研華股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2792-7818 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-777-111 www.advantech.com 公司簡介 自1983年創立以來,研華成為全方位的系統整合及設計服務的領導廠商。研華與系統整合商緊密合作,以提供各類 廣泛應用與橫跨各種產業的完整解決方案。研華的使命就是充分實踐智能地球的推手,成為自動化產業、嵌入電腦 、物聯網最具關鍵影響力的全球企業。
Advantech Co., Ltd Company Telephone: 886-2-2792-7818 Customer Service/Fax Number:886-2-2794-7302 www.advantech.com Company Summary Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leading provider of trusted, innovative products, services, and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, embedded systems, automation products, and global logistics support. We cooperate closely with our partners to provide complete solutions for a wide range of applications in diverse industries. Our mission is to enable an intelligent planet by developing automated and embedded computing products and solutions that facilitate smarter working and living. With Advantech products, the number of potential applications and innovations made possible becomes unlimited.
意法半導體 公司電話:886-2-6603-2588 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:886-2-6603-2599 www.st.com 公司簡介 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics;ST)是全球領先的的半導體公司,為與日常生活息息相關的電子產品提供高能效 與智慧化的半導體技術及解決方案。意法半導體的產品無所不在,致力於與客戶群共同努力實現智慧駕駛、智慧工 廠、智慧城市和智慧家庭,以及下一代行動和物聯網產品。意法半導體代表著科技帶動智慧生活(life.augmented) 的理念。 意法半導體2015年淨收入69.0億美元,在全球各地擁有10萬客戶。詳情請瀏覽意法半導體公司網站www.st.com。
產品介紹 Aerospace & Defense Products、Amplifiers & Comparators、Audio ICs、Automotive Analog & Power ICs、Automotive Infotainment & Telematics、Automotive Logic ICs、Automotive Microcontrollers、Clocks & Timers、Data Converters、 Diodes & Rectifiers、EMI Filtering & Signal Conditioning、Interface & Transceivers、MEMS & Sensors、Power Management、Power Modules、Power Transistors、Protection Devices、Radio Frequency Transistors、Reset & Supervisor ICs、Switches & Multiplexers、Thyristors (SCR) & AC Switches、Wireless Connectivity、Imaging & Photonics Solutions、 Memories、Microcontrollers、SPEAr Embedded Microprocessors、Secure MCUs
STMicroelectronics Company Telephone: 886-2-6603-2588 Customer Service/Fax Number:886-2-6603-2599 www.st.com Company Summary ST is a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions that power the electronics at the heart of everyday life. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented. In 2015, the Company’s net revenues were $6.90 billion, serving more than 100,000 customers worldwide. Further information can be found at www.st.com. Product Summary Aerospace & Defense Products、Amplifiers & Comparators、Audio ICs、Automotive Analog & Power ICs 、Automotive Infotainment & Telematics、Automotive Logic ICs、Automotive Microcontrollers、Clocks & Timers、Data Converters、Diodes & Rectifiers、EMI Filtering & Signal Conditioning、Interface & Transceivers、MEMS & Sensors、Power Management、Power Modules、Power Transistors、Protection Devices、Radio Frequency Transistors、Reset & Supervisor ICs、Switches & Multiplexers、Thyristors (SCR) & AC Switches、Wireless Connectivity、Imaging & Photonics Solutions、 Memories、Microcontrollers、SPEAr Embedded Microprocessors、Secure MCUs 16
J118 大同股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2592-5252 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2591-5068/02-2594-5041 www.tatung.com.tw/ 公司簡介 大同公司主要分為「電力事業群」、「系統事業群」、「消費事業群」三大事業群,旗下包含電力設備、馬達、智 慧解決方案、系統整合、先端電子及家電電子等 6 大事業體。大同公司以先進物聯網及雲端運算科技為平台,專注 發展節能綠能之產品與系統服務,領先參與國家智慧電網建設,包含全台工業 ( 高壓 ) 與民生 ( 低壓 ) 專用之智慧 電表與系統建置、屋頂及地面型太陽光電廠建置、智慧能源與智慧節能管理系統等,未來也將運用物聯網、雲端架 構、大數據計算等技術,開發出各項智慧解決方案,以追求環境永續的目標,是為台灣智慧解決方案與綠色節能、 創能系統服務之領導品牌。
產品介紹 電力設備產品 -- 重電、馬達、電線電纜相關產品 消費產品 -- 家電電子、智能電子及數位週邊相關產品 系統產品 -- 智慧電網、太陽能監控系統、資訊能源相關產品 系統解決方案 -- 電機系統、智慧解決方案、公共工程系統、資通訊應用系統
Tatung Company Company Telephone:+886-2-2592-5252 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2591-5068/+886-2-2594-5041 www.tatung.com.tw/
Company Summary Tatung Company holds 3 business groups, which include 6 business units such as Power Equipment BU, Motor BU, Smart Solution BU, System Integration BU, Advanced Electronics BU, and Home Appliances BU. Being a leader in the field of energy saving and green energy creation, Tatung has pioneered in the development of national smart grid in Taiwan and many smart IoT solutions. In particular, most of the smart meters in Taiwan, be industrial or domestic, are all designed and manufactured by the in-house technology and know-how of the Company. Tatung is also a leading brand for energy saving and green energy related systems and services in Taiwan. Our specialized smart solutions can be easily applied to smart community, smart buildings, smart home, smart healthcare, and smart surveillance systems. Amongst those many achievements by the Company that are internationally recognized include the award winning microgrid system built for Pingtung County Government. The project was the winner of 2015 APEC’s Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI) Best Practices Awards Competition and also won the Smart Energy Saving Award for the Innovative Application of Smart City by the Board of Science and Technology, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan. Tatung Smart Manor was also the winner of 2016 Asia Pacific Intelligent Green Building Alliance Award. Product Summary Power equipment products - heavy electricity, motors, wire and cable related products Consumer products - home electronics, intelligent electronics and digital peripheral related products System products - smart grid, solar monitoring system, information energy related products System Solutions - Motor Systems, Smart Solutions, Public Construction Systems, ICT Systems
J106 中華電信 Chunghwa Telecom 公司電話:02-2344-6789 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-080-858 www.cht.com.tw 公司簡介 中華電信是台灣電信業的領導品牌,業務涵蓋固網、行動及數據通信等領域,近來更積極創新發展數位匯流、物聯 網、資安、雲端、大數據等前瞻技術方案,並與資通訊領域的頂尖公司攜手合作,開創金融科技、智慧流通、工業 4.0 等智慧產業方案,持續推動台灣資通訊科技的發展與智慧生活應用。 2017 年智慧城市展,中華電信以「智慧創新局 物聯啟商機」為核心精神,規劃「智慧家庭 Fun」、「智慧金融 Smart」、「智慧交通 Go」、「智慧商圈 Buy」四大應用展區,並介紹「從 IDC 到雲端」虛實整合應用,呈現智慧 城巿的完整環節。中華電信響應政府政策,滿足企業需求,更超越民眾期待,打造智慧物聯網環境,與大家共創未 來。
產品介紹 智慧家庭:智慧居家,安全、 舒適、 健康、 節能。 智慧金融:提供金融服務更加智慧便利的解決方案,引進【迎賓機器人】主動導引客戶及協助辦理業務,並能透過 遠端視訊由理財專員進行專業金融服務。【線上開戶】功能結合第三方即時通訊打造虛實整合的金融服務,為客戶 打造高度客製化的未來【智慧銀行】。 智慧交通:iGEM 智慧路燈管理服務、ITS 智慧交通大數據服務、整合式智慧城市 IVS 應用、IoT 平臺於車聯網應用。 智慧商圈:人潮客群分析平台及輿情分析平台、行動巿民卡、O2O 智慧行銷,隨時掌握客源與訊息。從 IDC 到雲端: IDC 堅實基礎與雲端技術虛實整合,助企業邁向創新營運。
Chunghwa Telecom Company Telephone:+886-2-2344-6789 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-080-858 www.cht.com.tw Company Summary
Chunghwa Telecom, as the leading brand of telecommunications industry in Taiwan, mainly covers business domains in landline, mobile communication and data communication, and actively develops forward-thinking projects such as digital convergence, IoT, information security, cloud, and big data recently. Chunghwa Telecom also cooperates with top companies in telecommunications field to create smart industry projects, including FinTech, Smart Retail, and Industry 4.0, consistently promoting the development of information communication technology and smart life applications in Taiwan. In 2017 Smart City Expo, Chunghwa Telecom, with "Intelligent to Create New Territory & IoT to Open Business Opportunity" as the core spirit, has organized four application exhibit areas, including "Intelligent Home for Fun", "Intelligent Finance for Smart", "Intelligent Traffic for GO", and "Intelligent Commercial District for Buy", and introduced "From IDC to Cloud," which is the application of virtual and real integration, to show a complete connection of smart city. Chunghwa Telecom not only responds to governmental policy and meets business demand, but also does more than the public's expectation, creating a smart IoT environment for citizens, enterprises and inhabitants.
Product Summary
Intelligent Home: Intelligent Lifestyle with Security, Comfortable, Healthy, and Energy-saving Smart for Intelligent Finance We provide a more intelligent and convenient solution for financial services by introducing "Greeting Robots" to actively help customers to deal with business requirements, and connect to financial specialists for professional financial services via remote video conference. "Online Account Opening" combines third party real- time communication to create an online to offline integrated financial service, providing a highly customized future "Intelligent Bank" for customers. Intelligent Traffic: iGEM Intelligent Streetlamp Management Service, ITS traffic big data services, Integrated IVS application for smart city, IoV Service On IoT platform. Intelligent Commercial District: Crowd Analytic Platform & Public Opinion Analytic Platform, Mobile Citizen Card, and Smart Transportation CHT IDC & hicloud services : Optimize IT resources toward more innovative business objectives.
J605A 宏碁股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2696-3131 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-258-222 home.cloud.acer.com/tw/future/ 公司簡介 宏碁成立於 1976 年,是一個國際化的台灣品牌公司,宏碁使命為打破人與科技的藩籬 . 宏碁主要從事於智慧型手 機、平板電腦、個人電腦、顯示產品與伺服器的研發、設計、行銷、銷售及服務。宏碁秉持更上一層樓的自我期許, 提出以「BYOC(自建雲)」做為 Acer 變革轉型的新願景,將 Acer 從硬體公司轉型成為【硬體 + 軟體 + 服務】的業者, 並以王道思維與物聯網合作夥伴共創價值。
產品介紹 創新矽島 - 智雲體創造東方矽文明 「智雲體」體現了新新宏碁願景:「硬體+軟體+服務」,所謂的「智」代表背後的應用軟體與解決方案;「雲」 則代表雲端服務;「體」則是代表硬體。 透過展出「智雲交通解決方案」、「智雲健康照護解決方案」「智雲商業應用解決方案」「智雲生活移動化」,期 望能勾勒出宏碁創辦人施振榮先生所提出的台灣智慧城市願景”創新矽島”(Silnnovation Island) 概念。
Acer Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2696-3131 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-080-858 home.cloud.acer.com/future/ Company Summary Established in 1976, Acer is a hardware + software + services company dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of innovative products that enhance people's lives. Acer's product offerings include PCs, displays, projectors, servers, tablets, smartphones and wearables. It is also developing cloud solutions to bring together the Internet of Things. Product Summary Silnnovation Island- BeingWare creates Si-vilization The BeingWare concept, is the realization of Acer’s vision: hardware + software + services; with “being” representing the intelligent services powered by the utilization of big data, and “ware” representing the combination of hardware and software. As the Internet of Things (IoT) evolves into the Internet of Beings (IoB), a human-centric network based on a collective of intelligence is necessary to make the swarms of smart devices more meaningful. By showcasing ”BeingWare in Transportation”, “BeingWare in Healthcare”, “BeingWare in Business”, “BeingWare in Mobile Life”, to outline the vision of Taiwan smart city-- “Silnnovation Island”.
J405 經濟部加速行動寬頻服務及產業發展推動小組 公司電話:02-2522-1206 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2522-2965 www.4gsmartcity.org.tw 公司簡介 政府為加速行動寬頻服務的普及,並鼓勵產業投入智慧城市相關應用之發展,特別提出「加速行動寬頻服務及產業 發展方案」,並在方案中由經濟部工業局負責推動「構建 4G 智慧寬頻應用城市」計畫。該計畫運用補助措施鼓勵 國內 4G 運營商、系統整合商等業者,藉由結合地方政府及國內設備、內容、應用服務等業者的共同投入,於全台 6 都 16 縣市等適合場域推動 4G 創新應用服務,以加速國內跨領域 4G 智慧城市應用服務整合,並提升我國產業競 爭力,進而達到服務永續、產業升級、地方受惠、人民有感之整體目標。
產品介紹 4G 串起物聯網、聯網物,從隨身手持裝置到大型智慧站牌,智慧應用無所不在。本主題館展示智慧應用服務發展 成果,共分六大區 : 智慧公共服務、智慧交通旅遊、智慧安全健康、智慧 AR VR、智慧金流商務、智慧娛樂影音。 現場舉辦 AR 闖關集點活動,拼出一張智慧城市藏寶圖,完成任務者可得到 TechnoloG 好禮。
Committee of Accelerating Mobile Broadband Service and Industry Development, Ministry of Economic Affairs Company Telephone:+886-2-2522-1206 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2522-2965 www.4gsmartcity.org.tw Company Summary The program for innovation in 4G mobile broadband services aims to promote sustainable commercial services that result in industrial improvements and benefits for the people of Taiwan's six special municipalities, sixteen cities and counties, and Free Economic Pilot Zones. To construct a “Smart Taiwan” with convenient lifestyle and instant information without distance between people. Product Summary From smart devices in hand to smart bus stop on the street, smart services are ubiquitous through 4G connectivity within the core of IoT. Our pavilion demonstrates innovations of 4G smart services in ”Smart Public Service”,“Smart Surveillance and Healthcare,”“Smart Commerce and Payment,” “Smart Transportation and Travel,” and “AR/VR”, and “Smart Entertainment.” Please come and experience our AR navigation to win lovely gifts.
K108 遠傳電信股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7723-5000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-4499-365 www.fetnet.net/enterprise 公司簡介 遠傳電信為國內資通訊與數位應用服務之先驅,自 1997 年成立以來,秉持「只有遠傳 沒有距離」的品牌精神, 持續投入基礎網路建設,跨足 2G、3G、4G 以及 WiFi 各式接取技術,2016 年更領先業界提供 4.5G 服務,並與易 立信合作 5G 實驗室,獨步全台率先邁向 5G 時代,陸續推出多元產品與數位加值服務,提供消費者隨時隨地享受 行動便利生活。遠傳電信更強化 ICT 產業垂直整合,並與國際電信巨擘結盟,為企業巿場客製更具彈性、完整與安 全的企業資通訊及雲端服務。
產品介紹 【物聯經濟 商機遠傳】 ●《智慧城市與大數據》串聯市民食衣住行育樂,建構全台最全方位的智慧城市應用 展出內容:智慧水利防災、全方位智慧交通、智慧行動教育、智慧健康社區、智慧觀光旅居 ●《雲端與工業 4.0》串接企業平台,實現創新智慧管理與互動服務應用 展出內容:智慧工廠 VR/AR 體驗、EMMA 企業行動化平台、SAP HANA 雲端服務、工具機聯網雲端服務、室內定 位服務 ●《智慧頭家與雲端行動商務》協助企業營運智慧連網,中小企業行動辦公的最佳夥伴 展出內容:行動開店 APP、雲端 POS、商用監控系統、智慧差勤 APP、小型私有雲、遠傳企業 Office 365 / G Suite 服務 更多內容請至:promotion.fetnet.net/EBU/2017smartcity/index.html
Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-7723-5000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-4499-365 www.fetnet.net/enterprise
Company Summary Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET) is the pioneer in providing telecommunications and digital application services in Taiwan. In 2016, FET was the first in the industry to provide 4.5G services in Taiwan; FET even cooperated with Ericsson and formed a 5G laboratory, leading Taiwan to march towards the 5G era. FET proceeds the pursuit of customer satisfaction and strengthens vertical integration of the ICT industry and secure enterprise cloud services for the business community, to come to our vision of “FET Connects and Enriches Life”. Product Summary 【IoT Economy, Opportunity with FET】 ●“Smart City and Big Data” Connecting all aspects of people’s lives, creating the most comprehensive smart city application in Taiwan Exhibition solutions: Smart Water Conservation and Disaster Prevention, Smart Public Transportation, Smart Mobile Education, Smart Healthy Community, Smart Travel and Tourism ●“Cloud and Industry 4.0” Connecting enterprise platforms, achieving innovative smart management and interactive service applications Exhibition solutions: Smart Factory of the VR/AR experience, EMMA Enterprise Mobility Platform, CMS – SAP HANA Cloud Service, Internet of Machine Tool Cloud Service, Intelligent indoor positioning solution ●“Smart SME and Cloud Mobile Commerce” Supporting enterprise operation with smart networking; SMB’s best partner for mobile office Exhibition solutions: Shop APP, Cloud POS, Surveillance, Smart Attendance APP, NAS, Office 365, G Suite For more information please visit our website: promotion.fetnet.net/EBU/2017smartcity/index.html
IHF TAIPEI 2017_廣告稿_A5(跨頁)_20170110.pdf 1 2017/1/10 下午 04:16:15
(IHF Taipei 2017 – 41st World Hospital Congress) 創立於1929年,國際醫院聯盟(International Hospital Federation, IHF)總部 設立於瑞士日內瓦,為與世界衛生組織有工作關係之重要國際性非政府組織, 會員包括美國、英國等一百多個國家,是目前涵括國家最多且最具代表性的國 際性非營利醫院組織。 「世界醫院大會」為IHF年度盛事,由正式會員申請主辦,1929年首次於美國亞 特蘭大舉辦,歷屆皆有來自全球醫療團體代表及專家學者參加,研討議題對全 世界的健康照護政策與發展趨勢有具體的影響力,為促進醫院管理、品質提升 與醫療產業發展之重要推手,2017年經台灣醫院協會爭取,為首度在台辦理之 國際性醫療盛會。
The World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) is a unique global forum that brings together key drivers of national and international policy, management, financial trends and solutions in healthcare management and service delivery. Through this forum multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences are facilitated, together with dialogue on best practices in leadership in hospital and healthcare management and delivery of services. 重要日期 Important dates
PAPERS: Call for Papers : January 15 – March 15 Notification to Authors(by email) : April 30 REGISTRATION Early-Bird : March 15 – June 30 Pre-Online : July 1 – September 20 Onsite : November 6 – November 9
41st World Hospital Congress
Patient-friendly & Smarter Healthcare
與我們聯繫 Contact us Host: Taiwan Hospital Association Tel: +886-2-28083300 #56 Email: feiling@hatw.org.tw Taiwan Hospital Association 28
了解更多大會訊息 Find more about IHF Taipei 2017 worldhospitalcongress.org
November 7–9, 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
Congress Secretariat Tel: +886-2-8780-5688 #121 Email: ihf2017-taipei@gisgroup.com
K709 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會 公司電話:02-8964-3000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2963-4022 www.jct.org.tw 公司簡介 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(簡稱醫策會)成立於 1999 年,係由衛生福利部、台灣醫院協會、台灣私立 醫療院所協會、中華民國醫師公會全國聯合會共同捐助成立之組織。 醫策會一貫以嚴謹誠信公正的態度,辦理各項評鑑認證訪查,深受各界信賴,迄今已成為受到國際健康照護品質協 會(International Society for Quality in Health Care Ltd., ISQua)認證的專業評鑑機構,同時亦致力於宣導品質與病 人安全理念、推廣品質管理工具之運用以及醫事人員教育訓練,藉以協助醫療機構管理人員及健康照護專業人員提 升醫療品質。
產品介紹 醫策會承接衛生福利部「創新醫療健康產業營運模式及推廣計畫 ( 一 ) 創新整合醫管產品、推廣行銷」計畫,為持 續鼓勵醫療機構互相標竿學習智慧醫療作為、提高醫療品質,並整合臺灣智慧醫療之醫療服務、生技、醫材、資訊 等健康科技相關業者介紹臺灣優質的健康科技產業商品及服務,促成國際合作成功案例及創造實質產值效益,將辦 理 2/23「2017 國際智慧醫療產業論壇暨整體解決方案應用分享」與「2017 臺灣國際智慧醫療 – 健康科技產業商 機洽談會」。
Joint Commission of Taiwan(JCT) Company Telephone:+886-2-89643000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-29634022 www.jct.org.tw Company Summary Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) was established in 1999 founding by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Taiwan Hospital Association, the Taiwan Association of Private Medical Institutions, the Taiwan Medical Association. We have been accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care Ltd. (ISQua), and we are committed to providing the best quality service to all our clients. We also dedicate to promote quality and patient safety concepts, to promote the use of quality management tools and medical personnel training and training to help medical institutions and health care professionals to enhance the quality of medical care professionals. Product Summary JCT implemented the "Innovation and promotion and integrated products of Medical management, Medical Device Industrialization and internationalization" program on commission of Ministry of Health and Welfare, to encourage medical institutions to share their knowledge and experiences in the field of medical treatment, improve medical quality, and Integration of Taiwan's Smart of the medical care services, biotechnology, medical materials, information, and etc. Hence, to promote international cooperation and value through successful cases, Taiwan's high quality health technology, products and services will be introduced by healthcare industries during the "2017 International Smart Health Industry Forum and Total Solution Implementation on February 23, 2017 "and" 2017 Taiwan's Smart Health Total Solution Business Fair ". 30
K609 麗臺科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8226-5800 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-356-999 www.leadtek.com.tw 公司簡介
「麗臺科技」為達成「研究創新、品質至上、利潤共享、客戶為先」的經營理念,麗臺科技的產品策略以配合市場 需求與提昇競爭力為主軸,全力發展創新產品提供客戶全方位產品選擇;另一方面採取產品差異化策略,發展多功 能產品,達成進入利基市場的目標。
亞述設計成立於 2006 年,具備多年產業經驗,是國內極少數擁有提供客戶全方位數位設計與程式整合服務的公司, 提供客戶全方位的設計服務,除了專精於 UI / UX 設計服務方案(使用流程規劃、視覺介面設計、程式串接與整合、 3D 介面技術 ... 等 ) 也提供各項數位媒體設計服務(網站建置、APP 開發、平面設計等 ... ) 滿足客戶顧客多元化 的數位設計需求。
穿戴系列產品 智能衣、麗臺眼科用眼罩 ( 舒壓帶 )、amor H1、Health Cube、HRV Patch、AM ●健康系列產品 amor Health KIOSK、DxPatch、雲管家、自律神經分析儀 ●居家民生產品 NewClean、麗芯眠、麗芯益
Leadtek Research Inc.
AZUL Design Co., Ltd.
手術機器人專案是為了手術醫療所開發的機器人控制軟體,目的在 Leksell Gamma Knife 的手術中,從建立病患資 料、導入檢查序列、建立器官模型、安排手術路徑、連結病患特徵;一直到實際執行手術路徑的術中引導等步驟等, 協助醫生執行手術步驟。
Company Telephone:+886-8226-5800 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-356-999 www.leadtek.com.tw/eng/
Company Telephone:+886-2-2356-8222 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2394-1166 www.azul.com.tw
Company Summary "Innovation and Quality" are all and intrinsic part of our corporate policy. We have never failed to stress the importance of strong R&D capabilities if we are to continue to make high quality products with added value. By doing so, our products will not only go on winning favorable reviews in the professional media and at exhibitions around the world but the respect and loyalty of the market. For Leadtek, our customers really do come first and their satisfaction is paramount important to us.
Company Summary AZUL was founded in 2006. With a decade of experiences in cooperating various business partners, AZUL has drawn accolades for its commitment to provide unique digital design and program integration service.
Product Summary ● Wearable products FarInfraredWaveNanoBand、amor H1、Health Cube、HRV Patch、AM ● Health products amor Health KIOSK、DxPatch、HRV Monitor ● Staple Merchandise NewClean
亞述設計股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2356-8222 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2394-1166 www.azul.com.tw
Except for expertizing in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design services by procedure arranged, visual interface design, program connected and 3D interface skills, AZUL is proudly capable for satisfying different needs upon website building, application development, and graphic design. Product Summary This application was developed as a robot control software for surgical. It is aimed to assist doctors creating patient information, inserting inspection sequences, simulating organ models, arranging surgical pathways, connecting patient characteristics. After all the preliminary preparation is completed, it will continually guide a practical surgery procedure pathway for Leksell Gamma Knife.
K703 精聯電子股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8912-1122 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2911-3818 www.ute.com 公司簡介
精聯電子 成立於 2008 年 1 月 1 日,源自於股票上市公司精技電腦(代碼:2414)之自動資料收集(簡稱 ADC) 事業部,專注於該類產品的研發、製造、與 自有品牌 的銷售。經過二十餘年的深耕有成,得以於 2009 年 8 月 27 日掛牌上櫃(代碼:3652),自此以更穩健的經營資源, 立足台灣,行銷全球,提供客戶更臻完善的服務。 我們所研發及製造的產品包括 製造、物流、倉儲、零售、及醫療專用 PDA 式行動電腦、工規手持式行動電腦、條 碼掃描器、門禁差勤暨居家安全終端機、RFID 自動資料讀取器 & 主動式 RFID 定位追蹤管理裝置,各項床邊照護 資通訊裝置,及遠距居家照護等相關 產品,同時也提供完整的開發中介軟體以加速客戶系統架設,追求各種能夠 協助客戶適用於各種環境需求的解決方案。
捷格科技打造高品質、高效率的全方位優質醫療照護服務 成立於 1995 年的捷格科技,身為國內醫療軟體產業的領航者,具備醫療專業整合智慧智能及 IoT 的技術與觀念, 以病患中心的角度為出發點,利用高科技雲端建設,讓醫療團隊和病患溝通更有效率,同時提供進階數據分析,協 助各種醫療機構提升經營管理效率及效能。我們的願景是成為領導全球醫療軟體產業及先進技術的典範,並且與我 們的合作夥伴共同組成醫療產業中最堅強的競爭團隊。
遠距居家照護:提供生理數據自動傳輸、線上健康諮詢、衛教短片推播、緊急求助等功能 智能病房優化:整合燈光、溫濕度、窗簾、室內空氣品質等環境自動控制,以及各項護理照護機制
捷格科技提供各項醫療完整對應解決方案、建構規劃與導入等專業服務 智慧病房解決方案 : 旨在提供病患優質舒適且安心的住院照護,以病患角度為出發點,使病患、護理師、醫師三方 溝通零阻礙,並透過床頭數位卡、床邊資訊系統、護理站情報中心、中央控台等智能產品的相互溝通,解決醫療院 所人力、物力、時間等資源耗損問題,更進一步提供進階數據分析,協助醫院經營管理,提升醫療品質,讓病患獲 得優質貼心的醫療服務。
unitech Electronics Co., LTD.
Jaguar Technology
捷格科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8228-0158 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8258-4007 jaguartech.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-8912-1122 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2911-3818 www.ute.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-8228-0158 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8258-4007 jaguartech.com.tw
Company Summary Unitech was founded in 1979 in Taiwan. As a global provider of AIDC (automatic identification and data capture) technologies with over 30 years experience, Unitech manufactures a wide range of Enterprise Mobile computers, Rugged handheld PDAs, Industrial Tablets, RFID Readers, Barcode Scanners, integrated T&A and Smart Living devices. Unitech products bring value to customers throughout the world in various industries, such as logistics, healthcare, retails, warehousing, manufacturing, transportation, and field services. Nowadays, deriving from its core competence in AIDC and IP based device expertise and expanding with an intention of being a comprehensive solution provider, Unitech has developed to serve additional markets with innovative applications on Smart Living, Energy saving, Telecare, and Remote management bundled with integrated intelligent solutions serving both residential and enterprise sectors. Product Summary Telecare Solution: 1. Remote health care 2. Automatic vital data transmission 3. Interactive video communication 4. Healthcare video delivery 5. Emergency call Smart Hospital 1.Nursing station monitoring platform 2.Multifunction bedside control platform 3.Smart ward environmental control system 4.Healthcare solution
Company Summary JAG builds up a comprehensive medical care service with high quality and high efficiency. Founded in 1995, JAG led the development of medical software industry in Taiwan. JAG combines the IoT and intelligent concept with specialized technology to make both of medical teams and patients have an effective conversation. JAG provides advanced data analytics for medical institution to improve the methods of management. Our vision is to be the most advanced and largest technology and medical software services provider to business partners to forge a powerful competitive force in the medical industry . Product Summary Bedside Information Terminal, Patient Information System and Intelligent Dashboard are mostly focus on the patients. Our system provides frictionless communication funnels between the patients, the nurses and the doctors, furthermore minimizes the waste of resources including labor, "medical materials" and time. Additional data analysis function assists hospitals on administrative management, enhances quality of medical care, and ultimately helps patients on getting better and tailored treatment.
K603 凌羣電腦股份有限公司
高登智慧科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-577-0693 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-577-0693/03-577-0821 www.goldensmarthome.com.tw
公司簡介 本公司致力於行動雲端健康平台的軟體、軔體、硬體的整合開發、雲端巨量資料分析及雲端後台專業人員的諮詢服 務以提供完整的 B2B 及 B2B2C 客製化的自主健康管理的服務。
產品介紹 智慧型健康裝置的設計 : 微小化隨身型的裝置,包含軔體、硬體及相關無線協定的設計收集個人生理資料,用無線 的方式與手機相通。 智慧型手機 APP 的開發 : 取得使用者手動輸入或由智慧型健康裝置所無線上傳的生理資料。 雲端後台的設計 : 包含五大模組 : 巨量資料的分析模組、專業人員的諮詢模組、使用者的生理資訊上傳模組、社群 網路模組及廣告置入模組。 雲端後台專業人員的諮詢服務:與營養師、教練、醫生等合作,在雲端提供諮詢服務。
Golden Smart Home Technology Corp.
公司簡介 凌羣電腦創立於 1975 年,2001 年在台灣證券交易所公開上市,目前全球員工人數約 1,500 人,主要業務內容包含: 系統整合與專業服務、IT 顧問諮詢與教育訓練、軟硬體銷售與維護服務、電子商務暨資訊安全解決方案、大型網 路及無線網絡系統規劃與整合等領域。服務領域涵蓋金控、電信、政府 / 國防與航太、醫療、製造等方面。 「智慧凌羣」!凌羣電腦積極前進智慧城市商機,相關解決方案係以 『一平台 (SYSCOM ABC)、四應用 ( 包含:公 共安全、智慧水電、智慧交通和智慧醫療等 )』為發展核心及主軸,配合各大國際原廠的先進 IT 技術,為客戶打造 前瞻且符合需求的專業資訊服務。
產品介紹 ●公共安全:整合既有警用行動裝置,提供雲端整合查詢、視訊應用、行動勤務、雲端行動派遣、載具定位資料回 傳等各式警政行動裝置應用。 ●智慧醫療:以「行動醫療」和「移動護理」系統為主軸,已有豐碩實績。 ●企業專屬雲端機房代管服務 -Pracla:提供符合中小企業需要的優質平價私有雲服務。Pracla 技轉自資策會雲端所 研發之 CAFÉ 系列的系統軟體,以之為核心,與凌羣合作共同開發商業化。之後成功在日本上市,已陸續獲日本 雲端資料中心聯盟所採用。
SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co.
Company Telephone:+886-3-577-0693 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-577-0693/+886-3-577-0821 www.goldensmarthome.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2191-6066 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw
Company Summary In 2012, We are an ICT (Information Communication Technology) service integration company. We provide the self-management health platform including front-end physiological parameter gathering, social networking encouragement and back-end expert consultation. In 2013, the main focus of our company is to develop smart devices which can connect to not only our own platform but also any 3rd party platform. Our hardware engineers also put a lot of efforts to co-work with some traditional device manufacturers to have those traditional devices are able to connect to smart phone, cloud to become value-added smart devices.
Company Summary Syscom was founded in 1975. Its business is focus on systems integration service, network and cloud computing service and so on. Domain areas include financial holdings, telecommunications, government, healthcare industries. Syscom’s smart city solution contains 1 platform, named “SYSCOM ABC” and 4 applications in public safety, smart utilities, smart transportation and smart healthcare and so on.
Product Summary Our technology is composed of front-end smart phone APP which accepts users' physiological parameters from either Bluetooth smart devices or manual input, and back-end cloud database where experts such as nutritionist can effectively feedback useful comments to users. We deliver this platform to companies such as fitness center, gymnasium and healthcare center to enable a bland new interactive service.
公司電話:02-2191-6066 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw
Product Summary ● Public Safety: Police mobile applications were implemented by Syscom. ● Smart Healthcare:”Dr. Rounds” and the “Mobile Nursing Solution”. ● Private Hosted Cloud Computing Service for Enterprise -Pracla: An affordable private hosted cloud services to SME that meets all needs of small and medium-sized businesses.
K605A 百旭科技有限公司 公司電話:07-715-2590 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0973905631/08-735-2096 www.igms.com.tw
公司電話:02-2632-1181 ext.116 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2632-1181 ext.116 www.issta-sleep.org
百旭科技是專注於資訊整合平台研發的公司,我們堅信理想、持續研發、創新價值。以資訊整合的方式增加管理的 便利性,利用獨家專利技術,自行開發各項得以輔助企業營運管理的系統,落實 PDCA 管理理論、改善管理流程, 在現有的管理資訊系統之中加入智慧化解決方案,是個能即時整合複雜的營運異質來源資料庫、創造解決問題的全 新方案,讓客戶可以利用資訊化的優勢降低管理成本,提升營運績效。
產品介紹 商業智慧系統 (BI) 百旭的 BI 平台,透過 SQL 語法簡易設定十分鐘 copy/paste 開發系統,企業毋須雇用高階工程師才可操作 / 開發, 僅一般具有基礎初級 SQL 能力工程師即可運用平台開發系統。平台通用 SQL 語法可結合多方資料庫隨時進行資料 分析,不必長時間等待資料分析,即時取得資料不須綁定資料倉儲直接從企業資料庫搜尋需求資料並呈現。資料走 動式管理,當使用者對數據有疑慮,即可自行利用不同條件維度分析探勘,決策者不必等待工程師客戶可以自己動 手操作,隨視隨選即得操作簡單。 整合性評鑑管理系統 百旭評鑑整合平台結合資料面、實務面與知識傳承面的全方位功能,簡單線上設定滿足各種多變的評鑑需求,系統 呈現資料蒐集進度與佐證文件;排程定時郵件通知、系統提示日常工作項目建立有效的動態管理分工機制;個人 化自定常用功能,待辦事項溝通縮短作業與溝通時效; 我們的系統幫助您實現評鑑文件與數據蒐集只做一次,全部共用的流動整合最高境界。
Bai Shi Technology LTD.
國際睡眠科學與科技協會 德國總會
Company Telephone:+886-7-715-2590 Customer Service/Fax Number:0973905631 / +886-8-735-2096 www.igms.com.tw Company Summary Bai Shi Technology LTD. Our Integrated Global Management System technology is focused on information integration platform for the development of the company, we firmly believe that the ideal, continuous research and development, innovation value. The use of information technology to increase the integration of the management of convenience, the use of proprietary technology, to develop their own business operations to support the management system, the implementation of PDCA management theory, improve efficiency , the existing management information systems to join the wisdom of SOA , Is a real-time integration of heterogeneous sources of complex operating database, to create a new solution to the problem so that customers can take advantage of our technology to reduce management costs and improve operational performance. Product Summary Business Intelligence System (BI) Bai Shi 's BI platform, through the SQL syntax to easily set up ten minutes copy / paste development system, companies do not need to employ high-level engineers to operate / development, only generally have basic SQL skills engineers can use platform development system. Platform common SQL syntax can be combined with multi-database at any time for data analysis, do not have to wait for a long time to analyze the data, instant access to information without binding data warehouse directly from the corporate database search for information and presentation requirements. Data walk-through management, when users have doubts about the data, you can use their own conditions of different dimensions of exploration, decision-makers do not have to wait for engineers to customers can operate their own hands, with the visual on-demand that was simple. Integrated evaluation management system Bai Shi’s Evaluation integration platform combines data, practice and knowledge transfer surface of the full range of functions, simple online settings to meet the changing needs of the evaluation, the system presents the progress of data collection and supporting documents; scheduling time e-mail notification, the system prompts Daily work to establish an effective dynamic management of the division of labor mechanisms; personalized self-customary features, to-do communication to shorten the operation and communication timeliness; Our system helps you to achieve the highest level of integration of evaluation files and data collection only once, all sharing.
由全球頂尖睡眠科學人才及睡眠醫學專家所帶領之國際睡眠科學與科技協會,2012 年成立於德國柏林,由一個理 事會及六個委員會 ( 國際委員會、推廣委員會、研究發展委員會、產業委員會、教育委員會及全球政策與規範委員 會 ) 所組成。其宗旨是希望結合各種睡眠的醫學技術、科學訓練,及以最新發展科技來進行現代睡眠科學與科技研 究,並利用研究結果進一步提升睡眠醫學的診療與教育水平。本協會成立的目的為:改善睡眠品質並加強日常工作 效能,期望有效提升生活品質。其針對的對象並不侷限於睡眠障礙的民眾,還包括可能有睡眠相關問題及困擾的群 眾。最終期待達成亞太經合會睡眠科技提案:「睡眠— 一種創新的解決方案,可降低醫療支出,提升國家生產力, 以及促進公共安全」。
產品介紹 1. 協助監督、執行睡眠與健康科技相關法令及政策宣導 2. 身為全球唯一的睡眠科技平台,ISSTA 會進行、協助或指導發展睡眠科學與科技相關技術與研究 3. 定期舉辦睡眠科技相關教育或訓練課程與研討會,分享睡眠科技最新趨勢 4. 在全球多所大學規劃睡眠科技碩、博士學程,以達知識傳遞及相關產品研發與輔導人員的培養 5. 提供睡眠科技領域中最具權威的專業人士,給予優質的服務、建議或執行共同開發 6. 執行睡眠與健康科技產品的效果性驗證與認證,通過者並核發全球性的認證標章
International Sleep Science Technology Association Company Telephone:+886-2-2632-1181 ext.116 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2632-1181 ext.116 www.issta-sleep.org Company Summary The International Sleep Science and Technology Association (ISSTA) was founded in 2012 in Berlin, Germany and is headed by distinguished sleep science and sleep medicine experts from all over the world. The ISSTA goal is to integrate various disciplines in sleep medicine and science and combine modern research with emerging technologies to further raise the educational levels on sleep medicine. ISSTA aims to improve the quality of sleep, daytime function and overall quality of life of not only groups with sleep disorders, but also the population with sleep complaints and disturbances. It is comprised of a board of directors and six committees, including: International Committee, Public Advocacy Committee, Research & Development Committee, Industrialization Committee, Education Committee, and the Global Policy & Regulation Committee, ISSTA mission is to achieve the goal as proposed in the APEC Sleep Technology Agenda:Sleep – an innovative approach to reduce health coast, to increase national productivity, and promote public safety. Product Summary 1.The ISSTA provides with support through the monitoring of relevant legislation and health policy in the sleep technology field, as well as through the development of practice management resources for your facility. 2.As the only professional association for sleep science and technology in the world, ISSTA is committed to improve patient care and therapy for sleep disorders, and to develop, support and publish the sleep science technology related researches. 3.ISSTA and STC members can receive discounts on all ISSTA educational courses and products. It offers a variety of format at different educational levels, these resources are of value about professionals interested in sleep. 4.Plan the global Ph.D./Master Program in Sleep Science and Technology in different universities in the world, in order to cultivate the sleep technology professionals 5.ISSTA experts and 6 different committee members can provide professional advice, or work on joint sleep technology R&D project. 6.ISSTA provides the verification and global certification of sleep and health related technology
J132 奈米科技研發成果鏈結產學合作計畫
國立陽明大學 智慧型機電輔具實驗室
公司電話:03-5712121 ext.59393 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-5712121 ext.59393 www.twbpnpnt.org
公司電話:02-2826-7307 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2826-7307 www.ym.edu.tw/~chyu/
科技部「奈米科技研發成果鏈結產學合作計畫」透過計畫辦公室統籌運作,以奈米國家型科技計畫研究成果為主軸, 進行各領域研發團隊能量之統整與技術推廣及應用功能的強化,包括生醫農學應用、奈米電子與光電技術、能源與 環境技術、儀器設備研發、及奈米材料與傳統產業技術應用等領域為推動重點,促進產業升級,建立我國奈米技術 產業之國家競爭優勢。計畫辦公室結合政府及民間機構的資源,持續協助推廣奈米科技相關計畫,並且推動產業合 作及國際合作。
產品介紹 台灣學研界奈米相關研發技術
本實驗室的宗旨為致力於輔具的妥善應用與開發,結合醫學知識與工程技術,透過對於人、活動、輔具與生活情境 的整合策略,系統化地尋有聰明的 (Smart) 解決方案。 教學與研究特色為 : 學習系統化開發評估輔具、學會做研究與科技應用、增加國際視野、跨領域整合、系統化與創 意思考,在研究過程中將設計製作各種量測儀器、復健器材、與輔具來學習培養工程實作能力,並以深入客觀的評 論來增強邏輯化與系統化解決問題的能力。其作法是傳承本實驗室特有之嚴格批判但氣氛和樂之文化來培養獨立思 考能力,藉由跨領域群體合作,互相學習自我成長,跨入並整合其它領域,落實專業於輔具之研究與應用之中。
產品介紹 臨床上有許多需使用助行輔具之族群,如:老人、急 / 慢性神經病患 (ex. 中風、脊髓損傷 ) 及骨科術後患者 (ex. 髖 膝關節置換術 )。然而市售助行裝置常無法滿足「步行能力較弱者」的需求。因此我們以創新思維「使用者移動為主, 機器跟隨為輔」提出〝呵護型行動輔具〞概念,能主動觀察判斷使用者的狀況,透過嚴謹的學理研究與實驗驗證控 制演算法,使系統能夠如同照顧者協助身障者一般,達到「適時提供安全支撐,適時移動讓使用者自然行動」。
The Industry-Academia Collaboration Linking Project on Nano Technology Company Telephone:+886-3-5712121 ext.59393 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-5712121 ext.59393 www.twbpnpnt.org Company Summary The Industry-Academia Collaboration Linking Project on Nano Technology was established to commercialize the fruitful R&D results obtained over the years by the National Program on Nano Technology (NPNT). In order to achieve the mission, the Linking Project is committed to successful interdepartmental communication and smooth coordination of various government departments and agencies. Most importantly, it is intended to correspond to the nation’s primary needs for economic development and enhanced enterprise competitiveness. Product Summary The Linking Project is devoted to promoting commercialization of the main R&D results of the NPNT for industrial applications, including (1) nano-biomedical and agricultural applications, (2) nano-electronics and optoelectronics, (3) energy and environmental applications (e.g., development of instruments and equipment), and (4) nano-materials and traditional industrial applications. Major projects of government agencies and departments are also continuously promoted, including collaborative international and academia-industry projects. 40
J132 國立臺灣師範大學 光電科技研究所
公司電話:02-77346742 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-77346742 www.ieo.ntnu.edu.tw
公司電話:06-5892346 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-5057277 www.erinc.com.tw
本儀器為創新、經濟型的震動樣品磁量儀,不僅可以量測任意形態 ( 包含奈米液體或粉末 ) 的樣品磁性,以及磁性 奈米免疫檢測。藉由量測磁化強度對磁場之相依性測得磁滯曲線,並利用磁滯曲線判斷磁材料的磁特性,在免疫檢 測上將奈米磁珠接合抗體,並加入病人血清,當抗原與抗體結合時會形成較大的磁叢聚使該奈米粒子的磁化量上 升,藉此判斷是否罹病。
2014 年 9 月成立於南科園區,為科技部審核通過之科學工業,主要業務為提供各種微奈米結構開發製作的整合性 服務,關鍵技術及研發團隊皆來自成大機械系,擁有技術專利共四項,並已在臺灣、大陸、韓國及美國等地佈局完 成。團隊正在積極開拓臺灣、大陸及歐美市場,已完成量產驗證及擁有台灣客戶。目前正在募集 B 輪資金、尋求在 大陸合作夥伴以及在大陸東南地區設廠的可能性。 特殊事績 : ◎競賽獎項:科技部創新創業激勵計畫 __ 創業傑出獎 ◎政府補助: 國發基金創業天使計畫、南部科學園區低碳綠能計畫 ( 第一、二期 )、研發精進產學合作計畫、工業 局創新優化計畫 ( 共同開發廠 ) ◎天使投資:成大校務基金、雷鈞創投
產品介紹 公司成立初期,以解決 LED/PSS 在黃光制程面積、產率以及良率上的問題,提供新式黃光曝光機台及關鍵性耗材 撓性光導軟膜為主;解決現有 PSS 專業代工廠在大面積、產率、良率上的問題。目前公司已售出機台予台灣第二大 PSS 廠,並持續供應其軟模耗材。目前亦積極擬利用本技術開拓歐美大面積 PSS 市場及日本特規尺寸之需求。本技 術不單僅用於 LED/PSS 產業,未來亦可用於印刷電路板、軟性感測器電路、節能玻璃、光學優化之蛾眼結構製作以 及指紋辨識器……等。
national Taiwan normal university, graduate institute of electro-optical Science and Technology Company Telephone:+886-2-7734-6742 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7734-6742 www.ieo.ntnu.edu.tw Product Summary This technology could examine both the hysteresis loop materials and the antigen concentration of immunoassay. The mechanism of multi-function is a pioneer. The hysteresis loop is a fundamental characteristic of materials, especially in magnetic applications, like magnet, magnetic tickets or cards, magnetic imaging reagent, magnetic nanoparticle, etc.. Although the vibration sample magnetometers have been commercialized for many year, their high cost limits the popularityin very few academic laboratories, not in the industry. In addition, the expensive vibration sample magnetometers have only the application of material characterization. The merits of the current vibration sample magnetometer are poor. Hence, we have developed the diagnosis function based on the hysteresis loop of magnetic reagents. This invention largely upgrades the current vibration sample magnetometer. In terms of the hysteresis loop of material, the mechanism is similar to that of commercial vibration sample magnetometers, but utilizes cheap and alignment-free acoustic vibration, instead of the current expensive and precise-alignment-require motor vibration. In term of the magnetic immunoassay, the sample is composed of biofunctional magnetic nanoreagents and the test biopsy, and the antigen concerntration aould be analyzed from the hysteresis loop. 42
J132 奈捷生物科技股份有限公司
公司電話:02-2653-8655 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2653-5955
公司電話:0979187567 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0979187567
奈捷生物科技股份有限公司(Instant NanoBiosensors, INB)為生物感測技術平台研發廠商,期望在製程技術與效能 上不斷提升,能持續提供解決方法與高附加價值的服務於客戶。奈捷公司是一家 2016 年成立的 Start-up 新創公司, 衍生自科技部奈米國家型科技計畫以及產業前瞻技術計畫,以技轉自國內頂尖大學之獨特專利技術,並結合國內產 官學研的頂尖研發人員,期望開發出世界級、高品質的生物感測平台。
產品介紹 奈捷公司為生物感測技術平台研發廠商,專注於平台與生物晶片之應用、改良與開發,並為客戶提供特殊檢測標的 的客製化開發與合作,同時與合作夥伴持續佈局全球,一步步朝醫療照護的目標邁進。
矽力能源專注於提供優質鋰電池負極材料,產品所應用領域屬鋰電池產業上游,由開發技術所製出矽基負極材料產 品,將販售給中下游進行電池製作,應用於如手機等產品,舉凡產業內之電池芯廠、模組廠等皆可為團隊重要客戶。 公司技術核心延伸自成大材料系劉全璞老師研究團隊,研究團隊在半導體奈米材料方面深耕超過 10 年,團隊專注 於鋰電池相關領域,在電池材料相關技術有所突破,已發表有高點數期刊數篇,目前團隊組成有 2 名碩士、2 名博 士班學生、1 名博士後及 1 名教授,目前團隊仍著重於電池相關重點領域進行研發包含材料開發、材料分析、量產 技術與優化、電池設計開發等。
產品介紹 產品 - 鋰電池用高電容矽基負極材料,利用在矽基材料表面上包覆一層保護層,保護矽基材料本體,使其在充放電 過程中,內部結構不致崩潰,達到延長電池壽命的目的及解決第二次充放電後電容量大幅衰退 (60% 以上 ) 的問題, 提高了產品之應用性。在應用面上,利用技術製出的產品具有高比電容值,可增加電池產品之放電時間,提高相關 產品如電動車、儲能裝置之效能,此外,亦能於一定的電容值下,降低使用材料重量,達到產品輕量化、可彎曲之 目的,可使用於手機 3C、穿戴裝置上。
Instant NanoBiosensors Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2653-8655 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2653-5955 Company Summary Instant NanoBiosensors Corporation (INB) is a biosensing platform developer. INB is now working on its technology development and production efficiency improvement. INB also want to offer its customers costeffective solutions and high value-added services. INB has been start-up since 2016, which is a spin-off of the National Program on Nano Technology from Ministry of Science Technology. Our professional R&D team has excellent technical services, and expects to develop a world-class and high quality biosensing platform. Product Summary INB is a biosensing platform developer. Focus on the biosensing platform and biosensing chip application, improvement and development. We also provide particular biomarker development for customers. At the same time, we are continuing to collaborate with our partners, and look forward to become the goal of medical diagnosis in global market.
J132 矽基分子電測科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2723-1986 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2723-1986 公司簡介
本公司成立於民國 103 年,新創初期即獲奈米國家型產學橋接計畫以及台灣生技整合育成中心輔導,並於 105 年 榮獲國家新創獎初創企業獎。核心團隊來自中央研究院量子電子元件實驗室,充分掌握半導體晶片設計製作、自動 化系統整合、生物探針分子研發與生物檢測器等核心技術,曾獲得國際 SCI 一級期刊的肯定及取得專利。本公司秉 持創新、服務、高品質的理念,整合跨領域尖端技術,致力發展可應用在基因、癌細胞、病毒、細菌的非侵入式生 醫檢測平台。此平台只需極微量樣本即可即時分析,可提供全球檢測產品市場高靈敏度、高準確度以及簡易操作的 新興產品。
產品介紹 高端非侵入式生醫分子即時檢測平台是本團隊歷經十餘年來在科技部計畫支持下研究發展出來的矽場效應電晶體分 子檢測平台。優勢是不需染色,即時,高靈敏度,全電氣化,體積小,且不論是檢測晶片與量測平台皆可以低價做 量產。公司設立至今,我們致力提高系統靈敏度與信賴度,並以提供使用者易於操作的平台為方向發展。我們預計 此一產品於 107 年通過臨床試驗及取得上市許可,於 108 年上市。
Silicon Based Molecular Sensoring Technology CO,. LTD.
教育部區域產學合作中心 - 國立臺灣科技大學 公司電話:02-27303611 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-27301038 iucc-market.ntust.edu.tw 本中心負責統合北部地區夥伴聯盟學校,包括臺科大、臺北商大、中國科大、華夏科大、明志科大、致理科大、景 文科大、明新科大、健行科大、南亞學院、新生醫專、聖約翰科大、馬偕醫專、臺北城市科大、臺灣戲曲學院、康 寧大學、經國學院、蘭陽學院、慈濟科大及長庚科大等共計 20 所技專校院,共同執行教育部第二期技職教育再造 計畫。 本中心服務項目包括:為企業量身訂做,協助解決研發及經營管理問題;藉由產學合作,填補企業人才缺口;協助 企業爭取政府資源,轉型躍升;建置產業公協會交流平台,催化產學合作等。
產品介紹 臺灣科大展出「智慧保全機器人」,具有距離偵測、人型辨識、武器、追蹤、障礙物偵測及循跡系統等功能。 聖約翰科大展出「自動化電力設備之負載辨識系統」,針對現有電力插座設計智慧測量儀機制,此保護機制可有效 的防止設備因電流或電壓異常等原因而造成電器損壞。 中國科大展出「具有物聯網之建築物追風引流結構及其方法」,利用藍芽傳輸資訊,並結合手機 App 程式,將外 在環境之流動空氣引進室內,改善建築物通風不佳與空氣品質之問題。 蘭陽學院展出「手機遙控人形機器人」,以相對較低成本製作出機器人的身軀,搭配現有的平板電腦,以手機即能 簡易操控,使機器人實現監控、視訊等任務。
The MOE Regional Industry-University Cooperation Center at NTUST
Company Telephone:+886-2-2723-1986 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2723-1986
Company Telephone:+886-2-2730-3611 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2730-1038 iucc-market.ntust.edu.tw
Company Summary SiMST was founded in 2014, and gain the counseling from the Bridging Project from National Program on Nano Technology (BP_NPNT) and Supra Integration and Incubation Center (Si2C). Our team from the quantum electronic laboratory, Academia Sinica, owns the core technologies including semiconductor chip design/fabrication, automation system integration, and probe molecules modification. We uphold innovation, service, high-quality concept, integrating cross-cutting edge technology and aim for a highend non-invasive biomedical detection platform for detecting gene, cancer cells, viruses and bacteria. This platform can be used to real-time analysis of the few biomedical samples, and that can provide a high sensitivity, high accuracy and ease of use of the emerging product in the global detection products market.
Company Summary The MOE (Ministry of Education) Regional Industry-University Cooperation Center at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) is responsible for integrating partner institutes in Northern Taiwan, including National Taipei Univ. of Business, China Univ. of Tech., Ming Chi Univ. of Tech., etc. A total of 20 vocational colleges implement the vocational training program of the MOE. Services include: - Providing tailor-made research and development (R&D) services to help enterprises to solve their R&D and management-related problems in order to transform and upgrade. - Assisting enterprises with talent training to elevate their R&D capabilities and fill in their talent gaps via industry-university cooperation. - Helping enterprises win government resources to boost their research and operational capabilities. - Building an industry-university platform to facilitate cooperation between these sectors. Product Summary National Taiwan Univ. of Sci. & Tech.:“Intelligence Security Robot” features distance sensing, human Identification, weapon, tracing, obstacle detection and path tracking system. St. John’s Univ.:“Load Identification System for Automated Electrical Equipment” is designed for the existing power socket to measure the instantaneous voltage through the intelligent processing platform to prevent equipment damage due to current and voltage abnormalities. China Univ. of Tech.:“Method and System for Wind Track Configure for Efficient Energy Conservation” is based on the WSN environment; the Zig-bee technology with the function of the Internet of Things and the App mobile device are used to solve the low-level and long-direction building ventilation. Lan Yang Inst. of Tech.:“A Bluetooth Remote Controlled Robot” is to build a robot with a relatively lower cost, and which can achieve monitoring, video and other tasks while equipped a tablet. Currently, the robot could be easily controlled by a mobile phone.
Product Summary High-end non-invasive biomedical detection platform is the silicon field-effect-transistor based molecular sensor that we studied for more than ten years with the continuous support by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The advantages of this detection platform include label-free, Real-time, high sensitivity, full electrical, compact, and both the sensing chip and the detection instruments are ready for volume production at low cost. In the past several years, we strived to improve the sensitivity and reliability of the platform while keeping the goal of user-friendliness in mind. We expect to get TFDA approval for this platform in 2018 and to enter the market in 2019.
J1330 富欣實業 公司電話:02-2222-0707 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2222-0707/02-2222-1818 www.fullcorp.com 公司簡介 富欣實業股份有限公司創立於西元 1984 年,堅守「滿足及滿意」的公司理念,以優異技術與創新研發能力為基礎, 敏銳的市場洞察力 , 透過系統性的整合開發,提供客戶全方位產品與解決方案的需求 , 在於全球市場上贏得客戶對 " FULL "品牌之信賴。 2012 年二月於中國昆山成立子公司「富又欣網路通訊設備公司」(FORESEE),跨足智能 IOT , 以智能 , 節能 , 大 數據核心精神 , 創新及整合 IOT, 拓展大陸 / 台灣內需 , 打造智慧城市籃圖 ! 滿足人們基本智慧便利生活 , 智能改造 達到節能 , 再延伸智能安養 , 健康照護 , 進階達成智慧 , 快樂 , 幸福城市 !
艾訊股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2917-4550 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2917-3200 www.axiomtek.com.tw 公司簡介 艾訊股份有限公司成立於 1990 年,在全球更有超過 60 餘家的經銷商夥伴,為一個國際級工業電腦 (Industrial PC;IPC) 系列產品的領導設計者暨製造商,專門以數據擷取與控制系統為研究開端,擁有堅強的研發、製造團隊, 以先進的嵌入式研發技術,以及 PC-based 工業自動化解決方案為基礎,開發多樣化和模組化的應用電腦平台及系 統、智慧軌道交通專用平台、觸控平板電腦、通訊產品以及物聯網相關應用平台等,成為多樣化產業領域最信賴的 長期供應商夥伴。艾訊亦為英特爾物聯網聯盟成員之一,致力開發英特爾最新物聯網相關解決方案。
富欣 1984 年起,從生產電話零件、電腦周邊零件,延伸至網路周邊零件、光纖產品、通訊配件,且能因應市場脈 動趨勢,開發多媒體模塊涵蓋 HDMI,VGA,USB,AUDIO , 網通模塊 ,, 插座 , 開關 及各類光纖及 USB 充電模組, 更結合 AC/DC 電源牆插座,提供完整解決方案 , 從地上到桌上 , 牆內到牆外 , 從內崁到外架型槽 , 產品模組化,易 裝易拆易組合,不需多重浪費省錢省力又省時 ! 結合 IoT 產品應用於智能生活,將安全、方便與節能為人類生活帶來更多的便利 !
艾訊提供工業級長卡、主機板及機箱 (Industrial PCs,Single Board Computers),嵌入式單板電腦 (Embedded Boards & System on Modules) 及強固型嵌入式電腦系統 (Embedded Computer Systems) eBOX 與 rBOX 系列,智慧軌道交通專 用電腦系統 tBOX 系列,工業級防火牆及物聯網閘道伺服器 (Industrial Firewall & Industrial IoT Gateway),EtherCAT 主控制器 (EtherCAT Master Controller),觸控式平板電腦 (Touch Panel Computers),數位電子看板播放器 (Digital Signage Players),醫療用薄型電腦 (Medical Panel Computers),人機介面 (Human Machine Interface,HMI),工業乙 太網路 (Industrial Ethernet Solutions),及網路安全應用硬體平台 (Network Appliances) 等超過 400 種的系列產品。
Axiomtek Co., Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2222-0707 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2222-0707 / +886-2-2222-1818 www.fullcorp.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-2917-4550 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2917-3200 www.axiomtek.com
Company Summary FULL CORP. was founded in 1984, as a system manufacturer and exporter, we have been dedicating in professional networking communication system with total solution designed concept and excellent technology implementation over 33 years. We keep creating the core value of our company spirit, “to satisfy、 to fulfill、to beyond ” the expectation for our valuable customers. Our business operation starting from the telecom accessories to fiber products and extending to the networking communication system,; in the recent years, FULL started stepping in to the Multi-Media industry (HDMI, VGA, USB2.0/3.0, DVI, RCA 、and various FIBER solution) and USB Charger module market as a pioneer to keep up with the trend of global technology development and dynamic marketplace. The most significant innovation is to integrate the traditional AC/ DC wall mount adapter to the IoT Solution which is the most eye-catching attraction in the market. FULL Corp. provides the professional service for our clients from the system integrator to the end-user; we provide the total solution and one stop service to fulfill the demand for our partners. To take one step ahead of coming future, Keep Creating opportunities is the first thing for sustainability. Only have adequate professional expertise and keen market insight to foresee the trend. With sufficient technical capacity, we can guarantee the maximum profit for our partner. We regard “Sustainable Development” is our social responsibility and duty. FULL’s major strategic and foresighted topic is to lead、 to cooperate with our partners getting into the prospective and creative IoT market! ● A Strong technical team and innovative R&D capability in both Networking and IoT business field. ● Always step ahead the market trend ● Excellent manufacture experience ● The vision of marketing strategy
Company Summary Established in 1990, Axiomtek has partnered with more than 60 distributors globally. As one of the world's leading designers and manufacturers of PC-based industrial computer products, Axiomtek specializes in data acquisitions and control systems of rich diversity and modularization. With the upmost enthusiasm in serving their customers, Axiomtek has mirrored PC evolutions in various industries by shifting its focus toward the design and manufacture of PC-based industrial automation solutions, standing as a trustworthy long-term provider of industrial computers. Product Summary Axiomtek offering more than 400 products through product lines of Industrial PCs (IPCs), Single Board Computers (SBCs), System on Modules (SoMs), Fanless and Rugged Embedded Systems (eBOX and rBOX), Intelligent Transportation Systems (tBOX), Industrial IoT Gateway, Industrial Firewall, Touch Panel Computers (TPCs), Medical Panel Computers (MPCs), Digital Signage Solutions (DSSs), Network Appliances (NAs) and Industrial Ethernet products.
J629 台灣飛利浦照明股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2655-7666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-808-268 www.lighting.philips.com.tw 公司簡介 全球照明領導者飛利浦照明,以領先市場的智慧連網產品、系統與服務,開創嶄新照明價值,實現豐富的使用者體 驗,並提升生活品質。飛利浦照明的服務範圍涵蓋專業與消費者市場,在照明連網網絡的趨勢引領下各行業轉變居 家、建築以及城市空間。 運用智慧型照明控制,能源效率達到新高。我們的連線照明系統,以照明領域的專業知識為基礎,適時適所提供適 當亮度的照明。利用動態全彩光線替城市披上新衣;球隊得分後,住家燈光閃爍球隊代表色;利用智慧型手機,依 照個人需求,調整辦公桌上方的燈光。這些都是我們創造的嶄新照明體驗。
產品介紹 智慧路燈 在智慧城市的大平台,全球已有 33 個國家與 530 個區域使用飛利浦智慧連網路燈,為市民帶來便利並有效使用能 源,增加城市管理效率與優化路燈管理,打造永續智慧城。 飛利浦全球 LED 智慧連網案例: 美國 大洛杉磯、印尼 雅加達、阿根廷 布宜諾斯艾利斯、德國 錫格堡 智慧大樓 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的 The Edge 為全智慧辦公大樓,藉由在燈具上的感測器,調整空調、照明。此棟大樓為國際會計 師事務所 Deloitte 德勤辦公室,管理人員可隨時管理能源使用,以達到能源、環保的永續發展。
PHILIPS Lighting Taiwan
Company Telephone:+886 2 2655 7666 Customer Service/Fax Number:0800 808 268 www.lighting.philips.com.tw Company Summary
Philips Lighting, a global leader in lighting, has been revolutionizing lighting for over 125 years. We pioneered the world changing development of electric light and LED, and are now leading the way in intelligent lighting systems. As Philips Lighting, we are leading the ongoing development of connected lighting systems and services. By leveraging the Internet of Things, we are transforming buildings, urban places and homes. To increase energy efficiency, and manage working environments in a more environmentally friendly way. To make cities safer and more responsive.
Product Summary
Smart road lighting : CityTouch CityTouch is a lighting management system for public lighting. It offers simple web applications to analyze, plan and maintain workflow management, whilst you can monitor, manage and measure your connected lighting through the applications. The CityTouch connect application allows you to manage each light individually or in custom groups. Monitoring and adjusting any luminaire in your system is just a few clicks away. Smart office building : PoE Connected lighting is part of the Internet of Things (IoT) trend. By building on the digital nature of LED technology, connected lighting brings illumination and IT together. With the help of PoE (power over ethernet) technology not only power and data can be delivered for the luminaire over a standard Ethernet cable but it also allows the lighting system to be merged with the IT system to make office more efficient, sustainable, and responsive.
J1334 弓銓企業股份有限公司
高田科技有限公司 公司電話:02-27901477 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-27901998 www.kaoten.com
24 9 2 017
公司簡介 高田科技有限公司創立於西元 1993 年,主要銷售環境安全監測設備及系統規劃,以及各式氣體偵檢設備及個人安 全防護設備,以多年工安領域之專業經驗為基礎,近年更採用世界最先進的技術成功開發了「人臉辨識門禁系統」 及「人臉辨識門鎖」,除了可運用在工廠門禁之管制,更可延伸運用於智慧家庭之領域,為居家安全帶來更高的便 利性與保障。
公司電話:06-5050207 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-5051157 www.ems.com.tw 公司簡介 創立於 1991 年,位於台南科學園區的台灣好表 弓銓企業,是為國內智慧水表的領航者,為少數擁有研發團隊的流 量計製造商,並擁有民間最大能量 TAF 流量測試與校正實驗室。 以流量計作為研發設計出發點,為國內外科學園區、智慧建築、學校機關、自來水事業單位提供各式電子式流量計 與通訊傳輸介面,並著手建置水量、水壓、水質即時監測系統,利用大數據物聯網概念,提供全方位的智慧水管理 方案。弓銓持續以「追求卓越、前瞻領導」的執行理念,實踐「台灣好表、盡在弓銓」的作為,迎領智慧水管理典範。
產品介紹 人臉辨識門禁系統: ●本產品採用世界先進的人臉識別技術,超高的識別精度,不存在任何錯誤接受。 ● 1- 1辨識回應時間小於 400 毫秒,1-N 辨識回應時間小於 500 毫秒。 ● 使用者容量大,本產品可註冊 3000 名用戶(可擴充)。 ●使用近紅外光譜(NIR)技術,本產品不僅可在室內室外使用,而且可用於黑暗環境。 ●照片及影像皆無法辨識。 ●自我調整臉部變化,內建補償面部自然變化的演算法,對於燈光、姿勢、面部表情、年齡等造成的臉部變化都有 很好的適應性。 人臉辨識門鎖: ●取代傳統鑰匙,快速又方便 ●美國 NIST 認證人臉辨識算法 ● 配備專屬的 MIFARE 卡 ●高解析液晶顯示螢幕 ● 6H 硬度防破壞觸控螢幕
Kaoten Scientific Co., Ltd.
提供專業水資源管理方案,無論是自來水或是污廢水,皆能滿足客戶智慧計量管理與即時監測需求。 主要產品: ●智慧電子水表:自我偵測漏水,具備多元智慧管理功能。獲得美國匹茲堡發明獎與 2016 台灣精品肯定。 ●無線傳訊紀錄器:GSM/GPRS 3G 通訊模式,定時定期傳訊,具備多年蓄電力,免外接電力困擾,獲得 2017 台灣 精品殊榮。 ● i-Eco 能源整合管理系統:整合商辦大樓、科學園區內水、電、瓦斯、熱能等多種能源,幫您量身打造各式效能 管理工具,遠端監測能源耗量。
Energy Management System co., Ltd
Company Telephone:+886-2-27901477 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-27901998 www.kaoten.com
Company Telephone:+886-6-5050207 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-5051157 www.ems.com.tw
Company Summary Kaoten Scientific Co., Ltd. was established in 1993. We mainly provide various gas detectors/analyzers and personal protection device for industrial safety. Based on years of the experiences in this field, we developed Face Recognition Apparatus/Lock by the most advanced technology to provide high efficiency and convenience for access control in our life.
Company Summary Energy Management System Co., Ltd. (EMS) founded in 1991, over 20 years of professional experiences in developing/manufacturing smart digital water meter (Bulk / Domestic Smart Meters), also provide comprehensive water metering & data transmission solution, EMS represented the leading developer and manufacturer in Taiwan. We dedicate ourselves in fields of smart digital water meter, meter reading interface, automatic meter reading system (AMR), DMA, NRW and etc. With dual type approvals, including TAF flow meter testing & calibration laboratory, EMS provides the cutting-edge metering technology for our customers continuously. We sincerely welcomes you to visit us for more information! Product Summary EMS Co., Ltd, the expert in water metering management, provides total solutions from fresh water to waste water management for our clients with smart, instant and efficient water resource management, and successfully earned their trust and satisfaction. Main Products: ● 2016 Taiwan Excellence Awarded Class C smart digital Water Meter:High accuracy measuring performance, leakage detection and intelligence management functions. ● GPRS/GSM Wireless Data Logger: 3G /4G wireless transmission with flexible data transmission, longlife battery solution. ● I-Eco Resource Management System: Excellent online system for water, electricity, gas, heat resources, to create ECO-environment solution.
Product Summary KF-107 is the access control and time attendance device by using facial recognition technology. Certified by NIST of US, our facial recognition algorithm provides you very high accuracy even no FAR (False Acceptance Rate) occurs when identifying among twins. Through years of real applications in different fields of uses, KF-107 and software management system have proven its reliability and provides you total solution when it comes to access control and time attendance for small enterprise, private residence and large manufacture facility.
K203 中偉科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2223-8800 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2223-8800/02-2223-7700 www.weitech.com.tw 公司簡介
中偉科技為最佳電信量測及解決方案供應商。未來在 LPWA 與 IoT、M2M 工業 4.0、NB-IoT 等物聯網應用服務上, 搭配傳輸與 4G 無線通訊網路、雲端技術整合的趨勢,中偉會站在服務的最前線,提供客戶最方便、最準確的測試 方案、最全面的系統整合、最優質且專業的技術服務。我們專注於與客戶的長期夥伴關係,透過彼此信任,建立市 場知名度,創造新的電信服務機制,增加與其他競爭對手的差異。並將逐步開展無線通訊領域及雲端應用開發等業 務,使電信測量與品質監控系統的產品加值,不斷自我提升,為我們的客戶提供更好和更豐富的服務。
果果創立於 2011 年,提供客戶全面性系統整合解決方案。是由一群年輕但經驗豐富的網路資訊、藝術設計、電 子電路、數學統計等跨領域的專業團隊所組成。團隊成員平均年齡僅 30 歲,分別來自於 Intel、TSMC、NVIDIA、 ATI、MStar、Broadcom、QNAP、Catchplay、工研院、資策會、中華網龍等知名企業。 我們使用當代最新的 Web、App 跨平台開發技術,陸續推出令人振奮的新功能、高品質視覺化的圖形操作介面與優 秀的資安等級,提供使用者更好的體驗,在新一代系統平台上我們也將推出令人注目的功能,滿足客戶的需求。
1. LPWA - 低功率的物聯網網路與運用 2. NB-IoT 網路路測與優化應用 3. 3G/ LTE/ IoT 無線網路規劃工具 4. 3D 立體檢視與地圖 . 5. 手機 App 無線網路障礙模擬軟體 6. IoT 網路骨幹無線傳輸 AP 設備應用
WeiTech Communication Co., Ltd.
新一代的果果『智慧社區』於 2017 帶者嶄新面貌,強調更人性化的新功能,提供全新的生活體驗,為消費者生活 加分。 AIB 自動身份辨識系統 - 快速的辨識身分,累積大數據,掌握消費生活圈。 一、多重載具:NFC 手機、悠遊卡、信用卡、磁扣 二、節省時間:快速身份辨識 ( 門禁管理、人員打卡、紅利積點 ... 等 ) 三、累積大數據:掌握消費需求,了解消費行為 ( 儲值扣點 ) 弱電 - 警示通知 警示提醒 : 即時將異常推播傳至用戶手機,給予用戶安全無慮的生活品質。
Company Telephone:+886-2-2223-8800 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2223-8800/+886-2-2223-7700 www.weitech.com.tw
Company Telephone:0800-212-998 Customer Service/Fax Number:0800-212-998 www.skymirror.com.tw
Company Summary WeiTech is one of Taiwan’s leading telecom solution providers. With the constant evolution of cellular, IT, media convergence, wireless broadband, cloud computing and IoT technologies, WeiTech has taken a leadership role in providing its customers with the world’s leading solutions, together with comprehensive professional integration and technical services.
Company Summary Cirple , founded in 2011, provide customer an overall system integration solution. We are a group of young and distinguished people specialized in Internet information, contemporary art design, electronics and mathematics statistics. With an average age of 30, Cirple members come from well-known industry such as Intel、TSMC、NVIDIA、ATI、MStar、Broadcom、QNAP、Catchplay、Industrial Technology Research Institute、Institute for Information Industry and Chinese Gamer. Cirple adopt the latest contemporary Web and APP technology, Apache Cordova and AngularJS, and constantly launch exciting new feature. To provide a better user experience, vivid visualized graphical interface and superior Internet Server Security are used for the needs of our customers. Product Summary Cirple kicked off the next generation of Cirple Smart Community in early 2017 with the new UI/UX for emphasizing New user-friendly features. These features are designed to provide better experience for daily life and add extra value for end-users. The AIB (Automatic Identification Box) product can identify identity of individual in less than 1 second, accumulate large amounts of information on consumers and run algorithms against that data. 1. Multiple carrier : Android smart phone with NFC inside, Easy card, Credit card, Magnetic buckle 2. Saving time : Identify identity of individual in a very short amount of time. (Access control management 、Personnel check-in/out、earn bonus point) 3. Accumulate big data : Understand consumer’s behavior and their needs (store bonus point) Electronic engineering : alarm notification Alarm alert : push alarm notification to user’s smart phone. Give user safe and carefree quality of life.
Product Summary 1. LPWA/ FarSite( netBin) Fill Level Sensor IoT Waste Management System 2. NBIOT/ Driving test tool for NBIOT network. 3. Forsk Atoll LPWA & NB-IoT Radio Planning Tool 4. LuxCarta Clutter & 3D Taiwan Maps; SpacEyes 3D Building Viewer 5. iTrinegy IoT App Risk Management for RF Network Emulator & Profiler 6. Ligowave AP for IOT backbone
果果 公司電話:0800-212-998 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-212-998 www.skymirror.com.tw
K304 台灣富朗巴軟體科技有限公司
公司電話:02-2655-8375 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2655-8325 www.forum8.co.jp/traditional
公司電話:03-598-5535 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-598-1960 www.gemtek.com.tw
三維即時虛擬實境、動力非線性解析、人群/流動解析 台灣富朗巴軟體科技有限公司是日本 FORUM8 株式會社於 2014 年 9 月在台北市投資成立的全資子公司。 FORUM8 創業以來以套裝軟體開發技術為基礎,以建築結構設計為首,提供支援土木、建築設計的軟體、技術服務。近年來 隨著虛擬實境的開發,應用範圍延伸到包括交通、汽車研發等更廣泛的項目領域。 今後不單局限於提供高端的技術開發產品,透過 BCP 實現安全、穩定的可持續性企業服務,以成為大眾值得期待 可以信賴的企業為目標。
正文科技股份有限公司-於西元 1988 年成立,為世界領先領先的無線通訊服務提供商。公司產品多元從家用網路 設備至企業高階等客製化產品皆能生產製造。正文科技以 WLAN 起家,深耕 RF/Microwave 設計及軟體工程技術多 年,獲得多家客戶的優良伙伴之殊榮。公司發揮研發和生產技能並走在市場趨勢的前端,並為電信通訊產業之先驅, 能夠提供完整之 LTE 完整解決方案予客戶。 不僅如此,正文科技近年致力發展低功率長距離之通訊技術,目前為世界少數能提供完整低功率長距離解決方案之 公司,在深厚的經驗及卓越的技術下,已能給予客戶健全的硬體建設及完整的雲端平台,做於物聯網產業的行業應 用。
三維即時虛擬實境軟體 UC-win/Road 透過簡單 PC 操作,即可完成大規模空間制作,是一款功能強大可進行即時模擬的先進軟體。 豐富的模型庫、支持各種模型格式,並可與 BIM 數據進行轉換。從線形、斷面、地形處理到交通設定、模型設定 處理等 VR 製作、編輯功能,支援豐富的 VR 表現,利用可視化選項工具和各種演示功能服務於設計協議、事業說 明等即時演示。此外,還對應日照、交通流、駕駛模擬等,在工程設計、開發、研究方面提供強大的支援。
Taiwan FORUM8 Software Technology Co., Ltd.
Gemtek Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2655-8375 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2655-8325 www.forum8.co.jp/traditional Company Summary Since the company's foundation, FORUM8 have been providing software and technical services that support civil engineering and architectural /structural design using their robust software package development technology. Our recent developments in Virtual Reality software have lead to many new applications especially those in traffic and automobile research. In fact, FORUM8's VR technology is being utilized in those researches and indeed just about any type of project. We will continue to not just provide products that incorporates our state-of-the art technologies, but also aim to become the kind of enterprise that can meet the expectations from customers worldwide through our service that offer integrity and a sense of security and through our perpetual business service based on BCP. Product Summary 3D real time/virtual reality software UC-win/Road VR environment that covers the terrain and seabed features of this world can be created easily in a short amount of time. Various VR environments and models including FBX models can be downloaded from the FORUM8 Web Server DB. The software supports the import/export of BIM data. Equipped with an ability to generate road alignments, cross sections, terrain, and the ability to position models and assign traffic and generate traffic movement within VR space; the software can help you give a real-time presentation for comparing design alternatives and stakeholder consultation as the Visual Options tools and presentation features will do all the tricks. As various types of high-level real-time simulation including driving simulation, daylight simulation, and traffic simulation are feasible, the software makes the lives of all engineers engaged in the work of design, development, and research easier.
GIoT,綠色物聯網,全球第一個 LPWAN IoT 整體解決方案提供商。我們設計和製造 GIoT 設備和 AP / 網關,優化 和操作基站,管理網關和數據轉發,開發應用雲系統。我們提供一個 Cloud Foundry 模型,使物聯網服務提供商能 夠通過強大的基礎架構和運營支持專注於物聯網市場。 Gemtek 在無線寬帶設計和大規模生產,超過 10 年的 VoIP 和多媒體 IM 平台開發和雲操作方面有超過 17 年的經驗, 以及超過 5 年的 LPWAN 物聯網開發和現場實施。我們是世界上第一家模塊化 WiFi 產品並將 WiMAX 產品商品化的 公司,提供非常有經驗和可靠的雲應用開發,集成和操作在家庭自動化,家庭安全,CVR 和智能 AP 路由器的解決 方案。這就是為什麼我們能夠為您提供這樣一個完整和穩健的 LPWAN 物聯網解決方案。
Company Telephone:+886-3-598-5535 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-598-1960 www.gemtek.com.tw Company Summary Founded in 1988, Gemtek (TSE: 4906) is the world-leading provider of Wireless Broadband solutions, offering a wide range of solutions from residential to business. With its strong R&D capability of hardware, software and RF/Microwave design, Gemtek has being the leader and early mover in telecommunication industry. Gemtek provide 4G LTE one stop solution to its customers, and known as its outstanding customized service and latest technology. Nevertheless, Gemtek has also devoted itself to Low Power Wan IoT development for over 5 years, and become the world’s first LPWAN IoT total solution provider in the industry. On the strength of technological excellence and accumulated expertise, Gemtek is able to provide a Cloud Foundry model enabling IoT service providers focusing on IoT market with robust infrastructure and operation support. Product Summary GIoT, Green IoT, the world's first LPWAN IoT total solution provider. We design and manufacture GIoT devices and AP/Gateway, optimize and operate base station, manage gateway and data forwarding, develop application cloud system. We provide a Cloud Foundry model enabling IoT service providers focusing on IoT market with robust infrastructure and operation support. Gemtek has over 17 years experience in wireless broadband design and mass production, over 10 years of VoIP and multimedia IM platform development and cloud operation, and over 5 years in Low Power WAN IoT development and field implementation. We are the world's first company to modularize WiFi products and commercialize WiMAX product shipment, providing very experienced and proven solution of cloud application development, integration and operation in home automation, home security, CVR and smart AP router. That is why we are able to provide such a complete and robust LPWAN IoT solution for you.
K204 邦弟有限公司 公司電話:03-4090618 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-4091169/03-4090286 www.torchcity.com.tw 公司簡介
torchcity 是台灣紅外線動作感測器 (Passive Infrared) 燈具專利的擁有者,專司 LED 感應燈之生產與銷售。身為 PIR sensor 照明專家,torchcity 以綠色友善企業為經營理念,不斷研發人體感應與 LED 於一體的模組應用,為減少碳足 跡的方向做努力。目前我們整合多項感應系統,已陸續推出智慧家庭、智慧辦公室、智慧醫院、智慧城市等照明方 案系統。在 torchcity,我們的發明總是最能貼近生活,讓基本的事物容於高端的科技,讓生活帶來更明亮的選擇。
產品介紹 Smart Home Lighting 206 是 torchcity 推動智慧城市的開端,精心設計的架構與質地,成就史上最不凡的燈型。它具 有影像監控、無線燈光、雙向對講、及煙霧 / 瓦斯 /PM2.5/ 氣壓 / 溫度 / 溼度 / 人體偵測等 10 大功能。當危險發生時, 除了即時報告用戶之外,Smart Home Lighting 206 更會將影像與濃度數據傳至消防當局,建立完整且反應快速的消 防聯絡網,防止災害持續擴大,創造無孔不入的全新防護。
TORCH INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-3-409-0618 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-4091169/+886-3-409-0286 www.torchcity.com.tw Company Summary torchcity is the first PIR (Passive Infrared) motion sensor LED lighting patent holder in Taiwan. We are leading the smart sensor LED lighting revolution and making IOL(Internet of Lighting) appliance through the use of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly way. The newest inventions and technologies at torchcity conform to everyday needs, meshing tradition with modernity. Our achievement lies in focusing on the creation of the perfect light bulb. Product Summary Smart Home Lighting 206 painstakingly crafted touch and texture brings the most outstanding light in history. We have combined the detectors found in every household to create an impermeable form of new protection. 206 includes camera, RGB lighting motion/PM2.5/gas/smoke/temperature/humidity/air pressure/ sensors, the smart lighting is be redefined by thus.
協富消防安全設備股份有限公司 公司電話:02-86852329 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-86844329 www.safetech.com.tw
協富消防為打造細緻美學、卓然品味的消防燈具品牌,積極開發 LED 出口標示燈、避難方向指示燈及 LED 緊急照 明燈。更推出四邊可掀框蓋、超薄上框、斜面嵌壁、優美嵌頂…等全系列消防誘導標示燈及 LED 壁掛 / 嵌頂 / 吸頂 三用型緊急照明燈、HI-POWER LED 緊急 / 兩用型照明燈。 有鑒於節能減碳議題及公共場所之安全避難防火防災知識日趨重視,為此開發出由信號裝置整合成智慧型避難引導 系統。有積極引導功能的「音聲引導系統」、「光流誘導系統」,及具有節能減碳功能的「消燈、減光系統」,皆 能透過物聯網連結,應用至智慧城市之居家安全系統,將避難逃生引導系統的疏散能力發揮得更積極有效! 本公司獲得 ISO 品質管理系統認證,目前正著手申請 CE 安規認證,將產品推展至國外市場,立足台灣,放眼世界。
產品介紹 「智慧型避難引導系統」由信號裝置主機整合火警設備之火災信號,連動閃滅及音聲引導系統、消燈及減光引導 系統、光流引導等等而成,是智慧城市各種場所及大型複合式建築物的最佳選擇。 ●「閃滅及音聲引導系統」具積極引導特色,適用於避難弱勢群眾之醫院、安養院、育幼院等場所。 ●「消燈及減光引導系統」具節能省電功效,平時熄燈或減低亮度,火警或停電時全亮,適用於電影院、演藝廳、 廠房、住宅等場所。 以上燈具有可掀四邊框、超薄上框、嵌壁、嵌頂四種樣式,標示面尺寸 1:1 至 5:1,可搭配各種場所需求設置 ●「光流避難引導系統」讓燈具輪流亮燈,指引避難方向。 ●「觀眾席引導燈」平時減低亮度或熄燈,火警或停電時全亮,適用於電影院、演藝廳、禮堂、 集會場等具有觀眾席的場所設置。 ●
Safe Fire Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-86852329 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-86844329 www.safetech.com.tw Company Summary
In order to build a meticulous aesthetic and outstanding brand of fire lighting , and actively develop LED exit Light, direct indicator Light with Four Flippable Frames/Super Thin Frame/Wall Inlay Frame / Ceiling Inlay Mount / Wall Inlay Mount. LED emergency light With 3 Models: Wall Mount / Ceiling Mount / Ceiling Inlay and HI-POWER LED Emergency Light. LED Wall Mount / Ceiling / Ceiling Mount Emergency Light, Dual-use HI-POWER LED Emergency lighting. In view of the energy conservation and carbon reduction issues and public places of safe refuge fire prevention and disaster prevention knowledge has become more and more attention, for the development of the signal device integrated into the Intelligent Navigation System For Buliding Evacuation. "Active sound guidance system", "Light Stream system", and "energy saving and carbon reduction system" with energy saving and carbon reduction function can be connected to the home security system of Smart City through the Internet of Things. , The evacuation of evacuation guidance system to play a more active and effective! The company was ISO quality management system certification, Product is currently applying for CE certification. The product will be based in Taiwan and extended to foreign markets.
Product Summary ● The
" Intelligent Navigation System For Buliding Evacuation " is a combination of the fire signal, interlocking flashing and sound guidance system, dimming and dimming guidance system, Light Stream guidance and so on of the signal control panel. It is a smart city various places and large Composite buildings the best choice. ● "Flashing and sound guidance system" with a positive guiding characteristics for vulnerable people in the hospital, nursing homes, child care homes and other places. ● " Energy saving and carbon reduction system " with energy saving function, usually turn off the lights or reduce the brightness, full-bright when fire or blackout, suitable for cinemas, theaters, factories, residential and other places. The above lights can be lifted four frame, super-thin frame, wall inlay mount, ceiling inlay mount four styles, marked surface size 1: 1 to 5: 1, can be set with a variety of places demand ● " Evacuation Guidance Light System" turns on the light stream to guide the evacuation direction. ● "Auditorium guide light" usually reduce the brightness of light, full bright when fire or blackout, for cinema, auditorium, assembly hall and other places with the audience set.
J812 東元集團 公司電話:02-2655-3333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2655-3333 www.teco.com.tw 公司簡介 東元電機創立於 1956 年,目前事業版圖已橫跨全球五大洲、四十餘國、百餘城市。初期從事馬達生產,如今已成 為全球前三大工業馬達製造商,更由傳統的重電、家電產業,跨入資訊、通訊、電子及餐飲等多角化的發展領域, 逐步邁向全球化的高科技企業。 東元集團於 2008 年宣示「TECO GO ECO」企業宣言,以高效節能與潔淨能源兩大領域為主軸,成功躋身為全球綠 能產業領導品牌。 未來,東元將持續深耕核心事業,以節能、減排、智動、自動作為積極發展方向,提供自動化、智慧化整體解決方 案,並戮力於高科技事業之拓展,以建構一個宏觀且高品質的世界級品牌。
產品介紹 1. 機電健康管理系統:提供多種遠距告警及遠端關機功能,並做維修建議。 2. 智慧型配電盤:透過 APP 掌握用電狀況,預告保養。 3. 微電網供電系統:搭配智慧型配電盤,並增加綠能發電及電池儲能系統。 4. 低溫籠車:可保冷十小時以上,依不同溫度需求,使用多層蓄冷板保冷 5. 智慧行控中心:提供業者資訊整合與即時監控,並轉化為可衡量的指標。 6. 雲端智慧影像門鈴:透過雲端掌握訪客訊息,及門鎖異常警示 7. 無人商店 : 降低成本 ( 包含時間、營銷、人力、空間 ),產品多樣化 8. 健康測量 APP 機:至 KIOSK 操作 APP,分析健康數據 9. 空氣品質偵測模組:當 CO2 濃度超標,自動啟動全熱式交換器,排出 CO2
TECO Group
Company Telephone:+886-2-2655-3333 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2655-3333 www.teco.com.tw Company Summary TECO Electric and Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in June of 1956, and has started out as an industrial motor manufacturer. Over the past 60 years, it has successfully diversified into a conglomerate with worldwide business operations in industrial products, home appliances, information technology, communication electronics, and foodservice sectors. Now TECO boasts 25,000 employees in over 100 cities, 40 countries, and spanning 5 continents. In 2008, TECO announced the 'TECO Go Eco' declaration to join the cause of reducing carbon emissions TECO Group is well positioned in consolidating its core businesses while engaging the emerging global markets and new business opportunities, and striving towards its corporate vision of becoming a world-class enterprise with innovative technologies and excellent services We will adhere to the concept of “energy conservation, emissions reduction, intelligence, and automation”, and to build a global brand with breadth of vision. Product Summary 1.Machine Health management system: Providing multiple remote alert and turn-off function, on top of suggestion for maintenance 2.Smart switchboard: Grasp of power-consumption status via APP, which can also provide maintenance notification 3.Micro grid: The system is coupled with smart switchboard and can be attached with green-power generation and battery system 4.Refrigerating roll container: cool preservation for more than 10 hours, and using multiple-layers of cooling plates for cold insulation 5.Intelligent Logistics Control Center: through the visual dashboard, users get the real-time information 6.Cloud Smart Video Doorbell: Cloud-end grasp of information on visitors and alert for abnormal door lock 7.Automated store: Cost reduction (including time, marketing, manpower, and space), multiplication of commodities 8.Health detection APP device: Analysis of health statistics at KIOSK via function of APP 9.Air-quality detection module: Automated triggering of total heat exchanger for expulsion of CO2, in case of excessive CO2 density
K410 春田創意有限公司
物聯智慧股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2653-5111 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2653-5112 www.throughtek.com.tw
物聯智慧股份有限公司 ThroughTek Co., Ltd.
物聯智慧為專業物聯網雲端服務平台解決方案商,積極致力於裝置連線技術與雲端服務平台開發。物聯智慧以核心 之 Kalay 雲端服務平台與全球主要 OEM/ODM 廠、品牌商、系統整合商,以至晶片商建立緊密合作關係,能因應不 同類型客戶之需求,協助快速導入產品開發,加速產品上市時程,更能有效節省營運成本。
規劃與解決人車動線、智能停車、空間導引(Wayfinding)與指標系統(Signage System)的問題,並提供最佳方案。 導入設計研究與使用者經驗,減少問題的盲點,並融入視覺空間的形象設計到工程施作。 *南港軟體園區指標系統規劃案獲得台灣第一座指標系統之設計獎項:金點獎設計標章。
Kalay 雲端服務平台以優異的點對點連線技術為基礎,可跨越各式作業系統運作,並提供靈活且有彈性的模組化服 務。Kalay 平台可開放 API 與第三方服務對接,使客戶擁有更多元的商業模式,現階段提供如影像傳輸、雲端錄影、 資料收集和分析、遠端裝置控制及管理、訊息推播等功能模組,客戶考依照不同市場需求,彈性選擇方案組合。 Kalay 平台整合之應用產品十分廣泛,包括車聯網應用、智慧門鈴、網路攝影機、智慧家電、消費性電子產及網路 儲存裝置等。
業務範疇: a). 空間導引系統規劃:人、車動線導引。 b). 指標系統設計準則 Wayfinding Design Guideline:定義其指標視覺系統的設計準則:色彩、介面圖形、字型、字 級大小、距離、高度等等規範。 c). 停車場:智能停車導引、e-tag 停車管理方案、指標系統、婦女孕婦及行動不便車位、VIP 車位導引、空間視覺 與形象設計、工程施作。 d). 園區、大樓及公眾空間:卸貨區域、公共區域與進駐公司商店指示牌、建物形象外牆立牌、指標系統、緊急逃 生動線。 e). UI 介面設計:互動介面設計、尋車系統介面與停車付款機人機介面設計。
ThroughTek Co., Ltd.
Springfield Creation Ltd
Company Telephone:+886-2-2653-5111 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2653-5112 www.throughtek.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-2533-7033 Customer Service/Fax Number:info@springfield.tw www.springfield.tw
Company Summary ThroughTek, a leading IoT solutions provider, is committed to the development of its Kalay Platform. With extensive partnerships for OEM/ODM, technology brands and integration support from over 180 different SOCs, ThroughTek enables enterprises to build and design scalable IoT services for connected devices to maximize business opportunities and enhance customer experiences.
Company Summary Expert on planning & solving the problems of Human-Vehicle Traffic Flow, Intelligent Parking System, Wayfinding & Signage System. By using design research & user experience to find out the user’s needs. Providing the design solutions & project executions. * Project award:Nankang Software Park’s signage system won an award of Golden Pin Design Award as 1st signage project which got the design award in Taiwan.
Product Summary The Kalay Platform is an extremely flexible and scalable IoT platform designed to enable rapid deployment of connected device ecosystems. Complemented by intelligent cloud service, Kalay offers live streaming, video recording, data collection and analytics for various applications including security, surveillance, home automation, and healthcare.
公司電話:02-2533-7033 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:info@springfield.tw www.springfield.tw
Product Summary Business Fields: a). Planning & Designing:wayfinding for human-vehicle traffic flow b). Wayfinding Design Guideline:make a design guideline on wayfinding rules, colors, icons, fonts, size, distance, height, etc. c). Parking Lot:intelligent parking system, e-tag parking solutions, signage system, pregnant woman & VIP user, user interface of kiosk & ticket machine, design & project execution works. d). Park, Building & Shopping Mall Solution:loading area, Building / Company / Shop / Office / public sign. e). User Interface Design:UI design for App, Kiosk & Ticket Machine. 63
K310 柏通股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8227-3911 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8227-3922 www.pro-view.com.tw 公司簡介
本公司經營理念及策略為多元化產品、全方位服務、最高客戶滿意以創造共同核心價值 多元化產品 - 柏通公司與企業界進行合作,不斷開發卡片及影像產品,滿足客戶的需求。 全方位服務 - 柏通公司以全方位之理念,為顧客提供專業之整合規劃,符合顧客需求。 最高客戶滿意 -「以客為尊」是一句廣告詞,但卻是柏通公司的座右銘。柏通公司的專案規劃與整合性服務商品, 皆秉持顧客導向之原則。 核心價值 - 柏通公司深切了解產業的環境變化非常快速,而能夠幫助每個企業大幅提升績效,才有存在的價值。因 此,不斷努力整合及創新研發新產品,以滿足客戶的需求,才能持續地保有高度的核心競爭力。 柏通公司之經營策略:服務的科技化、管理的資訊化、服務範疇的全球化
成立於 2008 年的悅明達科技是全球商業和消費市場的 IP 視訊對講和家庭自動化解決方案的系統商,亦為民國 104 年新北市政府 SBIR 產業創新研發推動計畫的獲選廠商、以及中華電信智慧建築合作廠商,並榮獲中華民國軟體協 會 2016 金漾獎。我們的研發團隊擁有 10 年以上 VOIP 系統開發及系統整合經驗,並將此關鍵核心技術應用於 SIP IP 視訊門口機、智慧家庭物業管理 APP、及 Z-Wave 智慧家庭閘道器…等多項設備的開發與製造。 憑藉豐富的工程經驗和研發技術專長,可整合與提供靈活、彈性的智慧家庭服務,為我們的合作夥伴和客戶們促進 更多的商業機會。
柏通公司為全球最大即時印發卡設備 Datacard 台灣總代理,提供客戶各式證照製發卡所需設備及關鍵技術。本公司 專注於安全證卡及智慧 IC 卡解決方案的開發,非常適合用來製作身份識別證、校園學生證、健保 IC 卡、警察服務 證、醫事憑證卡及各縣市市民卡等需要高安全性及防偽的各式應用以保護個人資料。我們全系列的印發卡設備可以 為您提供廣泛的選擇,以滿足客戶在安全性、質量和價格上的要求。
悅明達科技自行設計與製造下列多項產品,甫推出即迅速獲得海內、外各地客戶的認同與購買: 1. 多戶型 IP 視訊門口機,可搭配「社區 APP」,以手機接聽門口訪客的呼叫。 2. 警衛室的視訊電話機。 3. 室內控制面板,可搭配單戶型 / 別墅 IP 視訊門口機,保全門磁感應器、瓦斯偵測與瓦斯遮斷器。手機接收 Push 警報。 4. 室內控制面板搭配 Z-Wave 智慧家庭閘道器,可控制燈光、LED- 喇叭、紅外線控制器,溫度感應器…等。
Company Telephone:+886 2 8227 3911 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886 2 8227 3922 www.pro-view.com.tw Company Summary
Company Telephone:+886-2-2222-1266 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2222-1140 www.avadesign.com.tw
Our Business Operation Philosophy and Strategies are --- Multiple Products, All Aspect Services, and Highest Customer Satisfaction, to Create Core Values Multiple Products - Proview Global keep cooperating and partnering with outstanding companies, creating more products and solutions, to meet customer needs. All Aspect Services - Proview Global provide professional and Integrated System planning, to cover customers' requirements in all aspects. Highest Customer Satisfaction - Proview Global not only sell products, but also plan and design customized systems and services, under the principle of “Customer Oriented”. Core Values - Proview Global understand that the most important value is, catching the rapid changes of the industries and help every customer to improve his performance. Keep developing and integrating of new products and systems to meet customer requirements is the only way of holding competitiveness.
Company Summary Avadesign Technology is a leading provider of IP video intercom and home automation. It focuses on eHome and IP Video Door Phone access system, and its products are already adopted in many buildings in Taiwan. These products are available at very competitive prices and have received very positive customer feedback in the overseas market. We are also reliable to provide total solution to customers
Product Summary
悅明達科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2222-1266 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2222-1140 www.avadesign.com.tw
● Proview Global provide Total Solutions for Smart Card System, including: ˙Smart Card Operating System (COS) and Applet Developments ˙Design and Implementation of Smart Card Personalization System Total Solutions ˙Security Planning of Smart Card Systems, Development of Card Management System (CMS), and Key Management System (KMS). ˙Consultation Services of Smart Card System Integration and Planning. ˙Development of Smart Card Application Software. ˙Consultation Services of Planning, Installation, of Security Control System for Smart Card Production and/or Personalization Processes. ˙Supply of Smart Cards, Readers, POS Terminals, Handheld Terminals, … ● Datacard Personalization Equipment ● RFID System Devlelopment and Installation ● Physical Fitness Training/Test Systems
Product Summary 1.IP Video Door Phone for villa with VBell APP. No matter where you are, you can see and speak with your visitors, and open the door by your smartphone. 2.IP Video Intercom for residential community with INCIO APP. Moreover, you can receive mail/package notice, community bulletins. 3.7 inch/ 10 inch Indoor Control Panel 4.Z-Wave Smart Home system.
J332 裕隆集團 公司電話:02-5590-9090 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-5591-9000 www.yulon-group.com/index.php 公司簡介
1951 年由裕隆集團創辦人嚴慶齡先生偕同夫人吳舜文女士設立台元紡織為開端,先後成立裕隆汽車及中華汽車, 現任董事長兼執行長為嚴凱泰先生。裕隆為台灣最大汽車製造集團,札根汽車事業達 60 年以上,構建完整的價值 鏈體系,由零組件、生產、銷售到週邊服務事業。納智捷汽車為裕隆集團自創品牌,成立於 2008 年 6 月,生產販 售 M7、V7、U7、U6、S5、S3 六種車系,目前全台共有 39 個經銷據點。格上租車成立於 1984 年,於 1999 年納 入裕隆集團體系,現為國內最具營運規模及完善服務的租車公司。裕隆電能成立於 2010 年 6 月, 主要業務為提供 電動車相關配套設施與服務。
產品介紹 1. 納智捷 S3 EV+ 搭配 150KW 的驅動馬達及 33 kWh 的電池配置,在歐規能耗測試標準 (NEDC) 測試條件下,續航 力達 200 公里以上;搭配 DC 充電系統,40 分鐘可充 80% 電力。 2. 格上租車秉持著創新的精神,使用最新的電信和移動技術管理汽車共享服務,按客戶需求提供移動服務,建構完 整的租賃服務平台網絡。 3. 裕隆電能提供充電樁銷售與佈建、建置充電站雲端監控及營運平台等產品與服務,透過網站和 APP 可遠端監控 管理,協助業者進行充電營運,提供完整充電解決方案。
高達能源科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7708-0899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-7708-1198 www.gtenergy.com.tw/www.exn.com.tw 高達能源科技股份有限公司,係由一群以友善地球為職志的科技人所成立,在 2010 年 5 月正式成軍。 高達能源致力發展高效率清潔能源、擁有多項國際專利創新科技及相關節能服務,提供全球低碳綠能的運輸及儲能 市場需求。 我們專注在開發車電分離式高環保的動力電池模組、精確且高效化的能源管理系統 (BMS/EMS)、並開發雲端管理系 統,完整連結智慧型充電站 / 交換站,同時發展結合動態費率管理營運模式,提供企業、政府可建構的、可演進的、 合乎環境保護需求的解決方案,以推動全球城巿電動車租賃及共享營運。 高達能源擁有領先全球,完整的輕型電動車電池交換站、充電站系統及電池資產管理平台 (EXN ™ ),便於電池使用 , 維 護及電池再生循環應用 , 例如二次使用動力電池組於綠能發電儲存等, 屢獲歐日等各國客戶的佳評。極具領先性 的專業規劃,全方位解決方案及跨業界整合,使得電動化城鄉的運作系統與平台得以永續經營及拓展,實現高達能 源成立的精神與宗旨“提供乾淨高效能源,打造電動節能城鄉,邁向美好清新地球”。
產品介紹 1. 電動慢速車, 二輪,三輸,小四輪等專用 72V/48V CAN bus 鋰電池。 2. 工業應用的快速充電鋰電池模組,如 AGV, 叉車,搬運車等應用。 3. 智慧型充電器可辨別充電電池身份 , 設定充電時間避開尖峰電費 , 讀取並傳送電池相關資料到 EXN, energy exchange network 平台使管理者充分掌握每顆電池狀態。 4.EXN ™系統平台接收 , 分析及定期整理電池狀態報告提供車電分離租賃等電動車隊營運者掌 握電池資產。
GoTech Energy Co., Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-5590-9090 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-5591-9000 www.yulon-group.com/index.php
Company Telephone:+886-2-7708-0899 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7708-1198 www.gtenergy.com.tw/www.exn.com.tw
Company Summary In 1951, Mr. Ching-Ling Yen, Founder of YULON GROUP, was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Vivian Wu Yen, to establish Tai Yuen Textile Co. The current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is Mr. Kenneth K.T. Yen. Being Taiwan’s biggest automobile conglomerate with expertise for more than sixty years, constructing a comprehensive value chain system ranging from auto making, parts supply, and marketing to auto-related services. In association with technical cooperation partners to develop new cars, and by means of differentiation and diversification on products to meet customer needs. LUXGEN was founded in June 2008, the own-brand of YULON GROUP. LUXGEN produce and sell six kinds of vehicles, M7、 V7、U7、U6、S5、S3 etc. Since the end of 2016, LUXGEN has 39 DLRs in Taiwan automobile market. Car-Plus was founded in 1984, and joined YULON GROUP in 1999. Since that time we have worked to grow from a small local business to one of the largest car rental and leasing companies in Taiwan. Yulon Energy Service Company was founded in June 2010. We’re dedicated to providing total solutions for EV industry. Product Summary 1.LUXGEN S3 EV+ is equipped with 150 kWh electric motor and 33 kWh battery pack. Based on the criteria of NEDC, S3 EV+ has an estimated range of more than 200 km. With DC rapid-charging system, this vehicle can be charged 80% in 40 minutes. 2.Car-Plus with the innovated concept of management to lead the industry. Car-Plus utilizes the most updated telematics and mobile technology to manage the car-sharing services, providing on-demand mobility services and developing a complete rental service platform. 3.Yulon Energy Service Company provide charging equipment selling, cloud services and EV battery rental service.
Company Summary GoTech was founded by a team of experts and specialists of Battery Management System designing and manufacturing of modularize energy packs in May of 2010. GTE offers a complete solution from the battery modules to the whole operating Energy Exchange Network and related equipments. We focus on portable, long cycle and high discharge rate battery module and the own-designed Battery Management System/Energy Management System (BMS/EMS) to fulfill different demand from market. GoTech’s Energy Exchange Network (EXN ™ ) in Cloud Management with smart Charging and Exchange solution aims to enable EV battery owner better understand and controller over their critical asset, batteries. The solution is a constructible, expandable platform applied with environmental protection solution that GoTech brings to our customers in worldwide market. Product Summary 1.72V/48V CAN bus protocol lithium ion battery applicable to Micro EV, i.e. two-wheel, three-wheel, fourwheel mini-van. 2.Fast-charging battery module for industrial applications, i.e. Automated Guided Vehicle, forklift. 3.SmartCharger, an intelligent charger capable to schedule charging time, identify battery to charge and read/transmit related battery to EXN ™ , energy exchange network. 4.EXN ™ , energy exchange network a platform to receive, analyze and periodically generates battery status reports for operators who need to manage the essential asset of their fleet.
K403 基能科技股份有限公司 公司電話:04-2376-1170 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-2376-1170/04-2375-7275 www.geonervetech.com/web/ 公司簡介
成立於 2008 年,有感於臺灣目前所使用之防災監測儀器及設備大部分仰賴進口,缺乏核心技術的掌握,無論在功 能或價格上皆無法全面性滿足客戶之需求。因此,基能科技以發展臺灣自主監測技術和產品為目標,成立研發部門, 進行各項技術之研發、整合及應用,並廣泛與各學術單位(例:臺灣大學、交通大學)及研究機構(例:中研院) 進行一系列合作計畫及技術移轉,垂直整合顧問、研發等一應相關資源,因此我們得以更加快速地對市場變動做出 反應,並提供客戶更具彈性、高競爭力、高效益之全方位防災監測解決方案,幫助客戶提升價值共創雙贏局面。
晧揚環境科技創新整合自動化設備、e 化網路及 IoT 推出「iTrash 智慧城市 - 垃圾回收整合系統」。系統前端建置 24 小時自動化回收設備,其中涵蓋串接電子票證交易之垃圾秤重計費系統及資源回收計量回饋系統與壓縮減容、 氣密除臭、低溫抑菌…等裝置,提高生活便利性及環境整潔,後端利用滿量通知系統及故障訊號回傳系統,規劃垃 圾回收時間路段及維護項目,有效降低各項成本,創造更「便利、公平、環保、智慧」的垃圾回收環境。
24 小時自動化 - 全日服務無限制,不必再等待或配合垃圾車時間。 使用者付費 - 以垃圾重量決定付費金額,同焚化爐計費模式,完全符合使用者付費之公平原則。 資源回收回饋 - 回收瓶罐回饋金加值於悠遊卡可立即使用,提升民眾主動資源回收之意願。 乾淨環保 - 壓縮減容、氣密除臭、低溫抑菌裝置,不易產生臭味孳生蚊蟲;回收免用垃圾袋包裝,源頭減塑更加環保。 e 化整合 - 金流服務、垃圾偵測通知系統、故障訊號回傳系統,創新垃圾回收服務模式,增加智慧城市新亮點。
1. 水庫、水文監測 2. 坡地災害、土石流、邊坡滑動監測 3. 橋梁、結構監測 4. 低窪易淹水地區監測 5. 市區防洪防災監測系統 6. 雲端防災資訊系統
Geonerve Technology Co., Ltd.
Hao-Yang Environment Science Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-4-2376-1170 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-2376-1170/+886-4-2375-7275 www.geonervetech.com/web/
Company Telephone:+886-3-222-8688 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-222-8588 www.itrash.com.tw
Company Summary Established in 2008, Geonerve committed to develop environmental monitoring products and offering consultant services in the areas of disaster prevention and environmental surveillances.
Company Summary Producing garbage is an unpreventable result of our daily processes. Considering the development of modern technology, improvement of living standard and unstable working hours, there should be a more user friendly system to collect garbage instead of holding them & wait for the garbage truck in fix hours. The world’s first iTrash Smart City Garbage & Recycle Integration System is a breakthrough in traditional garbage collecting methods. Its 24 hours self service system is conducive to enhance convenience, to improve living standards, to reduce the amount of garbage, to achieve immediate recycle money feedback and to minimize garbage disposal costs. Product Summary Available 24 hours-24 hours self-service for garbage disposal. No more missing garbage trucks or garbage exposure. Fair Charge-First in the world to charge by weight of garbage user litters into the machine. Recycling Feedback-Feedback charged into user’s electronic fair card for separate recycables from garbage. Immediate money feedback to increase user willingness of participating recycling. Eco-friendly & Tidy-No standard garbage bags/trolleys needed. Patent certified design of garbage refrigeration & deodorant feature can reduce the growth of bacteria & pests to ensure a clean environment. Integrated Service-Efficient monitor of iTrash machines & truck all kinds of waste in one go. Electronic Services-Usage of electronic fare card, trash overflow detection system & facility data feedback system contribute in creation of Smart City.
Product Summary 1.Reservoir monitoring 2.Landslide/ slope monitoring 3.Bridge/ construction monitoring 4.Flood monitoring 5.City disaster prevention monitoring system 6.Cloud computing monitoring system
晧揚環境科技 公司電話:03-2228688 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-2228588 www.itrash.com.tw
K406 瑞德感知科技股份有限公司
新鼎系統股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2785-3839 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2782-0180 www.ctci.com.tw
公司電話:02-2362-9168 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2368-7168 www.hexsave.com
新鼎系統股份有限公司成立於 1987 年,2002 年臺灣股票公司上市,為台灣地區最大工程公司中鼎集團所轉投資 成立的專業系統整合商。新鼎以工控為核心技術,提供自動化主承包、智慧製造、交通與機電及工控產品銷售等服 務,同時憑藉專業 CMMI L3 認證,以軟體實力整合硬體與系統平台。主要業務範圍包含:石油、天然氣、石化、 電力、交通、高新科技及綠能等產業。 近來集團成立「智能事業群」,由新鼎領軍,以物聯網為創新軸心,提供客製化智能解決方案,導入工業 4.0、物 聯網及大數據技術,並積極延伸至智慧城市市場。 秉持「我們是最值得信賴的全球工程服務團隊。」的集團企業經營信念,無論是哪一個領域,我們都致力提供客戶 最值得信賴的服務!
產品介紹 智慧工廠: ●流程最佳化 ●能源管理 ●製程工廠安全 ●工業 4.0 服務 ● IAS 系統 ● Sorama 聲學相機
智慧交通: ●機場行李處理系統 ●機場早到行李處理系統 ●機場行李再確認系統 ●機場智慧機電應用
智慧城市: ●車站列車資訊系統 ●人員追蹤管理系統 ● ViSense 技術
瑞德感知科技的「動態導引系統」,是全球首創的智慧消防疏散系統,「動態導引主機」會自動偵測建築物內的危 險程度,即時規劃火場逃生路線,透過最新 LoRa 遠距傳輸技術,遠端控制「動態導引號誌」改變指示方向,引導 群眾前往安全的出口,有效提升建築物公共安全標準,適用於所有建築物當中。 系統核心技術獲得微軟競賽世界冠軍、iF 產品設計獎、智慧建材標章及美國防火工程學會 SFPE 的認可,是全台唯 一取得消防認證之動態導引號誌。
CTCI Advanced System Incorporation Company Telephone:+886-2-2785-3839 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2782-0180 www.ctci.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2362-9168 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2368-7168 www.hexsave.com
Company Summary CTCI Advanced Systems Inc. is an international leader in industrial automation, Intelligent Manufacturing and E&M system integrator. Since its founding in 1987, CTCI ASI has strived to provide reliable environments to our clients in the hydrocarbon, power, environmental, transportation and industrial markets. We offer services majored in IM, Automation Control and System Integration.
Company Summary HEX is the first company in the world which launches Dynamic Evacuation System with “Dynamic Exit Signs”. It can change the signs based on the fire scene immediately. Also, it can enhance the attention of people by 50%, effectively reduces the time of decision-making, and increases the safety rate. The technique has been validated by SFPE, iF Design Award and patents. HEX focuses on bringing high level technology to provide safety standard in public places. Your safety, our technology.
Product Summary Smart Factory: ● Process Optimization ● Energy Saving Emission Reduction ● Process Safety Hazard Response ● Industrial 4.0 ● IAS System ● Sorama 70
瑞德感知科技股份有限公司透過科技力量帶動整體消防產業到下一世代,開發全球首創的智慧消防疏散系統,可自 動偵測建築物內的危險程度,即時規劃火場逃生路線,有效提升建築物公共安全標準。同時,已實際應用至多個指 標性場域,公共場域如基隆廟口停車場、三重正義停車場、中和國小停車場…等,以及神達電腦林口商辦大樓及輝 泰琴建案…等。 瑞德感知將持續把創新科技技術導入消防產業,開發更多的智慧消防產品,期望可以成為首屈一指的消防科技公 司。
Smart Transportation: ● Baggage Handling System (BHS) ● Early Baggage Storage (EBS) ● Baggage Reconciliation System ● Smart Airport E&M System
Smart City: ● Passenger Information Display System ● Intelligent Tracking System ● ViSense
Product Summary HEX is the first company in the world which launches Dynamic Evacuation System with “Dynamic Exit Signs”. It can change the signs based on the fire scene immediately. It adopts the advanced LoRa wireless communication technology. Even for the complicated large buildings, it just requires a few simple steps to connect all directions in a wireless way, so as to elevate the safety in the field.
K312 鉅康科技股份有限公司
公司電話:06-2617-641 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-2617-641/06-2656-120 www.netvox.com.tw
公司電話:02-2898-5277 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-28986298 www.asuscloud.com
Netvox 從 2005 年就投入以 IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee® 為無線傳輸協議的無線感知網路 WSN 技術相關連結物聯網 IOT 的產 品及應用的開發。 Netvox 擁有全方面的物聯網解決方案,包括感測器,物聯網平台,雲端,大數據運用,與國內外各 IoT 巨擘整合。 透過 Netvox 的各類環境傳感器作為數據收集終端和控制設備組合,配合雲端管理應用,依照客戶需求訂製方案,提供遠 程智能監控、環境自動調節、多地區即時反應的智能環境監控應用系統。 應用領域涵蓋智慧電網、智慧交通、智慧物流、智慧家居、環境安全偵測、工業自動化升級、智慧醫療、智慧農業等業務。
產品介紹 Netvox IoT 物聯網平臺及全方案領域涵蓋: 家庭自動化、建築業、農業、工業、運輸業、老年人護理、存取控制、零售業、電力與能源、醫院、物流業
Netvox 雲端可以讓設備通過 RESTfulAPI 與手機或網頁的應用程式溝通,有助於數據收集,管理和分析物聯網等的 應用。 超過 150 個 Netvox 無線設備與感測器 UL, FCC, CE 認證 Netvox 物聯網解決方案入門套件組 : 嵌入式樹莓派開發板、Netvox 物聯網開發平台安裝說明、Netvox IoT 物聯網開發平台免費授權 RESTful API 文件影片範例程式碼說明、無線設備與感測器相關應用之程式碼範例、安卓軟體 開發之程式碼範例管理與控制平台
華碩雲端為華碩發展雲端服務的經營團隊,以自有技術發展具備海量資料儲存與運算能力的雲端物聯網平台,推動 雲端、大數據與物聯網的整合性創新,華碩雲端於台灣、美國、中國與盧森堡設置資料中心,服務全球 5,000 萬用 戶,並提供公部門、企業儲存、電信營運商、教育、健康醫療與金融等領域高資安雲端解決方案;同時,透過開放 雲端平台資源,積極與各領域夥伴、智慧城市合作,加速產業整合與創新,打造萬物互聯智慧雲端生活。
萬物互聯時代來臨,人們正面臨新科技對生活、醫療、教育、環境監控、製造、金融等應用所帶來的衝擊;為了提 高市民生活品質、優化城市運作機能、加速產業發展,透過打造智慧城市、以更有效率的方法解決城市各種問題進 而提升城市競爭力,成為城市有志一同的推動目標。 ASUS OmniStor 基於具備海量數據儲存與運算的 ASUS Cloud Platform 所開發,提供完整物聯裝置銜接、認證授權、 海量數據儲存、運算分析、整合應用等服務之雲端物聯網服務平台,可協助城市打造以用戶為中心、數據匯流的智 慧城市。
Netvox Technology Co., Ltd
ASUS Cloud Corporation
Company Telephone:+886-6-2617-641 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-2617-641/+886-6-2656-120 www.netvox.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2898-5277 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2898-6298 www.asuscloud.com
Company Summary Netvox Technology Co., Ltd, the Leading IoT / ZigBee Smart Product Manufacturer, has been invested in the WSN technology of IOT based on IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee® protocol since 2005. Netvox has all aspects of IoT solutions, including sensors, networking platforms, cloud services, large data application, etc. Netvox provide public cloud server, customers can also set up their own clouds or integrate Netvox cloud and client-server, as data and analysis access; applications include Smart Power & Energy, Intelligent Transportation, Smart Logistics, Smart Home, Health and Business services.
Company Summary Responsible for cloud development at ASUS, ASUS Cloud is dedicated in marketing, operations, and research & development cloud services. With self-possessed cloud platform, we provide comprehensive business deployment, IoT data storing and computing, mobility on the go, and integrated innovation services. With nine years of operational experience and fifty million active users, we have accomplished vertical services in commercial, education, healthcare sectors, with the hope of conveying effortlessly yet highly efficient smart solutions.
Product Summary Netvox IoT domains in Home Automation, Building, Agriculture, Industry, Transportation, Elderly Care, Access Control, Retail, Power & Energy, Hospital & Logistic. There are plenty of third-party gateways which can achieve Netvox IoT total solution. For example, to develop IoT solution for traditional industry with your gateway, it includes as below, 1. Netvox IoT Platform 2. Starter kit 3. Restful API 4. Cloud (Data collector engine) 5. Customized ZigBee module with HA profile 6. Netvox mobile APP Once Netvox IoT platform is successfully transplanted in your gateway, you can use the ready-to-go Netvox mobile APP as well as controlling over 150 sensors of Netvox.
Product Summary Under the era of Internet of Everything, people are facing challenges that being smarter to adapt new technology in living, medical, environmental surveillance, manufacturing, finance, and etc; In order to enhance the quality of living standard, optimize city’s operations, and accelerate developments of every industry, City administrations are all looking for building a smarter city to overcome the challenges by utilizing total solutions efficiently. ASUS OmniStor is an data cloud platform equip with bigdata storage, cloud computing and IoT capability that helps building citizen-centric smart city quickly with comprehensive IoT service.
K203A 伸波通訊股份有限公司
公司電話:02-2795-3616 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2795-3616 www.wavein.com.tw
公司電話:02-2722-5333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2722-2330 www.mds.com.tw
伸波通訊股份有限公司成立於 2014 年 , 公司核心業務為行動網路品質優化和使用者經驗改善。公司提供通訊網路 硬體建設和軟體顧問服務,主要產品為異質網路數據分析平台,行動網路優化軟體平台和室內通訊涵蓋和信號改善 顧問服務。
三商電腦在台灣的自動櫃員機、金融端末系統等領域,具有舉足輕重的領導地位,更是國內知名的系統整合商。近 年積極布局於雲端應用服務 (SaaS) 及行動應用的開發,有鑑於隨需移動服務趨勢及創新服務應用的潮流,期望提 供雲端服務應用給所有服務導向之中小型企業,無需為 IT 應用及維運所傷神,全功能免費使用,超過免費使用量 才付費的營運模式,降低企業使用門檻,並協助企業提高服務效率與品質,進而促進營收成長並協助服務產業的轉 型與提昇。
產品介紹 ● XiNOS 異質網路平台匯集各類型物聯網設備和通訊相關資料,結合專家轉化大數據經驗於平台上,將物聯網通訊 用戶使用行為以網路效能方式呈現,並提供網路優化的數據和建議,以確保網路服務品質。 ● XiNOS 行動網路優化軟體平台,提供第一類行動通訊業者針對網路設備進行日常的效能分析、障礙告警及排除、 以及優化分析。
Wave-in Communication Inc.
產品介紹 外勤管理首選平台 - 外勤筋斗雲,全台首創 雲端外勤派遣管理系統 ! 以雲端服務串連行動應用的服務模式,APP 提供 iOS 8.0 以上、Android 最低版本需求 4.0.3 以上下載使用。強調全 方位整合、簡化溝通流程,提升外勤人員服務質量,為企業創造更高的營運效率!體驗使用完全免費,任務管理、 訊息管理、表單管理、組織管理等貼心功能,以及 SSL 高安全等級傳輸加密技術,有效協助企業提升外勤管理效率!
Mercuries Data Systems Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2795-3616 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2795-3616 www.wavein.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2722-5333 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2722-2330 www.mds.com.tw
Company Summary The company Wavein Communication Inc, is established in 2014, our core business is involving in mobile network quality optimization and end-user experience improvement. We do provide indoor telecommunication hardware construction and data analytics consultant service. The main products are HETNET data analysis platform, Mobile Network Optimization Platform and indoor coverage improvement consultant service.
Company Summary In Taiwan, Mercuries Data Systems is in a leading position on ATM, the financial end-systems, and other banking machine fields, with well-known system integrators. In recent years, we focus on active deployment in the cloud application service (SaaS) and mobile application development. In the view of on-demand mobile service trends and innovative service application trend, we expect to provide the best cloud services to all service oriented small and medium enterprises.
Product Summary XINOS HetNet Data Analysis Platform, collecting data from IOT devices and communication equipment, integrated with experienced network expertise, convert the IOT end-user experience into network performance presentation, and provide network optimization solution to ensure service quality.
Product Summary Mercuries Data Systems developed ServiceJDC cloud-field-service management system integrates more than 8 wide ranges and useful function tools by Smartphone with business planning, punch return, map tracking, information collection, customer management, push notification, form management and statistical analysis. Now you can get a free download APP on both Google Play and Apple Store by Android/IOS Platforms.
XiNOS Mobile Network Analysis Platform, had proven in tier-1 mobile network operators for it network analysis, troubleshoot and optimizing on daily basis. With the experienced expert knowledge accumulated, it provide valuable insight into network performance and end-user behavior to assists customer in network quality assurance and business innovation. 74
J617A 永曜雲端科技有限公司 公司電話:02-7730-3939 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8667-1002 iot.iess-cloud.com.tw
永曜雲端科技有限公司 IESS
Te c h .
公司電話:02-2936-3756 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2936-3781 www.zenzenlab.com
永曜公司目標是「讓天下沒有難聯網的設備」,提供各式感應器與機械設備快速聯網方案,協助各產業導入物聯網 + 的功能,邁向新淘金時代。我們了解產業升級的困難與挑戰,因此以「快速、簡易、彈性、可靠」為公司的核心 價值,提供您最佳的解決方案。永曜團隊擁有 6 年以上的實務經驗,在台灣服務客戶超過千個據點,每月蒐集超過 3千萬筆以上資料。誠摯地邀請您一同翱翔於物聯網時代。
生生品創策動志業是一間社會企業,為服務創新設計而生。 創立於 2015 年 11 月,進駐政大創立方,提供跨領域品牌整合服務,包含品牌策略參謀、品牌形象設計、社群互 動溝通、組織康健樂動等,致力成為政大第一個衍生型社會企業,關注產業升級、企業創新、青年創業、新創加速、 新創人才培育等社會議題,以「大計畫挹注小計畫,資源多協助資源少」,以「做一捐一」的社企服務精神運行; 一面為企業品牌提供專業服務營運,一面為新創團隊、NGO 組織與社福團體提供公益諮詢輔導,期望打造「生生 不息,社企共好」的新創服務生態圈。
產品介紹 永曜公司提供 IOT Gateway 及 IESS 物聯雲端平台,提供各式感測器聯網方案,例如:電力、水力、光、風、溫濕、 二氧化碳、PM2.5/10 等;及各種電機設備,例如:空調系統、工廠生產線、空壓機、熱泵等。另針對連鎖住商用戶, 提供物聯雲端能源管理系統,協助用戶管理分散式據點能耗使用。
IESS Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.
ZenZen Lab
台北 101 綠建築導覽 APP,帶您體驗全球超高綠建築新典範,以東方禪意風格設計,讓您「十分鐘看懂綠建築, 九國語言導覽」;以書法意象傳達「電、水、生、清、地、氣」六大主題,九國語言包括:中文、英文、日文、韓 文、泰文、馬來文、越南文、緬甸文、印尼文等,以便國際導覽推廣。本專案感謝台北 101 支持政治大學創意實 踐計畫與政大南風四重奏計畫支持東南亞語系導覽。
Company Telephone:+886-2-7730-3939 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8667-1002 iot.iess-cloud.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2936-3756 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2936-3781 www.zenzenlab.com
Company Summary Our mission is to "Make Equipment Connected So Easy". We offer various solutions for connecting sensors and equipment in a speedy fashion, and introduce IOT+ function to the industry as to maximize its profit. In Taiwan, our team have 6 years of experience and 1058 sets installed. 30,000,000 times connect equipment to IESS cloud platform monthly.
Company Summary ZenZen Lab is a social enterprise for service innovation design, founded in November 2015 at NCCU IEH. We offer brand integration services which include: brand strategy consultancy, brand image & identity design, social media & interactive communication, organizational positive health and fun sports etc. We are committed to be NCCU’s first extended social enterprise, focusing on the social agendas: industrial upgrading, corporate innovation, youth startups, angel accelerators and future talents etc. We look forward to building up a sustainable startup service eco-system.
Product Summary We provide IOT gateway and IESS cloud platform that can receive a lot of data about energy power, water, light, wind, gas and equipment. While facing the challenge of upgrading your industry, we value ''Fast, Simple, Flexible and Reliable" to strive for a best solution for you. Welcome to join us in the IOT gold era. We also provide iBEMS (intelligent Building Energy Management System ) for chain store about saving energy.
Product Summary Taipei 101 Green Building APP is your guide to experiencing the tallest green building in the world. The app is designed with oriental zen style, guiding you to experience the green building in 9 languages and using the calligraphy to deliver 6 themes: Energy, Water, Recycle, Eco-Friendly, Earth and Chi. 9 languages include: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Bahasa Malaysia, Vietnamese, Burmese and Indonesian.
J617A 宏雲電股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2222-1409 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0980-929-597 www.sctek.tw 公司簡介
伴隨著物聯網時代的來臨,大數據分析、人工智慧開始成為國內各產業爭相開發的創新重點。成立於 2013 年底, 宏雲電為台灣首間專注於物聯網 (IOT) 技術研發的軟硬整合公司,已成功以雲端技術和多名國內知名業者、政府機 關做產品結合。藉由與我們合作,除了可以快速使現有的傳統產品增加無線操控外,還能藉由我們獨特的雲端服務 自行設定各式排程,使產品自動執行動作。
行動貝果領先業界推出針對物聯網大數據分析預測的人工智慧引擎 Decanter ™,Decanter ™能協助企業用戶找到隱 藏在大量數據中的重要意涵,藉此做出能精準回應消費者需求的商業決策以增加營運成效。 此項技術由行動貝果史丹佛大學、加州柏克萊大學及台灣大學的堅強團隊運用在矽谷最新的機器學習演算法,打造 人工智慧引擎 Decanter ™,領先業界於矽谷推出物聯網大數據分析預測服務。由於我們在全世界領先的技術實力, 已獲得來自全球許多知名創投機構投資及贊助,如美國 Google、美國 Microsoft、美國 Amazon、美國 Salesforce、 日本 SoftBank、美國 500 Startups、新加坡 Singtel、日本 CyberAgent、中華民國科技部和國發會等,並且在美國、 歐洲、東亞地區獲得諸多指標性客戶及通路夥伴,如 Philips、Softbank、Nokia 和 Panasonic 等,更有大量的國際媒 體報導我們的成功案例,如 TechCrunch、VentureBeat、NHK、東京電視台、富士電視台等。
產品介紹 B2B 的部分 : 我們提供雲端整合服務,可藉由我們現有的軟硬體將傳統的設備升級,以手機 APP 進行無線操控、雲端排程及時 設定,還可以進一步進行數據分析,提升各產業業者的產品競爭力。 B2C 的部分 : 什麼是智慧家居 ? 只是單純的近遠端無線控制家電,或定時開關某些電器 ? 宏雲電將以自有品牌 Clinks 進入每個人的「家」,以創新產品結合軟體服務,我們將重新定義「智慧」家居,改變 所有你對智慧家居的認知。馬上來我們的攤位體驗 !
Smart Cloud Technology Inc
產品介紹 行動貝果發現許多大型企業持續自消費者正使用的終端產品中蒐集資料,然而這些隱含消費者使用行為的重要資 訊,卻沒有被妥善地運用以協助管理層做出精準的商業決策,因此行動貝果便聚焦於研發 Decanter ™人工智慧引擎。 Decanter ™能夠協助廠商加速並優化監測即時資訊以及數據分析的過程,其強大的資料分析及預測能力,能夠使企 業的行銷預算被更有效率地使用或是優化營運模式,不僅能夠節省 57% 的營運與研發成本,預測能力更達到 90% 以上的準確力,大幅增強其獲利能力。以實際案例為例,行動貝果的其中一個客戶是日本大型連鎖無人商店,在應 用行動貝果的物聯網分析技術後,更加了解消費者的行為模式,使該公司每個月的營收增加一百多萬美元(約新台 幣三千一百萬元),每個據點的營收也增加 3% 到 15%,成長幅度驚人。行動貝果提供公司最大 的價值在於:將巨量的物聯網資料轉換成對企業經營有意義的資訊,再加上預測服務來使客戶達 到更佳的經營成效。
MoBagel Inc.
Company Telephone:+886-2-22221409 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-980929597 www.sctek.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2732 4492 Customer Service/Fax Number: mobagel.com/
Company Summary SCtek, founded in 2013, is a Taiwan based startup devoted to the development of IOT solutions. With our competitive H/W and S/W, we have successfully integrated our solutions with a variety of products from different industries and made these traditional machines smart. We wish to provide a real total IOT solution which every clients can be benefit with. We have also built our own brand, Clinks, which is the first smart home product based on big-data and AI technology topology. And most importantly, all of our Clinks devices do not need to connect to any central gateway. We are going to redefine “smart home”, from Taiwan to the rest of the world.
Company Summary MoBagel is a Silicon Valley-based AI startup (500 Startups Batch 13, SoftBank Innovation Program 2016, Orange Fab 2016, Nokia Open Innovation Challenge 2016) focusing on building the first AI engine catered to the growing needs of IoT and big data. MoBagel is already working with top branded manufacturers around the world such as Philips and Panasonic to implement its predictive solution for different business applications.
Product Summary Clinks Living & Cares: All-In-One Smart home products, including motion detection, IR transmission, wireless control and gas detection. With the connection to our cloud, it will make your life easier and more convenient. Come to our booth and see how it works!
行動貝果有限公司 公司電話:02-2732-4492 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: mobagel.com/tw/
Product Summary MoBagel’s IoT solution aims to help clients reduce the barriers of technology, time and cost required to process and understand colossal amounts of complex IoT data. Through an automated machine learning process, MoBagel converts raw IoT data directly to actionable insights such as business monetization, revenue maximization and cost-reduction.
J167A 育學雲端股份有限公司
公司電話:02-2797-1558 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2797-9928
公司電話:02-8809-8838 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8809-8838/02-8809-8915 www.inlux.tw
育學雲端創立 2005 年,並於 2016 年建構成為雲端事業體,主要以提供商業語言與訊息傳遞服務為主。於 2014 年 轉投資恆鼎科技,該公司主要負責社群大數據與自有產品研發與銷售,並取得多項專利技術。現階段育學雲端發展 方向則專注產業鏈之口譯與訊息傳遞服務,並提供創新語言學習模式。 育學雲端擁有多項大數據蒐集與視訊平台技術,並以語言人才共享分潤架構,為提供營運與競爭之重要核心能力。 公司著重產官學資源整合與研究,並以創造新技術應用價值,結合重要夥伴,獲取市場機會與利潤。
因應時代潮流、迎合市場快速變遷,宜樂室團隊以 20 多年專業自動化工控背景及樓宇與廠房自動化設計整合經驗, 投入智慧居家產業,並於 2016 年成立宜樂室智能居家有限公司。 宜樂室除了以智慧居家系統研發整合技術為核心外,同時也是西門子、SAVANT、ekine 等多家智慧居家廠牌代理經 銷商。另外為打造多元化的事業版圖,於同年成立網路電商,積極尋找各種提升生活品質的智慧產品,創造更健康、 安全、便利、有趣的智慧生活。以實現『intelligent way luxury life 用聰明科技創造奢華便利生活』的願景。
* BEasy! 線上即時口譯 ( 隨行秘書 )APP: 提供訪台外籍 / 出國旅遊之旅客即時線上口譯客服。無論是一般的餐飲、購物、觀光時溝通 的協助,或是迷路、醫療、報警等緊急救助,我們都有專業人士線上服務,讓您溝通無障礙 ! * 線上 APP 客服平台 : 提供企業客服席次租賃的服務,協助企業利用 APP 取代傳統的電話客服,語音、視訊皆能 提供服務,無須花費鉅資購買特殊設備,手機、電腦皆可值機, 無須專任客服,所有的員工都 是你的客服 !
【INLUX-KNX 智慧居家系統】運用全球樓宇及住宅控制領域唯一開放式國際標準的 KNX 協議,解決現階段智慧居 家各廠牌間無法整合應用以及產品線不完整的缺點,加上本身自動化控制工程背景,能快速有效的將客戶需求 ex: 燈光照明、窗簾控制、冷暖空調、保全門禁、環境監控等⋯⋯全部整合於一個 APP,讓用戶端在使用上更為方便, 有效降低成本及解決無替代品的窘境。
Technical Seed Corp.
Inlux Co., Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2797-1558 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2797-9928
Company Telephone:+886-2-8809-8838 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8809-8838/+886-2-8809-8915 www.inlux.tw
Company Summary Technical Seed Corp. was established in 2005, built up cloud business department which primarily provides the services of business language and conveying information, and invested in Lore Master which is responsible for researching, developing, and selling big data of social media and itself products in 2014 and has got a great deal of patents. At the present stage, Technical Seed focuses on interpretation of industrial chains, service of conveying information, and providing creative model of learning language. Technical Seed Corp. has a variety of technology of collecting big data and video platform under the structure of sharing profit with linguists to provide core ability to run business and compete. We put emphasis on resources’ integration and research of Industry, Official and University and create application value of new technology to cooperate with key partners to gain opportunities of market and profits. Product Summary * BEasy! APP of real-time on-line interpretation (private secretary) It can provide customer service of real-time on-line interpretation to inbound foreign travelers/outbound ones. We have on-line service of the professional to make your communication obstacle-free no matter what you need assistances of communication about eating, drinking, and shopping or urgent helps with the lost, medical, and calling the police. * Platform of customer service of on-line APP We offer the customers’cloud services of seat-rental to help the enterprises that make use of APP with voice, video to replace the traditional customer service of telephone so they neither need to buy special costly equipment nor require any full-time customer service because they can regard all staff as their customer services through a mobile phone or a computer.
Company Summary Inlux Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2016, is a smart home system company with more than 20 years of experience in professional automation engineering and building automation design integration. In addition to the core business of smart home systems, we are also the Siemens, SAVANT, ekine, and many other smart home brand agency dealers. Product Summary 【INLUX-KNX intelligent home system】is using the global building standard KNX as the system foundation, combined with our professional automation engineering background, so that we can integrate all customer requirements into “ONE APP”. Such as: lighting, curtain control, air conditioning, CCTV, environmental monitoring, etc.
J617A 前沿科技股份有限公司 公司電話:07-695 5033 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0980-929-597 www.roomie-p.com 公司簡介
前沿科技致力於語音辨識,結合自有資料庫與物聯網,目標在打造更易用,以及符合家用情境的電子產品,主要訴 求在於利用高度軟硬整合的方式,提升使用者體驗與提供新的應用與服務,團隊成員專長包含軟體設計,工業設計 與行銷,期望以專業設計與整合的角度,結合客製化服務,解決客戶問題,創造價值,初期目標市場先以華語地區 為主,包含台灣、新加坡、大陸、以及東南亞,後續將跨大推出至英語地區。
WeMo Scooter 期許以便捷經濟的模式,改變大都會裡人們的交通體驗。整合電動機車、行動裝置、數位科技及嶄 新的商業模式,以智慧便捷、隨騎隨停的無站點模式創造更聰明、便利的移動服務。
產品介紹 結合雲端串流影音娛樂 , 整合智慧家庭 , 利用聲音辨識來實現操控 ( 影音節目 , 燈光 , 家電 ), 互動 ( 食譜查詢 . 語音 助理 ). 特色包含 : ●小尺寸 , 高性能 , 長壽命 , 使用新一代 DLP 以及 LED 燈泡 , 相容於 FULL HD 畫質 ●大螢幕 , 投影 120 吋 , 在家中享受跟電影院一樣的震撼效果 ●可收聽音樂 , 說出歌手或歌名 , 關掉投影 , 打開書本 . roomie 就是一台智慧藍芽音響 ●智慧助理功能讓使用者詢問天氣 , 百科 , 新聞甚至影片都行 , 增進親子互動 ●主要發展核心語音辨識與服務提供 , 未來發展性不僅僅限於單一硬體 . 可移植到不同產品 .
Frontier Technology Co. Ltd.
WeM o scooter
產品介紹 WeMo 透過整合電動機車與行動裝置,創造一個智慧電動機車租賃服務,將可有效提升機車的使用率、解決空氣、 噪音汙染以及交通壅塞問題,達到共享經濟的理念。特色為無鑰匙、無固定站點,使用者透過手機 APP,即可獲得 鄰近的機車所在地點資訊,只要利用 App,找車、發動、還車即可完成,租還無固定站點的限制。不僅能提供便利 及價格合理的服務,長期亦能減少碳排放量與環境污染,讓都市人的交通生活更無負擔。
WeMo Scooter
Company Telephone:+886-7-695-5033 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.roomie-p.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-2557-9910 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-449-9881 www.wemoscooter.com
Company Summary Frontier focus on the developments on voice recognition and IoT device. The target is to create userfriendly electronics in home environment. We devote efforts to enhance the user experience and like to provide innovation applications and services with our integrating software and hardware. Our team have experts on software design and hardware engineer. With customized service, Frontier wants to solve customer’s problems and create more value. The preliminary market will focus on the Chinese-Language region including Taiwan, China, Singapore and South-East Asia. In the future, the service and product will be expanded to English-spoken area.
Company Summary WeMo Scooter is an electric scooter sharing service which allows people to rent and return scooters anywhere there is a parking space. WeMo Scooter is building a better future by creating a new wave of smart transportation that is sustainable, economical, and fun. WeMo’s fleet of e-scooters can be shared by everyday consumers for a seamless, point-to-point transportation experience.
Product Summary Roomie is a new type of IoT device, combining the voice recognition and AI system, combining the projection technology, providing better user experience on the fields of recreation, including Movie, Music and Smart Home control. With nature language recognition, it is so easy to obtain your favorite movie, drama and IoT control. Currently we focus on home-use entertainment and environment, and it will be expanded to other fields and market, such as education and business conference.
威摩科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2557-9910 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-449-9881 www.wemoscooter.com
Product Summary By integrating electric scooters and mobile devices, WeMo provides an electric scooter sharing service, which effectively improve the utilization rate of vehicles, solve problem of air pollution, noise pollution and traffic congestion. Renting a WeMo Scooter is quick and easy. Your smart phone is the key. With our WeMo Scooter App, you can find the nearest WeMo scooter, turn it on and off (or even open the storage compartment)! Moreover, WeMo Scooter is a free flow rental service; drop your WeMo scooter off wherever you would like (granted it’s a legal parking spot) within designated districts and off you go!
J617A 研廣無線物聯股份有限公司 公司電話:03-5750806 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-5750806/sales@advanwise.com www.advanwise.com 公司簡介 研廣無線物聯股份有限公司創立於 2016 年 11 月,公司的營運模式以 ODM 業務為主,產品發展方向則專注於運用 “最適”無線網路技術,針對目標垂直市場,開發出工業物聯網相關的無線產品及服務。 本公司是由一群具有豐富經驗的網通與工業應用工程師組成,對於無線技術與客戶的應用均有深刻的瞭解,並能針 對需求快速提出合適的對應方案。
產品介紹 LoRa 產品線 : 產品包含 LoRa Module 與 Gateway. 除支援 LoRaWAN 外 , 並專注於 LoRa Private Network 的應用開 發 ●工業無線 Gateway : 除一般 2.4G/5Ghz WLAN 及 LTE 連線外 , 並支援 RS-422/485, Modbus 等工業無線應用 ●長距離 Wifi 產品線 : 產品包括 High-powered WiFi 及 802.11af 遠距離應用 ●
展綠科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2736-2529 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 3egreen.com 公司簡介 成立於 2014 年初的展綠科技,至今 3 年,第 2 年第三季公司達損益平衡。我們的團隊成員主要多半畢業於台大、清 大並服務於高科技產業,平均擁有 15 年的無線傳輸應用開發經驗包括 RFID、低頻、Zigbee、Zwave、WiFi 與 BLE 等, 共同致力於追求卓越的成果,也同時在追求客戶目標的過程當中勞逸結合,打造一個理想而完美的智慧與節能服務系 統。初期主要採藍芽 BLE 無線傳輸最新架構,提供 IoT 物聯網最先進完整系統之解決方案,從 App、Cloud service、 BLE-WiFi gateway 到 Devices/Sensors 軟硬體皆由本團隊自行研發設計,其中以 BLE Mesh 雙向多點傳輸(目前可做到 同時與 250 個裝置溝通,傳輸距離半徑 80M)與 BLE Repeater,傳輸無距離與無死角的限制為最關鍵核心技術之一, 可大幅度簡化智能產品建構之複雜度,降低客戶開發產品成本,進而提升產業產品價值。 今年,在節能減碳上擁有一些成果,展綠創新的綠能智慧鉤錶,一般使用者可以花不到 30 秒的安裝時間,即可讀取 到任何電器設備、線路的即時用電數據,量測範圍從 30mA 至 450A,小至手機的用電資訊,大到住宅 ( 家電最高至 15A) 的冰箱、冷氣、電暖爐到工廠的大型工作母機皆可涵蓋。目前主要市場專注在智慧應用的相關節能系統如工廠 或商辦進行電力管理,客戶達到賺取每個月的大量電費及用電安全與未來 IoT 延伸應用,透過展綠的簡單、輕巧、經 濟實惠智慧節能用電管理軟硬體系統包括雲端數據分析,可安裝在任何電器設備上,當工廠、辦公大樓或商場任何電 器設備老舊或電線即將走火之前,可多人同時透過 line App 自動收到預警,大幅降低用電意外並進一步改善老舊設備, 以達節能減碳之效用。除此之外,內建的室內定位功能,提供服務人員進出及位置的管理或外來訪客的管理,對於訪 客跑到不該去的地方,將即時提示給本人及管理者,完整掌握所有人與物的位置管理。掛鉤錶就像換燈泡一樣平常, 節能減碳,您我做得到。
產品介紹 對於至今全球仍面臨無法達成智慧電網的理想目標,主要問題在於建置的成本高、安裝維護繁雜,以及最重要有關不環 保的問題,為了節能減碳,卻需要用到更多耗電的電子產品。展綠的綠能充電鉤錶,採用再生能源的 方式、安裝容易以及無須昂貴成本的優勢,大幅度解決目前節能減碳推廣的窘境,以最經濟實惠、最 簡易的方法來達到全球用電管理進而實現節能減碳之目的。
AdvanWISE Corporation Company Telephone:+8863-5750806 ext. 14 Customer Service/Fax Number:+8863-5750806 ext. 14 www.advanwise.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-27362529 Customer Service/Fax Number: 3egreen.com
Company Summary AdvanWISE provides wireless solutions to enable Internet of Things over lowpower, long-range wireless network and across many industries: smart cities, agriculture, automotive, healthcare, retail & utilities. We offer wireless LoRa/Super Wi-Fi modules, Gateway, and Software Kit for fully integrated solution that enables system integrators to deliver their application with minimum time to market.
Company Summary 3Egreen offers various RF BLE solutions tailored to our customers' and partners' requirement. Our mission is to develop high quality products with competitive performance ratio and rapid time-tomarket advantages for our customers. "Customer-oriented" has always been the spirit of 3Egreen's people and at 3Egreen customer always comes first.
Product Summary ● Wireless LoRa modules with different form factors for flexibility of integration: M2.com, SiP, Mini-PCI-e ● Super Wi-Fi module to enable Internet communication at a higher speed and deeper penetration than Wi-Fi ● Industrial Gateway ODM ● WISE Manager: software platform embedded with cloud solutions for device communications over wireless networks
Product Summary Green Smart Meter: DIY without touching your plug! Real-time monitoring your appliance electricity usage by your smartphone app. Professionally diagnosis to alert any safety concern. Knowing your usage to better save energy and utility bill.
J617A 智囊團有限公司 公司電話:02-87715958 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.thinktank.com.tw 公司簡介
智囊團有限公司是全台灣第一家大數據的分析公司,致力發展 AI 人工智慧生態系統來打造智慧城市。對於政府和 企業來說,想要建立物聯網的網絡則需要花費許多的時間,成本和昂貴的資源。 智囊團幫助政府及企業,運用 AI ( 人工智慧生態系統,大眾互聯網 (IoP- Internet of People) 開發可預先解決 IoT 的方法。了解更多詳情請上 - http:// www.clapp.io & http://exit.rocks
維基百科 : 氣耕是植物在空氣或氣霧環境下生長不使用土壤或介質 ( 稱耕作學 ),不同於水耕或魚菜共生。原理是噴 灑植物的懸掛根,環境不受害蟲和疾病,生長更健康更快速更環保。無毒有偶公司建於 2013 年 , 擁有 M518867 氣 耕專利成為台灣氣耕蔬菜的領頭羊。栽培的無毒蔬菜鮮活甜美 , 以獨特的「全食用」活蔬之姿問市。
無毒有偶實業有限公司 公司電話:0929-705-680 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0929-705-680 www.chicfarm.net
台灣的共享經濟就是創造閒置空間的綠金價值 - 透過氣耕綠屋頂的菜園 , 除了自耕自食外 , 還可兼賣菜賺取額外的 收入 , 杜絕農藥對家人的毒害 , 共同投入環保捍衛台灣的食安 !
CLAPPIO ( 客來評 ) 讓城市一切都變的簡單了,不論民眾在何時何地,不需要登入、不需輸入任何資料,只要用手 機打開網頁就可以直接按下笑臉、哭臉及寫下自己心裡的真實想法、感受,3 秒即可完成。主管單位可以及時看到 民眾意見的統計數據、與民眾的真實感受,立刻調整、執行新的政策。 EXIT「出口」 出門在外,總有方向弄不清楚的時候,許多人都有迷失在地鐵站的經驗,當你抵達台北地鐵站,急於從大樓出去參 加一個會議,但是你站在人群中,谷哥地圖卻不能告訴你應該從哪個出口出去,捷運地圖設計的指標圖也只告訴你 東南西北方向的出口,在東西南北搞不清楚的狀況下 ,常常花了不必要的時間在找尋出口。 從日本,法國考察回國的 「智囊團 THINKTANK 」是一個以數據分析及大數據平台建構為主的新創團隊, 他們發 現台北和高雄的捷運都有相同的出口問題,因此研發出「出口」可幫助全世界的用戶找到正確的地鐵站出口,甚至 幫行動不便以及大型行李的旅客找到有電梯設施的出口 ,進而節省時間, 金錢和精力,目前已建 置了台灣,紐約,曼谷,新加坡,上海,莫斯科的捷運系統,還在持續擴大中。
Stark Chicfarm Co., LTD.
1. 氣耕蔬菜箱 2. 氣耕金字塔 3. 氣耕綠屋頂
Company Telephone:+8862-87715958 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.thinktank.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-929-705-680 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-929-705-680 www.chicfarm.net
Company Summary For governments and businesses, implementing IoT network for cities/industries on tight budgets is time, cost, and resource expensive. THINKTANK enables governments/companies to develop a pre-IoT solution based on AI IoP (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of People) network. If you are a government/business CLAPPIO enables you to interact live with your citizens/customers/ employees. Exit helps your lost customers in subways and lead them to your store. Visit - http://www. clapp.io & http://exit.rocks Product Summary “CLAPPIO”We are PokemonGO for Smart Cities. For governments and businesses, implementing IoT network for cities/industries on tight budgets is time, cost, and resource expensive. THINKTANK's CLAPPIO enables governments/businesses to communicate with their citizens, employees, customers. CLAPPIO makes smart citizens, smart mayor resulting in smart city. “EXIT”We normally get lost in a new Metro station without knowing which exit to take. This happens every minute at all Metro station in the world. We help people to travel to their destination happily by providing the nearest exit in a Subway/Metro station and other facilities so that you can plan your journey on any Internet smartphone. This enables Metro companies to take more passengers on the same infrastructure with no additional staff or trains or extending train platforms.
Company Summary Established in 2013, Chicfarm is a Leading aeroponics company in Taiwan to supply no pesticides, no herbicides, no GMO, safe vegetables since. With years of soilless cultivation experiences, we offer M518867 patented Growgiza which is eco-friendly grower of consuming less water, less labor, less power, less CO2 to grow safe GREEN food in both indoor and outdoor spaces. Recently, the sharing economy models like Uber and Airbnb is the creation of economic resources through releasing and making available private assets that used to sit idle. Chicfarm will accomplish this by making private spaces- spare room, garden, warehouse… available to any city farmer to grow Safe food for the local housewife market. Product Summary 1.Chicfarm Vegetables 2.Chicfarm Growgiza 3.Chicfarm Green Roof
J617A 視旅科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2365-6247 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2365-6247 www.facebook.com/MySight360 公司簡介 視旅科技是一間專注於影像處理的新創公司,致力於影像的分享與傳達,利用軟體去解決從拍攝到分享乃至觀賞端 的許多問題,目的在使人們可以輕鬆體驗世界上的美好旅行。 未來的計畫在於深入 360 影片的分析與解決行進間拍攝 360 影片的痛點,並且成長成雲端與商用產品,會與大量 的 360 全景攝影機廠商合作,對硬體做軟體加值的行為來拓展產品應用領域到 VR 直播電商,車用環景監控,行動 安控與行動辦公。
產品介紹 針對長時間登山者對攝影紀錄感到麻煩,不想要因為攝影頻繁的中斷深度爬山的體驗,也對旅程後的影片整理感到 壓力 為此所設計的 MySight360,擁有三大特點 1. 穿戴自動攝影,不打斷登山過程 2. 水平旋轉校正,畫面不暈眩 3. 智慧剪輯分享,一鍵生成快速上傳 此外還具備 4K 高畫質影像以及 VR 觀賞模式,將你的冒險旅程濃縮成 3 分鐘的精采故事
Sightour Inc Company Telephone:+886-2-2365-6247 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2365-6247 www.facebook.com/MySight360 Company Summary Sightour is a start-up focusing on image algorithm developing. The purpose is making more and more image sharing and delivering. To make everyone having immersive experience from their videos. The further plan is allowing people take VR video in motion easier. Analyzing how people recording the video and value-add hardware camera for VR live streaming, e-business, and security surveillance system. Product Summary Many hikers feel bad about bring photography equipment and always interrupting hiking process. MySight360 is 1.Designed for whole trip fully wearable design with water resistance and 15 Hr working time 2.Image stabilization system allows user wearing on strap or cap, horizon optimization provide stable 4K video 3.Instant sharing just one click, after a full day of hiking, MySight360 auto generate you own 1 min highlight VR video
2017 智慧城市展
2 / 21 2 / 24 南港展覽館 隆重登場
K116 圓境生態綠能股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2748-8997 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2748-5758 www.ecolandcorp.com 公司簡介
綠智匯 產業聯盟旗艦館 智慧.綠色.健康.創新
歡迎您與我們一起以物聯網建設智慧城市 ▌ 展覽時間 ▌ 2017年2月21 日(二)- 2 月 24日(五)10:00~18:00
圓境生態綠能股份有限公司堅持生態、綠能、智慧化是當前更是未來城市環境的必要條件,一本建築專業的精神, 更落實從規劃、設計到執行,專注於生態、綠能與智慧的核心價值,打造健康幸福的城市。 智慧、綠色、健康、創新是圓境在 2017 年的宣言,而落實此核心價值在執行面上,圓境跨域、跨業結合具有社會 公益責任的企業,共同推動的目標是: 創意城市:產業創新,治理創新,是得以發揮創意的城市 生態城市:友善環境,尊重自然平衡與生物多樣性,減輕環境負荷的城市 綠色城市:循環經濟,讓綠色經濟還原城市動脈、靜脈自然循環的可居城市 智慧城市:透過智慧科技及人工智慧運作,提升環境空間公共品質,讓市民享受的城市 幸福城市:市民參與,創造市民幸福感倍增的城市
產品介紹 圓境業務服務範疇涵蓋智慧生態永續城市、智慧健康社區與建築之整體方案設計與顧問,服務定位在提供完整解決 方案之全方位產業鏈服務平臺,擅長協助公私領域資源及產學研接軌,導入智慧、綠色、生態等複合面向解決方案。 圓境秉持回歸人本空間與順應環境氣候帶之風、光、熱模擬設計理念,專注於永續生態與健康理念規劃及落實,也 協助各城市政府正確發展需求,盤點政策預算、城市發展特色、產業鏈與社經潛力,並媒合場 域與創新科技。
▌ 展覽地點 ▌ 臺北世界貿易中心南港展覽館1樓(臺北市南港區經貿二路1號) 搭乘捷運板南線或文湖線至南港展覽館站,1、2號出口直達會場
▌ 展覽區域 ▌
Ecoland Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-2748-8997 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2748-5758 www.ecolandcorp.com Company Summary Ecoland Corporation believes that ecology, green energy and smart technology are requisites for the future urban environment. In keeping with the professional spirit of architecture, the company embraces the core values of green energy and smart technology throughout the planning, design and execution to build a healthy and happy city. Smart, green, healthy and innovation are Ecoland’s watchwords for 2017. To realize these core values during execution, Ecoland is partnering with socially responsible enterprises in different fields and industries to promote the following goals: Innovative City: A city with innovative industries and administration where innovation can thrive. Eco-City: An eco-friendly city with reduced environmental impact that respects the natural balance and biodiversity. Green City: A habitable city with a circulatory economy with green blood running in its veins. Smart City: A city that uses smart technology and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of the environment and public spaces for the enjoyment of its residents. Happy City: A city where civic participation boosts the happiness of residents. Product Summary Ecoland services encompass master planning and consulting for smart, sustainable eco-cities, smart healthy communities and buildings. The company specializes in developing total solutions for comprehensive industry service platforms. We are particularly adept at connecting public/private-sector resources with the industrial, educational and research sectors for introducing solutions that incorporate smart, green and eco-design. The Ecoland design philosophy is based on people-centric spaces as well as wind, light and heat modeling based on the environment and climate. Planning focuses on sustainable ecology and health concepts. We also assist city governments with determining their development needs, inventory of policies and budgets, city development specialties, industry chains and socio-economic potential so that sites can be matched to innovative technologies.
K116 亞旭電腦股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2228-7588 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2228-7588#18626/02-3234-9211 www.askey.com.tw
公司電話:02-2793-9567 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8792-3667 www.touchlife.com.tw
亞旭電腦股份有限公司成立於 1989 年,是世界知名品牌「ASUS」旗下子公司一員,目前在全球擁有約 9,000 名以 上員工,為年營業額超過 12 億美元,專精於網路通訊及電子產品開發的國際型企業。 目前 Askey 總部設置在臺灣台北,在中國蘇州更擁有佔地 30 萬平方米的工廠園區及三座先進製程工廠。我們秉持 著深耕本業永續經營、專注研發不斷創新的精神,及時為全球客戶提供最創新、優質的競爭力產品與安心、滿意的 售後服務。 主要研發產品有: Broadband / WiFi / Cable / LTE / Automotive / Internet of Things / Enterprise Mobile Computing
遵宇自 93 年始,致力於雲端架構之智慧綠社區及智慧綠建築、智能化家庭與智能化空間系統產品整合研發及工程 標準化,以超過 10 年以上之系統整合經驗與產品研發能力,提供戶戶標配觸控型數位整合平台產品及完整解決方 案,在台累積 5 千戶以上成功上線並經管委會驗收完成之實際案例。 更獲得優良系統合商、智慧建材、國家建築金質獎、智慧城市創新應用獎…等多項獎項及認證,並擁有台陸兩地多 項專利。 配合經濟部推動 i236 計畫及台北市政府公共住宅規劃,提供全方位「智慧生態健城市」,整合市政服務應用,打 造全新「智慧生態健康城市」新生活。
產品介紹 亞旭電腦除了網通產品行銷全球,隨 IOT 時代到來,不斷積極參與現代化智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧車載等領域之 產品創新研發與整體解決方案配置的市場經營。 在智能運輸專業領域,亞旭配合台北市智慧城市規劃。從 ICT 資訊及通訊科技應用出發,跨域整合網路通訊、數據 分析、影音傳播、商業營銷、安全監控、環境感測、電子支付等各種先端技術應用內容於同一平台,創新開發出「城 市智慧公車亭」系統設備。 具體展現出多元化智能產品的系統開發整合與成本控管能力: Smart Bus Stop & Smart Bus / In-Car Driving Management & Assistance / e-Bike / Smart Energy / Smart Home
Askey computer Corp.
產品介紹 「智慧綠園區物聯網整合服務管理系統」中,提供家戶雲 / 社區雲服務管理系統,結合智慧園區物管雲,提供全方 位智慧居家生活服務與健康照護生活應用,並應用 OpenData 結合物聯網,提供在地生活資訊服務,打造「智慧綠 園區」新生活。
TouchLife Technology Co., Ltd.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2228-7588 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2228-7588#18626 /+886-2-3234-9211 www.askey.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2793-9567 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8792-3667 www.touchlife.com.tw
Company Summary Founded in 1989, Askey Computer Corp. specializes in manufacturing communication devices and creating ecosystems for worldwide customers who want the best in smart connected solutions. By keeping the pulse on the latest technologies, Askey has developed major innovations in: Broadband / WiFi / Cable / LTE / Automotive / Internet of Things / Enterprise Mobile Computing Askey is based in New Taipei City.
Company Summary TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. has dedicated to develop Cloud computing architecture in Intelligent Green Community and Intelligent Green Buildings、Intelligent Home and Intelligent Space System to integrate system and standardization of architectural engineering since 2004. For more than a decade of system integration experience and product development capabilities to provide every residents with touchbased digital integration platform product and a total solutions portfolio. Accumulated more than five thousand residents in Taiwan are successful online and all accepted completely by community management committee in practical cases. Furthermore, TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. acquired the award for Excellent System Integrators, the award for Intelligent Building Materials, The National Golden Award for Architecture, Smart City Innovative Applications Award… and numbers of award and certification, and also owns many patents in Taiwan and Mainland China. Work with Ministry of Economics to implement i236 project and Taipei City Government Public Housing plan that provides comprehensive “Smart Ecosystem Healthy City”, integrated municipal services application to create a new life of the "Smart Ecosystem Healthy City”. Product Summary In the "Intelligent Green Park in Integration of Internet of Things Service Management System", TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. provides Home Cloud/ Community Cloud service management system, combined with the Intelligent Park of the Property Management Cloud services in providing a comprehensive range life of smart home and health care applications, and apply OpenData to combine with Internet of Things, providing local live information services, to create a new life of "Intelligent Green Park".
Product Summary In addition to providing wireless connectivity to the Smart Ecoland Alliance Zone, Askey is showcasing the following solutions based on its core competences to improve City Life & Transportation, make Homes Smart and help factories save resources. Smart Bus Stop & Smart Bus / In-Car Driving Management & Assistance / e-Bike / Smart Energy / Smart Home
K116 村田製作所
公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.muRata.com
公司電話:02-8712-0909 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8712-3509 www.gfield.com.tw/team.htm
村田不斷進行技術創新,將無線通信技術、傳感器和雲端服務融為一體,提供智能照明系統整合解決方案。該方案 的優勢為:可提供高可靠度的大網絡結構。村田提供包括用戶介面、控制器及燈控的整套解決方案。在日本、大陸、 台灣廣泛應用於飯店、辦公大樓、醫院、博物館與智能家居等領域。同時,沿用高標準的品質控制體系,研發高性 能傳感器與更小型、美觀的高可靠控制器產品等來為 LED 燈具與電源提供更好的功能性支援。
綠野國際建築事業機構自 1997 年創立以來,即定位為居家與建築領域之開發、設計、營造、及系統管理的整合團 隊,我們以 CHEERS(Comfortable, Healthy, Enjoyable, Energy conscious, Reliable and Sustainable) 為理念,提供客戶永 續的生活環境,在社區中導入智慧科技來創導節能生態、友善環境及舒適生活。此外,隨物聯網在智慧建築及智慧 城市的發展,於 2016 年成立新的事業部作為 LPWAN 技術運用於服務產業解決方案之系統整合商;搭配在建築應 用方面,也將導入全齡化住宅設計原則及推廣銀髮智慧物聯方案,提供全方位之專業服務。
產品介紹 獨立型太陽能無線廣域網路整合系統:為解決戶外 WiFi 安裝地點都必須受到要有網路訊號線及電力線到達而造成 設置上之限制,本產品創新整合太陽能、4G 及廣域網路技術,可提供於智慧城市監測系統、智慧交通、智慧農業、 智慧防災及再生能源電網監測等運用,藉由獨立型太陽能無線廣域網路平台可傳輸各項數據至雲端系統分析,提升 不同場域條件下佈建物聯網的能力及效益。目前已實際架設於嘉義東石十甲有機農場進行農業相關環境監測,進行 整合測試。
Green Field International (GFI Group)
Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.muRata.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-8712-0909 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8712-3509 www.gfield.com.tw/team.htm
Product Summary The lighting in our life and community require many functions such as safety and comfort for each application. In recent years, LED are used for lighting equipment as the new light source because that energy saving and long life-time become the important functions for lighting. Murata contributes to develop next generation lighting technology with state of the art products and technologies wireless lighting control solution to realize both additional saving energy & functional lighting space. At the same time, our core business such as ceramic capacitor, thermistor are continuously to support high efficiency and long life for LED Luminary and Driver solution.
Company Summary Since established in 1997, as a home designing and building company, Green Field International (GFI Group) aims to provide CHEERS (Comfortable, Healthy, Enjoyable, Energy conscious, Reliable and Sustainable) LIVINGS to our customers. Our mission is to integrate eco and smart technologies into home and community to promote lifestyle that conserves energy, friendly to the environment and comfortable for livings. With the rise of the Internet of Things in Smart Building and Smart City, GFI has expanded business to become a system integration company to provide WiFi services to hospitality and commercial industry. Product Summary 1. Standalone Solar Power WAN System: The product integrates solar power, 4G and Wi-Fi into a standalone & wireless pole to provide Wi-Fi hotspot with updates on things.
K116 愛瑪麗歐股份有限公司 公司電話:03-657-2711 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+1-888-544-9125 tw.amaryllo.eu
公司電話:02-27788255 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-27110017 www.leyoung.com.tw
愛瑪麗歐成立於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹,是家庭安防機器人技術領域在世界領先的先驅。產品銷售至 70 個國家 , 得到數 種監視器專利 , 榮獲多項國內外大獎 1. CES : 2015 ~ 2017 連續 3 年獲獎 2. 國家玉山金質獎 3. BC Best Choice : 2014 ~ 2016 連續 3 年獲獎 主要作自有品牌產品 , 自設計研發到製造行銷皆自產自銷
美國城市規劃師 Eero Sarinen 曾說:「城市是一本打開的書,從中可以看到它的抱負。 台灣有不少豪宅,卻獨缺一座可以欣賞的城市。其實陽光、空氣、水,遠勝過造價昂貴的建材。 樂揚秉持「熱愛分享」的核心價值,以「美」為師,整合硬體、軟體、系統與服務,打造城市的「無齡樂居建築」, 一次購屋「終身陪伴」的精神服務客戶。 同時善盡企業社會責任,成立樂家人社會企業,以「Love to share」的核心價值,關懷「家」與「人」的社會議題, 提出「無齡樂活,優雅到老」的生活主張,推動台灣成為亞洲「無齡樂活」的美麗家園的願景。
產品介紹 愛瑪麗歐產品特色 1. 軍規等級加密 : 256-bit 加密防止駭客入侵監控 2. 人臉辨識 : 所有產品皆可作人臉辨識 , 並且有辨識實況 3. 自動追蹤 : 安防機器人系列可作到 全自動追蹤 , 可省下 安裝多台監視器成本 主要產品分類 : 1. 室外型 → ATOM AR3S 安防機器人 : 有接 RJ45 網路線 , 確保監控品質 2. 燈泡型 → ATOM AR2 & AR3 安防機器人 : 方便安裝 3. 室內型 → ATOM & Koova 安防機器人 : 小而美產品易融入室內裝潢 , 強調雙向語音溝通 4. 攜帶型 → iSensor & Patio : 可用一般手機 Power Bank 即可驅動 ,USB Port 方便攜帶至公共場所或戶外 照護型 → iBabi / iCare / Petite 監視攝影機 : 針對 Baby Monitor 市場 (iBabi) / 老人 & 傷病看護市 場 (iCare) / 寵物監視市場 (Petite) 個別用途設計之 IP Camera
Amaryllo International B.V.
Le Young Construction Co.,Ltd
樂揚是和市民站在一起的建設者,用一流的城市眼光,善待環境、經營城市再造。思考建築美學,一棵大樹勝過高 牆;一座公園的投影,遠比石材外觀更有價值;一座親民的好宅更勝豪宅。 面對環境時空的變遷,樂揚和樂家人,著眼於健康環境和居住的安全,因應不同年齡的需求,推動無齡樂活的空間! 無齡樂活的住宅特色是: 1. 住宅的生命演進 2. 健康宅 3. 智慧住宅 4. 通用住宅 5. 終身服務
Company Telephone:+886-3-657-2711 Customer Service/Fax Number:+1-888-544-9125 www.amaryllo.eu
Company Telephone:+886-2-2778-8255 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2711-0017 www.leyoung.com.tw
Company Summary Amaryllo was founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and is listed as the number-one camera robot company. Our products have been sold to 70 countries and we have over 50 patents filed or granted worldwide. Amaryllo has received international awards and recognitions for its embedded robotic technologies.
Company Summary The US city planner, Eero Sarinen once said that, “Architecture is like an open book, from which you can see the version of a city.” There are numerous luxury houses in Taiwan, but cities in Taiwan are not unique from the view of appreciation. Sunlight, air and water actually are more valuable than expensive construction materials. In pursuit of the core value of “Love to Share,” Leyoung integrates software and hardware, systems and services based on “aesthetics” to build “the LOHAS Building for People of All ages” in the city. As long as our customers purchase a house from us, we will provide “lifelong services.” At the same time, Leyoung builds a social enterprise for each of us. With the core value of “Love to Share,” we care about social issues related to “families” and “the public.” With the claim of “Ageless LOHAS Life and Elegant Aging,” Leyoung promotes the building of beautiful houses in Taiwan and realizes the vision to develop Taiwan into the “Ageless LOHAS Society” in Asia. Product Summary Leyoung is the constructor standing on the side of the citizens. With the world-class urban perspective, we are an environmentally friendly urban constructor and rebuilder. We are more concerned about architectural aesthetics; we care more about trees than high walls. A park is more valuable than the appearance of stone materials. A friendly residential unit is more important than a luxury house. Facing the changes in of time and space, Leyoung and its employees care more for a healthy environment and living safety. For the needs of people of all ages, we promote the ageless LOHAS space! The characteristics of an Ageless LOHAS Residence include: 1. Life evolution of residential units; 2. Healthy houses; 3. Smart houses; 4. Multi-purposes houses; and 5. Lifelong services.
Product Summary Amaryllo Innovative Features 1. Military Grade Security Protection : Amaryllo is the first to build world’s highest 256-bit encryption ecosystems to best protect consumer’s privacy in the smart home market. 2. Fast facial recognition : Real-time facial recognition enabling instant notification alerts 3. Auto-tracking : Amaryllo employs patented embedded technologies to shrink the entire computer inside cameras, saving huge amount of cost. Standalone auto-tracking cameras without external PCs are Amaryllo’s patented technology.
K116 金子進科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8791-3422 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8772-5806 www.aisky.com.tw 公司簡介 我們是一群來自台灣雲林的年輕人,專精於物聯網系統與大數據分析等相關應用。 團隊參與多項官方與民間大型 智慧行銷、智慧商圈、智慧生活、與智慧城市等相關計劃之系統規劃、開發與建置。我們重視技術精進與研發,團 隊成員皆為國內外電子、通訊 、資訊與經營管理相關領域之碩博士、教授。提供客戶由硬體設計、製造到後台應 用系統一站購足之完整解方案 獎項 2012 中國國際發明展銀牌獎、2013 臺北國際發明展最高榮譽鉑金獎與金牌獎、2014 首爾國際發明展金牌與銀牌 獎等,並參與多項智慧生活、智慧城市等相關系統計劃。
蘭德格林科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-27845675 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-27845676 www.lgt.tw 公司簡介 蘭德格林科技股份有限公司於 2014 年在台灣成立, 本公司位於宜蘭利澤工業園區,本公司主要目標是利用奈米和 微生物技術發展有機農業,並持續研發創新技術期望成為世界的領導者利用高端科技監控系統,控制植物生長條件 是最新趨勢,成為奈米科技有機農業的世界中心是我們的使命。
產品介紹 蘭德格林科技股份有限公司使用先進的納米和微生物技術開發了種類繁多的新一代肥料,我們的肥料直接對於植物 根和莖做出,以促進植物生長,減少植物病害和提高免疫力。 同時,我們的肥料通過減少 70% 化學肥料的使用讓 土壤恢復活力。
體積小、多功能、佈建方便、 隨插即拔、多合一感測器 ( 可自選 )、24 小時監控、自動記錄各項參數、依氣候及大 數據分析找出作物最佳生長參數並主動進行農場環境調整及自動排程。客製化語文與圖形化操作介面及報表輸出, 帶您直接昇級農業 4.0。 ※ 可自行設定空氣、土壤溫濕度、照度等參數。達到警戒值,系統會自動傳訊示警,亦能自行進行環境控制 ※ 可透過個人電腦或手機 APP, 遠端即時監控農場狀態、同步傳遞作物狀態影像至雲端資料庫 ※ 使農機自動化 ! 解決缺工問題 ※ 因應氣候變遷,大數據分析啟動自動排程,實現「活的農民曆」! 讓農友更輕鬆與精準的提昇務農成效,使農作物更具附加價值與競爭力,留下更多時間陪伴親 愛的家人!
Land Green and Technology., Ltd
Company Telephone:+886-2-8791-3422 Customer Service/Fax Number:886-2-8772-5806 www.aisky.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-27845675 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-27845676 www.lgt.tw
Company Summary We are from Yunlin County, the most important agricultural county of Taiwan We are expertized in IoT systems development and big data analysis applications in agriculture. We involved in a number of Taiwan officials and private large-scale projects, from the very beginning, brainstorming, develop to implementation, Projects are related to smart marketing, smart shopping, smart life and smart city. We emphasize the importance of implementation and R&D. Our team members are all electronics, communications, information management, agriculture management and related fields of Prof. Dr. (Ph. D) We provide customers with total solution, from hardware, design to software, and more! Product Summary 【SkyA.I., the Farmer's Live Almanac!】 ※Features: ◎ Smart Agriculture System with Artificial Intelligence. ◎ Multi-Sensors: Monitor more than 5 important growing factors simultaneously. ◎ Graphical User Interface for cross-platform Web-based application and mobile App. ◎ Sensors: including but not limited in Luminance (Lux), Air humidity, Air temperature, Soil moisture, Soil temperature and more (optional). ◎ Plug and play. ◎ Operating (monitoring, actuating, and alerting) automatically according to your configuration. ◎ Wireless Transceiver nodes : Easy to be deployed. ◎ Cloud Data-base and Computing.
Company Summary Land Green and Technology Co., Ltd was founded in 2014 in Taiwan. It is located in the Lize industrial park of Yilan County. The company’s main focus is on leading and innovating advanced organics farming using nano and micro biotechnologies. The mission of the company is to become an international center of nano technologies implementation in organic farming with leading cybernetic system for controlling plant growth factors. Product Summary Land Green and Technology Co., Ltd developed a wide variety of new generation fertilizers using advanced nano and micro biotechnologies. Our fertilizers work directly on the plant root and stem to promote plant growth, reduce plant disease and improve its immunity. At the same time our fertilizers restore soil fertility by reducing the use of chemical fertilizer to 70%.
K116 天泰能源集團
公司電話:02-2708-9980 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2708-8861 www.sinogreenergy.com
公司電話:06-3965586 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-3965581
天泰能源集團於 101 年成立以來,致力於太陽能電廠籌資與專案融資 , 開發 , 專案管理與維運管理業務,天泰能源 集團是專注於再生能源產業發展為導向的新創公司。 隨著政府近年來推動綠色能源產業發展,本公司具備技術與人才上的優勢,公司業務已呈倍數成長,並在綠能產業 中占有一席之地。截至 105 年底為止,已成功開發投資並建置完成達 80MW 之太陽能電廠,年營業額約達 5 億元 新台幣。預計未來 3 年內要建置完成 550MW 之太陽能電廠,總投資額達 300 多億元新台幣。
歷年記事 2006 年 協助原公司成立光電系統業務 2008 年 協助原公司推廣光電系統工研院補助案 2010 年 協助原公司規劃設計台電 4.6M 永安電廠 2011 年 主導完成台灣最大陽光屋頂社區 / 人間清境 2013 年 主導原公司 & 天泰集團 1.3M 畜舍開發案 2014 年 主導原公司 & 天泰集團 4.2M 畜舍開發案 2015 年 主導原公司 & 天泰集團 8M 畜舍開發案 2015 年 11 月離開原公司創立群益綠能有限公司 2016 年 3 月群益綠能 & 天泰集團 4.7M 畜舍開發案完成簽約
產品介紹 太陽能電廠投資,開發,電廠營運之管理公司
產品介紹 群益綠能有限公司,從系統設計規劃、政府補助方案申請、市電併聯申請代辦、施工監造、系統定期維護及保固等 給予客戶全方位服務,永續發展建構太陽光電發電系統。
Sinogreenergy Company Telephone:+886-2-2708-9980 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2708-8861 www.sinogreenergy.com
Company Telephone:+886-6-3965586 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-3965581
Company Summary Sinogreenergy, since the establishment in 2012, has been a focused and integrated company with its innovative business model in the Taiwanese renewable energy sector. Its core business activities range from equity and debt fund-raising, business development, project management to operational & management. Over the past years, Sinogreenergy has grown its business multifold and positioned itself as a market leader in the green energy space. Its success can be attributed to the promotions and policy incentives from the Taiwanese government as well as Sinogreenergy’s technical expertise and professional management team. By the end of 2016, Sinogreenergy has successfully invested and put around 80MW solar energy projects into operation, generating an annual income of NTD 500million. In the coming three years, Sinogreenergy aims to deliver an additional portfolio of 550MW with an estimated investment amounting over NTD 30 billion.
Company Summary 2006 Assist last company established PV solar system business 2008 Assist last company promotion PV solar system business 2010 Assist last company planning design Assist last company planning design Taiwan Taipower 4.6MW solar power plant 2011 Assist last company completed Tainan roof of building solar system 2013 Assist last company completed with Sinogreenergy Group 1.3MW roof of building solar system. 2014 Assist last company completed with Sinogreenergy Group 4.2MW roof of building solar system. 2015 Assist last company completed with Sinogreenergy Group 8MW roof of building solar system. 2015 Leave last company in November. & established Interest of Group R.E.Co.,Ltd. 2016 Completed with Sinogreenergy Group 4.7MW roof of building solar system.
Product Summary Sinogreenergy’s primary services include project development and investment as well as operational and management of quality solar energy assets. 100
Interest of Group R.E. Co., Ltd.
Product Summary Interest of Group R.E.Co., Ltd. has been one of the solar EPC in Taiwan, we are committed to offering solutions for carbon reduction and green house emission to achieve our customers’ expectation with the highest system & full range of service quality.
K116 安集科技股份有限公司
公司電話:06-510-5988 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-510-5989 www.anjitek.com
公司電話:02-29176857 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-89147356 www.ablerex.com.tw
安集科技股份有限公司於 2007 年 2 月正式成立於台南市科技工業園區,在全球自然資源日漸減少,未來替代能源 逐漸萌芽的同時,安集科技也開始邁向太陽能光電產業成為世界能源的一份子。我們不斷研發改善生產設備與製 程,目標達到 100% 自動化生產製程,100% 的妥善率,0% 的不良率。一貫化的生產作業系統,對品質嚴謹控管, 為的就是滿足客戶的需求。安集科技服務項目 : 模組新技術研發,代工組裝生產,自有品牌高瓦數或多元化模組, 電廠投資經營,能源技術整合。
盈正豫順電子股份有限公司主要從事設計、 製造及銷售不斷電系統 (UPS) 與電力品質改善設備 (PQD) 等範疇之電 力電子產品,產品包括不斷電系統 (UPS)、太陽能逆變器 (PV inverter)、主動式電力濾波器 (Active Power Filter) 及 電池監控系統 (Battery Monitor System)。 本公司憑藉著優異的產品設計、工程改善與製造能力,致力提供市場具差異性及高效能表現的產品,應用於有效維 繫電力供應之持續及穩定,已深受使用者信賴。
產品介紹 單晶高效能模組 通過國際認証,符合多國安全規範;認証實驗室等級的測試設備,自主環測及各項可靠度加嚴測試,材料及成品可 靠度佳。通過風雨測試正、負風壓 6000Pa 測試合格,發電效能保固 25 年。
本公司產品應用範圍甚廣,舉凡工業、電信交通基礎建設、資料中心、企業 IT,工廠管理乃至家庭辦公室等。 盈正豫順集團總部設立於台灣,生產重心置於台北、屏東及蘇州三地,全球擁有超過 1,000 名員工,市場行銷據點 遍佈於亞洲、歐洲及美國等地。
雙玻高效能模組 結構強度高,壓力耐受度好、適用於沿海區域等易受東北季風影響區域;透光度佳,可與建築物外觀整合成 BIPV( 建築一體型太陽能電池模板 )。通過國際認証,符合多國安全規範,通過風雨測試正、負風壓 6000Pa 測試合格; 耐用年限長,發電效能保固 30 年。
ANJI Technology Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-6-510-5988 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-510-5989 www.anjitek.com Company Summary In February 2007, ANJI technology Co., Ltd. was established in Tainan Technology Industrial Park. With population increasing, more and more countries becoming industrialized and the global demand of energy increasing, nowadays renewable energy becomes more and more important. ANJI always tries to do our best. ANJI has a strong and experienced team for continuously developing and improving our equipment and process of the production. Our goals expect to achieve 100% automatic production line, high quality and 0% of defect. In order to satisfy our customer’s need, main product and service are : 1. New Module Technology and Manufacturing Development 2. OEM Module Manufacturing service 3. Own Brand High Efficiency Module and Customized Module Product Manufacturing 4. Power Plant Investment and Operation 5. Energy Service and Technology Providing Product Summary Mono Crystal High-Efficiency and Power Output Solar Module -Certified by international certification institution -In line with multi-national safety standards -Self-test by own certified laboratory-level equipment and enhanced high-level reliability test for materials and finished products. -Passed through wind and rain test by Positive and Negative pressure 6000Pa test and power output performance warranty for 25 years. Double-glass High-Efficiency and Power Output Solar Module -High structural strength performance and good pressure tolerance -Suitable for coastal areas and other areas susceptible to the northeast monsoon -With good transmittance and flexible design, it’s easy to apply to BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaic) application 102 -Passed through wind and rain test by Positive and Negative pressure 6000Pa -Excellent power output performance warranty for 30 years
Ablerex Company Telephone:+886-2-29176857 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-89147356 www.ablerex.com.tw Company Summary stability, power quality and green energy for global markets. Ablerex prides itself in professionalism, teamwork and product effectiveness with a strong commitment to advanced innovation. With high quality as its mandate, Ablerex is your Power Partner. Ablerex is an organization that invests a high portion of its resources to technical research and development. This strategy results in more than 100 advanced, proprietary patented techniques. In addition, a leading market researcher has presented Ablerex with its Global Leader Award. To deliver products with the highest level of reliability and quality, Ablerex utilizes the latest in automated production and precise inspection systems. Advanced management KPI systems includes covering all continuous production/improvements, processes and quality control. This reinforces our commitment and competitiveness to our business partners. Our main products include Uninterruptible Power Systems, Active Harmonics Filters, Photovoltaic Inverters, Wireless Battery Monitoring, Power Monitoring and Power Management Systems. Our goal is to continuously introduce new technology and products with trust, focus, and in cooperation with all of our clients. Ablerex has a global presence with strategic service locations and marketing channels. With RealTime technical support Ablerex builds value and professionalism. Ablerex brings diligence and brand recognition to our world-wide clients. Ablerex will continue to grow in the power and electronic fields. We strive to become the leading enterprise in our field.
K116 正崴生物科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-3176333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-3176368 www.foxgreen.com.tw
公司電話:02-2528-3833 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2528-1420
正崴生物科技股份有限公司於 2006 年成立,十年來致力於微生物菌【妙力 EM 菌母】之研發與應用,目前菌種已 超過 85 種,廣泛使用於環保、農畜、養殖、醫療、建築等範疇;為因應市場需求,研發各類型發酵機種(整合分 撿垃圾、粉碎、發酵、固液分離、油水分離、自動清洗各項功能於同一機台),配合【妙力 EM 菌母】迅速、有效 的處理各種有機化合物及農業有機質廢棄物(廚餘、農業、畜牧業、養殖業及工業廢棄物);創造廢棄物為有效資 源與利潤,實現亮麗的循環經濟。
1988 年成立 2010 年 ( 台北縣安邦新村新建住宅工程 )、2014 年 ( 員林車站新建工程 ) 獲頒行政院公共工程委員會金質獎特優及 優等榮譽。 2016 年起將智慧建築列為公司未來發展重心,擬將智慧科技應用於建物之節約能源、資訊通訊、系統整合、設施 管理、安全防災、健康舒適等各項。 擁有建築、土木、機電、工程管理等專業人才,並結合智慧建築、綠能、結構、BIM、財務等專業顧問,以專業的 服務度,為業主提供優質的規劃設計、監造及專案管理服務。
行動廚餘處理車:廚餘桶之廚餘自動升降投入,非廚餘類物質自動分撿,高壓清洗,固液態分離,油水分離,粉碎 發酵,邊運送邊處理(無異味)。 6 合 1 廚餘處理機:廚餘桶之廚餘自動升降投入,非廚餘類物質自動分撿,高壓清洗,固液態分離,油水分離,粉 碎發酵,24 小時完成(無異味)。 固態發酵機:分離出之固態物質經由【妙力菌母】發酵 7-14 天,即為「生物性營養素」,適用於土壤改良、植物 營養添加、動物營養添加。 液態發酵機:分離出之液態物質經由【妙力菌母】發酵 14-20 天,即為「液態生物性營養素」,適用於土壤改良、 植物營養添加、動物營養添加。
Sun, Wen-Yu Architect & Associates
服務內容:政府公共工程、學校、辦公大樓、集合住宅、商辦、工業廠房、科學園區、山坡地開發等工程規劃設計、 監造、專案管理。
Company Telephone:+886-3-3176333 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-3176368 www.foxgreen.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-2528-3833 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2528-1420
Company Summary FOXGREEN Co., Ltd. is established in 2006, devoting to develop microorganisms 【Fine Force Mother Culture】and application for ten years, currently has over 85 species microorganisms, widely using in environmental, agriculture, livestock, cultivation, medical, and building category; for market needs, create various type fermentation machine (composes picked up, crushed, fermentation, solid liquid separation, oil water separation, and cleaning function in same machine ), with【Fine Force Mother Culture】 quickly and effective to process various organic compounds and industrial organic matter waste (kitchen waste, agricultural, livestock, aquaculture and the industrial waste); Created waste to resources and profits, achieving brightly Circular Economy. Product Summary Kitchen waste disposal vehicles: lifting the barrels automatic. sorting non-food substances automatic, cleaning with high pressure water jet, liquid/solid separation, oil-water separation, crushed and fermented, Transporting and processing (smell less). 6-in-1 Kitchen waste processor: lifting the barrel automatic. sorting non-food substances automatic, cleaning with high pressure water jet, liquid/solid separation, oil-water separation, crushed and fermented, 24 hours to complete (smell less). Solid fermentation machine: solid materials fermented by "Fine Force Mother Culture" about 7-14 days, which be "biological nutrients", suitable for soil improvement, plant nutrition, animal nutrition. liquid fermentation machine: liquid substances fermented by "Fine Force Mother Culture" about 14-20 days, which be "biological nutrients", suitable for soil improvement, plant nutrition, animal nutrition.
Company Summary Architect & Associates Established in 1988. In 2010 (New Taipei City Anbang of New Village Housing Project),2014 (Yuanlin Station New of Construction Project)have the honour to get or win the Executive Yuan Public Works Committee Gold Award - Premium Award & Excellence Award. Since 2016, Wisdom Building will be listed as the center of future development of the company. It will be applied to energy conservation, information communication, system integration, facilities management, safety and disaster prevention, health and comfort.We have the professional talents of architecture, civil engineering, electromechanical engineering and engineering management. We also provide professional consultancy service such as intelligent building, green energy, structure, BIM, finance, etc., providing professional planning, supervision and project management services. Product Summary Government public works, schools, office buildings, a collection of residential, commercial, industrial plants, science parks, hillside development and other engineering planning and design, supervision, project management.
K116 善騰太陽能源股份有限公司
公司電話:04-26819279 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-26819275 www.suntek.com.tw
公司電話:02-8993-7585 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8993-6883 www.fu-chun.com.tw
善騰太陽能源股份有限公司成立於 1993 年,致力於開發節能減排、綠色環保的產品,從製程、設計、生產與服務 四大循環中,善騰公司產品獲得全球經銷商的支持與認同。善騰公司是太陽能熱水器、熱泵熱水器之先驅,更是專 利不結垢熱交換技術唯一領導者,可針對顧客所提供客製化系統,提供高效率、更可靠的解決方案。 從熱能系統作為起點,善騰太陽能源本著回饋社會與企業社會責任之心,積極開發更多角度節能方案,陸續推出各 種省電節能產品及節能系統安裝工程。 自創立以來,一向秉持著『優良品質、節能減排、顧客滿意』的信念,不斷求新求變,使產品符合國際水準和迎合 顧客需求。歷經多年的努力,產品獲得全球經銷商的支持與認同。我們將始終以全方位追求『創新』和『貢獻』, 持熱誠踏實的服務態度與客戶間搭起良好的減碳橋樑,成為與客戶並肩合作和共創利基的生意好夥伴。
本公司過去以污水廠代操作處理為主要服務項目,為因應環境保護之需求,目前以環境連續線上監測為主要營運項 目,未來將針對污水操作技術、水質數據分析及水質連續監測技術為國際化拓展重點。
Fenri Water Resource Company
產品介紹 本公司主要產品為雲端監測以及水質連續監測之服務,在系統及感測器均有合作廠商,本公司致力於諮詢、安裝、 校正之整合服務,目前在台灣北部的工業區污水處理廠具有一定規模的市佔率,在過去五年已具備許多的實場經 驗。
產品介紹 1.CO2 熱泵熱水器 (CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater) 2. 家用空氣能源熱泵熱水器 (Home-used Heat Pump Water Heater) 3. 商用空氣能源熱泵熱水器 (Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater) 4. 真空管式太陽能熱水器 (Solar Vacuum Tubes Collector) 5. 平板式太陽能熱水器 (Solar Flat Plate Collector) 6. 太陽能熱水器模組 (Modular solar Water Heater) 7. 太陽能光電系統 (Solar P-V Systems) 8. 專業熱水系統工程規劃及施工
Fenri Water Resource Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-8993-7585 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8993-6883 www.fu-chun.com.tw Company Summary In the past, Fenri had focused on rendering wastewater treatment services. Now, we primarily engage in continuous online monitoring of the environment to meet the need for protecting our environment. Fenri began to facilitate the future expansion of our global presence in the markets of wastewater operating technology, water quality data analysis, and continuous monitoring technology for water quality. Product Summary The Company predominantly offers cloud monitoring and continuous water quality monitoring services. We cooperate with system and sensor vendors and are committed to providing integrated consultation, installation, and correction services. Our industrial wastewater treatment plant in northern Taiwan has gained an abundance of practical experiences in the past five years, helping the Company secure a sizeable share in the market.
K116 上海綠創建築設計有限公司 公司電話:+86-21-51096899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.atsesa.com 公司簡介 上海綠創建築設計有限公司是由陳光雄,張芳堯建築設計師於 2009 年在成立于上海;以整體建築、生態和能源規 劃設計、顧問和整合團隊之形態服務建築業界。上海綠創與工程、能源、農業、建設、營造等領域精英共組策略聯 盟,為客戶提供全方位的建築、生態和能源的解決方案。 公司經營理念主要致力於對建築節能技術的研究與開發,建築是城市的築城元素,城市是生態環境的重要組成部 分,公司的設計師承襲了中國當代建築的發展趨勢,注重傳播建築設計中的”綠色,智慧,健康”理念,並在 2013 年提出”建築 7.0”的設計思維。透過我們的努力來實現綠色設計。
產品介紹 北京影視城別墅規劃設計 啟東 Tadashi 服裝總部設計 南通小洋口國際溫泉城規劃設計 南通小洋口林克斯溫泉會所建築設計 泰安龍曦酒店建築設計 泰安天山湖酒店群規劃設計 南京湯山溫泉酒店群規劃設計 仙居大衛世紀城規劃設計 嘉定新城 D9 地塊 Soho 建造立面設計
Company Telephone:+86-21-51096899 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.atsesa.com Company Summary Shanghai Es Green Design Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009 by architects Mr. Adam Chen and Mr. Antoine Chang. The company mainly focus on architectural design, ecological planning, and energy planning. Es Green Design also provides a wide range of services including general consultancy, cross-industry integration, and architectural engineering. The company's business philosophy emphasizes on integrating energy conservation and advanced technology research with architectural design. Urban cities are part of the eco-system where most of the population reside. Buildings and infrastructures are essentially the vital elements within a city. Combine with the trend of contemporary Chinese architectural development and Mr. Adam Chen's Architecture 7.0 theory, our designers strive to deliver "green, smart, and healthy" designs. Our designs and projects in architectural planning, public landscape, interior design, villas, hotels...etc can be found in area such as Taiwan, China, and countries in Europe. We look forward to continuing our pursuit of a better living environment with you.
K306 宇成光電科技有限公司
公司電話:02-2225-3163 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2225-3163 / 02-2225-3159 www.isken.com.tw
公司電話:03-6685166 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.tdv.com.tw
iSken 創新自有品牌,專注研發隨身掃描器、3D 印表機、3D 掃描器,提供大家在工作與生活上更方便的設備。
一二三視股份有限公司提供專業的嵌入式影像分析,主要商業模式為 B2B,從 2011 年開創至今,已經和多家專業 系統公司建立良好的合作關係。一二三視也是至今唯一成功開發高清類比智能分析影像伺服器。 一二三視針對智慧城市應用的成功案例如下: 1. 台北市路口監控一、二期使用一二三視 - 嵌入式車牌辨識系統。 2. 多家停車場管理業者使用一二三視 - 嵌入式車牌辨識、車流導引、在席偵測等智能化應用。 3. 高雄區所有家樂福使用一二三視 - 人流計數以及整套解決方案。 4. 一二三視已成功整合傳統影像監控以及門禁系統導出智能化整合安控系統 (IntelligentIntegrated Surveillance System),並導入國際知名代工廠。 5. 一二三視提供車牌辨識以及電子圍籬針對智慧校園安全有完善的解決方案。 針對智慧化城市的解決方案,一二三視能供提供專業智能影像分析,也可以針對不同應用情境提供客製化的方法, 一二三視可以在惡劣的環境下,提供完善的嵌入式解決方案,讓整個智慧化系統能夠發揮到極致。
產品介紹 iSken 隨身掃描器,辨識高,速度快,專業版 WIFI 版提供不同需求;3D 列印機專利噴頭設計,高強度板金框架, 強穩定結構與耐高溫強度加熱平台,為工業打樣、創意設計、教學教育指定首選。
產品介紹 1. 嵌入式智能影像分析及設備 / 伺服器 2. 車牌辨識 / 客製化智能影像分析 3. 智能停車場管理系統
TORCH INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2225-3163 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2225-3163/+886-2-2225-3159 www.isken.com.tw
Triple Domain Vision Co.,Ltd Company Telephone:+886-3-6685166 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.tdv.com.tw Company Summary Triple Domain Vision Co., Ltd.(TDV) provides professional embedded video content analytics, the main business model is B2B, from 2011 created so far, the system has a number of professional companies to establish a good working relationship.TDV has also successfully developed a unique high-definition analog video intelligence analytics server. TDV application for smart city success stories are as follows: 1. Taipei intersection control first and second periods use TDV- embedded license plate recognition system. 2. The number of parking management industry to use TDV - embedded license plate recognition, traffic guidance, parking space detection and other intelligent applications. 3.Kaohsiung District all Carrefour use TDV - people counting and complete solutions. 4. TDV has successfully integrated traditional video surveillance and access control system intelligent integrated security system , and import internationally renowned foundries. 5. TDV provide car plate recognition and electronic fence for wisdom campus safety a perfect solution. For the wisdom of the city's solution, the professional intelligent video analytics from TDV can also provide customized methods for different applications scenarios, TDV's solution in harsh environments, provide complete embedded solutions scheme, so that the whole wistom system can fully exert. Product Summary 1.Embedded Video Content Analytics and device/server 2.License Plate Recognition/customized video content analytics 3.Smart Parking System
J1024 三聯科技股份有限公司
公司電話:02-8665-9813 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8665-9814 www.sanlien.com
公司電話:02-7732-8899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-588-766/02-7732-8868 litenet.com.tw
三聯科技成立 50 年,從早期配電盤生產、單品儀器買賣轉為提供各式專業儀控、生產系統,每個階段皆以配合國 內經濟發展為目標,憑藉近半世紀的專業知識,就近服務的全省據點,深度資訊網路分享系統,靈活有效的管理制 度,與長期不斷的教育訓練,提供各種專業設備或服務給國內企業。近年隨產業結構變動,三聯仍以自動化感測監 控技術整合為核心,陸續創舉引進多項先進產品與技術,延伸應用在不同領域,提供客戶全方位服務,成為一家專 業計量科技服務公司,立足台灣,前進亞洲,放眼世界。
台濼控制工程股份有限公司(Litenet)來自全國最周全的家庭全方為服務集團:「中興保全集團」。我們知道「幸 福生活」是人們努力的終極目標,除以科技領先、素質最優、防護最密的優勢,建置全國規模最大、素質最高的居 家整合服務團隊,台濼專精於頂級建案之燈光、窗簾、家電系統整合,旗下獨家代理全球最知名的 LUTRON 品牌, 並陸續加入 SAVANT 等品牌,提供期待有個舒適環境的品味家最優質的服務。
產品介紹 LUTRON 分為系統硬體設備與軟體整合規劃服務。硬體設備品項將近兩萬項,內容從各式開關、窗簾、遙控器等居 家系統零件,到整合系統控制箱等套件;軟體整合服務則包含系統整合、施工協助、維護保固等。
三聯科技智慧地震預警防災系統可應用於工業自動化、住宅振動防護,以及校園與公共場所人員保護。當系統內地 震儀之偵測到地震前導波 P 波,由 3 取 2 機制確認為真實地震,便會在破壞波 S 波到達前提前對於連動設備制動, 或以廣播、跑馬燈、簡訊、警示燈等方式將警報推播。我們並可提供中央氣象局強震即時警報資訊,結合 3 取 2 現 地預警,成為複合型地震預警系統,縮短地震判斷時間,並且自動判斷地震警示來源,迅速降低二次災害的威脅。
San Lien Technology Corp.
Company Telephone:+886-2-8665-9813 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8665-9814 www.sanlien.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-7732-8899 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-588-766/+886-2-7732-8868 litenet.com.tw
Company Summary Having been in industry for 50 years, San Lien has changed its role from a distributor to a device manufacturer and a solution provider. We have cooperated with various parties from governments, universities as well as private companies in developing smart disaster prevention solutions for Taiwan and the world. Back in 30 years ago, San Lien began to use partners’ network in penetrating Southeast Asia market. In response to new government’s New Southbound Policy, we have set up a local office in Vietnam and hired locals to service nearby customers. With our branches in Taiwan, China, San Lien is keen to offer instant responses and professional services to customers in Asia.
Company Summary 台濼控制工程股份有限公司 Litenet is from the most comprehensive home services group in the country中 興 保 全 集 團 . As we know, people’s final goal is pursuing a happy life. With the advantages of heading science, new technology, best quality and strict protection in order to construct a home services with the largest scale and highest quality of integrated service in the country. 台濼 specializing in system integration of lighting, curtains, home appliance. We are the exclusive agent for the world's most famous brand - LUTRON, and continuing join other wonderful brands such as SAVANT, looking forward to provide our clients a comfortable environment taste and best service.
Product Summary San Lien Earthquake Early Warning System is ideal for industrial applications, building vibration monitoring and risk prevention, as well as campuses and public areas life protection. When an earthquake occurs and P waves are detected and confirmed from a 2-out-of-3 system, the system will issue warnings automatically via terminal devices, such as broadcasting systems, electric marquees, voice alarms, or GSM modems. The built-in M.Q.T.T. service provides IoT feature by which users are able to acquire instant warning information from our main control unit.
Product Summary LUTRON is divided into hardware equipment and software integration planning services. Approximately twenty thousand hardware products, including all kinds of switches, curtain, remote control, such as system components that occupy the home, to the integration of system control box suites, etc. On the other hand, Software integration services include system integration, construction assistant, maintenance, warranty, etc.
J824 金隆系統科技股份有限公司
公司電話:02-2587-2066 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2587-2077 www.jinlong.com.tw
公司電話:02-2302-5458 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2302-5970 www.inwellcom.com
金隆系統科技成立於民國 66 年,鄭福深董事長當時引進國內首套安全監視、電視天線系統及 TOSHIBA 緊急廣播系 統,為電視、監視系統的業界先驅,也是台灣有線電視最早的建構者之一,引進各項高品質設備及高科技專業技術, 服務範圍廣遍全國各地。 多年來求新求變,加強學習能力,累積自身實力,提升系統整合能力,在飯店、商場、醫院、住宅、多重複合式建 築等系統整合上符合業主各種多變化項目需求,依照客戶需求達成目標。累積了業主信信任,深獲信賴。主要如香 格里拉集團 ( 台北 / 台南 )、君悅飯店、高雄漢來、北投加賀屋、台北艾美、艾麗、華航諾富特、亞都飯店、台北 花園酒店、中信集團 ( 君品 / 雲品 / 翰品 )、萬豪、國泰和逸商旅、老爺國際醫旅等知名飯店工程實績,亞東百貨、 桃園統領、天母新光三越、高雄漢神、寶麗廣場(BELLAVITA)、信義微風等百貨工程實績,國泰醫院、馬偕醫院、 亞東醫院等醫院工程實績。
英威康科技是一間擁有工程背景與堅強的研發能力的公司,近年有鑑於智慧建築興起之趨勢,因此公司投入智慧建 築相關產業。英威康科技不僅擁有多項美國與台灣發明專利,所研發之產品已有兩項取得智慧建材標章,同時公司 本身也通過優良系統整合商之認證。在 IT 業者中,英威康是少數實際擁有弱電、建築工程能力的業者,執行過各 種工程,配合過各種專案。英威康科技的研發能力加上工程經驗,讓英威康與建商及合作廠商溝通無礙,以相同的 情境語言進行施作,減少了跨產業的溝通障礙,幫助業者遵循必要規範,讓手中建築順利的智慧化。
產品介紹 一、UNI-PEX 地震預警型智能緊急/業務公共廣播 ● 台灣第一套消防地震型緊急廣播 ● 具消防署 UNI-PEX 牌型號 EL-3200 認証 1040822878 號 ● 內建 10 組緊急 PA 訊息(如 : 緊急事故廣播、地震廣播、颱風廣播…. 等) ● 可直錄客制化語音訊息多達 100 種 ● 結合軟體控制可做圖控軟體配置 ● 最多可與 8 台業務遙控麥克風連結 ● 結合地震偵測可做到現地型/網路型預警廣播 ● 8X8音頻矩陣控制主機 ● 數位語音定時鐘 ● 後級擴大器前面板具LCD顯示運作動態、LED音壓狀態、雙音源輸入緊急切換音源。 二、人工智能環控 A. 金隆智能 AI 助理功能完備 : 1. 強大學習功能:金隆智能 AI 助理擁有強大的人工智慧學習功能,能學習你希望他會的一切事情,AI 助理也有八 核心的處理器,可以快速執行任何要求,AI 助理不論軟硬體都擁有良好的表現,相信對於各種場域的應用,AI 人 工智慧學習與互動。 2. 多功能的類機器人:除了互動聊天、說故事外,不會只侷限於傳統的功能,還可以替代藍牙音箱做為音箱點播音 樂,也可以代替你的鬧鐘,實現更強大的智慧行程提醒功能。而最大的亮點是可以直接用語音來操控各種物聯網或 電器設備。 3. 透過雲端整合各種不同的系統:將設備被控制融入雲端,使得智能 AI 助理成功實現語音控制,可以用來做房間 或空間內所有你可以想像到的操控,甚至於沒有聯網功能的設備,也可以透過一台控制器來控制,操控方式有:智 能控制介面、Smart thing 物聯平台、專屬平台介面含 AI Control Box 等。 4. 擴大想像空間:AI 智能助理全身為 PC/ABS 的合金材質且頭部可以 180 度的旋轉,自動朝向交談人員,而喇叭也 有不錯的表現有 3W*2 的功率,前面的臉部表情則有 4 吋螢幕來顯示,並有 500 萬高象素鏡頭來執行監控拍照, 進一步開發更多的擴充接口,在場域的應用上會更多元,將使用的想像空間無線與無限的擴大。 B. 智能房控系統 面有更多彈性的選擇。產品通過 CE, UL 等認證 , 讓使用者更有保障。
產品介紹 英威康科技研發的 Smart Choice 平台,採用物聯網技術,整合建築物內各種異質系統,蒐集建築物內發生之事件與 相關數據,有智慧地監控所有子系統及其設備,提升管理效率。當事件發生時,平台立即驅動各個子系統進行「智 慧化連動」,讓每個設備即時的反應與處理不同類型事件,並透過「智慧化通知」功能 ( 如,手機 APP,Line、簡訊、 電子郵件 ),即刻通知關鍵人員清楚掌握事件的動態與狀況,提高事件處理的效率,讓建築物中的使用者安全更有 保障。
Inwellcom Technology Co. LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2302-5458 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2302-5970 www.inwellcom.com Company Summary Inwellcom Tech. is a company with engineering background and R & D ability. Intelligent building trend is rising in recent years so that, Inwellcom Tech. inputs resource to its’ related industries. Inwellcom Tech. not only took out some patents of American and Taiwan but also there are two products with intelligent building materials certification. And we are an excellent system integration company certified by Taiwan architecture & building center. In IT companies, Inwellcom Tech. is a few company with abilities of technology developing in low current systems and building engineering, operated any kinds of engineering and projects. The advantage of R & D ability and engineering experience makes builders and partners easy to communicate with us and reduces communicated barriers in cross-systems. All subsystems can work in the same environment, follow the necessary rules. Let building easy to be intelligent. Product Summary Inwellcom Tech. implemented Smart Choice platform adopted IOT technologies. It integrates all kinds of subsystems in the building, collects all events and data in the building. And control intelligently all subsystems and devices to promote the effectiveness of management. When the event occurs Smart Choice orders some subsystems to interact intelligently. So that, every device acts immediately and deals with different events. Besides, Smart Choice use intelligent notification function (ex. APP, Line, SMS, and e-mail) to notify managers. They will obtain the detail, status, trends about events to promote the effectiveness of handled events and make users in the building safer.
J818 通航國際股份有限公司
公司電話:02-29993366 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-29997251 www.tonnet.com.tw
公司電話:03-401-3135 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-401-3153 www.nobel-168.com
通航國際股份有限公司 TONNET 自西元 1983 年成立以來,始終秉持專業研發,創新自製多元化的 ( 聲音、影像、 IP、多媒體、智慧住宅 ) 科技商品,以提升產業競爭力,期許為企業及居家用戶帶來無比的未來便利性,在智慧建 築大樓內導入智慧化產業技術,資通信系統的整合,享有安全、便利、舒適、節能、永續,並以科技進步的腳步, 創造人類安全幸福生活空間。通航的服務據點遍及全台,包含總公司及八間分公司,提供最近、最便利的服務。
碩譽電機股份有限公司於 1989 年成立,服務遍及台北、中壢、新竹、台中、高雄等地,是極具專業的停車收費系 統供應商,從規劃、設計、生產、施工、保養一條龍,舉凡車道入口柵欄機、伸縮門、收費系統、紅綠燈、指示燈 箱、車格標線、反射鏡、車輪檔、防撞條以及 PU 防護系列等產品,近來配合政府騎單車節能減碳政策推出雙層腳 踏車位架,普獲各界好評。 未來更積極參與大型停車場施作經驗及週邊設備的整合能力,諾貝爾團隊努力做到「技術領先、品質最優、價格合 理、服務第一」將以此原則和作風來回饋廣大客戶的支持及信任。
產品介紹 TONNET E-Family E-Home 智慧居家社區數位系統內建智慧通訊 / 通航雲 / 保全防護防盜 / 門口訪客影像雙向對講 拍照監看 / 點觸式開門鎖 /CCTV 公共區整合 NVR , AHD 影像監看 / 緊急求助 / 老人居家照護 / 反脅迫自動通知警衛 中心 / 門窗磁簧報警智控 / 煙感 . 瓦斯偵測智控 / 智慧溫馨居家智控 整合情境燈光智控 / 電動窗簾智能開與關 / 家 電空調紅外智控 / 智慧手機 APP 操作 / 全方位社區管理系統。
Company Telephone:+886-2-29993366 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-29997251 www.tonnet.com.tw
產品包含停車收費系統、車道入口柵欄機、e-Tag 長距離讀卡機、門禁 e 卡通、車位在席導引系統、車牌反向尋車 系統、人員通關機、紅綠燈、指示燈箱、車格標線、反射鏡、車輪檔、車位架、腳踏車位架、紅綠燈、指示燈箱、 車格標線、反射鏡、車輪檔、機械停車設備、電動伸縮門、防撞條以及 PU 防護系列等產品防撞條以及 PU 防護系 列等產品。
Company Telephone:+886-3-401-3135 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-401-3153 www.nobel-168.com Company Summary NOBEL ELECTRIC&MACHINERY Co.,Ltd established in 1989,Services throughout Taipei , Chungli , Hsinchu, Taichung ,Kaohsiung,etc. we are a professional supplier of parking Toll Collection System from planning , design, production , construction, and maintenance. Our products main including traffic barrier, Auto-gate, Parking system, Traffic light, Indicator box, Reflector mirror, Rubber Garage Car Parking Block, PU protection strip and so on. Recently, with the Government's carbon reduction policy Our independent research and development of innovative double-floor bicycle frame generally won the high praise from various sectors. Noble whole teams will try to do「Leading technology, best quality, reasonable price and service first」and treat it as the principles to feedback our customers for their support and trust. Product Summary Parking collection system、traffic barrier、e-Tag hands free parking reader、one card access control system、parking guidance system, Cars reverse searching system、Turnstile、traffic light、light box, Reflector mirror、Rubber Garage Car Parking Block、bycle frame、mechanical parking device、Auto-gate, PU protection device for vehicle and children and others relative products.
J830 優利美科技股份有限公司
公司電話:02-2788-1791 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2788-3001 www.honeywell-tw.com
公司電話:02-2341-1168 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2341-2768 www.3rgit.com
優利美成立於 2012 年,我們一直秉持著「誠信守實、力求卓越」的精神,以”智能家居安防 管理與環境控制”作為經營理念。並代理世界知名品牌 Honeywell – 對講機系統及淨水設備 與空氣淨化產品等,力求為”家”打造外在的安全防護,內在的環境健康,藉由 Honeywell 領先及優秀的產品,為家居生活提供更安全、舒適的環境。
綠創新科技擁有智慧城市解決方案且致力於開發物聯網相關產品,以分布綿密的燈桿作為城市重要基礎建設的概 念。 在智慧路燈系統中加入物聯網通訊平台可進行環境監測、同時結合自行開發的 Mesh City Wi-Fi 技術,其 1.7G bps 高傳輸速率更可將監控系統、緊急求救系統、甚至於無人機空拍畫面,(real-time)以無線通訊技術回傳 live video。另外智慧停車計時收費系統,除可替民眾省去尋找停車位的時間,也大幅改善因民眾尋找停車位所造成的 交通雍塞,進而減少 CO2 的排放。 智慧城市 Total Solution 對推動智慧城市建設意義重大,讓決策者、規劃者及系統整合業者能有更宏觀及完整的全 面性規劃。
產品介紹 伴隨著城市進化和經濟的高速發展,環境污染日益成為大家無法迴避的問題。因此 Honeywell 推出完善的空氣品質改善解決方案,透過全熱交換機、除濕機與空氣清淨機的規劃運用,為您的居家空氣品質帶來 煥然一新的舒適。並且透過 Honeywell 家居用水系統,為您提供前置過濾器、中央淨水機、軟水機到多種末端直飲 淨水器的全系列水處理產品,提升水的品質,幫助您實現呵護家人身體健康的願望。最後再由保全影視對講系統, 為您的住家帶來安全的防護及保障。
產品介紹 1. 智慧路燈 - 智慧型 LED 道路照明系統,可成為一個大型數據採集器。實施遠端控制每盞路燈開 / 關和調光,二次 節能減少達 80%能耗,安裝 Plug&Play,快速建置。 2. 專業無人飛機:配合無線通訊及時回喘影像技術,可進行環境監測、防救災服務、警備巡防、電信服務、物聯網..等服務。 3. 智慧型停車咪表 - 透過車位偵測及無線傳輸,即時將停車狀況及收費資料傳送給停車管理單位,開車者使用手機 即可查詢路邊停車位狀況,以減少開車尋找車位浪費時間。
Green Ideas Technology Company Telephone:+886-2-2341-1168 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2341-2768 www.3rgit.com Company Summary The Green Ideas Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the development of Smart City related products, Intelligent lighting control systems for LED lights and solar-powered LED streetlights. Expecting that through the concept of intelligent, making a healthy living environment to achieve the goal of ecological sustainability. By installing our system on streetlights we can not only control switching to achieve energy conservation but also provide other functions like real-time traffic, air-quality, microclimate base station and with a camera added, disaster-relief monitoring.
Product Summary Intelligent LED Streetlight control system Intelligent Solar Power Streetlight control system Wireless Sensor Transmission control System Intersection Surveillance Wireless Transmission System Communication platform DC UPS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Time is money. Parking Meter, through real-time connection, provides availability of parking space in the Cities and minimizes the time for drivers to locate on-street parking spaces.
K808 臺北市政府 公司電話:02-27208889( 代表號 ) 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:臺北市民當家熱線 1999 ( 免付費電話服務,公共電話,放心講及第二類電信除外 ) www.taipei.gov.tw 公司簡介 臺北在智慧城市的發展與走向,在海內外各城市間,都具有值得參考的指標性。在城市建設上積極思考運用資訊、 科技解決城市問題,以開放的態度瞭解市民基本需求與聲音,創造有溫度且智慧的資通訊建設與服務,打造好居城 市。今年臺北市政府願景館,以「臺北好居 未來城市」為主題,展示分為「智慧生態社區」、「智慧公宅」、「智 慧政府」、「智慧新創」與「智慧安防」五大展區,透過各項政策願景及服務,展現臺北開放、富智慧的城市樣貌 與印象。臺北市在「2017 智慧城市創新應用獎」分別獲得「智慧政府」及「智慧防災」兩大獎項,成果亮眼。
產品介紹 智慧政府:全台首創 IoT 平台物聯網服務應用,以創新科技凝聚產業與政府資源,實際解決市民問題,打造可長可 久的智慧城市創新媒合平台。未來透過成為物聯網應用的 Living Lab,讓環境監測、綠色節能、醫療照護等物聯網 應用試驗等,成為臺北發展智慧城市的利基點。 智慧防災:社會局與資訊社群合作開發「揪安心災民照顧雲端整合服務」,利用災民證 APP 讓災民與民眾可迅速 獲得資訊。
Taipei City Government
公司電話:03-3322101#6961-6963 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-3322101 www.tycg.gov.tw 公司簡介 桃園市是國門之都,升格後積極打造桃園為智慧城市,近年在智慧城市論壇評比中履獲 smart21 的殊榮,桃園市智 慧城市的格局儼然成形。未來將搭建產官學研平台,彼此互相學習、增進對話與交流管道,同時引進智慧產業,持 續推動資通訊科技應用在智慧生活、智慧治理、智慧產業上,提升桃園的競爭力,促進桃園市智慧城市的發展,達 成都市發展、市民樂活與產業創新的三贏局面,打造宜居樂活的智慧城市。
產品介紹 本次會場展示桃園市推動智慧城市的成功案例中,有水務局的「桃園市水情資訊系統」,提供大桃園地區即時河川 水位、各區淹水及土石流警戒及各項重要防災訊息公告等,並主動推播使用者附近之各項警戒訊息及最近避難處所 等。另外消防局救災人員專用的「智慧消防 行動派遣 119」APP,整合指揮派遣、安檢、水源及化災等四大救災資 訊系統,讓救災資訊一次到位,可有效提升災害現場搶救效率,避開搶救危險因子,以確保民眾及消防人員安全。
Taoyuan City Government
Company Telephone:+886-2-27208889 Customer Service/Fax Number:Citizen Service Hotline 1999 www.taipei.gov.tw
Company Telephone:+886-3-3322101#6961-6963 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-3322101 www.tycg.gov.tw
Company Summary
Company Summary Taoyuan city is the main gate of the country. Ever since it was promoted to be a municipality, the city government has been dedicating into smart city constructions actively. The smart city foundation was established through the endeavor of recent years. Taoyuan has been rewarded for smart21 in Intelligent Community Forum several times. Furthermore, in a bid to promote the smart living, smart governance, and smart industry by leveraging information technology, the establishment of a communication platform for various sectors such as the governments, industry and academy is already in the future planning. The ultimate goal is to improve the comfort of lives for our citizens meanwhile building up the competitiveness and potency of development for Taoyuan located industries and citizens.
This year Taipei will spotlight “Liveable Taipei for a Futuristic City” at the 2017 Smart Cities Exhibition. Five display areas span Smart Ecology Communities, Smart Public Housing, Smart Government, Smart Innovation and Smart Safety, presenting policy visions and evincing a Smart City that is open and vibrant. Among the 85 domestic entrants of the 2017 Smart City Innovation Awards, Taipei’s TPEDOIT and DSW won top honors in “Smart Government” and “Smart Disaster Prevention” categories.
Product Summary Smart GOV: Taiwan’s first IoT Platform coalesce innovation and public resources to resolve challenges. Smart Disaster Prevention: DSW and DOIT introduce Distance Integrated Platform for Disaster Victim Care to replace papers with apps for easier assistance. Materiel Donation Maps utilize GIS for disaster relief and facilitate online donation.
Product Summary This system provides real-time water level notification, district inundation warning, debris flow alert, and other disaster prevention information of Taoyuan. In addition, it automatically pushes notification to our citizens with regard to different warning messages and nearest shelter information. Besides, the 119 mobile dispatching is a special cellphone APP that integrates the safety audit, command & control, water source, and fire incidents information from four different emergency systems. Therefore, the efficiency and effectiveness of disaster prevention and recovery can be greatly improved, so is the safety of both citizens and firefighters. 121
K1209 新北市政府 公司電話:02-29603456 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:1999( 新北市境內 24 小時服務 ) www.ntpc.gov.tw 公司簡介
新北市,不僅擁有眾多的人口和廣大的地域,更是一座擁有豐富表情的城市。在這裡,多元的藝文內涵、優勢的產 業發展、貼心的福利政策、永續的綠色生活、美麗的觀光資源,讓每一位初來乍到的人們,從每一處的微小細節中, 就能感受他的與眾不同。市府團隊整合各項便民服務措施,充分運用行動應用、寬頻、地理資訊、大數據、開放資 料、虛擬實境、物聯網等智慧城市技術,將服務與市民需求緊密連結,提供市民一個永續宜居的智慧城市。
基隆市消防局自民國 87 年 7 月 1 日成立至今,依消防法執行「預防火災」、「搶救災害」、「緊急救護」三大法 定任務外,亦致力推動各項防救災與為民服務的工作。同時整合各界資源,以「離災優於防災、防災重於救災」的 原則,擔任基隆市政府處理各類災害的執行幕僚單位。 本局現有編制 325 人,含局長、副局長、技正下轄十一科室、外勤九個分隊隸屬二個大隊及保養廠,全局人員皆 秉持「專業、積極、熱忱、服務、同理心」的精神,以打造「安全、安心、安定」的港都新城市為目標。期待使每 一位市民都可以擁有安全且優質的生活環境。
產品介紹 新北市致力於發展智慧城市,今年的展覽將融合時下最夯的虛擬實境與 3D 技術,將 BIM 4.0、淡海輕軌模擬試乘、 十三行博物館虛擬水下考古、新北總圖虛擬造紙、新北卡等執行成果,帶領您體驗虛實整合的新視界,呈現新北市 如何應用最新的技術,結合民眾居住、交通、文化等生活需求,將創新應用與關懷延伸到城市中每一個角落,進而 營造身、心、靈安頓、滿足便利的智慧生活,並有效提高生活品質。竭誠歡迎您蒞臨新北展覽館,體驗新北智慧城!
New Taipei City Government
Keelung City Fire Department
「智慧緊急救護系統」為全國首創,將智慧型穿戴裝置 ( 智能眼鏡 ) 及無線生命跡象監測器導入緊急救護工作,透 過物聯網及雲端科技,串聯現場救護人員、119 救災救護指揮中心及急救責任醫院,共同建立緊急救護資訊雲端傳 輸平台,期介加救護現場技術指導及提升各載送醫療院所之預收效率,進而提高病患的預後及存活率,以減少後續 醫療費用及社會成本支出。
Company Telephone:+886-2-29603456 Customer Service/Fax Number: 1999( 新北市境內 24 小時服務 ) www.ntpc.gov.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-24302691 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-24302670 www.klfd.gov.tw/wSite/mp?mp=11
Company Summary New Taipei City has large population and broad area. It is also a city with rich expression. In this city, with the diversity in arts and cultural connotation, superiority of industrial development, caring welfare, sustainable green living and beautiful tourist attractions, every newcomer can feel its unique from detail. The city government dedicates to integrate all kinds of convenient service, takes good advantage of mobile applications, broadband, geographic information , virtual reality, IoT and other big data technologies to meet the basic needs of the citizen.
Company Summary Keelung City Fire Department has been established since July 1, 1998. We not only provide fire prevention, technical rescue and emergency medical service according to the Fire Prevention Act, but also conduct various kinds of work including disaster rescue and public service. Besides, we execute disaster rescue and prevention, and implement resource integration under our presidential direction for “disaster prevention is better than rescue, and staying away from catastrophe in the first place is better than prevention”. Keelung City Fire Department now consist of 325 officers and firemen including the chief of department, the vice chief of department, the senior technical specialist, 11 administrative offices, 2 distinct HQs which administer 9 stations and a vehicle maintenance plant. We all uphold a professional, positive, passionate, altruistic and empathetic attitude toward the goal of making Keelung City a safe, stable and satisfying harbor city. We all expect every citizen of Keelung City can have a safe and pleasure living environment. Product Summary We present the innovative work: Smart Emergency Medical Service System (SEMSS). SEMSS achieves emergency rescue with intelligent wearable device (Smart Glasses) and wireless life detector. In addition, we expect to connect field rescue personnel, 119 service centers and the First-Aid information cloud service platform co-established by medical institutions through cloud computing and IOT technology. Through this to instruct emergency rescue personnel, improve the efficiency, increase survival rate and reduce the expense of medical and social costs.
Product Summary New Taipei City not only build a smart city life for people, but also combined the needs of people with the development of the information technology,such as “BIM 4.0”, “VR Underwater Archaeology”, “VR Papermaking” , which show how New Taipei combined the spirit of humanity with activities of daily living needs of the population, and try the best to make the progression of innovative applications and care, extend to every corner of the city, and eventually create a body, mind and spirit settled, satisfaction and convenience of the home environment, and improve quality of life. We welcome you to visit the exhibition hall to experience the wisdom of the New Taipei City! 122
基隆市消防局 公司電話:02-24302691 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-24302670 www.klfd.gov.tw/wSite/mp?mp=11
K1004 佐臻股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2649-0055 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-24302670 www.jorjin.com
a m odule solution provider
公司簡介 佐臻股份有限公司成立於 1997 年,是台灣專業模組化處理、感應與無線連接解決方案供應商,專注於無線系統級 封裝模組、應用處理器系統模組解決方案、感應模組、深度影像技術模組及系統解決方案。 深根 20 年致力於發揮核心技術讓所有客戶在最短的時間內以最有競爭力的價格將創新產品推向市場。客戶涉及廣 泛市場領域,包括穿戴式電子消費產品、汽車資訊娛樂、雲端設備和工業行動計算。 公司服務領域包含 : 系統解決 方案、硬體聯合開發設計、軟硬體整合。優異的產品品質、安全規格檢驗以及可靠的技術服務,已成為多家企業核 心供應商。
產品介紹 智慧眼鏡可視為一種可穿戴式微型電腦,使用者可以透過設置於眼前的顯示器觀看畫面,並用語音、手勢、觸控等 方式進行人機介面控制,其所需技術整合專業又多元。佐臻智慧眼鏡解決方案包括一個應用處理器模組、無線連接 模組、影像處理模組、感測器和其他配件,作為專業系統解決方案提供者,我們提供客製化服務滿足客戶需求。 佐臻擁有專業影像技術團隊,搭配本身優異模組化服務可大幅提升智慧眼鏡功能性,加速進入市場應用。
Jorjin Technologies Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2649-0055 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.jorjin.com Company Summary Founded in 1997, Jorjin Technologies Inc. is a professional modular processing, sensing and wireless connectivity solution provider in Taiwan. We’re devoted to wireless system-in-package (SiP) modules and solutions of application processor (AP) system module, sensing modules, depth image technical modules and other system solutions. Excellent quality, safety certification and reliable technical services, has made us become the core supplier of a number of enterprises. Product Summary Smart Glasses can be considered as a wearable micro-computer, with voice, gestures, touch to control, and watch by the near-eye display. It required professional technical integration and skillful technique. Jorjin has a professional imaging technical team, with its own excellent modular services can significantly improve function of Smart Glasses and accelerate the application into the market.
K1303A 新竹縣政府
公司電話:03-5518101 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-5518101 www.hsinchu.gov.tw
公司電話:06-2991111 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-6326303/06-2983782 www.tainan.gov.tw
新竹縣為國內次都會型的城市,具有豐富自然資源、文化底蘊之城市,縣內有豐富之園區、研究機構資源,並擁有 國內客家文化大縣之稱,近年來積極推動智慧化有成,更榮獲 2016「國際智慧城巿論壇 (ICF)」全球前 7 大智慧城 巿 (Top 7)。 新竹縣政府整合各項公共服務網絡與便民服務措施,持續推動資通訊科技在便民服務、健康、教育、交通、觀光等 公共領域,帶頭邁開穩健智慧革命步伐,打造幸福亮麗的智慧城市。
臺南市政府長期以來有計畫性地朝向智慧城市發展,2011 年市政府邀請 5 個先進國家及知名國際企業,舉辦全球 智慧城市高峰論壇,並將「智慧城市大臺南」納入十大旗艦計畫之一,進行全區規劃。2013 年建置數位文創園區, 提供青年創業基地。2014 年獲選 IBM 智慧城市大挑戰。2015 年推動開放政府,包含開放資料、開放服務與開放決 策;同時,也配合經濟部工業局 4G 寬頻運用計畫推動 4G 城市計畫。2016 年臺南市獲選 ICF2017 年全球 21 智慧 城市,並爭取前 7。目前,市政府積極規劃智慧社區,邁向智慧城市與智慧城鄉,未來更將配合中央智慧國土規劃 而持續努力。
新竹縣以「智慧公衛資訊服務網絡」獲得「2017 年智慧城市創新應用獎」「智慧醫療」領域優勝獎項,提供民眾 就近尋找合法藥局和各項藥師專業服務的適地性(LBS)和個人化資訊服務,並建立起藥局公開資訊建置的公私協 力(PPP)機制,讓合法民間藥師能夠登錄自己的專業服務和產品,提升新竹縣政府藥局公開資訊(Open Data)的 正確性和即時性;最後,結合 IoT 物聯網感應設備(Beacon),設計智慧適地性資訊推播系統,建立起綿密的社區 化專業醫藥網絡,打造出高齡友善、健康樂活、屬於每一個人的智慧城市。 此外,本次會場還有展示其他推動智慧城市的成功案例,例如智慧醫療、智慧交通、智慧教育等成果,竭誠邀請您 蒞臨新竹縣政府展區,體驗智慧新竹縣。
Hsinchu County Government Company Telephone:+886-3-5518101 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-5518101 www.hsinchu.gov.tw Company Summary Hsinchu County took part in the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) Global Intelligent Community rankings and won the Top7 Intelligent Communities of 2016. In recent years, Hsinchu County has enjoyed a thriving economy with support from industrial parks and research institutes. Hsinchu County has also achieved notable success in the area of strengthening the public services network with convenient public service portal, health, education, transportation and tourism. These projects are honing Hsin-chu’s competitive edge in scientific fields and injecting new growth momentum into the region, helping to create a happiness and brightness city. Product Summary Hsinchu County won "2017 Smart City Innovation Application Award" in the categories of "Intelligent Medical Care” by its "Intelligent Public Health Information Service Network”. The Friendly Pharmacy is a mobile application in Hsinchu County. It aims firstly to provide location based and personalized convenient information services for the citizens. Second, it prototypes a PublicPrivate Partnership Cloud Platform, in which the pharmacists could upload and update their services to the enhanced government pharmacy management system and creates valuable open data for other applications. Finally, with the IoT technology, it enables a smart message network for the government so that the seniors could have community based health and sanitary services that is crucial in the aged society. In addition, the exhibition also showcases other success cases that drive smart cities, such as Intelligent medical treatment, transportation and education. We hereby sin-cerely invite you to visit Hsinchu county 126 government and our intelligent exhibition center.
臺南市政府為改善大臺南地區數位落差,致力推廣數位平等策略,研擬讓市民都能得有機會使用數位科技和寬頻的 政策,並提供數位技能訓練以及鼓勵市民獲取數位技能。同時,為解決市民就業需求,幫助有志創業的青年邁向創 新創業之路,協助既有產業轉型導入創新元素,讓創新構想得以商品化,進而誕生更多就業機會,並促使城市經濟 不斷活絡發展,擬訂各項創新創業政策,結合各界力量,提升臺南市新創產業的量能。
Tainan City Government Company Telephone:+886-6-2991111 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-6326303/+886-6-2983782 www.tainan.gov.tw/tainanE Company Summary Smart City is a long-term goal of Tainan. In 2011, the city government held the “Global Smart City Summit”, and launched the “Being Smart – Tainan” flagship program; 2013, the Digital, Culture and Creative Park was established to provide teenagers a base to start businesses; 2014, Tainan was nominated in IBM’s “Smart City” challenge; in 2015, the city government promoted “Open Government” and 4G-City project; and in 2016, Tainan was nominated as ICF’s Smart21 Communities, and currently aims to become top7 via establishing Smart Communities, which offers urban and rural areas smart facilities. The city government will cope with the central government’s “Smart Homeland” project. Product Summary Aiming to narrow the digital gap in Tainan, the city government plans to enable citizens to access digital tech and broadband via skill-training. Meanwhile, to help the young with ambitions to start up, the government introduces and commercializes innovative elements to existing industries to create more job opportunities and drive local economy.
K816 高雄市政府
公司電話:07-3368333(四維行政中心代表號) 07-7995678(鳳山行政中心代表號) 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:1999 、 07-335-8080 www.kcg.gov.tw
公司電話:07-7912000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-7912000/07-7933222 www.i-pass.com.tw
「iPASS 一卡通」原由高雄捷運公司發行之交通票證,於 2007 年 12 月發卡、2008 年 3 月高雄捷運紅線通車後啟用, 使用範圍含高雄捷運、全台西部之公車與客運、臺鐵、高雄市公共腳踏車、台南市公共腳踏車、渡輪及停車場等。 惟考量「一卡通」之永續經營及發揮交通與消費合一之綜效,一卡通票證公司於 2013 年 12 月 6 日獲金融監督管 理委員會核准設立,於 2014 年 2 月 13 日正式掛牌營運。一卡通票證公司承襲先前高雄捷運公司累積之發行經驗 及維運技術,除繼續擴大「iPASS 一卡通」票證於交通領域之使用,並跨足多用途支付 ( 小額消費 ) 業務,持續進 行票證應用整合。
高雄市是個溫暖又美麗的城市,集山、河、海、港於一身,近年來在陳菊市長的帶領下,不斷朝「綠能」、「生態」、 「科技」、「人文」及「開放」的方向邁進,並努力與世界接軌,讓高雄的美在國際上展露光芒。 賡續 Open Data 的發展,高雄市再接再厲,朝 Open API 的理念精進,以建置開放的城市資料平台,方便民間及社 群資料的取得及加值運用,公私協力共同推動更多智慧化創新應用服務,讓高雄成為一個實至名歸的智慧城市。 今年高雄市首度參賽,即在「智慧交通」領域獲得兩項殊榮,更將於 2017 年 10 月主辦「生態交通全球盛典」, 為分享高雄推動智慧城市成果及未來發展,於高雄館展示智慧治理、智慧交通、智慧醫療、智慧教育、智慧防災等 建設成果。
產品介紹 高雄的「高屏區域交控整合計畫」整合高雄市、屏東縣的交通控制系統,設置事件反應規則庫,完整呈現跨區域行 車資訊,搭配智慧化號誌控制,讓用路人得以針對路況提前應變,以降低行車事故及壅塞發生率,為全國第一個跨 區域、跨單位整合的交通服務成果。 「4G 智慧交通好行服務合作計畫」,達到普及 4G 城市友善環境、提升全市公車服務品質,提供車內免費 4G WiFi 熱點服務與即時候車亭內、公車停靠區影像監控,能讓等車民眾參考最新最即時的公車預估到站時間,同時透過 4G 行動寬頻網路,將即時行車狀況回傳雲端,讓交通局與公車業者能確實掌控車輛行駛狀況,以 保障乘客安全。
Kaohsiung City Government Company Telephone:+886-7-3368333 (Sihwei Administrative Center) +886-7-7995678 (Fongshan Administrative Center) Customer Service/Fax Number:1999、+886-7-335-8080 www.kcg.gov.tw Company Summary Kaohsiung, a warm and beautiful city, obtaining the mountains, the rivers, the sea, the harbor at the same time, has been striding forward in the direction of green energy, ecology, technology, culture, and opening in recent years under Mayor Chen’s leadership. By continual efforts to keep pace with the world, Kaohsiung has shown its beauty internationally. Based on the development of Open Data, Kaohsiung has made persistent efforts to realize the idea of Open API for establishing an open platform of the city’s information, which enables more convenient acquisition and valuedapplication of the information for the public and communities. Through the cooperation of the public and private sectors to promote more innovative intelligent application services, it is expected that Kaohsiung would become a real Intelligent City. Kaohsiung City participated in the competition for the first time this year, and won two awards in “Intelligent Traffic” category; and further, Kaohsiung will host the “EcoMobility World Festival 2017” in October 2017 to share its achievement and future development of promotion of Intelligent City. By the time, the achievement of intelligent application in administration, traffic, medical treatment, education, and disaster prevention will be displayed in Kaohsiung Hall. Product Summary The “Traffic Control Integration Plan for Kaohsiung and Pingtung Regions” integrated the traffic control systems of Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County. The complete presentation of cross-regional traffic information, cooperating with intelligent signal control, enable the road users to make early responses to the traffic conditions and thus reduces the rates of accident and traffic jam. It is the first traffic management in Taiwan that integrates cross-regional and cross-administrative-unit services. The “4G Intelligent Smooth Traffic Cooperative Plan” has popularized 4G environment and enhanced service quality of the public buses. By providing free 4G Wi-Fi hotspots in the buses and real-time monitoring of the bus stops, the Cooperative Plan makes it possible for the people to estimate the arriving time of the bus. Meanwhile, the real-time traffic conditions will be transmitted to the Cloud System through 4G mobile 128 broadband internet, which enables Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government and the bus companies handle the bus and traffic conditions accurately to assure the passengers' safety.
產品介紹 iPASS 一卡通可代替車票使用,搭乘台北捷運、桃園捷運 ( 國際機場聯外捷運系統 )、高雄捷運、台灣鐵路環島路網、 高雄環狀輕軌、全台灣市區公車、公路客運,使用 iPASS 一卡通無須排隊買票,全台灣各地公共腳踏車系統、渡輪 及停車場都可以使用。使用時,只需持卡輕觸感應區,即可迅速完成交易。iPASS 一卡通不僅可用於大眾運輸外, 還可作為電子貨幣使用,觀光景點購買門票、百貨商圈、遊樂園、7-11、全家便利商店、OK 超商、萊爾富便利商 店等超商皆可消費,使用一卡通,省去找零錢及每次搭車購票的麻煩,還可享受搭乘大眾運輸優惠。iPASS 一卡通 可無限次加值及使用,使用一卡通,盡享購物樂趣、便捷,輕鬆暢遊全台。
iPASS Corporation
Company Telephone:+886-7-7912000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-7912000/+886-7-7933222 www.i-pass.com.tw Company Summary iPASS was a transportation ticket originally issued by the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC). It was first issued in December, 2007, and was officially launched in March, 2008 after the Kaohsiung MRT Red Line started its operation. The scope of iPASS use includes: Kaohsiung MRT, buses in Western Taiwan, Taiwan Railway, Kaohsiung public bikes, Tainan public bikes, ferries and parking lots. For the sustainable management of iPASS and the combination of transportation and consumption to establish iPASS Corporation. iPASS Corporation got its establishment approval from Financial Supervisory Commission on December 6, 2013. It was officially put into operation on February 13, 2014. Passed down on the KRTC’s past experience of issuance as well as its maintenance and operation techniques, iPASS Corporation will continue not only to cooperate with more transportation system companies, but also to include multifunctional payment business (small transactions). In addition, it will continue to integrate the applications of different tickets, and extend its usage scope to more diversified services, such as making small transactions in authorized stores and paying for parking fees, tourist and show tickets, government charges and fees as well as medical bills, in hopes of dramatically increasing the convenience and practicability of the card. Product Summary The iPASS card can be used as a normal ticket for many public transport systems in Taiwan. When you take Taipei Metro, Taoyuan Metro (Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System), Kaohsiung Metro, Taiwan Railway Journey, Kaohsiung City Light Rail, many city buses and intercity buses in Taiwan, you do not need to wait in line and buy a ticket but simply use iPASS card for your access. You can also use it for the tickets of YouBike, ferries and many car parks in Taiwan. The transaction can be quickly finished by passing your card over the sensor area. In addition to the public transportation, iPASS card is an electronic ticket which can be used for the entry tickets of many tourist attractions and amusement parks and for the purchase in many places like the Food Court of the Department Stores, 7-ELEVEN, FamilyMart, OK Mart, Hi-Life Convenience Stores, PX Mart, and Petrol Stations (CPC, Formosa, and NPC). It can also be used in other popular purchasing areas like restaurants, tea chain stores, traditional markets, night markets, and cinemas, etc. The iPASS card not only helps you get rid of the need for preparing the coins and buying the tickets, but it also gives you more discounts when you take the public transportation. The iPASS card can be reused, and the value can be added at any time; therefore, there is no need to purchase new cards. Enjoy your journey in Taiwan by using the iPASS card which provides you an easier and more convenient way in your purchase.
K816 其昜電動車科技股份有限公司 公司電話:07-550-0286 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-550-0286/07-550-0086 www.ahamani.com
公司電話:07-7939666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-7938888/07-7939687 gojet.krtco.com.tw
其昜創立於 2008 年,當時電動機車產業已成為世界先進國家大力推廣的綠能主流產業,其昜以高性能、大馬力的 高階電動機車做為核心產品,全車 100%台灣製造,搭載 TES 認證最高容量電池,極速可達近 80 公里,在爬坡力 與續航力上展現令人驚豔的極致性能。 其昜秉持藉由資通訊技術推動在地化特色發展,並以智慧城市中的智慧交通為主要發展項目。以租賃服務整合物聯 網作為 URDA 悠達雲端共享電動機車租賃系統的基本架構,結合各地的網路基礎建設,並以大筆資料擷取以及無 線通訊能力,連結電動機車與資料庫,進行車輛控制、電量偵測、使用者識別……等相關服務。
高捷市集為高雄捷運營運之新型態電子旅遊套票整合商務平台。旅行前 , 只要透過電腦、手機、平板等裝置上網就 能購買黃金套票或是自行組裝套票 , 並完成旅遊商品的預訂與付款。 旅行中 , 抵達店家後只要使用已綁定的卡片 / 手機「嗶」一下即可兌換服務或商品 , 並可透過專屬 APP 隨時查詢套 票使用況。
產品介紹 URDA 悠達雲端共享電動機車租賃系統為整套商業服務模式,本系統特別導入 SWAP 電動機車,主打無噪音及無廢 氣污染,其性能又與 125 c.c. 之汽油機車接近,高性能、大馬力、大扭力,可雙載爬坡之電動機車產品。軟體方面, 結合物聯網雲端 APP 應用,透過手機即可加入會員及預約使用電動機車,並有甲站租賃乙站還車的服務,本系統 採多元收費機制,可以 ATM 繳款、超商繳費、第三方支付……等,多元的付款方式可有效提高系統的服務率,自 動化操作,強化使用便利性。
Ahamani EV Technology Co., Ltd.
產品介紹 高捷通 APP 為高雄捷運公司整合高雄「食」、 「宿」、 「遊」、 「購」、「行」等資訊,所開發之資訊服務平台, 除機場資訊外,高雄捷運、台鐵、高鐵、公車、公共腳踏、周邊停車場等交通接駁動態資訊通通幫你輕鬆搞定,即 時定位、即時查詢,運用最新 VR 虛擬實境技術及結合回饋積點遊戲機制,同時兼具服務與娛樂性,讓您輕鬆、聰 明遊高雄 !!
Company Telephone:+886-7-550-0286 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-550-0286/+886-7-550-0086 www.ahamani.com
Company Telephone:+886-7-7939666 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-7938888/+886-7-7939687 gojet.krtco.com.tw
Company Summary Ahamani EV Technology is a professional leading electric vehicle company 100% based in Taiwan since 2008. With the own exclusively designed power train and lithium battery modules, Ahamani’s electric motorcycles can reach the range to 80-150km, max. speed to 85km/h, and the great hills climbing torque. Ahamani developed UrDa electric vehicle time-sharing APP system, to help Cities and Campuses set up their Smart and Green Mobility system with a turn key solution. UrDa system can detect the e-motorcycle’s condition distantly, collect big data from the user’s behaviors.
Company Summary GOJET< http://gojet.krtco.com.tw > is an integrated business platform for Kaohsiung MRT business. Before you travel, you can buy a gold package or set up your own package by using your computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc., and complete the booking and payment of travel products. Within travelling, arrive the store just show the limited card and use it to contact the phone, then hear "beep" sound, click "exchange" button in phone screen to exchange services or merchandise, and through the exclusive APP at any time to check package conditions.
Product Summary UrDa is a time-sharing electric motorcycle on line system. It is an innovative business model, allows people to rent the electric motorcycle through APP easily. Guided by UrDa App, user can find the e-motorcycle from UrDa stations, reserves the e-motorcycle, start it and pay for the trip, all through the APP. UrDa system includes Smart electric motorcycle, Smart on line Charging Station, IoT cloud sharing electric motorcycle leasing APP. In UrDa system, every e-motorcycle and Charging station are connecting together through 4G and WiFi. 130
Product Summary GOJET APP is KRTC integrated Kaohsiung "food", "places", "tour", "purchase", "line" and other information, the development of information service platform. In addition to airport information, KMRT, Taiwan Rail, Taiwan High-Speed Rail, bus, public bike, parking lot and other traffic access dynamic information, these help you easily get real-time location, instant query. The VR (virtual reality) technology and combined with feedback point game mechanism, while both service and entertainment. Travel Kaohsiung Easy Go!
K926 屏東縣政府
公司電話:08-732-0415 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:08-738-8999/08-737-1748 www.pthg.gov.tw/Default.aspx
公司電話:08-9326141 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:08-9322714 www.taitung.gov.tw
104 年屏東縣登革熱確診個案數計 414 例 ( 本土性 402 例、境外移入 12 例、死亡率達千分之 9.7 居全國之首 ), 其數量雖顯較相鄰高雄市、台南市為少,但其疫情擴散情況已不容小覷。是以,為有效建立登革熱行動防疫決策平 台,透過跨平台載具的設計,讓第一線防疫人員,可輕易地掌握疫情走勢,並進行即時的疫情調查,本局即透過中 央研究院人社中心地理資訊科學研究專題中心詹大千博士之團隊共同研發智慧防災平台,解決以往土法煉鋼利用 Google Map 劃設疫情相關資訊之困境,並命之以登革熱行動防疫決策平台。
在數位時代,科技能顛覆傳統,網路能跨越差距,創新可以締造奇蹟。過去臺東因為先天條件,產業發展始終受限, 在縣長黃健庭和縣府團隊的努力下,積極發展智慧城市,以數位科技彌補地域落差。《遠見雜誌》2015 智慧城市 大調查中,臺東在「智慧基礎建設」上榮獲第一名。不僅如此,聚焦健康、教育、觀光、行銷等面向,以智慧農業、 智慧觀光、智慧行銷、智慧健康、智慧交通、智慧社區、智慧教育等主題,2015、2016 連續二年獲得 ICF「全球 21 大國際智慧城市」與「智慧城市創新應用獎」的榮譽,證明了智慧城市不是都會區的專利。臺東,突破困境, 用科技改寫宿命,創造了前所未有的機會與條件。
本系統的主要功能包含三大部分,茲分述如下: 1. 決策圖資與風險管理:髒亂點、布氏級數及易淹水區…等之風險標示。 2. 疫情調查與防疫區規劃:以街道圖劃設防疫區,並標示期防治作為。 3. 歷史疫情分析:整合原有防疫資訊,並介接各部分有效圖資。 登革熱行動防疫決策平台,即在透過資訊的整合與通報流程的自動化、行動化、疫情動態資訊,達臻防疫工作維護 國人健康的工作目標。
Pingtung County Government Company Telephone:+886-8-732-0415 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-8-738-8999/+886-8-737-1748 www.pthg.gov.tw/Default.aspx Company Summary To reduce the spread of disease, the priority work of epidemic prevention is to identify the trend of an epidemic and plan the related strategies. Taking the year of 2015 for example, the confirmed dengue fever cases of Pingtung County numbered 414 (aboriginal: 402; imported: 12; mortality rate = 9.7 per 1,000, the highest in the nation). Although the case numbers were less than those in Kaohsiung and Tainan Cities, we still cannot underestimate the epidemic. Therefore, in collaboration with Dr. Chan Ta-Chien’s research team from the Center for GIS, Academia Sinica, the Health Bureau of Pingtung County developed an intelligent disaster prevention system, namely the Mobile Platform of Dengue Fever Prevention. Compared to the traditional prevention method relying on manual operation with Google Map, the system helps local public health workers to monitor the epidemic trend and conduct a real-time epidemic survey with the design of a crossplatform carrier. Product Summary There are three major functions of the system, including 1. Decision-related maps and risk management: visualization of hot spots of litter, Breteau index, and flood-prone areas. 2. Planning of epidemic survey and epidemic district: set up epidemic districts from street maps and mark prevention strategies. 3. Historical epidemic analysis: integrated surveillance information with related digital maps Through the integration of mobilized, automatic, and real-time surveillance information, the goal of the 132 system is to prevent dengue fever and maintain the health and well-being of all citizens.
由臺東縣政府國計處主導,結合臺東縣政府 ( 官 )、臺東大學 ( 學 ) 及運籌網通公司 ( 產 ),三方合作帶入產業的 活力創新及市場機制,以大學衍生企業的概念,共同在臺東建立「TTMaker 4G 應用軟體創新創業園區」,打造從 學術研究、市場應用到發展新事業的有利環境,讓雲端及大數據的各種加值創新服務深入臺東各種產業及服務。 TTMaker 的模型架構被經濟部工業局列為相關補助計畫的模範範本,具有一定指標性,更受到前行政院長張善政先 生的肯定及全力支持。TTMaker 集結各地優秀人才,透過面談選出優秀團隊進駐臺東。各團隊被要求先進駐半年, 融入臺東當地生活,挖掘臺東當地的需求並且與當地學校合作,藉此培育當地人才。半年後才能提出計畫,通過縣 府審查通過後給予補助經費。縣府全力提供最好的資源,協助青年及創客在臺東創業,並且在地永續深耕,成就新 產業。臺東效法德國柏林「野孩子」計畫,期盼吸引更多創意人才進駐,希望在臺東這一塊好山好水的土地上創造 「旱地新矽谷」的新產業。
Taitung County Government Company Telephone:+886-8-9326141 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-8-9322714 www.taitung.gov.tw Company Summary In this digital world, technology can subvert the tradition, internet can come across the gap, and innovation can create miracle. In the past, due to congenital limitation, development of industries of Taitung was always restricted. However, under the effort of Governor, Chien-Ting, Huang and all the members of Taitung county government, Taitung proactively develops smart city and tries to make up the deficiency of this area by digital technology. According to the survey of smart city 2015 conducted by Global Views Monthly, Taitung won the top one ward in smart infrastructure category. In addition, Taitung won 'smart 21 communities' award in year 2015 and 2016 consecutively conducted by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), and also the prize of “Smart city innovative application” by focusing on health, education, tourism, and marketing to make progresses in smart agriculture, smart tourism, smart marketing, smart health, smart transportation, smart community and smart education. This proves that smart city is not the privilege of urban areas. Taitung breaks through the difficulties to rewrite predestination by technology and create unprecedented chances and conditions. Product Summary This is a tripartite collaboration between the Taitung County Government, Taitung University, and Toplogis Corporation Ltd, which will together establish the “TTMaker Application Software Innovation Park,” in Taitung to create a favorable environment for academic research, market applications, and new business development. This will enable various value-added, cloud-based, big data innovation services to assist various industries and services in Taitung. TTMaker's model structure has been listed as a model subsidy program by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and is fully supported by the former Executive Director, Mr. Jhang Shan-jung. TTMaker brings together talent from all over the country and selects outstanding teams to enter Taitung through interviews. The teams are asked to participate in the local life in Taitung for half a year, in order to understand local needs and to cooperate with local schools to nurture local talent. Six months later, a plan is submitted to the county government for review, and if this plan is approved a grant is offered. The county government provides the best resources to help young people and entrepreneurs in Taitung, and offers in-depth, sustainable development of new industries. Taitung follows Berlin’s “Wild Child” model, and hopes to attract more creative talent so that it can build a new “Silicon Valley”in our part of the world.
J1124 安研科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-623-5061 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-668-6252 www.anasystem.com.tw 公司簡介
安研科技是以雲端物聯網平台為核心之自動化資料收集系統整合廠商,專精雲端監測系統開發與物聯網平台應用, 整合嵌入式系統、通訊系統、中央管理系統、資料庫系統、雲端計算等開發技術,建立雲端物聯網運算核心,應用 於環境、水文、氣象、交通、醫療、智慧電網、智慧建築、智慧城市等監測系統,實現全球虛擬監測網路,並進而 結合巨量資料分析,作為決策與應用之基礎。
研揚科技集團(AAEON)是台灣專業物聯智能解決方案研發製造大廠,成立於 1992 年。行銷全球的產品包括嵌入 式電腦板卡及系統、工業液晶顯示器、強固型平板電腦、網路安全設備等各式物聯網所需產品 。提供 OEM/ODM 客戶及系統整合商完整且專業之軟硬體解決方案。擁有專屬團隊提供客製化服務,協助客戶從研發初期發想到產品 製作、量產到售後服務,提供一貫之專業諮詢與服務,為您量身打造高品質產品。研揚科技同時也是英特爾物聯網 解決方案聯盟會員。
雲端資料收集平台 Senslink Senslink 可透過網頁即時查詢監測資料、產生報表和分析數據,監測資料超出警戒值時立刻發出 Email 或簡訊通 知管理人員處理。 ● 智慧型傳訊水位計 SenSmart WLS SenSmart WLS 整合射頻導納水位計、太陽能充電和 3G/LoRaWAN,節省 50% 以上新建監測站與維護成本,搭配 Senslink 雲端軟體,快速建立都市防洪感測預警系統。 ● 智慧型傳訊記錄器 SensMini M4 SensMini M4 具體積小、防水、省電和易安裝特點,可整合各類感測器並將資料透過 3G/LoRaWAN 即時傳送至 Senslink,是物聯網監測系統最佳選擇。 ●
Anasystem, Inc.
研揚科技 公司電話:02-89191234 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-89191234 www.aaeon.com
為了了解實際生活中的空氣品質數據,進行必要性的預防與改善,『空氣盒子』因應而生。藉由在城市中架設物聯 網 PM2.5 感測器,即時監測城市中空氣品質狀況。研揚科技與華碩雲端合作研發『空氣盒子』,利用 LoRa 之低功耗、 遠距離的傳輸特性將 PM2.5、溫度與濕度等重要環境資訊上傳至雲端物聯網平台,可以有效針對空氣品質汙染源作 即時的數據分析以及追蹤,並提供學術醫療單位對心血管疾病作進一步研究分析。
Company Telephone:+886-3-623-5061 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-668-6252 www.anasystem.com.tw
Company Telephone:+886-2-8919-1234 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-89191234 www.aaeon.com
Company Summary Anasystem is a system integration company specialized in developing all-in-one IoT products integrating sensors, power supply, communication and cloud platform, with applications in environmental protection, hydraulic monitoring system, flood early warning system, traffic management, and various monitoring systems for smart cities.
Company Summary AAEON is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of professional intelligent IoT solutions. Committed to innovative engineering, AAEON provides reliable and high quality computing platforms, including Embedded boards and systems, rugged tablets, network appliances and related accessories, as well as integrated solutions. AAEON also provides services for premier OEM/ODMs and system integrators.
Product Summary ● Senslink – Cloud platform for data acquisition, computing, analysis and display. ● SenSmart WLS – Smart water level sensor SenSmart WLS integrates water level sensor with RF transmitter, solar power supply, 3G/LoRaWAN communication and Senslink. It can save more than 50% cost when intalling a new monitoring station. ● SensMini M4 – Smart data logger SensMini M4 supports 3G/LoRaWAN communication paired with Senslink for remote data acquisition. It can be used with most sensors with common data transmission protocol.
Product Summary Air Box: PM2.5 Air Pollution Monitoring Device for Smart City AAEON and ASUS Cloud have collaborated to develop Air Box, which can detect and transmit important environmental information such as PM2.5, temperature, and humidity to the cloud-based IoT platform/ website, effectively analyzing and tracing the air pollution sources.
J1134 內政部警政署
公司電話:02-23931791#6081 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-23964685 www.npa.gov.tw
公司電話:02-2792-7878 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2792-7878 www.glory-tek.com
警政署為全國最高警察機關,掌理全國警察行政事務,以安全專業的角度保護民眾、服務民眾,營造優質警政工作 品質,實現治安放心、交通順心、服務貼心的樂活環境。 本署於 101 至 105 年推動「警政雲端運算發展計畫」,布建警政雲端運算系統基礎平臺並開發『M-Police 警用行 動電腦』系統,以跨機關多面性整合全國 6 機關、31 項資料庫巨量資料,導入資通訊 (ICT) 服務,運用智慧化、行 動化與雲端化科技,提供員警科技偵查犯罪效能,並提供 17 項應用服務,30 秒即可清查過濾失蹤人口,大幅提升 警察勤務效率及員警工作士氣,有效提高民眾治安滿意度達 73.7% 達歷年最高點。
皇輝科技在 ICT 產業扮演系統整合服務的角色,尤其在公共基礎與電信營運商,均有豐富整合經驗,也在道路工程、 軌道工程、機場設施、公共安全,提供許多整合服務。 皇輝科技參與了許多公共建設和基礎設施,如台灣高鐵、台灣鐵路、捷運系統、內政部消防署、台北市警察局、台 灣電力公司、台灣中油等。 皇輝科技也參與了台灣智慧光網之建立與通訊系統服務,並希望透過 PPP 或 BOT 的商業模式,投資於智慧城市的 基礎設施建設。 皇輝科技持續尋找合作夥伴與供應商,共同參與政府招標採購,或為合作夥伴代理銷售至台灣與東南亞市場,如新 加坡、泰國、緬甸等。
產品介紹 1. 運用市場上智慧型手機,易學易用。 2. 各項治安指標(如尋獲失竊車輛、查獲查捕逃犯等)皆穩定成長,有效打擊犯罪。 3. 行政院選為行動應用成功標竿案例、全民關注成果,媒體專訪不斷。 4. 躍登世界舞台,提高國際聲望:計有巴拿馬共和國代表參訪、受邀參加杜拜第 10 屆國際警察實務研討會發表實例、 出席英國內政部相關會議、受邀參加澳洲第 23 屆智慧型運輸系統世界大會。 5. 促使交通部修正道路交通管理處罰條例,臨檢未帶行駕照免罰。
National Police Agency , Ministry of the Interior (NPA) Company Telephone:+886-2-23931791#6081 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-23964685 www.npa.gov.tw Company Summary National Police Agency(NPA) is the greatest authority police organization in the country, taking charge of the national police administrative affairs, protecting the people and serving the people with the view of safety and professionalism. To create high-quality working environment for police, to achieve law and order at ease, traffic smooth, service considerate for the living environment. The Project of「The Police Cloud Computing Plan」, which is executed from 2012 until 2016, builds the basic platform of the Police Cloud Computing and the System. The core technology of that system is to well integrate the 31 database sources from six nationwide organizations, to help the efficiency of criminal investigation through this intelligent, mobile and cloud ICT technologies. That system provides 17 police applications. It only takes 30 seconds to identify the missing persons.We have improve the efficiency of police service and public safety satisfaction, which is 73.7%, the highest score we have ever had. Product Summary 1.We use the commercial smartphone as the police equipment that makes the design of the application easily. 2.We have improved the clearance rate of stolen vehicle, the fugitives clearance rate, significantly improve the public safety satisfaction. 3.The system is selected as the best mobile application project by the Executive Yuan and the system has received a great attention in Taiwan. 4.This system has drawn global attention and raise our international prestige. The representatives of the Republic of Panama show a great interest in our system after visiting NPA.Our system was introduced exclusively at the Tenth International Police Practice Seminar, the conference held by the British Interior Ministry, and the 23rd World Congress 2016 on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Melbourne. 136 5.The system allowed the Ministry of Communications to revise traffic regulation regarding the penalty for driving without a license.
GLORY Company Telephone:+886-2-2792-7878 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2792-7878 www.glory-tek.com Company Summary The GLORY Technology Service Inc. is an SI (System Integrations) company in ICT business of Public Infrastructure and Telecom Carriers. GLORY also provides multi-services in Freeway ITS, Railway industry, Airport facilities, and Public Safety & Security. In Taiwan, GLORY had many successfully references on public facilities & infrastructure projects, such as: ● Highway ITS, Airports, Railway: THSR, TRA Mainline, and Metro projects; ● Public Safety & Security: National Fire Agency, Fire and Police departments of local government; ● Energy & facilities: TPC(Taiwan Power Co.) and CPC(Chinese Petroleum Co., Taiwan) projects. Furthermore, GLORY has been building an Optical Fiber network for 4 years and will provide FTTH (Fiberto-the-Home) service for whole Taipei City, with its own investment in 25-year PPP project of Taipei City Government. GLORY is highly interested in and would like to make any investment in Smart City infrastructure with either PPP or BOT business model. Thus, GLORY is stilling to find any good partners/suppliers to co-work together to participate in some governmental tendering/bid. And GLORY could be also a sales channel/agent to sell partner's products to Taiwan, even in some markets of Southeast Asia, such as Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, and etc. GLORY has more about 100 engineers to do design, engineering, and integrations works of telecommunications.
J1230 旭鑫能源股份有限公司 公司電話:03-7582533 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-7580206 www.sas-sunrise.com/sunrise/tw/index.aspx
SAS Sunrise
帆宣系統科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2655-8899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2655-8989 www.micb2b.com
旭鑫能源股份有限公司 ( 旭鑫能源 ) 係由中美矽晶轉投資於 2015 年成立,致力於降低太陽能的發電成本,研究開 發不同的應用,透過太陽能的解決方案降低世界各國因能源短缺所造成的重大影響,為人類社會開發更潔淨能源與 創造價值。 旭鑫能源將著眼於電廠之開發期、興建期及營運期和產品品質風險管控與全球各區域投資平衡,結合追求長期固定 收益的綠色金融業者和中美矽晶的集團優勢,共同投資開發全球的太陽能電廠。目前投資案之評估已橫跨亞洲、北 美及歐洲,在美國、日本、菲律賓、越南、印尼、義大利、加拿大都已有評估開發案正在進行。
帆宣系統科技股份有限公司於 1988 年由高新明董事長及林育業總經理共同創立。成立以來,一向專注於半導體、 平面顯示器設備及耗材代理,廠務系統 TURNKEY 服務等業務;近年來帆宣公司更進一步跨入 LED 光電製程設備製 造與技術開發,並佈局太陽能、雷射應用及鋰電池等產業,持續創新朝多角化方向發展。
產品介紹 代理銷售:代理銷售國內外科技設備、材料、零組件 系統應用:自動化產品、電腦整合製造、廠務監控系統、商業智慧系統、企業資源規劃管理 廠商工程:高科技產業及一般產業「整廠統包」服務 設備製造:OEM、ODM 客製化設備製造
旭鑫能源是中美矽晶之轉投資公司,中美矽晶是台灣專業的太陽能晶圓、電池與模組供應商,藉由垂直整合跨足系 統端,擴大在全球太陽能之佈局並提供終端客戶整體解決方案。 旭鑫與全球太陽能 EPC 積極進行合作聯盟,將持續規劃於全世界各國陸續建造屋頂型、地面型及水上型的太陽能 電廠。旗下 SEPALCO 公司位於菲律賓萊特島占地 80 公頃的 50 MW 太陽能發電廠是台灣目前為止海外投資的單一 最大太陽能電廠。
SAS Sunrise Inc. Company Telephone:+886-3-7582533 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-7580206 www.sas-sunrise.com/sunrise/tw/index.aspx
Company Telephone:+886-2-2655-8899 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2655-8989 www.micb2b.com
Company Summary SAS Sunrise(SSR) is as a worldwide solar energy system company, a reinvestment company of SinoAmerican Silicon Products Inc.(SAS). SSR devotes to reducing the cost of power generation, research and development of different application, and attempts to reduce effect on energy shortage all over the world and to create a cleaner resource and value for the human beings through solar energy solution.
Company Summary Founded by Ms. Margaret Kao and Scott Lin in 1988, Marketech International Corp. MIC is committed to be the professional technology service provider dedicated to marketing and technology integration support services. MIC is diversified in 4 complementary areas: Sales Representation - Dedicated to marketing and integration support for process equipment and materials in the IC, FPD, LED and optoelectronics industries.
Product Summary SAS Sunrise(SSR) is reinvestment company of Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.(SAS), a leading solar wafer, cell and module provider in Taiwan. Through vertical integration and entering the system field, SAS provides total solution in the solar industry. SSR will ally with global solar EPC to establish solar energy power plants all over the world.
Marketech International Corp.
Product Summary Representative Business:Representative of equipment、Material ,and Components for High tech Industry System Solutions:Bizshaker Family、CIM、FMCS、BI、ERP Engineering Services:Total facility engineering turn-key project Equipment Manufacturing:OEM、ODM、Customized equipment manufacture
K1309A 神通資訊科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2657-6666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2657-6666/02-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw 公司簡介
神通資訊科技股份有限公司 (MiTAC Information Technology Corp.) 於 2010 年 10 月正式成立,傳承神通電腦豐厚 系統整合經驗與核心技術,將從強調軟硬體系統整合的解決方案供應商,轉型為「雲」與「端」體系化系統整合 (System of System Integration) 的物聯網解決方案供應商,並集結各領域物聯技術與應用,整合資源、發揮綜效,以 產品化、國際化為目標,成為「物聯網 Plus」創新發展的推手,打造物聯網新價值。
艾迪訊科技成立於 2004 年,為台灣工業技術研究院(ITRI)的技術衍生公司,自創立以來即全力投入自行研發設 計的 RFID 應用系統,從電子標籤(Tag)、天線(Antenna)、讀取器(Reader)、中介軟體(Gateway)到系統 整合(System Integration)等多項產品及服務。近年來,除了專注於 RFID 技術研發外,亦體認到軟體整合之重要 性。因此,在 2010 年整併擁有 40 年圖書館軟體開發經驗的傳技資訊,提供給圖書館最完整的 " 軟硬整合之 Total Solution",同時艾迪訊也發展以 IDSmart 為名的自有品牌系列產品,專注於圖書館界的軟硬體系統及設備研發。
智慧交通解決方案 (Open Payment System for Rail Ticketing) 智慧圖書館解決方案 智慧健康與校園解決方案 CRM 預約系統 : E 排客
MiTAC Information Technology Corp.
「圖書館智慧應用系統」是艾迪訊科技從 IoT 物聯網的理念出發,結合 1. 圖書館自動化系統 (Integrated library system,簡稱 ILS)、2. 雲端電子資源 (E-resource) 及 3. 圖書館 RFID 自助借還書設備等三大核心概念的全方位運用, 強調以服務為主而提供的軟硬體整合智慧應用系統,透過軟體和硬體的整合,成功且精準地協助傳統圖書館升級為 智慧型圖書館,本公司提供的 " 軟硬整合之 Total Solution",也是圖書館運用現代化科技增進服務效能的最佳解決 方案。
ClarIDy Solutions, Inc.
Company Telephone:+886-2-2657-6666 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2657-6666/+886-2-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw/en/
Company Telephone:+886-2-6606-0588 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-6600-2255 www.claridy.com
Company Summary Since its official establishment in 2010, MiTAC Information Technology Corp. has inherited rich experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc. That allowed us to transform from a system integrator into a solution provider on IoT (Internet of Things) for cloud system of system integration. We aim to push innovative development of “IoT Plus” and build new values in the IoT.
Company Summary Claridy Solutions, Inc. is technically spin off ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) in Taiwan. Since 2004, our company has fully devoted to RFID application systems and under our own Research & Development (R&D), design, including Tag, Antenna, Reader, Gateway and System. In 2010, ClarIDy Solutions, Inc. merged Taiwan’s leading software developer in library automation systems- Transtech Information and began to focus on smart culture and education domain. We provided a software and hardware “Total Solution” for libraries and successfully developed a series of products under our own brand- IDSmart. Now, ClarIDy Solutions is the Expert of Intelligent Library.
Product Summary Smart Transportation Solution (Open Payment System for Rail Ticketing) Smart Library Total Solution Smart Healthcare and Education Solution CRM Reservation and Booking System (E 排客 )
艾迪訊科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-6606-0588 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-6600-2255 www.claridy.com
Product Summary Claridy Solutions started from IoT concept and combined three core values which are 1. Integrated library system (ILS), 2. E-resource and 3. RFID Self-check service solution that we called “Intelligent Library System” to our main product. Claridy provided total solutions (software + hardware) for intelligent libraries. Because of we are always insight into our customer needs. So, through our “Intelligent Library System” service that we assisted traditional library upgrade into intelligent library. This is a best solution for the library.
J517 2getthere B.V. 公司電話:+31 (0)30 2383570 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+31 (0)30 2383571 www.2getthere.eu 公司簡介 2getthere 實現自動化公共運輸的應用,從自動化人員移動系統到共享式的無人駕駛車輛。 該系統的自動化車輛在 不同苛刻的環境中運行,已有超過 30 年的經驗。 第一個應用是為發展港口的 ECT 集裝箱碼頭,而在室內倉儲環境 中發展出自動引導車輛,以此為基礎,直至現在的自動化公共運輸的應用。
產品介紹 2getthere 的專有技術包括監控系統 TOMS(運輸監控和管理),車輛控制和(專利)關鍵部件。 此外,2getthere 擁 有與 Zagato 合作設計的 IP,提供可容納 4 至 6 位乘客的 PRT 車輛和 12 至 24 位乘客的 GRT 車輛。 因自有 IP,所 以允許在當地執行製造。 2getthere 的系統生命週期開發符合 EN50126 和 ISO26262 標準。
2getthere B.V. Company Telephone:+31 (0)30 2383570 Customer Service/Fax Number:+31 (0)30 2383571 www.2getthere.eu Company Summary 2getthere realizes automated transit applications, ranging from Automated People Movers to Shared Autonomous Vehicles. The systems are based on over 30 years of experience with automated vehicles in different demanding environments. The first applications were Automated Guided Vehicles in warehousing environments indoors, serving as a basis for the development of port applications (ECT container terminal) and eventually automated transit applications. Product Summary 2getthere’s proprietary technology includes the supervisory system TOMS (Transit Operations Monitoring and Supervision), the vehicle controls and (patented) key components. In addition 2getthere owns the IP with regards to the 4-to-6-passenger PRT vehicle and 12-to-24-passenger GRT vehicle, designed in cooperation with Zagato. This allows for manufacturing to be performed locally. The 2getthere system life cycle development is in accordance to the EN50126 and ISO26262 standards.
J517 Dynniq 公司電話:+31 33 454 17 77 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+31 33 454 17 77 www.dynniq.com
公司電話:02-8729-7600 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8729-7600 www.ingwb.com/network-offices/asia/taiwan
Dynniq 是一家全方位,高科技和創新的公司,在國際上提供整合式的交通和能源解決方案與服務。 Dynniq 為客戶 提供客製和整合式的解決方案 ; 客戶群包括區域電網運營商,政府,工業,公共交通公司和其他私營組織,如休閒 公園和保健機構等。
荷商安智 ING 銀行是一家擁有強大歐洲基礎的全球性金融機構,提供銀行服務。 ING 台北分行成立於 1991 年,擁 有全包式的商業銀行牌照。 ING 銀行在 2017 年世界 100 家最具可持續發展企業名單中排名第五。 排名由全球最大的可持續發展和負責任企業 雜誌“企業騎士”(Corporate Knights)所進行的調查。
產品介紹 Dynniq 的產品和服務提供專業的解決方案: ● 交通(城市,高速,智慧交通) ● 照明(公共照明和智慧照明) ● 控制系統(橋樑、隧道、和鎖的交通控制中心以及操作系統)。 ● WPS 停車系統,一個創新的和使用雲端的停車管理解決方案。 ● Dynniq 在電力和天然氣基礎設施的設計,配送和維護方面擁有豐富的專業知識,是智慧電網和智慧電錶的可靠合 作夥伴和問題解決者。
荷商安智 ING 銀行
產品介紹 荷商安智 ING 銀行台北分行,成立於 1991 年,其主要業務包括永續性融資、結構性融資、貿易及應收帳款融資、 各國輸出入銀行之出口融資、聯貸、外匯及利率避險、國際債券以及企業整併收購等相關金融業務。 ING 銀行擁有廣泛的各領域專家,特別在科技領域擁有豐富的經驗和知識。 我們期待通過我們的專業技術和金融產品為您的事業提供支持。
ING Bank
Company Telephone:+31 33 454 17 77 Customer Service/Fax Number:+31 33 454 17 77 www.dynniq.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-8729-7600 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8729-7600 www.ingwb.com/network-offices/asia/taiwan
Company Summary Dynniq is a dynamic, high-tech and innovative company offering integrated mobility and energy solutions and services internationally. Dynniq provides custom and integrated solutions to customers e.g. the regional grid operators, Governments, industry, public transport companies and other private organisations such as leisure parks and health institutions.
Company Summary ING is a global financial institution with a strong European base, offering banking services. ING Taipei Branch is established in 1991, has been granted an all-inclusive commercial banking license. ING is fifth in the 2017 list of world’s 100 most sustainable corporations. The ranking is done by Corporate Knights, the world’s largest magazine focused on sustainability and responsible business.
Product Summary Dynniq’s products and services offer dedicated solutions for: ● Traffic (urban, high speed, smart mobility) ● Lighting (public lighting and smart lighting) ● Control systems (traffic control centres and operating systems of bridges, locks, and tunnels). ● WPS Parking Systems, an innovative and cloud based parking management solutions. ● Dynniq has expertise in the design, delivery and maintenance of electrical and gas infrastructure and is a reliable partner and problem solver in Smart Grids and Smart Metering.
Product Summary ING Taipei offers a variety of products in the fields of financial markets, structured lending, cash management and corporate finance from a single platform. Backed with expansive network experts, ING has experience and knowledge of the technology sector. We look forward to supporting your business with our know-how and financial products.
J517 台灣恩智浦半導體 公司電話:02-8170-9137 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8170-9198 www.nxp.com/cn
公司電話:03-397-5858 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-318-4712 www.daf.com.tw
恩智浦半導體 (NASDAQ: NXPI) 致力為智慧生活提供安全連結及基礎設施解決方案。作為全球領先的崁入式應用安 全連結解決方案供應商,恩智浦持續推動著互聯汽車、物聯網設備端到端安全與資料保護等智慧安全互聯應用市場 的創新。恩智浦擁有超過 60 年的專業技術及經驗,在全球逾 35 個國家設有業務機構,員工達 44,000 人。
DAF Trucks N.V. 是一家領先的卡車製造商,總部位於荷蘭恩荷芬市超過 85 年。 DAF 是第一批符合 ISO 14001 環 境保護標準的歐洲卡車製造商之一。 所有生產設施都實現了“零廢物填埋”。台塑關係企業台塑汽車貨運公司自 2006 年起,與荷蘭 DAF 簽訂貨卡車在台組裝銷售合約,成為荷蘭 DAF 在台總代理商,台塑汽車貨運公司本身在台 中大肚廠負責車輛組裝,並委由台塑企業台宇汽車公司專職從事銷售業務,迄今已超過 10 年。
產品介紹 恩智浦半導體在全球逾 35 個國家皆設有業務執行機構,專為互聯汽車、網路安全、可攜式與穿戴式應用以及物聯 網打造強大解決方案,幫助人們實現「智慧生活,安全連結」。奠基於高性能混和訊號的專業,協助眾多產業的客 戶 ( 包括汽車、安全、互聯設備、照明、工業和基礎建設 ),使客戶在產品功能、成本及上市時間方面脫穎而出。 台灣恩智浦半導體同步建立零時差客戶服務網絡,加速高階產品分析與應用開發。
NXP Semiconductors Taiwan Ltd.
DAF Trucks / 台宇汽車
產品介紹 台塑汽車貨運組裝廠擁有與 DAF 同步的組裝技術,在組裝品質控管甚至比 DAF 原廠還要精準。 DAF 是 TRUCK PLATOONING 的技術領導者,這是使用 Wifi-P,雷達和攝影機,使第二輛卡車能夠自動跟隨的整合 技術。 DAF 推出 DAF CONNECT,一個創新的車隊管理系統,為司機提供有關他的車輛和操作性能的即時訊息。 有關車輛 位置,燃料消耗,里程,車隊利用率和空閒時間的訊息清楚地呈現在線上的儀表板中,也可以根據客戶要求定製。 DAF 貨卡車是一部兼具經濟、省油、環保的好車,也是一部降低客戶經營成本的最佳運輸工具。
DAF Trucks / Formosa Automobile
Company Telephone:+886-2-8170-9137 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8170-9198 www.nxp.com
Company Telephone:+886-3-397-5858 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886--3-318-4712 www.daf.com
Company Summary NXP® Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) enables secure connections and infrastructure for a smarter world, advancing solutions that make lives easier, better and safer. As the world leader in secure connectivity solutions for embedded applications, NXP is driving innovation in the secure connected vehicle, end-to-end security & privacy and smart connected solutions markets. Built on more than 60 years of combined experience and expertise, the company has 45,000 employees in more than 35 countries.
Company Summary DAF Trucks N.V. is a leading truck manufacturer, based in Eindhoven for more than 85 years. DAF was among the first European truck manufacturers to comply with the ISO 14001 standard for environmental care. All production facilities have achieved ‘Zero Waste to Landfill’. DAF Trucks signed a cooperation contract with Formosa Automobile for assembling & sales DAF trucks in Taiwan since 2006.
Product Summary NXP is focusing on high growth markets solutions for: ● Secure, Connected Vehicle, End-to-end Security & Privacy Cloud & Infrastructure Security, Smart, Connected Solutions. ● Explosive growth of smart connected solutions; With smart infrastructure, NXP is enabling smart home, smart healthcare, smart industry, and wearables devices. ● NXP is the only supplier to provide complete IoT solutions NXP Semiconductors Taiwan established a customer service network simultaneously for helping the clients to accelerate the high-end product analysis and application development.
Product Summary DAF is the technological leaders in TRUCK PLATOONING that enables a second vehicle is technically capable of automatically following the combination ahead using Wifi-P, radar and cameras. DAF is launching DAF CONNECT, an innovative FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, offering the operator real-time information on the performance of his vehicles and drivers. Information on vehicle location, fuel consumption, mileage, fleet utilization and idle time are clearly presented in an on-line dashboard, which can be tailored to customer requirements.
J517 麥肯諾建築師事務所 公司電話:07-763-5763 ext.351 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-763-5763 ext.351 www.mecanoo.nl
公司電話:02-8758-2088 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8758-2088/02-8758-2050 www.gov.uk/world/taiwan
麥肯諾位於荷蘭最古老的歷史名城台夫特,在 1984 年,法蘭馨 ‧ 荷本和兩位同學榮獲鹿特丹青年社會住宅的參 賽後創立了麥肯諾。麥肯諾已執業超過 30 年,成為國際知名的建築事務所。在各國有許多成功案例:如荷蘭,英國, 美國,中國,台灣和韓國。 事務所擁有 140 多位來自不同學科與文化背景的成員,麥肯諾將重點放在內部緊密溝通,多元的合作對象,以及 與國際夥伴與顧問長期保持良好關係。麥肯諾建築師事務所擁有完整的專業技術與知識,成員包括建築師、室內設 計師、城市規劃師、景觀建築師和建築工程師。對於每個專案,每位成員都有機會創造出發展性的設計理念。
英國在台辦事處 國際貿易部(British Office- Department for International Trade)協助英國企業在全球經濟中獲得成 功。同時也協助海外企業對英國活絡的經濟進行高品質投資。 英國在台辦事處 國際貿易部透過在英國、各國駐英使館和全球各地外交據點的連結,提供專業知識和人脈,包含 企業在世界舞台競爭時所需的工具。 英國在台辦事處 國際貿易部協助英國企業提升競爭力,並促進與台灣企業間的貿易往來。同時也提供專業與個人 化的服務,協助台灣企業在英國設立據點與擴展業務。
麥肯諾的設計作品尺度很多元,從規模非常小的鹿特丹聖瑪麗教堂 (120m2) 到大規模如高雄衛武營藝術中心 (141,000m2)。我們的服務內容大部分包括公共和文化建築以及其相關的公共場所,其中包括:車站、劇院、圖書館、 博物館、校園建築、文化中心和都市規劃。
英國在台辦事處 國際貿易部在台灣的服務包括: ● 貿易媒合;促成英國出口商及台灣進口商 / 經銷商之貿易合作 ● 協助台灣廠商尋找英國產品 ● 貿易推廣服務;安排英國廠商訪台、協助台商赴英進行採購及相關貿易諮詢 提供台商赴英投資之諮詢服務
Mecanoo Architecten
British Office (Department for International Trade , DIT)
Company Telephone:+31(0)15 279 81 00 Customer Service/Fax Number:+31(0) 15 2798111 www.mecanoo.nl
Company Telephone:+886-2-8758-2088 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8758-2088/+886-2-8758-2050 www.gov.uk/world/taiwan
Company Summary Practicing for over 30 years, Mecanoo is an internationally renowned architecture and design practice with a portfolio that includes projects in countries such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, China, Taiwan and South Korea. Mecanoo is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff from 25 different countries. The team includes architects, urban planners, landscape architects, interior designers, technical engineers, and a diverse team of administrators, graphic designers and support members. We specialise in complex, multifunctional buildings and integrated urban developments that combine architecture, masterplanning, landscape architecture and interior design.
Company Summary British Office (Department for International Trade, DIT) helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy. We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the UK’s dynamic economy. DIT offers expertise and contacts through its extensive network of specialists in the UK, and in British embassies and other diplomatic offices around the world. We provide companies with the tools they require to be competitive on the world stage. DIT in Taiwan helps companies in Britain increase their competitiveness through overseas trade in Taiwan. We also offer professional, authoritative and personalized assistance to help companies in Taiwan locate and expand in the UK. Our services: Set up a business in the UK DIT offers dedicated, professional, personalized assistance to help you locate and expand your business in the UK Export from the UK DIT can assist you on every step of the exporting journey in both the UK and overseas. Business opportunities DIT is always looking to provide an international network of opportunities for UK Companies looking to export.
Product Summary Our work encompasses a wide range of building typologies including residential blocks, offices, regeneration assignments and mixed use developments, universities, educational projects, libraries and theatres, hospitals, train stations, government buildings, and entire neighbourhoods, leisure facilities, public landscapes, civic buildings, and even a chapel.
英國在台辦事處 ( 國際貿易部 )
J432 Auriplex
公司電話:+44(0) 1223 437005 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44(0) 1223 437005 www.auriplex.com
公司電話:+44(0) 8455 570520 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44(0) 8455 570520 www.briteyellow.com
Auriplex 總部位於英國劍橋 (Cambridge),專門研發創新的視 / 聽覺科技和產品。該公司將其第一代助聽器產品結合 新一代智慧型手機,推出「聽覺的嶄新概念」解決方案,不只在技術上達成創新,在市場研究策略上也獨創一格。
Briteyellow 公司為室內定位和物聯網應用程式提供行人智慧行動軟體即服務 (software-as-a-service,簡稱 SaaS) 平 台。該公司希望以其正在申請專利的「3D 室內全球定位系統」科技為基礎,為全球的室內空間提供虛擬導引服務; 該科技可讓需要改善空間導引的業者獲得更精確的行人活動和分析資料。Briteyellow 為智慧城市規劃人員和人潮洶 湧場所的業者開發虛擬和擴增實境應用程式。該公司長期致力研發,並追求協作領導 (collaborative leadership),因 而成為廣受信賴的智慧城市應用程式開發夥伴。
Company Telephone:+44(0) 1223 437005 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44(0) 1223 437005 www.auriplex.com
Company Telephone:+44(0) 8455 570520 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44(0) 8455 570520 www.briteyellow.com
Company Summary Auriplex based in Cambridge, offer innovative hearing/audio technologies and products. First generation iEar product and the next generation Smartphone “A new concept in hearing…” solutions, are not only innovative in technology but also in the market reach strategy.
Company Summary Briteyellow Ltd provides pedestrian smart mobility software-as-a-service platform (SaaS) for Indoor Location and Internet of Things applications. Their vision is to provide a virtual guide for the worlds’ indoor spaces, based on Briteyellow’s patent pending “3D indoor GPS” technology. It gives better pedestrian engagement and analytics for operators who need to offer better indoor wayfinding. Briteyellow powers virtual and augmented reality applications for smart city planners, and operators of high footfall venues. Briteyellow's long term commitment to Research and Development and passion for collaborative leadership makes them a trusted partner for Smart City applications.
J432 Cascoda Ltd 公司電話:+44 (0)2380 111797 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0)2380 111797 www.cascoda.com
Data Performance Consultancy Ltd 公司電話:+44 (0)333 577 9003 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0)333 577 9003 www.dataperformanceconsultancy.com
Cascoda 是一家無廠半導體公司,總部位於英國。 該公司 開發了低耗電量但提升資料傳輸範圍的物聯網無線裝置 CA-8210。 CA-8210 使用 2.4GHz 無線頻段傳輸資料, 所採用的無線網路標準為 IEEE 802.15.4,即所謂的紫蜂(ZigBee)。紫 蜂是家用、智慧建築和工業自動化等物聯網所使用的主要網路協定。 Cascoda 透過技術提升資料傳輸範圍,並減少耗電量,有助終端產品降低設備、安裝和維修等成本。
Data Performance Consultancy ( 簡稱 DPC 公司 ) 最近贏得英國科技策略委員會 (Innovate UK) 一項金額高達 150 萬 英鎊的合約,將負責打造使用 WASP 系統的智慧城市平台。WASP 的全稱為工作流程分析與社會採購 (Workflow Analytics and Social Procurement),可用於衡量社會衝擊和列舉城市資料需求的細目。 DPC 和許多夥伴合作,包括為 Smart Applications 公司和亞馬遜網路服務 (Amazon Web Services,簡稱 AWB) 研究感 應科技的科技創新中心 Sensor City 在內。Smart Applications 和 AWB 也是 DPC 的基礎設施即服務(Infrastructure as a Service,簡稱 IaaS)夥伴。DPC 擁有眾多合作夥伴,加上利物浦大學 (University of Liverpool) 開設利物浦智慧城 市創新中心 (Liverpool Smart City Innovation Hub),未來 DPC 會以商業夥伴之姿,和各大學合作進行智慧城市模型 建構 (Smart City Modeling) 的研究與諮詢工作。
Cascoda Ltd
Data Performance Consultancy Ltd
Company Telephone:+44 (0)2380 111797 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0)2380 111797 www.cascoda.com
Company Telephone:+44 (0)333 577 9003 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0)333 577 9003 www.dataperformanceconsultancy.com
Company Summary Cascoda is a fables semiconductor company, based in the UK. Cascoda has developed a radio device for the Internet of Things (IoT) that delivers communication with improved range and lower power consumption. Cascoda’s product is called the CA-8210. The product operates in the 2.4GHz radio band using the IEEE 802.15.4 worldwide wireless standard, better known as ZigBee. This protocol is a key enabler for the IoT for use in home, building and industrial automation. The improved range and lower power consumption of Cascoda’s technology benefits end products by reducing equipment cost, installation cost and maintenance cost.
Company Summary Data Performance Consultancy (DPC) have recently won a contract worth £1.5 Million by Innovate UK to build a Smart City Platform. The System is called WASP and stands for Workflow Analytics and Social Procurement. Its delivers measurement of social impact and provision of mapping out a cities data needs. DPC other partners include Sensor City, which carries out research into sensor technology for Smart Applications and Amazon Web Services who are our IaaS partner. This combined with the opening of the Liverpool Smart City Innovation Hub at UoL, DPC will act as a commercial partner with the Universities to deliver Research and Consultancy for Smart City Modeling.
J432 Movement Strategies
Opportunity Peterborough
公司電話:+44 (0)203 540 8520 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0)203 540 8520 www.movementstrategies.com
公司電話:+44 (0) 01733 317417 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0) 01733 317417 www.opportunitypeterborough.co.uk
我們是全球最大、經驗最豐富的獨立專業人流顧問公司。 本公司獨到之處,在於不但將人員移動和行為資料的分析與應用專業知識融入商業決策中,還擁有無可匹敵的環境 打造設計和營運諮詢資歷。 過去十餘年來,本公司在人群動力學和人員移動分析上屢有創新突破,且持續提升自身能力,尋求以更佳方式達成 客戶的目標。 例如本公司是英國首屈一指的行動電話資料分析機構,幫助客戶了解群眾的移動和行為模式,並將之融入商業策略 中。 我們的工作可強化人們對某一地點、空間或服務的體驗,進而促成更好的商業表現。
Opportunity Peterborough 是總部位於英格蘭彼得伯勒市 (Peterborough) 的經濟開發公司,其核心任務包括向各企業 行銷該市以吸引外來投資、和當地業者合作以支持成長與開發,以及領導該市的技能培育計畫,以確保當地既有和 未來的人才都能獲得訓練並做好工作準備。 該公司也負責執行多項計畫,以提振當地經濟,並支持彼得伯勒市 (Peterborough) 完成打造英國環保首都 (UK’s Environment Capital) 的志業。該公司最近和彼得伯勒市 (Peterborough) 政府合作,協助該市獲選為四座英國未來城 市示範城 (UK Future City Demonstrators) 之一,並共同領導後續的 Future Peterborough 計畫。該計畫在英國國內和國 際深受肯定,彼得伯勒市 (Peterborough) 甚至因此在 2015 年贏得世界智慧城市 (World Smart City) 的殊榮。
Movement Strategies
Opportunity Peterborough
Company Telephone:+44 (0)203 540 8520 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0)203 540 8520 www.movementstrategies.com
Company Telephone:+44 (0) 01733 317417 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0) 01733 317417 www.opportunitypeterborough.co.uk
Company Summary We are the largest and most experienced independent, specialist people movement consultancy in the world. Uniquely, we combine expertise in the analysis and application of movement and behavioral data to inform business decisions with an unrivalled track record of design and operations consultancy for the built environment. For over ten years we have been breaking new ground in crowd dynamics and people movement analytics and continuously evolving our capability, exploring smarter ways to achieve our clients’ objectives. For example, we are the UK’s leading analysts of cellular phone data, helping our clients to understand people’s movement and behavior, to inform their commercial strategies. Our work enhances the way people experience a place, a space, or a service and drives better business performance.
Company Summary As an economic development company, Opportunity Peterborough’s core responsibilities include marketing Peterborough to businesses to attract inward investment, engaging with local companies to support growth and development, and leading the city’s skills agenda to ensure our current and future talent pool is trained and work-ready. It also delivers a range of projects to boost the local economy and support Peterborough’s aspiration to create the UK’s Environment Capital. Most recently, and in partnership with the Peterborough City Council, Opportunity Peterborough coordinated the city’s successful bid to be one of the four UK Future City Demonstrators and jointly leads the resultant Future Peterborough programme which has received national and international recognition culminating in Peterborough being awarded World Smart City status in 2015
J432 安謀國際科技股份有限公司 (ARM-Taiwan) 公司電話:02-8752-1700 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8752-1700 www.arm.com
J432 英國標準協會 ( 台灣分公司 ) 公司電話:02-2656-0333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2656-0333 www.bsigroup.com/zh-TW
ARM 致力於研發半導體智慧財產權、並已成為全球先進數位產品的核心。ARM 的技術驅動了新市場的發展與產業 和社會的轉型,並無形地為全球網路使用者創造新機遇。其低功耗且可彈性配置的處理器及相關技術為任何需要計 算功能的領域加入智慧功能,應用範圍橫跨感測器到伺服器,覆蓋智慧手機、平板電腦、數位電視、企業級基礎架 構與物聯網應用。
BSI 英國標準協會為全球性的標準驗證機構,專門提供企業必要的管理解決方案,將最佳標準實務轉換成卓越的日 常表現。BSI 成立於 1901 年,為全球第一個國家標準機構,也是國際標準組織 ISO 的創始會員。成立一世紀以來, BSI 持續協助全球企業進行改革,國際上多數企業組織採用 BSI 所創始之標準,來協助提昇績效、降低風險、並永 續成長。BSI 的標誌也以卓越著稱,包括著名的 Kitemark ™標誌而 BSI 所制定的各種標準亦帶動了全球卓越發展。
ARM 創新技術被合作夥伴廣泛的授權採用,基於 ARM 架構的晶片累積出貨量迄今已突破 900 億。ARM 通過 ARM Connected Community 為開發者、設計人員及工程師們消除了產業創新障礙,並為領先的電子企業提供快速且可靠 的產品上市管道。如欲加入社區討論,請點選連結: http://community.arm.com。
ARM (Taiwan) Company Telephone:+886-2-8752-1700 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8752-1700 www.arm.com Company Summary ARM technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. From the unmissable to the invisible; our advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in 90 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphone to the supercomputer. With more than 1,000 technology partners including the world's most famous business and consumer brands, we are driving ARM innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud.
British Standards Institution (BSI- Taiwan branch office) Company Telephone:+886-2-26560333 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-26560333 www.bsigroup.com/zh-TW Company Summary BSI (British Standards Institution) is the business standards company that equips businesses with the necessary solutions to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence. Formed in 1901, BSI is the UK National Standards Body and a founding member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Over a century later it continues to facilitate business improvement across the globe by helping its clients drive performance, manage risk and grow sustainably through the adoption of international management systems standards, many of which BSI originated. BSI is an organization whose standards inspire excellence across the globe
J432 格林威治皇家自治區政府 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.digitalgreenwich.com
奧雅納(Arup)工程顧問公司 公司電話:02-7743-8680 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-7743-8680 www.arup.com
位於大倫敦東南部的格林威治皇家自治區是智慧城市創新的領袖,其所擘畫的智慧城市計畫目標宏大,由一支專責 團隊領導,並和該區政府所成立的商業公司 DG Cities 攜手合作。格林威治積極參與許多受到高度矚目的計畫,包 括成為全英國第一個公開測試自動駕駛車上路的地區、第五代 (5G) 行動通訊應用的測試地,以及歐洲的智慧城市 示範區。格林威治擁有成功的創新中心 (Innovation Centre),吸引許多積極從事智慧城市創新的國際企業進駐。該 區亦是英國智慧行動生活實驗室 (UK Smart Mobility Living-Lab) 計畫的所在地;此計畫不但為連網自駕車提供測試 環境,還成立一座營建和不動產創業育成中心,以及格林威治城市洞察實驗室 (City Insights Lab)。
奧雅納是全球眾多知名項目的核心創意力量,業務橫跨建築環境的各個領域和不同行業。我們在 40 個國家設立了 92 家分支機構,擁有超過 13, 000 名設計、工程、規劃和諮詢專業人員,用創意與熱忱在世界各地營建創新的項目。 從智慧城市的頂層規劃到建築和基礎設施的數字化建構,奧雅納提供的城市發展服務以人為本,以數字科技為驅 動,優化運營管理,使城市生活更便捷,更美好。
Royal Borough of Greenwich
Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.digitalgreenwich.com
Company Telephone:+886-2-7743-8680 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7743-8680 www.arup.com
Company Summary The Royal Borough of Greenwich is a leader in smart city innovation. Its ambitious smart city programme is led by a dedicated team working alongside its commercial arm, DG Cities. Greenwich is active in many high profile initiatives, including the first UK public trials of autonomous vehicles; a test-bed for 5G applications; and a European demonstrator for smart cities. It manages a successful Innovation Centre which has attracted many international businesses active in smart city innovation, and hosts the UK Smart Mobility Living-Lab - a test environment for connected and autonomous vehicles; a construction & real estate incubator; and Greenwich’s city insights lab.
Company Summary Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry. From 92 offices in 40 countries our 13,000 designers, engineers, planners and consultants deliver innovative projects across the world with creativity and passion. From policy advice to digital design for buildings and infrastructure, Arup sees smart cities as one of the tools for urban development, with people at the heart of the process. We make the best use of technology to optimize the operation of urban systems, enabling a smarter better living.
J1123 CATALONIA TRADE & INVESTMENT 公司電話:+852-28931966 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+852-28931966 www.catalonia.com 公司簡介 Catalonia Trade & Investment 是加泰隆尼亞地區 (Catalonia) 與巴塞隆納 (Barcelona) 的官方機構,致力於協助該地區 成為一個創新、競爭力及有吸引力的商業區域。總部位於巴塞隆納,全球有 36 個辦公室。 擁有超過 30 年的服務經驗,不論是首次希望投資加泰隆尼亞地區的國際公司或是當地發展良好的公司希望向全球 擴張,我們都能提供完善的服務與諮詢。我們對加泰隆尼亞地區許多高競爭力的出口導向公司有豐富的了解,意即 我們能提供完備的諮詢以幫助尋求在歐洲建立商業或戰略合作協議的國際公司。
產品介紹 Catalonia Trade & Investment 是 ACCIÓ 底下的機構。ACCIÓ 是加泰隆尼亞政府商業競爭力機構,並擁有多元的國 際性與創新計畫。ACCIÓ 與加泰隆尼亞科技中心一起組成了 TECNIO,與許多科技研發新科技、新材質和解決方案 的廠商都有良好的關係,絕對是您尋找新科技的最佳窗口。 Catalonia Trade &Investment 能幫助您在加泰隆尼亞地區尋找最佳的商業夥伴、有競爭力的供應商以及所需的技術。 在過去的 30 年中,我們機構幫助過超過 5000 個投資項目、吸引了 81 億歐元的投資金額並創造超過 4 萬的工作機 會。
CATALONIA TRADE & INVESTMENT Company Telephone:+852-28931966 Customer Service/Fax Number:+852-28931966 www.catalonia.com
Company Summary Catalonia Trade & Investment is the public agency that works to attract foreign direct investment to Barcelona and Catalonia, promoting the area as an attractive, innovative and competitive business location. With headquarters in Barcelona, Catalonia Trade & Investment also operates from 36 offices around the world. Our services come with the guarantee of 30 years’ experience helping not only those international companies planning first-time investment or aiming to expand their European area of operations, but also those already established in Catalonia with expansion plans or new projects. Our knowledge of many competitive and export-oriented companies in Catalonia, means we are well equipped to help international companies seeking to establish commercial or strategic agreements in Europe. Product Summary Catalonia Trade & Investment, is a unit of ACCIÓ, the Agency for Business Competitiveness. ACCIÓ’s different programmes promote internationalization and innovation. ACCIÓ has the best contacts to find the technologies you require. Catalonia’s Technological Centres, united under the TECNIO brand, are close partners with companies that need to develop or incorporate new technologies, materials or solutions. Catalonia Trade&Investment can assist you with your investment project, finding the right business partner, sourcing most competitive supplier or locating the state of the art technology you need in Catalonia. In the last 30 years, the agency’s track record includes 5,000 investment projects managed, € 8.1 billion attracted in inward investment and 40,000 jobs created.