The Canticle
May 2011
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
Holy Week at St. Augustine’s marched to the beat of a different drummer! Page 3‐4
VBS is coming, July 30‐31. How can you help?
By Yvette Walker and Sabrina Evans
This year’s Vacation Bible School focuses on the “Life and times of Jesus” ‐‐ July 30 starting at 1 p.m., and ending July 31at conclusion of 10:30 service. Sabrina Evans, Director of Christian Formation for the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, is planning this year’s event. According to Sabrina, “We will sleep in tents on the property and each tent will be a business or shop.” Sabrina asks the members of St. Augustine to help make this year’s VBS a success by assisting with the following: • •
Make Lentil soup (using the recipe provided. Recipes will be at St. Augustine’s for pick up!) Make Hummus (using the recipe provided)
• • • • • • • • • • •
Provide ingredients for Pita Bread – Yeast, flour, salt Provide boiled eggs Make banana nut bread loafs or provide whole loaf purchased from store Provide bananas, milk, pineapples Donate a tent Make a donation to help fund our crafts Come and help us set up prior to VBS Help make our well area Help sort out costumes Help us take down after the 10:30 a.m. service on July 31 Pray for us!
As you can see, there is a lot to do, and this year’s VBS is especially ambitious. “The Life and Times of Jesus” will be a rewarding event for the children of St. Augustine’s, and the child in all of us!
The Canticle
May 2011
From the Diocese: The Great 50 Days Unfold The role of the church is to continue the proclamation of the resurrection expressed with such joy at that first Easter. We hear the proclamation of the resurrection in order to pass on the Good News. In a sense, Christ rose again within the church. Through the Holy Spirit, the risen Christ is revealed in every new generation. The apostles found themselves filled with the power to continue the acts of Jesus that revealed God's presence: Peter healed the man at the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3:1-10); "Many signs and wonders were done among the people through the apostles" (Acts 5:12a); Philip unfolded the meaning of God's word to the Ethi-opian eunuch on the road to Gaza (Acts 8:26-39). The Great Fifty Days traditionally were a time when the mysteries of the faith were revealed to
Father Joseph Alsay is the Retreat Chaplain for a Men’s Retreat at St. Crispin’s Conference Center. The event is May 19‐21 and is $120 for a double or $150 for a single. The fee includes the two nights and six meals at the retreat. See the flyer in the Narthex for more information.
the recently baptized. The meaning of all that the candidates experienced in Holy Week and the Easter Vigil unfolds in this time of intense theological reflection on just what it means to live as a covenant people. For congregations involved in the catechumenal process, the Great Fifty Days are a time of reflection on baptism. "What difference does my baptism make?" ask the recently baptized as they gather with priest, catechist, sponsor, and those who have reaffirmed their Baptismal Covenant. A question to ask each week: How will we know the risen Christ in our lives today? Taken from The Prayer Book Guide to Christian Education, 3rd edition by Sharon Ely Pearson & Robyn Szoke (2009: Church Publishing)
OFFERING United Thank Offering donations and prayers have built churches, made needed renovations, fed the hungry, clothed the poor, provided shelter to the homeless and provided care and support for those with physical,mental and emotional problems. YOU CAN HELP this worthy cause. Begin now by saying prayers of thanksgiving and daily placing your offering in your "Blue Box" for your many blessings ‐ great & small. (Blue Boxes are available on the large table in the Commons area.) Next Ingathering ‐ Sunday, June 5th
ALTAR FLOWERS The Altar Guild needs donations to the flower fund year round. Consider making a memorial or thanksgiving donation. The Flower Dedication Book is located on the counter in the Commons Area. Make donation checks to “St. Augustine Episcopal Church and write “Altar Guild‐ Flowers” in the memo. Thank you. Guild of St. George May: Canned meat or fish 2
The Canticle
May 2011
Holy Week at St. Augustine’s April 17‐24, 2011
Photos: This page, Palm Sunday procession (led by Father Joe on the African drum) and Easter Egg Hunt Next pages: Maundy Thursday and Easter Services
The Canticle
May 2011
The Canticle
May 2011
Lord, the resurrection of your son has given us new life and renewed hope. Help us to live as new people. Grant us wisdom to know what we must do, and the strength to complete it. Amen. – prayer from the St. Augustine Facebook page. Have you joined us yet?
The Canticle
May 2011
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES! This list includes April and May. We know this list is dated and incomplete. Help us by submitting your birthdays and anniversaries to BIRTHDAYS April 3 Rev. Lynn Borego Judy Moon April 4 Karen Inselman April 5 Bill Holleman April 15 Angelique Chamberlain April 18 Amber Madsen April 23 Jim Neville April 25 Karen Walker April 28 Pamela Castor
April 29 Steph Whaley May 1 Peri Bennett Sarah Kelley May 2 Josh March Pamela Tison May 3 Darin Herndon May 5 Kathy Herndon May 7 Mike Starcevich May 8 Chance Shamblin May 9 Heather Gonzales
May 11 Vivian Hall May 15 Brett Holleman May 17 Amy Tison May 18 Carol Yarbrough May 19 Evan Chamberlin May 21 Joel Kahn May 24 Myron Strassner May 26 Kailyn Karasek May 27 Al Ginsberg
ANNIVERSARIES April 2 Isobel & Ted Zweifel April 5 Carol & Tim Shanahan April 7 Judy and Don Moon April 19 Linda & Rev. Robby Trammel May 15 Kathy & Darin Herndon May 21 Joan & Myron Strassner May 22 Cindy & Al Ginsberg May 27 Diana and George Lauffer
Altar Guild receives special honors Father Joe honored the members of the Altar Guild with certificates for recent training, as well as for their continued hard work and efforts at St. Augustine’s. He singled out Altar Guild director Cindy Ginsberg for a special necklace from the Holy Land, made of Alexandrite. The very special necklace will be passed down to future directors.