do you possibly know this if you do not even give it a try? I say try, unless your aim is to drive a Formula 1 car and win the race without ever have driven one. 9. The journey is as important. It is the journey that counts, not just the destination that matters. You will learn so much from trying than you will from sitting on your sofa or working in a miserable job, so take action. What are you waiting for? 10. Great stories. In majority your failures will result in wonderful stories. But if you sit in your sofa and watch TV or work in something you don’t like, there won’t be any story to tell. Is it the life you really want? So don't ever give up. Make sure you are at least trying. If you fail while trying, you can deal with it. Get back on your feet, get going and try again. Share your thoughts below.

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and sergeivanbellinghen.com, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker


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