Worker-oriented work procedures by The process of job analysis, defined as the process of defining and identifying the overall content of a unique job, relies on a job analyst’s ability to understand, define and clearly explain work procedures within any given position at a business or company. Each job within a company is made up of various work procedures or tasks, which include but are not limited to the following: tasks, assignments, general requirements, and numerous other procedures which may be required during any given workday. The work of a job analyst relies on defining these work related procedures in order to better define, and more clearly explain, all of what makes up a particular position or job within a company or a business. There are two different types of procedures which are commonly defined during a job analysis. These types of procedures are task oriented work procedures and worker oriented work procedures. Task oriented work procedures are procedures which are required of an employee during a workday, such as assignments, job requirements or duties, and job responsibilities. Worker oriented work procedures are procedures which look at what human characteristics, traits or attributes are required in order for an employee to perform their job well and successfully. A job analyst will typically categorize these human characteristics into one of four categories. These categories are: knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics--these categories are sometimes referred to as KSAO procedures. All jobs require some form of knowledge in order for that job to be performed properly. The knowledge required for a job typically refers to the type of information required in order for that job to be done. This can include the knowledge of the company's product, especially if the company is heavily invested in employee to customer personal sales, or more concrete measurements of knowledge, such as a bachelor's degree or a college certificate in a specific area or program. A job analyst will usually determine what knowledge is required for a position by consulting the employer and the designer of the job. All jobs also require certain skills in order for that job to be performed correctly. The skills required for a job generally refers to the type of proficiencies which are needed in order for an employee to do each task, duty or other requirement which makes up a part of their working position. What type of skills is defined by a job analyst will vary from position to position. Some positions require skills which are generally considered vague or hard to measure, such as customer service skills or skills in selling items directly to customers. Other skills are easier to measure and define, such as the ability to sketch housing layouts or the ability to use a word processing program. Abilities refer to what abilities are required for the job to be performed correctly. Unlike skills, abilities are attributes which are generally cons instant over time and cannot usually be learned. Examples of abilities include the ability to stand for long periods of time, the ability to come into work at a moment’s notice, and so on. Other characteristics refer to any other human attributes which may be required for a certain position but which do not fall under knowledge, skills or abilities. Examples include personal traits, such as the