Business English

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Smart Communicator

BUSINESS ENGLISH - CONVERSATION Advanced Conversation Skills

The Importance of Advanced Business Communication Skills Virtually everyone communicates at work. No matter what the field, and no matter how much you know about your job, specialized knowledge alone isn't enough to guarantee success; communication skills are also vital. Subscribers to the Harvard Business Review rated "the ability to communicate" the most important factor in making an executive "promotable," more important than ambition, education, and capacity for hard work. Research spanning several decades has consistently ranked communication skills as crucial for managers. One 20-year study that followed the progress of Stanford University MBAs revealed that the most successful graduates (as measured by both career advancement and salary) shared personality traits that distinguish good communicators: a desire to persuade, an interest in talking and working with other people, and an outgoing, ascendant personality. As students, these achievers developed their communication skills by choosing courses such as business writing, persuasion, selling ideas, negotiation, and speaking. Hence, the importance of communicating effectively on the job is clear. Strong written, and oral, business communication skills will make you more competitive, more promotable, and more productive on the job. If you are in business, the course will greatly improve your ability to communicate in English in a wide range of business situations. If you are a student of business, the course will develop the communication skills you need to succeed in business and will enlarge your knowledge of the business world. Everybody studying this course will become more fluent and confident in using the language of business and should increase their


You are offered a variety of interesting activities in which you discuss the topic of the unit and exchange ideas about it.


You will learn important new words and phrases which you can use when you carry out the tasks in the unit. A good business dictionary, such as the Longman Business English Dictionary, will also help you to increase your business vocabulary.


You will build up your confidence in using English and will improve your fluency through interesting discussion activities.


You will read authentic articles on a variety of topics from the Financial Times and other newspapers and books on business. You will develop your reading skills & learn essential business vocabulary. You will also be able to discuss the ideas and issues in the articles.


You will hear authentic interviews with business people. You will develop listening skills such as listening for information and note-taking.


This section focuses on common problem areas at upper intermediate level. You will become more accurate in your use of language. Each unit contains a language review box which provides a review of key grammar items.


You will develop essential business communication skills such as making presentations, taking part in meetings, negotiating, telephoning, and using English in social situations. Each skills section contains a useful language box which provides you with the language you need to carry out the realistic business tasks in the book.


The case studies are linked to the business topics of each unit. They are based on realistic business problems or situations and allow you to use the language and communication skills you have developed while working through the unit. They give you the opportunities to practice your speaking sills in realistic business situations. Each case study ends with a writing task. A full writing syllabus is provided in the Market Leader Practice File.

LanguageTraining TrainingApproach Approach Language Most participants start Zabeel’s language courses with an existing knowledge of the English language. However, they invariably struggle with the difficulty of using their knowledge in a practical way. The main objective of our language courses is to guide participants from KNOWLEDGE to USAGE. The focus of our trainer’s work is to make participants use English in particular situations related to their everyday work and life. This is done in four steps, progressing from easier to more complex language skills: Step 4: Develop Step 3: Apply Step 2: Practise Step 1: Review & Learn (Vocabulary & phrases, idioms used by native speak-

(Actively using vocabulary, phrases and idioms with high fluency and accuracy

(The language content of the course to realistic professional situations

(The skills of self-correction, problem solving and self confidence while using

Business Result combines a communicative approach with authentic business material and digital multi-media, to give professional students relevant and immediate communication skills. The course teaches a variety of general business vocabulary using authentic and up-to-date texts and engaging and motivating activities. Students then re-use and recycle these key items of vocabulary throughout the unit and the course. Business Result also provides skills and strategies for different business scenarios, such as talking to suppliers, entertaining customers, or updating colleagues. These help students to communicate confidently in everyday situations. They focus on key expressions, and then build up to a final task in which they put the new language into practice. Language and skills practice is available through activities in the Student's Book, exercises on the interactive Workbook, and practice files on the Teacher's and Student's Websites.

Course Material: Zabeel’s course is the unique program that provides language training for the real world by using real-life scenarios, in the classroom as well as in course materials. Whether you want to learn English for travel, to conduct business, to study abroad or simply for personal enrichment, you’ll find that Zabeel gives you the language skills you need to handle almost any situation.

Course Contents Working with words

Business Language at Practically Communication work speaking skills

Case Study

Outcomes: you can

1 Connections

Describing crosscultural experiences keep an open mind, read a

Meetings Reporting back on research

Tenses review

Introducing yourself to a group

Case Study • describe cross-cultural P l a n n i n g experiences for • report back on research expansion • use tenses appropriately • introduce yourself to a

2 Careers

Comparing career paths and choices move on to, keep in with, broaden your

Meetings Managing the discussion Sharing ideas

Expressing attitudes to the past

Getting your points across

Case Study Establishing a career review

3 Change

Discussing working practices implement, transform, give the option,etc.

Presenting Giving a formal presentation

Speculating about future changes

Showing Case Study understand- Planning ing office space

• discuss working practices • give a formal presentation • speculate about future changes • show understanding

4 Risk

Talking about different kinds of risk predict,minimize, run the risk of, risk averse, etc.

Telephoning Taking part in a teleconference

Referencing using pronouns

Establishing Case Study rapport and Tackling showing risks interest

• talk about different kinds of risk • take part in a teleconference • reference appropriately • establish rapport and show

5 Teamwork

Exploring team relationships cope with, steer clear of, tread carefully, etc.

Negotiating Dealing with conflict

Adding emphasis using fronting. cleft sentences, adverbs & phrases

Responding Case Study to feedback Developing a teamwork ethos

• talk about team relationships • deal with conflict in negotiations • add emphasis appropriately

6 Progress

Discussing factors for success look beyond…. undergo change boost earnings, etc.

Meetings Problem-solving Brainstorming ideas

Using adverbs to qualify attitudes

U s i n g Case Study vague Handling language rapid growth and progres-

• discuss factors for success • solve problems & brainstorm ideas during meetings • use adverbs to qualify attitudes appropriately

7 Learning

Talking about training and learning performance management, skills deficit, generic

Telephoning Communication strategies

Using participle clauses and "the future in the past"

Expressing dissatisfaction

• talk about training and learning • use communication strategies on the telephone • use participate clauses and "the future in the past" appropriately

Case Study Tackling the skills shortage

• talk about career paths and choices • manage the discussion in a meeting and share ideas • express attitudes to the

8 Performance

Discussing employer/employee expectations make a contribution to, seek out opportunities, show a willingness

Presenting Giving an impromptu presentation

Using questions

Dealing with difficult questions

Case Study of leadership Increasing • talk about employer/ staff and employee expectations customer • give an impromptu satisfaction presentation • use questions effectively

9 Resources

Talking about resources knowledge base, s u s t a i n a b i l i t y, return

Meetings Discussing options and reaching decisions

Using Dealing conditional with misunderstandings

Case Study • talk about resources Starting a • discuss options and reach CSR project decisions in meetings • use conditionals effectively • deal with misunderstand-

10 Leadership

Talking about leadership styles collaborative, people -focused, etc.

Meetings Giving a briefing on change

Distancing Expressing &deperson- personal views alizing using the passive

Case Study Dealing with the challenges

• talk about leadership styles • give a briefing on change at a meeting • use the passive to depersonalize and distance yourself from information

11 Values

Talking about Negotiating values Reaching hold ourselves agreement accountable to, pride

Using inversion for emphasis

Raising a difficult point

Case Study Dealing with the challenges of leader-

• talk about leadership styles • give a briefing on change at a meeting • use the passive to depersonalize and distance yourself from information

12 Persuasion

Talking about how Presenting we are persuaded Selling an idea and influenced appeal to, be taken in by, aspirational materialistics,etc.

Using discourse markers

Giving and responding for compliments

Case Study Initiating an expansion programme

• talk about persuasion • give a presentation to sell an idea • use discourse markers appropriately • give and respond to

KHDA (Knowledge & Human Development Authority). The Ministry of Education, Dubai.

Educational quality

assurance and regulatory authority of the Government of Dubai, ACTVET The Abu Dhabi Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training committed to establishing policies and standards that effectively regulate technical and vocational educational institutions in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Project Management Institute (PMI) USA; Offers many certifications that recognize knowledge and competency, including the Project Management

IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) is the

Professional (PMP)® certification – renowned as the

worldwide association of accountants and financial

global gold standard.

professionals in business. Founded in 1919, IMA is one

IATA/UFTA Montreal, Canada



portfolio includes topics for airlines, airports, cargo operators, governments, ground service providers, travel agents, young professionals and more. CIPS-UK Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply.. Leading global excellence and offering chartered status in procurement and supply chain. ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)

of the largest and most respected associations focused exclusively on advancing the management accounting profession ICAEW The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales World’s leading professional membership organisation that promotes, develops and supports over 150,000 chartered accountants worldwide

Global body for professional accountants. AIBM American Institute of Business & Management

Approved Testing center CIMA ; Chartered Institute of Management Accountants – World's largest professional body of management accountants offering most relevant finance qualification for business.

(AIBM) USA American Institute of Business and Management (AIBM) would certify professionals in all areas of Business & Management. American Institute of Finance and Banking (AIFB) certication verifies Proficiencies of students in the domains of Accounting, Finance. American Institute of Purchasing and Logistics Management (AIPLM)

accredates Purchasing and

Supply Chain Management qualifications.

BUR DUBAI Bank Street, Near Metro


Buhaira Corniche

ABU DHABI Near Al Wahda Mall


ME12, Near Model School

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