1 minute read

Maintenance of Warehouse

Tracking of Perishable and Expiry stocks Stock Coding SKU defining Periodic review of Inventory levels

8. Warehouse Risk management :


Defining the Risk Areas Liability of warehouse operations Various types of Insurance Coverage required for warehouse operation Process undertaking to avoid risk Evaluating Risk Management

9. Warehouse Performance :

Defining the ( KPI‟s and SLA‟s ) Benchmarking warehouse performance Maintaining inventory accuracy Evaluating the TOT for all warehouse operations Introduction of Efficiency and effectiveness in warehouse operations Manpower efficiency Justification of cost in relation to various functional operation in a warehouse

10. Outsourcing in Warehouse

Defining the need to outsource warehouse operations Defining the scale of outsource required Establishing ( KPI‟s and SLA‟s ) Benchmarking warehouse performance Selection of appropriate partner Monitoring the Performance Evaluation of the cost and benefit of the Outsource Overall Customer Satisfaction and Strategic Goal achievement.

11. Ware Warehouse Management Systems- ICT contributing to warehouse Management

RFID technology in warehouse operation Resource Management and Role of ERP in warehouse operations Defining the ICT requirements in Warehouse Benefits of WMS operations Designing the WMS for business efficiency

12. Vendor Managed Inventory :

Better service and cost advantages VMI enables the improvement of supply availability Decreasing replenishment lead time

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