Child Safety In Schools
Yuyell Safeguard is high quality cost-effective software product to safeguard children and vulnerable people from concerns such as bullying, child sexual exploitation, drugs, extremism, etc.Every person in the education service plays a vital role in keeping children and young people safe. Yuyell Safeguard Building a secure learning environment, identifying pupils who are in distress or at a risk of harm and then taking suitable action are vital to ensuring children are safe at school at all times.School is the place where child spend mostly time not anywhere else. Building a safe and secure environment surrounding the child is the responsibility society. Yuyell Safeguard can guide you how to make safe environment and it allow the learner to report any
safeguarding concern anytime and anywhere. If any issue found then our expert short them.There are specific ways that parents can make going to school a safer and more valuable learning experience for their children. For more concern or want to buy this App you can contact us
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