The Canticle
October 2010
THE CANTICLE St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
St. Augustine goes to the dogs … and cats … and turtles! Below
Blessing of the Animals is a yowling success By Yvette Walker What a wonderful turnout. About 70 people and 40+ pets came to receive God's blessings in a service in celebration of St. Francis of Assisi. Furry friends first gathered in Narthex, and then walked into the Nave of St. Augustine of Canterbury. The congregation sang songs such as "All
creatures of our God and King" and "All creatures bright and beautiful." ‐‐ and a few dogs howled along! Two cats braved the fray, and a hamster and turtle could be seen, as well. The readings ‐‐ from Genesis 1:20‐31 and Matthew 6:25‐ 33 ‐‐ cited God's creation of all living beings and His love for all of us. Treats were served after the service to both pets and their owners. St. Francis of Assisi is the
patron saint of animals and the environment, and ministered both to people and animals during his lifetime. See more photos on page 5 and on the St. Augustine web page. But for the complete package of about 70 photos, become a friend on our Facebook page. Simply go to, search for St. Augustine of Canterbury. Then, "Like" us.
The Canticle
October 2010
APPRECIATE YOUR CLERGY! DID YOU KNOW? October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Let's all write or e‐mail Father Joe and Deacon Robby to let them know that we honor their hard work, sacrifice, dedication and time away from their families. It is also important to remember that appreciation, affirmation and prayer support of our spiritual leaders is appropriate throughout the entire year.
73rd DIOCESAN CONVENTION OF THE EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF OKLAHOMA November 5‐6, 2010 November 4 ‐ Preconvention Fellowship and Worship The Reed Center, Midwest City, Oklahoma Hosts: St. John's Episcopal Church, Oklahoma City and St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Midwest City
DOING GOD’S WORK Good news to share: One of our "own," Jordan Rousseau and wife, Laura, are youth leaders at St. Paul's Cathedral. Praise God and keep these two young people in your prayers.
READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY? The Tygrets have. Here are two books they recommend reading: The Lion and its sequel, The Lion's Game by Nelson Demille. “A Libyian terrorist seeks personal revenge for the USA's 1986 bombing of Mommar Qudafi's
compound. Witty, suspenseful and fast‐ paced.”
DOES THE CHURCH HAVE YOUR INFO? Have you moved, changed address or telephone number or Email? Please complete a yellow change form located by the foyer telephone and turn it into the office. Guild of St. George October: Cereals of all types 2
The Canticle
October 2010
It’s St. Augustine’s 30 Birthday! Our church is turning 30 years old this year, and with that auspicious day around corner comes celebration and, or course, a party! Listen for future announcements. ATTENTION: HALLOWEEN IS ON SUNDAY THIS YEAR On Halloween Sunday, Oct. 31, come to church in costume! Kids AND adults.
ANOTHER BUSY WEEKEND AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S OCT. 17: HONORING ST. LUKE AND THOSE LIKE HIM Did you know that St. Luke was a medical doctor? It’s true. On St. Luke Sunday, Oct. 17, we’ll honor Luke and anyone in the medical profession. Nurses, doctors, technicians, etc., will get a special blessing. Invite your medical friends. OCT. 16: ECW MEETING Saturday, October 16, at 11:00 a.m. in the church library. There will be a presentation on Hospice.
OCT. 16: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Saturday, October 16 at 9:30 a.m. will be a work day for the church. No talent needed, only your willingness to work. If you can help, just show up or call George Lauffer at 302‐0370.
twist. Instead of jack‐o'‐ lanterns, we are carving pumpkins with saintly symbols so they can be used to light and decorate the altar.
NEXT WEEKEND: OCT. 22: YOUNG COUPLES AND SINGLES ONCE‐A‐MONTH 7 p.m. In the Parish Hall Send a quick email to to hear about the next Once‐A‐ Month Social Thing and other events geared to ―20‐to40 somethings. This month's activity is Pumpkin Carving‐‐‐with a
Pumpkins and carving tools will be provided. A snack of apple cider and cookies will be provided. Is this event for kids? Yes! They make the best pumpkin‐gut‐scooping helpers! 3
The Canticle
October 2010
The Ministry Fair was a huge success, thanks in large part to coordinators Pam and Jim Neville.
In case you couldn't make it, here is a list of our ministries (many of you have asked). All ministries can use volunteers, but the ones in bold are the ones that are in dire NEED of volunteers. Altar Guild – Sarah Kelley
Collins, Marsha Tygret
Advent Event – Christian Education Team
Directory/Membership – Molly Biel
Adult Education: • •
Sunday 9:00 am Adult Study – Manny Duncanson & Deacon Robby Trammell Sunday 9:00 am 3rd Sunday of the Month‐ Adult Forum with Fr. Joseph Alsay
ECW – Diana Lauffer Empty Nesters – Sarah Kelley 1st Sunday Brunch Coordinator Finance Committee – George Lauffer
Acolytes – Darin Herndon
Lay Readers ‐ Manny Duncanson
Anonymous Encouragers (NEW!) ‐ Yvette Walker
Ministry Fair Coordinator 2011
Building Committee – Gardner Kelley
Music: Bell Choir
Church Grounds, Flower Beds and Memorial Garden –Jackie Ballinger
Choir: Linda Trammell
Card Ministry (Birthday, Anniversary, Welcome, etc. ) Children & Youth Ministries:‐Pam Neville • • • • •
Sunday School – Claren D., Dee M., Barbara I. Michelle H., Jaimee M, & MORE! Nursery Coordinator ‐ Graciella Serrano Children’s Chapel – Peri Bennett & Pam Neville Youth Sundays (TBA) – Pam Neville & Fr. Joe Vacation Bible School 2011
Outreach ‐Wellington Ministries – Manny Duncanson Northcare Assisted Living –Deacon Robby Trammell Guild of St. George – Cecilia Smith Office Depot (St. John’s Episcopal School) Thanksgiving Project Christmas Project Pentecost Party Shining Knights – Yvette Walker
Christmas Pageant/Family Service – (Dec. 24 @ 5:00 pm)
Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Supper‐Manny Duncanson
Cursillo – Isobel Zweifel
Ushers ‐ Sam Hall
Coffee Host/Hostess
Communications (Website, newsletter, social media) ‐ Yvette Walker and Judy Moon
Daughters of the King – (Prayer Team) – Pamela Castor Design Committee – Margaret Kahn, Sandra
Greeters – Gardner Kelley
Welcome/Visitors/Newcomers Committee Young Couples ‐ Brian & Heather Leonard
The Canticle
October 2010
Cecelia and Father Joe’s baby shower!
The Canticle
October 2010
Pet Blessings