YWCA Asheville 2016 2017 Annual Report

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Dear YWCA Family and Friends, Lyndia Chiles, Board President


Lyndia Chiles President Leslie Fay 1st Vice President Cameron Raley 2nd Vice President Marian Arledge Secretary Nona Workman Treasurer Board Members Cathleen Adams Marcie Ball Jesica Gaskin Veronika Gunter Wendy Haner Coryn Harris Joyce Harrison Kendall Oliver Lauren Akiko Pittman Heidi Reiber Betsey Russell Bobbie Short Becky Stone Thank you to recent past board members Althea Gonzalez Muriel Singer Viola Spells Laurie Stradley Lu Young

In celebrating the YWCA Asheville’s 110th anniversary this year, I reflect on the challenges women and people of color have faced, and the revolutionary ideas this great organization has advanced. We are grateful for the accomplishments and new partnerships that have moved us forward this past year: • The YWCA, in partnership with the Racial Justice Coalition, worked with the Asheville Police Department to institute new use of force policies and de-escalation training for all police officers. Implementing these policies will keep our community safer by reducing police involved shootings. • MotherLove began contracting with racially representative and Spanish-speaking doula services. The doulas helped teen mothers create birth plans, supported better health outcomes, and improved communication between healthcare providers, teens, and their families. • Aquatics launched our swim equity initiative for middle school students - including swim lessons through the In Real Life after school program, lessons during the school day with Asheville Middle School, and a new swim team - ensuring more children have the opportunity to learn lifelong swim skills. As we mark the YW’s 110th anniversary, I acknowledge that we still face many of the same challenges – inequities in wages and employment opportunities, availability of childcare, health disparities, and barriers to education for women and people of color. But I do not despair, because I know the YWCA will continue to challenge and address these injustices. We are strong, resilient, and have the support of an incredible community. With your help, we will persist. Onward and upward!

Beth Maczka, Chief Executive Officer




Organizations, businesses, and groups participated in Stand

Of our staff has completed the Racial Justice Workshop

Stand Against Racism 54 organizations, businesses, schools, and groups in Asheville-Buncombe participated in last year’s Stand Against Racism campaign including 35 public events and thousands of community members taking part! YWCA Asheville coordinated one of the largest Stands nationwide, making up over 86% of the events in North Carolina and over 10% in the country!

Racial Justice Workshops YWCA Asheville developed a Racial Justice Workshop with the goals of learning shared language and concepts related to racial justice, developing an understanding of how racism shows up in our lives, and becoming familiar with the YWCA’s racial justice framework. Over 80% of our staff has completed the workshop, and we are beginning to offer it to our broader community.


Of Asheville police officers have been trained in new polocies

Racial Justice Advocacy In partnership with the Racial Justice Coalition, the YWCA worked with Asheville Police Department to institute new use of force policies and deescalation training. Through this ongoing process of accountability 100% of officers have been trained in the new policies and all new officers will receive this training going forward.



of MotherLove births were assisted by doulas

MotherLove With the goals of high school graduation, healthy births, and delayed second pregnancies, we served 71 pregnant and parenting teens this past school year. Teen parents participated in one-on-one case management and/or monthly Lunch Bunch education and support groups at area high schools. Of the young women enrolled in our full case management, 23 out of 26 graduated or advanced to the next grade, 1 completed her schooling over the summer, and the other 2 are still in school. Also this year, 85% of births were assisted by doulas, which supported our teens’ health outcomes, communication with healthcare providers and new mother preparedness.


Women enrolled in the Getting Ahead Program

Getting Ahead Real change is transforming the lives of women living in poverty. Last year 66 women were enrolled in Getting Ahead, with 29 new graduates. 4 participants accessed financial counseling; 2 enrolled in or completed educational programs; 6 decreased their debt and started/increased their savings; 4 found higher paying employment; 1 received a car from Working Wheels and joined a work fellowship.



Children attended full-time fivestar YWCA ELP child care

Early Learning Program 74 children, ages 6 weeks to 5 years, attended full-time 5-star YWCA child care getting an excellent start on their education, cultural development, and social skills. 16 additional children and their families were served through our new Early Head Start classrooms in partnership with Verner Center for Early Learning.


Children attended PEP After School and/or Summer Camp at the YWCA

Primary Enrichment Program (PEP) 125 school-aged children attended 5-star After School and/or Summer Camp at the YWCA where they received academic support to succeed in school and prevent summer learning loss. Our students also participated in fun and enriching activities, including gardening, nutrition education, swim lessons and field trips, to become lifelong learners.


Families were served through no-cost child care

Empowerment Child Care Last year, ECC provided a total of 7,883 hours of no-cost child care to families seeking economic security. Of the 215 families served, 92% of participants improved their education and/or income levels by going to school, securing a job or accessing benefits.



Of all swim lessons received scholarships

Aquatics Last year our seasoned swim instructors taught over 2,000 swim lessons and we provided 1445 swim scholarships (which is 72% of all of our lessons!) to ensure everyone in our community has access to lifesaving swimming skills. This included reaching children in our Early Learning and Primary Enrichment programs, students at Asheville Middle School, and Salsa, Sabor y Salud families. 6 additional schools and child care centers utilized YWCA swim lessons including Carolina Day School, Rainbow Mountain School, Isaac Dickson Elementary, and Mission Health Day Care.


People participated in Diabetes Wellness and Prevention Program

Preventive Health 76 Diabetes Wellness and Prevention program participants were empowered to take control of their health by developing habits of exercise, learning about proper nutrition, and increasing their knowledge of diabetes. 22 Latinx families attended our 8-week Salsa, Sabor y Salud program last summer. This bi-lingual culturallyspecific program is focused on addressing health disparities in our community by helping families adopt healthier lifestyle habits.

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Our 2016-2017 Donors Diane and Jim Abbott Sandra and William Abromitis Gene Adams Joel Adams and Marla Adams Marta L. Alcala-Williams Katharine and Blan Aldridge Cynthia L. Alleman Megan Allustiarti Diane Amos Marian and Will Arledge Asheville Jewish Community Center Liz Atkinson AXA Foundation Krista Aycock Joann Badr Sherie Ryan-Bailey and David D. Bailey Elizabeth Bailey Ellen R. Bailey Glenda and Ray Bailey Stacey Bailey Bess and Rod Baird Kathleen and Michael Balogh Kimberly Barber Susan and Fred Barbour Helga Barden Bazzco, Inc Charlotte Bell Chris Bell Gene Bell Mary Alice Bell Wendy Bell Mariah Bellello Brenda Benik and Ed Guzowski Mary and David Bennett Lori Benson John C. Bernhardt, Jr. Susan Bicknell and Hardy LeGwin Corrianne Billings Samuel and Janet Bingham Stephanie Biziewski William and Barbara Black Namurah Blakely Jan Blunt Ann Bohan Wallace E. Bohanan Sally and Michael Booher Yolanda and Larry Bopp Greg Borom and Cindy Shealy Cecil Bothwell Bart and Elaine Boyer Virginia A. Boyle and Jean Cassidy

Nancy Bragg Zanie Davidson Anna Friedman Leah Broker Al Davis Jacquelyn and Craig Friedrich Janice Brown and David Goldsmith Lezli Davis Janet and John Garrett Kim Brown Susan Davis Jesica Gaskin Shelley and Kirk Brown Carson Dellinger Sam and Nita Gaskin Jennifer Browne Gerald DeLand Franci Gasperson Bessie Brown-Joyce Debbie Dennis Gilda Gatti Paulette Brownlee Janese and Roger Derrough Martha Geitner Amanda Bryan Dorothy L. Descieux Jan Getz Mildred Buchanan Madeline Dillingham Marcia Ghidina Glenda and Bob Burgin Betty Doll Edeltraut Gilgan-Hunt Beverly and Terrance Burt Dorothy A. Donaldson Charlie and Patricia Glazener Cathy Butler Christine A. Dozier Carol Goins Beverly Button Virginia Duquet and David Nash Zachary Goldman Matt Buys Ingeborg and Imke Durre Frank Goldsmith and Dee Cash Al and Libby Campbell Erna R. Earle Ellen Goodell Bob and Kathleen Campbell Bridget and Richard Eckerd Mary Goodkind and Lindley Garner Vanessa Campbell Beth Ellers Laura Gordon Susan Canale Dr. and Mrs. Miles Elmore Cari and Bill Gradison Jim Canavan Vicki Epley Robert Grant Brett and Angie Cannady Ini Esiet Grantmakers Concerned with Claudia Cano Nancy Helm Estabrooks Immigrants and Refugees Charlotte Caplan and Michael Carol Eubank Virginia Graziano Brubaker Parrish and Aimee Ezell Laura Greeley Roberta Carney Judith Fain Bernice and Arnold Green Terri and David Carr Evelyn Fay Sydney and Michael Green Claire and Leonard Carrier Leslie Fay Ami Greene Elaine Carter Jaan Ferree and John Huie Karen W. Greer Louise Cate and Tom Wernicke Nicole Ferrell David Greiner George H. V. Cecil Sandy Fuetz Greg Greiner Laurie Chandley Marian and Larry Fincher Joan Grimes Katrina and Theo Chappell Koni Findlay Jean Ann Groves Margaret Charleton Maria Fire and Calvin Allen Bonnie Grumka Laura and John Chase Curry First Robert and Melissa Gunther Church Women United Hedy Fischer and Randy Shull Jeri and Matt Hahner Annie and Bob Cicale Jill Flanagan Jean D. Haldane Stephanie Citron and Dan Mermin Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Fletcher Susan Haldane Gayle Connell Beth and Randy Fluharty Jeanie J. Hale Renee and Chad Conover Norma Forbes Grace Hall and Kathy Theoharis Debra Cooper and Larry Weiss Peggy Franc Betty Hamilton Sara Coplai and Eric Grant Hannah Franklin Mary Hardvall Sarah Corley and Neil Peterson Kevan Frazier Michael Harney John Covey Gloria Howard Free Coryn Harris Kristin Cox Marsha D. Fretwell Joyce Harrison Lizzie Cozart Maggie Friedline Laura Harrison Anne H. Craig Thomas Craig Melody Crawford Our donors are very important to us. Please let us know if we have Carole and Walter Currie omitted or misspelled your name, or otherwise not reflected your Grace and John Curry gift accurately. Joann Dare Tracy M. Davids


The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) of the YWCA was the driver for the YWCA’s early leadership in racial justice issues in Asheville. In preparation for desegregation of the public schools, the YWCA PAC hosted an inter-racial forum in conjunction with the PTA Councils, Council of Jewish Women, and the United Church Women in 1953.

YWCA Asheville is consistently one of the most active YW Associations in the national Stand Against Racism. This annual YWCA campaign aims to build community among those who work for racial justice and raise awareness about the negative impact of institutional and structural racism.

As the challenges of race relations grew in Asheville, the YWCA’s leadership did not wane. The YWCA Public Affairs Committee organized a series of four workshops in 1963 entitled “The Challenge of Integration,” which covered issues related to schools, jobs, and housing. Approximately 250 people attended these meetings resulting in a report with twenty recommendations to city and school officials.

In 2017, nearly 50 different organizations, businesses, schools, and community groups in Asheville-Buncombe participated in the Stand Against Racism campaign. Events included film screenings, conversations about racism, workshops on the intersections of race, class and power and a proclamation from Asheville City Council. The YW’s signature event, “Women of Color Leading Change” highlighted local women of color leading grassroots efforts. Some groups have even continued to take a Stand through ongoing education and empowerment of their staff, students and constituents to further racial equity.

Asheville YWCA Archive [ywca323], D. H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville

Our 2016-2017 Donors Continued Sandy Harrison Janet and Andrew Hart Maite Harte Suzanne Harter Wayne Hawkins and Tim Patterson Edward Hay Kim and Rick Hayes Brian and Susan Haynes Nancy E. Heath Michele Heller Kate Henry Virginia and Ben Henry Marilynn Herbert Carolyn Herbst Mary Beth and Eli Herman Michael and Peggy Hester Tracy Hildebrand and Stewart Stokes Sara P. Hill Vida Hill Jey Hiott Jane and Robert Hite Chris Frosaker Irene and Richard Hoefener Hal and Valerie Hogstrom Amy Hollifield Joyce Hollyday and Bill Ramsey Robert Hooper Hop Ice Cream Cafe LLC Sheila and Stace Horine Annie Houle Sara and William Hoyt Valerie Hunziker Melissa and Dan Jacobs Dee and Charles James Jerri Jameson Kennon Jamieson Susan Jenkins Binford Jennings Randy and Mary Johnson Andrew Jones Arlene Jones Becky Jones Linda Lou Jones Ursula Jorch Allison Jordan and Ken Stamps Betty and John Joyner Leah R. Karpen Susan Kask Ron and Sharon Katz

Lucy and Gene Keil Carol Keith Kathy Kelly Frances Kennedy Jan and Dennis King Mary Estelle King Alex Kirby Frank Kirkland Sr. Julie D. Klipp-Nicholson Brigitte Knauf Jane Kniffin Linda Kooiker KPMG Cathy Kramer Kay Kuczynski Sara Wilcox Peter and Bernice Landis Susan H. Laney Kris Lang Amy Lanou Jean and Bruce Larson Sarah Lashlee Katie Latino Sonja Laughter Joanne and Dan Lazar Eileen Leatherwood Charles and Dorothy Lee Sallie Lee Walter Leginski Ginny Lentz Morris Letsinger Judy Levine Betsy Levitas Ann and Robert Lewis Susan Linn Maureen E. Linneman Nancy S. Love Jean Marie Luce Linda Mackay Meg MacLeod BlueFire MacMahon Susan MacMurchy Roberta and David Madden Janice and Bill Maddox Mary Cade Mainwaring Diana Manee-Buskirk Kora Manheimer Kay Manley Kelly Martin Roberta Marvels Andrew and Katherine Mastriani Kate Mathews Karen Mauro Julie Mayfield

Claudia McCaffrey Gail and Brian McCarthy Helen McClintock Sue and Raymond McClinton Celeste McClure Carol and Hugh McCollum Verna McGaughey Katherine McGinn and Andy Farkas Shirley McIntosh Eileen McMinn Manuel Medeiros Esther Megill Anita and Roger Metcalf Jim and Libby Mijanovich Steve and Angie Miles Sophie Miller Spencer Miller Brenda G. Mills Holly Millsaps Jodee Mitchell Betty Ann Modoff Julie Montanea Charlotte R Moore Janet and Parker Moore Martha Moore Suzy Morrissey Madeline and Merritt Moseley Antanette Mosley Jerome Mrowca and Lois Carlson Jennifer Mullendore and Josh Evans Maureen Muller John Myers and Jane Lawson Mary Ann Myers Jeanne and Rupert Nagel Janice Nash Donna Nave Nancy Nehls Nelson Elizabeth and Brownie Newman Marianne L. Newman Jacquie Nightingale Beverly Nivens Julie Niwinski North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc. Olivia Notestine Rachael Nygaard Rich Olenjiczak and Melinda Kent Sue Olesiuk

Judy and Peter Olevnik Lucy Oliver and Tom Rightmyer Peggy Orr Timothy Owen Charlton L. Owens Steve Wright Karen Paly Esther and Leonard Pardue Ellen Parks Hannah R. Parks Joy and Steve Pastucha Susan and Wallace Paterson Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Patrie Kate Patterson Pattie Moore Amber Peterson Dini Pickering Policy Research Associates Christie Posner and Andy Runkle Mary L. Powell Chris Pratt and J immie Cochran Pratt Barbara Pressman Liz Pritchard Terri Queen David Quinn Terry Rafinski Cameron E. Raley Robin and Nathan Ramsey Amira and Thomas Ranney Charlene Reeves Heidi Reiber Susan Reiser and Frank Patton Annette Richards Dianne M.A. Riggs Ashley Ritter Mary Ritter Ferriss Roberts Margaret Roberts Walter Robertson Barbara Robinson Brenda Robinson James Robinson-Long Kathleen Rodberg Ronesa Roswood Katherine Rouse Bernie Rowell Sarah Rubin

Our donors are very important to us. Please let us know if we have omitted or misspelled your name, or otherwise not reflected your gift accurately.


From the beginning, YWCA programs have been designed to support working women; bridging gaps in earning power and economic security. The first location of YWCA Asheville opened in 1907 and by 1921 a black YWCA branch, named for Phyllis Wheatley, was also operating in Asheville. Both offered safe and affordable housing, and employment services for young working women. Decades later, in collaboration with the Buncombe County Women’s Commission, the YWCA opened the Women’s Center. Located in a house on South French Broad Avenue, services included a resource library, workshops, employment referrals and a job club for women who had been out of the workforce for some time. Asheville YWCA Archive [ywca321], D. H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville

Women in YWCA’s Getting Ahead program share meals, learn together, and identify personal goals to improve their financial futures. In addition to working towards improving their own lives, our 29 program graduates committed to advocating for their communities through initiatives at the YW and beyond. In 2016, Getting Ahead graduates participated in events that discussed important community issues and public policy. Events included the Buncombe County Women’s Agenda Assembly, MAHEC’s Diversity Summit, and OnTrack WNC’s Women and Money Conference. In addition, at an educational session by Children First/Communities in Schools on the Asheville Housing Trust Fund, the women of Getting Ahead signed a letter to the Trust Fund Committee with questions and recommendations around city funds for affordable housing.

Our 2016-2017 Donors Continued Sam Rule Beth Russo and Todd Weatherly Martha Salyers and David Hurand Carol Samsky Penny Sandonato Anne Sayers Pegge Saylor John A. Schaff Laura B. Scherwitz Dana Schiffman Kitty Schmidt Gail Schmoll Jan Schwartz Brenda Sconyers and Jerald Snow Cathy Scott and Philip Jamison Teri Sferlazza Georgia M. Shannon Allison Sharpe Maureen and Russell Sher Claudia June Sherry Carolyn A. Shorkey and Milton Warden Bobbie and Jim Short Emily Short Valerie Shrader Alan and Sooze Sigel Claudette Silver Jackie Simms Muriel and Marc Singer Ruth Slawson Amy Smith Janet R. Smith Jayne and LeGrand Smith Kelvin Smith Pat and Phil Smith Penelope Smith and Margaret Bray Stuart and Jeanne Smolkin Michelle Spiegel Joyce Spradley Tom and Bonnie Spradling Kendall Stacey Dawn and Greg Starks Alberta E. Starnes Rachel Stein Daniel Stewart Jeffrey Stillson Anne Stokely Diana Stoll

Edward Stoll and Nancy Herbert Rebecca N. Stone Laurie Stradley Michael and Susan Stuart Claudia Sullivan Meredith Switzer Jewel and Matt Tavener Fran and Doug Thigpen Mel and Jean Thomason Jen Thompson Mary and Bob Thompson Beth Thrift Pam Tidwell Paul A. Tobias Linda Topp Elizabeth Trask Bill and Sharon Treasurer Dylan and Melanie Trivette Valerie True and Jason Gast Stephanie Tullos Pam and Jim Turner Marilyn Uranga Robin Van Alstyne Jamie Van Dyke Karen Vernon Willie Vincent Mercedes Volk Charlotte Wade Nancy Waldrop and David King Anita Walker Cyndy Wallhausser Eleanor Walther Susan and Richard Walton Ann Ward Michelle Warner Karen Waters Raynetta Waters Peggy Weaver and Ed Sheary Harvey and Gun Wechsler James Weikart Peggy Weil Sally Weldon and Dan Eller Mary Ann Wharton Emily Wheeler Mary Wheeler Jean Ann Wheelock Susan Whisenhunt Jasman White Anita White-Carter Tracey Whitehouse Cathy Whitlock Janet Whitworth Diane Wilkey Melissa Williams

Betsy Wilson and Arthur K. Parker Greg and Susanne Walker Wilson Lindsey Wilson Chris Winebrenner Pam and William Winkler Gwen Wisler Lisa Witler Ann Wood Alida Woods and David Danley Win and Meg Word-Sims Nona Workman Jill Yager Michelle Yanik Marion Yeager Linda Zang Karen Ziff Eleanor Zitin Eleanor Roosevelt Giving Society Members Cathleen Adams Desiree Adaway Annie and John Ager Becky and Ed Anderson AvL Technologies Gretchen Batra Judy Beck and Jerome Hay Barbara Benisch and Jacque Allen Anne Bonnyman Emoke B’Racz and Gail Addis Nancye Buelow Adair Caperton Esther Cartwright Lyndia Roland Chiles Dr. Elizabeth Colton Carrie Coward Michael and Libby de Caetani Dr. Darilyn Dealy Jennie Eblen and Rick Perkins Roberta Eblen Futch Family Foundation Judy Futch and Paul Smith Francie Glickman Althea Gonzalez

Clementine Gregory Veronika A. Gunter Francee Healy Julie Jensen Jeanine and Russell Siler Jones Gay Lambirth Suzanne E. Landis Gary and Theresa Landwirth Sharon LeDuc Marjorie Locke Sue Lomenzo Matthew and Kristin Lupfer Beth Maczka and Don Russell Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mance, Jr. Kim McGuire and Jim Samsel LeNoir Medlock Jim Oliver Kendall Oliver Cathy and George Phillips Liz Preyer Maria Roloff Betsey and Mitch Russell Craig Smith Maggie Smith Viola Spells Andrea L. Stolz Yvonne L. Stone Dana and Jana Stonestreet Town and Mountain Realty Jeanne Tramm Senator Terry and Ted Van Duyn Rosalind Willis and Gregory J. Olson Lu Young Anonymous (2) E. Thelma Caldwell Legacy Society Members Barbara Benisch Emily S. Boyce Theresa Chalfant Erna and Norman Earle Judy Futch and Paul Smith Janirve Foundation Leah R. Karpen Marty K. Knight Martha June Lamb Marjorie Myles Locke Sue Lomenzo

Our donors are very important to us. Please let us know if we have omitted or misspelled your name, or otherwise not reflected your gift accurately.


The importance of childcare to women’s economic security became evident as early as the 1940s when the YWCA Young Wives Club began offering group childcare during its meetings. In 1973, the YWCA began a few innovative initiatives to offer childcare to more women and families. YWCA nursery services were expanded to serve the wider community when a drop-in childcare center opened its doors, and simultaneously, began offering childcare to the teen mothers who participated in the YWCA Continuing Education Program. To facilitate access to affordable, quality childcare for all, the YWCA sought funding to form five family daycare homes and later the YWCA opened its own full-time child care center to serve young children whose parents worked or were in school. Asheville YWCA Archive [ywca014], D. H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville

We continue to provide year-round support for working women and families by nurturing, protecting, and enriching the lives of community children in our Early Learning Program. Our 5-star program serves children 6 weeks to 5 years old and accepts state subsidy vouchers to make high-quality childcare accessible for low-income families. Our Primary Enrichment Program also provides 5-star after school care for school-age children in Kindergarten through 12 years old. By offering programming rich in STEM and literacy enhancing activities, we are working to reduce the achievement gap for low-income families and families of color.

E. Thelma Caldwell Legacy Society Members Continued Beth Maczka Liz Preyer William Ramsey and Joyce Hollyday Mary Ruth Ritter Carolyn Shorkey and Milton Warden Andrea L. Stolz Anonymous (4) 2016 Leadership Giving Challenge Gretchen Batra Nancye Buelow Darilyn Dealy Francie Glickman Arnold & Bernice Green The Oliver Family Dini & Chuck Pickering, The Biltmore Company Dr. Bobbie Short Senator Terry & Mr. Ted Van Duyn Lu Young Anonymous

Foundations & Grants AB Tech Community College Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Fund Bank of America Foundation Buncombe County Department of Health & Human Services Buncombe County Family Justice Buncombe County Master Gardeners Buncombe County Service Foundation, Inc. Cannon Charitable Interests City of Asheville Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Dollar General Foundation Duke Energy Foundation Fannie Landwirth Foundation, Inc. Helen A. Powers Fund Mission Health NC Center for Nonprofits and Nonprofit VOTE NC Deptartment of Health and Human Services Teen Pregnancy

Prevention Initiatives Novo Nordisk Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation TD Charitable Foundation The North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc. The Richards Foundation The William H. and Frances O. Beattie Foundation Trinity Episcopal Church United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County USDA SNAP-Ed Wells Fargo Bank YWCA USA

Wendy Haner Lauren S. Harr Frances Healy Bernard Holley Laura Kelso Meredith Kidd Mary Estelle King Natalie King Linda K. Kooiker Kay Kuczynski Peter and Bernice Landis Joanne and Dan Lazar Wanda E. Lester Madison MacLaren Malaprop’s Bookstore and Cafe Gail and Brian McCarthy Ellie McCormac Chandra G. Menon Leslie Meyers Anne Marie Monroe Robert Nagan Elizabeth and Brownie Newman Marianne L. Newman Marjo Nordhorn North Asheville Library Helen “Dutch” O’Connor and Marc Nishino Kendall Oliver Rebecca L. Olszewski Susan Pierce Maggie Poist Jimmie Cochran Pratt Betsy Rhodes Kyle and Lucy Rhodes Wilhelm Ritter Bill Sabo Tiffany Sauls Pegge Saylor Kitty Schmidt Tina Schwartz Cecelia Scott Georgia M. Shannon

Jane L. Snyder Marianne Soderman Spellbound Children’s Bookshop Rebecca Stone Laurie Stradley Lea Strampt The Mothership Carolyn Toal Paul A. Tobias Marilia Trevisani Nina Vinson Stephanie Wallace Jean Ann Wheelock WNC Knitters and Crocheters for Others Jill Yager

In-Kind Contributors Our Sponsors AAUW Empower Peace - $10,000+ Nina Accardo AvL Technologies Cathleen Adams Empower Justice - $5,000+ Alan Ammerman CarePartners Foundation Gretchen Batra Asheville Savings Bank Wendy Bell Duke Energy Progress Brenda Benik and HomeTrust Bank Ed Guzowski Barbara Blevins Empower Freedom - 2,500+ Ann Bohan AssuredPartners NL Dolores Brigham The Biltmore Company Maura Brouwer Eblen Short Stop Stores Budget Blinds Webb Investment Services, Inc. Joyce A. Burgin Deborah Burns Empower Partnership - $500+ Jason Byrd BB&T Valery Caputi-Lopez Genesis Alliance Roberta Carney PSNC Energy Terri and David Carr Silver-Line Plastics Corp. Amanda R. Carter Ezekiel Christopoulos and Caroline Green Annie and Bob Cicale Stacey Curnow and Doug Gibson Data Solutions Plus Michael and Libby de Caetani Marion Downey Our donors are very important to us. Please let us know if we have Sarah Edwards omitted or misspelled your name, or otherwise not reflected your Lisa Flamion gift accurately. Juanita Grier


From its inception, the YWCA Asheville has been committed to the physical health and fitness of the women it serves. In the 1920s, the YWCA gymnasium and pool was a pioneer in health and fitness for women and girls in Asheville. Recreational activities were also program highlights for girls participating at the Phyllis Wheatley branch. In fact, in 1938 the Phyllis Wheatley branch boasted the only full service gymnasium for African-Americans in the South. One of the earliest and most active YWCA committees was the Health Education Committee. In the 1920s and 1930s this committee scheduled lectures about health and hygiene, organized medical examinations for women, and held awareness events for the community. Asheville YWCA Archive [ywca339], D. H. Ramsey Library Special Collections, UNC Asheville

In more recent years, the YWCA Asheville has increased our commitment to highlighting and addressing racial health disparities that exist in our community. According to the CDC, children and adults in the Latinx community experience disproportionately high rates of obesity, diabetes and other chronic conditions with the rate of diabetes roughly twice that of non-Hispanic whites. The YW’s bi-lingual Salsa, Sabor y Salud program works with Latinx parents and children to learn about the benefits of increased physical activity and healthy eating. The program centers around culturally-relevant activities and discussions that highlight how families can make steps towards their wellness goals, including tips for reading nutrition labels, ways to prepare food in a healthier way, and simple fitness exercises. Beginning in 2017, participants were also offered summer swim lessons and family memberships to the YWCA Fitness Club as part of Salsa, Sabor y Salud.

E. Thelma Caldwell was named Executive Director of the YWCA of Asheville in 1965, becoming the second African American to lead a newly integrated YWCA association in the nation and the first in the South. Under Thelma’s executive leadership from 1965— 1975 the physical integration of the Black and White branches of Asheville’s YWCA was realized. In 1976, in response to new challenges the YWCA faced regarding race and fundraising, a group of retired Black board members formed the YWCA Booster Club. Later joined by White members committed to integration, the Boosters worked tirelessly to carry on Thelma’s work. Named for Thelma Caldwell and dedicated to the women of the Booster Club, our Legacy Society members’ generosity and foresight through planned giving ensures our organization’s resiliency and lasting impact for years to come.

EMPOWER HOUR TOURS The YWCA invites you to join us for Empower Hour, a onehour program and tour where you will experience firsthand the YWCA’s work to bridge gaps in education, learning power, health and wellness and access to child care. Empower Hours take place several times a month at our location at 185 S. French Broad Avenue. As lunch is served as part of Empower Hour, reservations are required. To make a reservation, contact : Stephanie Tullos (828)254-7206 ext. 207 stullos@ywcaofasheville.org

In 1956, Eleanor Roosevelt visited Asheville on tour for the United Nations and would only agree to speak to an integrated audience. The YWCA of Asheville was the only organization that would host the event, and Eleanor Roosevelt spoke to a sold out crowd of over 800 people. Eleanor Roosevelt was a bold, confident woman. She was a fearless visionary and a champion for civil rights. It is in her honor that the YWCA of Asheville named our giving society, whose members do so much to support the YWCA mission. The members of the Eleanor Roosevelt Giving Society recognize the importance of sustainable support for YWCA’s mission-based work. Our members make commitments of $1,000 or more per year for five years, which helps the YWCA plan and address our most urgent needs.

Are you interested in our giving or legacy societies? Please contact Stephanie Tullos at 828.254.7206 x207 or stullos@ywcaofasheville.org for more information.

FINANCIALS 2016-2017



United Way



Other Income

Empowering Women

Government Grants


United Way Government Grants Contributions and Grants Program Service Fees Other Income Total


Management/ General


Contributions & Grants





Promoting Health

Program Service Fees

188,470 247,336 950,316 1,986,639 94,678 3,467,439

EXPENDITURES Empowering Women Promoting Health Nurturing Children Management/General Fundraising Total


Nurturing Children

420,214 868,966 1,470,468 213,358 269,811 3,242,817


Asheville 185 S. French Broad Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 828.254.7206 | www.ywcaofasheville.org


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