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New Vanquish Can The

Save Aston Martin?

10 cities 10 bars 10 signaturE


CHOOSING the next


home theaters

NFL coming to LONdon


saved my life

but stravta made it better


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ISSUE 02 | SEPT 2013






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COVER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed feugiat lorem, eget porttitor leo. Vestibulum quis lorem quis dolor.


Can the new Vanquish save Aston Martin?


Choosing the suit that fits


10 Cities, 10 Bars, 10 Signature Cocktails


Cycling Saved My Life, But Stava Made It Better




Is It Time To Take The Plunge?


NFL Coming to London


Home Theaters: Innovation Lights Years Ahead of Today’s Technology


Man Caves & Cribs




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made it better

article by paul taroli

There were about eight of us. Turnout was a bit lower than usual for our Saturday get together. It was perhaps the winter weather with temperatures somewhere in the low 40’s at 7am that may have kept the other riders in bed. We typically collected at the Baptist church parking lot, gathered, decided a route, ...


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distance and riding protocol and rolled out. The first few miles were easy with a lot of chatter between riders in a two by two formation. We typically started out that way in the busy sections, but things intensified quickly as we hit the outskirts of our sleepy little town and moved into rural Limestone County, Alabama. As heart rates increased I felt it again. Right there in the center of my chest. That dense pressure…not sharp, just like someone pushing a fist in the center of my chest. I had felt it before, typically anytime my heart rate moved above 130 beats per minute. As the senior member of this ride team at age 59, and just about the biggest at 230 pounds, the pressure to keep up with the younger much lighter kids was also intense. Most of these guys were 20 years younger and 50 pounds smaller. Maybe it’s just all this cold air I’m sucking in, I thought. After all, it’s cold enough that I can see everyone’s breath on every puff. Yeah that’s it, it’s just a chest cold, and it will soon pass. So I pressed on. By the time we hit Morris Hill, the first decent climb, it was constant, but not intense enough to stop or rest. At each intersection we slowed to ensure there were no major farm implements moving in our direction and to allow the group to gather. This allowed my heart rate to drop, I began to notice that

stravta is the social networking universe for cyclists and runners.

each time I dropped under 130 beats per minute the pain subsided, but each time I got back on it, the pressure was back. Over time it became apparent, it was almost a mechanical like defect and totally predictable. I tolerated this condition for six months believing, maybe hoping, it would pass on it’s own. Finally in August 2012, I decided enough. I scheduled a meeting with the cardiologist. After the first office visit I returned for the infamous stress test. I did the 15 minutes on the treadmill with no

APPlication caption. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed feugiat lorem, eget porttitor leo. problem and got my heart rate up to 155 beats per minute in fact with no pain and I thought, isn’t that always the way it is, the problem never happens when you’re in the presence of someone who can actually help solve it. The stress test works in two parts. First your heart is stressed, dye is injected and you are x-rayed in that state. The X-Ray device travels around your body in an arc giving the doctors a top down and front to back view of your heart. The results are about 2 dozen images where the docs look for what they call donuts or horseshoes, the glowing shapes formed by a healthy heart getting a good blood supply. I of course flunked the stress test with flying colors and was told to come back the next day for phase II. Following that event I had only one option, a cauterization, or what the doctors call the “Table of Truth”. It’s only one way they can actually see what’s going on in the arteries feeding your heart muscle. My cath was set up for September 13th. So on September 12th

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I decided to ride with the boys. We went out on your typical Tuesday route. A 31-mile ride we call the KD Krusher (KD because it starts in downtown Athens, AL at the famous Kreme Delight, a retro soft serve ice cream stand from the 1950’s. I’m still not sure what I was thinking that night. Maybe I thought I could blow my heart out and clear the blocks or that somehow if I went hard it would all get better. But the ride that night would come to haunt me for the next year. This is where Strava enters into the story. If you run or bike you have to know about Stava. Some love it, some hate it, but whatever you think about it you have to admit… STRAVA CHANGED EVERYTHING! You see Strava is the social networking universe for cyclists and runners. It allows you to follow your favorite athletes and track their every move whether training or competing. Strava, like the Cath Table, is the Table of Truth for competition. If it isn’t in Strava it didn’t happen. The coolest feature in Strava is something called segments. First, Strava uses your GPS data to map any route you run or ride. Once you have uploaded your data, you or any athletes can then define segments. Segments are designated start and end points mapped into the database. Once mapped and named (naming segments is a competition onto itself) then any rider or runner rolling or running over that segment records a time and a subsequent ranking. Strava then declares King of the Mountain (KOM) or Queen of the Mountain (QOM) for


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As I stated earlier STRAVA

HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING. Trash talking, calling out and competitive fun are all on the

rise as result.

Paul Taroli works in the IT industry for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). He lives and works in Athens, AL a new hot bed of cycling in the south with over 180 miles of routes and trails in Limestone County



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each segment. And any rider can see their position against the world’s completion. As I stated earlier STRAVA HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING. Trash talking, calling out and competitive fun are all on the rise as result. So on Wednesday September 13th, I was not on my bike, I was on the Cath Table. Honestly, a heart cath is less intrusive than a root canal and takes way less time. Although I am sure it’s more risky. The Cardiologist went in thru my wrist and was squirting dye into my heart arteries in less than 5 minutes. I’m not sure what state you’re in during this procedure but you are not out cold. You can

After about 10 minutes,

the screen between me and the doctor lifts and my Cardiologist said the words I will never forget. Paul, I can’t fix your heart!

see and hear things but you can’t move. It’s actually a pretty cool feeling. After about 10 minutes, the screen between me and the doctor lifts and my Cardiologist said the words I will never forget. “Paul, I can’t fix your heart!” At that point your brain just freezes…you can’t even comprehend what you have just heard. Then he went on. “You have a block in the widow maker and I can’t put a stent in there. You need a permanent solution to repair your heart and that’s open-heart surgery.”

My reaction … OH F#@K! I believe those were the words that came out of my mouth! My first thoughts were my legs. They are going to rip open my legs to get veins and I’ll never be the same on the bike. I honestly don’t remember much after that. I was moved from the Cath Table directly to the hospital. The next day I got a battery of tests and on Friday at 6:00 a.m. I was rolled into open heart surgery. The next thing I remember is my wife putting on the Penn State/Navy game on Saturday afternoon. I can actually remember a few plays and I know Penn State won the game. I would spend the next three months recovering from the surgery. I can tell you open-heart surgery is not for kids. It should be avoided at all costs. Most of my recovery was spent walking. I think I walked nearly 500 miles in those three months following surgery. It’s on Strava if you don’t believe me. Follow me and look it up. By December 15th, I was back on the bike. What I soon realized was that it wasn’t looking like I was going to get back to my old form anytime soon. What stood in my way amazingly was that ride I took September 12, 2012, the day before my cauterization. In some ironic twist, that was one of the fastest times I have set and it has taken me months to beat my best segments on that day. But that is what Strava and cycling is all about. Cycling is continuous improvement and competition against yourself and against your mates. That Tuesday ride had suddenly become my goal and benchmark that would signal my return to 100%! So cycling as it turns out saved my life. That 70% blockage in my widow maker could have easily dropped me dead in an airport running for a plane within the next year. But instead, I never had that heart attack. The bike and my body told me what was wrong and allowed me to get it fixed in plenty of time. And this world class surgery has moved me from the front of the line to the back of the line for risk of death, as one cardiologist recently told me. And cycling continues to pay dividends for me. The old group is back together, in fact, more competitive than ever. The younger, little guys still rule the peloton but that doesn’t stop us old, Klysdales from trying. I have dropped

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stravta alows you to follow your favorite athletes and track their every move whether training or competing 32 pounds since my heart surgery; I have 15 more to go to get to my high school weight of 185 lbs. Only cycling and diet can get me there. Oh yeah and Strava! Paul Taroli works in the IT industry for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). He lives and works in Athens, AL a new hot bed of cycling in the south with over 180 miles of routes and trails in Limestone County‌

Follow Paul on Strava at


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Is it time to

Take the

PLUNGE As you jump off the dive platform as instructed, firmly holding your mask in place, you hit the water and the bcd does its job. you are floating. looking in to the mask of your dive instructor, he signals to submerge to the bottom, and as you purge the air from the vest and slowly sink this exciting new world unfolds. the floor of the ocean below you dazzling with colors, coral and life everywhere. this has been your dream for many years, and you realize it’s now your reality. you are scuba diving in heaven off the coast of kona, hawaii. written by GARY PETERSON photos courtesy of BO PARDAU, SECOND WAVE OCEAN IMAGES

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There are many dreams and adventures on your “bucket list”, and after years working the ladder of success, you find yourself starting to live those dreams. Scuba Diving opens a whole new and exciting world of opportunity with endless destinations, for couples as well as the single diver. It provides “flashpacking” adventures around the world, and is one of the choice methods for relaxation needed and desired by many successful professionals today. You may have had an interest for this sport for years, and either not had the opportunity to try, or someone to do it with. News flash! You aren’t alone. What you need to know is the process to get your first PADI Open Water Dive card is fairly simple, with


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Cave caption. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin sed feugiat lorem, eget porttitor leo.

excellent licensed instructors to assist you. The first step you can do in your spare time, which in most professional’s life today, is between 10:00 PM and 03:00 AM. Well, you know what we mean. Seriously, the course is offered on-line with easy instruction and tests that are designed even for youngsters to take and pass. For some new divers looking to take the PADI dive course, it’s offered right down the street if they live in Florida or Southern California. However, most of us live in areas where scuba is an exception not a rule, and weather is often a negative factor. Keeping that in mind, all over the country and the world, there are dive shops that offer the initial part of the course, which after taking the online course, consists of “pool diving”. It usually is completed in two or three evenings, and once completed, leaves the “open water” portion of the program to complete. This is just what it is named, diving with an instructor in the ocean or a lake, usually over three days.

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Again, if you live in a tropical environment, no worries, however, if not you can still choose to complete your open water certification in freezing water somewhere. The question we put to you, why would you? This portion of your certification should be the area where you fall in love with the sport of Scuba, thrusting you after completion on to you next dive with excitement and confidence. So why would you choose to wear extra heavy wetsuits, gloves, hood and possibly even a “dry suit”, when you could be in just a bathing suit in the tropics.


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decided to grab your mask, fins and snorkel, your backpack with t’s, swimsuit and sandals and hop a flight over to the island of Hawaii or the “Big Island”. This is where you have decided to do your first real dive and finish certification in “Open Water”. You’ve already contacted the dive shop, Kona Honu Divers on the Big Island and made arrangements for your classes. And away you go. An excellent destination for you is the Hilton Waikoloa Village on the Kona Coast, a half an hour from the airport. Not only is this one of the most beautiful full feature resorts on the island, but it’s


Lets take a peak at just one of the possibilities for an adventure of a lifetime, in the most beautiful environment, with laid back dive instructors who will create an adventure diver out of you. Aloha. You have completed and passed your online course, along with your pool dives and have been signed off by the instructor. You’ve

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also walking distance to where your dive boat is moored, awaiting you. Here you can spend few days to complete your dives, or a week or more, and never leave the resort. The dive shop has already given you directions to the beach where the boat is located in the bay, and the time to meet. The anticipation and excitement builds as you meet your dive instructor and captain of the boat, along with the other divers on the boat. Every new diver asks themselves the same questions, will I remember everything I learned online and in the pool? Will I remember how to get into my vest and tank? Relax, don’t worry, they review and assist with everything. Your dive instructor will review your paperwork and certificate from your pool instructor, and ask review questions. The entire procedure of getting outfitted, and what you do at the first dive site (there will be two a day) on the way to the site. Once at the first dive site, your instructor will help you get your gear on, and together you will jump into the water. Of course, in the back of your mind you’re asking yourself “what’s down there, and why am I doing this?”

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From the moment you enter the water and your instructor starts your first class, you will understand that you are in better hands than “Allstate”. He will revisit “clearing” your mask, dumping your air, and floating to the bottom where you will meet up. As you descend suddenly you realize just how easy it is to breathe under water, and how happy you are that you aren’t cold! As you look around you, the ocean bottom comes alive with sea creatures, corals and flora, as you follow your guide/instructor on the first day of the rest of your life. You are now one of a closeknit group of adventurers, on a quest to the next dive, be it with large animals, wrecks or sharks. Of course this trip can be modified to fit you, your budget or where you want to complete your first dives. Visiting the PADI website or one of the other instruction organizations, where you find information on dive shops, courses and destinations. The idea is to make your first experience fun, and enjoy the course. Whenever you need to just “jump off ”, it will always be only a few hours to your next dive location and adventure.

For More Information visit us at: www . T R O Y - M A G A Z I N E . c o m

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EVERY GUY LIKES to place his signature on his living space whether it’s a home, condo or his very own man cave. tv’s, home theaters and game rooms reflect a perception of who a man is. Whether he spends a couple thousand dollars or several thousands of dollars, every man can create a space where he can kick his feet up and relax.

Now, guys can have their man caves on vacation, too! The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas has specialized suites available for the most discriminating clients. This suite, The Crib Suite, is sure to please just about any guy. The Crib Suite has a perfect layout whether you want to just relax or entertain several friends. Featured in this suite is a black felt stainless steel pool table, full bar, video gaming lounge, comfy seating and your very own turn tables to get the party started. Whether you’re experienced or not you can step into your own DJ booth and take things for a spin.

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Other amenities include a Show Shower with a center dancing poll and nightclub inspired lighting. According to The Palms, “things tend to get a little dirty, even while getting clean”. You will also find a large Jacuzzi® tub, saltwater fish tank filled with exotic fish, LCD and Plasma TV’s and 24-hour butler service. This 2,000 square foot “room” is located in the Palms Fantasy Tower and has a living room, master bedroom, guest room and 2.5 baths. The master bedroom has a king size bed with hydraulics and the guest room has two queen size beds. The Crib accommodates 6 for sleeping or up to 75 if planning to host that special event.

Rates are approximately $4,000 a night on weekends. Who wants to make a reservation?


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C h o o si n g



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ou can easily visit an esteemed tailor and have a custom suite made from simply choosing your fabric and cut. This will make for a suit that is a prefect fit for your body and style, but it can however be quite expensive and time consuming. A more common alternative is to find an off-the-rack suite that fits your body type and personality, and then take it to your local tailor to have it customized for your specific measurements. When visiting your local menswear store or department store you may feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. There are some steps you


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should take before you even leave the house to ensure that you are ready to tackle the task of finding the suit that fits you. First, be sure to shop in a tailored dress shirt, not a t-shirt. This will give you a better idea of how the suit will look when you wear it out. Also, you should wear dress socks and shoes on your shopping trip to help with finding the right trousers. Now that you are dressed for the occasion, you are ready to learn the ins and outs of what to look for when choosing a suit.



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the JACKET • THE Shoulders –

The shoulders of a suit jacket are probably the most important detail to get correct when buying an off-the-rack suit. Shoulders are difficult and costly to alter, and even if they are it will probably change the shape of the jacket, so this is something you want to make sure fits you well initially. The shoulder pads should end with your natural shoulder. The fit should be snug, and there should be no extra fabric hanging.

• The Buttons and Lapel –

There are several different options when it comes to buttons and lapels on a suit jacket. You can get a three, two, or one button jacket. One button jackets make for an appearance of broader shoulders and a large upper body. A two button jacket is the most common today. Lapels come in many different shapes and sizes. The varying options of lapels can make a statement with added flare, or can simply add more dimension to your chest. No matter what type of lapel you choose it is important that it fit correctly. With your arms to your side, the lapel should fit snuggly against your chest with no gapping. It is possible but not advisable to alter the lapel.

• The Sleeves – The jacket sleeves are probably the most noticeable aspect of the fit of a suit. Your sleeves should hit where the base of the thumb meets the wrist, and should show a quarter to a half-inch of your shirt cuff. If your jacket sleeves are too short or too long it could look like you are wearing someone else’s suit. Jacket sleeves are easily altered if they are a bit too long or too short.

the PANTS • Trouser Waist –

For a flattering look all over, your trousers should be just as well tailored to your body shape as your jacket. The waist should fit snug but comfortable. If you need to wear a belt in order to keep your trousers at your waistline then they are too big. The waist of your trousers can be altered, but it is easier to just buy a size that fits properly in the store.

• Trouser Legs – The fit of your trouser legs will vary depending on the cut and style. Classic trouser pants tend to be a bit wider, while trendier “slim fit” suits have more of a fitted leg. Whatever trouser style you decide to go for, the fabric should fall straight down your leg with no bulging or creasing. The hem of your trouser leg should hit at your shoelaces without extra fabric gathering at the foot. The hemline of your trousers can easily be tailored. Trousers can also be taken in along the seams, but usually only minimally. Presenting yourself in a high quality suit that fits you well, and is tailored to perfection can set you apart. Use these tips to help you choose the suit that is right for you, and can be worn for many years.

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November 18th, 2013 – Issue 02 |

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