The Canticle
June 2011
14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church
(405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
Hats off to St. Augustine’s as we turn 25! Page 3‐4
Alleluia Fund: Giving is a witness to our faith Making offerings for the church is an opportunity for spiritual experiences and learning about our relationship with God and our “things.” It becomes our most tangible witness to the world of our love for god. The Christian witness is very clear and has been consistent down through the ages. God is good, trustworthy and will care for us. God knows our every need and is faithful. We receive by giving. Giving is a way to step out in faith and see the hand of god in our lives. The Alleluia Fund is a Diocesan‐wide offering. It’s purpose is to empower our diocese to respond to God’s call to build the church by creating new resources for mission and ministry, and to encourage every member of our Diocese to live more fully into his or her baptismal covenant.
The Alleluia fund will be celebrated June 5.
The Canticle
June 2011
VBS is coming, July 30‐31. How can you help? Make Lentil soup (using the recipe provided. Recipes will be at St. Augustine’s for pick up!) Make Hummus (using the recipe provided) This year’s Vacation Bible School focuses on the Provide ingredients for Pita Bread – Yeast, flour, salt “Life and times of Jesus” ‐‐ July 30 starting at 1 Provide boiled eggs p.m., and ending July 31at conclusion of 10:30 Make banana nut bread loafs or provide whole loaf service. Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, purchased from store Provide bananas, milk, pineapples is planning this year’s event. Donate a tent According to Sabrina, “We will sleep in tents on the Make a donation to help fund our crafts Come and help us set up prior to VBS property and each tent will be a business or shop.” Sabrina asks the members of St. Augustine Help make our well area Help sort out costumes to help make this year’s VBS a success by assisting Help us take down after the 10:30 a.m. service on with the following: July 31 ‐‐ AND Pray for us! By Yvette Walker and Sabrina Evans
W. 15th Street, Edmond. Just west of the railroad tracks, west of Broadway ext. on 15th street. This used to be Falcone’s Pizza. But is now a Greek restaurant.
Michael William Shanahan Madeline Smith both from High School And Kenneth Koch with a Masters Degree
June Empty Nesters will be on Friday, June 24th. Time: 6:30 pm. The site is, Lets Do Greek Restaurant. The location is 180
6/26 Yvette Walker 6/28 Jody Welch
6/3 Michelle and Alan Hasenfratz 6/20 Angelique and Ronald Chamberlain 6/20 Averil and Leonard Steedman 6/20 Jody and Richard Welch 6/30 Karen and Sam Hall
Continues the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 at the church.
If your birthday or anniversary is not listed here, please let Yvette Walker know.
Please RSVP to Al or Cindy Ginsberg at or call 341‐ 6579, no later than Wednesday, June, 22nd.
6/1 Genie Stone 6/1 Lillian Tison 6/8 Michelle Madsen 6/13 Arriane Rodriguez 6/15 Diana Lauffer 6/24 Linda Trammell 6/25 Ricky Womack
Guild of St. George June: Ramen noodles or soup 2
The Canticle
June 2011
St. Augustine’s 25th birthday party. May 29, 2011
In honor of the birthday of our church building, we held an English Tea. Just for fun, women were asked to wear hats. We feasted on scones, bites and of course, tea.
The Canticle
June 2011
Thanks to everyone who helped make the English Tea a success. For more photos, check out our website at http://staugustine.episcopalokla Or go to Facebook and type in “St. Augustine of Canterbury”