The Canticle
November 2010
THE CANTICLE St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
St. Augustine is blessed with the spirit of All Hallows Eve See pages 3‐4
Advent Event 2010: Four Sundays of celebration! Each Sunday everyone will Advent 1 – Hope be invited to prepare for Sunday, Nov. 28 – Making of the coming of the the Family Advent Wreath Messiah, by making individual pieces of the Advent 2 – Love Sunday, Dec. 5 – Chrismons Nativity. Each Sunday will be a different piece of the Advent 3 – Joy Sunday, Dec. 12 – Angel, Mary Nativity—mark your calendars now, to not miss and Joseph making a piece of the Advent 4 – Peace Nativity. Sunday, Dec. 19 – Baby Jesus All supplies will be and Animals provided—just come and enjoy the festivities. Each Sunday in Advent Special treats will be 9:30 am – 10:20 am provided each Sunday.
The Canticle
November 2010
The Bride: A Reflection on Giving (an excerpt) I don’t know anyone who doesn’t think a bride is beautiful. Brides are glowing, joyous, beautifully dressed. And the gifts are hers. Who buys gifts for the groom? Jesus has a bride. I’m talking, of course, about the church. We, as one body, are the church, and we have been given a great many gifts to do all the things expected of Christ’s bride. The greatest of these gifts is Christ himself. We, as individuals have many important gifts, which we share among ourselves and in the world. When I was a boy, I always had trouble buying Christmas gifts. I never had enough money to go around among my family, especially my Mom.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE OUR EDUCATION PROGRAMS GROW? There is a need for a few teachers in the children’s Sunday program at 9:30 am. Lessons are ready to use; lots of ideas; plenty of support help; and great kids! If you would be interested in helping with the Sunday morning programs beginning after Christmas, please see Claren Denning or Pam Neville. We have very faithful and loving teachers now, but they would like some assistance in keeping the classes growing and exciting!
My dad always made sure I had enough to buy presents. He would not let his bride be disappointed. Our Father does the same thing. He always gives us plenty so that “the bride” will receive everything she needs. Now, we must discern what gifts we will give to this beautiful bride. We mustn’t give just the leftovers of our tight budget. We give the finest, first fruits. I hope that you will pray for the Holy Spirit to help you recognize just what you can give. Then live out what He puts in your heart. Harlan Anderson is a parishioner of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Enid
CONGRATULATIONS Phil McSpadden was recently installed into the Oklahoma city University Athletic Hall of Fame.
DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Daughters will meet on Saturday, November 13 at 9:30 a.m. in the church library.
YOUNG COUPLES & SINGLES (20 to 40 somethings) Send a quick email to to hear about the next Once‐A‐ Month Social Thing and other
events (e.g. Bible studies, book clubs, community service projects).
DOES THE CHURCH HAVE YOUR INFO? Have you moved, changed address or telephone number or Email? Please complete a yellow change form located by the foyer telephone and turn it into the office. Guild of St. George Nov: Canned meat or fish 2
The Canticle
November 2010
Halloween 2010 or All Hallows’ Eve
The members of St. Augustine’s came to church in costume on Oct. 31 to be filled with the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve!
The Canticle
November 2010