Marriage of the Arts DTS

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Yeah, you! Have you ever asked yourself, what does God want me to do with my talents? Do not limit yourself by conforming to the world’s idea of an artist. We believe God empowered artists to change the world. What will He do with your art? We love that art is universal, limitless, and powerful. Art speaks louder than trumpets and connects audiences to truths beyond our normal understanding. Great art demands attention. We want to use art’s power to call a global generation to bridge cultures, fight injustice, and END EXTREME POVERTY! We hope you are starting to get excited that someone else feels that itch to make a change in the world. Lots of people try to convince us that our dreams are unrealistic. Well, don’t let them slow you down. Dreams do not have to stay dreams: they can be explored and made a reality. God does not see dreams as fantasies. God sees dreams as the future he wants to give you. We are Pick a Pocket. We love God. As a team, we use our passion and talent to inspire our generation to join the fight against extreme poverty. More people are hearing our message and we need more people to join forces with us.

Our DTS is specifically created to share our passion for the poor and to train and equip you to respond to God’s desire for social justice.

To send light into the

darkness of men’s hearts ---such is the duty of the artist. *Schumann

We create a learning community peopled by artists from many mediums, beginners and professionals, all eager to explore Gods vision for their art. Our staff is excited to invest in your life and skills. Together, we will discover the great purposes for which God has prepared you. All great marriages require love, passion, commitment, determination, and selflessness. Our DTS is not simply Christian tourism or a self-help program. We are looking for people who want to shake up this fallen world and make art for the Kingdom of Heaven. So, lets together do something new. In the words of C.S. Lewis, Enough had been thought, said, and imagined, it is about time that something should be done. The world is full of stories about poverty, injustice, and pain; but Christians do not lose hope. Whenever change occurs, it is a result of individuals standing up and voicing God’s dreams. Artists can uniquely guide the direction of popular culture and are the voice of each generation. They have the voice and ability to feed not only social change, but to rewrite the stories of poverty, pain, and injustice into stories of hope and change! We learned these facts firsthand. We witnessed staff and student photographs save the lives of children

targeted for death due to a tribal superstition. Their music was the soundtrack that led young girls out of a Garbage City and into an after-school refuge. Their drawings inspired young women to leave prostitution and start a cafe. Now, Herrnhut is looking for more partners in this work. Staff members Josh, Josiah, and Kristen were a part of these ministries and saw God use separate Photography, Music and Fine Arts schools for powerful ends. They felt led by God to assemble a new group, made up of photographers, musicians, painters, and dancers who all wanted take a stand together to fight injustice and end extreme poverty. This call led to the first Marriage of the Arts Discipleship Training School. Over 100 artists spread over 8 art tracks came to Herrnhut to know God and make him known in countries all over the world.

Now it’s time to do it again and even better!

and change the world for Him. This The Marriage of the Arts DTS is an opportunity for artists to time is also an opportunity to focus step into the Great Commission on your faith in the context of in a new way. Participants will your identity as an artist. Throughout the course, a create art that is informed by God’s *Other activities: wide variety of speakers Word in regards to the “least among these,” intern for ongoing ministries, will lead explorations Bible study of relevant topics as and help pioneer new ministries while Worship and praise preparing for and serving on outreach. they teach, lead Prayer and intercession workshops, and Our school provides training within your Art Track. Each student will have time to further pass on insight Friendship and about God’s develop his or her skills and learn new methods network building nature from their to use art to reveal God’s love to others Passion group fellowship personal experience Local outreach and

community ministry

Our lecture phase is a set aside time and environment where you can actively pursue and push deeper into relationship with God. We strive to be a community of people actively pursuing God together, growing in knowledge, understanding, and skill.

Come closer to him as he reveals the dreams and plans he has for your life. Discipleship does not happen by only sitting in a classroom or behind a desk. Discipleship is an action. It happens by walking with Jesus and following him wherever he leads. This is an exciting time to learn and apply Biblical truths that will allow you to step into life as an artist committed to Christ.

Our outreaches go to countries in Africa and Asia where the need is the greatest. God will work through you to serve the poor and needy and bring the Gospel to those waiting for hope. Many past outreaches concentrated on certain people groups like the Kara in southern Ethiopia where the outreach members lived with the villagers and shared God’s love through words and deeds. Other teams concentrated on an entire region and visited multiple countries during their outreach. Every outreach is different and has a unique focus. Past and current DTS groups from our base have worked with street kids, prostitutes, Muslims, Mercy Ministries, teaching in churches, and practical construction work. We are still learning what types of outreaches God is revealing to groups of artists. We invite you to explore your God-given artistic talent and this future with us.

Next Steps (6 weeks) After you return with your fellow students from outreach, your head will be bursting with new ideas about the world and the path God is challenging you to embrace. This time will be for portfolio completion, an exhibition event, and processing with our staff to ensure you feel ready to step into the new seasons of ministry in your life. Whether you join our mission, pursue other field assignments, or return to serve your home community, we want to prepare you for everything you’ll need.


If you thriv e in a crea tive encouragin g environm and ent, join the Music Track, brin g your skill and let us s help you s hare your songs with the world.

HANDMADE By seeking inspiration from nature, life and tapping into the creative heart of God the Handmade Art Track will stitch, glue and design their way through many collections.

Journalism/ PHOTOJournalism The Journalism & Photojournalism Track needs people passionate about objectively reporting the truth, capturing life in action and telling the stories that the world needs to hear.

VIDEO If you want to shake up the You Tube generation with po werful and persuasive video me ssages then stand up, take the next step and come and have fun with the Video Track.


Ver y few thing s bridge social and cultural divides like dance. It tr anscends language and communicates feeling in a power ful way . If you live to m ove and want to take yo ur joy to the w orld then the Dance Trac k is for you!



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ate paintings, The Fine Art Track will cre pieces that are drawings and ins tallation Are you ready powerful and inspiring. projects that to come and take part in stice, personal PHOTOGRAPH eak about issues of inju sp Y tic and God’s expression, the prophe Develop your skill in fine art photog heart and imagination? raphy and use it on the field to interact w ith people. If you belie ve in the power of photography to im pact and inspire, communicate and convict; join the Photography Track.

Graphic Design

The Graphic Desig n Track is a marria ge of information an d imagination. Designers seek to find ways to communicate thro ugh a visual medium to a new generation.

Here are some testimonies from past outreaches. It is amazing how one event can change a person’s life. The last thing I remember about ‘the street corner’ was the feeling of being lost. Lucy took us to a street in downtown Lima. She told me not to take out my camera because our route and destination was not safe. She wanted to show us where the street boys and the girls who prostituted themselves congregated. It was a dark place, both literally and spiritually; smelly, scary and loud with the chaos of a Saturday night soundtrack. As we first approached that street, children and young people who knew Lucy gave her a kiss on the cheek. At the corner, kids walked over and started talking to Lucy. The girls and boys ranged in ages and seemingly, based on their appearances, came from different

situations. Some were high on glue, others perhaps momentarily sober; but all of them knew who she was and loved her just like you would love your mom. At the corner stood girls and a few boys, ranging in age from 8 to 19. Some of the girls were pregnant or carried babies on their hips. I stood, transfixed in thought, by what my eyes saw. I realized that here, the world was the focus instead of God. Renée was the main translator for our group and she listened as Lucy talked about the girls. More and more girls were approaching the corner; some of them liked Lucy; but others seemed annoyed that she was there. I think they felt shame because they did not want her to see them working the streets. The main clients of these girls were the cab drivers that drove past us. Elvis came up to us. I recognized him from the day we went with the street boys to the beach. He was about 12-years-old and he was lit. He wore a hoodie with long sleeves; one cuff was held close to his mouth. I saw a plastic bottle poking out of the opening and I realized he had glue. Joe got a whiff of it and said he was amazed a person could survive sniffing that stuff. After a while Elvis passed out on the sidewalk 10 feet from us. I turned and saw the sympathy Lucy felt for him in her face. She wants so much for these children that when one of them is hurting, she just wants to run, shake them, and say, “I love you, I love you, I love you!” We realized that we were seeing for the first time the conditions that we had read about in the Not For

Sale book and been informed about Peru. Not a few at a time, but all at once. Most of us stood speechless. The phrase, ‘a wakeup call’, is inadequate. My heart broke. I once heard it said, “The Lord has given us people to love and things to use, but too often we love things and use people.” There was no truth or value at the street corner. Love was a commodity to be bought or sold; the highest price the innocence of a child. I felt there was no hope for this place. But Mirjam said, “God’s cries are louder and He feels more pain then all of us.” I imagined Him standing at the corner yelling at the top of his lungs for someone to come and see this injustice. I felt pain, anger, and hopelessness in this place. These children had never discovered their identity and destiny in God. When a child is brought up without these teachings by their parents, they are started on a path away from God. The sad thing is they do not even know they are on a pathway away from God; they have no idea how much God loves them. He did not intend this to happen. He does not want these kids to live in poverty or have to prostitute themselves to survive. I think God calls many people to come and see the problems of the world; but most of us do not want to inconvenience ourselves with the pains of others. We turn inward and focus on our needs. We may not be bothered with the world’s problems but God always is. There are over 2,000 versus in the Bible about poverty and injustice. Set God as the object of your focus and you will begin to feel His heart for justice.

Chad Strobach (Age 26)

When you ask the creator of the universe a question, you can expect nothing less than a creative answer. That was my experience when I asked God what he wanted the theme of my handcraft collection to be. I expected a voice, a Bible verse, or something ‘normal’ in response. Instead I got pages of design ideas for skirts, dresses and headbands. Was it really true? Did he really speak the language of fashion? Although still unsure if these images were from God, I began to sketch. This began my collection: The Princess Project. As project progressed, it took on deeper meaning. It was growing into the idea that confidence is the only couture. It wasn’t so much about the product anymore, but rather the smile that the product produced as girls danced and spun in these lace-covered skirts. It was all about real beauty. My vision was to build hope and spread joy by dressing girls everywhere; making them feel new again through these princess-like designs. Barely able to fit my sleeping bag as I packed for outreach, my dream of bringing a sewing machine became laughable. But with ten projects to be done during the nine weeks to come, my simple needle, thread and scissors seemed just as funny. How was I going to make one thing with just a needle and thread, let alone ten? As a result of this thinking, as the rest of my team easily practiced their arts, I remained in a state of mind that my skills were useless. At this point, I learned that this is the exact moment God is looking to use you, exactly when your heart is broken, you’re ready to go home, or you’re sitting on a beach in Goa feeling useless. That’s exactly when he introduces you to a woman with an alcoholic husband,

two girls at home, and an arm full of colorful scarves for sale. “Hello, my sweet lollipop!” she called. “Buy something! No money? Just look, looking is free! Please! No business today, two girls at home, no money, very hungry…” she begged. So I looked, I talked, and eventually I ended up in her filthy singleroom home where her two little girls played. Their once colorful apparel now hung like rags pieced together over their skinny bodies. Their eyes, so deep and dark, held a world I’ve never known; their dirt-painted fingernails held their dwindling innocence, and I held crowns fit for the two princesses standing before me. With some fabric, my needle, thread, and two short weeks left, I had two dresses to make. My passion was back and I was ready to work. That needle never left my hand and the faces of Anokie and Anitha never left my mind. At the end of the two weeks, I sat with two dresses folded on my lap, wrapped and ready to be given away. Anitha’s dress was bright orange and yellow, with purple flowers and a big purple bow in the back. For Anokie, I made a smaller dress, navy blue and turquoise, with white waves embroidered along the bottom. Both completely handsewn, both finally finished. I sat in awe of what had just happened. As I handed the dresses to their mother it felt wrong to accept her thanks and praise for something I knew I didn’t do on my own. God gave me my gifts and a desire to use them for His glory. So go discover yours, use them with confidence, and you’ll never regret a single stitch.


on L ee (Age 21)

God is in the silence infected her child end both of their cries heard under the debris of wasted and God is with us

What are we? It is not easy to define YWAM. We plant churches, but we do not subscribe to a certain denomination. We prepare and commission missionaries, but we are not a theological seminary or Bible school. We send missionaries, but we are not a sending agency. We have mercy ministries, but we are not merely a humanitarian aid agency. It seems like a contradiction! But we cannot put YWAM in a box because each ministry that we develop across the globe is directly tied into the unique gifts and calling that God has placed in our YWAMers! When the disciples asked, “Master, where do you lay your head?” Jesus answered, “Come

and see.” They followed and saw wonders. The word “organization” really does not reflect who we are. We are more a dynamic community, a growing movement of people of all ages from all over the world. YWAM is made up of thousands of missionaries who don’t receive a salary and who make daily decisions based on God’s direction. People describe us as a walking miracle, because without God no logical argument can explain our mission. The Story begins in 1960 with an ordinary young man and an extraordinary vision. Loren Cunningham described it as a waking dream.He saw a map of the world with waves

God is in the slums in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. of a mother who has with a virus that will lives. God is in the the rubble of war. God is in opportunity and lives,

if we are with them. --Bono

crashing onto the continents, advancing inland until all the nations were covered. Loren says, “As I watched, the waves became young people of all races... talking to people on street corners and outside bars. Going from house to house. Helping the lonely and the hungry. Caring for people everywhere they went. . .” Th at God-given vision became a reality. Loren started Youth with a Mission in 1960. Since then, thousands of people have been trained to fulfi ll Christ’s commandment to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). YWAMers are diverse – young people, families and retired persons. We come from many ethnic and educational

backgrounds, denominations, and countries around the world. We love Jesus and thank God for allowing us to play a part in helping to fulfi ll the Great Commission. YWAM has over 20,000 fulltime staff and annually trains approximately 32,000 short-term workers to minister in over 850 operating locations in 170 countries. Th e staff of Youth with a Mission strive to know God and to make Him known. Many of us in YWAM are called to specific people groups and others to entire nations. We are teachers, artists, pioneers, churchplanters and church leadership. We oversee medical clinics, work in orphanages, and attend to the sick.

CONTACT: Youth with a Mission Untere Dorfstr. 56 02747 Herrnhut, Germany Email: Web: Tel: +49.35873-36166

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