Excellent Business Communicator

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EXCELLENT BUSINESS COMMUNICATOR Earn Professional Certificate From American Institute of Business & Management

www. zabeelins�tute.ae

EXCELLENT BUSINESS COMMUNICATOR Being a confident, polished speaker is not only necessary but well-advised in order to communicate such ma�ers effec�vely and persuasively. In this 3-day seminar, you’ll develop your presenta�on skills and learn how to present your ideas with convic�on, control and poise and without fear. Would you like a quick and easy method for composing documents le�ers, memos, reports, proposals and performance appraisals in an organized format? Professionals who can write clearly and correctly are far more valuable to an organiza�on than those whose business wri�ng is filled with errors.

HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT • Produce coherent sentences that quickly get to the point • Edit for agreement between parts of speech within a sentence • Apply simple, effec�ve �ps for proper grammar, usage and punctua�on • Correctly proofread business messages • Use rules of Standard English to cri�que your own wri�ng • Select the appropriate grammar to suit the business situa�on • Tailor your presenta�on to your audience • Use relaxa�on techniques to overcome nervousness

• Learn how to project your voice and use pauses to drama�ze your point • Expertly handle difficult ques�ons and situa�ons • Communicate with clarity and convic�on • Gain confidence in your presenta�on skills • Quickly organize your thoughts and generate content • Eliminate numerous �me consuming revisions • Rid your wri�ng of "fluff," so you'll generate concise content

WHAT YOU WILL COVER • Formats and formulas for various wri�ng requirements • Gaining familiarity with powerful openings and closings to capture and retain a�en�on • Thinking logically by blocking ideas and structuring your document using informa�on modelling • Iden�fying your reader's needs and expecta�ons to establish the purpose & focus • Organizing ideas and genera�ng content • Learning how and when to use the appropriate tone, persuasion and posi�ve and nega�ve words • Finding typical (and not-so-typical) errors in grammar • Common verb mistakes: tense, mood, subject-verb agreement • Adjec�ve-adverb confusion • Building and de-construc�ng gramma�cally correct sentences • Dangling and misplaced modifiers • Ac�ve and passive voice • Working with “excep�ons to the rule”

3 Modules of Excellent Business Communicator (EBC)

SS 026- Business Presenta�on SkillsLA 007- Business Grammar

LA 017- Excellent Business Wri�ng (BW3)

Balancing Verbal and Non-verbal Messages • Prac�ce non-verbal impact skills to reduce nervousness and to engage the a�en�on of your listeners • Make your content clearer & more memorable

PROGRAM OUTLINE Business Presenta�on Skills Learning Objec�ves  

 

Speak and Think with Greater Clarity and Purpose,Focusing on Key Ideas Face an Audience or Camera with Confidence & Control, and Making the Most of Your Own Natural Speaking Style Shape and Organize Your Public Speaking and Presenta�ons to Persuade Listeners and to Get the Response and Results You Want Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking By Managing Nega�ve Stress Make Your Performance Skills, Sense of Humor, and Personality Work Together So You Proj Confidence and Authen�city Deliver Both Impromptu and Prepared Speeches That Achieve Their Intended Goals

Developing and Organizing Presenta�on Content

• Create an audience profile and set presenta�on parameters • Condense a speech outline into notes you can speak from

Preparing to Give the Presenta�on • Learn the benefits of rehearsing, adhering to a �me frame and speaking from notes

Using Visual Aids & Support Materials • Describe the purpose of visual aids and support materials • Iden�fy �ps for effec�ve composi�on of visual content and speaker aids

Handling Ques�ons from the Audience • Explain the importance of the ques�on and answer session • Respond professionally to ques�ons from the audience

Managing the Presenta�on Environment • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different room setups • Be able to an�cipate, avoid & handle equipment problems

Business Grammar Learning Objec�ves  Write Gramma�cally Correct Business


 Produce Clear and Concise Sentences  Edit for Agreement Between Parts of

Speech Within a Sentence

 Employ Simple, Memorable Tips for Proper

Grammar, Usage, and Punctua�on

 Proofread Business Documents for

Gramma�cal Correctness

Business Grammar Overview • Clarify Differences Among Tricky Grammar Rules • Assess Depth of Grammar Knowledge • Correct Common Errors in Business Grammar

Verbs All Tensed Up • Iden�fy Excellent Grammar Print Resources

 Apply Rules of Standard English to Cri�que

• Dis�nguish Among the Eight Parts of Speech in Standard English

 Select the Appropriate Grammar to Suit the

• Correct Verb Tense and Agreement Errors in Common Sentences

Your Own Wri�ng

Business Situa�on

 Iden�fy Excellent Print and Electronic

Grammar Resources

Adjec�ves and Adverbs Addled Addi�ves

 Confidently Deliver Your Presenta�ons with

• Iden�fy Excellent Online Grammar Resources

 Apply the Elements Essen�al to Develop,

• Dis�nguish Between the Most Commonly Confused Adjec�ve-Adverb Pairs

 U�lize Best Prac�ces to Maximize Your

• Apply the Linking Verb Rule for Selec�ng the Correct Adjec�ve or Adverb

Clarity and Convic�on

Organize & Deliver Effec�ve Presenta�ons Presenta�on Strengths and Minimize Your Weaknesses

 Use Relaxa�on Techniques to Overcome


 Quickly Organize Your Thoughts & Generate


 Bring a Current Project and Get One on One

Feedback from the Course Leader

 Eliminate Numerous Time Consuming


 Streamline Content and Communicate

What Your Readers Need to Know

 Write with Greater Clarity

Excellent Business Wri�ng (BW3) LEARNING OBJECTIVES 

Quickly Organize Your Thoughts & Generate Content

 Bring a Current Project and Get One-on-One

Feedback from the Course Leader 

WRITING THE FIRST DRAFT • Techniques for Achieving Clarity and Precision in Daily Business Wri�ng • The Role of Word Choice • How to Construct Sentences That Are Clear & Direct

Eliminate Numerous Time-Consuming

• How to Use Linking Words & Phrases in Sentences and Paragraphs


• Ac�ve and Passive Voice and Parallelism

 Streamline Content & Communicate

What Your

• How to Employ Various Pa�erns of Organizing Informa�on

Readers Need to Know

Write with Greater Clarity


The Principles That Ensure Effec�ve

• Guidelines for Wri�ng Effec�ve Memos

Business Wri�ng 

The Need for Planning and Establishing Purpose

& Le�ers • The Importance of Opening Sentences

How to Meet the Reader's Needs &

• How and When to Use Persuasive, Posi�ve and Nega�ve Words


• How to Use Appropriate Tone

How to Use Techniques for Overcoming


Writer's Block

• The Guidelines for Wri�ng Effec�ve E-Mail • The Importance of Subject Lines EDITING & PROOFREADING THE FINAL VERSION • How to Recognize Common Proofreading Errors • Techniques for Effec�ve Edi�ng and Proofreading • Methods for Revising the First Dra� • How to Avoid Sexist OR Offensive Language • O�en Confused Words

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assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, ACTVET The Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training committed to establishing policies and standards that effectively regulate technical and vocational educational institutions in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Project Management Institute (PMI) USA; Offers many certifications that recognize knowledge and competency, including the Project Management

IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) is the

Professional (PMP)® certification – renowned as the

worldwide association of accountants and financial

global gold standard.

professionals in business. Founded in 1919, IMA is one

IATA/UFTA Montreal, Canada



portfolio includes topics for airlines, airports, cargo operators, governments, ground service providers, travel agents, young professionals and more. CIPS-UK Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply.. Leading global excellence and offering chartered status in procurement and supply chain. ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

of the largest and most respected associations focused exclusively on advancing the management accounting profession ICAEW The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales World’s leading professional membership organisation that promotes, develops and supports over 150,000 chartered accountants worldwide

Global body for professional accountants. AIBM American Institute of Business & Management

Approved Testing center CIMA ; Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – World's largest professional body of management accountants offering most relevant finance qualification for business.

(AIBM) USA American Institute of Business and Management (AIBM) would certify professionals in all areas of Business & Management. American Institute of Finance and Banking (AIFB) certication verifies Proficiencies of students in the domains of Accounting, Finance. American Institute of Purchasing and Logistics Management (AIPLM)

accredates Purchasing and

Supply Chain Management qualifications.

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