Biggs group style guide

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Biggs Group Architecture Design Manual S&A committee on Identity June 1, 2014

Intent :

To create and maintain a strong visual identity that is critical to Biggs Group Architecture’s success in the competing market. This document provides guidelines for official company editorial, design and web guidelines that support a consistent and cohesive visual identity. Terms of use: BIGGS GROUP ARCHITECTURE, VISUAL IDENTITY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY In order to maintain the guidelines set ou tin this manual, the use of logos, graphics and typography outlined here for anyone who is an employee, consultant or contractor within BIGGS GROUP ARCHITECTURE must consent to these visual identity rules set out by the firm on July 2nd, 2014 “Biggs Group Architecture” and all previous logos, current logos, names, seals, photographs, typography, symbols and other images referring to Biggs Group Architecture (e.g., trademarks, designs, plans, patents and documents) are property of Biggs Group Architecture hereinafter referred to as Biggs Group

i n t r o d u c t i on

The consistent use and thoughtful application of these guidelines on every form of communication reinforces the visual impact of Biggs Group and increases the company’s visibility, image and customer loyalty and base.

T he Ident ifyi n g C o mpo n e n t s Our communication materials should be recgonizable as being from Biggs Group almost immediately. From imagery and colors to typography and the company name and logo, we rely on the consistent use of a few simple components to identify our company materials.

The Company Logo

Our company relies on two logos at the moment. The older logo which has been in consistent use since 2004 and is slowly being phased out by a newer logo created in 2014 to create a newer modern identity for our customer base. Both these designs communicate the firm’s commitment to design, visual presentation and customer value


A new component is the use of the typeface Futura (Paul Renner, 1927). Computers not equipped with this typeface are allowed exemption. Good visually appealing fonts may be downloaded at any prescribed cost (0-100 dollars) at Recommended are: Klinic Slab, Misson Gothic, and Maven Pro 100-300. The use of these fonts is broad as long as the typeface itself is not sold from the website. Most computers will come equipped with a number of attractive fonts that work just as well. For letters & documentation, Franklin Gothic Book is recommended while in blueprints, Arial is considered standard. If equipped, Helvetica is also a good substitute for Arial.

The Company Name

The name Biggs Group Architecture is the main identifying component of our visual identity and in some documents, blueprints and any other printable material for use. At the moment, there are no strict guidelines as to how the name is to be manipulated but generally should be referred to in documents as: Biggs Group Architecture or simply Biggs Group

T h e Comp any Lo go

• The Company logo should be used once on all communications • On Printed Pieces, the logo should be present in front. • On web pages, the logo should be at the bottom of the page • On presentations, the logo should appear on the title slide • The Biggs Group Architecture Logo should appear on its own and not part of any other logos • Do not altar the company logo • Do not crp, rotate, screen or obscure the Biggs Group Logo • In print, use PANTONE 877C for grey parts of the logo. Otherwise, filled areas may be filled in black. x

• When used in single color printing, use the “all black” logo • In electronic communication, the Banner Logo may be used

Space around should equal 1/8 x Minimum size - 1” or 100px

Biggs Group Architecture

T he Big g s Gro up N ame

While Biggs Group Architecture is the company’s official name, our clientele and partner services associate different names with the company - “Biggs Group Architecture,” “Biggs Group,” “Thomas Biggs, Architecture,” etc. Of these, “Biggs” and “Biggs Group” are the only consistent parts of the name. As a design element, Biggs Group Architecture may be unwieldy to use consistently across the breadth of media available today. For these reasons, we may use the associated name “Biggs Group.”


The updated Biggs Group Architecture logo can be used on all materials as well as the old Biggs Group Architecture. Without the strong component of visual component of the graphic logo, the name may simply be used with as long as the text is tracked at 25em @ 12pt and 100em @ 36pt. • The Biggs Group name has been in continuous use since 2004 and the visual marketing has changed drastically. • The Biggs Group name alone is primarily used for digitial (web, email, presentation) communications but also may be used in print. • There should be clear contrast with the Biggs Group name with any other companies involved in a project.


Space Around: Maintain a clear space around the block of type equal to the width of the capital “B” in 48pt



B i g g s G r o u p A r c h i t e c t u r eB

Typ o g raphy

Futura (1927) In typography, Futura is a geometric sans-serif typeface designed in 1927 by Paul Renner. It was designed as a contribution on the New Frankfurt-project. It is based on geometric shapes that became representative of visual elements of the Bauhaus design style of 1919–33. Commissioned by the Bauer Type Foundry, in reaction to Ludwig & Mayer’s seminal Erbar of 1922, Futura was commercially released in 1936. This is a highly legible font ideal for modern media and reads clearly as long as it is appropriately used in terms of scaling and size. When possible, text should be set without the use of hyphenation.

Futura Regular Futura Condensed Light Futura Condensed Light Oblique Futura Condensed Futura Condensed Oblique Futura Book Oblique Futura Bold Futura Bold Oblique Futura Heavy Futura Heavy Oblique

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*(),./<>?;:’”

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

Book oblique Condensed oblique is not as severe... Nor is Condensed light... Bold is heavy But why isn’t Heavy as heavy?



This material is authorized for use by Biggs Group Architecture, any associate companies, partner companies and is not intended for general distribution.

Biggs Group Architecture

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