Yuxuan Sun
Yuxuan Sun
yuxuansun9893@gmail.com +44 7708429530
Date of Birth: 3 Aug 1998
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro
Sketch Up Rhinoceros
Enscape Lumion
Mandarin Chinese
MArch Urban Design
The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London, UK
BEng Urban Planning
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Portland Design, London Junior Designer
HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant Co.,Ltd., Shanghai Intern-Architect
Eastern China Architectural Design & Research Institute, Shanghai Intern-Architect & Urban Designer
Urban Planning Bureau of Baotou, Inner Mongolia
Intern-Assistant Urban Planning Administrator
Urban Climate Lab of Tongji University, Shanghai Intern-Urban Researcher
Distinction Master Degree of Architecture in Urban Design
Awarded by UCL
Outstanding Student of Tongji University in 2019-2020 Academic year
First Prize of Tongji Scholarship of Excellence in the 2019-2020 Academic Year
Nomination Award of 2020 WUPENiCITY International Competition on Urban Sustainability Reports
Outstanding Student of Tongji University in 2018-2019 Academic Year
Third Prize of the 2019 National Rural Planning Competition for College Students Majoring in Urban and Rural Planning
First Prize of Tongji Scholarship of Excellence in the 2018-2019
Academic Year
Second Prize of 2019 Urban Transport Innovation Practice
Competition of National College Students Majoring in Urban and Rural Planning
Third Prize of Tongji Scholarship of Excellence in the 2017-2018
Academic Year
6 INTERSTELLAR Space City Speculative Design CONTENT Curriculum Vitae
Negotiating Waste in
Ecological Utopia Urban Design, Hong Kong 3 ICE CRACK Public Centre Planning and Design, Shanghai 4 KIDS' GARDEN Kindergarten Architectural Design,
5 INSIDE GREEN Residential
Planning and Design,
Project at B-PRO RC16 Bartlett
Urban Ecosystems, London
Post-Natural Urban Design
Negotiating Waste in Urban Ecosystems
Location: London, UK
2022/Academic Project Decomposing Temporalities is enquiry on the underside of cities, where waste is concealed and confined to the periphery.
Group Members: Vinay Porandla
Emily Fusilero
Lesego Bantsheng
Filippo Nassetti
Claudia Pasquero
Emmanouil Zaroukas
The project exercises the extended mind theory through
biological, indigenous and artificial intelligence, reorienting wastewater treatment in urban morphologies. In the face of climate change, extreme flooding threatens London’s wastewater treatment facilities.
Through mycelium’s bio-intelligence and indigenous cosmotechnics, the project constellates waste treatment not as a utility under threat, but an integral part of dynamic urban ecologies.
Decomposing Temporalities
Decomposing Temporalities
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
3 4
Mapping of London Flooding Projection within Urban Context
Decomposing Temporalities Post-Natural
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett (C, 5) MOGDEN (G, 8) HOGSMIL (G, 8) DEEPHAMS (G, 6) BCKTON STATION (G, 6) BECKTON STATION (I, 6) RIVERSIDE STATION (I, 5) CROSS NESS (G, 8) DEEPHAMS Sewage Tunnel Sewage Treatment Work Industrial Area Green Space Permanent Flooding Flash Flooding Green Space Network Bad Quality Water Medium Quality Water KEY
According to Climate Central, low-lying parts of London will be permanently submerged in water by 2100. 80% of London’s wastewater treatment plants will be permanently inundated, which means great risks for the urban system.
Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Decomposing Temporalities
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Geo-engineering Models
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Decomposing Temporalities
Final Geo-engineering Model by CycleGAN
Inspired by the attribute of mycelium to transfer wastewater into useful materials, here comes the proposal of Decomposing Temporalities, which is conceived to ecologically treat and transform wastes and formulate a thriving urban-ecosystems, integrating both urban infrastructures and morphologies. A series of 8 radical geoengineering models calculated by CycleGAN algorithm display increasingly permeated urban patterns and progressive capacities to treat wastewater.
5 6
Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity Water Decentralization Water Infiltration Habitat Biodiversity
Decomposing Temporalities
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Decomposing Temporalities
Mycofiltrations are employed to filter wastewater within the ponds. Beyond this, with well designed prototypes, it’s believed that myceliums are potential to be oriented into architectural materials and form structures that are sustainable, flexible and easy to modify.
7 8 Prototype and Aggregation Design 3 Prototypes 10 Prototypes 20 Prototypes 100mm 100mm 100mm 70mm 70mm 70mm Prototype 1 Prototype 2 Prototype 3 100 Prototypes 150 Prototypes 200 Prototypes 40 Prototypes 50 Prototypes 75 Prototypes A: 1 B: 1 C: 1 A: 16 B: 21 C: 63 A: 6 B: 9 C: 25 A: 3 B: 1 C: 6 A: 22 B: 34 C: 94 A: 9 B: 11 C: 30 A: 4 B: 4 C: 12 A: 37 B: 49 C: 114 A: 13 B: 17 C: 45
Urban Morphology by CycleGAN and Prototypes Aggregation for Focus Area
experience of myceliums growth illustrates its eminent capacity of adaption, flexibility and extension, which is brilliantly inspiring. Thereby, urban morphogy derives from a couple of defined thresholds, blooming for several stages, forming more complex urban layouts, and assembling into architectures and even furnitures eventually.
9 10
Mycelium Growth Study and Prototype Craft
Mycelium Pattern Observation
Mycelium Prototype Cultivation
Phase A: Sawdust Prototype Innoculated with Mycelium Phase B: Radial Mycelium Growth from Defined Thresholds Phase C: Mycelium Colonisation of Substrate Phase D: Substrate Full Capacity Occupation
Decomposing Temporalities Decomposing Temporalities Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Specifically, aquamarkets are distinctly devised to include human and nonhuman. With myceliums being incorporated to urban fabric, architectural design and daily life, we rethink the urban-ecology aesthetically, and reach a new degree of freedom of introducing living organisms into our built environment.
Aquamarket Rendering
Decomposing Temporalities
Decomposing Temporalities
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Post-Natural Urban Design B-Pro Bartlett
Ecological Utopia Urban Design
An Utopia Integrated Urban with Nature
2020/Academic Project
Individual Location: Hong Kong
With extreme population and density, conflicts between human and nature has become dramatic in Hong Kong. Here comes a proposal of ecological utopia, aiming to fill the gap between human and nature,
in which manifold modules are employed to assemble into a village layout that encourages users to explore by means of parametric techniques. Thereby, functions, architectures, landscapes and activities are symbiotic.
Further, urban agriculture is distinctly devised here to challenge traditional binary of urban and rural. Also, energy utilization and substance circulation are incorporated and connected with natural circumstance.
Ecotopia Ecotopia Ecological Utopia Ecological Utopia
15 16
Humans used to live in harmony with nature City and population conflict with nature Social problems also arise
Ecotopia Ecotopia Ecological
Ecological Utopia
17 Water Treatment Pasture Farmer's Home Farmer's Home Dining Area Kitchen Fishtank Solar Panel Water Cycle System Facade Planting Planting Racks Artificial Lights Solar Panels Generator Biomass Power Plant Solar Panels Water Treatment Fish Tank Water toward the Ocean Nutrient Enriched Water for Plants Food Storage and Delivery Agriculture Wastes Architectural Typology Function System Analysis Ecotopia Ecotopia Ecological Utopia Ecological Utopia
19 20 01 Divide the site into a grid of 8M*8M units 02 Form streets, introduce squares, and arrange public activity places 03 Layout clusters with parametric aggregation technique 04 Assemble unit modules, including planting, living, activities, energy... 05 Facilitate assembling morphologies according to sunlight and wind 06 Devise energy exchange and material circulation system Street Square Living Cluster Farming Cluster Coast Cluster Southeast Monsoon Water Cycle with Ocean Units 8.0M Ecotopia Ecotopia Ecological Utopia Ecological Utopia
21 22
Ecotopia Ecotopia Ecological
Public Centre Planning and Design
Inherit Ancient Culture and Indigenous Intelligence
Individual Location: Shanghai, China
2019/Academic Project Classical gardens of Yangtze River in ancient China pursue the harmonious coexistence of human, nature and culture.
Tutor: Jian Zhou Jianli Xiao
Illuminated by that, the design aims to conceive a varying spatial narrative sequence
with the spirits of ancient Chinese arts and gardens to facilitate modern life in terms of public centre.
Specifically, the ice crack pattern from classical gardens are introduced to form
urban layouts, in which architectures and landscapes are placed in between with the solid and void logic, with which architectural typologies are distinctly explored to create changeable spatial experience.
Ice Crack Ice Crack Public Centre Public Centre
Background and Location
Design Concept
In ancient China, artists tended to depict their spirits and perceptions, technically employing contrasts of void and solid in the painting works to creat the atmosphere; similarly, architects were committed to achieve varying spatial experience by fluctuating spaces. Here, ice crack pattern from Chinese classical garden are adopted to generate architectural patterns, with which changable and intriguing spaces are arranged to form a spacial narrative.
Architectural Typology
Architecture and landscape typologies vary with shapes, materials and permeabilites, stimulating the solid and voil relations achieved by Early Spring by Xi Guo, 1072, a terrific Chinese traditional painting work. Thereafter, these basic typologies assemble into complex architectures or courtyards, to fill in ice crack layout.
25 26
Crack Ice Crack Public Centre Public Centre
28 Ground Floor Plan N 2.5 0 5 15M A QU WYANG ROAD YU TIAN ROAD A Underground Parking Main Ped Enrance Main Ped Enrance Shopping Mall Shopping Mall 1F 6F 30F 6F 6F 6F 6F Restaurants Gym Gallery Pavilion Pavilion Pavilion Library Supermarket Theatre Central Pavilion ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 -0.450 -0.450 -0.450 -0.450 Ice Crack Ice Crack Public Centre Public Centre
A-A Section ±0.000 5.450 10.350
Ice Crack Ice Crack Public Centre Public Centre
Kindergarten Architectural Design
Both a Kindergarten and a Kids' Garden
2018/Academic Project Kindergarten should be a great place for kids to learn, to live, to play, to feel life, and to grow up. The design aims to devise a kindergarten just as a garden, full of lives, beauty and love.
Individual Location: Shanghai, China Tutor: Xiahong Hua
At the level of overall shape, the kindergarten adopts centripetal layout, with all units arranged around the circular atrium. For each unit, the wall and roof has a continuous
folded form, bringing pleasant gray spaces. Also, the colors are distinctly devised. The shape of blooming colorful petals speaks to the garden concept.
Kid's Garden Kid's Garden Kindergarten
33 34 Classify spaces into Public, Class Unit, and Assistance Layout spaces, in which Class units are towards the south to get decent sunlights Arrange class units by 22.5 degrees of lines emanating from the hall Add rounded classrooms, courtyards and roof terraces to the northeast side Overall Layout Design Process 1st Fold: Form a pitched roof
a fold 2nd Fold: Form a wall consistent
the roof 3rd Fold: Apply folded skin to the
On the whole, folding shape creates gray space to protect Class Unit Shape Design Process Ground Floor Plan Axon View N 1.5 0 3 9M Public Outdoor Activity Place A A B B Facilites Area Sandpit Pool Runway ClassUnitOutdoorActivityArea ClassUnitOutdoorActivityArea Class Unit Outdoor Activity Area Activity Room Activity Room Activity Room Quarantine Room Medical Room Central Hall Classroom Classroom Classroom Laundry Room Kitchen Food Processing Room Food Storeroom Office Reception Activity Room Activity Room Activity Room ClassUnitOutdoorActivityArea ClassUnitOutdoorActivityArea ClassUnit Outdoor ActivityArea Lane ±0.000 ±0.000 ±0.000 -0.450 -0.450 UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP DN DN DN DN Kid's Garden Kid's Garden Kindergarten Kindergarten
35 36 1st Floor Plan West Elevation South Elevation A-A Section B-B Section Interior View N 1.5 0 3 9M ±0.000 3.000 6.000 7.500 Roof Platform Above the Courtyard Above the Courtyard Above the Courtyard Above the Courtyard Above the Central Hall Loop Corridor Multi-Function Hall Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom DN DN DN DN DN DN DN DN Kid's Garden Kid's Garden Kindergarten Kindergarten
Residential Complex Planning and Design
2019/Academic Project
Individual Location: Shanghai, China
Tutor: Wei Zhao
It’s imperative to devise ecological residential complex considering the nowadays drastic urbanization. To actualize the ideal of living with nature inside the urban plot, the design covers all the scales
from area, cluster, courtyard to architecture, and unifys human, nature and culture.
Specifically, a green “valley” is introduced which consists of water, vegetation and pedestrians.
And the valley extends and grows into the inside of each cluster along with comfortable wind environment. Eventually, the green even extends into each courtyard and each housing.
Live With Green, Wind, Water, and Sunlight
Inside Green
Inside Green
Residential Complex
Residential Complex
Current Situation Analysis
Design Strategies
MEMORY: Transform the fabric of previous gasbag buildings
WATER: Introduce water into the area and form a network
WIND: Arrange roads to speak to summer dominant wind direction
CLUSTER: Layout squares and streets into public spaces system
COURTYARD: Devise various shapes and compound functions
HOUSING: Employ green building strategies
Design Analysis
39 40 Industry Area Water Residential Area Residential Area Commercial Area Education Area Residential Area Current Landuse Current Fabric Satellite Map
Site Plan
Green Valley Concentrated Green Waterside Green Cluster Green Courtyard Green Main Motor Road Pedestrian Green Path Skywalk Motor Parking Cluster Valley Green Axes Motor Axes 3F 4F 5F 6F 7F 18F Cluster Facility Kindergarten Courtyard Facility Landscape System Transport System Facility Positions Building Heights Axon View Spacial Layout N Music Valley Kindergarten Market Sports Valley Resting Valley Skateboard Square Agriculture Valley Riverside Garden Riverside Square Gallery STATION SOUTH ROAD SHUI DIAN ROAD Riverside Park SHA JING PORT Motor Vehicles Entrance Motor Vehicles Entrance Inside Green Inside Green Residential Complex Residential Complex
41 42 Cluster Wind Environment Analysis(Winter/Summer) Overall Sunlight Environment Analysis 0-1h 1-2h 2-3h 3-4h 4-5h 5-6h 6-7h 7-8h Ecological Housing Ecological Housing Ecological Housing Ecological Housing Ecological Courtyard Ecological Courtyard Ecological Courtyard Aerial Perspective
Inside Green Inside Green Residential Complex Residential Complex
Space City Speculative Design
Individual Location: Planet Kepler-22b
2020/Academic Project Unfortunately, the earth is doomed to perish one day, for which humans might have to prepare themselves well. Imagine there will be a migration scheme, humans will travel to the unknown to find a new home.
In such case, a light, compact and flexible structure is required for building a camp in a strange planet. Thus, the design is inspired by origami, which is easy to fold, unfold and modify, providing a flexible, rapid and efficient way
to construct. The origami structure unfolding process is well explored with parametric techniques, and thereafter applied to generate domes with different sizes and functions, and finally combine into clusters.
To Infinity and Beyond
Interstellar Interstellar Space City Space City
In order to promptly accustom to the unknown planet, the design adopts folding origami structure, which is light, compact, flexible, and easy to transport, assemble, and modify. Origami will ideally fold into domes of different sizes and functions and subsequently form complex clusters.
Origami Facade Parametric Design Process
Interstellar Interstellar Space City Space City
Ground Floor Plan Section Space Exploration Cultivation Public Activity Recreation Dwelling Interstellar Interstellar Space City Space City
49 50 Interstellar Interstellar Space City Space City