The Canticle
September 2010
THE CANTICLE St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 14700 N. May Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73134 (405) 751‐7874 http://staugustine. episcopaloklahoma .org/
New changes at church. Take a look!
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Have you ever thought about a ministry of your own? Sept. 12 will be a great day at St. Augustine’s. It’s the day that the church once again sees TWO service times: 8:30 and 10:30. It’s also the Ministry Fair. The Ministry Fair is one of the most important days of the year. YOU can make a commitment to the church with your time and talents. There are many ministries in which to serve: • Young Couples and Singles: This ministry began last year, and the group has met once so far for a potluck. Heather
and Brian Leonard will lead. • Daughters of the King: This loving group prays for the needs of others. • Choir: They need your voices! • ECW: These Episcopal women serve our church. • Anonymous Encouragers: This is a new ministry that will send anonymous letters of positive encouragement to random people in OKC. • Shining Knights: Dinner and fellowship with church members. • Grounds committee: Do you have a green thumb? • Children’s education: Many
hands are needed to teach our young ones. • Hospitality: Help welcome new and old members. • Worship leaders: Serve at the altar during service. • Lectors: For those who want to read Scripture but not necessarily lead worship. • Communications: Help get the word out about our church. • Outreach: Take God’s Word out to groups. • Acolytes: Young people help serve during the service. There are many other ministries that need your help. Come learn about them and sign up!
The Canticle
September 2010
MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE MINISTRY FAIR SEPTEMBER 12 Want to become more involved in the activities at St. Augustine? This is your chance to sign up. Representatives of various activities and committees at St. Augustine will be available to talk with about the many ministries at St. Augustine and sign‐up sheets will be available. TABLE RESERVATIONS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 NO RESERVATION ‐‐ NO TABLE Contact: Pam or Jim Neville NEW YOUNG COUPLES COORDINATORS Brian and Heather Leonard All you young couples and singles (roughly under 50, but age is just a number!) watch for some exciting things to begin!
NEW DIOCESAN EMAILS & WEBSITE ADDRESS The new diocesan website will be Bishop Ed: You will be able to access all the emails by going to the new website beginning Sept.15. There is also a list
posted in the church office. YOUTH th 6 Grade – 12th Grade Come “Out of your Box” Gathering – Sunday, Sept.19 Youth Room We need your opinion! We need ALL of you! Come fill out a survey for Fr. Joe He wants to hear from you!
up will be at the Sept. 12 Ministry Fair. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Order of the Daughters of the King cordially invites you to An Informational Tea : “Is DOK Calling Me?” Sunday, September 19, at 2:30 p.m. Brief Presentation at 3 p.m.
SHINING KNIGHTS Shining Knights is a dinner/social group that meets at parishioners’ homes and/or restaurants. Shining Knights is a fun opportunity to share a meal and fellowship with other parishioners. The official sign‐
Please R.S.V.P. by September 16, 2010. Diana Lauffer at (405) 302‐0370 DOK is open to all women of the Episcopal Church.
The Canticle
September 2010
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The ministry is more than teaching Sunday School to any age‐‐‐‐and Fr. Joe has a lot of things planned for us to achieve this year, SO....! Our ministry team needs to grow. Anyone who is interested in teaching intergenerational special events for each season of the church year, family activities, or "just cutting things out!"‐‐‐YOU BELONG ON THIS MINISTRY TEAM! We are having our Fall Organizational Meeting, Saturday, Sept. 11 at 11:00 at the church. Bring your calendar and ideas! This is the most important meeting we will have all year. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
NURSERY ATTENDANTS NEEDED!!! Beginning in September, St. Augustine is seeking dedicated workers to help in the nursery on Sunday mornings from 10:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Pay is $10 per hour. If you are interested or know someone, please contact Bill Collins.
MINI‐CONFERENCE ‐‐ Saturday, Sept. 25, St. Dunstan's, Tulsa. 9:30‐1:30. The cost is $20, which included worships and lunch. The mini‐conference is put on by the Diocesan Christian Education Committee and is open to the entire diocese. If a couple of you are interested, contact Pam Neville (751‐1707) or
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES ARE BACK! We apologize to those whose birthdays and anniversaries we missed this summer. BIRTHDAYS 9/1 Emily Stone 9/2 Jaimee March 9/3 Kristen Shelton 9/10 Lyla Rousseau 9/12 Evelyn Thrower 9/13 Stacy Holleman 9/17 Rev. Robby Trammell 9/18 Frank Stone 9/20 Ainsley Dean 9/20 Jason Clark 9/22 Manny Duncanson 9/28 Pamela Castor ANNIVERSARIES 9/1 Nancy and Mike Howard 9/3 Stacy and Bill Holleman 9/10 Peri and Greg Bennett 9/17 Marsha and Mark Tygret
ECW MEETING ECW Welcome Luncheon Sat., Sept. 18 at 11:30 a.m. at Mimi’s Café on Memorial. RSVP to Sarah Kelley 752‐2809 or Diana Lauffer at 302‐0370. HAVE YOU MOVED? Or changed address or telephone number or e‐ mail? please complete a yellow change form located by the foyer telephone and turn it into the office. Guild of St. George SEPTEMBER: Peanut Butter
The Canticle
September 2010
Clockwise from above: 1. Sunday service 2. The “new” cross. 3. Bookmarks in the pews provided by Daughters of the King 4. Redesigned chapel with altar in front of stained glass. 5. Darrin Herndon installed as Verger.