IEA National Program AD for WT Equestrian (2014)

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WestTexasA&M Uni ver si t y Equest r i an Homeoff ourChampi on& oneReser ve Champi onTeams,i ncl udi ngt he201 3I HSA Nat i onalChampi onWest er nTeam 21i ndi vi dualNat i onalChampi ons& 1 4 i ndi vi dualReser veChampi ons WTAMU Hor seCent er Fr ont ageRoad,Canyon,Texas www. GoBuf f sGo. com

J ul i aRober t s 201 4 AQHA CupWi nner ,f our t i me car eerNat i onalChampi on& t wot i meReser veChampi on

HeadCoach:AmandaLove al ove@wt amu. edu ( 806)651 8462

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