Child Protection App
Whether you see schools as a place to learn new things, or as a place for childcare, it cannot be denied that the entire premise of schools revolves around safety. Child abuse is one of the most terrible crimes designed and establish by humans. It is the biggest offense on our society that prides itself on the rule of law and democracy. However, over the years, schools are constantly faced with ongoing or growing threats, such as violence, drugs, bullying among many others. While school
authorities have taken some measure to stop this problem, still there are many cases of schools violence and bullying. However, with the use the Internet and smart phones, you can find a plethora of child safeguarding and protections apps including safety and security resources online. Every person in the education service plays a vital role in keeping children and young people safe. Yuyell Safeguard Building a secure learning environment. School is the place where child spend mostly time not anywhere else. Yuyell Safeguard can guide you how to make safe environment and it allow the learner to report any safeguarding concern anytime and anywhere. If any issue found then our expert short them. There are different ways which parents can use to make school safer and more valuable learning experience for their children. For more concern or want to buy this App you can contact us.
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