Approved by Project Management Institute, USA Accredited by Academic College of London, UK Accredited by AACEI, USA Accredited by Ministry of Education, UAE American Certification Institute, USA
JAVA,J2EE,JSP The course would be focusing on the Learning outcomes like Implement Object Oriented Programming Concepts,_ Use and create packages and interfaces in a Java program, Use graphical user interface in Java programs, Develop Swing-based GUI , Develop client/server applications and TCP/IP socket programming, Update and retrieve the data from the databases using SQL, Develop component-based Java software using JavaBeans, Explain the JSP technology, its features and advantages, Explain Web development process and various server-side technologies, Develop JSP applications using JSP Tags, etc
________________________________________________________________________ Zabeel Institute – at a glance Zabeel Institute, established in 1988, is a leading Educational and Training Institute for executives in Dubai and is approved by the Ministry of Education, UAE. We offer training programs to professionals from various industries like Engineering, Construction, Projects, Accounts & Finance, and Management, Languages etc. The Zabeel Advantage
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________________________________________________________________________ Course Objective: Course Objectives would be focusing on the Learning outcomes like Implement Object Oriented Programming Concepts,_ Use and create packages and interfaces in a Java program, Use graphical user interface in Java programs, Develop Swing-based GUI , Develop client/server 2
applications and TCP/IP socket programming, Update and retrieve the data from the databases using SQL, Develop component-based Java software using JavaBeans, Explain the JSP technology, its features and advantages, Explain Web development process and various serverside technologies, Develop JSP applications using JSP Tags, etc …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Prerequisites: There are no specific requirements for this course; however, it would be ideal if you have knowledge in programming language c/c++. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Course Duration: Slow track 3 months / fast track 2 weeks to 11/2 months, ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Learning outcomes At the end of the course the student would be able to do Implement Object Oriented Programming Concepts Use and create packages and interfaces in a Java program Use graphical user interface in Java programs Create Applets Implement exception handling in Java Implement Multithreading Use Input/output Streams Handle security implementations in Java ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Course JAVA Application Development – Introduction:
JAVA Application Development Programme is taught as three modules. Module 1: Core java Programming Module 2: Advanced Java Programming (J2EE) Module 3: Java Server pages ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Course Duration Total Learning Hours would be 15-20 hrs per module (Modules can be chosen by the student) Module 1: Core java Programming Module 2: Advanced Java Programming Module 3: Java Server pages Course Material: Lectures, case studies, exercises and tutorials, led by the lectures, are supported by private study and work assignments. Participants also complete a significant project/dissertation To support the lectures, the faculty would be using PowerPoint Slides, Audio, video or projectors and /or lecture notes as the course goes on. The student would be provided with lecture notes as handouts or books whichever is appropriate to the lecture. Recommended reference books or websites would be suggested to the students for further reading if the student needs a deeper understanding of the topics that are covered in the class. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Course Contents Module 1: Core Java Programming Course Contents Introduction to Java o Creation of Java o Features of Java 4
o Overview of Programming with JDK o Discuss the Java Security Model o Describe Java Virtual Machine o Garbage Collection and Memory Management o Sample Programs Object Oriented Programming o Structures Programming technique o Object Oriented Programming and its advantages o Define Objects and Classes and the relation between them o Explain terms-Attributes, Methods, Construction, Destruction and Persistence o Discuss Data Abstraction o Discuss Data Encapsulation o Explain Polymorphism o Explain Inheritance
Basics of Java o Discuss the data types available in Java and utilize them in applications o Describe the various control structures and loops available in Java o Explain and utilize the various operators present in Java o Explain an Array _ Data Types, Modifiers, Expressions and Operations _ Arrays and Flow Control Statements _ Methods and Classes o Describe class and inheritance of classes o Explain and Object and to declare one o Explain the concept of Constructors and its relation with respect to class o Methods o “this� keyword o Concept of Inner class _ Packages and Interfaces 5
o Purpose of Modifies and its types o Explain Package o List the various Packages available in Java o Design user defined Package o Explain the term interface and how to implement it o Practice creating an interface and implement it _ String and String Buffer o String Class o Various Methods of the String class and how to use them
_ Java Applets o Difference between Applications and Applets o Understand the Applet Class o Create, run and execute Applets o Understand the Security Restrictions applied on Applet o Identify the various activities in an applet o Identify how to use Components and layouts in Applets _ Graphics o Basics of Graphic System o Explain and utilize the following geometric figures in applications _ Lines _ Ovals _ Rectangle and Round Rectangle _ 3DRectange and Arc o Discuss Color Control and how to use it to fill color in the container and the images in it o Discuss the Font Control and how to play around with it o Explain the Font Metrics class and its purpose _ Basic Graphical User Interface Components (Abstract Window ToolKit (AWT)) Describe the concept of GUI o Discuss the following Handle events using the following listeners 6
_ Action Listener _ Item Listener _ Window Listener _ Component Listener _ Mouse Listener _ Mouse Motion Listener o Describe the following components and how to apply them in the container _ Label _ List _ Button _ Checkbox _ Choice _ Text Field _ Text Area _ File Dialog _ Advanced GUI Components o Discuss event handling related to mouse events o Describe the Layout Manager class and implement the types of layout in the application o Discuss the various containers and how to implement them o Understand Menus and apply them in the frame _ Exception Handling o Discuss the purpose of Exception Handing in Java o Explain the types of exception in Java o Describe the use of try and catch o Explain the use of throws keyword o Explain the purpose of throw o Describe the finally keyword _ Multithreading o Describe Multithreading 7
o Creating and Managing Threads o Discuss the life cycle of threads o Understand the concept of synchronization o Explain how to set the priorities of thread o Understand what a daemon thread does Module2: Advanced Java Programming Swing Programming o Understand difference between Swing and AWT programming o Define Swing components o List Swing Packages o List the sub-classes of the Component class o Explain how swing handles events o Use JFC to write swing applets o Understand the concept of “Look and Feel� _ Java Database Connectivity o Define JDBC API o Describe the various JDBC drivers o Identify JDBC products o Outline JDBC design considerations o Describe the Two-Tier Client Server Model o Use JDBC to access a database o Set up a connection to the database o Create and execute SQL Statements o Describe the Result Set object o Describe the Result Set Meta Data interface o Define and create stored procedures o Understand the importance of database enquiry _ Network Programming o Understand how the internet works o Explain Client/Server computing o Describe the classes of the package 8
o Describe Java’s Web-related classes _ Input/Output Stream o Java I/O Classes and Interfaces o File _ Directories _ Using Filename Filter _ The listFiles() Alternative _ Creating Directories o The Stream Classes o The Byte Streams o The Character Streams o Using Stream I/O o Serialization _ Remote Method Invocation o Describe distributed Applications o Build distributed Applications o Define RMI o Outline the Java Distributed Model o List the jave.rmi packages o Explain the three-tiered layering of Java RMI o Implement RMI on a Remote and Local Host o Describe Remote Objects _ Inner classes, Sockets, Web connectivity, Security _ Java Beans o Define JavaBeans o Describe the Software Component Model o Understand BDK(Bean Development Kit) o List the tools for bean development o Create your own bean o Describe Custom Bean properties and events 9
o Understand Introspection Reports o Implement various types of properties o Describe event listeners o List the benefits of using JavaBeans _ Servlets o Define a Servlet o Compile Servlets o List the advantages of using servlets o Explain the life cycle of a servlet o Describe an HTTP Servlet o Use a servlet to retrieve information o Define Session Tracking o Describe InterServlet communication o Use a servlet to access a database
Module 3: Java Server Pages Course Contents
_ Developing Web Applications-An Overview o Describe the Web development process o Describe a typical server-side application _ Using TCP / IP and HTTP protocols _ Including GET, POST and Form Header methods o Compare the contemporary server-side technologies with JSP o Outline the advantages of using JSP _ Using JSP Tags o Describe various elements of a JavaServer Page o Briefly describe various JSP Tags o Describe various Implicit Objects in JSP o Explain the use of Implicit Objects through a scriptlet 10
_ Using JSP Scriplets o Describe JSP tags in detail o Define a JSP scriptlet o Explain the use of scriptlets in JavaServer Pages Import a Java class o Describe the tag extension mechanism o Describe the JSP lifecycle _ Using JavaBeans in Java Server Pages o Describe various features of a JavaBean o Differentiate between a JavaBean and a Java class o Describe the basic structure of a JavaBean o Describe various ways of creating Beans and their usage scenarios o List the advantages of using beans o Explain how to access beans through JSP scriptlets o Describe the use of various JSP bean tags o Define the scope of beans o Explain the use of JavaMail APIs in JSP _ JSP Application Models o Describe different JSP-based application models _ Model I _ Model II o Describe the J2EE framework o Explain the use of the Request Dispatcher Interface o Explain Exception Handling in JSP _ Session Management o Define a session o Describe various session tracking mechanisms o Describe the implementation of session tracking mechanisms through JavaServer Pages o Describe a session lifecycle o Extend JavaServer Pages 11
_ Java Database Connectivity in JSP o Explain Java Database Connectivity o Describe various JDBC Drivers available for JSPs o Explain the use of JDBC in JSPs o Describe different database operations o Explain the use of JDBC connectivity through JavaBeans in JSP