Yvonne Portfolio 2012

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Go Travelling, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Costa Mesa, Beaverton & Portland My life...

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5千多英里離家的距離 4個城市走走停停、來來去去 3年歷程自我定位、尋找個人價值 2千多個努力學習的日子 1直堅持的最終目標... 5000 miles away from home 4 big cities: Taipei, Kaohsiung, Costa Mesa, Portland 3 years to find the personal value 2000 days of learning process 1 faith keeps moving forward...

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Zero Factorial Hang Ten T-shirt Design Contest Into Our Wonderland

INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Color Color Yo! City Shell Miranda New Life From the Crack








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ntue / 大 學 階 段

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/ 高 雄 工 作 階 段







That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz Influence or Erosion


platt / 美 國 實 習 階 段





Platt Electric Supply Image Poster Platt Promotional Items


/ 自 我 進 修 階 段

/ 92 GRAPHIC DESIGN Aboriginal Tribe Market Little Things, Serious Warnings Historical Taipe Beautiful Bay?


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吳 羿 蓉 / Yvonne Wu

From Kaohsiung, Taiwan 出生於民國77年1月14日 Born at January 14th, 1988 e-mail / yvonnewu14@gmail.com


Basic Info / 8

來自台灣 高雄市

高雄市立前金國小 Kaohsiung Municipal Qianjin Elementary School 高雄市立瑞祥國中&高中 Kaohsiung Municipal Rei-Shiang Junior-Senior School 國立台北教育大學 - 藝術與造形設計學系_設計組 National Taipei University of Education Department of Arts and Design - Design Program


2007 HANG TEN 春夏T恤設計比賽 - 入圍 HANG TEN Spring-Summer T-Shirt Design Contest - Nominated 2008 玩具暨兒童用品創意設計競賽 - 入圍 Toy and Kid’s Tools Design Contest - Nominated 國北教大情緒探知技術運用提升優質生活競賽 - 佳作 NTUE Elevate Life Quality by Using Emotional Probe Tool Design Contest - Excellent Work 2009 社教館所商品創意設計競賽 - 初審入圍 Social-Educated Museum Product Design Contest - Nominated 大四第一學期總成績全班第三名 3rd. Place of Class 2010 第29屆新一代設計展空間競賽 - 銅獎 29th Young Designers’ Exhibition Display Contest - Bronze Medal 2012 苗栗縣政府主辦 101年苗栗縣原住民部落市集形象DM設計比賽 - 首獎 Miaoli County Government 2012 Miaoli County Aboriginal Tribe Market Flyer Design Contest - First Place

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2007 情緒探討與生活型態分析研習營 Emotional Investment and Analysis of Life Style Seminar 班級學生議員代表 Student Representative of Class 2008 班級公關股長 Public Relations Manager of Class 高雄市政府警察局呂安澤獎學金 Kaohsiung City Police Department An-Ze Lyu Scholarship 救國團青年領導才能研習營 - 國際營隊服務志工培訓 學員 China Youth Corps Youth Leadership Seminar for Global Volunteer Training - Camper 僑委會海外華裔青年暑期福爾摩沙營 輔導員 OCAC Expatriate Youth Taiwan Summer Formosa Study Tour - Counselor 2009 高雄市政府警察局呂安澤獎學金 Kaohsiung City Police Department An-Ze Lyu Scholarship 美國 WAT(work and travel) 海外打工旅遊計畫 U.S.A Work and Travel Program 2010 高雄市政府警察局呂安澤獎學金 Kaohsiung City Police Department An-Ze Lyu Scholarship 救國團國際志工領導才能營 輔導員 China Youth Corps International Volunteer Leadership Seminar - Counselor 僑委會海外華裔青年暑期研習營 輔導員 OCAC Expatriate Youth Taiwan Summer Camp - Counselor 高雄市米其林廣告設計 平面設計師 Kaohsiung Mekele Advertising and Design Company - Graphic Designer 2012 美國普拉特電器公司 春季實習生 U.S.A Platt Electric Supply - Spring Intern

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2007 國北教大玩遊所造形設計系 系所聯展 NTUE Graduated & Undergraduated Program Union Exhibition 2008 國北教大藝術與造形設計系99級班展 2008 NTUE Dep. of Arts and Design Exhibition of Class 2009 國北教大藝術與造形設計系99級班展 2009 NTUE Dep. of Arts and Design Exhibition of Class 2010 第29屆新一代設計展 - 展場組 29th Young Designers’ Exhibition - Group of Display

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As an university student, I studied hard, played much, but slept a little bit. So much fun!

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GRAPHIC DESIGN Zero Factorial Hang Ten T-shirt Design Contest Into Our Wonderland INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Color Color Yo! City Shell Miranda New Life From the Crack EXHIBITION Paranoia SKETCH Marker Digital Pencil

Visual communication design

industrial design sketching

Hang Ten T-shirt Design Contest Zero factorial

creativity industrial design

Jan Tschichold arts photography handwriting


Jan Tschichold

Hang Ten T-shirt Design Contest

logotype Into our wonderland


Zero factorial

Visual communication design

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Into our wonderland

Zero Factorial Hang Ten T-shirt Design Contest Into Our Wonderland

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0! Ze =1 Fa ro ri ct al o 0=1!零階 0=1!Zero Factorial 2008 / Taipei, Taiwan 0!=1,零階。看似是結束的0,在階層的概念 下,其數值會等於1。象徵著,畢業展包含 了我們這些年的學習成果,是一個階段的結 束,同時也意味著新的開始。 0! Zero factorial equals 1. We are going to be original, and design something you have never seen before. This exhibition is our achievements in those years. It means an ending of a process, but it also turns a new leaf of design. 個人工作範圍: 主題及設計概念發想、logo設計發想、周邊 商品設計、專刊海報主視覺設計。 Personal work in a team: Subject and design concept discussion, logo design, promotional items design, portfolio and poster design. co-designers / Yi-Ping Hsieh, Amy Hsieh

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零階logo&標準字設計 Zero Factorial logo & logotype design

C26 M0 Y93 K0 C0 M0 Y0 K50 C60 M51 Y51 K20

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主視覺海報 / Poster design

a.名片 / business card b.周邊商品(桌曆) / promotional item (desk calendar)


透明球體固定桌曆 / The transparent ball fixs calendars


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Lo is v ... e 愛是... Love is... 2007 / Taipei, Taiwan Love is...愛是...。 愛, 牽引著彼此,無論在哪裡, 因為愛, 讓我們之間沒有距離 Love, connects each other. No matter where we are, because of love, there’s no distance between us HANG TEN 春夏T恤設計比賽 - 入圍 HANG TEN Spring-Summer T-Shirt Design Contest - Nominated

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In Ou to W r o la n nd de 進入我們的異想世界 Into Our Wonderland 2010 / Taipei, Taiwan 配合音樂會主題“進入我們的 異想世界”,將這兩個小女 生,化身成為森林裡的小精 靈,加上深沈的灰色調,勾勒 神秘的感覺。 The subject of concert is “Into Our Wonderland,” so I turn these two young ladies into fairies in the forest. Also, the deep gray color tone portraits the feeling of mystery.

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Philippe Starck

Color color yo! sketching

New life from the crack

product design Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

form follows function

industrial design

concept design

Philippe Starck

The Movement of Arts and Crafts

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe New life from the crack

Miranda product design color color yo!

city shell


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presentation image board

City Shell

Color Color Yo! City Shell Miranda New Life From the Crack

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Co Co lo Yo lo r ! r 喀樂喀樂游! Color Color Yo! 2007 / Taipei, Taiwan 「喀樂喀樂游」讓孩子在遊戲中認識顏 色以及學會混色,同時訓練手腦協調 能力。 “Color Color Yo!!” it makes kids know colors and learn how to mix colors by playing games. Also, to train kids’ balance of using brain and hands. 個人工作範圍: 設計概念發想、繪製草圖、3D建模、 模型製作 Personal work in a team: Discuss concept, sketch, 3D modeling, make the fine model co-designer: Yi-Ping Hsieh 玩具暨兒童用品創意設計競賽 - 入圍 Toy and Kid’s Tools Design Contest Nominated

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設計概念發想 / Design concept

mix colors

have fun play

know colors

balance of using hand and brain

不只認識色彩,也學會混色,在遊戲 中發展手腦協調運用。 Not just only recognize colors but also learn to mix different colors by playing games.

文獻研究探討 / Studies & Researches

根據Viktor Lowenfld的研究,兒童的繪 畫發展階段可分為: Based on Viktor Lowenfld’s research, drawing development in children is :


7-9 y


錯畫期 / Scribbling Stage

前圖式期 / Preschematic Stage

圖式期 / Schematic Stage

無意識的使用色彩 Disordered scribbles. An enjoyable kinesthetic activity

根據注意力來使用色彩 The use of color is more emotional than logical.

發現色彩與物體的關係 Colors are reflected as they appear in nature.

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風格意象 / Image board

歡樂的氣氛、繽紛的色彩、遊戲中學習 joyful atmosphere, vivid colors learn by playing games

目標使用族群 / Target user

年齡:4歲以上 目標:認識色彩、學習混色、手腦協調運用、快樂有趣 的遊戲學習 Age: 4 years old and up Goal: recognize colors, learn to mix colors, balance of using brain and hand, happy and fun learning by playing game

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設計草圖 / Sketch

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使用情境 / Using scenario

由小魚疊合而變色,在遊戲中讓孩童認識色彩、學習混 色。並以顏料三原色(紅黃藍)為基礎,延伸混色發展。運 用磁力原理,以搖桿360度操縱內球,訓練手腦協調,增 添玩樂性。 Make kids know colors and learn how to mix colors by playing games. Based on 3 original colors (red, yellow and blue) to develop different color-mixing results. Also, use the handle to control the inner ball 360 degrees to train kids’ balance of using brain and hands.

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a. 前視圖 / front view b. 後視圖 / back view

出題燈/ Question light


題目小魚 / Question fish 電源開關&選擇小魚轉盤/ On & off and fish-choosing rotating plate 找到答案發射鈕 / Shooting button (while find the answer)

橡膠防滑把手 / Rubber slippery-proof handle 防滑吸盤 / Slipery-proof pad


操作模式 / Operating instructions






a. 打開電源前 / before turning on the power b. / choose the color of fish c. 題目:找到一隻綠色的魚 / question : find 1 green fish d. 混合出答案顏色並發射 / match the color and find the answer e. 進階混色題 / another advanced question

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Ci Sh ty el l 城市貝殻包 City Shell 2010 / Taipei, Taiwan “城市貝殻包”概念源自於貝殼。 主要使用族群為生活在城市的女 性,於上班或休閒時使用。紅色、 搶眼的外殼,不僅僅是焦點,同時 也能保護包包內的高科技產品及女 性貼身小物。 “City Shell”, originates from “sea shell.” Females who live in the city are the main group to use during the time of work or leisure. The red, eye-cathing shell is not only the spotlight but also a protection to protect your 3C products & daily necessaries.

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設計概念發想 / Design concept

T R AV E L L E R OFFICE LADY The traveller pluses the office lady. A traveller travels plenty of places and backpack is the best friend during the trip. An office lady is actually just like a traveller, travelling in the jungle city. Combine these two characters. Let’s see what’s new of the combination!

風格意象 / Image board

女性搶眼風采. 運動風. 陽光有活力 female vivid style. sported. sun shine and energetic

情境模擬 / Scenario

I don’t like the manly backpacks I think I need a female style one!

Where can I find a backpack for putting my laptop, ipod, documents...?

If there’s a kind of backpack suiting for female to use and has the function of protection... I can take it not only go to work but go shopping after work as well. Imagine that... everything will be wonderful!

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草圖發展過程 / Sketch development

模型製作過程 / Model making process 外殼:代木模CNC成型_壓克力真空成型外殼_裁切修剪外殻邊緣_打洞_logo噴砂 背包:側邊扇形空間製作_本體製作_縫上外殻_細節修改 Shell: CNC carve a piece of plastic wood into a basic model_vacumme form the flat acrylic into 3D shell_cut and modify the edge of the shell_drill holes_sand blast the logo Backpack: side part_main body_sew the shell to the backpack_attach the leather_modify details

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a.背包主體 The main body of City Shell. b.c.背包兩側獨立的延伸空間,不會與背包主體空間相混合,可依 照不同需求放大縮小,同時也賦予“城市貝殻包”的貝殻意象。 The isolated extensions as seashell on the both sides of backpack are being mixed with the main space of backpack.It can be magnified and minified according to different needs and also provides varies of appearance to “City Shell.”




M i ra da n 米蘭達 Miranda 2010 / Taipei, Taiwan 米蘭達,一個充滿自信的女強人。 米蘭達結合了馬甲與堅硬外殻,來 展現女人性感的身材曲線以及給 予一個保護。另外,側邊的皮革 綁線可依照不同身材調整其大小。 Miranda, a powerful and confident woman. Miranda combines bodice and hard shell to present the sex body figure curve of woman and supplies a protection. Also, the leather ropes on the sides are designed to fit different body figures.

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模型製作過程 / Model making process

外殼:代木模CNC成型_壓克力真空成型外殼_裁切修剪外殻邊緣_打洞 背包:裁縫製作_打洞_縫上外殻_細節修改 Shell: CNC carve a piece of plastic wood into a basic model_vacumme form the flat acrylic into 3D shell_cut and modify the edge of the shell_drill holes_sand blast the logo Bodice: sew and modify_drill holes_sew the shell to the backpack_ modify details

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Th Li e N f Fr e ew Cr om ac t h k e 縫生 逢生 The New Life From the Crack 2009 / Taipei, Taiwan 921大地震雖然在各地以及我們心中留下許多 裂痕,但是我們只要團結起來、鼓起勇氣面對 未來,我們會發現有許多的新芽從裂縫中迸 出。新芽同時也代表了新生命以及另一個嶄新 的開始。 Although 921 earthquake left cracks on the appearance of ground and in our mind, we just to be united and pluck up courage to face the future and we will find that some new fresh buds come from those cracks which used to make us painful and feel sorrow. The fresh buds also mean our new life and another brand-new beginning. 個人工作範圍: 設計概念發想、繪製草圖、3D建模、模型製作 Personal work in a team: Discuss concept, sketch, 3D modeling, make the fine model co-designer: Yi-Ping Hsieh 社教館所商品創意設計競賽 - 入圍 Social-Educated Museum Product Design Contest - Nominated

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設計概念 / Design concept

921地震紀念館 / 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan

裂痕 / Cracks

新芽 / New bud

斷層 / Fault

設計草圖 / Sketch

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當溫度高於攝氏30度時,變色墨水便會開始改變顏色, 因此新芽就能從裂縫中迸出。 When the cup meets temperature which is higher than 30 degrees, color-changing ink will change its colors. So, the new bud will jump out from the cracks.

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industrial design schedule

Paranoia pure white

graduation exhibitioin

industrial design

creativity communication

arts photography


graduation exhibitioin


lighting exhibition design


graphic design

arrangement Visual communication design

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audience route Visual communication design



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偏執狂 Paranoia 2010 / Taipei, Taiwan


毫無瑕疵的白,表達出偏執狂們對設計不 能有一絲汙點的熱忱與執著。島狀式展台 取浮冰意念,反映當今地球暖化的環境議 題。大量幾何的使用、重複的元素與一致 的色調創造出另一種秩序。開放式島型展 場暗喻設計無邊似海,包容來自各方不同 的意見。 The stainless white presents our enthusiasm and persistence. The islandlike display cases just like float ice, reflecting the global warming environment issue nowadays. Plenty of geometric shaped interfaces, repeating the same objects and one color tone create a whole new unique order. The open exhibition area represents the wideness of design and our contain of ideas from others. 個人工作範圍: 設計概念發想、門面立體部分主設計、動 線設計、燈光安排設計、展品規劃。 Personal work in a team: Design concept discussion,3D part design of the front, design main route, arrange lights and display works. co-designers: Shih-Chieh Wang, TiShiang Liang, Shih-Hui Wang, Hsuan-Tzy Liu

概念&風格意象 / Concept & image board

毫無瑕疵的白表達偏執、浮冰反映當代環 境議題、孤島象徵設計的獨特性 The stainless white presents our paranoia. Float ice reflect the environment issue nowadays. Isolated island symbolizes our unique design.

製作過程 / Making process

草圖構思 - 主視覺 - 3D建模 - 1:10模型 - 木工 廠製作組件 - 展場組裝製作 Sketch - Main visual design - 3D modeling 1:10 mockup - Model parts in wood factory - Assemble parts in the exhibition

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marker sketch


communication arts

sketch book


5H 4H 3H 2H H 2B 3B 4B 5B

pencil sketch

sketch works graphic design

design concept digital sketch

Visual communication design

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Pencil Sketch painter

Marker Sketch

copic 5H 4H 3H 2H H 2B 3B 4B 5B

Digital Sketch

Marker Digital Pencil

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鉛筆人像素描&繪圖板素描 Portrait sketch and digital sketch

麥克筆素描 / Marker sketch

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It is the place I grew up. I didn’t know how much I love here, until I left.

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CORPORATE IDENTITY DESIGN Wushoufu Tuna House POSTER DESIGN Liudui Hakka Culture That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz Influence or Erosion

Mekele Advertising and Design Company

Wushoufu Tuna House

corporate identity system design

Jan Tschichold

Kaohsiung City


creativity communication

Visual communication design

tuna house

Mekele Advertising and design company


Visual communication design logotype typography

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arts handwriting

Jan Tschichold


graphic design

Wushoufu Tuna House

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2010 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 五熟釜鍋物概念館是我進入廣告公司 後的第一個大案子,從主管手上接下 已經設計好的logo後,開始著手設 計外部招牌及內部主視覺、名片、菜 單、海報、宣傳單...等。 ”五熟釜“一辭源自三國時代,意指 皇室才能享用的火鍋,故以“龍”的 形象為設計主軸,紅色及金色為主 色,並以中國傳統圖騰為基礎,設計 出保留傳統卻又不失現代感的設計 風貌。 Wushoufu Hotpot Restaurant is my first huge project after entered the ad company. I took over the logo which was designed by my manager and then started working on the main visual design, business cards, menu, posters and flyers and so on. The term of “Wushoufu”comes from ancient China which means the royal hotpot. So I used dragon image and color red and gold as the main design elements and matched with Chinese traditional patterns. logo designer: Tina Lien


五熟釜鍋物概念館 Wushoufu Hotpot Restaurant

名片設計 / Business card a. 正面 / front b. 背面 / back



圖紋設計 / Pattern design

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菜單設計 / Menu design a. b. 內頁 / inner pages c. 封面 / cover


b. c.

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Tu H n ou a se 住友水產股份有限公司 Sumitomo Seafood Co., Ltd. 2011,2012 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2012 / Boston, U.S.A 住友水產為台灣最大的鮪魚供應 商,以“超低溫鮪魚”聞名。近幾 年活躍於全台以及世界各地(例 如:香港、美國等地)的食品展。 企業色調以大海的藍、白為代表 色,在設計過程中,重複運用海浪 的意象,讓企業形象更鮮明。 Sumitomo Seafood Co., Ltd. is the largest tuna supply in Taiwan and famous for it superfrozen tuna. Recently Sumitomo Seafood participated plenty of food exhibitions in Taiwan and around the world (such as Hon Kong, U.S.A.). The color tones of the enterprise are blue and white as sea. I use lots of images of waves into the design to emphasize the enterprise image.

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標誌設計 / Icon design

展示櫃海報設計 / Exhibition case image design

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產品介紹設計 / Flyer design

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2012賀年卡 / New year greeting card



a. 客戶決定版 / final design version b. 設計提案 / design proposal

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Liudui Hakka Culture poster design

Influence or Erosion

graphic design

Liudui Hakka Culture



That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz

communication arts

Jan Tschichold photography handwriting

That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz



Influence or Erosion

Visual communication design Liudui Hakka Culture hue, value, chrome

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That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz

Jan Tschichold Visual communication design

Liudui Hakka Culture That’s Legend, Let’s Jazz Influence or Erosion

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Li du ui 六堆 Liudui 2011 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 六堆客家文化位於高雄市,起源可追朔自 清朝時代,為早期客家人聚落的地點。 此次主題為畢業成果展,學生們將這三年 所學,在這次的展覽中呈現。因此在設計 中,運用了許多元素,融入了許多客家的 經典代表物:傳統服飾、古厝、花布及油 紙傘。並以泛黃的舊紙張以及深沈色調, 表現出客家純樸、節儉以及勤勞的印象。 Liudui Hakka culture is located in Kaohsiung City. Its original could be traced back to Qing dynasty. The Liudui region is where the Hakka people resided during early years. This project is for a graduation exhibition. Students present what they learned from the past three years into this exhibition. I combine plenty of elements together into my design such as traditional clothing, traditional buildings, flora cloth and paper umbrellas. Also, the old paper and deep colors represent the pure, frugal and diligent impressions of Hakka people.

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Th Le at ’ g s Le en t Ja ’s d zz 台中爵士音樂節海報選拔 That’s Legend Let’s Jazz 2011 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 爵士樂形式上屬於較隨性的音樂, 輕快的節奏,卻帶給人無形的音樂 能量,因此將各種樂器所激盪出的 能量,以具體的顏料潑灑呈現,如 同音符碰撞般,交織出一首首扣人 心弦的樂曲。 Jazz is an easy-going music. Its brick tempo always gives people the music magic power. So transform every instrument’s invisible power into visible pigment colors just like notes collide each other to make up many wonderful songs.

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In en flu Er ce os o io r n 浸染 Influence or Erosion

2011 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 選擇光明或是向黑暗墮落? 其實你可以選擇。一旦接觸毒品, 毒品的危害就逐漸滲透我們的血液 之中,侵蝕著我們的生命。但只要 重回光明,所有的黑暗都會消失, 暗喻著,只要願意選擇回到陽光底 下,我們仍然可以擊退黑暗。你的 選擇是什麼? Choose the bright light or the evil darkness? Actually you have the selection. Once you touch drugs, it will poison your blood and erode your life. Only if go back to the light, all the darkness will disappear. Choose to return to the sun and we are still able to beat down the darkness. So, what’s your choice?

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Lijia Hotpot Restaurant




Gandou Mama

Global Leadership Excellent for Advancing Professional

Advanced Bank Visual communication design

Portland Environment Protection Seminar

Come Lounge Bar

Lijia Hotpot Restaurant


Visual communication design

Come Lounge Bar

logo design

hue, value, chrome


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a. 港都媽媽台味小吃 Gandou Mama Taiwanese Snack 2011 / Kaohsiung / Taiwan

b. 李家酸白菜火鍋 Lijia Hotpot Restaurant 2011 / Kaohsiung / Taiwan

c. 全球高階商務研習會 Global Leadership Excellent for Advancing Professional 2012 / Oregon / U.S.A

d. come音樂酒吧 Come Lounge Bar 2011 / Kaohsiung / Taiwan

e. 領銜銀行(創作) Advanced Bank (creation) 2012 / Oregon / U.S.A

f. 波特蘭環保研習營(創作) Portland Environment Protection Seminar (creation) 2012 / Oregon / U.S.A

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GRAPHIC DESIGN Platt Electric Supply Image Poster Platt Promotional Items VIDEO DESIGN OpenSesame


Platt Promotional Items

Platt Electric Supply Image Poster Oregon State

Platt Electric Supply

creativity hue, value, chrome

Jan Tschichold arts photography



Platt Promotional Items

Jan Tschichold

Platt Electric Supply Image Poster graphic design

typography United State


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Beaverton Visual communication design

Platt Electric Supply Image Poster Platt Promotional Items

/ 79

Pl El at Su ec t t pp ri ly c 普拉特電器供應公司形象海報

Platt Electric Supply Image Poster 2012 / Oregon, U.S.A 公司形象海報主要表達公司延續著 1953年創辦的傳統,為我們的客戶 提供最高品質的服務, 另一方面, 也在積極求新求變,往更美好的未來 邁進。 The company poster is mainly to be expressed that our company continues the tradition from 1953 when it founded and provide the highest quality service for our customers. Also, we are searching for new and creativity aggressively and keeping move forward to the bright future. instructors: Simone Benefield, Lee Boweman

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設計背景 / Design background

普拉特電器供應公司於1953年在 美國奧勒剛州創立 Platt Electric Supply was founded in 1953, Oregon, U.S.A

設計聯想 / Design association

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設計提案 / Design proposal

以熱氣球象徵公司承襲傳統、懷抱夢 想向上昇華。在未來立下嶄新的目標。 Hot air balloons symbolize that the company succees tradition and owns dreams to the top. Set up a brandnew goal of future.

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以美國奧勒剛州為起點,承襲 傳統,放眼未來,著眼國際 Start from Oregon, U.S.A., and succee tradition to move forward to the future and internation.

Pl a Pr tt o ti m o It na oem l s 普拉特公司周邊商品設計 Platt Promotional Items 2012 / Oregon, U.S.A

以往的設計只有印上logo,雖然公司名 稱明顯可見,但缺乏時尚流行感、客戶 接受度不高,反而造成宣傳反效果。因 此以逆向思考的方式,不刻意強調公司 名稱,反而每個宣傳品量身打造專屬設 計,將公司logo融入設計裡。藉此打開 市場接受度,同時也達到實際宣傳效果。 In the early days, our promotional item just merely had logo on it. Although the company name was obvious to see by that kind of design, it lacked of fashionable style, and it was not that easy to be accepted by customers. So, design through a different way. Instead of focusing on the company name, we design each promotional item’s graphic and put the logo into those graphics. By doing so, we open the market and achieve the goal of promotion. Instructors: Simone Benefield, Lee Boweman

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舊有周邊商品分析 / Analysis of old promotional items

visibility of company name 5 4 3 2




1 3














customer acceptability




4 5



優點:公司名稱顯而易見 缺點:低廉感,較難被市場接受 Advantages: Easy to see the comapany name Disadvantages: Looks cheap and hard to be accepted by market

新設計方向 / Re-design of new promotional items

visibility of company name

New design examples:

5 4 3 2




1 3



1 1 2 3

customer acceptability

4 5






1 2 3 4 5


NEW GRAPHICS 優點:客戶較願意使用商品,曝光率高 Advantages: Customers are more willing to use so that add visibility to merchandise.

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運動鋁罐水壺 / Aluminium bottles

/ 86

嬰兒圍兜 / Baby bibs

其他圖樣設計 / More graphics

/ 87


video design arts




background music

After Effect narration


story line sketchbook graphic design

United State


/ 88

Visual communication design

Kelly Meker


story line

background music

online course Oregon State



/ 89

O p Se e n m sa e 芝麻淘課 OpenSesame 2012 / Oregon, U.S.A ”芝麻淘課“是一家主要從事雲端線上 課程交易。影片設計主要透過線條的引 導,以及簡單小圖示輔助說明,讓觀賞 者循序漸進地、一步步了解芝麻淘課的 優勢以及操作模式。在呈現的部分,以 手繪的方式介紹,不同於以往電繪、商 業化的感覺,反而多了一份趣味及新鮮 感。 “OpenSesame” - a worldwide elearning market place. The design of this video is mainly guided by a line and instructed by simple icons. By doing so, the viewers can easily understand OpenSesame’s advantages and operations step by step. Use the handdrawing way to present this video that is fun and novel and different from the old business style 個人工作範圍: 設計概念主要發想、全部影片繪圖(手 繪&電繪)、後期動畫修改、剪接影 片、剪輯背景音樂。 Personal work in a team: Main design idea from, draw all the graphics of the video (hand-drawing & digital painting icons), modify the animation, and clip the video and background music. co-designer: Lisa An (Peking University, China)

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影片分鏡 / Story board

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Explore self own possibilities. No matter the sesult is good or bad, at least, I tried, my best.

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GRAPHIC DESIGN Aboriginal Tribe Market Warnings From the Little Things Historical Taipei Beautiful Bay? ILLUSTRATION



hue, value, chrome



Spreading Imagination Historical Taipei handwriting

graphic design

Jan Tschichold

logotype Warnings From the Little Things

typography Aboriginal Tribe Market

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Aboriginal Tribe Market Beautiful Bay? Visual communication design

Warnings From the Little Things

graphic design poster deign

Historical Taipei

Aboriginal Tribe Market Little Things, Serious Warnings Historical Taipei Beautiful Bay?

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Ab ri og Tr in M ibe al ar ke t 原住民部落市集 Aboriginal Tribe Market 2012/ Kaohsiung, Taiwan

高明度、低彩度的配色方式,表達原住民的樸 實,也與高彩度的logo區塊色呈現和諧的對 比。並藉著畫筆的勾勒,一筆一筆畫出部落的 人、事、物。堅持一筆一字寫下扣人心弦的文 字,字尾不經意的延長筆觸,正默默地祝福部 落市集的綿延流長。手繪的方式,充滿質樸親 切感,富含滿滿的真摯心意。就如同部落市集 裡蔬菜水果、手工藝品等等,雖然不像都市裡 包裝精美的商品,但卻都是最天然、最新鮮、 無添加物的,來自我們最真誠的心意,把我們 的生活點滴與各地好友一同分享。 Use high value and low chrome color to express the pure of aboriginal friends and also create a hormony to the bright logo area color. Depict the people and things in the tribes by drawing. Insist to wirte every single word by hand because I put my sincere wishes to the tribes by doing so. Also, the hand-drawing way symbolizes every vegetable, hand craft of the tribes are from nature and fresh without any additional materials although they don’t look so delicate as those in the city. Aboriginal friends would like to share their life and stuff sincerely to all the friends from everywhere.

101年苗栗縣原住民部落市集形象DM設計 比賽 - 首獎 2012 Miaoli County Aboriginal Tribe Market Flyer Design Contest - First Place

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麻必浩部落市集 / Mbwanan Market

/ 97

向天湖部落市集 / Siangtian Lake Market

司馬限部落市集 / Maibah Market

/ 99

Li t Th tle Se in g r W io s, ar u ni s ng s 小事情,大警告 Little Things, Serious Warnings 2012 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 從一棵樹、一隻鯨鯊、一片濕地等小事情, 透漏地球危機的大警告。將地球消逝為主概 念貫穿山林、海洋與濕地等環境指標,以警 惕的手法,強調環境保護刻不容緩。 From a tree, a whaleshark and a wetland such little things to express danger of the earth such big warning. The image of the earth as the main concept to connect forests, ocean and the wetlands. Also, use the warning design method to emphasize the importance and emergency of environment protection.

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a. 一棵樹: 將地球轉換為年輪的形象,象徵山林與地 球密不可分的關係。當人們砍下一棵樹的 同時,地球又多了一道裂縫,代表著對地 球傷害的加深。背景的黑白落葉是山林無 聲的抗議。 A tree: The earth turns into the image of tree ring to symbolize the relationship between trees and the earth. When a tree falls down, the crack of the earth also is deeper. The colorless leave on the background is the protest from forests.



b. 一片濕地: 濕地維持地球生態、環境的平衡,但目前 濕地已逐漸地在縮小範圍當中。將地球轉 換為僅存的濕地面積,邊緣逐漸模糊暗喻 著濕地正慢慢的消失中,而以黑紅色覆蓋 消失的濕地,暗喻日漸擴大的環境危機。 A wetland: Wetlands keep the balance of ecology and environment of the earth. However, the area of wetland is getting smaller. Turn the earth into existing wetland and it blur edge implies the wetland is disappearing. The color dark red symbolizes the danger of environment. c. 一隻鯨鯊: 近幾年鯨鯊由於濫捕,已瀕臨絕種。將地 球轉換為鯨鯊的斑點,這些斑點就如同 一個個的希望,當周圍的希望逐漸黯淡消 逝,地球也免不了消失的危機。同時也 以鯨鯊擱淺的方式來暗喻地球的海洋生 態浩劫。 A whaleshark: Recently whalesharks are in danger of extinct because of endless hunter. Turn the earth into the spot on whaleshark’s skin. The spots are like hopes. When other spots disappear, the earth will disappear, too. Also, whaleshark run aground which means the danger of ocean ecology.


/ 101

H i to sTa ri c ip a ei l 風華台北 Historical Taipei 2012 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 今日台北的繁華,早已在一百年 前開始,已慢慢構築現在的雛 形。連結現代與過去,與歷史接 軌,將台北的風華傳承下去。 From a hundred years ago,Taipei was starting to build its prosperity. Combine now times with past times as to connect history together. Pass on Taipei’s beauty to the future generation.

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a. 方便的捷運加速繁榮的腳 步,在幾十年前,我們還是 以火車為主要快速往返兩地 的交通工具。 MRT speeds up the prosperity now, but decades ago, train was still the fast way of transportation. b. 西門町的車水馬龍,在日據 時代同樣也扮演着舉足輕重 的角色。 Ximending area is still as busy as the time under Japanese rule.


c. 熙來攘往的台北車站,昔日 風貌應該仍烙印在老一輩的 記憶中。 The image of old Taipei main station is must be still imprinted in the mind of elder people.



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Be ti a f Ba u ul y? 美麗灣? Beautiful Bay? 2012 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan 台東縣杉原海岸是台灣東部唯一的 沙灘,開發案環境評估尚未通過, 台東縣政府便租借海灘給飯店業者 建造度假村。開工以來,已經造成 沙灘的環境浩劫。而財團不顧輿論 的壓力,仍在暗地進行復工。 Shan-Yuan Beach, Taitung County, is the only beach on the east coast of Taiwan. The development initiative doesn’t pass the environment evaluation. However, Taitung County Government rent the beach to the resort company. The construction has caused the damage of the beach. Even under the huge public opinion pressure, the resort is still continuing the construction.

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取渡假村的名稱“美麗 灣”,以諷刺的手法, 影射美麗灣渡假村破壞 這美麗的灣區。財團就 如同蜷曲成金錢符號的 肥蟲,啃食著沙灘。 “Beautiful Bay”, the name is from the resort. Satirize “Beautiful Bay Resort“ is destory this beautiful bay area. The financil group is like a money-symbol worm, eating the beach.

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Enlarge the bay area into Taiwan’s mouth. Because of “Beautiful Bay Resort’s“ construction, Taiwan hurts so much that spits blood. This also means that Shan-Yuan Beach’s original beautiful beach curve is fading away to the sea due to the resort construction. Those disappearing beach symbolizes Taiwan is bleeding.

將灣區的幅度放大為台灣的嘴,因為美麗灣度假村的破壞,讓台灣元氣 大傷而吐血。同時也暗喻著,杉原海岸原有的美麗灣區幅度,因度假村 的興建,讓美麗的沙灘流逝殆盡,消失至大海。流失的海灘,就如同是 台灣流失的鮮血一樣。

不美麗之美麗灣,請還 給杉原海岸原有的淨土

What makes you vulnerable, makes you beautiful.

吳 羿 蓉 / Yvonne Wu

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Contact info / +886-912-860911 yvonnewu14@gmail.com http://issuu.com/yvonnewu http://www.flickr.com/photos/yvonnewu14

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