The Canticle
February 2011
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
The Instillation and Induction of Father Joseph Alsay at St. Augustine’s! Page 3‐4
Lenten workshops: Sacrament, Supper & Study The Lenten Midweek services this year, "Sacrament, Supper and Study" will have an overall theme of "Prayer and Meditation." • The Rev. Karen Clewell will offer insights and workshops on Lectio Divina & Centering Prayer. • Other offerings to be announced later include The Jesus Prayer and a craft workshop with Prayer Beads construction. On the 16th of March we will engage in the topic of Prayer and Meditation through the medium of music. That Wednesday will feature Evening Prayer and an Organ Recital. Each Wednesday will begin at 5:30 with a brief service of Holy Communion integrated with a simple Supper. At 6:00 the Study portion begins and will end by 7:15.
The Canticle
February 2011
ECW Overnight Retreat: Feb. 18‐19, St. Crispin’s Popcorn Theology: A Look at Kingdom Values as Portrayed in the Movies! We will watch two movies, clips and others and discuss the values of the Kingdom of God and how the characters in the story lines in these movies reflect them. Popcorn is provided, but bring a munchie to share. Comfortable clothes and pajamas are recommended. You may bring an extra pillow, blanket or sleeping bag to use while watching the movies. You may also wish to bring paper and writing instruments. Contact Information: Cost is $65 per double occupancy. Questions, please call The Rev. Debora Jennings, your "movie hostess" for this retreat: 509 830 6045; 918 456 3649.
ECW NEWS Next meeting February 19 at St. Augustine at 11 a.m. Father Joseph will be our speaker. ECW INCLUDES ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH
ALTAR FLOWERS The Altar Guild needs donations to the flower fund year round. Consider making a memorial or thanksgiving donation. The Flower Dedication Book is located on the counter in the Commons Area. Make donation checks to “St. Augustine Episcopal Church and write “Altar Guild‐ Flowers” in the memo space to assure that the funds will
be directed to the appropriate account. Thank you. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING REMINDER chapter dues are to be turned in by the end of the month.
DIOCESAN NEWS: MISSION CAMP 2011 Mission Camp is March 14 through the 18th. We look forward to this being a time of fun community projects. Registration forms are now out on the web. Please complete and return to Sabrina Evans at the Diocesan Office. BIRTHDAYS 2/2 Christopher Gonzales, 2/2 Bill
Kerr, 2/4 Carl Denning, 2/5 Patsy Hollingsworth, 2/7 Cindy Ginsberg, 2/8 Richard Womack, 2/9 Jackie Ballinger, 2/13 Valerie Lewis, 2/18 Barbara Inselman, 2/20 Betty Mise, 2/21 Jeanne Collins, 2/22 Heather Tison, 2/25 Bob March
ANNIVERSARIES 2/8 Arrianne and Hector Rodriguez. If your birthday or anniversary is not listed here, please let Yvette Walker know.
Guild of St. George Feb. Rice, Pasta, Macaroni & Cheese 2
The Canticle
February 2011
Instillation and Induction of Father Joseph Alsay Jan. 15, 2001
The Canticle
February 2011