Sirdi™ branding guidelines

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brandING guidelines This document is a guide to the brand communication style for SIRDI and help to you represent SIRDI brand consistently. It briefly explains what our brand stands for, how it’s expressed, and how the creative elements fit together in all our visual communications. The guide should be strictly followed when commissioning, designing or delivering any kind of communications of SIRDI brand.

we are building strong brand A strong brand is one of the most valuable assets an organisation owns. To make it truly powerful it needs to be applied consistently so anyone dealing with the SIRDI knows who we are and what we stand for. Everyone has a part to play in doing this and bringing our brand to life.

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terms and conditions The SIRDI brand is a valuable asset of SIRDI company. Your use of the trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos or images of SIRDI company contained in the SIRDI Branding Guidelines is limited to the use licensed in the agreement you signed with SIRDI comapany. If a trademark license is not included in your agreement with SIRDI company, you are prohibited from using the SIRDI brand elements without the express written permission of an authorized representative of SIRDI company. As a partner, you are required to comply with these SIRDI Branding Guidelines. It is essential that you ensure that all personnel responsible for producing ads, direct mail pieces and other promotional materials review them, understand them and implement them properly and consistently. These SIRDI Branding Guidelines define consistent guidelines and standards for using the logos ascribed to the SIRDI


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products and services and apply to all advertising and promotional materials, regardless of their source of funding.

approval process SIRDI company needs to review and approve the content of any advertisement, collateral or promotional materials containing the SIRDI wordmark, symbol, logo or imagery prior to it being released. Please allow a minimum of five (5) business days for the review process to occur. Please submit all materials and direct any questions about use of SIRDI branding elements to SIRDI company.

table of contens Branding guidelines

introduction We are building strong brand Terms and conditions Approval process Table of contens

brand Building and enduring brand Consistency is everything The SIRDI brand personality

design manual The logo Construction guidelines Clear space Minimum size Full color variations One color variations Color palette Color gradients Logo placement Typography Aligment rules Work with symbol Logo misuse Flexible graphic style SIRDI document folder SIRDI letterhead SIRDI business card SIRDI envelope SIRDI compliment card

building an enduring brand A brand is representation, often communicated in a single word or symbol of everything a company is, does and stands for. That can be seen most clearly in promotional messages and in the quality of the customer’s experience in buying, using and servicing a branded product or service. But the brand’s representation communicates other, less obvious aspects that are just as important. A promise, that is important and memorable to customers. A distinctive, recognizable personality that is inseparable from the brand






consistency is everything Achieving the goal of an enduring brand requires a conscious, coordinated, consistent approach to communications and behavior. That approach is based on the understanding that every choice and every decision — not advertising or collateral alone — communicates something to someone about the SIRDI brand. When the brand’s messages are developed ad hoc, focused solely on the needs of the moment, they have no lasting impact and represent a short - sighted use of scarce marketing dollars. But when messages are delivered within a consistent framework and reinforce the brand’s promise and personality, their impact can be leveraged to boost awareness and heighten brand recognition and preference. Promotional dollars work twice as hard, serving short-term sales goals as well as longer-term objectives for the brand.

the SIRDI brand personality Brands, like people, have personalities. The most successful brands understand that a distinctive personality can not only make a brand promise more believable. It also can make a brand and its promise more memorable, enhancing its stature and building customer loyalty, adding weight to the brand’s competitive position. The words that define the SIRDI brand personality are not words we should use to describe our company, our services or our brand. Rather, we should use them as a filter or a standard against which to measure our communications and our behavior. To enhance recognition and memorability for the SIRDI brand, these attributes of our brand personality must become a part not only of every communication we produce, but of everything we are and do.



Support Accelerate Enable WE GROW BUSINESS

the logo The SIRDI logo consists of two elements — the SIRDI “knot” symbol and the SIRDI wordmark. In the preferred version, the logo appears in white color with gray 3D shading on SIRDI blue background. In alternate versions, the logo is reversed out of the badge in SIRDI blue color. The SIRDI logo is a unique piece of artwork. The proportion and arrangement of the symbol and wordmark have been specifically determined. The logo should never be typeset, recreated or altered, which could cause inconsistencies that dilute the impact of the brand’s power.




In some instances when physically branding materials, where you are not able to optimally show the full SIRDI logo due to space or process limitations, an exception may be made to allow use of the SIRDI wordmark and/or SIRDI “knot” symbol on its own. This exception requires approval on a per item basis by SIRDI company. To maintain consistent use and ensure the integrity of the logo, use only approved electronic art files, available from SIRDI website.




graphic symbol Pillar shape derived from a logo represents basic graphic element which also represents symbol of growth and potency. Pillar symbol is used across all media as part of corporate identity visual elements and is defined by 45째 slope and rounded edges.

logo construction guidelines

A 9 x flat shadow (A/4)

9 x gradient (6 x 2A, 3 x 1A)







clear space To preserve the SIRDI logo’s integrity, always maintain a minimum clear space around the logo. This clear space isolates the logo from competing graphic elements such as other logos, copy, photography or background patterns that may divert attention. The minimum clear space for the SIRDI logo is defined as the height of the SIRDI wordmark. This minimum space should be maintained as the logo is proportionally enlarged or reduced in size.

clear space

minimum size The SIRDI logo retains its visual strength in a wide range of sizes. However, when the logo is reproduced in print too small, it is no longer legible and its impact is diminished. The minimum size of the logo for print is determined by the width of the SIRDI symbol, which should not be reproduced in a size smaller than 10 mm width.

10 mm

full color variations The SIRDI logo should be reproduced in color whenever possible. For specific color values to use when reproducing the logo (spot or PANTONEŽ, 4-color process, RGB), refer to the Color Palette section. SIRDI blue or gray is the most effective background on which to reproduce the color logo because it provides a clean, crisp contrast for the logo’s color and elements. If full color reproduction is not available or is not a viable option, the logo should be reproduced in one color flat version in solid black, SIRDI blue, SIRDI dark gray or as a full-reverse in white out of a color background.

Full color logo on SIRDI blue bacground

Always prefer this option

Always prefer SIRDI black or gray for dark background

Full color logo on SIRDI black or dark bacground

Inverted logo on white or light background

When the SIRDI logo is placed on a photographic image, the image behind the logo must be light enough to provide contrast for the positive logo or dark enough to provide contrast for the reverse logo.




one color variations

One color logo on white bacground

Always prefer this option

Always prefer SIRDI black or gray for dark background

One color logo on SIRDI black or dark bacground

One color logo on light or white background

color palette Primary SIRDI color palette consists of SIRDI blue, SIRDI gray and White. Silver is also included but should be used exclusively for premium looking collateral. These richer, deeper colors can be applied across SIRDI communications to headlines, titles, primary messaging and backgrounds. These colors are equivalent to the PANTONE color values cited in the table, the standards for which may be found in the current edition of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide. For 4-color process printing, refer to the CMYK values shown here. For on-screen and web applications (PowerPoint速, video, web sites), refer to the RGB/HEX values specified.


300 C 100 60 0 0 0 102 204 0066cc


100 100 100 100 000 000000


Supplementary color

877 C


Supplementary color

430 C 0 0 0 50 150 150 150 969696

Silver metallic PANTONE

Primary company color

Supplementary color

427 C 0 0 0 10 230 230 230 e6e6e6

Supplementary color

gradients SIRDI gray 10% PANTONE CMYK RGB HEX


427 C 0 0 0 10 230 230 230 e6e6e6


429 C 0 0 0 20 204 204 204 CCCCCC

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Variations in color may occur, but try to match the SIRDI color palette as closely as possible. For 4-color printing, use the CMYK values as a beginning reference. Print vendors may have their own values and formulas for matching PANTONE colors in 4-color process, but the goal should always be to match the PANTONE standard of the SIRDI color palette. Color variations may also occur on-screen as a result of different screen calibrations and/or software application being used. The colors shown throughout this manual have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. PANTONE is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

logo placement Whenever possible, the SIRDI logo should appear in the top left corner, in full color, on a SIRDI blue pillar symbol background. Consistent placement in this location on communications materials helps build awareness of the SIRDI brand. Clear space from the top edge is equal to four times the height of the SIRDI wordmark as illustrated in the diagram.

Preferred placement

Secondary placement

Spacing for preferred placement

Spacing for secondary placement

typography To help provide a consistent, unified look in the SIRDI brand’s use of typography, the AVIANO SANS and / or HELVETICA NEUE typeface should be used on all communications for SIRDI services. The thick and thin quality of AVIANO SANS serif characters is



simple yet distinctive and supports the straightforward, no-nonsense attitude of the SIRDI brand. The recommended weights of AVIANO SANS are Bold, Light and Regular. Regular can be used for body copy, while Bold and Light is more suitable for headlines or captions. To use AVIANO SANS, you must obtain a copy of the font from SIRDI company. In the case of Word documents or PowerPoint presentations, the Arial font may be used if the AVIANO SANS or / and HELVETICA NEUE font is unavailable.

Headline In congue nisl vel metus consequat imperdiet. Phasellus vehicula quam vel leo tincidunt placerat. Vestibulum pretium accumsan. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id dui dolor. Donec purus justo, convallis ut tellus vitae, sollicitudin pulvinar leo. In pellentesque eleifend ultrices. Quisque nec dolor elit. Cras ac dolor a risus bibendum pharetra. Etiam non ante tincidunt, sodales augue non, venenatis turpis. Curabitur rhoncus libero ipsum, non eleifend mi vehicula sit amet. Aenean ultrices porttitor metus ac euismod. Nulla mi nulla, posuere id feugiat a, aliquet quis justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id dui dolor. Donec purus justo, convallis ut tellus vitae, sollicitudin pulvinar leo. In pellentesque eleifend ultrices.

Subtitle In congue nisl vel metus consequat imperdiet. Phasellus vehicula quam vel leo tincidunt placerat. Vestibulum pretium accumsan lacus sit amet condimentum. Vestibulum urna est, viverra id hendrerit ac, vestibulum quis ipsum. Ut rutrum sollicitudin velit sed adipiscing. Cras posuere ipsum quis ullamcorper tempor. Curabitur condimentum, erat sit amet posuere auctor, arcu lectus condimentum metus, in varius lorem magna at augue. Suspendisse et dolor ac turpis tincidunt fringilla sit amet ac nulla. In pellentesque eleifend ultrices. Quisque nec dolor elit. Cras ac dolor a risus bibendum pharetra. Etiam non ante tincidunt, sodales augue non, venenatis turpis. Curabitur rhoncus libero ipsum, non eleifend mi vehicula sit amet. Aenean ultrices porttitor metus ac euismod. Nulla mi nulla, posuere id feugiat a, aliquet quis justo.


AVIANO Sans Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 AVIANO Sans Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 AVIANO Sans Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

alignment rules Use following examples as resource of principal rules when aligning graphic, photographic or text content into layout with the SIRDI logo.

Basic layout

Secondary layout



Text Table Image


Use for

Use for

Business letter Business proposal Press note

Company statement Business offer Internal message Invoice

Company slogan center / right side alignment detail


alignment rules composition layout with image example



composition layout with image example



work with symbolS It is allowed to use the SIRDI knot and / or pillar symbol and / or its sections separately from SIRDI logo in creative graphic applications of the company visual style. When using the SIRDI symbols always include other identification of the SIRDI company (the SIRDI logo or / and company name) in visual context of marketing material. Following examples ilustrates use of the SIRDI pillar symbol.

logo misuse Incorrect use of the SIRDI logo compromises its integrity and effectiveness. The examples of logo misuse below are not comprehensive. They are only a small sample of possible misuses of the SIRDI logo. To ensure accurate, consistent reproduction of the SIRDI logo, never alter, add to, or attempt to recreate it. Always use the approved digital artwork, available from SIRDI website.

Don’t typeset the wordmark.


Don’t combine the logo with other text.

Business solution

Never change the badge color.

Don’t change the color of the logo.

Don’t use effects on a logo.

Don’t change the proportions of logo elements.

Never change the shape of the badge.

Don’t rearrange elements of the logo.

Don’t stretch the logo disproportionately.

Flexible graphic style The SIRDI brand’s graphic style is a flexible system of elements that visually represent immediate access to the flow of information. This is illustrated through color, typography and graphic elements. Graphic elements are extracted from the SIRDI knot symbol. These visual elements should be cropped creatively to generate visual interest in an application and to accommodate other elements of the SIRDI brand’s visual style such as headlines,



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photography and the logo as shown in the following pages.

SIRDI letter head SIRDI business card SIRDI compliment card SIRDI envelope

document folder | LETTERHEAD | BUSINESS CARD


Dear Name Surname, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum sem et est feugiat adipiscing sed quis diam. Nam volutpat et ipsum eu luctus. Fusce purus risus, mattis ac enim sed, ornare sodales elit. Integer eu suscipit justo, et hendrerit eros. Mauris eu bibendum risus. Cras dapibus faucibus fermentum. Quisque sollicitudin turpis eget mattis cursus. Vivamus ultrices consectetur justo molestie volutpat. Fusce feugiat sed augue ac facilisis. Suspendisse feugiat tempor ultrices. Mauris eros sem, viverra vulputate tempor a, faucibus quis tellus. Donec ullamcorper, nulla id hendrerit dapibus, massa est scelerisque nunc, dapibus imperdiet nibh mauris ac urna. Proin euismod erat risus, sit amet blandit eros scelerisque id. Etiam egestas, sapien at blandit pharetra, nibh ipsum rutrum ipsum, ut fermentum quam turpis vitae leo.


Aliquam enim tortor, interdum et aliquam sit amet, ultricies ut risus. Proin sed commodo dolor. Vivamus rhoncus odio in quam accumsan, at pellentesque libero lacinia. Suspendisse vel metus metus. Donec risus mauris, consequat sed sapien eu, vulputate porttitor eros. Donec congue, lacus in sollicitudin lobortis, nisl sapien accumsan est, sit amet posuere mi orci in lectus. Sed id diam justo. Vestibulum pretium metus consequat ornare vehicula. Donec et tempus nunc. Duis libero tortor, luctus et leo et, porttitor auctor quam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce ac ante malesuada, consectetur urna id, pretium sapien. Nulla molestie magna elit, sed rhoncus lacus porttitor quis. Best regards

Name Surname company department

Idris Alubankudi Saliu

SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241


+ 234 803 376 8151


SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241 with best compliments




SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241

+ 234 803 376 8151



SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241

+ 234 803 376 8151


Idris Alubankudi Saliu SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241

+ 234 803 376 8151

SIRDI LTD No2 Imam Abib Adetoro Off Ajose Adeogun Victoria Island Lagos 101241


with best compliments

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