Ece 203 electrical circuit (7)

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YILDIRIM BEYAZIT UNIVERSITY ECE 204 - ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS II 2015 – 2016 Spring Term Project The oscillator circuits take place in radar systems, remote sensing applications such as underground imaging, biomedical applications such as magnetic resonance imaging, telecommunications systems, and might be used in signal & function generators and similar systems. During term project, you are going to deal with specific types of oscillators and components used to realize oscillator circuits. Please, either send your reports in pdf format and deliver hardcopy of your reports up to due date which will be announced. You will need to assemble teams of five students at most. Your effort will absolutely be examined! Note that you could search academic papers at ,if required. 1 – Please, draw the schematics of Hartley, Colpitts, Clapp, and Pierce oscillators, and state where negative impedance circuits are used. 2 – Please, derive the current expression of a fully charged capacitor as drawn below with a charge of Q=Qo and potential difference V=Vo in case of short circuiting its two ports suddenly at t=0 under perfectly ideal conditions and state the time – constant & time required to achieve the steady – state response, i.e. when Q achieves 0. Port - 1

+ Q=Q o, V=V o -


Port - 2 Figure – 1: Charged capacitor Hint: Q=CV, i=dQ/dt 3 – Please derive the transfer function of the circuit depicted below, . Please, state the kind of circuit after deriving the transfer function. Assume that the op amps are ideal, -/+Vcc are sufficiently large and not labeled in figure.

Figure – 2: Two stage op – amp circuit combined with R, L, C components -1-

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