is the largest interna�onal membership organiza�on dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and exper�se of AML/CTF and financial crime detec�on and preven�on professionals, from a wide range of industries, in both the public and private sectors.
Recognized worldwide by employers in both private industry and government and acknowledged by regulators and examiners, the Cer�fied An�-Money Laundering Specialist® (CAMS) creden�al denotes proven knowledge in the detec�on and preven�on of money laundering
AML professionals who earn the CAMS designa�on posi�on themselves to be leaders in the industry and experience professional growth. The CAMS cer�fica�on is the most widely recognized AML cer�fica�on among compliance professionals worldwide. Candidates who pass the rigorous CAMS examina�on dis�nguish themselves as experts fully qualified for the demanding an�-money laundering du�es in business and government
Benefits of CERTIFIED ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING SPECIALIST CAMS helps you excel in your current posi�on, makes you more produc�ve and valuable - Studying for the examina�on and maintaining the required con�nuing educa�on credits for recer�fica�on enhances your current knowledge and keeps you on top of the latest developments in the field. CAMS provides professional growth opportuni�es and will posi�on you as a leader in the AML community – In job pos�ngs CAMS is frequently listed as “preferred” and even “required” for many of the top spots. CAMS cer�fied professionals make more money – According to the ACAMS AML Compensa�on survey, CAMS-cer�fied AML professionals out-earn their non-cer�fied peers by ٪١٤. CAMS demonstrates to examiners that your department has specialized, concentrated knowledge in the AML field – CAMS is recognized as the benchmark of AML cer�fica�ons by regulatory agencies and throughout the financial services industry. CAMS can help your company minimize risk – Having a CAMS-cer�fied team ensures that your people share and maintain a common level of AML knowledge. Studying for the examina�on also offers guidance in designing and implemen�ng tailored AML programs. CAMS helps meet training requirements – Preparing for the exam and the con�nuing educa�on required to maintain the creden�al helps departments meet AML training requirements mandated by most AML laws and regula�ons around the world.
COURSE CONTENTS: I. RISKS AND METHODS OF MONEY LAUNDERING AND TERRORISM FINANCING A. Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Method 1. Name economic and social effects and risks of money laundering 2. Recognize methods used a. in banks and other deposit-tak-
ing ins�tu�ons (e.g., credit unions, other credit ins�tu�ons – building socie�es)
b. in non-bank financial ins�tu-
c. by gatekeepers (e.g., lawyers,
b. terrorist financing methods
c. other known methods (e.g. FATF Typologies, FIU SAR reviews, Egmont Group’s showcases)
�ons (e.g., insurance companies, broker-dealers, casinos, precious metal dealers, dealers in real estate and high-value items, bureaux de change, money services businesses)
notaries, accountants, auditors, investment advisors)
B. Recognition of Risks 1. Recognize risks associated with a.
new technologies (e.g., on-line banking, Internet casinos, on-line brokerage, e-commerce, secured payment processing, stored-value cards)
(e.g., chari�es, non-governmental organiza�ons)
2. Recognize risks inherent to structures designed to hide beneficial ownership (e.g., companies not registered, trusts, shell corpora�ons, off -shore companies, shelf companies, bearer shares, bonds or other cer�ficates of ownership) 3. Iden�fy differing jurisdic�onal risks dependent on legisla�on, regula�on, and secrecy laws, and government reports (e.g., FATF member countries, World Bank / IMF sanc�ons, corrup�on index, various governmental agency advisories, off -shore banking centers)
A. International 1. Ar�culate FATF recommenda�ons and other FATF ini�a�ves 2. Ar�culate BASEL customer due diligence and KYC principles 3. Ar�culate Wolfsburg AML Principles for private and correspondent Banking, the financing of terrorism, and monitoring and screening for suspicious ac�vity
B. Regional 1. Ar�culate EU Direc�ves on Money Laundering 2. Ar�culate apprecia�on of key US legisla�ve (e.g., USA PATRIOT Act) and regulatory ini�a�ves applied to interna�onal transac�ons
A. AML / CFT Compliance Program Design in Different Industry Settings 1. Assess risk (e.g., product, customer, geography) and design a risk scoring model for the ins�tu�on 2. Advise the ins�tu�on and specific business units of any AML concerns and recommend appropriate mi�ga�ng factors 3. Develop internal AML policies, procedures, and controls 4. Conduct ongoing AML training 5. Obtain endorsement of senior management and / or board of directors 6. Implement account opening controls (e.g., KYC, enhanced due diligence, customer
7. Evaluate, implement, and u�lize Electronic AML Tools 8. Perform background inves�ga�ons on customers and poten�al employees 9. Monitor and trace money or funds through a business 10. Iden�fy suspicious behavior associated with a. general client behavior (e.g., nervous demeanor, unusual ques�ons, customer iden�fy circumstances)
b. transac�ons or account
ac�vity in different se�ngs (e.g., cash transac�ons, non-cash deposits, wire transfers, correspondent and commercial accounts, safe deposit box, credit transac�ons, trade financing and investment activity , non-financial and non-bank financial ins�tu�on se�ngs)
c. suspicious employee ac�vity
11. Process SARs / STRs internally and externally 12. Report results to the competent authority 13. Cooperate with the competent authority a�er repor�ng suspicious ac�vity 14. Manage regulatory or other legal implica�ons of SARs / STRs 15. Apply and implement a consolidated AML program for ins�tu�ons opera�ng in mul�ple jurisdic�ons including a. ongoing internal assessments of the AML program
b. independent assessments of the AML program
c. screening of high-risk and prohibited en��es (e.g., PEPs, OFAC)
B. Maintenance of an Effective AML / CFT Compliance Program 1. Iden�fy a. best prac�ces for embedding compliance culture
b. trends from SARs / STRs and adapt the program as necessary
2. Conduct and evaluate ongoing internal assessments of the current AML program 3. Implement necessary program changes (e.g., policy / procedure change, enhanced training) 4. Develop, implement, and document ongoing training 5. Assess the risk of new business products and services 6. Monitor and incorporate changes to legisla�on, regula�ons, and guiding principles 7. Communicate program effec�veness to management and / or the board of directors 8. Respond to AML audit findings, document the response, and adopt appropriate ac�ons 9. Iden�fy and apply relevant trends from interna�onal and na�onal typologies and exercises 10. Ensure a. �mely conduct of independ-
ent examina�ons or audits of AML and CFT programs
b. ins�tu�onal awareness of
high-risk and prohibited en��es (e.g., PEPs, OFAC, FEPs)
11. Coordinate with the Human Resources department to implement appropriate screening programs to ensure high standards when hiring employees
IV. CONDUCTING OR SUPPORTING THE INVESTIGATION PROCESS A. SAR and STR Filing 1. Ensure senior management and the board of directors are provided informa�on regarding SARs / STRs including a a. summary of all SARs / STRs
b. detailed lis�ng of high-profile SARs / STRs (e.g., on employees, PEPs)
2. Maintain an internal inves�ga�on log / diary 3. Report SARs / STRs to appropriate authori�es in the prescribed manner 4. Maintain and secure all suppor�ng documenta�on used to iden�fy suspicious ac�vity 5. Deliver records to law enforcement and government authori�es on request 6. Provide eviden�al / expert statements on behalf of the ins�tu�on 7. Recommend to an ins�tu�on whether to maintain or close an account a�er a. consul�ng legal counsel
b. an appropriate wri�en request by a law enforcement agency to leave an account open
B. Assistance of Institutional Investigations 1. Contact and cooperate with enforcement agencies 2. Iden�fy and provide records that are legally available to law enforcement officers without a court order / subpoena 3. Share informa�on with other financial ins�tu�ons or government agencies in accordance with applicable laws 4. Recommend whether to terminate or suspend an employee within the ins�tu�on who may be involved in an ac�vity under inves�ga�on 5. Coordinate an inves�ga�on of an employee or high-profile customer or transac�on with internal management, legal advisors, and auditors
C. Assistance of Legal and Government Inquiries Domestically and Internationally Within Parameters of the Law 1. Iden�fy appropriate interviewing techniques and content 2. Interview customers and employees using appropriate techniques (e.g., body language, proximity) 3. Interpret informa�on gathered during a customer or employee interview 4. Commence an inves�ga�on through the iden�fica�on of research tools and sources of informa�on 5. List methods by which law enforcement may request informa�on from a financial ins�tu�on 6. Deliver records to enforcement agencies in response to a subpoena or court order in accordance with the law 7. Iden�fy and provide records that are legally available to law enforcement officers without a court order or subpoena 8. Explain a. how authori�es (e.g., FIUs, central
banks, governments, regulatory bodies) can cooperate across jurisdic�ons and how they lend exper�se in money laundering inves�ga�ons and prosecu�ons
b. the role of authori�es to guard against control or acquisi�on of significant par�cipa�on in a financial ins�tu�on by criminals or their confederates
c. What a government FIU does, what the ideal set up looks like, and how it interacts with the private sector
Freezing Seizure Confisca�on
d. the basis and means for coopera�on between countries in an�-money laundering inves�ga�ons including:
Mutual Legal Assistance Le�ers Oratory Informed Exchanges Extradi�on
9. Describe the role of strict safeguards on privacy and data protec�on
Eligibility Do I Meet the Qualifications for Becoming a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist? To sit for the CAMS Examina�on, you must: a. Document a minimum of 40 qualifying credits based on educa�on, professional experience and training
b.Provide three professional references
c. Be of high moral character
Check if you meet the credits requirement in CAMS Credit Calculator, in the website. h�p://www.acams.org/ACAMS/Cer�fica�on/CAMScer�fica�onhandbook/
Exam Centre in UAE: AMIDEAST / Computer based Test
Exam Dates: Upon approval of your applica�on and receipt of payment, you will receive an ID number with which to schedule your examina�on. Upon receipt of payment, we will send you a link to access the online PDF and audio fi les of the CAMS Study Guide and your login to the CAMS Examina�on Prepara�on online training, if you have chosen that op�on. Upon approval of your applica�on, we will send you an Examina�on Voucher Code to schedule the exam at your convenience. Schedule your examina�on at one of Kryterion’s live host loca�ons, located around the globe. Your Examina�on Voucher will be valid for six months from the date it is issued. You must take the exam before the end of the sixth month. CAMS offer hundreds of tes�ng centers throughout the world, are open six days a week from 8 AM – 6 PM. Take the examina�on in English, Spanish or Arabic.
Certification Process: Step 1: Submit Your Application Download the Candidate Handbook. Please note: You can submit your applica�on before or a�er you purchase your cer�fica�on package, which includes the examina�on fee, live or online prepara�on seminar and prepara�on materials.
Step 2: Purchase Certification Package/Choose Your Prep Seminar To purchase a Spanish Cer�fica�on Package visit this page. You will receive access to the online study materials in PDF and audio formats with your receipt. * Listed rates are applicable only to ACAMS Members.
Step 3: Schedule your Examination Upon approval of your applica�on and receipt of payment, you will receive an ID number with which to schedule your examina�on. We offer hundreds of tes�ng centers throughout the world, are open six days a week from 8 AM – 6 PM. Take the examina�on in English, Spanish or Arabic
Step 4: Take your Examination Join an elite group of AML/CTF professionals the world over.
Step 5: Frame Your Success ACAMS has partnered with Framing Success to provide our members the opportunity to mount their achievements with several op�ons quality frames at a 10% discount
Membership Application: Membership Category (please circle one): Private rate (for individuals who work in the private sector): Public rate (for full-�me government employees):
1 year 2 years 3 years $285 $495 $675 $185 $320 $445
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IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) is the
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worldwide association of accountants and financial
and competency, including the Project Management
professionals in business. Founded in 1919, IMA is one
Professional (PMP)® certification – renowned as the
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global gold standard.
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bership organisation that promotes, develops and
CIPS-UK Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply..
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agement (AIBM) would certify professionals in all areas
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of Business & Management. American Institute of
tants – World's largest professional body of manage-
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ment accountants offering most relevant finance qualifi-
ciencies of students in the domains of Accounting,
cation for business.
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