life.augmented is our contribution to people’s lives ST is a world leader in providing semiconductor solutions that make a positive contribution to people’s lives, both today and in the future.
STMicroelectronics Taiwan Tel: +886 2 6603 2588 Fax: +886 2 6603 2599
Booth No.
意法半導體 公司電話:02-6603-2588 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-6603-2599 www.st.com 公司簡介 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics;ST)是全球領先的的半導體公司,為與日常生活息息相關的電子產品提供高 能效與智慧化的半導體技術及解決方案。意法半導體的產品無所不在,致力於與客戶群共同努力實現智慧駕駛、 智慧工廠、智慧城市和智慧家庭,以及下一代行動和物聯網產品。意法半導體代表著科技帶動智慧生活(life. augmented)的理念。 意法半導體2015年淨收入69.0億美元,在全球各地擁有10萬客戶。詳情請瀏覽意法半導體公司網站www.st.com。
產品介紹 Aerospace & Defense Products、Amplifiers & Comparators、Audio ICs、Automotive Analog & Power ICs、 Automotive Infotainment & Telematics、Automotive Logic ICs、Automotive Microcontrollers、Clocks & Timers、Data Converters、Diodes & Rectifiers、EMI Filtering & Signal Conditioning、Interface & Transceivers、MEMS & Sensors、 Power Management、Power Modules、Power Transistors、Protection Devices、Radio Frequency Transistors、Reset & Supervisor ICs、Switches & Multiplexers、Thyristors (SCR) & AC Switches、Wireless Connectivity、Imaging & Photonics Solutions、 Memories、Microcontrollers、SPEAr Embedded Microprocessors、Secure MCUs
STMicroelectronics Company Telephone:+886-2-6603-2588 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-6603-2599 www.st.com Company Summary ST is a global semiconductor leader delivering intelligent and energy-efficient products and solutions that power the electronics at the heart of everyday life. ST’s products are found everywhere today, and together with our customers, we are enabling smarter driving and smarter factories, cities and homes, along with the next generation of mobile and Internet of Things devices. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented. In 2015, the Company’s net revenues were $6.90 billion, serving more than 100,000 customers worldwide. Further information can be found at www.st.com. Product Summary Aerospace & Defense Products、Amplifiers & Comparators、Audio ICs、Automotive Analog & Power ICs、Automotive Infotainment & Telematics、Automotive Logic ICs、Automotive Microcontrollers 、Clocks & Timers、Data Converters、Diodes & Rectifiers、EMI Filtering & Signal Conditioning、 Interface & Transceivers、MEMS & Sensors、Power Management、Power Modules、Power Transistors、 Protection Devices、Radio Frequency Transistors、Reset & Supervisor ICs、Switches & Multiplexers、 Thyristors (SCR) & AC Switches、Wireless Connectivity、Imaging & Photonics Solutions、 Memories、 Microcontrollers、SPEAr Embedded Microprocessors、Secure MCUs 15
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大同股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2592-5252 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2594-5041 www.tatung.com 公司簡介 大同公司創立於西元1918年,主要分為電力事業群、系統事業群、消費事業群。大同公司為台灣智慧節能管理與 再生能源系統之領導廠商,以其多年產業經驗與技術,參與台灣國家智慧電網建設,並以自有技術建置了台灣第一 套智慧電網高壓、低壓智慧電表基礎建設(AMI),成為台灣智慧電網、微電網與智慧電表的領導先鋒。在雲端科 技及物聯網技術成熟發展的時代,大同融和其專精的機電與系統技術強項,提供多種智慧管理系統服務,包含智慧 社區、智慧建築、智慧家庭、智慧照護與智慧監控等解決方案,以創能、節能、綠能之產品與系統,打造健康、安 全、低碳的永續環境。
產品介紹 作為節能和綠色能源領域的領導者,大同公司擁有自上而下的光電系統垂直整合服務,近幾年來,大同已經在屋頂 、地面和埤塘建造了500多處的太陽能光電發電站。大同也率先在台灣建置多處的微電網,並提供高/低壓智慧電表 及AMI,並在辦公樓和工廠實施EMS項目。除了智慧能源,大同也提供重電產品、馬達及發電機、電線電纜、消費 電子製造、醫療保健、通路、智慧交通、智慧農業、資產開發等多個主要行業,擁有廣泛的能源及智慧解決方案組 合。
Tatung Company Company Telephone:+886-2-2592-5252 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2594-5041 www.tatung.com Company Summary Tatung Company established in 1918, holds 3 business groups, Power BG, Consumer BG and System Solutions BG. Being a leader in the field of energy saving and green energy creation, Tatung has pioneered in the development of national smart grid in Taiwan and many smart IoT solutions. Tatung is also a leading brand for energy saving and green energy related systems and services in Taiwan. Our specialized smart solutions can be easily applied to smart community, smart buildings, smart home, smart healthcare, and smart surveillance systems. We are one of the most admirable brands in Taiwan, and is best known for its dedication and consistency in product quality, engineering reliability, and service trustworthiness. Product Summary Being a leader in the field of energy saving and green energy creation, Tatung have a top-down vertical integration of PV system service and in the past few years we have built more than 500 solar PV power stations, on the rooftop, ground mounted, and floating type. Tatung also have pioneered in the development of micro grid in Taiwan. Tatung also provide deployed countrywide high/low voltage smart meters and AMI, and implemented EMS projects in office buildings and factories. Tatung is a conglomerate corporation that has a wide business portfolio of energy and electronics solutions, we invest in many major industries, such as power equipment, motor, cable, optoelectronics, consumer electronics manufacturing, healthcare, retail channel, agriculture, transportation, asset development, etc. 19
Booth No.
研華股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2792-7818 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-777-111 www.advantech.com 公司簡介 研華為物聯網智能系統與嵌入式平台產業之全球領導廠商,並以「智能地球的推手」作為企業品牌願景。為迎接物 聯網、大數據與人工智慧之大趨勢,研華提出以Edge Intelligence WISE PaaS為核心之物聯網軟、硬體解決方案,以 協助夥伴客戶串接產業鏈;此外,亦積極偕同各產業夥伴「共創」產業生態圈,以加速實踐產業智能化之目標。
產品介紹 物聯網時代,企業成功經營關鍵在於「共享經濟」與「跨界整合」,因此研華提出WISE-PaaS雲服務平台,偕同各 產業夥伴共創新應用,深入製造、零售、交通、環境等領域,促進產業轉型升級,創造台灣軟體服務新經濟。 現場將展出多樣化的雲服務解決方案,透過物聯網技術,打造有感創新服務,邀您前來體驗物聯網嶄新面貌。
Advantech Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2792-7818 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2794-7302 www.advantech.com Company Summary Advantech has the corporate vision to "Enable an Intelligent Planet". The company is a global leader in the fields of IoT intelligent systems and embedded platforms. To embrace the trends of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, Advantech promotes IoT hardware and software solutions with the Edge Intelligence WISE-PaaS core to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial chains. Advantech is also working with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence. Product Summary In the era of IoT, the keys to business success are crossover and the sharing economy. Thus, Advantech has launched the WISE-PaaS Cloud Service Platform, which is the result of collaboration with partners from manufacturing, retail, transportation, as well as energy and environmental industries. This platform marks a milestone for Advantech by including software development in our focus while providing an ecosystem that will transform Taiwan’s technology industries. We have placed on display a range of cloud service solutions that offer innovative technologies, and we invite you to experience the brand-new look of IoT.
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中華電信 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-080-365 www.cht.com.tw 公司簡介 中華電信是台灣電信業的領導品牌,業務涵蓋固網、行動及數據通信等領域,近來更積極創新發展數位匯流、物聯 網、資安、雲端、大數據等前瞻技術方案,並與資通訊領域的頂尖公司攜手合作,開創金融科技、智慧流通、工業 4.0等智慧產業方案,持續推動台灣資通訊科技的發展與智慧生活應用。
產品介紹 在2018年智慧城市展中,中華電信以「引領智慧城市 建構永續未來」為主軸,規劃「生活」、「家居」、「交 通」、「環境」、「IoT大平台」、「網路與雲端」六大面向;以物聯網服務為核心、完整而優質網路服務為基 礎,帶來更多樣的智慧城市面貌。
Chunghwa Telecom Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-080-365 www.cht.com.tw Company Summary Chunghwa Telecom, as the leading brand of diversified telecommunication company in Taiwan, mainly covers business domains in landline, mobile communication and data communication. Through its powerful research and design energy to consistently build open IoT platform and cooperate with top companies in different fields to develop professional software, Chunghwa Telecom provides premium and competitive customized solutions, assisting customers to expand business territory, and thereby transforming into an all-aspect reliable telecommunication carrier. Product Summary In 2018 Smart City Expo, Chunghwa Telecom, with "Smart City‧Smart Future" as the core spirit, has organized six application exhibit areas, including "Home Life", "Life Style", "Intelligent Traffic", "Environmental monitoring", "IoT", and introduced " hicloud Services". Based on IoT services, complete and high-quality network services, Chunghwa Telecom shows more diversity of the smart city.
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宏碁股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2696-3131 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-258-2221 www.acer.com 公司簡介 宏碁公司創立於1976年,是全球頂尖的資通訊公司之一。目前推出多款電競產品和虛擬實境(VR)裝置,未來將 以物聯網和服務導向技術的整合性應用為目標,為消費和商用市場推出更多結合軟體、硬體和服務的整合性應用與 產品。宏碁公司以打破人與科技的藩籬為企業使命,為使用者推出設計完善的產品和各式解決方案,全球約有超過 7,000名員工,致力於研發、設計、行銷、販售與產品服務,並在超過160個國家設有通路和銷售產品。歡迎您參 訪宏碁的官方網站www.acer.com 了解更多訊息。
產品介紹 【宏碁智通】 1. 智慧停車:以智慧停車雲串聯使用者與管理系統,提供即時資訊,支援多種智慧卡與線上支付,提升用戶停車 體驗及業者管理績效。 2. 智慧電子票證:累積十多年智慧電子票證營運實績,每年交易金額高達新台幣60億,擁有60%以上的市佔率。 【宏碁雲端技術服務】 1. 智雲看板:連結雲端、加載大數據管理與分析的完整數位看板解決方案,不但能有效投放與管理廣告訊息,更 能收集分析觀眾的輪廓,透過不斷優化的過程,讓訊息的傳遞更有效益。 2. 智雲健康管理平台方案:透過無線健康量測醫療設備與穿戴式裝置收集生理數據,並由服務 提供者提供健康專業建議。
Acer Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2696-3131 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-258-222 www.acer.com Company Summary Founded in 1976, Acer now is one of the world’s top ICT companies and has a presence in over 160 countries. As Acer looks into the future, it is focused on enabling a world where hardware, software and services will fuse with one another to open up new possibilities for consumers and businesses alike. From service-oriented technologies to the Internet of Things to gaming and virtual reality, Acer’s 7,000+ employees are dedicated to the research, design, marketing, sale, and support of products and solutions that break barriers between people and technology. Please visit www.acer.com for more information. Product Summary 【Acer ITS】 1. Smart Parking:Acer Smart Parking O2O Platform integrates Acer’s unique Parking APP, state-of-art OnStreet and Off-Street parking solution, provides real time parking information, multi-payment mechanism to users and parking operators to enjoy unparalleled experience and real business benefit. 2. e-Transaction:Taiwan’s leading service provider with more than a decade of e-Transaction domain experience, and over 60% of the market share. Our platform supports annual transaction amounts up to NT 6 billion. 【Acer Cloud Technology】 1. Acer Being Signage: The complete digital signage that combines the power of the cloud with big data and analytics. Acer Being Signage not only effectively managers and delivers your content, but comes loaded with audience analysis tools for you to get a better idea of who your target customers are, allowing you to better tailor your message for the most effect. 2. aBeing Wellness Health Management Platform: By utilizing the aBeing Wellness Health Management Platform, patients and caregivers alike are able use a multitude of wireless, cloud-connected smart devices to easily collect physiological data and provide professional opinions at a moments notice. 25
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遠傳電信股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7723-5000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-4499-365 www.fetnet.net/enterprise 公司簡介 遠傳電信為國內資通訊與數位應用之先驅,秉持「只有遠傳 沒有距離」的品牌精神,持續投入網路建設及先進技 術研發,強化ICT產業垂直整合並結盟國際電信巨擘,推動台灣5G及物聯網發展。於去年底啟動國內第一個「物聯 網生態圈」,同時成為全台第一家NB-IoT服務正式商轉的電信業者,並於今年初獲選為微軟在台AI研發中心的首位 電信業合作夥伴,將持續打造更多產業相關與生活消費的實質應用,為大眾帶來更便利的智慧生活。在企業市場也 將持續整合雲端、物聯網、大數據及AI等創新應用,提供量身訂做的全方位解決方案,成為企業客戶首選的資通訊 及雲端整合服務夥伴。
產品介紹 遠傳電信積極佈局5G與NB-IoT,並累積豐沛的物聯網產業整合實力,作為國內物聯網與智慧城市的領航者,遠傳 將展出三大區域,為企業及公部門帶來高效創新的智慧服務: ● 《智慧商店》提供中小企業頭家一站式購足之解決方案,協助快速數位轉型來提升競爭優勢。是中小型企業創業 /開店/營運的最佳支援夥伴。 ● 《智慧城市 物聯生活》遠傳NB-IoT物聯網生態圈的多元創新應用、整合能力,以及展示大數據的應用價值,為 企業及公部門開創智慧聯網新商機及服務模式,與城市共同加速邁向智慧創新。 ● 《智慧城市AI+》展示在企業資安及雲端領域先進的解決方案及整合服務,以及與微軟在AI創新應用的合作能量 ,打造智能與安全的智慧城市。
Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-7723-5000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-4499-365 www.fetnet.net/enterprise Company Summary As a leader in information technology and digital applications in Taiwan, Far Eastone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. has upheld the vision of “FET Connects and Enriches Life” since its inception in 1997. The company strives to continue investing in network infrastructure and developing advanced technologies, integrating the ICT industry and forming alliances with international telecommunication companies, as well as promoting the development of 5G and IoT. Far Eastone launched the first “IoT Ecosystem” last year. Meanwhile, as Taiwan’s first company officially bringing NB-IoT to commercial activity, Far Eastone was selected as the first telecom industry partner of Microsoft's AI R&D center in Taiwan earlier this year and will continue to create more industry-related and practical applications. Furthermore, Far Eastone brings more convenience in real life. In the enterprise market, the company will continue to integrate cloud, IoT, big data, AI and other innovative services, to provide overall customized solutions. Far Eastone expects to become the first choice in information technology and cloud integration services for businesses. Product Summary Far EasTone exhibits the following two themes to suit business customers’ demands for their different scales and industries. A series of smart application services are customized for them to strengthen their business operation efficacy and carry out the integration of new values. ● SME solution provides SME owners with one-stop solution projects, becoming the best digitalization supporting partner for the startup, shop opening and operation of SMEs ●“NB-IoT & Smart City” exhibits the versatile innovative applications and integrative capacity of Far EasTone’s NB-IoT ecosystem, and the signal processing for Big Data, which initiated new IoT business opportunities and service models for enterprises and public segments. ● Security, Cloud &AI” exhibits Far EasTone’s ability to provide cloud application solutions and comprehensive security protection for business customers, as well as innovative AI applications collaborated with Microsoft. 27
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智慧城鄉計畫辦公室 公司電話:02-2522-1206 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2522-2965 www.communications.org.tw 公司簡介 政府為推動「數位國家˙創新經濟發展方案」,特別提出「前瞻基礎建設-普及智慧城鄉生活應用計畫」,由經濟 部工業局負責推動,以地方需求及產業發展為主,結合地方政府及國內應用服務提供者、軟硬體研發與內容開發等 業者共同投入,集結國內物聯網產業創新實力,運用補助機制及地方場域進行服務試煉,於全台推動智慧城市應用 服務,促成智慧生活普及,達到促成區域聯合治理、地方永續發展,以及建構國民優質生活空間之目標。
產品介紹 i City Shopping Mall 智慧城鄉購物中心,展示了智慧交通、智慧安控、智慧節能、智慧健康、智慧觀光、智慧教 育、智慧零售及智慧農業八大主題,提供最完整的解決方案與最佳的服務,並擁有後續諮詢保固,達到一站購足、 全面滿足之體驗。呈現在普及智慧城鄉計畫的全面推動下,提供人民各項便民措施與創新應用,創造人民幸福有感 的智慧城市。
Smart City Development Project Office Company Telephone:+886-2-2522-1206 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2522-2965 www.communications.org.tw Company Summary The digital infrastructure to provide smart urban and rural services under “Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program” aims to create a smart and connected nation with balanced regional development. Through subsidies, the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA promotes several smart city application services by coordinating with local governments and solution providers to optimize regional governance, sustainable development and high-quality lifestyle for citizens. Product Summary i City Shopping Mall features 8 categories of services, including smart transportation, smart surveillance, smart energy conservation, smart health, smart sightseeing, smart education, smart retail, and smart agriculture. It also depicts how IoT-related solutions can optimize the efficiency of city operations and service, and to facilitate citizen’s daily life.
Booth No.
光寶科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8798-2888 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.liteon.com 公司簡介 光寶創立於1975年,以「光電節能、智慧科技最佳夥伴」為願景,聚焦核心光電元件及電子關鍵零組件之發展, 致力以資源整合與管理最佳化建立量產優勢。光寶提供產品廣泛應用於電腦、通訊、消費性電子、汽車電子、LED 照明、雲端運算、工業自動化及生技醫療等領域,其中旗下產品包括光電產品、資訊科技、儲存裝置、手持式機構 件等皆居全球領先地位。
產品介紹 光寶科技積極擴展產學合作,致力提供於城市、汽車與生活等面向的物聯網解決方案與服務。在此布局下,光寶科 技加入史丹佛國際項目中心所推動的數位城市聯盟計劃、攜手亞馬遜旗下的雲端服務平台AWS,以及與中汽中心合 資成立天津研發中心,藉由加乘各界合作夥伴之實力,提出用於未來物聯網的概念與技術,為汽車、安防、居家、 醫療、園區、運動公園與工控等導入智慧科技,提出各式智慧城市方案設計與服務,提高人類生活的效率與品質。
LITE-ON Technology Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-8798-2888 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.liteon.com Company Summary Founded in 1975, LITE-ON embraces being “Best Partner in Opto-Electronic, Eco-Friendly and Intelligent Technologies” as its vision to focus on the development of optoelectronics and key electronic components, and strives to build up competitive edge through resource integration and optimized management. LITE-ON produces products that are used in a broad range of applications, such as computers, communications, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, LED lighting, cloud computing, industrial automation as well as biotech and healthcare. LITE-ON is a worldwide leading provider of optoelectronics, information technology, storage devices, and mobile devices components. Product Summary LITE-ON is always willing to seek the partnerships with corporates and academic organizations to provide the IoT solutions and services which can be applied in city, automotive and other fields. To fulfill the vision, LITE-ON joint “Stanford GPC Affiliate Program in Digital Cities”, corporates with AWS, and established the Research headquarter in Tianjing with China AERI. With the power of the alliance, LITE-ON will continuously invest in the concepts and technologies of future IoT. Besides, the company will come up with the solutions and services in Smart Automotive, Smart Security, Smart Home, Smart Healthcare, Smart Industrial/Sport Park, and Smart Industrial Control etc. to enhance the efficiency and the quality of people’s lives.
Booth No.
中保無限+ 公司電話:02-2557-5050 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-22-11-95 www.myvita.com.tw 公司簡介 我們致力成為提供您安全可擴充的物聯網服務,是您和您的消費者中間最佳的服務商。 您的電器、電腦、感測器、智慧型手機、工業設備不受製造商、作業系統、晶片或實體傳輸的限制。 我們讓電器和不同的產品彼此交流,並藉此創造消費者最佳的使用經驗,此合作計畫也陸續擴大至全球各大品牌, 一起加入我們,期待能夠達成大家共有的物聯網願景。
產品介紹 智慧建築
智慧建築管理平台 防災預警系統 建築物結構監測
人臉辨識系統 行為辨識系統
智能宅 語音智慧控制 智慧居家情境應用 安全防災系統 雲端管制中心
智慧路燈 車牌辨識 智慧車隊排程 無人機周界安全平台 軌跡查詢系統 雲端POS系統
大型園區解決方案 中央管理平台 影像辨識系統 周界安全管理系統
My Vita Company Telephone:+886-2-2557-5050 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-22-11-95 www.myvita.com.tw Company Summary We are dedicated to providing safe and expandable IoT services as well as being the best service provider for you and your end users. Your electronic devices, computers, sensors, mobile phones and industrial equipment will not be limited by the variety of manufacturers, operating systems, chip specification or any other transmission restrictions under our system frameworks. We enable electronic devices to associate with different products to create the best user experience. This cooperation project has been successively extended to many global brands. Come join us to achieve your and our shared visions of IoT! Product Summary Smart Building Building Automation Management Platform Disaster Prevention Solution Structural Monitoring Solution Smart Home Automated Voice Control Personalized Scenario Application Disaster Prevention System Cloud Monitoring Center
Smart Transport Real-time Parking Availability Solution Smart Street Light License Plate Recognition Vehicle Monitoring and Feet Management UAV Security Platform
Smart Store Facial Recognition Behavioral Recognition Consumer-Flow Analysis System Cloud POS Factory/High-Tech Park Management Solution Centralized Management Platform Intelligent Video Analysis System Perimeter Monitoring System
Booth No.
圓境生態綠能股份有限公司 ˙ 圓境環保科技 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 公司電話:02-2748-8997 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2748-5758 www.ecolandcorp.com 公司簡介 圓境生態綠能股份有限公司(圓境環保科技(上海)有限公司),堅持生態、綠能、智慧化是當前更是未來城市環境的 必要條件,一本建築專業的精神,更落實從規劃、設計到執行,專注於生態、綠能與智慧的核心價值,打造健康幸 福的城市。 智慧、綠色、健康、創新是圓境在2017年的宣言,而落實此核心價值在執行面上,圓境跨域、跨業結合具有社會 公益責任的企業,共同推動的目標是: 創意城市:產業創新,治理創新,是得以發揮創意的城市 生態城市:友善環境,尊重自然平衡與生物多樣性,減輕環境負荷的城市 綠色城市:循環經濟,讓綠色經濟還原城市動脈、靜脈自然循環的可居城市 智慧城市:透過智慧科技及人工智慧運作,提升環境空間公共品質,讓市民享受的城市 幸福城市:市民參與,創造市民幸福感倍增的城市
產品介紹 圓境業務服務範疇涵蓋智慧生態永續城市、智慧健康社區與建築之整體方案設計與顧問,服務定位在提供完整解決 方案之全方位產業鏈服務平臺,擅長協助公私領域資源及產學研接軌,導入智慧、綠色、生態等複合面向解決方 案。 圓境秉持回歸人本空間與順應環境氣候帶之風、光、熱模擬設計理念,專注於永續生態與健康理念規劃及落實,也 協助各城市政府正確發展需求,盤點政策預算、城市發展特色、產業鏈與社經潛力,並媒合場域 與創新科技。
Ecoland Corporation˙Ecoland Environmental Technology (Shanghai) Company Limited Company Telephone:+886-2-2748-8997 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2748-5758 www.ecolandcorp.com Company Summary Ecoland Corporation believes that ecology, green energy and smart technology are requisites for the future urban environment. In keeping with the professional spirit of architecture, the company embraces the core values of green energy and smart technology throughout the planning, design and execution to build a healthy and happy city. Smart, green, healthy and innovation are Ecoland’s watchwords for 2017. To realize these core values during execution, Ecoland is partnering with socially responsible enterprises in different fields and industries to promote the following goals: Innovative City: A city with innovative industries and administration where innovation can thrive. Eco-City: An eco-friendly city with reduced environmental impact that respects the natural balance and bio-diversity. Green City: A habitable city with a circulatory economy with green blood running in its veins. Smart City: A city that uses smart technology and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of the environment and public spaces for the enjoyment of its residents. Happy City: A city where civic participation boosts the happiness of residents. Product Summary Ecoland services encompass master planning and consulting for smart, sustainable eco-cities, smart healthy communities and buildings. The company specializes in developing total solutions for comprehensive industry service platforms. We are particularly adept at connecting public/private-sector resources with the industrial, educational and research sectors for introducing solutions that incorporate smart, green and eco-design. The Ecoland design philosophy is based on people-centric spaces as well as wind, light and heat modeling based on the environment and climate. Planning focuses on sustainable ecology and health concepts. We also assist city governments with determining their development needs, inventory of policies and budgets, city development specialties, industry chains and socio-economic potential so that sites can be matched to innovative technologies. 35
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台灣村田股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2356-4218 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.murata.com 公司簡介 村田不斷進行技術創新,將無線通信技術、傳感器和雲端服務融為一體,提供各種智能系統整合解決方案。村田的 優勢為:可提供高可靠度的大網絡結構及感應器的精準度。村田提供包括用戶介面、控制器及感測資訊收集的整套 解決方案。在日本、大陸、台灣廣泛應用於飯店、辦公大樓、醫院、博物館與智能家居等領域。同時,沿用高標準 的品質控制體系,研發高性能傳感器與更小型、美觀的高可靠控制器產品等來為環境、醫院及樓宇控制提供更好的 功能性支援。
產品介紹 2pcs x 智慧燈控控制器 1pc x 0-10V 調光器 ● 1pc x BCG心跳感測器 ● 1pc x Soil Sensor溫度/濕度/電解值三合一感測器 ● 1pc x CO2二氧化碳感測器 ● ●
Taiwan Murata Electronics Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2356-4218 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.murata.com Company Summary As our life and community require many functions such as safety and comfort to support us. In recent years, IOT Solutions are used for lighting, air-quality and soil control. The idea of energy saving and long lifetime become the important concept for human lives. Murata contributes to develop next generation IOT technology with state of the art products like BCG, CO2, Soil Sensor and technologies wireless lighting control solution to realize both additional saving energy & functional lighting space. At the same time, our core business such as ceramic capacitor, thermistor are continuously to support high efficiency and long life for Environmental Friendly solution.
Booth No.
亞旭電腦股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2228-7588 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-3234-9211 www.askey.com.tw 公司簡介 關於亞旭 亞旭電腦股份有限公司成立於1989年,是世界知名品牌「ASUS」旗下子公司一員,目前在全球擁有約9,000名以上 員工,為年營業額超過12億美元,專精於網路通訊及電子產品開發的國際型企業。 Askey總部設置於臺灣台北,在大陸蘇州更擁有佔地30萬平方米的工廠園區及三座先進製程工廠。我們秉持著深耕 本業永續經營、專注研發不斷創新的精神,及時為全球客戶提供最創新、優質的競爭力產品與安心、滿意的售後服 務。
產品介紹 亞旭電腦累積近30年的網路通訊設備製造經驗,除了網通產品行銷全球外,隨著IOT時代到來,近年來更積極參與 現代化智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧車載等領域之產品創新研發與整體解決方案配置的市場經營,具體展現出多元化 智能產品的系統開發整合與成本控管能力。 ● Smart Bus Stop & Smart Bus ● In-Car Driving Management & Assistance ● Smart Home
Askey computer Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-2228-7588 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-3234-9211 www.askey.com.tw Company Summary Founded in 1989, Askey Computer Corp. specializes in manufacturing communication devices and creating ecosystems for worldwide customers who want the best in smart connected solutions. By keeping the pulse on the latest technologies, Askey has developed major innovations in: -Broadband - WiFi - Cable - LTE - Automotive - Internet of Things - Enterprise Mobile Computing Askey is based in New Taipei City. Product Summary In addition to providing wireless connectivity to the Smart Ecoland Alliance Zone, Askey is showcasing the following solutions based on its core competences to improve City Life & Transportation and make Homes Smart. - Smart Bus Stop & Smart Bus - In-Car Driving Management & Assistance - Smart Home 37
Booth No.
天來智慧健康科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-658-9760 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-658-9760 www.tenlifeai.com 公司簡介 天來智慧健康科技股份有限公司,整合台灣科技、健康與服務產業之優質資源與人才。 天來智慧健康科技聚焦健康產業。我們提供個人健康管理,結合健康管理之量測裝置,搭配SGS概念之加值服務, 便可隨時隨地監測個人健康資訊(如體重體脂、BMI 值…等等),傳遞預防保健資訊給使用者,落實預防醫學,達到 天天管理、天天健康一手掌握的保健需求。 從台灣出發、放眼華人市場,未來將以服務4.0的思維在兩岸提供大健康智能園區! 天來智慧健康科技,充分運用資訊科技(IT)及資料科技(DT),提供超越顧客期待的創新生活服務,期許成為「華人 優質生活場域的專家」!
產品介紹 1. 集團健康照護方案 2. 智慧健身樂活平台 3. 個人健康管理 4. 智慧數據科技解決方案
TENlife Health Technology Corporation Company Telephone:+886-3-658-9760 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-658-9760 www.tenlifeai.com Company Summary TenLife Health Technology Corporation, makes strong synergy of Taiwan’s best Technology, Healthcare & service resources. TenLife Health Technology provides personal health management and combines the measurement device of vital signs, plus the concept of SGS (Simple Gaming Social), to monitor personal health information anywhere and anytime. Simultaneously, we pass on the information of preventive health to users and implement preventive medicine in order to fulfill the demand for daily manage of health. TenLife Health Technology utilizes information & data technology to provide creative services. We aim to be “the expert of Mandarin quality life fields”. Product Summary 1. Solution for Corporate Health Care program 2. Intelligent Fitness & LOHAS platform and constructor 3. Personal Health Management 4. Corporate Data Technology support and solution provider
Booth No.
英國倫敦 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 Achain是一間以私募的模式(club funding)的投資控股公司,於2017年在英國倫敦創立,旨在社會協同創新理念、連結 「社會創業家」與「影響力投資人」兩端, 針對「公司型社會企業」(社企型公司)的投資(investment readiness)。根 據「聯合國永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals,簡稱SDGs)兼顧經濟成長、社會進步與環境保護等3大面 向。提出一個新型態的企業發展模式,讓創新、商業、公益理念可持續擴展,如活水湧流,以擴大改變社會的契機。 以價值鏈結、協作共創、永續共益為核心價值 Industry Chain 跨產業鏈協同創新 Know-How 領域知識協同創新 Integration 系統性整合協同創新 我們堅信創造價值的途徑是不同的。在上述理念,透過發展創造過程中,能不斷產生投資機會的多中心化智能演化 網絡。而網絡的價值隨節點與聯結的增加而指數式上升。我們致力於創造持久影響力,與挖掘長期推動企業和市場 的基本原則。,將我們的利益與投資者的利益結合起來,以產生持久的影響。 並實踐我們的價值觀,為我們的投資者,團隊,企業和我們生活的社會創造持久的影響力。
Achain Holding Ltd Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Achain, an investment holding company with a club funding, was founded in London, England in 2017. It aims to create a social co-innovation concept that connects both ends of "social entrepreneurs" and "influential investors" Company-type social enterprise "(a company of social enterprises) investment (investment readiness). According to the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), they take into consideration the three major dimensions of economic growth, social progress and environmental protection. Put forward a new type of enterprise development model, so that innovation, business and public welfare concept of sustainable expansion, such as living water surge, to change the opportunity to change the community. To the value chain, collaborative creation, sustainable development as the core value Industry Chain Collaborative Innovation Across Industrial Chain Know-How Domain Knowledge Collaborative Innovation Integration Systemic Synergy Collaborative Innovation We firmly believe that the way to create value is different. In the above concept, through the development and creation process, can continue to generate investment opportunities for multi-center smart evolution network. The value of the network increases exponentially as nodes and links increase. We are committed to creating lasting influence and tapping the foundations of long-term business and market promotion. , Combining our interests with the interests of investors to have a lasting impact. And practice our values, creating lasting impact for our investors, teams, businesses and the community we live in.
Booth No.
北京中關合硯智慧科技有限公司 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 2017年創立,旨在社會協同創新理念、連結「社會創業家」與「影響力投資人」兩端, 針對「公司型社會企業」(社 企型公司)的投資(investment readiness)。根據「聯合國永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals,簡稱SDGs)兼 顧經濟成長、社會進步與環境保護等3大面向。提出一個新型態的企業發展模式,讓創新、商業、公益理念可持續擴 展,如活水湧流,以擴大改變社會的契機。 以價值鏈結、協作共創、永續共益為核心價值 Industry Chain 跨產業鏈協同創新 Know-How 領域知識協同創新 Integration 系統性整合協同創新 我們堅信創造價值的途徑是不同的。在上述理念,透過發展創造過程中,能不斷產生投資機會的多中心化智能演化 網絡。而網絡的價值隨節點與聯結的增加而指數式上升。我們致力於創造持久影響力,與挖掘長期推動企業和市場 的基本原則。,將我們的利益與投資者的利益結合起來,以產生持久的影響。 並實踐我們的價值觀,為我們的投資者,團隊,企業和我們生活的社會創造持久的影響力。
Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Founded in 2017. It aims to create a social co-innovation concept that connects both ends of "social entrepreneurs" and "influential investors" Company-type social enterprise "(a company of social enterprises) investment (investment readiness). According to the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), they take into consideration the three major dimensions of economic growth, social progress and environmental protection. Put forward a new type of enterprise development model, so that innovation, business and public welfare concept of sustainable expansion, such as living water surge, to change the opportunity to change the community. To the value chain, collaborative creation, sustainable development as the core value Industry Chain Collaborative Innovation Across Industrial Chain Know-How Domain Knowledge Collaborative Innovation Integration Systemic Synergy Collaborative Innovation We firmly believe that the way to create value is different. In the above concept, through the development and creation process, can continue to generate investment opportunities for multi-center smart evolution network. The value of the network increases exponentially as nodes and links increase. We are committed to creating lasting influence and tapping the foundations of long-term business and market promotion. , Combining our interests with the interests of investors to have a lasting impact. And practice our values, creating lasting impact for our investors, teams, businesses and the community we live in.
Booth No.
互聯安睿 Arcarn 資通股份有限公司 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.arcran.com 公司簡介 互聯安睿資通是一間新創的資安科技公司,針對互聯網世界的資安需求,提供各種應用場域,自動化情境應變措施 的資安總管,為IoT產品與方案的開發、測試、上線、維運等階段,提供安全自動化合規及檢測能力。並以獨特的 人工智慧與演算技術,建構新一代的資安解決方案。透過深度學習、自動合規與勢態分析以及場域情境感知分析模 擬三大技術,協助政府、企業進行大範圍自動資安威脅評估、風險模擬,快速應變處置各種進階資安威脅,除了全 時強化資安防禦整體能力外,也增進組織內應變與處置工作效率。 互聯安睿研發ArcRan iSecMaster安全平台,鎖定保護數位分行、mPOS系統和自助服務或無人商店的資安合規與監 控應變。同時結合IPCam監控系統,形成實時、實地、實據的移動支付數據採集平台,可支援財務欺詐檢測和商業 數據分析。未來,除數位支付與金融領域外,將依領域別如:關鍵基礎建設防護CIIP、公用事業系統、能源系統、 工業物聯網IIOT、醫療系統、智能建築等。會繼續針對20個不同場域情境,提供資安全生命週期的完整服務。
ArcRan Information Technology Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.arcran.com Company Summary ArcRan Information Technology is a start-up company concentrating on constructing comprehensive cyber security solutions to the Internet-of-Things(IoT). The major business comprises security compliance evaluation to IoT products, security surveillance to IoT application sites, and security life cycle to IoT systems and services. ArcRan's new generation cyber security solutions integrate with distinctive artificial intelligence and unique analysis algorithms. Three core technology: 1. Deep learning technology, 2. Automated compliance and situation analysis, and 3. application context sensing, analysis and simulation; help governments and enterprises evaluate a variety of advanced cyber attacks, do risk simulation, and make quick response, which significantly strengthen the defense capability of cyber security and greatly improve the efficiency of incidents handling and response. Security Compliance -- ArcRan Automated Analysis Platform(ArcRan AAP) provides an integrated platform for customers to evaluate their products compliance and the security of IoT application scenarios. From IoT products development, testing, to IoT applications deployment, operation and maintenance, stage by stage, ArcRan AAP helps customers' products and deployed services in compliant with industrial standard. Security Surveillance -- ArcRan iSecMaster platform targets the digital signal surveillance demands of digital branches, mPOS systems, self-service kiosks and unmanned stores. Combining with network flow analysis, RF signals collection and IP Camera snapshot, make ArcRan iSecMaster be a mobile payment signals gathering platform to protect IoT application site from financial fraud; also the collected data can support business analysis and hence improve service quality. Security Life Cycle -- In addition to mobile payment and financial application fields, ArcRan also provides complete consulting services and security solutions to over 20 different IoT application scenario, such as critical information infrastructure protection(CIIP), public utility systems, industry IoT(IIoT), medical systems, and smart buildings and architectures, etc. 41
Booth No.
北京信德永續環境科技有限公司 ˙ 信禾環境科技 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 公司電話:+8621-5109-6899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.shindese.com
SD BIM Systems
公司簡介 北京信德永續環境科技有限公司是一家以創新科技產業為主要服務專案的公司。提供從建築設計端、施工端、運 營端乃至跨領域、跨平臺系統整合的服務。主要所使用BIM軟體為 Graphisoft 公司的ArchiCAD,經過數個項目的運 作,以取相當的實際項目積累。
產品介紹 全方位專案生命週期服務: 現今的工程項目多元且複雜,唯有即時修正且大幅縮短產出時間的建築資訊模型技術,協助全週期各階段參與端迅 速理解,在資訊傳遞不流失下,進而降低成本,提高利潤。具體如下: •BIM 技術導入及諮詢顧問 •專案級 BIM 服務 •客制化的專案 BIM 教育訓練服務 •BIM-based Facility Management 營運維護規劃服務 •企業公司級BIM導入與教育訓練服務 •BIM營運管理系統客制化服務
SD BIM Systems (SDBS) Company Telephone:+8621-5109-6899 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.shindese.com Company Summary SDBS is focusing in technology innovations and is working in areas of architectural design, civil maintenance, and interdisciplinary services at integration systems. SDBS specializes in ArchiCAD and has completed a large number of practical projects. Product Summary Life-cycle services in BIM technology projects: •BIM Technical and Consulting Services •BIM Expertise and Software •Customized BIM Training and Project Design •BIM-Based Facility Management •BIM Development and Education Systems •Customized BIM System Services
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東莞艾歐物聯網技術有限公司 公司電話:+86-21-32580161 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 艾歐物聯網技術在台灣從事項目型系統整合工作15年,所有軟件,硬件,APP,雲服務都自行設計開發。跨系統整 合經驗:空調/消防/機電/自動控制/網絡/電信/電視/交通/電力
Company Telephone:+86-21-32580161 Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary IO technology has been working on project-based systems integration in Taiwan for 15 years. All software, hardware, APP and cloud services are designed and developed by myself. Cross-System Integration Experience: Air Conditioning / Fire Protection / Mechatronics / Automation / Networking / Telecommunication / Television / Transportation / Electricity
Booth No.
信禾環境科技 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 公司電話:+86-21-32580161 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 信禾環境科技有限公司是一家以綠色科技產業為主要服務項目的公司,立志於環境科技開發﹑技術服務﹑商業咨詢 等服務。自2010年成立至今,服務範疇跨足生態綠能﹑有機農業﹑酒店管理服務﹑BIM技術咨詢等多項商業管理咨 詢。2013年底BIM事業發展部門正式正式成立,經過數個項目的運作,深感目前業界對於BIM的使用方及BIM的製 作方所側重的角度及觀點落差甚遠,因此近來也與海內外的公司合作,在BIM的工務端及表現端等多元應用揚長補 短,整合出發,朝著 OPEN BIM 的全方位信息技術的整合研究,建構屬於業主方 -- 屬於真正使用者、真正建造者 來使用的BIM服務體系。
Shinhe Environmental Technology Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+86-21-32580161 Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Shinhe Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a green technology industry as the main service projects, determined to environmental technology development, technical services, business consulting and other services. Since its establishment in 2010, its service scope has spanned a wide range of business management consulting including eco-green energy, organic agriculture, hotel management services and BIM technology consulting.
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樂揚建設股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2778-8255 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2711-0017 www.leyoung.com.tw 公司簡介 美國城市規劃師 Eero Sarinen 曾說:「城市是一本打開的書,從中可以看到它的抱負。 台灣有不少豪宅,卻獨缺一座可以欣賞的城市。其實陽光、空氣、水,遠勝過造價昂貴的建材。 樂揚秉持「熱愛分享」的核心價值,以「美」為師,整合硬體、軟體、系統與服務,打造城市的「無齡樂居建 築」,一次購屋「終身陪伴」的精神服務客戶。 同時善盡企業社會責任,成立樂家人社會企業,以「Love to share」的核心價值,關懷「家」與「人」的社會議 題,提出「無齡樂活,優雅到老」的生活主張,推動台灣成為亞洲「無齡樂活」的美麗家園的願景。
產品介紹 樂揚是和市民站在一起的建設者,用一流的城市眼光,善待環境、經營城市再造。思考建築美學,一棵大樹勝過高 牆;一座公園的投影,遠比石材外觀更有價值;一座親民的好宅更勝豪宅。 面對環境時空的變遷,樂揚和樂家人,著眼於健康環境和居住的安全,因應不同年齡的需求,推動無齡樂活的空間! 無齡樂活的住宅特色是: 1. 住宅的生命演進 2. 健康宅 3. 智慧住宅 4. 通用住宅 5. 終身服務
Le Young Construction Co.,Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2778-8255 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2711-0017 www.leyoung.com.tw Company Summary The US city planner, Eero Sarinen once said that, “Architecture is like an open book, from which you can see the version of a city.” There are numerous luxury houses in Taiwan, but cities in Taiwan are not unique from the view of appreciation. Sunlight, air and water actually are more valuable than expensive construction materials. In pursuit of the core value of “Love to Share,” Leyoung integrates software and hardware, systems and services based on “aesthetics” to build “the LOHAS Building for People of All ages” in the city. As long as our customers purchase a house from us, we will provide “lifelong services.” At the same time, Leyoung builds a social enterprise for each of us. With the core value of “Love to Share,” we care about social issues related to “families” and “the public.” With the claim of “Ageless LOHAS Life and Elegant Aging,” Leyoung promotes the building of beautiful houses in Taiwan and realizes the vision to develop Taiwan into the “Ageless LOHAS Society” in Asia. Product Summary Leyoung is the constructor standing on the side of the citizens. With the world-class urban perspective, we are an environmentally friendly urban constructor and rebuilder. We are more concerned about architectural aesthetics; we care more about trees than high walls. A park is more valuable than the appearance of stone materials. A friendly residential unit is more important than a luxury house. Facing the changes in of time and space, Leyoung and its employees care more for a healthy environment and living safety. For the needs of people of all ages, we promote the ageless LOHAS space! The characteristics of an Ageless LOHAS Residence include: 1. Life evolution of residential units; 2. Healthy houses; 3. Smart houses; 4. Multi-purposes houses; and 5. Lifelong services.
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遵宇科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2793-9567 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8792-3667 www.touchlife.com.tw 公司簡介 遵宇自93年始,致力於雲端架構之智慧綠社區及智慧綠建築、智能化家庭與智能化空間系統產品整合研發及工程 標準化,以超過10年以上之系統整合經驗與產品研發能力,提供戶戶標配觸控型數位整合平台產品及完整解決方 案,在台累積5千戶以上成功上線並經管委會驗收完成之實際案例。 更獲得優良系統合商、智慧建材、國家建築金質獎、智慧城市創新應用獎…等多項獎項及認證,並擁有台陸兩地多 項專利。 遵宇科技配合世界趨勢,以及政府長照2.0計畫,積極發展以社區、機構為主的智慧健康照護養生系統,與國內知 名教育機構及規模最大的照護單位共同合作開發出多項健康照護養生系統,並在國內知名長照中心順利推展驗證, 為智慧養老養生產業建立穩固基礎。
產品介紹 「智慧綠園區物聯網整合服務管理系統」中,提供家戶雲/社區雲服務管理系統,結合智慧園區物管雲,提供全方 位智慧居家生活服務與健康照護生活應用,並應用OpenData結合物聯網,提供在地生活資訊服務,打造「智慧綠園 區」新生活。
TouchLife Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2793-9567 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8792-3667 www.touchlife.com.tw Company Summary TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. has dedicated to develop Cloud computing architecture in Intelligent Green Community and Intelligent Green Buildings、Intelligent Home and Intelligent Space System to integrate system and standardization of architectural engineering since 2004. For more than a decade of system integration experience and product development capabilities to provide every residents with touch-based digital integration platform product and a total solutions portfolio. Accumulated more than five thousand residents in Taiwan are successful online and all accepted completely by community management committee in practical cases. Furthermore, TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. acquired the award for Excellent System Integrators, the award for Intelligent Building Materials, The National Golden Award for Architecture, Smart City Innovative Applications Award… and numbers of award and certification, and also owns many patents in Taiwan and Mainland China. Work with Ministry of Economics to implement i236 project and Taipei City Government Public Housing plan that provides comprehensive “Smart Ecosystem Healthy City”, integrated municipal services application to create a new life of the "Smart Ecosystem Healthy City”. Product Summary In the "Intelligent Green Park in Integration of Internet of Things Service Management System", TouchLife Technology Co. Ltd. provides Home Cloud/ Community Cloud service management system, combined with the Intelligent Park of the Property Management Cloud services in providing a comprehensive range life of smart home and health care applications, and apply OpenData to combine with Internet of Things, providing local live information services, to create a new life of "Intelligent Green Park". 46
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上海綠創建築設計有限公司 公司電話:+86-21-5109-6899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.shindese.com 公司簡介 上海綠創建築設計有限公司是由陳光雄,張芳堯建築設計師於2009年在成立於上海;以整體建築,生態和能源規劃 設計,顧問和整合團隊之形態服務建築業界上海綠創與工程,能源,農業,建設,營造等領域精英共組策略聯盟, 為客戶提供全方位的建築,生態和能源的解決方案。 公司經營理念主要致力於對建築節能技術的研究與開發,建築是城市的築城元素,城市是生態環境的重要組成部 分,公司的設計師承襲了中國當代建築的發展趨勢,注重傳播建築設計中的“綠色,智慧,健康”理念,並在 2013年提出“建築7.0”的設計思維。透過我們的努力來實現綠色設計。
產品介紹 北京影視城別墅規劃設計 啟東Tadashi服裝總部設計 南通小洋口國際溫泉城規劃設計 南通小洋口林克斯溫泉會所建築設計 泰安龍曦酒店建築設計 泰安天山湖酒店群規劃設計 南京湯山溫泉酒店群規劃設計 仙居大衛世紀城規劃設計 嘉定新城D9地塊Soho建造立面設計
Company Telephone:+86-21-51096899 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.shindese.com Company Summary Shanghai Es Green Design Co., Ltd. was founded in 2009 by architects Mr. Adam Chen and Mr. Antoine Chang. The company mainly focus on architectural design, ecological planning, and energy planning. Es Green Design also provides a wide range of services including general consultancy, cross-industry integration, and architectural engineering. The company's business philosophy emphasizes on integrating energy conservation and advanced technology research with architectural design. Urban cities are part of the eco-system where most of the population reside. Buildings and infrastructures are essentially the vital elements within a city. Combine with the trend of contemporary Chinese architectural development and Mr. Adam Chen's Architecture 7.0 theory, our designers strive to deliver "green, smart, and healthy" designs. Our designs and projects in architectural planning, public landscape, interior design, villas, hotels...etc can be found in area such as Taiwan, China, and countries in Europe. We look forward to continuing our pursuit of a better living environment with you.
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臺灣可億隆股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2698-2627 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2698-2629 www.coiler.com.tw 公司簡介 創立於1991年的臺灣可億隆股份有限公司,從行動通訊射頻設備起家,投入多年研發與創新、致力於產品的完善 與品牌的經營,不僅深耕本土,也於5年前於海外設立經營據點,為客戶提供即時且近距離的服務。 可億隆於2008年另成立軟體研發團隊,藉由訪談、了解客戶需求後提出了獨立且單一化的網管系統。 該系統有效 修正解決客戶舊有的管理問題並強化其管理功能,讓電信運營商拋開一人多系統設備的控制程式學習、操作與管理 模式躍進為單一系統包容所有設備的強大管控系統,大幅提升管理效能並做問題預防。
產品介紹 迎接IOT時代,萬物皆可聯已不再只是口號; 舉凡大型工業產品、小至家用產品都能透過智慧型手機將資料帶上雲 端系統。但萬物聯網之後呢?是否能使生活更加便利並帶來效益? 臺灣可億隆的軟體研發團隊,率先將電信商所購買的訊號放大器透過內建或外接的控制盒集中管理,藉由多年投入 研發與敏銳市場觀察逐步累積的Know-How再次傳換不同領域市場, 冀望能將本公司之雲端物聯網經驗成功傳遞在 更多不同產業領域加值應用。
Coiler Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-2698-2627 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2698-2629 www.coiler.com.tw Company Summary Coiler Corporation is a Taiwan company founded in 1991 which focused on manufacturing of telecom equipment. After years of research and innovation, not only has the Coiler brand and its products been successful in Taiwan, an overseas office was established to provide local and timely service to Coiler’s international customers. In 2008, Coiler Corporation put together a software team to develop a management system tailored to the need of Coiler’s customers. The system effectively address an old issue telecom operators faced, which was the waste of engineers’ time in learning multiple management systems. Coiler offered a powerful system which unified the operation and management for all equipment, greatly improves the management efficiency as well as problem prevention. Product Summary The age of IoT where “everything can be connected” is no longer just a slogan. Cloud management with a smartphone can now be applied to products as large as industrial equipment or as little as household appliances. What comes next now that everything can be connected? Can everyday life be more convenient and efficient with everything connected? Coiler Corporation’s software team has pioneered in the development of central management solution for signal amplifiers used by telecom operators through built-in or external control modules. Coiler intents to transfer the industry know-how through years of observation and development and apply it to a different industry, where the company’s experience of cloud management can be applied for more diverse applications. 49
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良興股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2299-1799 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2999-1570 www.ecretail.com.tw 公司簡介 良興從1973年台北光華的「良興電料行」開始,是銷售電子零組件的專業門市,是許多同學們放學後尋寶和技術 交流的地方,更是眾多學校、研發單位、公司行號多年來指定的服務門市。 「良興電子資訊廣場」為通路品牌名稱。 40多年來隨著客戶需求不斷增加,開始拓展分店,直營門市多分佈在光華商場與NOVA等集中商圈。並逐步增加商 品,成為全台唯一結合「電子零件、工具儀表、電腦週邊、智能家電」為主要特色的3C連鎖賣場。 也是第一家通 過經濟部優良服務GSP認證的3C通路。
產品介紹 EcRetail 店算通是 研華科技 X 良興電子 共同合作全新智慧零售服務平台,包括客流統計、數據分析、店坪效,員 工效益、人臉辨識、熱區、交易防損等全新的智慧服務,也包含POS、CRM等傳統創新服務。開店者可以輕鬆的通 過web、app等方式輕鬆升級您的智慧新零售門市,銷售過程的全新改造,通過運用大數據、人工智慧等先進技術 手段,進而重塑業態結構與生態圈,輕鬆建立自己的市場競爭力。
LIANG SHING ECLIFE CORP. Company Telephone:+886-2-2299-1799 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2999-1570 www.ecretail.com.tw Company Summary “LIANG SHING ECLIFE” began with the " LIANG SHING Electricity store" in Taipei Guanghua Commercial Zone in year 1973. It is a professional store selling electronic components and a place where many students find treasure and exchange technology after school. It’s a designated service store from many schools, R&D units, and companies for many years. " LIANG SHING ECLIFE" is the brand name in e-commerce in the field of electronic. LIANG SHING ECLIFE has started to expand our branches regarding on the increasing demand of customers for more than 40 years. The direct-operated stores are mostly located in Guanghua Shopping Mall and NOVA and other concentrated shopping areas. With gradually increase the number of products, LIANG SHING ECLIFE becomes the only 3C retailer to features products in "electronic components, instrumentation tools, computer accessories, smart appliances". Also the first 3C channel to pass the excellent service GSP certification by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Product Summary EcRetail is a brand new intelligent retail service platform jointly developed by Advantech X LIANG SHING ECLIFE, including passenger flow statistics, big data analysis, sales per square foot, employee effects, facial identity, popular zone, transaction loss prevention and other intelligence services with new feature. It including POS, CRM and other traditional innovation services. Shopkeepers can easily upgrade their smart new retail e-shop by using web and app, and through the brand-new transformation of the sales process, through with advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, they can reshape business structures and ecosystems and easily re-establish themselves in Market competitiveness. 50
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三聯科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8665-9813 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8665-9814 www.sanlien.com 公司簡介 歷經國家重大基礎建設,三聯科技過往50年提供精確誠實的量測服務,獲得政府與民間客戶的肯定。在近年自製產 品需求提升下,三聯開始研發符合台灣環境使用的監測系統,並與災害防治結合,從地震預警、結構物震後快速損 壞評估、噪音振動監控,以及土石流即時警報等,都已結合IoT智慧雲端系統,搭配低功耗、長距離傳輸協定,讓客 戶可以用最輕鬆、簡易的方式管理,並且可以透過雲端接收即時警示資訊,不僅適合台灣環境使用,也逐步出口至 亞洲、大洋洲、南亞,以及中南美洲等。秉持迅速真誠的服務理念,三聯科技將成為亞洲最專業的量測服務廠商。
產品介紹 1.Palert Plus地震預警系統: 2.RSHD結構物快篩系統: 3.Noise Vibration噪音監測系統: 4.TiltCast土石流即時警示系統:
San Lien Technology Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-8665-9813 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8665-9814 www.sanlien.com Company Summary For the past 50 years, San Lien has been providing precise and accurate measurement service to governments and civil companies. With the demands growing higher to made-in-Taiwan system, San Lien has integrated disaster prevention and begun to develop earthquake early warning system, rapid structural damage assessment, vibration and noise monitoring, and real-time landslide warning system. All information is uploaded onto WMS (Web Monitoring System) for further analysis or warning issuing. Right now we have successfully exported our systems to Southeastern Asia, South Asia, Asia-Oceania, and Central and South Americas. With speedy and sincere service attitude, San Lien is becoming the best measurement service company in Asia. Product Summary 1.Palert Plus Earthquake Early Warning System: 2.RSHD (Rapid Structural Health Diagnostics): 3.Noise Vibration System: 4.TiltCast real-time landslide monitoring system:
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開創水資源股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8797-5358 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2867-8679 www.aquas.com.tw 公司簡介 開創水資源科技股份有限公司(簡稱:AQUAS),總公司位於台灣台北市內湖科學園區,負責核心技術及國際行銷, 以研發、製造先進且具市場潛力之多參數感測器,遙測通訊記錄控制器,雲端監控及人工智慧管理軟體等為主,提 供水、氣體、環境、基礎設施、工業等智慧管理解決方案。本公司多數產品均有專利保護,並以精確可靠、穩定耐 用、容易使用、免保養而享譽世界各地,所有生產過程嚴格按照最高工業標準,並均獲得質量保證體系ISO9000的 認證。經20多年發展歷程,已有數千套系統成功安裝於世界各城市的經驗,在低功耗、電池供電、強固耐候性、 隨插即測、即時監控、雲端管理、移動操作、機器學習及人工智慧等技術領域,具世界領先地位。 開創水資源在世界40餘國都有分銷商,並設有技術服務中心,我們每一位員工將用自己不懈努力與誠信,為客戶 提供最為快捷、優質的服務。
產品介紹 開創水資源提供水質儀器為水資源及環境監測使用之數位傳感器,水質分析包括壓力,差壓,液位,餘氯,酸鹼 度,濁度,溫度,氧化還原電位,電導度,總溶解固體,溶氧,鹽度,懸浮固體物,氨氮,濕度,氣壓,類比輸 入,計數及數位輸入,數位輸出,振弦輸入,閘門開度,震動等。
AQUAS Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-8797-5358 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2867-8679 www.aquas.com.tw Company Summary Aquas Inc. Taiwan based Manufacturer of smart integrated sensors, telemetry systems, and cloud-based SCADA and data management systems used in the water, gas, environment, infrastructure, industries at thousands of sites across the globe. Our products are all designed for accuracy, reliability, flexibility, ease of use and low maintenance. All manufacturing processes follows the highest industrial standards and certificated by ISO9001. More than 20 years experiences and tens of thousands systems installed in cities around the world, AQUAS has created a truly unique suite of field proven technologies that are unmatched in the industry including battery powered, rugged and all-weather, plug-and-play sensors, real-time telemetry systems, and cloud- based SCADA servers. Product Summary Analytical Instrument have been developed especially for the use in liquids for pressure, differential pressure, hydrostatic level and water quality measurement such as free chlorine, pH, ORP, temperature, conductivity, TDS, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, salinity, suspended solid, ammonium, humidity and barometer, analog input, digital input, counter input, digital output, vibration wire input, valve position,vibration...etc. 52
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宇成光電科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2225-3163 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2225-3159 www.isken.com.tw 公司簡介 iSken為本公司自有品牌,為了使消費者在工作與生活上擁有更方便的設備,專注於研究與開發隨身掃描器、3D打 印機、3D掃描器。
產品介紹 輕巧好攜帶,隨身掃描好伙伴。 專屬APP軟體,掃描立即分享。 ● 附進紙底座可自動送紙好方便。 ● 可掃文件/照片/報紙/雜誌/書籍。 ● 外插Micro SD卡(最高支援32GB)。 ● 使用鹼性電池即可開機掃描,不需接電腦也能操作。 ● 附USB線可連接電腦,瀏覽掃描的照片。 ● 簡易檔案傳輸。 ● ●
Corriga Technology Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2225-3163 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2225-3159 www.isken.com.tw Company Summary iSken is company's own brand, in order to enable consumers to have a more convenient facilities at work and life, focusing on research and development of portable scanner, 3D printer, and 3D scanner.
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三商電腦股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2722-5333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2722-23301 www.mds.com.tw 公司簡介 三商電腦在台灣的自動櫃員機、金融端末系統等領域,具有舉足輕重的領導地位,更是國內知名的系統整合商。近 年積極布局於雲端應用服務(SaaS)及行動應用的開發,有鑑於隨需移動服務趨勢及創新服務應用的潮流,期望提供 雲端服務應用給所有服務導向之中小型企業,無需為IT應用及維運所傷神,全功能免費使用,超過免費使用量才付 費的營運模式,降低企業使用門檻,並協助企業提高服務效率與品質,進而促進營收成長並協助服務產業的轉型與 提昇。
產品介紹 外勤筋斗雲-外勤管理雲端整合服務 以雲端服務串連行動應用的服務模式,APP提供iOS 8.0以上、Android 最低版本需求4.0.3 以上下載使用。強調全方 位整合、簡化溝通流程,提升外勤人員服務質量,為企業創造更高的營運效率!體驗使用完全免費,任務管理、訊 息管理、表單管理、組織管理等貼心功能,以及SSL高安全等級傳輸加密技術,有效協助企業提升外勤管理效率!
Mercuries Data Systems Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2722-5333 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2722-2330 www.mds.com.tw Company Summary In Taiwan, Mercuries Data Systems is in a leading position on ATM, the financial end-systems, and other banking machine fields, with well-known system integrators. In recent years, we focus on active deployment in the cloud application service (SaaS) and mobile application development. In the view of on-demand mobile service trends and innovative service application trend, we expect to provide the best cloud services to all service oriented small and medium enterprises. Product Summary Mercuries Data Systems developed ServiceJDC cloud-field-service management system integrates more than 8 wide ranges and useful function tools by Smartphone with business planning, punch return, map tracking, information collection, customer management, push notification, form management and statistical analysis. Now you can get a free download APP on both Google Play and Apple Store by Android/IOS Platforms.
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台灣日旭科技股份有限公司 公司電話:04-861-3883 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-882-8209 www.akr.com.tw 公司簡介 台灣日旭科技創立於1991年,致力於電子、電機、單晶片控制器研發與製造業務。 技術開發項目: ■ 2.4G無線通訊技術 ■ BLE藍芽產品開發 ■ 無刷馬達驅動控制技術 ■ 空調溫控技術 ■ 物聯網產品 ■ e化智慧教室產品 ■ 模具設計製作,PCBA開發生產
產品介紹 此次展出-iiCard 最新研發的智慧識別證,整合普及化的識別證件(All IN ONE) 應用功能包含,智慧尋人、點到點line即時訊息通報、SOS緊急求救、智慧教室IRS即時反饋系統,1u並整合悠遊卡、 RFlD、NFC感應卡設備管理,適合用於學校、企業、醫院、工廠管理、等有門禁設備管理需求之室內空間。 系統可即時得知環境區域人數、位置,做到異常管理等通報等應用,亦可整合智慧空調系統整合, 感應現場人數,調整 空調運作,達到節能省電之功用。
ANNEX TECHNOLOGY INC. Company Telephone:+886-4-861-3883 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-882-8209 www.akr.com.tw Company Summary Cannex Technology Inc. was established in 1991,committed to R&D and production business of electronic、electric machinery and single chip controller. Technology venture ■ 2.4G wireless communication technology ■ Bluetooth product development ■ Brushless DC Motor drive control technology ■ Air-Conditioning temperature control technology ■ IoT products ■ E-smart classroom products ■ Mold design and production, PCBA development and production Product Summary Introducing : iiCard - Digital Learning Smart Identification Card Use for personnel tracing, end-to-end instant message notification, emergency distress call, Smart Classroom's Interactive Response System (clicker). It also integrated with RFID and NFC such as EasyCard (contactless smart card) in Taiwan. It's ideal for schools, companies, hospitals, factories, especially those who has access control management needs. iiCard system can detect the number of people in the area which is very useful for smart air-conditioning system to automatically maximize its energy efficiency accordingly. 55
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聯寶電子股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8919-1380 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8918-1370 www.linkcom.com.tw 公司簡介 聯寶電子成立於1988年,致力於生產高效率、高品質的產品並提供卓越的客戶服務,贏得了行業廣泛聲譽。聯寶 電子的願景是成為世界級,供應全球高品質磁性元件、LED驅動模組、 IoT智能產品的領導者。我們的使命是迅速 敏捷地提供客戶於設計、製造、市場營銷、 標準化、及客製化產品的服務,包括電信、電力、及零售市場使用的 變壓器與相關模組解決方案。
產品介紹 磁性元件:Xdsl/G. fast、V.90/V.92、LAN濾波器、電源變壓器、電源電感 LED電源模組:恆壓/恆流驅動器、0~10V/TRIAC/PWM調光驅動器、INCORE系列智能可編程驅動器與暖色調光驅 動器 ● 藍芽無線智能燈控技術解決方案 ● ●
LinkCom Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-8919-1380 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8918-1370 www.linkcom.com.tw Company Summary Founded in 1988, LinkCom has earned an industry-wide reputation by focusing on producing highefficiency and high-quality products and providing superior customer service. LinkCom aspires to be a leading global provider of telecom magnetics, LED power supply and IoT intelligent products. Our mission is provided rapid-cycle customer response in the design, manufacture, marketing and sales of reliable, standard and custom, transformer and related module solution for telecom, power and consumer markets. Product Summary ● Magnetics: Xdsl/G. fast, V.90/V.92, LAN filter magnetics, Power Transformers, Power Inductors ● LED Power Supplies: Constant Voltage/Constant Current drivers, 0~10V/TRIAC/PWM dimmable drivers, INCORE series intelligent programmable drivers & Tunable White Output with Dimming Control ● BLE Mesh lighting control system
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綠野國際建築事業機構 公司電話:02-8712-0909 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.gfigroup.com.tw 公司簡介 綠野國際建築事業機構以Total Solution的事業概念,整合成一個具備開發、設計、營造、營運能力的完整團隊, 長期從事於綠能建築、自動化建築、智慧建築及永續生態空間場域規劃服務,以CHEERS(Comfortable, Healthy, Enjoyable, Energy conscious, Reliable and Sustainable)為理念,在社區中導入智慧科技來創導節能生態、友善環境 及舒適生活。隨著物聯網(IoT)技術的快速發展,綠野國際也擴展提供以LPWAN為平台架構的物聯網解決方案與服 務。
產品介紹 1. 以CHEERS為開發理念的節能智慧宅 – 台北大安漱心居 2. LPWAN智慧照明控制方案
Green Field International Group Company Telephone:+886-2-8712-0909 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.gfigroup.com.tw Company Summary Since established in 1997, as an architectural engineering consulting company and later integrated into an smart solution provider, Green Field International (GFi Group) aims to provide a CHEERS (Comfortable, Healthy, Efficient, Energy conscious, Reliable and Sustainable) living to our customers. Our mission is to integrate eco and smart technologies into home and community development as to promote lifestyle that conserves energy, friendly to the environment and comfortable for livings. With the rise of the ICT technology in Smart Building and Smart city, GFi has expanded its business to become a system integration company to provide IOT solutions and services based on LPWAN platform. Product Summary 1. Eco Intelligent Housing Project 2. LPWAN Smarting Lighting System
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財團法人國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心 公司電話:03-577-6085 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-577-6082 www.nchc.org.tw/tw 公司簡介 於1991年成立,擁有全台灣唯一共用之大型計算平台及學術研究網路設施,肩負計算、儲存、網路、平台整合的 前瞻雲端技術先導角 色,提供國內各界高速計算、高品質網路、高效能儲存、大資料分析及科學工程模擬等雲端 整合服務。 國網中心的願景是在於「成為國際級高速計算中心,促成科學發現與技術創新」。自成立以來,國網中心致力提升 台灣高速計算與網路基礎設施能量,規劃執行先導性高速計算、雲端運算、大資料計算之方法與應用研究,以專業 技術與平台服務學研產官各界,培育無數相關領域之高速計算人才。
產品介紹 本中心負責全國高品質學術網路 TWAREN,提供Peta等級超級電腦服務、GPU加速及大型資料中心等基礎設施服 務。同時,發展對應之效能提升演算法、工具及解決方案,協助國內產官學計算服務升級。本次展出包括國家AI 平台發展規劃之介紹,大數據分析系統之 SME解決方案,協同合作環境,新型物聯網AOT 解決方案,智慧交通及 區塊鍊在認證上之系統。
National Center for High-performance Computing, NCHC Company Telephone:+886-3-577-6085 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-577-6082 www.nchc.org.tw/tw Company Summary founded in 1991, is Taiwan’s only national-level supercomputing center. The NCHC possesses a large computing and networking platform facilities for use by domestic academia and the general public. The NCHC plays a leading role in Taiwan’s cloud technology services by integrating high performance computing (HPC), storage, and networking to provide cloud services in storage, big data analysis, and scientific and engineering simulation. The goal of the NCHC is to become an internationally renowned HPC center that promotes scientific discovery and technological innovation. Since its inception, the NCHC has been dedicated to strengthening Taiwan’s HPC and networking infrastructure. The NCHC has planned and implemented pilot research programs in HPC, cloud computing, as well as big data processing methods and applications.The NCHC provides professional technologies and platform services to academia, government, and industry, and helps to cultivate domestic talent in HPC-related fields. Product Summary NCHC is responsible for Taiwan Advanced Research and Educational Network (TWAREN), providing Petascale computing services with GPU acceleration, specifically for machine learning calculations, and data center infrastructure services. NCHC also develop HPC algorithms, related tools and solutions, supporting industries, governments and academia to advanced their services. In this showcase, we will present the planning of national AI infrastructure, Big Data Cluster for SME, Collaborative Visualization Environment, AOT solution, Smart Traffic and system of Blockchain for certification. 59
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達碩智慧科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8912-1268 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2911-3918 www.tashi.ute.com 公司簡介
C:10 M:100 Y:90 K:0
TASHI之精神為整合現今智能居家社區與智能企業應用的系統,藉由精聯集團在自動資料收集產業深耕近三十年 的的技術優勢與經銷渠道管理經驗,除了專業的應用軟體開發外,並延伸研發團隊的RFID與VoIP核心技術及終端 設備製造服務;一條龍的供應鏈管理,扶持TASHI快速發展智能整合系統成為業界領先的方案解決先驅。TASHI 的成立構築在為深度服務客戶之前提,在多年市場經驗洗禮下,行銷團隊導出五種目標客群之需求應用:T (Time management / TeleCare – 門禁差勤/遠距照護);A (Access control – 門禁控管);S (Surveillance – 遠距監視);H (Home automation – 家庭自動化);I (Intercom – 影音對講)。TASHI的用心與竭力求新求變,承自於母公司精聯電 子對客戶與夥伴的服務宗旨“Because We Care”;達碩智慧科技將延續精聯集團以客為尊之服務理念,將更致力於 超值、貼心的生活應用APP與產品設計。
產品介紹 智能社區:警衛及居家對講、社區防災警報、公共區及停車場門禁、管理室廣播公告、雲端服務整合、數位家庭、 手持行動APP…等。 辦公大樓:緊急對講系統、企業門禁差勤管理與行動APP、大樓防災警報、節能管理及管委會資訊公告、員工餐飲 票證、身份識別…等。 醫療照護:居家照護與遠距問診整合、醫療平台、醫療院所門禁、人力安排及派遣班表管理…等。 教育機構:公共設備管理、會議室器材預約管理、圖書館系統、學生點名系統、學生餐廳管理… 等。
TASHI Smartech Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-8912-1268 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2911-3918 www.tashi.ute.com Company Summary TASHI spirit is five applications include T (Time management / TeleCare); A (Access control); S (Surveillance); H (Home automation); I (Intercom). The intention of TASHI not only provides all customers a considerate life application in residential community, enterprise office, medical treatment, and institutional organization, but also provides the integrated service of the network as well as the stateof-the-art technology through innovative design combining applications of security, surveillance, access control, and intercom. Product Summary Smart Community: security guard and intercom, community emergency alarm, public area and parking lot, management room broadcast, cloud integration service, digital home and mobile APP, etc. Office Building: emergency intercom system, time management /access control and mobile APP, building emergency alarm, energy-saving management, information notice, employee food certificate and identification, etc. Health Care: TeleCare, TeleHealth, hospital organization access control, human resource management and the dispatch, etc. Education Organization: public faculty management, meeting room equipment management, library system, student attendance roll system, student restaurant management, etc.
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昕傳科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2528-8878 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2528-73991 www.wavegis.com.tw 公司簡介 昕傳科技透過結合水文感測儀器、通訊網絡與地理資訊系統等資通訊整合技術,長期致力於中央與地方政府水情監 測防洪預警系統專案,熟悉水利防災與洪水預警等防災應變實務。近年來更運用物聯網科技、雲端服務平台等服務 架構,開發建置相關水資源監測、調度應變與決策支援等應用系統,更規劃透過租賃、資料租用等商業模式,建立 水情防洪預警以及大數據服務,以因應技術變革與防汛應變需求,長期提供防災單位重要與關鍵資料應用。同時, 希望進一步藉由結合本地製造與實際營運經驗成果,建構國際輸出之競爭能力,提供東北亞、東協地區技術移轉, 期以獲得國際合作之實力。
產品介紹 淹水感測與水閘門應變決策輔助系統 本方案主要在於透過前端水位感測設備(Node),包含水位感測計、雨量計、資料記錄器與LPWAN傳輸模組,可感 知包含低窪易淹水地區陸地淹水高度、降雨量、水閘門內外水高度等影響防災應變之重要資訊。主要情境在於豪大 雨(強降雨)發生時,政府水情中心可快速掌握淹水感測實際水位、雨量與以及下游水閘門內外水位差,配合雨量 站、QPESUSM短期降雨預報,進行淹水警戒、防汛機具調度、水閘門(抽水站)啟閉指揮與災害預警通報等系列 應變作為,達到防災與減災的目的,並可發展災情分析與大數據分析等系統應用。
WaveGIS Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2528-8878 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2528-7399 www.wavegis.com.tw Company Summary Founded in 2004,based in Taipei City.WaveGIS Tech. had became the vigorous and leading software developers among the ICT industries in Taiwan. WaveGIS had devoted to develop Web & App applications based on the Geographic Information System in conjunction with M2M,LBS, IOT for government management and decision supporting.For the last 5 years, WaveGIS had participated in several important projects for central and local governments to establish their ability for flood early warning systems.And these experiences encourage WaveGIS to explore the possibilities further more. Product Summary This solution aimed to provide water and rainfall observation in conjunction with water gates operation information along the drainage of the county. In order to send flood early warning and inundation alert in advance and enhance the disaster response process, damage statistics and big data analysis. It leverages IoT sensors, LPWAN network and cloud services to reduce and prevent disasters promptly.
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柏通股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8227-3911 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8227-3922 www.pro-view.com.tw 公司簡介 多元化產品 柏通公司與企業界進行合作,不斷開發卡片及影像產品,滿足客戶的需求。 全方位服務 柏通公司以全方位之理念,為顧客提供專業之整合規劃,符合顧客需求。 最高客戶滿意 「以客為尊」是一句廣告詞,但卻是柏通公司的座右銘。柏通公司的專案規劃與整合性服務商品,皆秉持顧客導向 之原則。 核心價值 柏通公司深切了解產業的環境變化非常快速,而能夠幫助每個企業大幅提升績效,才有存在的價值。因此,不斷努 力整合及創新研發新產品,以滿足客戶的需求,才能持續地保有高度的核心競爭力。 柏通公司之經營策略:服務的科技化、管理的資訊化、服務範疇的全球化。
產品介紹 柏通公司為全球最大即時印發卡設備Datacard台灣總代理,提供客戶各式證照製發卡所需設備及關鍵技術。本公司 專注於安全證卡及智慧IC卡解決方案的開發,非常適合用來製作身份識別證、校園學生證、健保IC卡、警察服務 證、醫事憑證卡及各縣市市民卡等需要高安全性及防偽的各式應用以保護個人資料。我們全系列的印發卡設備可以 為您提供廣泛的選擇,以滿足客戶在安全性、質量和價格上的要求。
PROVIEW Global Company Telephone:+886-2-8227-3911 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8227-3922 www.pro-view.com.tw Company Summary Our Business Operation Philosophy and Strategies are --- Multiple Products, All Aspect Services, and Highest Customer Satisfaction, to Create Core Values Multiple Products Proview Global keep cooperating and partnering with outstanding companies, creating more products and solutions, to meet customer needs. All Aspect Services Proview Global provide professional and Integrated System planning, to cover customers' requirements in all aspects. Highest Customer Satisfaction Core Values Proview Global understand that the most important value is, catching the rapid changes of the industries and help every customer to improve his performance. Keep developing and integrating of new products and systems to meet customer requirements is the only way of holding competitiveness. Product Summary ● Proview Global provide Total Solutions for Smart Card System, including: ● Datacard Personalization Equipment ● RFID System Devlelopment and Installation ● Physical Fitness Training/Test Systems 62
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盛齊綠能股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2914-5665 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2918-2895 www.billionwatts.com.tw/ 中文 公司簡介 盛齊綠能 (Billion Watts Technologies) 為盛達電業集團 Billion Electric 旗下子公司之一。立基於母公司的資通訊與 電源技術優勢,盛齊綠能提供各種串聯和模組級監控解決方案,可以充分顯示有關太陽能系統的每個奈米細節數 據,包括能源生產率,陽光照射密度,環境和面板溫度,與所有電力功率參數,幫助客戶提升太陽能設備使用效率 與太陽能電廠發電效益 。我們致力綠色科技研發並不斷創新,提供獨特優質光伏太陽能監測系統與卓越的服務, 核心信念為協助光伏太陽能投資者、案場所有者、技術運營經理和維護人員創造價值,完成企業理念並達到永續經 營的目標。
產品介紹 盛齊綠能是SolarEdge的台灣主要代理。SolarEdge 先進太陽能優化發電與安全系統,是由優化器、逆變器及 SolarEdge雲端管理系統組成,透過優化器以單片模組執行MPPT將每片模組的發電功率最大化。Billion Watts- Pixel View則是太陽能串列監控系統,整合最新IoT通訊閘道器、2~16串DC監測器、AC電表、環境感應器及雲端管理系 統,它可以兼容所有品牌的逆變器及太陽能模組,有效提升維運及電廠清潔效率,縮減人力及成本,提升電廠收 益,適用於中型到大型的集中式逆變器案場。
Billion Watts Technologies Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2914-5665 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2918-2895 www.billionwatts.com.tw/en Company Summary Billion Watts Technologies is one of the subsidiaries under the Billion Electric Group. Based on its parent company's communications and power technology expertise, Billion Watts Technologies offers a wide range of PV solar string and module-level monitoring solutions that fully reveal every nano detail about a solar site, including energy productivity, sunlight irradiation density, ambient & panel temperature, humidity, and all power parameters to help customers improve the efficiency of PV solar energy equipment and solar plant power generation. We are committed to the research and development of green technology innovations, with the core beliefs to create values for photovoltaic solar investors, site owners, technical operations managers, and maintenance personnel by providing our unique, high-quality solar PV monitoring system and excellent O&M service to complete corporate philosophy and to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Product Summary Billion Watts is SolarEdge’s certified distributor in Taiwan with products range from inverters, power optimizers, environmental sensors, communication gateways and comprehensive cloud platform. SolarEdge maximizes power generation through MPPT for module-level monitoring system to achieve the best power generation at all times. Meanwhile, Billion Watts - Pixel View is a one-stop solar monitoring system suitable for small to large fields, which provides complete hardware and software solution. Integrated with 2/4/8/12/16 DC string meter, AC meter, intelligent IoT gateway and environmental sensors, Pixel View offers real-time 24/7 power plant monitoring and comprehensive data analysis report. Pixel View is compatible with all types of inverters which allows users enjoy instant equipment and operation status of solar PV plant to effectively improve maintenance efficiency, reduce O&M cost and boost ROI. 63
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奇邑科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-658-5198 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-658-7158 www.kiwi-tec.com 公司簡介 奇邑科技創立於2001年,長年以來專注在網路通訊的產品開發。2015年加入LoRa Alliance,結合原有在網通的專 業及優勢,積極地拓展LPWAN的解決方案。 奇邑科技專注在產品設計 (感測器、節點裝置及閘道器)、軟體開發(LoRaWAN認證符合及私有協議)、系統整合 (針 對不同的場域應用,調整硬體及軟體)、方案規劃 (目前在工業4.0之智慧工廠、智慧建築、新零售,包括智慧商場 及超商已經有完整的方案),也積極的在各主要區域建立示範展區,目標在於協助客戶以最快速的方式導入物聯網 的應用,提供一站式的服務,從產品到方案一應具全,與客戶一起共同會打造智慧城市的願景。
產品介紹 1.閘道器 2.LoRa 模組 3.各式感測器,包括空氣監測,停車監測,垃圾桶監測及煙霧感測器
Kiwi Technology Inc. Company Telephone:+886-3-658-5198 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-658-7158 www.kiwi-tec.com Company Summary development for network communications for many years. We became LoRa Alliance member in 2015 and dedicate to develop LPWAN solution. We focus on product design (sensors, node devices and gateways), software development (LoRaWAN certification compliance and proprietary protocols), system integration (for different field applications, hardware and software tuning), solution and applications (Currently there is a complete program for Smart Factory 4.0, Smart Building, New Retail including Smart Mall and Supermarkets in Industry 4.0). We set up the demonstration site for assisting customers to know the applications in the fastest way. We provide one-stop services, from products to solutions, and working together with customers to create a brighter vision of a smart city. Product Summary 1. Gateway 2. LoRa Module 3. Sensors include air sensor, parking sensor, bin sensor and smoke detector.
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泓格科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8919-2220 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8919-2221 www.icpdas.com/index_tc.php 公司簡介 泓格科技成立於1993年,是一家專注於研究與創新的科技公司。隨著Internet與網路的迅速普及應用,並向家庭與 育樂領域不斷擴展,使資料擷取、工業控制與通信功能一體化趨勢日趨明顯,可程式嵌入式系統再度成為研究與應 用的熱點。泓格科技一直致力於發展遠端I/O控制器、分散式I/O模組、I/O資料擷取卡,擁有完整的工業自動化解決 方案及完善的售後服務,近年來更積極發展可程式自動化控制器、網際網路相關產品及運動控制系統等一系列產 品。
產品介紹 隨著電子技術與網路通信技術的飛速發展, 各種嵌入式應用方案與物聯網的應用使智能樓宇與智能家居越趨普及。 泓格科技是嵌入式控制應用的先行者, 從嵌入式的工業控制領域擴展到各個領域, 因此可以針對各種嵌入式應用提 供完整的解決方案。在智能樓宇與智能家居的應用中,泓格可對於照明、空調、安全、電力、消防、機電設備、中 央監控等子系統應用, 提供最佳的解決方案。
ICP DAS CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-8919-2220 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8919-2221 www.icpdas.com Company Summary ICP DAS, established in 1993, focuses on innovation and improving the industrial automation technology. With the wide spread of internet and the extension of household and entertainment, it becomes a trend to integrate data acquisition, industrial control, and communication as one complete system. The embeddedcontrol system has also become the focal point of research and application. Product Summary With the advance of the electronic technology and network communication technology, and with a variety of embedded applications and applications of Internet of Things getting involved, the Smart Building / Smart Home is getting more and more popular. ICP DAS, as a pioneer in the field of embedded control, has accumulated extended experiences from embedded industrial control to applications in all areas. Thus is able to provide total solutions for a variety of embedded applications. For Smart Building / Smart Home projects such as: lighting, air conditioning, security, electricity, fire protection, mechanical & electrical devices and center control & monitoring systems, ICP DAS can provide the best solution.
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翔捷科技有限公司 公司電話:03-325-8887 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-325-8882 www.gsc-tech.com 公司簡介 GSC-Tech是專門設計和製造用於當今主要無線通信應用的天線和濾波器,RF濾波器和天線組裝產品。(應用於物聯 網,4G LTE ,GPS Module 天線)
產品介紹 RF天線研發設計及生產(產品項目:物聯網平台NB-IOT/ RPMA/ LoRa LPWAN Gateway Antenna ,Node & Sensors Embedded antenna , GPS antenna module , GPS 車用天線 ,船用 GPS VHF 相關天線及配件.
GSC TECH corp., Company Telephone:+886-3-325-8887 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-325-8882 www.gsc-tech.com Company Summary This is of GSC-Tech Electronics Co., LTD. GSC-Tech is a specialized design and manufactures antenna & filter , RF filter and antenna Assembly products for today's major wireless communication applications. We can recommend the suitable products for you or could view attached file. We hope that we can have great opportunity to cooperation with your company. Product Summary RF antenna design and manufactures applications at:NB-IOT/ RPMA/ LoRa LPWAN Gateway Antenna ,Node & Sensors Embedded antenna , GPS antenna module , Marine GPS VHF antenna and accessories.
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智慧時尚股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7709-9696 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-7709-8893/02-2739-3565 www.openlife.co 公司簡介 於2011年7月從資策會創研所分割成立,公司結合雲端科技和消費集點服務,建構企業紅利點數跟社群行銷間的橋 樑,並成為國內領先的電子禮券兌換平台,客戶多為大型上市櫃企業。如中華電信、銀行、福委會等,數十家大型 企業,兌換通路超過萬間門市(四大超商、SOGO、威秀、摩斯、KFC等20個連鎖通路)。2014年起結合電子禮券與 iBeacon,發展O2O導客服務與大數據分析。2017年更拓展Wi-Fi行銷服務,以及物聯網室內定位服務建置,將商場 與消費者行為更緊密連結。
產品介紹 電子禮券 - 透過電子機制產生獨特序號,代替紙本禮券囤積與寄送成本的支出。 iBeacon紅利導客服務 - 利用高藍芽開啟率的iBeacon應用技術,結合兌點商品推出導購服務APP,幫助零售業者達 成高績效式行銷,並開拓更新一層領域的行銷模式。 Wi-Fi行銷服務 – 新行銷媒體管道,透過Wi-Fi投放廣告及相關數據分析。 物聯網室內定位服務 – 適合於室內進行導航指引,多用於商場、交通設施。 智慧尋人 – 利用IoT開發尋人技術,人員管控、孩童老人照護。
Fashion Intelligence Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-7709-9696 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7709-8893/+886-2-2739-3565 www.openlife.co Company Summary Fashion Intelligence Co., Ltd. has been established since July 2011. Based on service of cloud technology and consumer collection point, we built the new marketing model connected with bonus points and community marketing. Furthermore, we expand business to digital voucher, which can be used in ten thousand retail, including four convenience-store chains, SOGO department store, VIESHOW, Mos Burger and KFC. In 2014, based on combine with digital voucher and iBeacon, we developed the application – CheckMe to provide new marketing solution connecting online-to-offline commerce and big data analysis. In 2017, we also developed Wi-Fi marketing service and Indoor positioning and navigation. Product Summary GiftPass - Digital voucher service. CheckMe - the first marketing APP in Taiwan which use indoor Bluetooth positioning with iBeacon to connect physical retail’s marketing campaign. Wi-Fi Service - Wi-Fi advertisement. IoT positioning - Indoor positioning and navigation. Intelligence people tracing - IoT based people tracing.
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鉅康科技股份有限公司 公司電話:06-261-7641 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-265-6120 www.netvox.com.tw 公司簡介 鉅康科技股份有限公司於1996年成立於台灣台南安平工業區。 • 從呼叫器、電話機、DECT開始,持續生產研發通訊相關產品。 • 自有工廠位於廈門,於1997年取得ISO9001體系認證。 • 於2006年取得QC080000體系認證。 • 持續獲得多家國際大廠的供應商資格認證,如Philips、Thompson、Johnson、Controls、GE等 擁有自主生產、研發能力、模具、注塑、貼片、組裝完整生產能力及自主研發團隊開發自有產品系統,合作模式靈活,可接受 OEM/ODM客製化產品訂製。 自2005年以來,投入以IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee®為無線傳輸協議的無線感測網路、WSN技術相關連結物聯網IoT的產品及應用的 開發。 以「智慧地球」、「感知生活」為概念所衍生出來的物聯網(Internet of Things,簡稱IoT),包括智慧電網、智慧物流、智慧 家居、環境安全偵測、智慧醫療、智慧農業等業務。 專長於ZigBee Home Automation與LoRaWAN產品開發,並提供全宅智慧裝修方案、物聯網系統解決方案及各種無線通訊應用解 決方案。
產品介紹 奈伯思雲智能管家 • 超過250項物聯網、智慧家庭相關硬體產品• 完整雲端後台管理系統• 支援其他廠商設備整合• 多種解決方案合作 另有提供IoT Platform開發包,讓客戶能以REST API形式整合建立自己的系統,快速讓客戶建立完整的無線物聯網系統。其應 用領域廣泛,包含智慧家庭、建築自動化、智慧控制、 智慧農業等。 近期更推出LoRaWAN設備,目前一系列的LoRaWAN設備可與ThingPark和myDevices兼容,有Door/Window Sensor, Light Sensor, Water Sensor, Temperature/Humidity Sensor和PIR/Light/Temperature Sensor等等,並且一直 在持續開發當中,期望能在不久的將來提供更多樣的設備給予我們的客戶。
Netvox Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-6-261-7641 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-265-6120 www.netvox.com.tw Company Summary Netvox pioneers in the development and manufacture of Wireless Sensor Network applications based on ZigBee Pro Home Automation profile 1.2 open standard. In the past 12 years, we have developed more than 250 devices and provide OEM/ODM services to customers around the world. In addition, Netvox thrives to be a Smart IoT total solution provider and has completed some new proof of concept integration and application of WiFi, iBeacon, Thread and LoRa. Our factory is ISO-9001 2008 certified. With strong teams of professional management staffs, experienced R&D, Q.C., engineers & well-trained staffs, Netvox is able to meet product demand on company's sales and marketing. Since 2005, Netvox Technology Co., Ltd has been invested in the WSN technology of IOT based on IEEE 802.15.4/ ZigBee® protocol. Focusing on the smart energy and home automation of IOT alone, the consultancy institute Forrester predicts that the ratio of thing-thing internet services to people-people internet services will reach 30:1 by 2020, and that the next trillion-level communication industry will be thing-thing internet. As a result, smart grid, smart home, smart road traffic, smart logistic, smart ambient security sensing, industrial automation upgrades, smart medical system, all of these may form intelligent network within smart cities and, hence, the Internet of Things. In the ZigBee® Smart Energy and Home Automation application and product, we are on the world’s leading position which has now made Netvox a ®leading OEM technology partner with many product supplier companies globally. We continue to provide ZigBee application and product updates -WSN for IOT, to maintain our edge and leadership. Product Summary ■ Netvox's CWSH, Cloud-based Smart Home HA system includes four major parts. 1. Cloud 2. Cloud gateway (Z203/Z206, it's also a wifi router) and integration of IP CAM 3. Mobile and tablet Android app 4. ZigBee HA devices. 68
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一二三視股份有限公司 公司電話:03-668-5166 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.tdv.com.tw 公司簡介 一二三視股份有限公司提供專業的嵌入式影像分析,主要商業模式為B2B,從2011年開創至今,已經和多家專業系 統公司建立良好的合作關係。一二三視也是至今唯一成功開發高清類比智能分析影像伺服器。 一二三視針對智慧城市應用的成功案例如下: 1. 台北市路口監控一、二期使用一二三視-嵌入式車牌辨識系統。 2. 多家停車場管理業者使用一二三視-嵌入式車牌辨識、車流導引、在席偵測等智能化應用。 3. 高雄區所有家樂福使用一二三視-人流計數以及整套解決方案。 4. 一二三視已成功整合傳統影像監控以及門禁系統導出智能化整合安控系統(Intelligent Integrated Surveillance System),並導入國際知名代工廠。 5. 一二三視提供車牌辨識以及電子圍籬針對智慧校園安全有完善的解決方案。 針對智慧化城市的解決方案,一二三視能供提供專業智能影像分析,也可以針對不同應用情境提供客製化的方法, 一二三視可以在惡劣的環境下,提供完善的嵌入式解決方案,讓整個智慧化系統能夠發揮到極致。
產品介紹 1. 嵌入式智能影像分析及設備/伺服器 2. 車牌辨識/客製化智能影像分析 3. 智能停車場管理系統
Triple Domain Vision Co.,Ltd Company Telephone:+886-3-668-5166 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.tdv.com.tw Company Summary Triple Domain Vision Co., Ltd.(TDV) provides professional embedded video content analytics, the main business model is B2B, from 2011 created so far, the system has a number of professional companies to establish a good working relationship.TDV has also successfully developed a unique high-definition analog video intelligence analytics server. TDV application for smart city success stories are as follows: 1. Taipei intersection control first and second periods use TDV- embedded license plate recognition system. 2. The number of parking management industry to use TDV - embedded license plate recognition, traffic guidance, parking space detection and other intelligent applications. 3.Kaohsiung District all Carrefour use TDV - people counting and complete solutions. 4. TDV has successfully integrated traditional video surveillance and access control system intelligent integrated security system , and import internationally renowned foundries. 5. TDV provide car plate recognition and electronic fence for wisdom campus safety a perfect solution. For the wisdom of the city's solution, the professional intelligent video analytics from TDV can also provide customized methods for different applications scenarios, TDV's solution in harsh environments, provide complete embedded solutions scheme, so that the whole wistom system can fully exert. Product Summary 1. Embedded Video Content Analytics and device/server 2. License Plate Recognition/customized video content analytics 3. Smart Parking System 69
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思納捷科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7713-4828 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-7713-4828/02-2713-0867 https://insynerger.com/ 公司簡介 InSynerger 的前身- InSnergy (Internet Smart Energy),一個在資策會孕育多年的團隊,2009年從能源著手,因應市場 需求一路發展出工廠、路燈、家庭及再生能源等應用領域,實際導入全球上百場域中,也是台灣第一個獲得全球百 大科技獎(R&D100)的軟體。近年隨全球趨勢,從能源逐步擴展至雲端平台、物聯網與資料分析等技術,成為可信 賴的工業和園區智慧化雲端解決方案提供者。 InSynerger的品牌命名,取自於思納捷採用雲端及人工智慧,專注於工業領域人、機、物的整合,將孤立的各式設 備與乏人關注的能源,有效整合運用,與顧客協同運作、價值共創。Intelligent, Integrative, and Industrial Synerger, 是我們的品牌精神。
產品介紹 In-Factory智慧工廠雲端AI總管 24小時為工廠看管能源與設備,解決機電人才短缺、繁瑣工作易疏失、大數據資料難判斷的困境,為工廠節能、 提效、增價值。 In-Park智慧園區雲端AI總管 多元的智慧園區總管服務,解決日常巡檢耗時費力、維護不易、不同系統串接困難的問題,為園區接軌國際發展趨 勢,提升節能與管理效率。 In-Connect設備聯網服務 一站式的聯網服務,為設備商節省研發時間與高額開發費用,協助預知保養並精簡維護成本, 提升產品附加價值與競爭力。
InSynerger Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-7713-4828 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7713-4828/+886-2-2713-0867 https://insynerger.com/ Company Summary InSynerger comes from InSnergy (Internet Smart Energy), a team of the Institute for Information Industry (III), and has accumulated many years of energy management experience. Since 2009, it has been providing solutions for factories, street lamps, homes and renewable energies, and helped hundreds of places worldwide to enhance thier energy management. These efforts have made InSnergy's software system win the first R&D 100 award in Taiwan. Now we are extending from energy management to cloud platform, and developing the IoT and data analysis technologies to become a reliable solution provider, for applying our strength to industry fields including smart factory and smart park. The brand name, InSynerger, is derived from our focus: the integration of people, machines and things in the industrial field. We integrate all kinds of isolated equipment and energy management with cloud computing and artificial intelligence, to create more value while synergizing with our customers. The spirit of InSynerger is Intelligent, Integrative, and Industrial Synerger. Product Summary InSynerger Factory (In-Factory) InSynerger Park (In-Park) InSynerger Connect (In-Connect) 70
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瀚錸科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2536-2856 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2536-7938 www.netbridgetech.com.tw 公司簡介 瀚錸科技股份有限公司自成立之初,便抱持著「專業、服務、創新」的經營理念,致立於IT產品與技術的導入、發 展與流通,以期更多、更好的IT解決方案可以迅速的應用與普及到市場,用以增進企業生產力。
產品介紹 瀚錸科技 為專業的加值型IT代理商,代理範圍從網路基礎設備,到資訊安全設備,及智慧物聯網應用,期待為系 統整合商及客戶提供一站式採購服務,現代理品牌為NETGEAR-美國網件公司的智慧家庭無線設備到企業交換器 及儲存設備,Lantech工規交換器。以及Peplink的負載平衡設備, iSAP的智慧工廠監控解決方案,智慧桌面錄影 smart monitor,以及美國ForceShield的動態安全閘道器,期待在智慧物聯網全面來臨的世紀,從網路到應用提供客 戶全方位的解決方案。
Netbridge Technology Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2536-2856 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2536-7938 www.netbridgetech.com.tw Company Summary NETBRIDGE TECHNOLOGY INC. upholds the “professional, service, and innovation” business philosophy, dedicating ourselves in importing the development and circulation of IT products and technology. Product Summary NETBRIDGE TECHNOLOGY INC. upholds the “professional, service, and innovation” business philosophy, dedicating ourselves in importing the development and circulation of IT products and technology. In 2008, Netbridgetech became NETGEAR’s sole agent partner in Taiwan, providing high performance and reliability in network, storage, digital media, and a variety of netcom solutions for homes and businesses. We tailored to our customers with high performance and affordable Internet solutions.
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力新國際文化事業 ( 股 ) 公司 公司電話:02-2222-7687 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2222-7627 www.listening.com.tw 公司簡介 力新文化除了擁有國際百年品牌NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC國家地理在台灣區的總代理之外,更整合國內外多家高畫 質影像發行商NHK、EBS、SAINT THOMAS、ZODIAK,以期篩選出兼具娛樂、珍藏、富教育意義的高品質節目與畫 質。
產品介紹 台灣的廢棄物成為珍寶! 環生方舟展覽館被譽為未來綠建築的新基準, 同時也是台北國際花卉博覽會最壯麗的展品之一。 以「減少、再利用、回收」為座右銘,這棟九層樓高的環生方舟生態館,建造材料有大半來自於回收寶特瓶。它比 傳統建築還要輕50%,但卻仍然擁有抵禦自然災害的足夠能力,就連火也無法傷害它!
Listen Culture International Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2222-7687 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2222-7627 www.listening.com.tw Company Summary In addition to being the sole agent of National Geographic in Taiwan, we are also in collaborations with renowned distributors like NHK , EBS , Saint Thomas Productions and Zodiak Entertainment Distribution. We present everyone with entertaining, educational and collectible products of the best audio-visual quality. Product Summary Turning Taiwan's trash into a treasure. The Eco Ark pavilion is hailed as a new benchmark for the future of green buildings and a spectacular showpiece for the Taipei International Flora Expo. Adhering to the mantra of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle", the nine-story high Eco Ark Pavilion is built largely out of recycled plastic bottles. It weighs 50 percent less than a conventional building, yet it is strong enough to withstand the forces of nature, including fire!
Booth No.
笠基電子股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8227-3319 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8227-3597 www.win-tec.com.tw 公司簡介 笠基集團始於1991年,研發生產車用防盜器、車用追蹤系統、無線電對講機及GPS等產品。2009年成立笠基電子 股份有限公司,並專精電子領域研發與創新,致力於各類無線通訊電子產品。 為迎接物聯網(IOT)的到來及智慧型裝置無線應用,成立RFaaS (RF無線設計生產服務) OEM / ODM事業部門。
產品介紹 RFaaS工業盒(Data Link)應用技術可用於各種感測需求,適用於戶外及室內,具防水,防塵IP68等級。在無線感 測網路的架構下,無線工業盒的設計,以省電,體積 小及高效能為主。而工業盒之間的通訊方式則是採用無線通 訊(Wireless Communicate)的方式,不但省下可觀的佈線費用,且極為方便。 應用範圍十分廣泛,適用於各種場合例如:自動化農場/花園管理系統,橋樑安全監控系統,河川水位警示及智慧 節能燈控系統等。
Wintec Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-8227-3319 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8227-3597 www.win-tec.com.tw Company Summary We have undergone a series of technical revolution with innovative researches in wireless application. Follow the trend of the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, we established a new RFaaS(RF as a service) business unit and focus on the various wireless applications as NB-IoT / LoRa / Bluetooth / DALI lighting / AIS / RF Radio / GPS…and offer OEM / ODM service. Product Summary RFaaS data link box is used for a variety of detections, which is suitable outdoor and indoor environment to resist the water, dust, temperature and shock and meet with the IP68 standard. In internet of wireless sensor, our data link box is designed to efficiency and saving energy and used of wireless communication to transmit data, which can save much wiring cost, and more convenient.
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台灣和冠資訊科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2516-1718 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2516-5100 www.wacom.com/zh-tw 公司簡介 電子簽名板、手寫液晶顯示器和行動簽名解決方案的領導級提供者。 不論您是有興趣提升您的數位工作流程還是改善視覺溝通的效果,Wacom 商業解決方案都可協助您。我們的裝置 十分可靠且堅固耐用,使用起來也很容易。我們可以協助您找到適合的合作夥伴來提供軟體和整合服務。此外,如 果您想要開發自己的軟體,我們也可以透過軟體開發套件來協助您。對於希望擷取手寫電子簽名、採用電子表單或 透過視覺方式自然溝通的組織而言,Wacom 產品是最好的選擇。
產品介紹 我們的簽名板和互動式手寫液晶顯示器產品都搭載 Wacom 無線且免電池的專利畫筆技術,且支援壓力感應功能。 所有 Wacom 產品均為符合您的業務需求而設計,值得信賴且絕對可靠。所有產品表面均以抗刮玻璃覆蓋保護,既 堅固又耐用,適合長時間使用。我們的電子畫筆不需電池或纜線就能傳輸電子訊號,適合置於櫃台或桌面使用。由 於電子訊號並非透過筆繩傳遞,因此即使筆繩受損也不會影響畫筆的操控性。此外,所有 Wacom 數位筆輸入裝置 也都擁有絕佳的控制和精準度,讓您享有如同真實世界般的數位體驗。
Wacom Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2516-1718 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2516-5100 www.wacom.com/zh-tw Company Summary Provider of electronic signature pads, pen displays and mobile signature solutions. Whether you are interested in enhancing your digital workflow or improving the effectiveness of your visual communications, Wacom Business Solutions is here to help you. Our devices are reliable, durable, and easy to use. We can help you find the right partner for software and integration services. And if you want to develop your own software, we can help you with software development kits as well. Product Summary Wacom products are for organizations looking to capture handwritten electronic signatures, implement electronic forms, or to communicate visually in a natural way. Our signature pads and interactive pen display products feature Wacom’s patented pressure-sensitive, battery-free and cordless pen technology. All Wacom products are reliable and dependable. They all feature protective cover glass that is scratch resistant for long life and durable operation. Our electronic pens, for the counter or desktop, never need batteries or a cord to carry an electronic signal. Since no electronic signals are passed through the pen tether, pen operation cannot be affected by damage to the tether. And all Wacom pen input devices provide outstanding accuracy and control which makes your digital experience feel like real world.
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創瑞科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2696-1202 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2698-8938 www.ait-ic.com 公司簡介 創瑞科技為IC設計領導品牌,致力於設計和市場行銷高性能的類比與混合信號IC. 在全球消費性電子產品市場提供 音頻放大及電源管理等解決方案。結合控股集團的高品質電感、晶振及保險絲,同時提供客戶技術整合支援以利客 戶迅速執行設計週期。是世界各大廠的重要策略聯盟夥伴。 創瑞科技2012年起連續三年入圍China ACE Awards 中國電子成就年度最佳產品獎-電壓轉換器/電源管理,2015年 更榮獲台灣區電機電子優良中小企業獎,產品研發技術備受肯定。 2016年更獲得台灣前100大成長快速中小企業獎…等等殊榮。 創瑞科技目前為世界各大廠供應鏈,主要市場為消性電子、醫療、工業電腦、車用用市場等。
產品介紹 電源管理IC、車用電子、分離器件、電感、晶振、保險絲。
AiT Semicondutor Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2696-1202 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2698-8938 www.ait-ic.com Company Summary AiT Semiconductor is a leading Fabless IC Design Company,ISO9001 & 14001 registered, Devoted to design and marketing analog & mixed signal integrated circuits. AiT Semiconductor provides the cost-effective & high -performed ICs for power management applications. AiT Semiconductor leverage AiT holding’s manufacture-Inductor, Xtal & Fuse to provide Total-Solution to shorten customer’s design cycle. AiT Semiconductor supply to word-wide OEM/ODM customers, major markets in consumer, medical industrial and automotive... etc Product Summary Power Management IC、Automotive、Discrete IC、Inductor、Xtal、Fuse
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集博股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2692-5443 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2692-3139 http://tibbo.com 公司簡介 集博(Tibbo)是一家研發嵌入式系統核心產品及可程式化自動化工業控制器(開發與管理工具)的公司,期望讓開 發嵌入式系統這件事情變得更簡易,Tibbo 發展產品的思維是以提供客戶從開發到管理的整套解決方案,讓嵌入式 系統的開發變的相對簡易,省下很多保貴的時間這三個思考為主軸,進行產品的設計與研發。
產品介紹 Tibbo Project System(TPS)是一種基於Tibbits®特定的I / O功能模組方塊靈活性實現非常容易配置的自動化平臺系 統。 基於不同的專案(Project)在一個自動化的平臺系統中可能只需要配至某些功能或特殊功能的模組方塊,集博專案系 統(TPS)是一個高度可配置的,而且是非常平價的自動化平臺。它的靈活性是基於Tibbits® -實現特定的I / O功能 的模組方塊。 需要一個特定的I / O功能?這種基於模組方塊的方式,允許你精確設計您的自動化控制器並且定義所需的功能,有 不用的功能?就沒有必要將它留在設備中,這樣可以為您節省開支。 對於TPS,我們考慮不只是硬體,而且是能夠自己參與配置的過程和內容的組成和訂購的過程。Tibbo Project PCB 是Tibbo Project System(集博專案系統)的基礎。
Tibbo Technology Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2692-5443 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2692-3139 http://tibbo.com Company Summary Tibbo Technology was founded in 2001. At the time, we were among the pioneers in developing serialover-IP (SoI) controllers (a.k.a. “device servers” or “serial-to-Ethernet converters”), modules, and related PC software. Tibbo’s SoI products remain popular to this day. The success of the SoI product line became the stepping stone to a much more ambitious goal that was the very reason why Tibbo Technology was founded: We undertook to become a leader in hardware and software solutions that simplify and speed up the creation of IoT and automation devices. Product Summary Tibbo Project System devices are unsurpassed in their configurability: Take what you need, leave out what you don't! No more using standard grey boxes and drilling and milling them to suit your needs. Take a Tibbo Project PCB (TPP), plug in Tibbits of your choosing, assemble your system into a beautiful Tibbo Project Box (TPB) enclosure, and you'll have a professionally looking IoT hardware control system that carries no excess hardware. Order your IoT development kit and write your own app using our streamlined Tibbo IDE software, or choose from the list of published projects. Tibbo Project System (TPS) is a highly configurable and affordable industrial automation platform. Its flexibility is based on Tibbits® — miniature electronic blocks that implement specific I/O features. Need a certain I/O function? Install the right Tibbit. Have no use for something? There is no need to have it in your device. This module-based approach saves you money by allowing you to precisely define the features you want in your programmable controller. 76
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財團法人電信技術中心 公司電話:07-695-5001 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-695-5019 www.ttc.org.tw 公司簡介 全球科技競賽愈演愈烈,電信、資訊及傳播等數位科技匯流勢在必行。電信技術中心掌握市場需求及產業脈動,因 應未來5G及IoT發展,以「前瞻、專業、活力」為理念,協助政府通訊傳播及資通安全政策之研擬、相關技術與產 業發展之研究為主要定位。 中心使命包括: (一)成為政府資通訊政策與技術之智庫 (二)成為數位匯流服務之推手 (三)成為國家級資通訊驗證中心 (四)帶動南台灣資通訊產業發展
產品介紹 1. 行動寬頻設備資安確保 -提供行動寬頻設備資安風險評估,確保國內行動寬頻環境之安全性。 2. 骨幹網路異常流量偵測 -骨幹網路即時偵測‧資安事件早期預警。 3. 物聯網系統資安稽核服務 -智慧聯網系統資安防護能力全面升級。 4. 物聯網多維度效能評測 -全方位解析物聯網系統效能及可靠性。
Telecom Technology Center Company Telephone:+886-7-695-5001 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-695-5019 www.ttc.org.tw/eng.php Company Summary As the global technology competition intensifies, the convergence of digital technologies such as telecommunications, information and communications are imperative. TTC takes the role of providing core market needs and sees the industry dynamic to keep up with the global trend of convergence in 5G and IoT; in accordance with the government policies, TTC also puts its emphases on assisting the government in both the regulatory related matters and the research on ICT as well as the InfoCom security technologies and industry development. TTC is working on the vision to become a national-level ICT technology center and take Trends, Profession and Vitality as its idea. TTC mission includes: 1.To be a think-tank for the government in ICT and InfoCom security technologies and policies; 2.To be a promoter for digital convergence; 3.To be a national-level ICT products certification center; 4.To drive the development of ICT industry in Southern Taiwan. Product Summary 1.Security Assurance of Mobile Broadband Products - Provide security risk assessment of mobile broadband equipment to ensure the safety of broadband operations in the country. 2.Online Abnormal Traffic Detection of Backbone Networks - Backbone Network Awareness and cyber security early alert. 3.Security Audit Service of IoT Systems –Comprehensively enhance the IoT security. 4.Multidimensional Performance Benchmarking System for IoT Applications - identify the efficacy and the reliability of the IoT. 77
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台灣富朗巴軟體科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2655-8375 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2655-8325 www.forum8.co.jp/traditional 公司簡介 三維即時虛擬實境、動力非線性解析、人群/流動解析 台灣富朗巴軟體科技有限公司是日本FORUM8 株式會社於2014 年9月在台北市投資成立的全資子公司。 FORUM8 創業以來以套裝軟體開發技術為基礎,以建築結構設計為首,提供支援土木、建築設計的軟體、技術服務。近年來 隨著虛擬實境的開發,應用範圍延伸到包括交通、汽車研發等更廣泛的項目領域。 今後不單局限於提供高端的技術開發產品,透過BCP 實現安全、穩定的可持續性企業服務,以成為大眾值得期待 可以信賴的企業為目標。
產品介紹 三維即時虛擬實境軟體UC-win/Road 透過簡單PC操作,即可完成大規模空間制作,是一款功能強大可進行即時模擬的先進軟體。 豐富的模型庫、支持各種模型格式,並可與BIM數據進行轉換。從線形、斷面、地形處理到交通設定、模型設定處 理等VR製作、編輯功能,支援豐富的VR表現,利用可視化選項工具和各種演示功能服務於設計協議、事業說明等 即時演示。此外,還對應日照、交通流、駕駛模擬等,在工程設計、開發、研究方面提供強大的支援。
Taiwan FORUM8 Software Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2655-8375 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2655-8325 www.forum8.co.jp/traditional Company Summary Since the company's foundation, FORUM8 have been providing software and technical services that support civil engineering and architectural /structural design using their robust software package development technology. Our recent developments in Virtual Reality software have led to many new applications especially those in traffic and automobile research. In fact, FORUM8's VR technology is being utilized in those researches and indeed just about any type of project. We will continue to not just provide products that incorporates our state-of-the art technologies, but also aim to become the kind of enterprise that can meet the expectations from customers worldwide through our service that offer integrity and a sense of security and through our perpetual business service based on BCP. Product Summary 3D real time/virtual reality software UC-win/Road VR environment that covers the terrain and seabed features of this world can be created easily in a short amount of time. Various VR environments and models including FBX models can be downloaded from the FORUM8 Web Server DB. The software supports the import/export of BIM data. Equipped with an ability to generate road alignments, cross sections, terrain, and the ability to position models and assign traffic and generate traffic movement within VR space; the software can help you give a real-time presentation for comparing design alternatives and stakeholder consultation as the Visual Options tools and presentation features will do all the tricks. As various types of high-level real-time simulation including driving simulation, daylight simulation, and traffic simulation are feasible, the software makes the lives of all engineers engaged in the work of design, development, and research easier. 78
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弓銓企業股份有限公司 公司電話:06-505-0207 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-505-1157 www.ems.com.tw 公司簡介 1991年創立,台灣好表 弓銓企業為國內唯一進駐科學園區的智慧水表製造商,擁有全國最堅強研發團隊的流量計 製造商,並擁有民間最大能量TAF流量測試與校正實驗室。 以流量計作為研發設計出發點,為國內外工廠園區、智慧建築、學校機關、自來水事業單位提供各式智慧水管理服 務,並著手建置水量、水壓、水質即時監測系統,利用各式通訊模式如4G/NB_IoT/LoRa等大數據物聯網概念,提供 全方位的智慧水管理方案。弓銓持續以「追求卓越、前瞻領導」的執行理念,實踐「台灣好表、盡在弓銓」的作 為,迎領智慧水管理典範。
產品介紹 ‧以智慧水表為載具,開啟未來居家水管理: 全台最便宜自動讀表套組,適用於大樓建案,榮獲2018台灣精品獎肯定,已成功建置於台北公民住宅、台中建 案。 結合長照理念,打造水保全服務,獨居長者若脫離用水習慣,太久無用水或用水時間過長,立即發警告給在外子 女,避免憾事發生。 ‧智慧水校園,完善水平衡分析,改善校內管線漏損問題 ‧專業水資源管理方案,工廠進排放分析,即時水量、水質監測,量身打造各式效能管理工具。
Energy Management System co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-6-505-0207 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-505-1157 www.ems.com.tw Company Summary Energy Management System Co., Ltd. (EMS) founded in 1991, over 20 years of professional experiences in developing/manufacturing smart digital water meter (Bulk / Domestic Smart Meters), also provide comprehensive water metering & data transmission solution, EMS represented the leading developer and manufacturer in Taiwan. We dedicate ourselves in fields of smart digital water meter, meter reading interface, automatic meter reading system (AMR), DMA, NRW and etc. With dual type approvals, including TAF flow meter testing & calibration laboratory, EMS provides the cutting-edge metering technology for our customers continuously. We sincerely welcomes you to visit us for more information! Product Summary Smart Submetering Solutions: 2018 Taiwan Excellence awarded the smart submetering solutions. With the application of smart water meter, we developed the most cost-effective smart submetering solutions to realize the concept of smart housing management, and has successfully applied the solution to smart building projects in Taipei and Taichung. Smart Metering Solutions in Campus: With analysis of water balance, we also help clients to save through water leakage detection in campus.
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神通智慧城市 OGC 物聯網標準平台 (MiOGC) 公司電話:02-2657-6666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw 公司簡介 神通資訊科技股份有限公司成立於2010年10月,傳承神通電腦豐厚系統整合經驗與核心技術,整合資源、發揮綜 效,成為整合「雲」與「端」的物聯網解決方案供應商,集結政府、交通、製造、教育、醫療、金融、圖書館等各 領域物聯技術與應用,以產品化、國際化為目標,打造物聯網新價值。
產品介紹 (1)神通資料交換平台(MiOGC) 支援國際OGC/MQTT標準,方便大數據智慧分析與深度學習,適用於智慧城市物聯網所有應用;會場展示智慧社 區情境。 (2)神通智慧路燈 支援各種物聯網感測器和通訊標準,為快速有效的edge computing計算平台,適用於智慧監控、智慧交通與智慧 社區;會場並展示物聯網串聯情境。 (3)神通智慧圖書館(IDSmart) 圖書館智慧應用系統包括:圖書館自動化管理系統、自助借還書機、圖書除菌機等;會場並展示物聯網串聯情 境。
MiTAC Smart City OGC Iot Standard Platform(MiOGC) Company Telephone:+886-2-2657-6666 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw Company Summary Since its official establishment in October 2010, MiTAC Information Technology Corp. has inherited rich experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc. That allowed us to transform from a solution supplier focusing on system integration of hardware into a solution supplier on IoT. From this, we gathered IoT technology and application in various fields to integrate resources and produce thorough effects. Product Summary (1) Mitac data exchange platform (MiOGC) Support international OGC / MQTT standards, apply to all applications of smart city. (2) Mitac smart light A fast and effective edge computing platform that supports a wide range of IoT sensors and communication standards. (3) Mitac Intelligent Library System (IDSmart) The total solution includes library automatic management system, self-service station and bookshower.
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潔能系統科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-658-8790 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-658-8790 www.brilliantsys.com 公司簡介 潔能系統科技股份有限公司基於無線資通訊多年經驗,長期專注於無線感測網路 WSN(Wireless Sensor Network), 於2013年即推出完整架構於無線感測網路 ”免手動” 智慧家庭系統 BUTLER™;2017年最新產品將無線連動、預 亮概念,延續到智慧城市相關產品,已大量運用於台北、新北公營停車場以及台積電與中科院院區等大型場域。 其出色的節電效益、安全的大幅提升與免管理的特色已連續獲得「2017 年台灣國際照明科技展」創新產品獎; 「2017 資訊百大創新」創新產品;「2018 智慧城市展」創新應用獎 - 智慧節能領域等獎項。
產品介紹 無線連動感應 T8 LED燈具備專利無線連動、預亮功能,可提供大範圍、提前、全自動的連動開燈功能;解決市面 上傳統感應燈啟動範圍小、點燈速度慢,無法確保安全視野的缺點。在無人車活動時自動降低亮度,大幅節電。是 目前市面上唯一針對室內停車場、走廊與安全梯間等大型公共場域,提供最高節電效益的解決方案,約比現有LED 燈再省電 60~90%,並提高行人與車輛的安全,隨裝即省無須管理,是能夠大幅提升城市智慧化的產品。 本產品出色的節電效益,連續獲得「2017 年台灣國際照明科技展」創新產品獎;「2017 資訊百大創新」創新產 品;「2018 智慧城市展」創新應用獎 - 智慧節能領域等獎項。
BRILLIANT SYSTEMS, INC. Company Telephone:+886-3-658-8790 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-658-8790 www.brilliantsys.com Company Summary Brilliant Systems, Inc., an internet of things (IoT) company based in HsinChu Taiwan. Dedicated to improve people’s life through Green & Smart technology especially focus on wireless sensor network (WSN) solutions. BSI launched the first fully automatic smart home system BUTLER ™ in 2013 base on WSN network. In 2017, BSI launched the first innovated Decentralized IoT System that come together with motion sensor and wireless IoT module in an old style T8 tube : brilliant ™ 4S Linked Activated LED T8 Tube. brilliant ™ 4S LED T8 tube won the INNOVATION AWARD at 2017 Taiwan International Lighting Show. It is the only lighting product that allows people to save electricity without a mobile phone or a complicate system. Product Summary brilliant™ 4S Linked Activated LED T8 tube solution is a patented wireless mesh system to deliver highest power saving efficiency. Equipped with motion sensor and wireless module, anyone of the brilliant™ LED tube once activated will “Wake Up” all the brilliant™ LED tubes immediately in around 30 meters radius. While there is no any activity detected in certain period of time, the system will lower the brightness or turn off all the lights to save the electricity 60~90% more. With same form factor as a traditional T8 tube, it’s incredibly easy to replace or install anywhere around the indoor parking or public space, and provide proactive luminance in the areas where it is needed. It is both an immediate solution for residential indoor parking lots, and large area public underground parking spaces to save electricity bill (plug & save). 81
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天眼衛星科技股份有限公司 公司電話:04-2451-3012 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-2451-3018 www.skyeyes.tw 公司簡介 天眼衛星科技股份有限公司,主要服務對象包含運輸業、物流業、貨運業、快遞業、客運業及政府機關等單位,透 過空間資訊技術、雲端技術、資料探勘、數據分析、行動運算、物聯網,達到智慧運輸、駕駛注意力輔助、車隊管 理、機關便民服務等功能,是國內首見整合車隊管理、雲端技術、數據分析、物聯網等技術,應用於商用車隊及政 府機關之企業。
產品介紹 「天眼智慧運輸管理雲」,乃藉由「人」、「車」、「貨」三面向通盤考量,再針對出勤前、中、後不同階段的需 求進行功能設計,提供全方位的智慧運輸管理服務,可於出勤前:確認駕駛與車輛一切正常、自動媒合派工任務; 出勤中:監控司機及車輛狀況、確保貨品準時送達;出勤後:行車記錄大數據分析、持續改善營運效率。
SkyEyes GPS Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-4-2451-3012 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-2451-3018 www.skyeyes.tw Company Summary The " SkyEyes GPS Technology " is a transportation management consultant company for transportation, logistics, freight forwarding, express delivery, passenger transportation and government agencies. We uses spatial information technology, cloud technology, data mining, data analysis, mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) to provide functions such as intelligent transportation, driving attention assistance, fleet management and government convenience service. It is the first service in the country that integrates fleet management, cloud technology, data analysis and IoT, which applies them to commercial fleets and government agency enterprise. Product Summary The " SkyEyes Smart Transportation Management Cloud " takes into account the overall condition of "human", "vehicle" and "cargo", and provides functional design for the different needs in pre-, mid- and post-phases and provides a full range of smart transportation management services. Before the performance of duty, it confirms that both the driver and the vehicle are in a normal state and automatically assigns the mission. During the performance of duty, it monitors the driver’s and the vehicle’s condition to ensure on-time delivery of goods. After the performance of duty, a big data analysis is performed on the driving record to continuously improve the operational efficiency. 82
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英屬開曼群島商盾心科技股份有限公司台灣分公司 公司電話:02-8751-2501 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-6602-1721 https://umbocv.ai/ 公司簡介 盾心科技(Umbo Computer Vision Inc.)致力於研發守護企業安全的人工智慧影像辨識系統,我們運用人類的知識 教導監視器辨識即時畫面中的人物與行為,並即時告警。透過 AI 智慧警衛的協助大幅提升人類工作效率。 盾心科技獨家研發的人工智慧 Light,擁有近似人類視覺的即時像素辨識能力,能夠快速掌握周遭場景變化,真實 理解畫面中的連續動作與行為,不需額外加裝伺服器或是其他感應 sensor。Light 上線一年至今處理已超過二十億 張保全影像,系統平均訪客量達 1.5 百萬次。
產品介紹 *Umbo Light 人工智慧影像辨識系統,精準預測人類行為,如:人形偵測/高警戒區/翻牆行為/滯留記憶/人數快照與暴力行為 等。 *Umbo SmartCloud 企業等級的點對點影像加密管理系統,去中心化的雲端架構可彈性擴充,不需額外維運主機與伺服器。所有企業影 像資料均集中控管於雲端帳號底下,可分權限級別控管。 *UmboSmartDome UmboSmartDome 專為室內場景設計的 A.I. 攝影機,含影像前端處理與 24 小時攝影機狀態監測燈號。 *Umbo SmartBullet SmartBullet 專為戶外場域打造的 A.I. 攝影機,業界第一款可依照不同需求改變外型的變形攝影機,含影像前端處 理與 24 小時攝影機狀態監測燈號。
Umbo Computer Vision Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-8751-2501 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-6602-1721 https://umbocv.ai/ Company Summary Umbo Computer Vision is an artificial intelligence company developing autonomous video security at enterprise scale. Our mission is to create a system that can understand human behavior, protect critical assets and keep people safe. The company was the recipient of the Best in Video Analytics award from SIA in 2017 and Best in Show from Nvidia GTC 2016 ECS. Learn more at https://umbocv.ai Product Summary Umbo Light Umbo Light is a cloud-based artificial intelligence and computer vision service. It delivers accurate alerts to users when it detects specific human behaviors within your video streams.
Booth No.
仲闐科技股份有限公司 公司電話:04-3706-2688 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-370-62688/04-37062686 www.demeter.com.tw 公司簡介 仲闐科技以先進物聯網科技整合雲端服務、提供農業創新服務型態創造先進雲端農業服務架構,專注於農作物生長 量測及物聯網等整合服務專業技術,提供客戶最優良之Turnkey解決方案,充分發揮智慧農業雲端資訊系統效益。 基於新農業資通訊服務需求,整合各式感測器聯網服務,仲闐科技Easy Farmer產品以自行開發之控制器技術整合4G 應用服務、結合各式工業級感測器實現農業物聯網之應用。系統雲端系統已與興農玉美研平台界接並可提供計畫生 產之目標,同時微氣象站之產品亦已開始大規模架設,為台灣地區豐沛的氣候類型提供更細緻的預測以及服務。
產品介紹 仲闐科技農業環控系統提供新農民可以自選需要之各式感測器建構所需之環控系統,藉由手機APP操作即可完成安 裝及設定環控系統,便利管理各式作物生長環境,輕鬆打造現代化溫室及農場。雲端化大數據服務提供農業專家分 析並回饋建議,提升生產品質,創造農業4.0生產氛圍,為農民帶來創新的智慧生產環境。 產品之四大特色:雲端行動APP控制、工業標準化之設計、整合LoRa無線傳輸技術、農業雲端大數據分析。提供農 業及工業界全新應用架構。
Demeter Technology Inc. Company Telephone:+886-4-3706-2688 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-3706-2688/+886-4-3706-2686 www.demeter.com.tw Company Summary Demeter Technology integrates IoT and cloud services to provide innovative agricultural services to create an advanced cloud-based agricultural service structure, we focusing on crop growth environment management and control with IoT integration technology. Our technology can provide customers best agricultural turnkey solutions with wisdom and efficiency agricultural cloud information system. Product Summary Easy Farmer Agriculture Environmental Control System provides modern farmers use App to control and monitor agricultural environmental to facilitate the management of the farming working. It create modern greenhouses and farms more intelligence and upgrade to cloud for big data analyze and advise agricultural experts to improve production quality.
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國立高雄科技大學 公司電話:07-3814-526#5241 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-383-1371 www.kuas.edu.tw/bin/home.php 公司簡介 國立高雄科技大學(簡稱:高雄科大、高科大、高科),歷史悠久,工商業界校友眾多高達十六萬餘人,現為臺灣 頂尖國立科技大學之一,由位於臺灣高雄市的國立高雄第一科技大學、國立高雄應用科技大學、國立高雄海洋科技 大學三校,於2018年2月1日正式新設合併而成。以「創新創業」、「親產優質」、「海洋科技」三校資源整合為 發展為主要特色,世界大學排名將向前大躍進。
產品介紹 防災保命床就是能有效益地解決緊急避難的問題,產品在實際使用時,設計遇到緊急災難時,將會自動啟動開關, 讓床板移動至內部空間中而使人身受到保護,同時至少具有一防護板樞轉覆蓋在該上開口處,能形成全面性的防護 屏障,避免掉落物體對人身撞擊傷害,在緊急時保住您與家人的生命。
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Company Telephone:+886-7-3814-526#5241 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-383-1371 www.kuas.edu.tw/bin/home.php Company Summary National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (shorter form: NKUST) is located in Kaohsiung city and merged from National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST), National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) and National Kaohsiung Ocean University of Technology (NKMU). The industrial and commercial enterprises from NKUST are more than 160,000 people. NKUST is developing “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, “Industry-University Cooperation” and “Marine Science and Technology” as the main features, to be one of the top National University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The goal is making a big leap forward of World University Ranking. Product Summary This product could solve the problem of emergency shelter effectively. In an emergency disaster the bed could start up automatically, personal is protected during the bed board moving to the interior space. Simultaneously at least one guard plate pivotally covers the upper opening, it forms comprehensive protection. This bed could avoid the dropping objects and save the life in emergency situation.
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凌羣電腦股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2191-6066 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw 公司簡介 Syscom was founded in 1975. Its business is focus on systems integration service, network and cloud computing service and so on. Domain areas include financial holdings, telecommunications, government, healthcare industries. Syscom’s smart city solution contains 1 platform, named “SYSCOM ABC” and 4 applications in public safety, smart utilities, smart transportation and smart healthcare and so on.
產品介紹 凌羣電腦整合既有專業系統如警政、醫療、金融等,創新加值應用,成功研發服務型機器人—雲端機器人Ayuda 智慧平台。Ayuda服務型機器人完全台灣製造(MIT),整合了機器人零組件、移動平台(底座)、人臉辨識、人形偵 測、語音辨識、語音交談、視訊、自行學地圖尋標導航…等功能,為全球市售同等級產品中的佼佼者,功能更優於 Pepper與Asus Zenbo…等同等級產品,同時可應用於智慧警察、智慧醫療、智慧金融及智慧教育等多種不同情境。
SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co. Company Telephone:+886-2-2191-6066 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw Company Summary Syscom was founded in 1975. Its business is focus on systems integration service, network and cloud computing service and so on. Domain areas include financial holdings, telecommunications, government, healthcare industries. Syscom’s smart city solution contains 1 platform, named “SYSCOM ABC” and 4 applications in public safety, smart utilities, smart transportation and smart healthcare and so on. Product Summary SYSCOM’s smart service robot-Ayuda works well in smart police, smart finance, smart healthcare and smart education environment. It provides functions like mobile platform, human face recognition, human detection, voice recognition, voice communication, video conference etc. and is the leading one compared with similar robot solution globally.
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神通資訊科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2657-6666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2657-6666/02-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw 公司簡介 神通資訊科技股份有限公司 (MiTAC Information Technology Corp.) 於2010年10月正式成立,傳承神通電腦豐厚 系統整合經驗與核心技術,將從強調軟硬體系統整合的解決方案供應商,轉型為「雲」與「端」體系化系統整合 (System of System Integration) 的物聯網解決方案供應商,並集結各領域物聯技術與應用,整合資源、發揮綜效,以 產品化、國際化為目標,成為「物聯網 Plus」創新發展的推手,打造物聯網新價值。
產品介紹 神通智慧票證整體解決方案涵蓋發卡、交易清分(CCHS),以及售卡加值等系統,可整合應用於軌道交通自動收費系 統(AFCS)、公車/輕軌運輸電子票證系統(e-Ticketing)、停車場電子收費系統、自行車租用電子收費系統,以及其 他各式e-Payment系統﹔而由發卡清分系統(CCHS)所發行的電子票證可以跨系統使用,各營運業者可快速的獲得清 分中心撥付的營運收入。 除了電子票證功能外,神通交通運輸收費系統還可支援多元支付,為開放式支付收費系統。
MiTAC Information Technology Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-2657-6666 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2657-6666/+886-2-2657-4620 www.mitac.com.tw Company Summary Since its official establishment in 2010, MiTAC Information Technology Corp. has inherited rich experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc. That allowed us to transform from a system integrator into a solution provider on IoT (Internet of Things) for cloud system of system integration. We aim to push innovative development of “IoT Plus” and build new values in the IoT. Product Summary MiTAC provides a complete Smart ticketing System solution. It includes a central Clearing House System (CCHS) and Card Issuance System which issues e-purse cards, collects transactions and performs, transaction settlement. MiTAC’s overall solution also includes automatic Fare Collection system (AFCS) for Rail Transportation, e-Ticketing System for bus or Light-Rail Transportation and other e-ticketing application systems such as parking e-Payment, bike-rental e-Payment, museum e-ticketing and so on. The e-Purse Cards issued by the CCHS and Issuance System can be used across many different subsystems with service fees being quickly distributed to the service provider as those already mentioned after usage transactions are cleared and settled by the CCHS system. In addition to the e-purse card, is in fact an open payment system supporting a variety of payment media.
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博辰科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8227-6186 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8227-6185 www.parktron.com/tw/ 公司簡介 博辰科技優秀的核心團隊擁有十數年停車場自動化的豐富經驗,對於停車場規劃設計、產品研發及安裝測試都有極 為專業的素養。為國內第一家推出停車場全自動收費系統的系統製造整合公司,於國內外多家知名大型停車場針對 不同案場需求提供完整解決方案,成功的將停車自動收費系統與其他系統完成整合,如車牌辨識、車位導引、各式 折扣及飯店房客管理系統等,成效卓著,深得客戶肯定。 博辰科技所擁有的核心技術 – 計費管理系統(Toll Collection System)及票證管理系統 (Ticketing Management System) 將提供未來強大的競爭利基。
產品介紹 主要產品如下: - 中央管理軟體 (可自世界各地透過網路系統來管理您的停車場設備!) - 磁帶式電腦收費管理系統 - 晶片卡電腦收費管理系統 (可回收重覆使用10,000次) - 車牌自動辨識系統、圖像比對系統 - 全自動售票系統 (遊樂區、公車、捷運、火車等)
Parktron Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-8227-6186 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8227-6185 www.parktron.com/en/ Company Summary Parktron is a Taiwan based company and manufacturer providing automated parking product systems and solutions to help you manage your parking facility easily and efficiently. We work closely with our local distributors in different countries and regions to serve our customers. We are also experienced with parking projects require integration to other systems such as CCTV, DVR, LPRS or shopping discount, hotel management system …etc. Any questions about your parking facility – Find Parktron for an answer! Product Summary Parktron provides a wide range of automated parking product systems to meet the needs of almost any scale of parking facility on the market. We currently provide three (3) parking ticket solutions as a standard product system: Mifare IC card, barcode and Chipcoin. In addition to these standard products, Parktron is also a versatile manufacturer and a specialist of integrated parking solutions to tailor-make your parking system along with PGS, LPR, CCTV, and DVR systems. We can even incorporate shopping discount or hotel management systems – giving you a total solution to your parking system needs.
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艾陽科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2218-0545 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2218-0104 www.ioNetworks.co 公司簡介 艾陽科技於2014年12月成立,為專業影像軟體、AI影像辨識方案及伺服器研發的新創公司,短短兩年內產品已滲 透國內外各大代理、SI供應鏈,快速開創亞太、東南亞及中東通路,獲得泰國航空、日本Tier one 車廠、台灣國家 銀行、花旗銀行、台灣高速公路局、醫院等終端客戶採用。 2016年始發展雲端影像服務方案建置,支援各國電信商建置影像服務、分析及各類方案整合,提供終端客戶更具 彈性/功能/客製/設計感/易使用之租賃方案,同年,成為INTEL官方IOT合作夥伴,共同推廣影像雲端服務,更得到 台灣金炬獎-十大潛力新創企業的殊榮。
產品介紹 2017年初,於美國研發團隊開發卷積式類神經網路 (CNN )專屬影像辨識Framework,2017年12月AI based 人臉辨 識方案問世,並於短短一季之內,榮獲台灣Tier one代工大廠採用,也順利導入南非最大集團MTN電信的銀行VIP系 統案,更得到台灣2018年智慧城市-系統整合輸出獎的殊榮,將於2018年三月於智慧城市展專屬攤位展出各項AI影 像辨識應用方案。 艾陽科技期望以雲端影像服務、中央控制平台、影像管理方案、AI智慧影像辨識系統及工業影像伺服器等產品成為 世界領導的影像方案品牌。
ioNetworks INC. Company Telephone:+886-2-2218-0545 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2218-0104 www.ioNetworks.co Company Summary ioNetworks INC. funded in Dec. 2014 is a professional developer of video management software, AI based video analytics and recording servers focusing on high end projects, large scale bids and cloud video services with local telecoms over APAC and EMEA. With-in two years, ioNetworks’ solutions have been conducted in TOP 3 Taiwan and oversea system integrators, distributors deployed in Thai Airline, tier one automobile factory, telecoms, national banks, intelligent factory, government units and public transportation system in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Dubai, Oman and Kuwait. In 2016, ioNetworks started to develop CCTV on cloud services with local telecoms in several countries providing rental services of video、video analytics、POS and access control. In the same year ioNetworks officially became INTEL IOT partners and was also awarded with Top10 potential start-up company by the vice president of Taiwan. Product Summary In the beginning of 2017, ioNetworks U.S. software team designed our own framework of convolutional neural network for face recognition purpose. In Dec. 2017, face recognition solution containing the services of door control by face, VIP and black system was launched and successfully conducted by Taiwan tier one OEM company, Thai Airline and national bank projects of the top one Africa group – MTN. Again, ioNetworks is awarded smart city – system integration prize 2018 by the president of Taiwan. ioNetworks expects to become world-class, leading brand of video solutions within 5 years providing people more video services and secure life via “AI based video analytics” as well as face recognition, fire and smoke detection, fall detection for health care, “Cloud based video surveillance”, “Video management solutions”, “Recording servers”, and “Remote central management applications”. 91
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帆宣系統科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2655-8899 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2655-8989 www.micb2b.com 公司簡介 帆宣系統科技股份有限公司於1988年由高新明董事長及林育業總經理共同創立。成立以來,一向專注於半導體、 平面顯示器設備及耗材代理,廠務系統TURNKEY服務等業務;近年來帆宣公司更進一步跨入LED光電製程設備製造 與技術開發,並佈局太陽能、雷射應用及鋰電池等產業,持續創新朝多角化方向發展。
產品介紹 代理銷售:代理銷售國內外科技設備、材料、零組件 系統應用:自動化產品、電腦整合製造、廠務監控系統、商業智慧系統、企業資源規劃管理 廠商工程:高科技產業及一般產業「整廠統包」服務 設備製造:OEM、ODM客製化設備製造
Marketech International Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-2655-8899 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2655-8989 www.micb2b.com Company Summary Founded by Ms. Margaret Kao and Scott Lin in 1988, Marketech International Corp. MIC is committed to be the professional technology service provider dedicated to marketing and technology integration support services. MIC is diversified in 4 complementary areas: Sales Representation - Dedicated to marketing and integration support for process equipment and materials in the IC, FPD, LED and optoelectronics industries. Product Summary Representative Business:Representative of equipment、Material ,and Components for High tech Industry System Solutions:Bizshaker Family、CIM、FMCS、BI、ERP Engineering Services:Total facility engineering turn-key project Equipment Manufacturing:OEM、ODM、Customized equipment manufacture
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臺北市政府 公司電話:02-2720-8889( 代表號 ) 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:臺北市民當家熱線 1999 www.gov.taipei 公司簡介 臺北市建設智慧城市,以「開放政府」、「全民參與」、「公私協力」為核心願景精神,利用資通訊科技協助市政 建設規劃,更引進民間資源與創新DNA,並結合市民參與機制,創造政府、產學研及民眾共同參與的多贏局面,攜 手打造臺北市為宜居永續的智慧城市。 臺臺北市智慧城市的思維包含「Government as a platform」與「City as a living lab」。得力於各局處的開放態度, 使各項智慧城市建設已逐步實現,並逐步推向國際。因此今年臺北市政府以「智慧臺北 國際接軌」為主題打造 「臺北市政府願景館」,館內共分「智慧交通」、「智慧公宅」、「智慧醫療」、「智慧新創」、「智慧教育」、 「智慧生態社區」、「智慧安防」七大展區,透過各區展示的政策願景及服務,展現臺北開放、富智慧的城市樣 貌。
產品介紹 智慧政府: 此次「以智慧支付完善路邊及路外停車智慧化」獲獎,係以本市自營67處公有停車場為對象,逐批於106至108 年,透過電子標籤及車牌辨識系統,達到免取票卡或靠卡進出停車場,並結合臺北市政府智慧支付平台pay.taipei付 費,提昇民眾使用之便利性,打造友善行動支付的環境。 智慧交通: 臺北市於106年8月份完成信義路公車專用道自駕小巴夜間測試,為擴大實證範圍,將士林北投科技園區規劃為自 駕車實證場域,結合國內外自駕車相關研究團隊及產業進行測試,藉以打造車聯網世界平台,開啟台灣自駕車產業 自主生產契機。 智慧安全:利用LoRa物聯網技術打造翡翠水庫庫區智慧管理系統,建立庫區廣域專屬網路、無 線備援、壩區廊道光纖延伸佈設及智慧安全監控,降低通訊死角、提升水庫庫區通訊網絡安全 及庫區安全管制。
Taipei City Government Company Telephone:+886-2-2720-8889 Customer Service/Fax Number:1999 www.gov.taipei Company Summary Taipei City Government focuses on the principles of “open government,” “public participation,” and “public-private partnership” in its efforts to transform Taipei into a smart city. It utilizes information and communication technologies in the process of city planning and introduces the DNA of innovation and resources from the private sector. Through the integration of a mechanism for citizen participation, it seeks to create a win-win-win scenario for the government, industry, academia, and the public, joining hands with all the parties to make Taipei City into a sustainable smart city. The core of Taipei’s smart city policies comprises the following: “Government as a platform” and “City as a living lab.” Thanks to the open attitude of the respective city agencies, the implementation of smart city policies is making sure progress and moving steadily towards debuting on the global stage. As a result, Taipei City Government has chosen the theme of “Smart Taipei: Connecting with the World” for the “Taipei City Government Pavilion.” The following topics will be highlighted at the 7 zones inside the pavilion: “Smart Transportation,” “Smart Public Housing,” “Smart Medical Care,” “Smart Innovation,” “Smart Education,” “Smart Eco Community,” and “Smart Safety and Crime Prevention.” Through the exhibition at the respective zone, the city government seeks to promote its policies and visions, demonstrating to visitors the open and intelligent aspects of the urban landscape in Taipei City. Product Summary Smart Government Smart Transportation Smart Safety and Security 94
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臺中市政府 公司電話:04-2228-9111 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:1999/04-2220-3585 www.taichung.gov.tw 公司簡介 臺中市擁有宜人的氣候,便捷的地理區位,市長林佳龍以「大臺中123(1條山手線、2大國際港、3個副都心)」 為主軸擘劃大臺中整體發展,從交通、產業、居住等面向多管齊下,促使臺中成為「生活首都」,2016年美國有 線電視新聞網CNN就專文報導臺中是「台灣最宜居城市」, 2017年7月更躍升為臺灣第二大城市。2018年11月到 2019年4月臺中也將舉辦世界花卉博覽會,誠摰邀請大家前來體驗臺中的美。
產品介紹 臺中市政府致力運用資訊通訊科技於城市發展及治理,包括智慧防災、智慧製造、智慧治理、智慧照護等,並積極 籌劃水湳智慧城,以「智慧、低碳、創新」為定位,建構智慧營運中心、中央公園、中台灣電影中心、國際會展中 心、轉運中心、臺中綠美圖、水資源回收中心等建設,規劃路燈共桿、輕軌運具、自駕車試點等應用,成為智慧生 活示範區,進而將推動經驗輸出國際。
Taichung City Government Company Telephone:+886-4-2228-9111 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-1999/+886-4-2220-3585 www.taichung.gov.tw Company Summary As of the end of July 2017, Taichung had 2,778,182 inhabitants, turning itinto Taiwan's second largest city. This in turn indicates satisfaction with thehardware installations and services provided by the city. Hardware installations mainly consist of modern infrastructure projects including the Greater Taichung 123 transportation network, beautification of the Luchuan and Liuchuan canal areas, and the planned lowcarbon footprint Shuinan Smart City, etc. In the field of services, social welfare,employment and quality of life improvement policies are promoted. Prominent examples include Project Hope which aims to create opportunities for the city’s youth, daycare for children, community-based care for the elderly and free bus fare within a radius of 10 kilometers, to create an enjoyable living environment. Furthermore, Taichung will be hosting Taichung World Flora Exposition from November 2018 to April 2019.Everyone is welcome to visit and experience the beauty of Taichung. Product Summary Taichung City is dedicated to improve its information communication technology to integrate its management and development, including smart disaster prevention, smart manufacturing, smart governance, and smart healthcare systems. Shuinan Smart City is being developed with core aims of “Intelligence, Low carbon, and Innovation”. There will be a Intelligent Operation Center, Central Park , Central Taiwan Cinema Center, International Convention & Exhibition Center, Transit Center, Taichung Green Museumbrary, and Water Resources Recycling Center. Also, Shared lampposts, light rail transit, and auto-driving vehicle trials are planned to be built to make Shuinan Smart City a model area of smart living and promote our experiences to the world. 95
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臺南市政府衛生局 ( 登革熱防治中心 _ 資訊組 ) 公司電話:06-703-0399 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:06-290-4451 http://dengue.tainan.gov.tw/PublicView/index 公司簡介 台南市於2015年面臨嚴峻考驗,當年登革熱確診個案數達22,778例(本土22761例,境外17例),並造成112人死 亡,本府於2016年4月成立「登革熱防治中心」專責單位,組織編制分為五組(蚊媒組、疫情組、化學組、資訊 組、行政組),工作內容含年度規劃、病媒蚊密度調查、誘卵桶放置、細紗網鋪設、防治方法測試,疫情分析、病 媒資料分析、個案追蹤、網站管理、藥效試驗調配、規劃及安排噴藥、噴槍調度及保養維護、列管追蹤會辦事項、 物資採購及準備、行政裁罰。2016年本土10例,境外28例,2017年本土0病例,境外18例,病例呈現下降趨勢, 防治成效已顯。
產品介紹 一、 統計病媒蚊、噴藥、誘卵桶、列管點等數值,以視覺化熱點分布狀況提供各區參考。 二、 透過個案活動範圍做病毒血症期擴散區域,分析出熱點區域,預先預防。 三、 列管點上傳照片、列管類別與不同顏色劃分嚴重性,透過GIS系統供各局、里孳清重點。 四、 統計分析各因素間的相關性。 五、 智慧捕蚊燈透過網路上傳雲端,了解蚊子分布狀況。 六、 GIS資訊系統結合大數據分析、物聯網概念以及產官學合作,作為登革熱防治的重要利器。
Tainan City Government Company Telephone:+886-6-703-0399 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-6-290-4451 http://dengue.tainan.gov.tw/PublicView/index Company Summary 2015 was a critical year for Tainan City. In that year, the cumulative number of confirmed dengue cases reported in Tainan City reached 22,778, of which 22,761 were indigenous and 17 were imported, including 112 deaths. In response to the outbreak, Tainan City Government set up the dedicated Center for Dengue Prevention and Control in April 2016. The Center is composed of five divisions including Vector Division, Surveillance Division, Chemical Control Division, IT Division and Administration Division. The functions of the Center include developing annual plans, measuring vector mosquito densities, deploying ovitraps, installing fine mesh screens, testing prevention and control measures, monitoring outbreaks, analyzing vector data, tracing reported cases, maintaining the website, formulating and testing pesticides, planning and arranging pesticide spraying, scheduling and maintaining sprayer lances, handling and following up on inter-agency matters, procuring and preparing materials and imposing administrative penalties. Since its creation, the Center has been successful in preventing and controlling dengue and Tainan City has seen a decrease in the numbers of dengue cases reported: in 2016, 10 indigenous and 28 imported; and in 2017, 0 indigenous and 18 imported.
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高雄市政府 公司電話:07-336-8333/07-799-5678 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:07-335-8080/1999 www.kcg.gov.tw 公司簡介 擁有山、河、海、港多種生態環境的高雄,以「大船入港-智慧領航員」為意象,展現市政府對於智慧化發展的企 圖心。 近年來,市府運用最新ICT工具,透過資訊整合及資料開放,改善城市運作及民生相關問題,結合政府、民間及產 業整體力量,成功打造智慧化示範場域,未來將複製到全市,讓城市的管理更科學、有效率,產業更具競爭力,環 境發展長久永續,讓市民真實體驗智慧生活服務,打造高雄成為以市民為核心,以智慧為半徑,以永續為圓周的宜 居城市。
產品介紹 高雄今年獲獎作品兩項: 民政局首創之「行政戶政所及線上e指通系統」,跳脫傳統,化被動為主動,將戶政服務外送到府及網路申辦 APP,民眾可就地輕鬆申辦,且享受到場即取件,打造便民、親民、有效率、高品質的戶政及里政服務。 農業局主導之「大學生農務打工APP」,提供媒合即時供需平台,解決長期困擾農村的缺工問題,活化人力資源, 讓學生從接觸進而提高認同與投入農事行列,同時行銷高雄優質農產揚名海外。
Kaohsiung City Government Company Telephone:+886-7-336-8333/+886-7-799-5678 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-7-335-8080/+886-1999 www.kcg.gov.tw Company Summary As a city endowed with diverse ecological environments such as mountains, rivers, ocean and harbor, Kaohsiung employs the imagery of “Smart maritime pilot: the ships enter the harbor” to demonstrate the city government’s ambition for smart development. In recent years, the city government has been utilizing the latest Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve city operation and livelihood issues via information integration and open data access. The aim is to combine resources from the government, the private sector and the industries, to successfully construct a demo smart sphere, which is to be fabricated for the entire city in future so as to achieve a more scientific, more efficient city management with more competitiveness for the industries and sustainability for the environmental development. Meanwhile, the citizens will physically experience smart-life services, as we build Kaohsiung into a sustainable livable city, with citizens at the core and smart management as the instrument. Product Summary Kaohsiung’s two award-winning items in 2018: The “Administrative Household Registration Office and Online e-Link System” pioneered by the Civil Affairs Bureau transcends from the tradition, going from passive to proactive, allowing for household administration service application to be processed anywhere via an online APP. This user-friendly, highquality, efficient household administration and neighborhood administration service means the general public can easily apply for the APP, process any household/neighborhood administration service at home and enjoy prompt on-site pick-ups. 97
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桃園市政府 公司電話:03-3322-101 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-3322-101 www.tycg.gov.tw 公司簡介 桃園市是國門之都,位居北台灣交通樞紐,工業產值全國第一,人口數218萬,是六都平均年齡最低且人口成長最 快的城市,2017年獲國際智慧城市論壇ICF評比為全球七大智慧城市。為加速智慧城市建設,桃園市政府積極搭建 產官學研平台,彼此互相學習、增進對話與技術交流,持續推動資通訊科技應用在政府治理、交通運輸、安全防 災、生活教育、文化觀光、醫療照護、永續環境、產業發展等八大領域,達成都市發展、市民樂活與產業創新的三 贏局面,打造宜居樂活的智慧城市。
產品介紹 本次會場展示桃園市推動智慧城市的成功案例,包括水務局的下水道雲端智慧管理系統與水情資訊系統,運用GIS 地理資訊、IoT物聯網等最新科技,讓深埋地底的下水道建設有效管理,此外也提供桃園天氣及水情訊息,提醒民 眾周邊淹水,導引最近避難處所,還可智慧通報淹水。另外也展示環保局的空氣品質感測設備與無人機載具感測 器;工務局的智慧路燈應用展示;研究發展考核委員會(資訊中心)的3D體感沉浸式體驗應用。
Taoyuan City Government Company Telephone:+886-3-3322-101 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-3322-101 www.tycg.gov.tw Company Summary Taoyuan city is the main gate of the nation and ranks among the transport hubs in northern Taiwan. The industrial output ranks first in the country with a population of 2.18 million. It is a city with the lowest average age and the fastest population growth in all six municipal cities. Taoyuan has been rewarded as the global Top7 intelligent city by ICF in 2017. In order to speed up the construction of a smart city, Taoyuan city government actively build the platform among industrial, governmental, academic and research sectors to communicate with each other. We’ll continue to promote the application of ICT in the major eight fields, including governance, transportation, public security, life & education, cultural tourism, medical care, sustainable environment, industrial development. We wish to achieve a win-win situation of urban development, public livability and industrial innovation along with the creation of Taoyuan smart city. Product Summary This exhibition provides several successful solution cases of Taoyuan smart city projects. Department of water resources established the cloud management system of city sewerage and water regime system by using IoT and GIS technology, unique the sewerage attributes format, import the existing drawings of sewer system to enhancing the efficiency of administration. Furthermore, the water regime APP provides information of weather and water conditions in Taoyuan to remind the public of flooding, also guide to approach the nearest shelter. Besides, department of environmental protection presents air quality sensing equipment and UAV vehicle sensors; department of public works displays smart street lighting applications; research and evaluation commission (information management center) presents 3D immersive experience applications. 98
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宜蘭縣政府 公司電話:03-925-1000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-925-1000 #3355/03-925-2973 www.e-land.gov.tw 公司簡介 由於山脈的阻隔,宜蘭在地形上自成一格,不僅具備高山、平原與海洋的豐富地貌與地理特色,從而也影響了人 口、產業型態與交通建設的空間分布。 本縣位於台灣地區東北隅,為三面環山,一面臨海之畚箕地形,東臨太平洋,西倚雪山及中央山脈,蘭陽平原介於 山海之間。中有蘭陽溪穿越入海,形成三角形之蘭陽沖積平原,占全縣面積約四分之一。河川多而流短水急,山岳 及丘陵地占全縣面積約四分三,最高峰位於宜蘭、花蓮、台中三縣交界處之南湖北山,標高3,535公尺。 本縣分為一市(宜蘭市)、三鎮(羅東、頭城、蘇澳)、八鄉(礁溪、壯圍、員山、五結、三星、冬山、大同、南 澳),其中大同與南澳兩鄉屬原住民鄉。 現有6所大專院校、6所高中、5所高職、25所國中、77所國小,其中慈心、人文2所係公辦民營國民中小學。全縣 境內有國道1線、省道8線,另外有縣道4線,鄉道68線。對外鐵路運輸,有宜蘭線可通基隆、台北,北迴線可至花 蓮、台東。若以宜蘭市為中心,搭乘國道客運到台北,或自強號火車至花蓮市,所需車程均為60分鐘,對外聯繫 十分便捷。現有國際港埠蘇澳港,2012年營運量為248萬噸。 長期以來,對理想生活的追求與堅持,已形成宜蘭特有的社會共識與價值,同時也落實到政府施政的各個面向內; 宜蘭縣政府的核心任務,就是讓宜蘭人的理想能化為行動,逐步實踐宜蘭人共同的幸福生活願景。宜蘭是一個有光 榮感的城市。就像有人講:宜蘭人,「走路有風」;而這種光榮感的源頭,大多數的人都同意這是來自全體縣民長 期的經營,以及對「宜蘭價值」的堅持。
Yilan County Government Company Telephone:+886-3-925-1000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-925-1000 #3355/+886-3-925-2973 www.e-land.gov.tw Company Summary Yilan City is located at the heart of the Lanyang Plain. In 1802, Han settlers entered and cleared Yilan, and called the area Wuwei. In 1812, Kavalan Hall, the administrative unit for the area was formally established and the construction of a city was started. Walls were put up around the city and Jiuqiong (koehne) trees were planted along the walls. Later on "Hall" was replaced by "County" and the place name "Yilan" was formally given. In 1950, Yilan was formerly established as a county with Yilan City acting as government headquarters for all county matters. Today, highly populated Yilan City is the political, cultural, and educational center of Yilan County, and the most important city in the Xibei (the area north to the Lanyang River) area. Along the street of the old downtown area of Yilan City, you can see plenty of buildings from the Qing and/or Japanese colonial eras, including Zhaoying Temple, and the Bank of Taiwan, etc., all of which are rare and well-preserved Taiwanese historical sites. In addition, in the old downtown area of Yilan City, some special industries, from the Qing and/or Japanese eras can be found. In the past, most people living on Wuying Street (generally called the Blacksmith Street by the locals) made their living engaged in traditional handicrafts such as the blacksmith business. Following the passing of time, the population engaged in traditional handicrafts decreased. However, stores making traditional agricultural tools can still be found on this street. Moreover, as in recent years it has become trendy for people to remember the good old days, traditional local delicacies such as Ox tongue-shaped Cookies and Yashang (dried and smoked duck) have regained their popularity and revitalized the local food industry. 99
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新北市政府 公司電話:02-2960-3456 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:1999( 新北市境內 24 小時服務 ) www.ntpc.gov.tw 公司簡介 新北市是一座擁有豐富表情的城市,從都市到鄉村,地理及人口上的多樣性為這座城市帶來了多元的需求。面對市 民在新北市各項生活上的挑戰,市府團隊透過開放資料、地理資訊、行動應用、虛擬實境、物聯網及大數據等技 術,整合融入在教育文化、福利服務、綠色生活、維安防衛及產業發展等面向,提供更友善、便利的宜居智慧城。
產品介紹 新北市致力於發展智慧城市,今年的展覽將融合科技維安、智慧學習、整合型QR Code電子支付及即時農場銷售等 執行成果,帶領您體驗科技帶來的安全與便利,呈現新北市如何應用最新的技術,結合民眾居住安全、教育、行動 支付及智慧農業等生活需求,將創新應用與關懷延伸到城市中每一個角落。竭誠歡迎您蒞臨新北展覽館,體驗新北 智慧城!
New Taipei City Governmen Company Telephone:+886-2-2960-3456 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-1999 www.ntpc.gov.tw Company Summary New Taipei City is a lively city with different facets. From countryside to downtown, its diversity in geography and population has created multiple needs within a limited area. Facing the needs and challenges of citizens’ daily life, the city government tries to apply and integrate innovative technologies, such as open data, geographic information services, mobile applications, virtual reality, and IoT technology into culture and education system, welfare services, green-living ideas, IT security system, and industrial development to create a more convenient and user-friendly “smart city” for the citizens. Product Summary New Taipei City has dedicated to develop Smart City strategies. With the aim to present the efforts the city government has made in the making of Smart City, this year’s exhibition will focus on IT security, e-learning system, integrated QR Code payments, and City Farm online shopping platform in order to invite visitors to experience sense of convenience and security brought by technology. Visitors can see how New Taipei City has employed the newest technology to satisfy citizens’ needs for safe living, education, mobile payment, and intelligent agriculture, etc., and use innovative applications to extend caring to every corner of the city. We sincerely invite you to visit our booth at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center. Come and enjoy with us! 100
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花蓮縣政府 公司電話:03-822-7171 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-823-9810/03-823-4243 www.hl.gov.tw/bin/home.php 公司簡介 花蓮擁有豐富的自然景觀、獨特的地形風貌及多元的人文氣息,是台灣觀光發展的一塊瑰寶。在既有的基礎上,未 來將持續增加、豐富花蓮的觀光內涵,為在地創造更多的商機。提昇花蓮的基礎建設、突破花蓮多年來的發展限 制,以大格局眼光擘劃縣政美好未來。對外極力發展國際觀光外,對內我們推動「教育」不遺餘力。「十年樹木, 百年樹人」,教育對花蓮未來發展至為關鍵,我們必須投注更多的資源。落實社會福利政策也是本縣的施政重點之 一,為深化社福照顧、造福弱勢族群。縣府將帶領民眾一起努力,共同開創、見證「國際都會、觀光花蓮」新紀 元。
產品介紹 本道路交通事故資訊處理系統的目標是提升車禍現場蒐證的精確性與完整性、縮短處理時間、保障相關人員的安 全,降低社會成本、提升事故處理的服務品質!我們與臺灣科技大學合作,調研目前道路交通事故處理作業程序, 研擬出使用空拍機蒐證之工作模式SOP;發展符合實際工作模式之控制空拍機飛行、繪製現場圖的行動裝置軟體與 客戶端繪製現場圖軟體系統;同時,建構交通事故現場圖資料儲存軟硬體整合之服務站系統,以完善整體系統運 作。
Hualien County Government Company Telephone:+886-3-822-7171 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-823-9810/+886-3-823-4243 www.hl.gov.tw/bin/home.php Company Summary Hualien County is gifted with its distinctive geographical locations, beautiful landscapes and rich humanistic atmospheres that mark its own uniqueness. The future plan will continue to focus on three sustainable concepts of environment, society, and economy, and develop five core industries including tourism. All these plans aim to cultivate Hualien, so that government policies may carry out into future. In recent years, the Executive Yuan has launched on “Eastern Taiwan Sustainable Development Plan,” with its goals similar to those of our current plan-in-process, “Glamorous 2010—Creating Hualien’s Sustainable Development Plan.” Eastern Taiwan Sustainable Development Plan has been ratified and processed since March, 2007, and our county government has joined in proposing plans to carry out the project. In the era of globalization, we face challenges not only from domestic but also abroad. Hualien County, with its own strengths and distinctive characteristics, comprises of rich tourism resources, diligent citizens, and multi-cultural values. Along with rich cultures and natural resources, visionary county development planning, and efforts of all county citizens, we firmly believe that we will gradually shape the lands to create another climax of transformations. Product Summary Our system’s goal is to enhance entirely the precision and viability of data which are retrieved in traffic accident investigation as well as to shortening the investigation time, assuring the safety of investigators, cutting down the cost, and to improve the overall service quality of traffic accident investigations. 101
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行政院環境保護署環境監測及資訊處 公司電話:02-2311-7722 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2311-7722/02-2375-4012 www.epa.gov.tw 公司簡介 行政院環境保護署環境監測及資訊處致力於環境監測規劃管理與品質保證、空氣品質監測規劃與測站管理、環境資 訊規劃設計及環境資訊操作維護以利達成行政院環境保護署「藍天綠地、青山淨水‧全民環保、健康永續」之願 景。 空氣品質自動監測自71年開始迄今已超過30年,目前於全國各地設置77個國家級監測站,建置長期資料庫,除不 斷提昇監測站功能外,陸續納入各項指標污染物,包括細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、懸浮微粒(PM10)及臭氧(O3)污染物之 成分及前驅物監測,更布建微型感測器,提升空氣品質監測密度,應用物聯網技術強化空品數據分析應用。
產品介紹 『環境品質感測物聯網發展建置及執法應用』之創新應用,乃藉由布署微型感測器進行街道尺度(空間)及分鐘尺 度(時間)之空品監控,利用人工智慧(AI)技術分析感測數據獲得污染潛勢熱區,結合空污數據、地理資訊、時間 資訊、風向數據、風速數據等,進行視覺化數據還原,用視覺回推當時空污飄散狀況,再結合時間軸調整功能,可 動態切換檢視特定時間區段,模擬當時污染熱區和排放潛勢,強化污染溯源能力,提供相關業務單位稽查決策應 用。
Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan Company Telephone:+886-2-2311-7722 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2311-7722/+886-2-2375-4012 www.epa.gov.tw Company Summary The Environmental Monitoring and Information Management Department (EMIM) of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, devotes itself to environmental monitoring work and quality assurance, air quality monitoring station planning and management, environmental information planning and design, and environmental information operation and maintenance to facilitate the realization of EPA’s vision of "Blue skies and green earth. Verdant mountains and pristine water. Environmentally conscious citizenry. Sustainable homeland.” Product Summary The innovation of "Development and Application of the Environment IoT Sensor Network, an Application of Smart Law Enforcement" is accomplished first through building the IoT sensor networks, which deploys smart sensors to monitor the air quality in streets minute-by-minute. Next, by integrating the environment IoT sensor network with artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the environmental administration field to establish a relevant hot zone analyzing system, the visualization system further combines hot zones analyzed by AI with various kinds of data including air pollution data, geographic data, time, wind direction, wind velocity, etc. for better comprehension.
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亞洲 ‧ 矽谷計畫執行中心 公司電話:02-2515-6729 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2515-6725 www.asvda.org.tw 公司簡介 「亞洲•矽谷推動方案」的兩大主軸在於推動物聯網產業創新研發及健全創新創業生態系,輔以連結國際、連結未 來及連結在地的三大連結,並透過四大推動策略來推動,希望能讓臺灣連結矽谷等全球科技核心聚落,並成為亞太 青年創新與創業發展基地,以搶進下一世代的未來產業。 此一計畫將促成100家新創事業成功或企業在台灣設立研發中心;培育成立3家台灣國際級系統整合公司;促成2家 國際級廠商在台灣投資;並將建立1個物聯網產業虛擬教學平台。
產品介紹 亞洲.矽谷計劃執行中心特邀基隆市、新竹縣市、台中市、雲林縣、嘉義縣市、台東縣等八個縣市組成亞洲.矽谷 台灣館。本次展場空間設計規劃,是以台灣傳統建築三合院作為規劃核心,且導入建築材料紅磚為牆,同時注入台 灣特有的客家花布元素,點亮台灣精神。
Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA) Company Telephone:+886-2-2515-6729 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2515-6725 www.asvda.org.tw Company Summary Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA) is a governmental agency dedicated to connecting IoT industries and start up innovation clusters to the world. Established by National Development Council, ASVDA serves as a bridge connecting Taiwan to Silicon Valley and other important innovation clusters to bring together the innovation dynamics across the island. The ASVDA was inaugurated and officially operated in the end of December 2016 in Taoyuan City while the Taipei office was opened on the same day. In January 2017, the ASVDA Silicon Valley Office was set to connect Taiwan to Silicon Valley, the hub of innovation startups and entrepreneurs. ASVDA demonstrates an initiative designed to promote IoT innovation and R&D as well as to create a startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Taiwan. The goal is to connect Taiwan to Silicon Valley and other global tech clusters, turning the island into an innovative startup destination for young people and creating new industries for the next generation. Product Summary The Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA) has extended invitations to eight cities, including Keelung, Hsinchu, Taichung, Yunlin, Chiayi, and Taitung to form the ASVDA Center, Taiwan. For this exhibition, the planning and design of the space is based on Traditional Taiwanese sanheyuan architecture. The walls are made of red bricks and the structure is infused with distinctly Hakka elements, giving it a bright Taiwanese energy. As for the space itself, the sanheyuan residential concept is applied via three innovation teams from each the eight cities. Distributed in eight small display areas, the concept is similar to the mutual aid of the communal living model in early Taiwanese society. At the center of the exhibition is the ASVDA logo in the form of a piece of furniture, symbolizing how ASVDA has become an important platform for the integration of Taiwan's smart cities and rural areas. The ground will be based on the concept of the the cloud, illustrating a warm welcome to the new era brought by IoT. 103
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研廣無線物聯股份有限公司 公司電話:03-575-0806 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-575-0806 www.advanwise.com 公司簡介 研廣無線物聯股份有限公司創立於2016年11月. 公司的營運模式以ODM業務為主. 產品發展方向則專注於運用“最 適”無線網路技術, 針對目標垂直市場, 提供工業物聯網相關的 Solution。 本公司是由一群具有豐富經驗的網通與工業應用工程師組成. 對於無線技術與客戶的應用均有深刻的瞭解, 能快速 提出合適的對應方案並針對需求客製。
產品介紹 LoRa 產品線: 產品包含LoRa Based Sensors 與Gateway. 除支援 LoRaWAN 外, 並專注於LoRa Private Network的應用 開發. ● 工業無線 Gateway: 除一般2.4G/5Ghz WLAN及 LTE連線外, 並支援RS-422/485, Modbus等工業無線應用. ● 長距離Wifi 產品線: 提供802.11af 模組與AP, 提供長距離高頻寬Solutions. ●
AdvanWISE Corporation Company Telephone:+886-3-575-0806 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-575-0806 www.advanwise.com Company Summary AdvanWISE provides wireless solutions to enable Internet of Things over lowpower, long-range wireless network and across many industries: smart cities, agriculture, automotive, healthcare, retail & utilities. We offer wireless LoRa/Super Wi-Fi modules, Gateway, and Software Kit for fully integrated solution that enables system integrators to deliver their application with minimum time to market. Product Summary •LoRa Module and Gateway for industrial IoT applications focusing on private LoRa network deployment •LoRa integrated sensor devices: GPS tracker, PM2.5/Air quality sensor, LoRa controller to integrate with industrial sensors •Industrial Wireless Gateway: supporting 2.4G / 5Ghz WLAN, 3G/LTE connection, RS-422/485, Modbus and other industrial wireless applications. •Long-range Wi-Fi product line: High-power Wi-Fi and 802.11af long-distance applications.
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原人股份有限公司 公司電話:04-2201-0255/04-2201-0256 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-2201-0529 https://luci.group 公司簡介 LUCI專注於擴增實境及物聯網之間的整合,將散布於空間中的數據視覺化,使其走入現實,並依據每個企業獨特 的產品、服務及產業生態提供最適合的創新解決方案,主動協助每位使用者完成各項任務,提升整體工作效率及安 全性,成為人類持續邁向未來動力,讓一切都充滿樂趣。
產品介紹 MOTAR:MOTAR提供了企業一個絕佳的商品展銷方式,圖紙?螢幕?何不在空間內直接讓商品更好的發揮自己, 藉由AR擴增實境技術,與您的顧客做最直接的互動及解說,快速地拉近距離,而無論是外觀色彩、零組件資訊、 動態效果,或是模組、套件的更換都能同時獲得滿足,使每一次的展示都令人充滿期待,打造絕佳的品牌體驗。
LUCI Group Company Telephone:+886-4-2201-0255/+886-4-2201-0256 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-2201-0529 https://luci.group Company Summary LUCI focuses on the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT), visualizes the scattered-in-space data, and enables it to be actualized in reality. Based on each enterprise’s unique products, services and industry ecology, LUCI provides the best fitting innovative solutions, actively assists each user to complete all tasks, and enhances overall work efficiency and safety to become the driving force for humans to continuously move forward and to create a fun-filled journey out of it. Product Summary MOTAR provides companies with an ideal approach for product display & sales. Printed images? Screen? Why not let the product speak for itself in 3D space? With AR technology, your product can have the most direct explanatory interaction with your clients and quickly reduce the distance with them.Whether it is the exterior colors, parts/components information, animated effects or switch of modules or packets, you will find satisfying results and look forward to every display while creating a fantastic brand experience.
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旅安資訊股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2756-5790 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2756-5790 https://home.shalom.com.tw 公司簡介 Shalom旅安資訊創始於2016年,於此同時台灣正面臨日益加劇的旅宿業寒冬,我們集結了台灣資深飯店經理人, 與黃昱愷博士帶領的技術開發團隊,致力於運用數位資訊、網路技術、以及智慧管理,突破慘淡現狀,將台灣旅宿 推向國際市場。 全球進入網路時代,線上交易迅速竄起成為主流。網路營收在飯店產業中扮演著成敗的關鍵角色。旅安資訊為台灣 首家雙向鍵接國際350間以上線上旅宿通路的PMS系統廠商,在網路市場的快速變化下,有效管理全球線上通路、 掌握趨勢脈動與關鍵數據,創下飯店網路營收新高峰。
產品介紹 科技日新月異,人們生活形態的轉變,旅宿業者所面對的挑戰,旅安資訊將帶領你邁向一個全新的旅宿視野,由旅 安資訊領航的國際團隊與深耕台灣的科技夥伴聯手合作,推出「智慧旅館整合方案」將自助櫃檯、停車場智慧管理 系統、自動控制智慧管理系統、客房控制系統等,實際導入飯店,提升飯店整體效能,增加服務品質,為旅宿業帶 來新契機。
Shalom Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2756-5790 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2756-5790 https://home.shalom.com.tw Company Summary Our mission is to empower Taiwan hoteliers to success in online travel market. Founded in 2016, Shalom is the pioneer in cloud-based pms, smart hotel system, online travel agents listing services, and total solutions that help hoteliers realize their full potential and gain more benefits from online commercial networks. Adopting the power of IT, data, and intelligence, we devote to lead hospitality industry in Taiwan ahead to break through the low season and to welcome travelers around the world. Product Summary With Shalom Smart Hotel, customers’ experience will be transformed by streamlining the check-in, key retrieval and check-out processes by letting customers skip the line and get on with their stay. In addition, recognition system of vehicle license plates for intelligent parking lot and room remote control system are included in our system. We integrate with several outstanding hardware providers in Taiwan and can advise you on the best choices for your hotel to increase the efficiency and the rate of customer experience for your hotel.
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傑源照明科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8732-2593 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0975954533 公司簡介 1.傑源照明科技整合人因照明設計、LED 燈具及智慧控制系統技術,提供高度節能的完整智慧照明解決方案。是台 灣首個遵循國際量化標準的人因智慧照明解決方案供應商。 2.傑源可以幫助用戶以最低的成本,享受最舒適健康的照明環境。與一般照明設計相比,傑源的人因照明解決方案 可協助用戶:(1)工作績效提升45%,(2)節能效果提升高達90%
產品介紹 傑源照明科技是臺灣為數極少的智慧照明系統整合商,是 IOT 技術中不可或缺的核心技術之一。我們的服務包括: 建築日光規劃設計、建築及園林景觀照明設計及節能規劃、道路照明設計及節能規劃、室內健康照明設計及節能規 劃、室內色彩設計及建築材質規劃、智慧光環境控制系統設計。此外還對照明硬體製造商提供技術支援,包括光 源、模組及燈具產品新技術開發、國際各類照明標準技術應用等。
Giant Lighting Solution Company Telephone:+886-2-8732-2593 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-975954533 Company Summary We are experts of human-centric smart lighting design and consultancy for providing lighting solutions of up to 90% energy saving and high visual comfort. Our designs meet CIE, IES and EN lighting standards and recommendations. We can help you develop the most comfortable lighting environments with the lowest energy cost. Product Summary Our service: 1. Daylighting Analysis 2. Architectural and Landscape Lighting Design 3. Street Lighting Design 4. Interior Human-centric Lighting Design for Visual Comfort 5. Interior Color and Architectural Material Scheme 6. Smart Lighting Control System Consultancy 7. Advanced Lights, Module and Luminaire Development Consultancy 8. International Lighting Application Standards and Recommendations Consultancy
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愛文西門科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2658-3302 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2658-3302 www.sivann.com.tw 公司簡介 Sivann是一間專注於物聯網基礎軟體研發的公司,技術範圍涵蓋機器節點的硬/韌體設計、物聯網閘道系統設計、 手機 Apps、Web應用程式及雲端服務之設計。
產品介紹 「高階物聯網教育發展平台」整合了商用主流無線通訊協定與傳統的工業通訊協定,包含低功耗藍牙、ZigBee、 WiFi與Modbus。閘道系統軟體由本公司自主研發,其中數項關鍵軟體元件除了被國際標準組織官方收錄外,亦有 歐洲消費性電子產品採用。本產品除了重視美學設計以及學習者操作體驗,也備有精心設計的完整教材,幫助老師 以最小成本充實傳統與新技術兼具的教學目標,能滿足電資/機械領域教師對物聯網教育與研究的需求。
SIVANN INC. Company Telephone:+886-2-2658-3302 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2658-3302 www.sivann.com.tw Company Summary Sivann is an IoT company. We serve customers with IoT-related product designs, including the hardware and firmware of connected devices, IoT gateway systems, mobile apps, web apps, and cloud services. Product Summary Aero IoT Development Kit is an educational IoT platform that integrates popular protocols such as BLE, ZigBee, WiFi and Modbus to demonstrate interoperability among commercial and industrial devices. It is out-of-the-box equipped with an industrial IoT gateway, a PLC, wireless modules, an Arduino extension shield, a multi-function test board, and more than 10 kinds of industrial and commercial sensors/actuators. Inside Aero, part of the IoT software designed by sivann has not only been officially indexed by standards organizations such as the IP-based Smart Object (IPSO) Alliance and the Internet Engineering Tasking Force (IETF), but also been embedded in CE products like Athom Homey in EU. This kit also provides well-organized handouts and materials to help EE/CS faculty run the IoT course with less effort. Aero IoT Development Kit is made with love and passion to be a state-of-the-art IoT platform for education.
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愛諾華特科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8972-5569 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8972-0309 www.iknowwater.com 公司簡介 愛諾華特科技(I Know Water Tech. Ltd,Co.)由一群熟悉高科技產業的人士發起,以利他精神為基礎,改善臺灣農業困 境為目標,利用唾手可得的電子零件與模組搭配專業的網站設計,號召對農業有興趣的IT Maker/農業專家共同建構 合乎農業需要的物聯網(IOT)大平臺,共同改善農業生產效率與增加人均產值,並利用大數據分析強化農業生產的 可預測性,共同對抗因地球暖化所造成的極端氣候災害,進而改善農民的生活、收入與農產品的品質,最終保障安 全永續的安全農業環境。
產品介紹 1.水質偵測器:量測數據並定時透過WiFi上傳至雲端。使用者可透過網頁監控數據。感應器種類: 酸鹼度、氧化還 原電位、總溶固形物(鹽度)、溶氧、溫度 2.區域氣象站:即時得知溫度、濕度、風向、風速。當氣候不利時,透過WiFi透過雲端通報手機,即時幫助漁民作 相對應的處置。 3.水車監控器:即時監控水車電流,水車壞掉時,即時透過WiFi上傳至雲端,且即時通知主人,可在遠端使用手機 直接開啟備用水車。 4.溫室環境監測與自動化系統: 環境監控、土壤監控、灌溉系統。
I KNOW WATER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-8972-5569 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8972-0309 www.iknowwater.com Company Summary “I Know Water Tech. Co., Ltd”. is composed of persons familiar with high-tech. The goal of company is to improve the agricultural situation in Taiwan from poor manpower and AGDP. We use the common electronic module or devices to assembly the appropriate machines connected with the public cloud to liberate the farmers’ time to fulfill the marketing jobs. In the meantime, the low-cost IOT and big data make the new agriculture comers easier to raise up the harvest and present the crops from the extreme climate and accidents. The automation system can do the more precise fertilization and irrigation to save water and not to abuse the fertilizer. We dedicate to the sustainable and safe agriculture circumstance with the altruism. Let’s make the earth great again. Product Summary 1.Water detector: Measure the data and upload it to the cloud regularly via WiFi. Users monitor data through our website. Sensor types: PH, ORP, TDS, DO, Temp. 2.Meteorological detector: Get temp, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed data immediately. When the weather is unfavorable, notify mobile through the cloud and then fishermen handle it in time. 3.Pumper detector: Monitor waterwheel current immediately. When waterwheel broken, data will be uploaded to the cloud via WiFi and immediately notify the owner. Waterwheel can be opened by remote from mobile. 4.Greenhouse environment detector and automation system: detect environment, soil , and irrigation. 110
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新視域科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2547-1108 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2547-1190 www.nadisystem.com
System Solutions
公司簡介 新視域科技致力於智慧城市應用的發展及研究,認為實物的數據虛擬化將是智慧城市發展的重要基礎建設。基於此 認知,新視域投入於現實資訊與虛擬環境的橋接整合以及互動規劃,來協助管理者從目前資訊化、工業化、城鎮化 的深度融合環境中能快速反應並提供良好管理效率及提升環境生活品質。 為了達到實際的智慧城市應用,需要跨學科、跨領域的綜合團隊,因此新視域團隊成員皆是經驗豐富且來自不同產 業的尖兵,如 IT界、安防界、自動控制界、城市規劃界、3D/AR/VR視覺化界,達到跨域虛實整合的智慧城市解決 方案。
產品介紹 新視域智慧城市解決方案是以3D數據視覺化互動平台將虛擬環境與現實訊息無縫虛實整合,將實體的安全防護暨 自動化產品訊息完整實時串流至虛擬環境中呈現並達到高效的管理應用,如 CCTV、門禁系統、樓宇控制系統、消 防系統、定位系統…等。 新視域智慧城市解決方案基於Server-Client架構,並為使用者端提供跨平臺裝置整合方案,以數據系統平台為基準 發展多樣化的客戶操作系統因應不同層次使用者需求。
NADI SYSTEM CORP. Company Telephone:+886-2-2547-1108 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2547-1190 www.nadisystem.com Company Summary NADI SYSTEM CORP. is committed to the smart city solutions and gather a seasoned group of veterans from different industries like Security, Automation, and 3D/AR/VR. Virtualization will be an important infrastructure for smart city development, and NADI is devoted to the integration and interactive of realistic and virtual environments to provide managers an efficient and intuitive solution. Product Summary NADI capabilities include tools for 3D visualization that can be integrated with other applications from physical security and automation systems to provide a seamless ability to analyze, plan and react in real time to events. NADI’s solution is available for iOS, Android and MS Workstation.
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綠銀科技 公司電話:03-573-3367 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.gbank365.com 公司簡介 綠銀科技擁有堅強的技術團隊,主要研發物聯網綠色節能與大數據相關技術,總部位於新竹科學園區,生產製造的 G-Switch無線智能開關,已通過CE/FCC/NCC/BSMI/ROHS等認證。我們秉持創新的精神,持續在產品與技術尋求創 新,提升品牌競爭力。
產品介紹 為了讓消費者體驗真正便利的智能生活,團隊研發G-Switch專屬的手機APP,iOS以及andriod的用戶都可免費下 載,全中文介面操作輕鬆而簡單,APP提供50個以上可編輯圖形,隨心所欲為不同空間進行燈具排列與組合。透過 APP可多人同時控制同一個關關,或是直接觸控開啟或關閉。家中或公司多位成員也能一同控制,年長者也能輕鬆 一指操控,打造智慧家庭新動能,享受更方便、更安全的智能生活體驗。 快速安裝只要3分鐘! 安裝G-Switch無線智能開關不需要中性線,安裝方式和傳統開關一樣,拆下原本的傳統開關更換,下載專屬手機 APP連線即可使用。
GREENBANK CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-3-573-3367 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.gbank365.com Company Summary GREENBANK Technology, with a strong technical team, master the key technologies of energy conservation, the main research and development of green energy and BIG data related technology, development lab in Hsinchu Science Park, the production of IOT wireless smart switch, have passed CE / FCC / NCC / BSMI / ROHS certification. Product Summary G-Switch Light up New Life with Wireless Smart Switch The traditional physical switch always adheres to the wall, but now a simple mobile APP can conveniently control all the switches in the house. By combining smartphone, G-Switch can control multiple wireless smart hes simultaneously via APP and family members' mobile phone can also support the function of S-switch. Even grandpas and grandmas can do it easily with one finger. It is applied to electric curtain and other life facilities to create new kinetic energy for smart family.
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聚光能源科技股份有限公司 公司電話:04-2465-3000#311 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-2465-3000#311 www.condensing.com.tw 公司簡介 創新-聚光能源團隊研發全國第一個專為住宅建築設計的太陽能隔熱屋頂,創新的「內嵌式結構工法」及「一體 式機電系統整合設備」各取得國家發明及新式專利。 理念-我們的產品概念讓消費者買回家之後就如同熱水器、冷氣機等家電產品一樣,只須簡單快速的施工即可使 用。 實力-我們是國家甲級資格廠商、獲選臺中市政府加速器計畫、獲選朝陽科大RICH計畫及資金挹注、為中科園區 事業並在中科裡擁有自己的太陽能案廠。 願景-我們希望能重現城市的天際線,同時解決違法頂樓加建及能源短缺問題。
產品介紹 我們的關鍵技術即是掌握「模組化」的優勢,1小時規劃、1天完工,使太陽能系統變簡單成為家家戶戶都能輕鬆 擁有的居家設備。當太陽能隔熱屋頂取代違建鐵皮屋頂成為主流,再加上結合智慧負載控制的應用,並將多項綠能 社區的概念串連起微電網,能夠完美平衡綠電的不穩定及市電的過度負載,打造更友善的居住環境。我們的產品技 術及理念獲得「2017經濟部智慧城鄉競賽-銅獎」、「2017臺中市智慧城市競賽-銅獎」。
Condensing Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-4-2465-3000#311 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-2465-3000#311 www.condensing.com.tw Company Summary Wedesignsolar rooftops for residential housings, and we are a selected startupin Startup Accelerator Program by Taichung City Government and Chaoyang RICH Startup Fund.We aim to improve skyline by providing solutions to rooftop additions and energy shortage. Our rooftop is characterized with innovative embedded structure and integrated mechatronic system.The installation is simple and quick. Product Summary We offerone-hour planningand one-day installation.Our rooftopwith smart energy management and smart grid is a solution to rooftop additions andunstable green energy and overload of mains supply. We earnedbronze in Smart City Innovation by Ministry of Economic Affairs and bronze in APNIC and Smart City Week by Taichung City Government in 2017.
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聯騏技研有限公司 公司電話:04-2251-1350 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:04-2251-1350 #7123 www.nestech.com.tw 公司簡介 聯騏技研(NESTECH) 成立於2013年,主力在提供各式以物聯網技術為核心的門禁系統整合解決方案,包含NFC/藍 牙電子鎖、智慧門鎖模組、門禁機等物聯網相關設備,並且提供軟硬整合設計,因此均可依照客戶需求進行客製化 APP設計與開發。 我們致力提供旅館與飯店民宿業者一套簡易飯店前台系統,只要一個手機搭配APP就可以取代傳統笨重的前台系 統,並可以將人力配置到更有效率的工作上。 更進一步的,我們提供聲控系統服務,讓旅客在進入房間之後可以使用Google Home,/Amazon Alexa進行室內的設備 控制。 因應客戶需求,聯騏技研也可以幫旅館業者量身定做專屬APP,結合附近美食特色店家,提供旅館專屬的優惠資 訊,來提高服務品質與效率,進而提高房客的回流率。
產品介紹 自助服務興起,因應未來旅館業人力吃緊的市場趨勢,聯騏技研推出為無人旅館量身打造的發卡機,只要一台平板 或是手機,就可以進行發卡管理,能讓訪客直接輸入金鑰之後進入旅館,不需要在櫃檯前大排長龍,為旅館業者 的最佳系統解決方案,而且在使用上不需要用到網際網路,只要透過APP跟支援NFC功能或BLE功能的智慧門鎖即 可。 在飯店房控我們提供聲控系統服務,讓旅客在進入房間之後可以使用Google Home,/Amazon Alexa進行室內的設備控 制。 Cellbedell APP結合附近美食特色店家,提供旅館專屬的優惠資訊,來提高服務品質與效率,進 而提高房客的回流率。
Nestech Corporation Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-4-2251-1350 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-4-2251-1350 #7123 www.nestech.com.tw Company Summary Nestech Corporation is an ICT provider who specializes in integration systems for smart locks and access control. We have NFC, BLE, Wi-Fi access control solutions for different requirements. Our system can be engaged to Bluetooth, wifi, or any wireless connection to have more extension applications. We provide small hotels/B&B landlord a simple, affordable, and flexible hospitality solution, especially under no Internet environment. In addition, we provide voice control system via Google home/Amazon Echo. We also can offer customized APP for service providers, system integrators depending on different queries. Product Summary Our smart app allows small hotel manager and B&B landlords manage their properties remotely with only a cell phone and app. It is an elegant mobile management, which can reduce front desk cost for hotel managers, and bring lots of convenience to airbnb type landlords. By using our app on cellphones or tablets, hotel managers have a simple, costless, and elegant pocket property management system, which makes it easy to manage building access, anytime, from anywhere. The hotel managers or airbnb type landlords can issue a pass card or generate access code via a mobile app on their cell phone or tablet, enabling a guest to get access into the house via the access code without the wireless connection.
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鎮鑫科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-460-4495 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-265-8090 www.allaspectsystem.com 公司簡介 本公司團隊透過自行開發超十年之通用無人系統,進行各式載具之整合與控制,In -house design 軟、韌和硬體高 度整合,客製化之系統可通用於各式陸、空、水面與下機種,因此可用於多種建物檢測,如橋梁、風力發電機,乃 至於地下管線等。本團隊之核心技術也可額外整合其他廠商感應器,達到即時對建物或是環境之檢測與監控。此外 團隊利用感應器蒐集之資料經整合後,進行影像量化與修正處理。此技術可大幅降低蒐集資料、數據運算所需的時 間與資源,也得以讓拍攝之影像圖片直接於照上量測尺寸大小,精度甚至可達mm等級。
產品介紹 建物檢測 藉由團隊特殊開發之無人載具拍攝數百張高解析度之照片,經過特殊專業影像接合技術後,可以製作出建築物的平 面地圖-façademap.façade地圖具有每張照片之於於該建築物之相對位置,讓使用者快速得知毫米精度等級之破損於 建物上何處,以利長期追踪與決策判斷。此外本團隊開發照片量測介面,得以直接在照片上操作,並量測出照片中 破損裂痕之實際尺寸大小,達到智慧化高端影像之量測。
All Aspect System Company Telephone:+886-3-460-4495 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-265-8090 www.allaspectsystem.com Company Summary The team has more than 10 years’ experience on developing open source UAV control system with integration of different type of vehicles taking high resolution photo and image processing for infrastructure inspections.In-house design firm/software integration and customization of control system for controlling Air, Land, Water Surface and Under Water Vehicles, therefore inspection of different type infrastructure is possible. For example, bridge, wind turbine or underground pipe line. The team also integrates different type of sensors to the system for environmental inspection. Integration of sensors allows fast image quantification and processing. Level of accuracy in measurement is sub-mm scale. Product Summary ● BUILDING INSPECTION-FAÇADE MAP Thousands of photos are captured by customized vehicles (with in-house autopilot system), and later are "STITCHED" together to form a high resolution -façade map. It can be used to show relative location of damaged area and sectional resolution can be sub-mm scale. ● IMAGE PROCESSING The team uses unique technologies to "quantify" damaged area in the captured photos. Accuracy of + 0.5mm. The captured photos can also be processed to form 3D or point of cloud model. 115
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瀚雲科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2620-1000 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:080-0880-618/02-2628-2333 www.opro9.com C:57 R:111 G:195 M:0 Y:38 B:175 瀚雲科技(CviCloud )為瀚荃集團(Cvilux),100% 持股子公司, Opro9 為海內外註冊品牌。行銷策略: 以蘋果智慧家電 K:0 web:#6fc3af 為基礎,IOT 物聯網商品結合應用軟體及雲端服務;創造健康-照護-智慧生活。 具備研發團隊及製造工廠基礎,可承接: OBM/ODM/OEM 業務。在美洲、歐洲、亞洲設置海外發貨倉庫及當地物流 配送系統,台灣配置0800客服專線:商品使用徵詢及維修服務。專屬行銷團隊經營全球 Off-Line/On-Line實體及虛擬 通路。 我們是蘋果MFi合格認證製造廠,商品定位平價精品,多次榮獲國際產品設計獎,以中高階通路銷售為主。尋求海內 外經銷商、代理商、通路商及國際品牌設計代工業務。
產品介紹 (1)蘋果智慧家電-燈座 (零售市場) (2)蘋果智慧家電-插座 (零售市場) (3)蘋果智慧家電-燈控盒 (DIY應用) (4)蘋果智慧家電-嵌入牆面開關 (DIY應用) (5)蘋果智慧家電-智能空氣淨化器 (6)蘋果智慧家電-智能薰香燈 Works with Apple Homekit – 蘋果合格認證智慧家電。相容 Apple HomePod智慧喇叭,利用iPhone – iPad – HomePod : Siri 語音控制家電, 一聲指令遙控家電。透過 iOS Home(家)或Opro9 專屬應用軟體,遙控家電或情境使 用。輕鬆設定,、操作簡單。投保產品責任險並通過歐、美及台灣安規測試認證,消費者安心使 用。
CviCloud Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-2620-1000 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-080-0880-618/+886-2-2628-2333 www.opro9.com Company Summary CviCloud Corporation is 100% owned affiliated company of Cvilux Group in Taiwan . Opro9 is registered brand worldwide. Opro9 Marketing Strategy : Based on Apple's Homekit (smart home) foundation , combined with IOT devices, networking applications and cloud service skills ; create health, nursing care and smart life. We are Apple MFi certified manufacturer , product positioning mid-high level, repeatedly won the International product design awards。Products are mainly to sales of high-end channels. We teamed up with RD engineers and factory facility , CviCloud take care of OBM/ODM/OEM business . To serve with our customers worldwide , we provide call center for after-service and product operation consultation in Taiwan, our marketing team operate well on online and off line service, we also set up warehouse and logistics in US (California) , Europe (Netherlands) and Asia (Hong Kong) . We look forward to having business deals with distributor , agent , chain-stores or global known brand – ODM /OEM business in Taiwan and Worldwide Product Summary (1)Apple Homekit –Light Bulb (2)Apple Homekit –Power Socket (3)Apple Homekit –Lighting Control Box (4)Apple Homekit –Wall Mounted Switch (5)Apple Homekit –Smart Air Purifier (6)Apple Homekit –Smart Aroma Diffuser 116
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恆準定位股份有限公司 公司電話:03-666-9151 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-666-9151 #272 www.p2-positioning.com 公司簡介 恆準定位致力於提供高精度室內定位解決方案,包括Beacon定位/WiFi定位/多感測器融合定位等創新產品與技術, 並有多項專利保護,室內定位是物聯網與工業4.0的關鍵技術,本公司擁有堅強的研發團隊與彈性且客製化的服 務,在許多產業龍頭業者與大型困難場域皆有成功建置經驗,代表性客戶包括台積電、台塑石化、光寶科技、大陸 半導體大廠等。創辦人郭倫嘉博士具有多年工研院帶領團隊開發室內定位技術經驗與業界歷練,逾百件獲証專利/ 申請中專利,並擁有從事室內定位領域超過十年的豐富經驗;本公司目前也持續擴展業務範圍,希望能與各領域的 策略夥伴合作將室內定位導入智慧醫療照護、智慧校園安全、智慧製造與物流等智慧城市相關領域!
產品介紹 恆準定位提供高精度高CP值的室內定位系統與產品以滿足不同客戶的需求,包含多感測器融合定位演算法、大量 人物平行運算伺服器軟體、高彈性功能豐富之Web平台與API、行動裝置APP之定位Library、定位基站Locator與定位 標籤Tag等,我們提供高彈性之產品與服務的模式,例如:與SI業者合作以豐富產品線,與硬體廠商合作增加產品價 值,與軟體業者合作提供API以解決客戶需求,與場域業主合作將定位功能模組嵌入該場域之大系統,或豐富其他 產品(如IPCAM)之附加價值,歡迎各領域夥伴洽談與合作,共創多贏!
P-Square Inc. Company Telephone:+886-3-666-9151 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-666-9151 #272 www.p2-positioning.com Company Summary P-Square focuses on providing comprehensive indoor positioning solutions for various IoT and Industry 4.0 applications. Our team have been successful built indoor positioning systems for leading companies, such as TSMC, Formosa Plastic Group, and LiteOn. Our founder, Dr. Jeremy Kuo, has more 100 granted/pending patents and 10-year experience in indoor positioning field. We look forward to cooperating with strategic partners to deploy indoor positioning systems to different fields of smart city, including smart hospital, smart campus, and smart manufacture. Product Summary P-Square provides high-accuracy indoor positioning products, including multi-sensor fusion software and Bluetooth/Wifi positioning locators and tags, with high price-performance ratio. Our products are featured with patented algorithms, which make our system outperforms competitors in many field tests, and can be used in many applications like industrial automation, health-care, and campus safety. We provide flexible solutions for integrating indoor positioning system to various kind of venue owners and companies, including system integrators, hardware companies, software companies, and surveillance and security companies.
Booth No.
凌羣電腦股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2191-6066 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw 公司簡介 凌羣電腦整合既有專業系統如警政、醫療、金融等,創新加值應用,成功研發服務型機器人—雲端機器人Ayuda 智慧平台。Ayuda服務型機器人完全台灣製造(MIT),整合了機器人零組件、移動平台(底座)、人臉辨識、人形偵 測、語音辨識、語音交談、視訊、自行學地圖尋標導航…等功能,為全球市售同等級產品中的佼佼者,功能更優於 Pepper與Asus Zenbo…等同等級產品,同時可應用於智慧警察、智慧醫療、智慧金融及智慧教育等多種不同情境。
SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co. Company Telephone:+886-2-2191-6066 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2388-7171 www.syscom.com.tw Company Summary Syscom was founded in 1975. Its business is focus on systems integration service, network and cloud computing service and so on. Domain areas include financial holdings, telecommunications, government, healthcare industries. Syscom’s smart city solution contains 1 platform, named “SYSCOM ABC” and 4 applications in public safety, smart utilities, smart transportation and smart healthcare and so on. Product Summary SYSCOM’s smart service robot-Ayuda works well in smart police, smart finance, smart healthcare and smart education environment. It provides functions like mobile platform, human face recognition, human detection, voice recognition, voice communication, video conference etc. and is the leading one compared with similar robot solution globally.
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碩網資訊股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2912-2100 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2912-2108 www.intumit.com 公司簡介 碩網資訊深耕於AI人工智慧技術研發,對自然語言處理尤具經驗,結合了資料萃取、文字探勘、語意分析、機器 學習、感知運算、深度學習等核心技術;可有效處理結構/半結構/非結構化的內容,協助企業管理內外部複雜、巨 量、變化快速的資訊流,融會為智能知識庫大腦,並開發企業專屬智能機器人應用,協助企業對顧客、供應商或內 部員工提供創新智能服務,讓企業從Big Data中挖掘具有商業價值的SmartData,在市場拓展方面,深耕大中華、日 本市場,已累積超過500家客戶,是企業導入人工智慧與大數據應用最值得信賴的夥伴。
產品介紹 SmartRobot解決方案主要是讓企業建置專屬的智能機器人大腦平台,提供客戶24/7對話問答服務。知識來源為可控 管資料,提高終端客戶使用智能對話服務時之信賴感,讓終端客戶享受真正有價值的自然對話服務。後端可整合 KM、CTI、CRM、IVR系統,提供包括Web、App、Line、SMS、實體機器人等多元服務管道,遇到無法處理回答的 複雜問題時,更可無縫轉接真人客服立即處理,確保客戶服務一次到位。
INTUMIT INC Company Telephone:+886-2-2912-2100 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2912-2108 www.intumit.com Company Summary Established in 1999, Intumit, Inc. is the leading artificial intelligence provider with more than 500 customers in Greater China area and Japan. Powered by self-developed core technologies like natural language processing, text mining, information extraction and deep learning, Intumit’s intelligent solutions can help enterprise customers extract business value from massive unstructured data. Product Summary SmartRobot solution enables businesses to build 24/7 AI-based Virtual Customer Assistant (VCA). It can increase user confidence, and provide a natural conversation experience in more than 20 languages. KM 、CTI、CRM、IVR service can also be integrated into the VCA. If the VCA cannot solve a problem, the customer will be redirected to live assistance.
Booth No.
凌網科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2395-6966 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2395-6966 #2555 www.hyweb.com.tw
公司簡介 凌網科技成立於1998年,並於2003年上櫃。致力於電子化政府、圖書教育、電子支付相關軟體技術之研發及服 務,擁有堅強技術研發陣容。員工人數將近400人,其中40%以上擁有碩博士學位。成立至今挹注相當經費於軟體 技術之研發,公司擁有完整自主研發技術,且具有高度元件化與跨平台之特性,除能依客戶需要快速研發外,並創 造各項技術整合時之最大效能。凌網科技秉持資訊服務業「以人為本,以技術為核心,以客戶為導向」的成功之 道,始終堅持「找對的人,作對的事」的發展策略,延攬志同道合的優秀人才加入,並持續研發領先同業的自有軟 體技術。
產品介紹 凌網科技於2010年創立HyRead電子書品牌,提供優質內容的電子書與雜誌,已獲得超過1000家圖書館採用,大專 院校圖書館的採用率更達到百分之百。HyRead電子書為目前台灣最大的繁體中文電子書平台,並積極拓展海外事 業,包含香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、歐美地區等。 HyRead電子書支援各種載具,並提供線上閱讀與下載閱讀,就算沒有網路也能隨時隨地看電子書,多元的閱讀方 式滿足讀者的需求,不受空間的限制,自由自在地閱讀。
Hyweb Technology Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2395-6966 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2395-6966 #2555 www.hyweb.com.tw Company Summary Hyweb Technology, founded in July 1998, and OTC in March 2003. Hyweb Technology is committed to e-government, education books, electronic payment technology research and development related to software and services. When the Hyweb Technology has been established, inject considerable funds for software technology research and development, the company has a complete independent research and development technology, and has a high degree of cross-platform component of the properties, in addition to the need to quickly develop according to customers, and to create the technical integration maximum effectiveness. Hyweb Technology understands the IT services industry "people-oriented, technology-core, customeroriented" road to success, so always adhere to "find the right people, against things" development strategy, to recruit like-minded talents to join, and continued development of its own software technology leader with the industry. Product Summary HyRead was founded in 2010 by Hyweb Technology, providing quality content of eBooks and eMagazines. The HyRead eBook solution has been deployed in well over 1000 libraries in the world, and the adoption of HyRead solution in academic libraries has archived 100%. HyRead eBook is currently Taiwan's largest traditional Chinese eBook platform, and actively expands overseas business, including Hong Kong , Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and other regions. HyRead eBook supports different devices to use, including PC, iPad/iPhone ,Android smart phones and tablets which provide online reading and download reading. Online reading means that readers can open ebooks directly via browser without installing any software. On the other hand, readers can install the software and download to read eBooks, so that readers can read anytime without internet. HyRead provides diverse ways to meet the needs of readers, no space constraint, and let readers always feel free to read. 120
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奇寶網路有限公司 公司電話:02-2369-8858 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2369-8853 www.kpnweb.com 公司簡介 我們是KPN奇寶[企業數位行銷的專家],協助企業建立數位行銷,創造線上業績。 2006年成軍以來己有Canon、南山、富邦、北投健康管理中心、上順旅行社等國內外知名企業使用KPN奇寶行銷服 務,並與Google、Paypal、中華電信、多家銀行合作建立企業數位行銷、線上金流。 【創新能量飽滿】2014年獲選台北市第一屆亮點企業及經濟部雲端輔導團。 【搜尋行銷SEO】上千家搜尋排名成功經驗,完整技術操作流程。 【數據智能開發】2016年推出實時數據站內推薦平台[Kerebro客樂寶]。 【企業行銷社群經營】2014年成立台北移動學苑,有上千家企業參與。 未來KPN奇寶將實踐【智能自動化】、【行銷科學化】、【市場國際化】
產品介紹 數位化行銷:搜尋行銷、雲端行銷、行動行銷、關鍵字廣告等等。 智能化系統:行動網站建立平台、多螢電子商務系統、實時數據站內推薦平台等等。
King Power net Company Telephone:+886-2-2369-8858 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2369-8853 www.kpnweb.com Company Summary KPN was established in 2006, Taipei Taiwan. We started from building website and kept expanding our expertise to become one of the leading digital marketing solution providers in Taiwan. With various experiences in SEO field in Taiwan and cooperation with numerous brand customers, our strength of internet marketing was firmly established. We try our best to provide an overall solution to digital marketing. We do not simply broadcast ads for our clients, but pursue a mutually beneficial relationship. The slogan of KPN is ”KPN is all for you.” We provide best digital marketing solutions with teamwork, and aim to become every clients’ digital marketing business partner. Product Summary Digital marketing: SEO, Cloud Marketing, Mobile Marketing, PPC Intelligent system: MobiBizs, Kerebro
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辰光能源科技有限公司 公司電話:049-2200283 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:049-2247383 http://sunshine-new.com/ 公司簡介 辰光能源科技專營食品高溫急速冷卻系統,掌握食品急冷保鮮技術與食品安全。 急速冷卻須搭配潔淨且符合食品安全的中央廚房。我們累積多年食品業的能量,將專業領域拓展至中央廚房設計規 劃,與HACCP協會及食品工業發展研究所合作。 並採用台灣成熟的3C技術,使用『影音式食品履歷』及『物聯網』,規劃出智慧型的雲端中央廚房。透過物聯網 掌握S.O.P與加工環境安全,每秒數據傳輸至雲端,落實食品安全。而影音式食品追溯系統(真食呈現)將加工製 程透過影片、照片、聲音搭配GPS完整紀錄,建立起消費者、店家、盤商與農夫的信賴關係。 期望藉由辰光的經驗、技術與專業,提供食品製造業者解決方案,讓台灣美食王國的名聲再次享譽全球。
產品介紹 真食呈現APP是一套可溯源的影音式食品履歷,以揚善為目的,讓農夫的對這塊土地的熱情、盤商的把關、店家的用 心及消費者的健康取向透過真實呈現串連起來,透過雲端的分享,讓農場至餐桌的流程真實記錄並呈現給消費者。 功能特色說明: 1.即拍即傳至雲端:紀錄完畢=影片剪輯完成=上傳雲端完成=分享。 2.影片+照片+GPS衛星定位。 3.自拍取代簽名。 4.數量雲端管控。 5.使用無國界。 6.結合物聯網、攝影機與平板等多元整合。 7.運用二維條碼可多元分享至網站與平台,成為行銷利器。
Sunshine Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-049-2200283 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-049-2247383 http://en.sunshine-new.com/ Company Summary Sunshine Energy Technology specializes in food rapid cooling machine, which preserves the original freshness, texture and flavor of food. Besides rapid chiller, a food safety central kitchen can maintain the quality of food. Through our experience in the food industry, we expand specialty to central kitchen design and cooperate with HACCP institute and FIRDI. By the mature technology of computer, communication and consumer electronics of Taiwan. We use I.o.T. system to upload data to the cloud by seconds, make S.O.P practically and keep the environment safety. And “Videographic Food Traceability” records all processes by photos, videos, sound and GPS. We hope to build the reliable relation between farmers, wholesalers, restaurants and consumers. Sunshine Energy Technology hope to provide complete solution to the food industry and let Taiwan earns the world-wide reputation of Gourmet Kingdom. Product Summary Food Traceabilty is a videographic food traceability system. By this APP, the bound of farmers, wholesalers, food manufacturers and the consumers will become tight. This APP will upload every process to the cloud and sharing to consumers through QR code from farm to table.
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乒乓話網股份有限公司 公司電話:02-7728-3060 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-7713-4800 www.ypcloud.com 公司簡介 YPCloud 於2005年成立,為MoteMsg Cloud Platform 雲端服務平台供應商,提供雲服務和物聯網整合方案。擁有 MoteBus雲端訊息通道技術和專利,將雲端和物聯網整合一體,開發整合和維運領先全球。
產品介紹 IOC & MoteChat IOC(Intelligent Operating Center)智慧營運中心,如塔台式的維運系統,提供多元多功能的維運服務,是智慧城市作 業系統的靈魂,以MoteBus接收各式信號,指揮MoteChat控制及調度。 MoteBus智慧通道:整合各式雲端資源,為端與端、端對雲、雲和雲之通訊協定。 MoteChat提供訊息、物件、檔案和微服務交換處理,內建資安檢查和裝置維運機制,為物聯網訊息交換平台
YPCloud Company Telephone:+886-2-7728-3060 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-7713-4800 www.ypcloud.com Company Summary Established in 2005, YPCloud is a leading cloud service provider in Taiwan. The 12-year rich experience of DevOps has become our core technology and competitiveness. MoteBus is a message transport protocol for Cloud and EI devices integration. By using MoteMsg Cloud platform and MoteBus, we are able to make the cloud services available to our customers adequately. YPCloud is dedicated to being the world-leading service provider. Product Summary 1.IOC(Intelligent Operating Center) is the key factor of the smart city’s system operation, which provides multi-functional operating services like a control towel. Receiving all kinds of signals with MoteBus and directing MoteChat for dispatching devices and services. 2.MoteBus, an Edge Intelligence Bus, is a protocol for device-to-device, device-to-cloud and cloud-tocloud communication. Integrating various cloud resources for flexible applications. 3.MoteChat is an IoT message exchange platform for devices, metadata, files and microservices. It contains built-in security checks and device maintenance mechanism.
Booth No.
百加資通股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2357-8866 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8192-6329 www.hundredplus.com 公司簡介 百加資通為一專業E化管理軟體研發公司,主要成員是由國內外具有資訊專長及有多年業界經驗的同好所組成。基 於把軟體當作服務看待的原則,百加資通除了提供最好的產品解決方案亦提供最好的售後服務以及專業的顧問服務 給客戶。 本公司於2013年開始提供101SaaS雲端服務,並於2015年導入ISO27001資訊安全管理,將101SaaS雲端服務納入驗 證範圍,落實資訊安全的保證。 我們團隊持續努力,冀望百加資通成為國內外【企業治理E化】協同作業解決方案的領導廠商,並成為客戶在E化 過程中,長期且值得信賴的合作夥伴。
產品介紹 101Form.net是一個雲端的BPM系統(BPM:Business Process Management) ,主要提供企業一個可以將紙本作業快速 無紙化與流程化的管理平台。不需要程式撰寫,從表單設計、流程規劃、統計分析、與行動簽核一氣呵成。提升作 業效率與降低運作成本,打造無紙化的綠能辦公室。 除了滿足流程上的管理需求外,亦提供外掛的延伸管理套件,如知識管理、人力資源管理、文件管理、專案管理 等,讓企業依需求選擇導入,由單一入口來完善管理。
Hundred Plus Corp Company Telephone:+886-2-2357-8866 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8192-6329 www.hundredplus.com Company Summary Hundred Plus Corporation founded in 2004, our team devoted ourselves to design and develop best Office Automation solutions for the computerized management of Enterprises. As a desire to amass client confidence in our products and to improve our information security standard, we have successfully implemented ISO27001 Information Security Management in 2015 and successfully covered our Office Plus suite and 1001Saas cloud service product lines. Enterprises are provided with our cost-efficient Office Plus solutions to be installed in a Free Software environment-OS, database and web server- with no extra fees; we also started our 101Saas cloud service product lines in 2013 for our clients to achieve a harmony between demands, costs and implementation efforts. The Hundred Plus Corporation team continues to strive to become a leading giant in Enterprise Computerized Management globally and maintain long-term healthy relationship with its clients and partners. Product Summary 101 Form, e-Form management, or Business Process Management, providing enterprises a cloud based platform, can quickly build the daily operation forms of enterprises. From a form creating, process planning and related statistical analysis, it does not require any code written, can be used on any device and any operating system. Enterprises can accelerate administrative operational efficiency, record all processing data in database, and build a green office. 124
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研勤智能股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8751-0123 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2659-3008/02-8751-1323 www.ipapago.ai 公司簡介 研勤智能股份有限公司(ipapago, Inc),2017年成立於台灣台北。 研勤智能為研勤科技股份有限公司(PAPAGO, Inc),子公司, 面對 技術的創新,面對 市場的競爭,面對 產品/市場 /行銷/定價模式 的時代改變,我們思考應該用什麼樣的態度來發揮我們的經驗和價值? 研勤智能是一個為了用 AI 改變人類行為的創新團隊,擁有多項新型專利,更不斷超越自己,進而邁向世界。
產品介紹 PAKKA 帕卡人臉考勤系統是一個智慧人臉辨識考勤系統,徹底取代傳統打卡鐘,無粍材,零污染,精確計時,將 所有打卡資料全部數位化,自動計算工時及出缺勤,雲端記錄,隨時查詢,無保存問題,彈性打卡時間,彈性工 時,智慧排班,由研勤科技集團字公司研勤智能開發,上櫃公司,品質保證。
IPAPAGO INC. Company Telephone:+886-2-8751-0123 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2659-3008/+886-2-8751-1323 www.ipapago.ai
Resource Center
因應Healthcare結合物聯網IOT與AI人工智慧,應用於保健、 醫療、照護等領域,促成醫療變革與智慧化浪潮,在健康科技快 速發展,醫策會將建置智慧醫療資源平台,扮演醫療與產業合作 交流平台,協助智慧醫療產品展示、產品精進改善、創新研發, 醫策會「智慧醫療平台」 Resource Center預計於107年底完 成,屆時希望各界先進共襄盛舉,促成醫界及ICT業界之合作, 以加速台灣智慧醫療產業發展腳步。 聯繫窗口: 醫策會Tel: 02-8964-3000研究發展組李介文專員ext.3186 E-mail: romsit@jct.org.tw
醫療管理服務整合性解決方案/產品模組選拔 為鼓勵醫療機構與醫療健康服務相關產業合作,共同建構醫療服 務/產品模組整合性解決方案,利用台灣醫療優勢及影響力,拓 展目標市場整合性解決方案之輸出。因此醫策會於107年度將研 擬鼓勵方案積極推動醫療機構與醫療健康服務產業相關廠商合作 與整合,共同開發符合市場需求的醫療服務/產品模組(整體解決 方案,Total Solution)並進行海內外輸出。 聯繫窗口: 醫策會Tel: 02-8964-3000 研究發展組 陳羿中專員ext.3182或艾鈞偉專員ext.3191 E-mail: romsit@jct.org.tw
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大同醫護股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2700-2737 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2708-7819 www.tmhtc.net 公司簡介 大同醫護股份有限公司,成立於2004年,致力醫療資訊系統開發、醫療器材設備之開發和應用,主要產品為醫療 級製氧機和其他呼吸系統產品。自2011年開始投入全方位照護產業發展,包括遠距健康照護服務,與地方藥局、 社區據點和活動中心合作,提供公共據點生理量測服務。此外,致力於全球智慧醫療的發展,引進主動式照護系 統,增進醫療照護品質。
產品介紹 今年的展覽中,將首次展出「急診加護病房」的創新應用 ● 智能重症照護系統 TED-ICU: 24小時監測病患,並將患者生理資訊拋轉、整合至醫療資訊系統,即時顯示於儀表板上。 ● 智慧藥櫃 ADC: 此系統可由遠端完成配藥作業,獲得授權的醫護人員才能取得所需藥品,並自動追蹤藥品流向、改善護理工作效 能。
Technologies Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2700-2737 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2708-7819 www.tmhtc.net Company Summary Tatung Medical Healthcare Technologies Co., Ltd. (tmht) was established in 2004. We focused in hospital information system’s (HIS) development and medical equipment field. Our primary products are medical grade home oxygen concentrators and other respiratory products. In 2011, tmht decided to provide all-inone healthcare, which including tele-healthcare services and work with local pharmacies, communities and activity centers. To provided public service points by sending healthcare data. In addition, tmht dedicate to the development of global smart healthcare and introduction of proactive patient care system, improve healthcare quality. Product Summary In the exhibition this year, it is the first time we represent the emerging application of EICU: ● TED-ICU (TMUH Electronic Dashboard - ICU Care System) The system monitors patient physical data through a real-time dashboard, which integrate with hospital information system for 24 hours. ● ADC (Automated Dispensing Cabinet): The automated medication cabinet systems enable remote dispensing of needed medications at the point of care. Authorized caregivers can access most medications from the automated medication cabinet, which can easily tracking medications use and improve nurses working efficiency.
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慧誠智醫股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2252-3030 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2550-7211 www.imedtac.com/index 公司簡介 慧誠智醫擁有醫學中心臨床資源、醫療軟體研發團隊、系統整合工程團隊與專業的顧問規劃團隊,將專注以物聯網 (IoT)最新科技來建置下一代的整合照護平台,讓醫、護、病借助雲端服務平台,提供最優質的全面照護與即時的 多方溝通(Fast Healthcare Interoperability),進而提高病患滿意度、降低護理人員的工作負擔,並協助防止醫療錯誤 的發生。
產品介紹 主要方案: 1.智慧醫院整體解決方案 2.專科整體解決方案(健檢, 洗腎, 產後照護, 復健) 3.智慧長照與養老中心整體解決方案
imedtac Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2252-3030 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2550-7211 www.imedtac.com/index Company Summary Imedtac is the most professional intelligent healthcare system integrator in Asia. Our intelligent healthcare solution can improve patient satisfaction, reduce the workload of caregivers and help to prevent medical errors. The core value of imedtac is to build a point of care platform with fast healthcare interoperability with our medical software team, system integration team, market, professional consultant planning team and experts with great clinical experience. Product Summary Solutions: 1. Intelligent hospital total solution 2. Specialists total solutions (Health checkup solution, Dialysis solution, Postpartum care solution, Rehabilitation solution) 3. Intelligent Long-term care total solution
Booth No.
研華股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2792-7818 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-777-111 www.advantech.com 公司簡介 以智慧藥櫃與護理推車結合為硬體核心,搭配軟硬整合控制藥櫃開啟與鎖定的軟體功能,再提供整合配藥、用藥、 藥品管理等院內給藥流程資訊系統的API通道,建立醫院專屬的給藥管理系統,達成閉環式給藥管理。
Advantech Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-2-2792-7818 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-777-111 www.advantech.com Company Summary AMiS+ iMedication includes medical all-in-one computer, fully integrated cart, E-medication box and intelligent management API. It provides a total solution of delivery, identification, backtracking for fulfilling the request of high alert and anesthetic medicine management in OR/Wards.
Booth No.
神通資訊科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2657-6666 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2656-4620 www.mitac.com.tw 公司簡介 神通資訊科技股份有限公司成立於2010年10月,傳承神通電腦豐厚系統整合經驗與核心技術,整合資源、發揮綜 效,成為整合「雲」與「端」的物聯網解決方案供應商,集結政府、交通、製造、教育、醫療、金融、圖書館等各 領域物聯技術與應用,以產品化、國際化為目標,打造物聯網新價值。
產品介紹 (1)神通復康巴士智慧派車系統(MiBUS) 民眾藉由入口網及APP進行車輛預約、動態查詢;司機藉由APP進行案件管理、動態回報;管理員藉由後台進行 車輛、人員管理,以及服務品質統計;有效提升復康巴士利用率與服務品質。 (2)神通多功能健康服務站(MiKIO) 提供自助掛號、生理測量服務,讓掛號、看病變得更便捷、省時。 (3)神通長照服務系統(MiLTC) 長者易有遊走、迷路、跌倒等風險,透過配戴智慧手環及追蹤設備,可了解個案行為並掌握行蹤。 (4)神通健康銀行(MiPHB) 提供醫療記錄、健康紀錄、開放資料及健康模型四大功能模組,讓民眾即時掌握自身健康狀況。
MiTAC Information Technology Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-2657-6666 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2656-4620 www.mitac.com.tw Company Summary Since its official establishment in October 2010, MiTAC Information Technology Corp. has inherited rich experiences in system integration and core technology from MiTAC Inc. That allowed us to transform from a solution supplier focusing on system integration of hardware into a solution supplier on IoT. From this, we gathered IoT technology and application in various fields to integrate resources and produce thorough effects. Product Summary (1) MiBUS Effectively improve the utilization and services of Rehabus. User through the entrance network and APP for vehicle booking, dynamic query; drivers through the APP for case management, dynamic return; administrators through the background for vehicles and personnel management, and service quality statistics. (2) MiKIO Multi-functional wisdom and health service stations, to provide self-service registration, physiological measurement services. (3) MiLTC The elderly tend to have the risk of walking, getting lost or falling down. Using smart watch and tracking equipment, can learn about their behavior and whereabouts. (4) MiPHB Provide medical records, health records, open information and health model four functional modules, so that people immediately grasp their own health status. 132
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華碩健康股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2895-3611 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.asus.life 公司簡介 華碩健康於2016年成立,為華碩雲端旗下負責醫療領域之子公司,致力於精準醫療產品的研發與營運。結合華碩 雲端OmniStor數據平台,發展醫療大數據產品(PhenoFinder)與醫療物聯網產品(OmniCare)等,並於醫療機構推動醫 療照護應用之整合創新,協助醫療照護產業實現數位轉型。
產品介紹 OmniCare 智慧醫材共享平台 多樣化的智慧醫材與醫療物聯網數據平台整合,隨時掌握生理數據,發展精準醫療應用。 時時刻刻掌握生理數據 集結多樣的智慧醫材裝置,提供各樣的生理數據量測,包含如心率、血壓、血氧、超音波影像、心電圖等,提供醫 院透過智慧的醫材隨時掌握病人的即時生理狀態。 零建置成本導入醫院系統 與醫院的系統整合時,可透過OmniCare的API,將數據整合至醫院的系統中,建立病人的數據紀錄作為監測與研究 使用。 雲端演算法達到精準醫療 提供數據的演算附加加值,讓醫生可根據臨床研究需求,取得數據的演算分析結果。
ASUS Life Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-2895-3611 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.asus.life Company Summary Responsible for smart medical business development at ASUS, ASUS Life was established in 2016 as a subsidiary of ASUS Cloud Corporation, dedicated in R&D, operations, and marketing of the precision medicine products. With the basis on the cloud technology by ASUS Cloud OmniStor data platform, ASUS Life develops medical bigdata products (e.g. PhenoFinder) and medical IoT products (e.g. OmniCare) to realize the innovation applications in the hospital and healthcare organization. ASUS Life is the driving force to help medical and healthcare with the digital transformation in a smart way. Product Summary OmniCare provides a wide variety of smart medical devices with integration of IoT cloud platform to monitor precise and immediate physiological data to help attain precision medicine. Moment by moment monitoring of physiological data OmniCare integrates a wide range of smart medical devices to provide various physiological data and measurements such as a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, SPO2, ultrasound and ECGs. Having these data readily available through these smart medical devices can give medical staff vital information immediately. Lower installation cost for integration into hospital system With the OmniCare API, it is effortless for hospitals to incorporate data from OmniCare into its own system for research and/or monitoring purposes. OmniCare provides cloud computing and algorithms for doctors to accurately analyze data for research and clinical studies. Cloud computing helps to attain precise medical treatments OmniCare OmniCare provides cloud computing and algorithms for doctors to accurately analyze data for research and clinical studies. 133
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明基電通股份有限公司 公司電話:03-359-8800 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-359-9000 www.benq.com 公司簡介 從「實現科技生活的真善美」(Bringing Enjoyment ‘N’ Quality to Life)願景出發,BenQ 致力成為科技產品和整 合解決方案的領導企業,用心瞭解人類生活的需求,投入數位生活、企業營運、醫療保健以及教育學習領域,提供 增進生活品質、促進營運效能、帶來完善健康照護以及創造靈活學習應用的多元創新產品,包括一系列投影機、專 用液晶顯示器、商用大型顯示器(互動式、數位看板)、喇叭、上網精靈、消費性雲端產品、移動通訊產品及精品 LED燈飾等,實現科技生活的真善美。
產品介紹 明基智能解決方案以「高度軟硬整合、一站購足、創新營運」為訴求,提供六大整合領域,滿足物聯網時代的需求 及服務。其中智慧醫療領域提供:醫療搬運機器人、智慧床地墊、團體健身系統及空氣品質提升解決方案。
BenQ Company Telephone:+886-3-359-8800 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-359-9000 www.benq.com Company Summary BenQ Corporation – a world-leading human technology and solutions provider driven by the corporate vision of “Bringing Enjoyment ‘N’ Quality to Life” to elevate and enrich the aspects of life that matter most to people today – lifestyle, business, healthcare and education. Set apart by the unique philosophy of “Because it matters”, BenQ is committed to empower people today to live better, increase efficiency, feel healthier and enhance learning through people-driven, innovation-fueled products, services and solutions. The spirit, as our very existence to improve the experience of life in every aspect, underlies our product development, business model, partnerships and corporate culture. It is also what inspires our dedicated employees and directs us in global citizenry. Because it matters, BenQ will continue to utilize substantial resources and proven expertise in product design, visual display, mobile solutions and network convergence technologies with the hope to delight the world, offering a broad range of products, services and solutions: digital projectors, professional monitors, interactive large-format displays, imaging solutions, mobile computing devices, and LED lighting solutions. Product Summary BenQ Business Solution - With ”tight software-hardware integration, one-stop shop, and innovative IOT applications ” as appeals, we offer integrated solutions in the major domains. Smart Healthcare offers Medical robot(MiBot), Smart Bad, FitRight (Group Training System)and Air Quality Solution 134
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廣達電腦 公司電話:03-327-2345 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-318-4207 www.qoca.net 公司簡介 廣達電腦是名列全球財星五百大的知名台灣公司,為全世界重要的資訊電子產品原創設計及生產廠商。廣達累積了 三十年的高科技市場經驗,是全球各大品牌公司的專業設計製造夥伴。 QOCA®品牌的出現,靈感來自於「世界上最快樂動物」-- 澳洲的quokka。QOCA®標誌,源自於象徵「生命種子」的 古老符號精神,代表著生命裡源源不絕的知識與創造力。 QOCA®系列產品沿襲了廣達在雲端計算與消費性產品的核心工程能力,在世界各地陸續獲得相關醫療器材許可及 認證。設計與生產方面的作業流程,均通過ISO13485品質管理系統認證。
產品介紹 QOCA® 智慧醫院解決方案專為減輕醫護人員工作負擔與簡化管理流程而設計,包含行動照護裝置、護理站、床邊 照護終端裝置、智慧床頭卡及電子白板等系統,旨在打造「以病患為中心」的環境。QOCA® home為遠距健康照護 系統,為銀髮族、慢性病患或術後返家病友可在家中進行自我健康管理,並讓健康照護人員與社工在遠端進行即時 健康狀況觀察或諮詢協助。
Quanta Computer Inc. Company Telephone:+886-3-327-2345 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-318-4207 www.qoca.net Company Summary Quanta Computer, a Fortune Global 500 company, is a global leader in mobile computing revolution. It continues to transform into cloud computing with the mission to enable more disruptive services and businesses with cloud-based solutions: Cloud solutions, connectivity, consisting of client. Quanta is committed to enhancing the quality of human life, developed the healthcare solution “QOCA®” (Quanta Omni Cloud cAre).From hospital to home, all IoT and healthcare cloud computing solutions support for big data applications and analysis, provide early warning signs, and can be used as an important indicator of healthcare management. Product Summary QOCA® Smart Hospital Solution is designed to reduce hospital’s workload and simplify management process. It consists of smart patient terminals, nurse station terminals, mobile care APP, smart beside cards, and smart whiteboards. QOCA® home is a cloud-based platform for telehealthcare with user experience optimized for senior citizens.
Booth No.
奇翼醫電股份有限公司 公司電話:03-667-5801 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-667-5801/03-667-6812 https://singularwings.com/ 公司簡介 奇翼醫電專注於醫療保健行動醫療裝置之硬體設計、軟體研發及後端雲端平台服務,可廣泛地運用在居家保健、疾 病照護、健康管理、復健活動等多樣應用領域。奇翼開發之硬體產品為生理訊號感測之智慧穿戴裝置,如智慧手 錶、智慧衣、掌上型量測等可偵測各種生理訊號之裝置。目前我們專注於心電訊號的感測,搭配應用程式APP,透 過雲端與線上平台進行資料整合。產品針對體適能及運動、情緒管理、醫學保健方面進行分析建議,追蹤與避免危 害的發生,並針對以上相關需求所衍生的服務,提供合作的機會。
產品介紹 CardiNova是世界首創在一般生活狀態下也可以量測醫療級心電信號的智慧穿戴衣物,在不影響日常活動情況下, 可幫助醫生早期發現與預警不正常的波形(如心房顫動)。以隱藏式設計保障使用者自尊與隱私,採用生物相容性與 高彈性透氣材質提升長期穿著舒適性。透過連續追蹤即時波形與醫療雲的連接,降低醫療開支,並提高醫療保健系 統的效率。
Singular Wings Medical Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-3-667-5801 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-667-5801/+886-3-667-6812 https://singularwings.com/ Company Summary Singular Wings Medical Co., Ltd. focus on health care and medical device including hardware design, software development and cloud platform service. Our products and services can be widely applied on resident care, disease care, health management, fitness, training, sports and other applications. We develop wearable devices which detect physiological signal and combine with smart clothing. Product Summary CardiNova, the first solution to provide medical-grade ambulatory ECG signals, it assists MDs in the early detection of critical wave forms, such as AFib without interfering the users’ daily lives. The unobtrusive design also helps protecting wearers’ privacy and maintain absolute discretion. Through real time monitoring of the ECG waveforms and the connection to the medical cloud.
Booth No.
商之器科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8751-4567 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8751-4567/02-8751-3300 www.ebmtech.com 公司簡介 商之器公司成立於1988年,長年致力於醫療影像軟體之專業研發、行銷及服務;所研發之醫療影像系統(PACS)於 2001年獲得美國FDA上市許可,並通過台灣醫療器材優良製造廠(GMP)評鑑,於2013年股票上櫃公開發行,資本額 為2.3億元。 商之器研發主力放在醫療影像(DICOM)標準,並以醫師臨床需求進行開發,1999年起,建立台灣第一家無片化醫 院後,並帶動台灣醫療影像無片化趨勢,範圍擴展遍及台灣、中國、日本、東南亞及美國等地,全球客戶達1600 家。
產品介紹 全球醫療服務在雲端化及行動化的趨勢下蓬勃發展,相關產品市場包含醫療影像系統(PACS)、電子病歷、行動醫 療、及醫療雲市場,總市值每年超過600億美元,複合成長率10%;根據工業經濟發展研究院(IEK)表示,全球行動 醫療市場規模於2011年約達7.2億美元,預估至2016年整體市場(包含衍生服務)規模將可達到110億美金,年複合 成長率高達72%。
EBM Technologies Company Telephone:+886-2-8751-4567 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8751-4567/+886-2-8751-3300 www.ebmtech.com Company Summary At EBM Technologies Incorporated, we are dedicated developing state-of-the-art medical imaging systems. Our head quarters are located at Neihu Science Park in Taipei City, Taiwan. EBM Technologies Incorporated currently employs 130 professionals worldwide, and we have branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo and Hawaii. Product Summary Products & Solutions Healthcare facilities can take advantage of the latest, most reliable digital technologies with EBM's affordable solutions. We offer a complete range of complementary technologies to meet the needs of healthcare professionals, from enterprise information management solutions to image processing solutions and backup and recovery technology. Our software can be customized to meet individual demand requirement. Our software can be customized to meet individual demand requirement. Our products abide by the highest standards to deliver the highest level of patient care. EBM's worldwide certification includes FDA, ISO 9001, 13485, CE and GMP certified. GMP upholds the highest requirements to facilitate information management systems, and EBM was the first PACS Company to satisfy all GMP standards. EBM is unequivocally best at ensuring the highest quality and reliability of PACS systems in the medical market. [EBM Commitment to Industry Standards]
Booth No.
僑興資訊股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2523-1172 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2523-1172*800/02-2563-6896 www.ots.com.tw 公司簡介 僑興資訊創立於1987年,資本額6,500萬,多年來專注於醫院領域,為最專業的護理師呼叫與通信整合系統廠商。 IVR(醫院預約掛號系統)、ASR(語音辨識系統)、CTI Call Center(客服中心服務系統)、IPPBX(網路交換機)、雲端護 士呼叫系統等產品。 僑興的醫療單位客戶:馬偕全省各院、長庚全省各院、慈濟醫院、新光醫院、三軍總醫院、成大醫院、彰化基督教 醫院、嘉義基督教醫院、台中榮總、台中仁愛醫院。本公司為濠毅公司-護理師呼叫鈴結合【智慧型手機】唯一的 合作夥伴。雲端護理師呼叫與通信整合系統我公司已擁有2項專利證書:一為新型專利,另一為發明專利。
產品介紹 雲端護理師呼叫暨通信整合系統 含括醫院用的大小通信產品如手機APP、電腦電話、 IP交換機,產品自主研發,技術領先同業,與其他產品介接易 如反掌。 產品優勢: 1.可結合智慧型手機、軟體電話(護理車)、IP交換機、即時訊息傳送、照片上傳 2.智慧型手機可當院內分機與其他分機互撥轉 3.提供各種電話簿 4.智慧型手機設定不同振鈴聲 5.護理站不需接聽或傳達電話,減少護理師走動,節省體力,降低流動率 6.自動語音告警、版本升級自動更新、通話全程錄音
OTS Information System Co. LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2523-1172 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2523-1172*800/+886-2-2563-6896 www.ots.com.tw Company Summary Founded In 1987 with capital of 65 Million NT Dollars,Focus On Hospital, and Proficient in Nurse Call and Communication System,Products include IVR(Medical Reservation), ASR(Voice Recognition), CTI Call Center, IP-PBX, and Nurse Calling System. Customers include Mackay Memorial Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Shin Kong Memorial Hospital, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Changhua Christian Hospital, Chiayi Christian Hospital, Taichung Veterans General Hospita, Taichung Jen-Ai Hospital, and Chang Gung Medical Foundation Hospital.The Only Provider of Integrated Nurse Call System for Haoyi Co. Own 2 Patents for Nurse Call System. Product Summary 1. Push Button to Call and Talk to Mobiles of Designated Nurses 2. Include Mobile APP, Softphone, IP PBX, Instant Message, and Photo Edit/upload 3. Mobile APP is an Extension for PBX With Various Phone Books to touch and dial Multiple Selectable Ring Tones 4. Call to Mobile APP and Cell Phone on Same Handset Simultaneously Free and Fast Response, or To Cover WiFi Weak Signal 5. No more Answer and Pass Call At Station Counters Less Walk, Less Labor, and Less Run Away for Nurses 6. Easy Connection to HIS/NIS/PBX/TelCo 138
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瑋華科技有限公司 公司電話:02-3322-5886 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-3322-5677 http://tw.bysources.com/themes/hcp/offer/index.php?sup_no=129575 公司簡介 瑋華科技有限公司在整個科技產業的垂直專業分工架構下,是扮演著承上啟下的的專業維修零售商的角色,而瑋華 科技也一直堅持「客戶滿意、快速服務」的原則,將所有的資源集中在整合產品、售後維修、系統整合維修等功 能。對於上游製造商而言,提供全方為的服務,使其免於直接面對眾多之最終使用客戶,增加客戶使用資訊產品的 滿意度,不但加速了服務速度,同時也減少行政及維修的相關成本支出,一步一步朝著資訊技術服務之產品方向前 進。 瑋華科技不斷的努力、不斷力求革新,經營型態由最初的印表機維修、系統整合、事務機維修之同行經銷為主要業 務,轉形成兼營系統公司事務機維修承攬商。瑋華科技正從專營『資訊維護產品』逐漸轉形成『資訊技術全方位服 務』的經營型態,提供全面性的資訊咨詢服務、資訊技術服務,以滿足資訊爆炸時代中小企業對於資訊化的需求。
產品介紹 1.2016年最新環保綠能彩色噴墨單張藥袋機 HP 55250dw 單張藥袋---高速彩色噴墨列印機 Higher speed Higher quality 降低醫院支出成本,提升醫護作業效率 升級智慧醫院最佳生態綠能選擇 •全 全球第一台可列印單張藥袋噴墨印表機 •超 超高速列印:黑白 70PPM 彩色 70 PPM •控 控制成本,通過 ENERGY STAR® 認證, •單 單張成本比彩色雷射印表機更省 50%。 •條 二維條碼 、 QR Cord 列印,防水、防酒精。 •低 低耗能、無噪音、體積小省空間。 •節 能省電、無粉塵,符合 PM2.5 綠能標章。
Wei-Hua Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-3322-5886 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-3322-5677 http://tw.bysources.com/themes/hcp/offer/index.php?sup_no=129575 Company Summary Under the structure of vertical division in whole technology industry, Wei-Hua Technology Co., Ltd. plays the role of professional maintenance retailer, and they always insist on the principles of customer satisfaction and Quick service. They focus all our resources on integrating industries, after-sales service, system integration and maintenance. For the upstream manufacturers, they provide all aspects of services to protect them from facing many users directly and increase customer satisfaction with information products. Therefore, they not only speed up service but also reduce expenditure relating to administrative and maintenance towards the direction of information Technology Service products. Wei-Hua Technology Co., Ltd. constantly makes efforts and strives for innovation. We transform mode of operation from a peer dealer of original printer maintenance, system integration and transaction machine maintenance to a contractor of transaction machine for system company. Now, they are changing mode of operation from focusing on information maintenance products to all-round services of information technology to meet small and medium enterprises for the needs of information in the information explosion time. Product Summary 2016 new color inkjet machine for single pill bag HP 55250dw single pill bag---speed color inkjet machine Reduce the cost of hospital to improve the efficiency of health care work Upgrade the best ecological green energy selection for intelligent hospital The first printable machine for single pill bag High-speed printing: black-white 70PPM /® color 70PPM Control costs and through ENERGY STAR certification Cost of piece is 50% more than color laser print Two-dimensional barcode, QR Cord print, waterproof, alcohol-proof Low energy consumption, no noise, small size and space saving Power saving, no dust and comply with green energy standard chapter
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國立交通大學 智慧醫療推動辦公室 & 創新育成中心 公司電話:03-571-2121 ext.53251 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-571-2121 ext.53251 www.nctu.edu.tw 公司簡介 國立交通大學透過「智慧醫療辦公室」之推動,藉由醫聯網及大數據之遠程連結,以全面信息網路化、醫療智慧化 及醫護居家化為宗旨,建構智慧醫療應用場域,促進多樣化及個人化智慧醫療服務技術與應用發展。將智慧醫療的 產學研發成果嘉惠更多病患,提升醫療效率與品質,改善醫病關係,落實以病患為中心的個人化智慧醫療照護,帶 領台灣的醫療產業開創新格局。 交通大學創新育成中心,自從1997年成立,即著手建構交通大學與產業之間的關係,育成中心提供的負擔得起的 出租空間、軟硬體設備並協助申請政府部門企業輔導補助、尋找創投資金、技術移轉、專家輔導、專業諮詢,教育 訓練等整合性的服務規劃,有效的媒合進駐廠商、資金、技術及市場需求,透過各種途徑來協助新創企業成長,減 輕創業過程的投資費用與風險,增進研發創新技術及創業之成功率。
National Chiao Tung University Smart Healthcare Promotion Office & Innovation Incubation Center Company Telephone:+886-3-571-2121 ext.53251 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-571-2121 ext.53251 www.nctu.edu.tw Company Summary National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) expects that with the promotion of “Smart Healthcare Promotion Office”, the R&D progress of smart healthcare will be used to benefit more patients, improve medical efficiency and quality, improve doctor-patient relationships, carry out patient-oriented customized smart medical care, and lead the medical industry of Taiwan to break new grounds. With the distant connection of medical networks and big data, it upholds the goals of comprehensive information digitalization, smart medicine and home medical care to construct smart medicine application venues to promote the technological and applicative development of versatile and customized smart medical services. National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Innovation Incubation Center (IIC) was established in 1997. The main goal of establishing NCTU IIC is to assist start-up companies to benefit by academic and government resources. In order to accelerate start-up companies’growth and reduce the investment costs and risks in their early stage, NCTU IIC incubates new ventures by providing affordable spaces and facilities, assisting applying government support, and other business services such as fund sourcing, technology transfer, management consulting.
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伸波通訊股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2795-3616 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2795-3616 www.wavein.com.tw 公司簡介 伸波通訊 (Wave-In) 股份有限公司創立於2015年1月,以台灣自主創新研發的「室內涵蓋解決方案– S-DAS」及 「智能雲端網路平台」解決方案 – XiNOS ,提供領先業界的室內與電梯內行動通訊涵蓋解決方案、電信網路優化 系統平台服務以及IPS室內定位系統。
產品介紹 S-DAS:100% 台灣自主研發的分散型天線系統,支援台灣3G (WCDMA) 以及 4G (LTE) 所有頻段。領先業界提供最 先進4G技術指標 MIMO (多重輸入多重輸出)與CA (載波聚合)技術。 XiNOS:提供強大的後端平台執行網路效能監控與分析。智能雲端網路平台提供電信業者更迅速、更簡便、圖像化 的網路優化平台。 IPS室內定位系統:伸波通訊 (Wave-In) 與合作夥伴共同開發IPS室內定位系統,超精準室內3D垂直定位,可應用並 解決任何室內定位的需求。
Wave-In Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2795-3616 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2795-3616 www.wavein.com.tw Company Summary Wave-In communication is a global solution provider for in-building RF coverage design and improvement. We are providing industry leading Distribute Antenna System - SDAS and Cloud-based mobile network optimization software platform – XiNOS and powerful IPS for indoor positioning system. Product Summary S-DAS (Slim Distribution Antenna System) offer the industry leading and most innovative technology to help mobile operator extend the RF signal coverage into any indoor environment from small to large scale. XiNOS is a powerful platform for network performance monitoring and details analysis. IPS: Indoor positioning system provides indoor 3D vertical positioning and resolve any indoor positioning needs. IPS is a powerful system to trace Machine/ Vehicles/ Workers in indoor environment.
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一舜科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2999-2566x279 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-800-828/02-2999-7376 www.e-sun.com.tw 公司簡介 一舜創立於1996年,始終以卓越的研發實力與嚴謹的品質管制,致力於臺灣室內空氣污染防制淨化及水質處理技 術。 以專業技術領先投入臺灣醫療業界的院內空氣污染防制二十一年,自行研發、設計生產之e-sun 空氣淨化機,在臺 灣醫療院所的 市佔率是第一,也率先取得臺灣衛生福利部GMP優良製造廠認證及全產品嚴格安規的查驗登記。品 質一直受到醫療界肯定與採用,一舜空氣淨化技術可達到手術房無菌無塵要求。 目前一舜家用、商用、醫用空氣淨化機共18台機型(包括智慧型9台)已取得 1.商品安全標章 BSMI證書 (字號 R3B687)/RoHS 2.節能標章(證書編號:106625, 106626), 一舜空氣淨化機擁有商品安全的保證!
產品介紹 •一舜科技創立於1996年7月1日, 1996年10月正式代理引進美國NQ品牌(醫療院內空氣感染防制設備和技 術),加上本身35年的製造業服務經驗一舜成為臺灣醫界、牙醫界的最佳管控空氣品質的先鋒。 •2002年一舜開始自行研發醫院診所專用的e-sun品牌空氣淨化機,大受臺灣醫療業界肯定與採用,有吸頂型、落 地活動型、壁掛式,全系列產品皆經臺灣衛生福利部GMP認證通過至今。 2015年開發第二代空氣淨化機,有家用、商用、醫用系列。 2017年家用、商用、醫用空氣淨化機共18台機型(包括智慧型9台)已取得 1.商品安全標章 BSMI證書和RoHS 2.節能標章 一舜空氣淨化機擁有商品安全的保證!
E-SUN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2999-2566x279 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-800-828/+886-2-2999-7376 www.e-sun.com.tw Company Summary •E-SUN was founded in July 1, 1996. E-SUN became an agent of NQ purifier which is specialized in medical and hospital air infection treatment and solutions in American. Later on E-SUN became a pioneer and leader to provide air purification equipment and professional maintenance for hospitals, clinics and dentistry. •E-SUN began to develop its own specific E-SUN air purifier range for hospitals in 2002, it’s well approved and adopted by hospitals and medical field. There are ceiling-type, mobile console, wallmounted, full range of products are all acquired GMP certification by Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan so far. •In 2015, E-SUN develop the 2nd generation of air purifiers range, which is based on The Laws & Regulation of Indoor Air Quality legislated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2014. The air purifier series include medical range 3 types, business range 3 types and household range 3 types and Ventilation Air Purifier provides optional fresh air ventilation feature. Product Summary •In 2015, E-SUN develop the 2nd generation of air purifiers range, which is based on The Laws & Regulation of Indoor Air Quality legislated by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in 2014. The air purifier series include medical range 3 types, business range 3 types and household range 3 types and Ventilation Air Purifier provides optional fresh air ventilation feature. •Our product has acquired : Product safety mark (BSMI) Energy saving label GMP Certificate 142
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緯謙科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-6616-9999 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-6641-4851/02-6612-7236 www.wiadvance.com 公司簡介 緯謙科技股份有限公司為緯創集團旗下子公司,專注於提供基於公有雲平台與混合雲架構的應用解決方案。 企業需要行業特色與 IT 融合的解決方案,緯謙科技結盟世界級公有雲平台並結合自身研發能力,提供企業客戶雲 應用建置與管理服務與企業高效能行動生產力應用服務。此外,結合對混合雲、巨量資料分析與人工智慧等嶄新技 術的專業,緯謙科技也秉持對資通訊技術的掌握度以及在醫療照護、高科技製造等產業的服務經驗,為不同產業客 戶規劃產業智慧解決方案,持續協助台灣企業轉型為數位原生企業,在瞬息萬變的市場中取得致勝先機,共存共 榮。
產品介紹 緯謙科技了解資料分析對醫護產業的重要性,但現有醫護數據的多元性、數據分散存放以及資料的隱私性是一大挑 戰。 「緯謙科技智慧醫療解決方案」強調以「病患」為中心的醫療數位服務,採用最適的混合雲架構蒐集多元數據、透 過深度學習服務建立醫療大數據平台、並搭配定位服務與IoT方案。藉由大數據平台串聯醫療照護雲服務,緯謙期 許能協助更多醫療照護機構在減輕專業人員負擔的同時,提供病患更優質的服務,並達成醫療數位轉型之目標。
WiAdvance Technology Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-6616-9999 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-6641-4851/+886-2-6612-7236 www.wiadvance.com Company Summary WiAdvance Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Wistron Corporation, one of the world's largest ICT solution provider. WiAdvance focuses on providing enterprise-level cloud solutions with public cloud and hybrid architecture. Leveraging big data and AI technologies, WiAdvance provides industry 4.0 and smart medical solutions to help our clients reach their goals of digital transformation. Product Summary “WiAdvance smart medical solution” supports medical institutions to build patient-centered care. WiAdvance provides total services including integrated data platform with AI, hybrid cloud model, indoor positioning service, and IoT. WiAdvance consultants will work continuously with clients to utilize data to revolutionize medical services.
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高登智慧科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-577-0693 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-577-0821 www.goldensmarthome.com.tw 公司簡介 我顧健康 - AI精準健康促進平台,通過雲端基礎設施連接專家和終端消費者。其中包含照護裝置,健身器材、 APP、雲端客戶關係系統,社交網絡系統,電子商務系統甚至室內定位系統。 最重要的特徵是其AI能力,能為專 家和終端客戶提供準確的資訊。
產品介紹 Mood Translator 情緒壓力感測器是一台能夠感測人體的心率活動的裝置,具有量測心率、活力年齡、心情、壓力 等多項功能,也可以進行呼吸訓練,用來舒緩緊繃的神經與肌肉,達到放鬆的效果。只要將雙手的大拇指輕壓於金 屬面板上,手機APP即顯示量測結果。搭配藍牙功能上傳至雲端解讀,輕鬆瞭解身體情況。 同時兼具以下優點,使用方式簡單、尺寸小巧迷你便於隨身攜帶、收納。 應用場域如溫泉會館、SPA會館等,可為會員提供專屬的量測服務,藉此驗證是否達到舒壓放鬆的效果。在促進職 場健康方面,廠護也可應用在員工的健康關懷。
Golden Smart Home Technology Corp Company Telephone:+886-3-577-0693 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-577-0821 www.goldensmarthome.com.tw Company Summary WowGoHealth – AI Accurate Health Promotion Platform connects experts and end-customers via cloud infrastructure, where has medical devices, exercise machines, APP, cloud CRM system, social networking system, e-commerce system and even indoor positioning system. The most important feature is that the AI capability provides accurate information for both experts and end-customers. Product Summary “Mood Translator” with the measurement of heart rate, vitality age, mood, pressure and many other functions, can also be breathing training, used to relieve the nerves and muscles. The “Mood Translator" is simple to use, as long as the thumbs gently pressed on the metal panel, the measurement results are shown in APP. “Mood Translator” is designed with the small size, light weight, simple and modern style, easy to carry and affordable. That’s why so many customers have asked, to use this product as a gift. The application scenarios of Mood Translator could be hot springs resort hotel, spa and beauty salon, etc., to provide users with exclusive measurement services, with pressure level. Mood Translator can be used in enterprise to enable company nurse to take care the health of employee.
Booth No.
滙嘉健康生活科技股份有限公司 公司電話:03-657-6679 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-657-7276 www.huijiahealth.com.tw 公司簡介 滙嘉健康擁有多項專利之光纖生理監測核心技術,本技術無電磁波輻射,為高敏度高精度生理感測器,可監測人體 生理活動包括呼吸、心率、脈搏波、血壓、睡眠分析等,結合物聯網可實現嬰兒與成人睡眠自動智慧照護服務。該 技術獲得2017年第55屆全球百大科技研發獎(R&D 100Awards) 、2017年第18屆醫療品質獎、2017年百大創新金質 獎及2016年國家新創獎、2016年APICTA亞太資訊通奧斯卡金牌。
產品介紹 智慧照護系統是基於非侵入光纖生理監測技術之應用,無電磁波, 高敏度, 高精度感測器,可監測生理活動包括呼 吸、心率、脈搏波、血壓、睡眠分析等,結合IOT實現免觸控APP自動智慧照護服務。應用包括智慧墊、智慧床、 智慧枕、智慧衣, 24小時自動巡房系統, 從無感中取得安全與健康資訊,可紓解全球照護人力缺口,提升照護品質。 產品包含智慧墊/枕、智慧衣、智慧照護房、新生兒安全與健康管理系統、24小時自動巡房照護系統。本公司為光 纖監測技術量產化、市場化、醫院採用全球唯一超過5年以上之公司。嬰兒墊系列更超過200家婦產科,月子中心及 托嬰中心採用。
Huijia Health Life Technology Co., Ltd Company Telephone:+886-3-657-6679 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-657-7276 www.huijiahealth.com.tw Company Summary Huijia Health is a Smart Care Solution provider for elderly and babies. It is based on its core technology” Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology”(nFOPT). This world's first invention can be applied to babies and elderly home/institutional care and has been used in hospitals over five years. Product Summary Non-invasive Fiber Optic Physiological Monitoring Technology”(nFOPT). This world's first invention can be applied to babies and elderly home/institutional care. nFOPT can monitor sleep safety and health with no wearable devices, no electromagnetic wave, with high safety and accuracy. It can also combine with IoT functions and it responds to movements of the baby and elderly. It’s unique simple movement learning system provides elderly with a better quality of life and their dignity. Application includes, smart mat /mattress/clothes/ pillow; smart care room and smart care system. The best solution is Smart Care System that monitors and manages multiple beds or rooms in a cost-effective way and helps to resolve the shortage of caregivers problem by providing 24/7 auto rounds and allows care recipients an ability to receive quality care with dignity. Awards obtained: 2017 R&D 100 Award Winner 2017 HQIC Award 2017 ICT Month Innovative Elite Golden Award 2016 APICTA Awards winner 2016 National Innovative Award 2016 ICT Month Innovative Elite Product Award 145
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達辰智慧科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2692-2828 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8192-7404 http://web.digitalent.com.tw 公司簡介 達辰智慧科技成立於2014 年3 月,專注於研發基於ARM + Linux 架構的嵌入式工業電腦用如醫療藥品箱溫溼度監 視、老舊空調主機升級監控系統、自助加油系統、太陽能電廠工業電腦、超商收銀機等。達辰智慧科技擁有經驗豐 富和嚴謹紮實的研發製造團隊,確保產品穩定可靠,在設計階段即經過嚴格的軟硬體測試,在生產階段則經過完整 的燒機篩選與品質把關,因此獲得客戶一致的好評與信賴。此外達辰智慧科技提供軟硬體客製化的服務,以滿足客 戶對特殊規格和特性的需求。
產品介紹 DTG-2416 工業電腦控制器 DTE-R 系列繼電器模組 ● DTS-001 無線溫溼度感應器 ● HMI 觸碰式人機介面設備 ● 軟體客製化服務 ● 3D 列印 & 3D 掃描服務 ● ●
Digitalent Technology Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2692-2828 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8192-7404 http://web.digitalent.com.tw Company Summary Digitalent was established in March 2014,Focus on development embedded industrial computers based on ARM + Linux architecture.Applications such as Medical medicine box open and closed temperature and humidity monitoring,Old air conditioning upgrade monitoring system,Solar Power Plant Industrial computers,Supermarket cash register.Digitalent has an experienced R & D and manufacturing team to ensure that the product is stable a the production stage after a complete burn machine and quality checks, so customers get the same trust.In addition, digitalent offers customized hardware and software services to meet customer needs for specific specifications and features. Product Summary ● DTG-2416 Industrial Box Computer ● DTE-R Series Relay board Module ● DTS-001 Wireless temperature and humidity sensor ● HMI (Touch human interface device) ● Software customized services ● 3D Printer & 3D Scanner service
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鎧鋒企業股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8227-3699 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8227-3699/02-8227-3599 www.kca.com.tw 公司簡介 1.鎧鋒企業係在弱電市場經歷數十年發展,該集團由早期2A、3A到5A演變成最近智慧建築及智慧家庭,從2~3項設 備發展到目前2~30項產品項目,掌握弱電產品技術,整合e管家平台產品,為智慧建築注入最適合智慧家庭的連 線終端設備。 2.鎧鋒企業資本額1億8千萬元,產品市占皆在市場為前三名;在北、中、南地區擁有上百家代理商為客戶提供服 務。 3.因應全球潮流趨勢,配合政府現階段大力推動四大新興智慧型產業計畫,鎧鋒企業引領全民智慧綠建築創意風 潮,研發各項智慧家庭產品功能藉此滿足客制化需求,打造數位城市,建立市場領導品牌。
產品介紹 1.SIP對講系統結合門禁功能於一身,所有建置在公共區域門口機設備皆可內建門禁讀卡功能,無需另外加裝門禁 系統,就可以構成一套完整社區大樓門禁系統,以設備群組或以個別做發卡動作,如未裝有有門口機地方可加裝 獨立門禁卡機,進行門禁控管。 2.SIP對講系統所有帶有攝影機的對講設備皆搭載百萬像素高解析影像模組以傳送高清影像,並且室內機可隨時隨 選監看社區公共區域的公共門口機影像及自家住戶門口機影像,也可結合社區監視系統將網路攝影機或特定DVR 的影像提供給住戶監看使用。
KINGDOM COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATED LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-8227-3699 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8227-3699/+886-2-8227-3599 www.kca.com.tw Company Summary KCA , 28years professional manufacturer and the unique supplier for full range of security system solution including Video doorphone system / SIP Intercom / Smart home control / CCTV surveillance… 100% QC and long term quality warranty is our principle. KCA with strong market share in the video intercom business for the top three in Taiwan which more than hundreds of distributor in North, Central and Southern regions. In response to the global trend of the smart industrial projects by the government at the present stage, KCA leads the creative trend of universal wisdom and green building policy to develops functions of smart home products so as to meet the Government’s needs of customization and create digital city. KCA already been the best business partner of the market leading brand. Product Summary SIP intercom special designed with access control features, door station in public area built-in access card reader function without additional card reader installation. Easily for building complete community access control system to device groups or to do an individual card-issuing action for remote access control. SIP intercom build with own IP table for individual IP linking without registered by extra IP PBX. Own R&D PremiCMS management software easily for any further customized features. Special designed with two network segments, to separate the networks of community and households . Full confidential security network for resident & intelligent home automation integration.
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向暘科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2698-3311 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2698-3322 www.airtek.com.tw 公司簡介 向暘科技成立於1987年,有三十年以上的樓宇自控系統研發和生產經驗,其不斷致力於自控領域的產品開發、技 術研究及系統服務工作,經過多年的快速和持續發展,除了在亞洲市場居於領導地位外,也是全球樓宇控制系統技 術領先群的廠商之一,服務遍布全世界。 向暘科技帶領建築物走向高安全、高質量、高功能、信息化及人性化的智能建築科技。向暘科技在全球建築物管理 智慧化領域裡提供領先的智能樓宇管理解決方案,在發展中不斷完善創新產品的性能。向暘科技秉持誠信、專業、 效率、完美的精神,使客戶、員工、投資者及社會大眾均獲得最大的利益。
產品介紹 AIRTEK擁有遍布各行各業的用戶基礎、能提供一個完全開放式的系統解決方案及系統集成方面的專業技術。 AIRTEK 監控系統是採用國際通用BACnet開放式通信協議 (此標準由美國空調工程師協會ASHRAE所提倡,發展到現 在已是全球標準組織(ISO)的標準、美國國家標準、歐洲共同標準,全球超過三十個國家採用的國際標準)。由於 AIRTEK是遵循BACnet開發的系統產品,產品兼容性強、互換性好,可節省昂貴的系統升級費用,讓投資回報受到 真正的保護,AIRTEK終將為現代化建築的首選。
Airtek Technologies INC. Company Telephone:+886-2-2698-3311 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2698-3322 www.airtek.com.tw Company Summary Airtek established in 1987, has over thirty years of experience in the research and production of building automation control system. We have dedicated ourselves to products development, technical research and system service in the field of automatic control. After years of rapid and continuing growth, AIRTEK not only remain a leader in the Asia market but also spread throughout the world by actively expanding business in Asia, the U.S. and Europe through the development of regional offices, marketing channels and support networks. Product Summary Airtek intelligence building management & control system applies in various locations that require central control of distributed electrical and mechanical equipment. Such as office buildings, five-star hotels, department stores, plant science and technology, academic Institutions, hospitals, laboratories, theaters and museums etc. Airtek system utilizes the worldwide standard BACnet communication open protocol. Airtek products have obtained the BACnet Laboratory (BTL) certification, Thus guarantee a high degree of stability and reliability. It is absolutely the best system for your building.
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新加坡商 寶吉特有限公司 公司電話:02-8797-1330 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8751-9737 www.brtchip.com 公司簡介 Bridgetek源自母公司FTDI Chip所創設的全球性半導體公司。 主要提供高性能微控制器單元(MCU),嵌入式顯示控制器(EVE)產品,以開發創新晶片解決方案,提昇最新無縫 結合的連接技術。
產品介紹 Bridgetek PanL解決方案可應用於智能家居與智能城市。 1)PanL智能家居改變家庭自動化解決方案的常規。 2)PanL智能照護可確保患者可以立即得到護士和醫生的關注。 3)PanL智能溫室系統提供靈活和可擴充的解決方案,以遠程監控溫室的連接設備和傳感器。 4)PanL 智能公用設備展示智能儀錶、數據記錄和計費能量等傳感器的連接。
Bridgetek Pte, Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-8797-1330 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8751-9737 www.brtchip.com Company Summary Bridgetek is a newly established global semiconductor company from FTDI Chip. The company provides high performance microcontroller units (MCUs), display controller IC products and develops innovative silicon solutions that enhance seamless interaction with latest connectivity technologies. Product Summary Bridgetek PanL solutions for smart home and smart city applications. 1) PanL smart living is a game changer in home automation solutions. 2) PanL Smart Nurse Calling make sure patients can get immediate attention from nurses and doctors. 3) PanL Smart Greenhouse systems provide flexible and extendable solutions to remotely monitor connected devices and sensors inside the Greenhouse. 4) PanL Smart Utilities demonstrate the connectivity of energy sensors for smart metering
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華豫寧股份有限公司 公司電話:04-2236-2718 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0800-002-345/04-2236-2719 www.waferlock.com 公司簡介 華豫寧股份有限公司成立於台中市,從起初一般電子零件銷售業,進而發展至微電腦控制器(MCU)韌體技術服務 業。在台灣成立台北、新竹、台南、高雄等四家分公司,海外並成立香港、上海、深圳、吉隆坡分公司。2000年 成立電子鎖事業處,主要銷售市場為歐洲與台灣。於2010年正式推出 e-Home系列產品,採用TCP/IP通訊規格,行 銷國內外,並已於台灣案場實際安裝使用,廣受好評。
產品介紹 華豫寧為目前國內極少數同時致力於家庭、辦公室、飯店....各領域管理模組的軟硬體開發公司。運用電子式感應門 鎖E-LOCK系統,結合嵌入式數位住宅系統E-Home系統,或辦公室網路門禁管理系統E-Link系統、飯店房控節電系統 E化電腦管理的E-Hotel系統,建構智慧、便利、效率的優勢環境,藉以創造美好生活、有效提升管理競爭力,迎合 E世代潮流趨勢,滿足您工作或生活的各項需求。
WFE Technology Corp. Company Telephone:+886-4-2236-2718 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-0800-002-345/+886-4-2236-2719 www.waferlock.com Company Summary Established in 1992, Waferlock has initially started the business in firmware design of microcontrollers. With more than a decade of expertise in electronic design, the company expands the business to different industry, and step into Access control field from the inspiration of RFID technology. Driven by the needs of security products of Access Control, Waferlock has achieved many milestones and has provided the market with a different view. Products such as IP67 Electronic Cylinders, Electronic locks, Euro Electronic locks have been distributing and installing in different commercial projects, hotels, and residences. Product Summary Waferlock offers the total solution of Electronic Lock, Digital/Electronic Cylinder, Electronic Master Key System, and Hotel Electronic Locking System. Products such as Electronic cylinder/Handle locks/ Proximity lock/Wall reader/Wall controller/access control software are all available from Waferlock. As a manufacturer we provide direct sales and technical support for all our dealers around the world. With Wafer,ock customers will be able to see a full range of electronic locks for different application. From Commercial access control, residential access to hotel access control, we have a full system from electronic lock to software are all available. 153
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頂石雲端股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2610-3921 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2610-3921/02-2610-3971 www.cs-firecloud.com.tw 公司簡介 頂石雲端是致力於智慧系統整合、ICT(資訊通)設計的新創團隊。我們提供客戶所生活所需要的智慧居家系統,透 過智慧系統的整合,打造最安全的生活防護網。頂石設計之軟體,可接受大數據的數值轉換及分析,將實際現場狀 況數值化、規則化,讓使用者有跡可循,通過手機、APP、電腦、等通訊工具及軟體,在最方便的狀況下掌握所有 資訊。透過系統整合及物聯網的連結,創造智慧生活。
產品介紹 一、雲端消防系統:配合R型受信總機,達到隨時監控保護。並透過軟體,接受大數據的數值轉換及分析,將實際 現場狀況數值化、規則化,清楚掌握現場狀況。 二、雲端物業管理系統:訪客、送貨、郵差掛號等,皆能連線機櫃達到無人收發及遠端控管的功能。 三、獨立式無線探測器:單獨一顆探測器即可接受大數據的數值轉換及分析,將實際現場狀況數值化、規則化,直 接上傳雲端,並透過APP軟體連動,無須透過授信總機,就能掌握現場相關資訊。
CAPSTONE FIRECLOUD CO.,LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2610-3921 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2610-3921/+886-2-2610-3971 www.cs-firecloud.com.tw Company Summary CAPSTONE FIRECLOUD CO., LTD is a new team devoted to the design of smart system and ICT (Information Communication). We provide the smart home system our customers need to live, and create the safest network of living through the integration of smart systems. CAPSTONE FIRECLOUD CO., LTD design software can accept the numerical data conversion and analysis of big data. The actual site status is numerically and regularized, which allows users to follow suit. Through mobile phones, APPs, computers, and other communication tools and software, it is most convenient Under the control of all information. Through the system integration and the Internet of Things links, to create a smart life. Product Summary 1.Cloud Fire System: With R-type trusted switchboard, to achieve anytime monitoring and protection. And through the software, to accept the numerical data conversion and analysis of the actual scene of the situation of numerical, regularization, a clear grasp of the site conditions. 2.Cloud property management system: visitors, delivery, postman registration, etc., can connect the cabinet to achieve unmanned transceiver and remote control functions. 3.Stand-alone wireless detector: a single detector to accept the numerical data conversion and analysis of the actual scene conditions, numerical, regular upload directly to the cloud, and through the software linked with the APP, without the master switchboard, you can grasp Site related information. 154
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富欣實業股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2222-7070 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2222-7070/02-2222-1818 www.fullcorp.com 公司簡介 富欣實業成立於1984年,由專業的數據通信,網路通訊,電源類等產品產品線涵蓋了個專業領域知識,並累積了 超過20年的經驗,且預見互聯網的未來發展趨勢,自2012年開始研發轉換和升級為物聯網的日能家具居解決方 案。 我們一步一腳印向前邁進,為合作30年客戶提供優化的物聯網戰略,將現有的產品節約成本且無縫升級成智能家 居解決方案. 互聯網結合了大量的裝置這就是為什麼所有裝置必須無縫協同合作的重要性.我們的高度協同合作經驗 可以確保您與客戶建立起可以完全信賴的長期合作伙伴關係。
產品介紹 復興實業發展了超過100項的智能裝置,運用Zigbee通訊標準可以使我們的產品達到最多的擴充性並且易於安裝且 低功耗。 a.智能床墊:偵測睡眠品質, 連動照明及安防設施 b.UWB動態室內定位:可用於失智長者的位置監控,減輕照護人員的壓力,並且以精簡的人力成本達到最佳的照護 效率。 若您想知道更多新產品的訊息,歡迎您至本公司展位參觀。
Full Enterprise Corp. Company Telephone:+886-2-2222-7070 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2222-7070/+886-2-2222-1818 www.fullcorp.com Company Summary Full Enterprise Corporation was founded in 1984 with expertized Datacom, Networking, Power Suppliers products. Utilize domain know-how developed products experience over 20 years and foreseeing the IoT in the future. Starting to transform and upgrading IoT Smart Home Solution since 2012. We step forward moving to provide optimize IoT strategy and collaborated 30 years customer. Upgrade current product to smart home and smart hotel seamless and saving costs. IoT gather lots of parts that’s why is important the all the devices work seamlessly. Our collaboration ensures you are part of completely high value partnership that your customer can rely on. Product Summary Full Enterprise has developed more than 100 smart devices. Its solutions utilize Zigbee communication standard, which the company claims allows for expandability, easy setup and low power consumption. a.Smart Mattress: Sleep quality monitoring, automation setup with lighting and security. b.UWB indoor positioning: Can be utilized to monitor the dementia elderly’s location For more information, please visit our booth.
Booth No.
雲派科技 公司電話:02-8792-0338 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8792-0338 www.pakingtek.com
PaKing Technology, Inc.
公司簡介 雲派科技掌握互聯網及IOT應用技術,領先發展超智能停車解決方案。同時,設計可觀盈利的停車O2O模式,吸引 眾多投資人青睞,並持續招募策略商業夥伴,共創多贏的新雲端事業。 對於超智能停車場設計及管理,提出一系列的系統應用、軟體設計、硬體設計和獨特的商業模式專利,保障雲派科 技的智財權。並推出大數據分析服務,結合各種商業服務的推播需求,客製個人廣告訊息,迎合客戶需要,取得客 戶的共鳴。透過超智能停車場管理,提供普羅大眾車主一個前所未有的智能停車服務,也善盡優良企業的社會責任 與公民義務,回饋社會。
產品介紹 超智能停車場即時訊息揭露,結合LBS技術,提供準確的停車場服務資訊。 超智能停車預約及電子收費管理系統,解決停車難的問題並突破傳統停車收費方式,充分應用現今電子支付的便 利。 ● 超智能停車場實境導航,引導車輛在停車場內,尋找空閒車位,快速停妥車輛,節省燃油及時間並協助降低停車 場內空氣污染及停車場經營成本。 ● 使用者消費行為及行銷大數據推播服務管理系統整合,協助提供準確及有效的行銷服務。 ● ●
PaKing Technology, Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-8792-0338 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8792-0338 www.pakingtek.com Company Summary PaKing Technology develops the leading smart parking solution upon the in-house Internet and IOT technologies. In the meantime, the innovative business model results in a profitable parking O2O business that is acknowledged by and attracts the support from ventures and angels for creating a win-win cloud business, which continues to recruit more strategic business partners. To enhance the value of our Intellectual Property, many patents filed are associated with the system application, software design, hardware design and also unique business model related to the smart parking design and management. Also delivering the Big Data Analytic service to get customer’s endorsement and support for future business service of promotion, customize commercial for individual to fulfill customer needs. Through our smart parking management, an innovative parking service will be provided to the public, and honor social responsibility and civil obligation for societal contribution Product Summary ● Utilizing LBS technology to offer real-time parking information. ● Smart parking reservation and payment management system could resolve urban city parking problems and change the traditional payment method to be more efficient, and offer mobile payment option. ● Smart parking indoor navigation leads the driver easily to find the vacant parking space for quick parking; saving fuel and time and also effectively reducing car emission inside of parking lot and parking management cost. ● Consolidation of Big Data Analytic service and consumer information, effectively support the precise marketing service afterward. 156
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新保科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2356-7705 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2356-7364 www.nsst.com.tw 公司簡介 新保科技不斷追求創新,投入各式尖端科技發展應用,引領時代潮流。展望未來,隨著大中華經濟圈的形成,新保 科技將擴大兩岸合作,發展社區(小區)整合資訊系統服務需求,並在現有基礎上發展各項加值應用產品,強化客戶 團體優勢,期將新保科技成功的系統整合經驗與專業軟體研發,擴展至全球市場,持續發揚光大。
SINBAO TECHNOLOGY Company Telephone:+886-2-2356-7705 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2356-7364 www.nsst.com.tw Company Summary Sinbao Science and Technology constantly pursues innovation, invests in cutting-edge technology to develop applications, and leads the trend of the times. Looking into the future, with the formation of the Greater China Economic Circle, Sinbao Technology will expand cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, develop community (sub-district) integrated information system service requirements, and develop various value-added application products on the existing basis to strengthen customer group advantages. Sinbao Technology's successful system integration experience and professional software R&D have extended to the global market and continue to flourish.
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有福機械有限公司 公司電話:02-2365-4026 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2367-1928 www.luckpump.com 公司簡介 我們有福是專注於從事給排水、恆壓變頻變速泵浦組系統、以及節能優化工程的專業廠商,自1997年即陸續榮獲 台灣、大陸、美國等專利認可。 近年將控水領域拓展至雲端技術應用;採物聯網與大數據分析優化為基礎,以「雲端智能泵聯網」整合建築包含恆 壓、加壓、空調、揚水、排水防護等範疇,結合環境安全、能源管理、自動化控制的要素,提供兼具可靠、節能、 便利的永續環境共生服務- SEAC核心資源管理平台。 不斷將台灣創新的成熟產品邁向全世界是我們的目標,目前有福的產品行銷於台灣、上海、香港、韓國、歐美、東 南亞,深獲國內外使用者信賴。
產品介紹 多重情境控制 •符合日常節能、水資源優化;省電舒適同時兼得 •對應火損、水損等防災型偵測與聯動防護情境控制 自動排程設定 •能耗紀錄分析搭配時間電價,實現建築需量管理 行動式權限管理 •管理層級設定;可依照身份/職級指定不同的監控權限 環境監控分析 •含括 水壓/水質/水量/水溫/水位/環溫/能耗等環境監控項目 智能雲端整合 •模式通知/即時數據/趨勢分析/異警原因等, 一手掌握設備群狀態
LUCK MACHINERY Co., Ltd. Company Telephone:+886-2-2365-4026 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2367-1928 www.luckpump.com Company Summary Luckpump Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in 1970s, with its headquarters in Taipei. We are the first professional manufacturer engaging in constant pressure booster pumps water-supply system in Taiwan. In 1987, the 1st generation of our pump was born and was installed in Linkou Gymnasium, Taoyuan. Luckpump has come a long way since the launch of the first generation; this year, the 16th generation H-L dual constant pressure V.S.D. pump has just released to the world. Product Summary •Multi-Scenario Control •Action Schedule flexible Setting •Mobile Rights Management •Environmental Monitoring & Analyzing •Smart Integration on our SEACloud Platform
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社團法人台灣智慧建築協會 公司電話:02-2752-8072 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2773-0584 https://tiba.org.tw/ 公司簡介 隨著資通訊科技(ICT)的進步,智慧化居住空間在2005年為台灣重要科技政策之一,2010年更將智慧綠建築作為重 點發展的智慧新興產業。有鑑於此,多位長期協助政府及民間產業推動智慧建築之專家學者與業界菁英,共同發起 籌組「社團法人台灣智慧建築協會」,正式於2010年2月23日成立,期望能促使智慧建築產業蓬勃發展,並創造優 質美好的智慧生活。 社團法人台灣智慧建築協會是不以營利為目的之社會團體(社團法人),以實現「安全安心、健康照護、便利舒適、 節能永續」的智慧建築及創造優質的智慧生活為宗旨。
產品介紹 技術服務、研究發展、教育訓練(智慧綠建築專業人員教育訓練課程)、評定認證(智慧綠建築認證專業人員考試、智 慧建材標章認證、台灣優良智慧綠建築暨系統產品獎)、國際交流參訪、亞太地區智慧綠建築聯盟(APIGBA)、會員 交流互訪。
Taiwan Intelligent Building Association Company Telephone:+886-2-2752-8072 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2773-0584 https://tiba.org.tw/ Company Summary Starting from 2005, to improve the living quality of people through the creation of the intelligent living space has become the key science and technology policy of Taiwan. In 2010, Taiwan government listed the "intelligent green building" as one of the new intelligent industries to be promoted by the government. Taiwan Intelligent Building Association was established in February 23, 2010 to form a platform for the industry, the academia, and the government to jointly promote the intelligent building policy and the prosperous development of intelligent green building industry. TIBA is a non-profit organization aiming to promote the intelligent building of safety and security, health care, convenience and comfort, energy-saving and sustainability and to create high quality smart living for the people. Product Summary Technical consulting, Research & Development、Education & Training (Intelligent Green Building Accredited Professional Education Training, Evaluation & Certification (Intelligent Green Building Accredited Professional Certification, Intelligent Building Materials Certification, Taiwan Excellent Intelligent Green Building and System Awards), International Cooperation、Asia Pacific Intelligent Green Building Alliance (APIGBA)、Exchange visits among TIBA members. 159
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IoT LIVE 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 IoT 應用緊密串聯我們的生活,無形地帶給人們更便利、安全、彈性且全面的服務,隨著網路的普及化拉近了彼此 的距離,物聯網的應用更大大節省時間、人力及成本;在IoT@LIVE,您可以體驗現代技術對於影像、安全監控、 人工智慧、人員定位、網路通信、大數據儲存、雲端應用、演算法學習等科技運用;此次集結具備各個領域專業技 術的美國和台灣廠商發揮各其優勢,展示出結合物聯網之完整解決方案,透過互動交流可更深入了解物聯網應用之 領域極為廣泛,深度學習大數據,智慧建築、智慧交通、智慧城市及智慧醫療照護,了解其運用帶來之效益及掌握 未來趨勢,讓物聯網應用存在你我的生活中,成為密不可分的最佳夥伴。
產品介紹 IoT@LIVE為您提供新型態的體驗及服務,讓前來參觀的各位城市代表實際感受不同技術間如何交互整合應用,使 生活更加智慧,完整了解物聯網解決方案可運用在現實生活的各場域中,致力提供客戶集結各種優點之完整解決方 案;透過交流和體驗過程,我們也用心了解客戶的需求,並適時地為客戶調整、打造出最佳方案,提供完整售後服 務及教育訓練;客戶亦可透過此次交流及對物聯網應用之認識,深度地做出不同的垂直應用,滿足各個層面的需 求,創造最大效益,帶來更便利之生活,讓所有參與的海內外貴賓,認識到更多元的物聯網方案整合影像辨識之搭 配與應用。
IoT LIVE Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary IOT (Internet of Things) are connecting our live and daily behaviors in a tremendous pace that has achieved a much Simple, Safe and Convenient future live style. This innovative evolution optimized the effectiveness of human living by reduced the cost and improvised all operations. IOT@Live brings you the experience with state of the art technologies from Video surveillance, Artificial Intelligence, Indoor Mapping System, Network Management, Big Data Analysis, Cloud System Utilization and Deep learning technologies. We bring you this one stop to hands on these advance solutions from both Taiwan and America’s contribution development and cooperation. Simply walk through IOT@Live, you can understand and interact with variety of Smart City Solutions: from Smart building to Smart Transportation, combines with Smart Medicare to Smart City. These exciting applications are part of all our lives already! IOT is embedded in more and more places, this is the beginning to Live@IOT world. Product Summary IoT@Live demonstrates the combinations of user experience and complete Smart City services. We welcome your city to try out this amazing exposures with multiple purposes technologies interacting to achieve your smart city goals. IOT@Live shows fully customizable systems to meet every aspect of Smart City demands, with precise consultation and success reference, we’re here to build and meet each vertical market needs. We welcome all visitors from the world to challenge us with your city, this trip will shows you what can Video and AI solve your problem and upgrade your City to the next Smart City. 160
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瑞德感知科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2362-9168 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2368-7168 www.hexsave.com 公司簡介 瑞德感知科技為動態逃生的領航者,將科學技術導入消防產業,早在2011年起便著手開發研究「智慧型疏散系 統」,在台灣生產首只通過「消防機具器材及設備認可」的動態導引號誌,其核心技術已取得三項發明專利,並於 2016年榮獲國際iF產品設計大獎。我們相信推動科技進步的動力是來自於人類對幸福生活的追求,瑞德感知願景 是運用科技解決難題,提升大型建築物及公共場所的安全標準,創造社會價值為大眾帶來更安全、更便利舒適的生 活。
產品介紹 瑞德感知以智慧消防的角度切入消防市場,整合各大廠商消防設備,與其受信總機連接,由「動態導引主機」依 照探測器回收數據,自動偵測建築物內的危險程度,即時規劃最安全的火場逃生路徑,透過最新LoRa遠距傳輸技 術,遠端控制「動態導引號誌」改變指示方向,指引民眾快速又安全的疏散和逃生。
HEX SAFETY,Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2362-9168 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2368-7168 www.hexsave.com Company Summary HEX is the first company in the world which launches Dynamic Evacuation System with “Dynamic Exit Signs”. It can change the signs based on the fire scene immediately. Also, it can enhance the attention of people by 50%, effectively reduces the time of decision-making, and increases the safety rate. The technique has been validated by SFPE, iF Design Award and patents. HEX focuses on bringing high level technology to provide safety standard in public places. Your safety, our technology. Product Summary From the perspective of intelligent fire prevention to integrate the Fire Panel then it will pass the updated fire information to “HEX Dynamic Evacuation System”. HEX Dynamic Evacuation Panel will analyze the dangerous level of a building, predicting the fire growth and calculate the best escaping route through the gathered data. The “HEX Dynamic Exit Signs” has far-end control function, which will direct people to safe exits; guide people escape and speed up the evacuation.
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愛瑪麗歐股份有限公司 公司電話:03-657-2711 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-657-2712 http://tw.amaryllo.eu/indextw_saas.php 公司簡介 愛瑪麗歐乃荷商Amaryllo International B.V.在台成立的子公司,是全球領先技術智能安控機器人供應商,也是唯 一一家獲得Microsoft Skype認證,提供全球最高階256位元加密網絡的公司,產品銷售至80個國家,得到數個全球 專利,獲獎不勝枚舉: 1. CES創新獎:2015~2018連續4年獲獎,其中2015年、2018年榮獲全球首獎 2. 總統玉山獎:2014~2017連續4年榮獲國家品牌玉山獎及全國首獎 3. Best Choice Award:2014~2017連續4年獲獎
產品介紹 愛瑪麗歐以AI as a Service為理念,從連線服務到軟硬體整合,架構一條龍式的完整系統式服務,成為全球第一家 全方位安控及智慧家庭整合服務方案的提供者。主要提供的產品及服務如下: 1. 全球專利主動式單機自動追蹤監控機器人 2. 雲端AI智能運算-全球專利快速人臉辨識/人形/車型/寵物偵測技術/人 流智能辨識監控系統(Soteria) 3. 全球256位元高階軍規加密P2P物聯服務 4. 全球最安全也是價格最經濟的雲端儲存服務
Amaryllo International B.V. Company Telephone:+886-3-657-2711 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-657-2712 http://tw.amaryllo.eu/indextw_saas.php Company Summary Founded in the Netherlands, Amaryllo pioneers in the AI as a Service to offer robotic security and data mining solutions. Our products are sold to 80 countries and we have over 50 patents filed or granted worldwide. Amaryllo has been CES Innovation Awards HONOREE for four years in a row (2015 to 2018) and is ranked as worldwide number-one camera robot company. Product Summary Amaryllo’s AI as a Service key offering includes: 1. Patented standalone robotic cameras with 360° auto-tracking 2. High-performance patented fast facial recognition and object detection/head counting technology(Smart Retail Service) 3. World’s highest military 256-bit Encryption Ecosystems 4. Most secure and affordable cloud storage plans
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通航國際股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2999-3377 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2999-7251 www.tonnet.com.tw/index.asp 公司簡介 通航國際股份有限公司TONNET自西元1983年成立以來,始終秉持專業研發,創新自製多元化的(聲音、影像、IP、 多媒體、智慧住宅)科技商品,以提升產業競爭力,期許為企業及居家用戶帶來無比的未來便利性,在智慧建築大 樓內導入智慧化產業技術,資通信系統的整合,享有安全、便利、舒適、節能、永續,並以科技進步的腳步,創造 人類安全幸福生活空間。通航的服務據點遍及全台,包含總公司及八間分公司,提供最近、最便利的服務。
產品介紹 TONNET E-Family E-Home智慧居家社區數位系統內建智慧通訊 / 通航雲 / 保全防護防盜 / 門口訪客影像雙向對講 拍照監看 / 點觸式開門鎖/CCTV公共區整合NVR , AHD影像監看 / 緊急求助 / 老人居家照護 / 反脅迫自動通知警衛中 心 / 門窗磁簧報警智控 / 煙感.瓦斯偵測智控 / 智慧溫馨居家智控 整合情境燈光智控 / 電動窗簾智能開與關 / 家電 空調紅外智控 / 智慧手機APP操作/全方位社區管理系統。
TELECOMMMUNICATION INT.CO.,LTD. Company Telephone:+886-2-2999-3377 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2999-7251 www.tonnet.com.tw/index.asp Company Summary TONNET International Telecommunication Group was founded and started its telecom business since 1983, to 2003 a complete selling channel with 7 branch office and over 1,500 dealers was built in the country. TONNET always holds customer satisfaction and product quality as our mission over the past 20 years. In recent years, TONNET focus on innovative research and development for diversified commodities and actively build our own brand. We have consistently provides innovative, reliable, high-quality products and customer services for our customer to earn their respect and loyalty. Product Summary TONNET E-Family&E-Home Smart integration system Anti-stress notification system TONNET Cloud Smart Magnetic Alarm system Guard security system Smart Door Window Security Sensor Magnetic Integrated IP Intercom system Alarm System Smart Touchpad Door Lock Smart smoke & gas detection system CCTV System Home intelligent Centre system Emergency assist system Smart phone application Elderly Home care system intelligent Community Management System 163
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悅達科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2767-6188 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2767-7188 www.yoda.com.tw 公司簡介 悅達科技研發定位在寬頻廣域網 WAN 與 IP 網際網路之傳輸交換技術,包括DSL,E1/T1及IP通訊協議等,曾獲經 濟部業界科專補助及發明專利。主要產品有SHDSL設備,T1乙太網閘道器,E1光纖多工機,及 VoIP網路電話設備 等。
產品介紹 主要產品有SHDSL設備,T1乙太網閘道器,E1光纖多工機,及 VoIP 網路電話設備等。
YODA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Company Telephone:+886-2-2767-6188 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2767-7188 www.yoda.com.tw Company Summary Enjoying years of accumulated collective experience in numerous fields of Telecommunications technology equipment design and manufacturing, Yoda provides Broadband Networking Solu-tions, such as HDSL2, SHDSL Transmission Systems, E1/T1 LAN Gateways, Voice/Video over IP (VoIP) Gateways, WLAN Networking Routers, PowerLine, Power over Ethernet, and the new TDM over IP Media Gateways, to meet the data/voice/video applications requirements for the SOHO and SME customers.
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匯明有限公司 公司電話:02-2552-9738 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2552-9739 公司簡介 匯明公司團隊在高端機房建置領域,擁有深厚的技術能力與豐富的成功案例,我們在機房設備電力控制上的解決方 案,提供機房最穩定的運作。
產品介紹 匯明代理美國 Starline 機房電力控制設備,Starline 品牌四條主要產品線:軌道母線槽,插入式軌道,關鍵電源監 視器(CPM)和直流電解決方案。 幾十年來,Starline產品套件為工業、零售、實驗室,以及機房數據中心設施, 提供了最靈活、可靠和可客製化的配電。
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互聯安睿資通股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2351-9915 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0916-903-272 www.arcran.com 公司簡介 互聯安睿資通股份有限公司是以互聯網安全、安全產品為核心的新創公司,堅持產品的資訊安全,依據我們經驗測 試每項規範,讓物聯網中每個節點都是受到保障的,絕不讓您的產品結局那麼後悔。
產品介紹 Iot 產品情境安全檢測服務、Ssdlc安全產品開發生命週期導入、資訊安全確保保險服務、 Isecmaster 封閉式場域之 有線/無線訊號監控、網路追蹤防治系統:提供區域型網路中繼站,網路黑白名單管理與封包過濾、Mcu 電動載具 及車聯網解決辦法:自行研發MCU運用衛星定位、感測器、電子標籤、無線網路通訊( LoRa, NB-IoT , Wifi, 4G, 將資料彙整於ArcRan後端平台進行智慧化管理和服務。
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IP Dream Inc. 公司電話:+81-3-6426-7007 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+81-3-5749-4881 www.ip-dream.co.jp/en/ 公司簡介 基於我們的口號是「始終瞄準全球市場」,IP夢想公司旨在提供全球市場所需的IT服務,以不斷幫助資訊工作者取 得更高的成就。
產品介紹 八大領域服務
IP Dream Inc. Company Telephone:+81-3-6426-7007 Customer Service/Fax Number:+81-3-5749-4881 www.ip-dream.co.jp/en/ Company Summary Based on our slogan 「Always target the global market」, IP Dream Inc. aims to offer the IT services demanded in the global market to continuously help information workers achieve greater heights. Product Summary 8 Dream Departments Service:Dream Team, Dream Communication, Dream Mail, Dream Conferencing, Dream Social CMS, Dream Mobile Content Delivery, Dream IoT Data Management, Dream Smart Learning
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必可整合媒體行銷有限公司 公司電話:02-2581-9225 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:0935-970-603 http://3smarket-info.blogspot.tw/ 公司簡介 必可整合媒體行銷旗下3S MARKET 是台灣物聯網資訊、安全監控,與雲端智慧整合應用解決方案的人氣資訊網 站,在公共、工商與居家三大應用領域中,提供產品、產業、市場以及行業垂直應用領域的資訊平台。 Smart、 Solutions、Strategy 是3S MARKET 提供給智慧應用產業的核心價值。透過 AI +Robot 技術,為智慧應用產業提供 Business Value 行銷服務。
產品介紹 3S Market 市場資訊網,語音機器人整合行銷,大數據行銷服務,場域生態O2O行銷服務。
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資訊工業策進會 數位教育研究所 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 資策會數位教育研究所(簡稱教研所)多年來積極投入教育產業與學習科技趨勢的研析,企業與社會需求的調查,據 以做為資訊人才培育、學習科技研究、校園產業輔導等業務的發展方向。期望教研所能成為增能創業培育的典範機 構與智慧校園產業的主力推手。
產品介紹 優質的智慧教育孕育有涵養的智慧市民,提升市民素質,進而完善與造就智慧城市。教研所將針對三大面向:布建 優質的學習環境、培育優秀的專業人才、創造成功的就業機會,展示打造一個智慧城市所面臨的10大教育關鍵議 題。 ● 布建優質學習環境:如何發展智慧化校園科技應用服務、如何設計智慧學習教材、如何培訓智慧師資 ● 培育優秀專業人才:如何降低城鄉資源落差、如何激發特教學習潛能、如何減緩銀髮族腦力衰退 ● 創造成功就業機會:如何降低失業率、如何提升薪資水平、如何幫助青年創業、如何促進社會創新
Institute for Information Industry Digital Education Institute, DEI Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary The Digital Education Institute (DIE) of the Institute for Information Industry has been devoted to analyzing the trend of education industry and learning technology and investigating business and social demands for years, which serves as the basis of future business prospects like the cultivation of digital talents, the research of learning technology, the counselling of campus industry, etc. We expect that DEI will become an exemplary organization which strengthens the cultivation of the startup business and the main driving force of iCampus industry. Product Summary Extraordinary smart education nourishes cultivated smart citizens, enhances the quality of citizens, and thus perfects and completes a smart city. By focusing on the three main aspects—the construction of highquality learning environments, the cultivation of outstanding professionals, and the creation of prosperous job opportunities, DIE will bring to light ten key educational issues we faced in constructing a smart city. ● Construction of High-quality Learning Environments: How to develop technological application services of smart campuses, how to design smart learning materials, and how to cultivate teachers of smart education. ● Cultivation of Outstanding Professionals: How to bridge the urban-rural divide, how to stimulate the potentials of students with special educational needs, and how to slow down brain decline of the elderly. ● Creation of Prosperous Job Opportunities: How to reduce the unemployment rate, how to raise the wage level, how to help youths build a startup business, and how to promote social innovation. 171
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希伯崙股份有限公司 公司電話:02-2578-2626 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2578-7838/02-2578-5800 www.liveabc.com 公司簡介 LiveABC互動英語教學集團成立20年來持續研發數位學習內容,為台灣最大多媒體語言學習出版與教學集團,專注 英語、華語學習產品的研發,每月發行雜誌、叢書、教科書等出版品,內容包含了兒童英語、檢測英語、商業英 語、生活會話及華語學習等豐富的主題。除了深耕台灣市場,更與全球知名出版廠商合作共同開發海外銷售通路, 產品遍及中國大陸、港澳地區、韓國、日本、泰國、越南、歐美、及拉丁美洲多個國家。 集團旗下『Live互動美語』為專業兒童美語學習中心,整合經驗豐富的教師群、企畫、軟體工程及教學節目拍攝等 團隊,搭配全球第一支內建IRS晶片(即時反饋系統)的多功能智慧教學筆與LivePen智慧點讀筆,為學員量身打造3E 英語教學平台(e-learning, e-teaching, e-management)。
產品介紹 LiveABC專注英語及華語教材的研發,包括K-12兒童英語教材系列(Livekids, Sound It Out Lite, Jump To Live, Ready Go and Come To Live)、ELT通識英語教科書系列(Outstanding!, New Connection Essentials, Read To Succeed and Listen Up)、ESP專業英語教科書系列(Workplace English, Nursing English, Information Technology English, Tourism English, Hotel English, Restaurant English)以及華語教材(My First Chinese, Zhen Bang, Interactive Chinese Magazine)。教材配套包括學生本、教師本、學生互動光碟、教師資源光碟,並結合數位學習網站(e-Learning Web-School)、手機APP及最新AR科技應用。
LiveABC Company Telephone:+886-2-2578-2626 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2578-7838/+886-2-2578-5800 www.liveabc.com Company Summary LiveABC was established in 1998 and has been focusing on developing digital language teaching material since. Being the biggest local provider of such materials, its product line contains books, textbooks, magazines, online platform, app, etc. and provides teaching solutions for kids English, English test preparation, business English, and Mandarin. Both of LiveABC’s physical and digital content are wellreceived all over the world and it has built strategic alliance in Japan, Korea, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Latin America. Also popular is LiveABC’s Live Interactive English Center which targets primary to secondary school students. Featuring the unique 3E model (E-teaching, E-learning, E-management), the center has successfully incorporated ELT and technology and launched LivePen (reading pen) and IRS Pen (equipped with interactive response systems (IRS) chip) to assist teachers and students alike. Product Summary LiveABC is dedicated in the development of language teaching material, especially for English and Mandarin. Its product scope contains K-12 ELT books (LiveKids, Sound it Out Lite, Jump to Live, Ready Go, and Come to Live), ELT textbook for higher education (Outstanding!, New Connection Essentials, Read to Succeed, and Listen Up), ESP textbook (Workplace, Nursing, Information Technology, Tourism, Hotel, and Restaurant, etc.), and Mandarin teaching textbook (My First Chinese, Zhen Bang, Live Interactive Chinese). All of the textbooks come with student edition, CD-ROM, teacher’s edition, teacher’s resources disc; some of them include online platform (e-learning Web school), app, and AR technology. 172
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緯創資通股份有限公司 公司電話:02-6612-2533 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.wistron.com 公司簡介 緯創資通是全球最大的資訊及通訊產品專業代工廠商之一, 除總部定基於台灣外, 緯創更佈局全球運籌及營運據點 於亞洲、歐洲及北美。緯創具備深厚的研發基礎, 累積豐富的產品開發經驗, 其陣容堅強的技術團隊能圓滿達成顧 客所交付的工作任務。2017年營收達到美金286億元,員工人數超過6萬人, 名列財星全球五百大企業。 我們未來十年的多角化經營產品策略要落實【技術服務】的企業新定位。目前技術服務的主軸為售後服務、雲端、 綠資源與教育等。 我們的願景: 【成為全球技術服務的領導者, 提供創新性ICT產品、服務與系統】,我們的經營目標不僅在於專業技術 的創新研發,更建立CS2R (Corporate Sustainability & Social Responsibility)管理機制,朝向保護環境、關懷社會、促進 世界福祉大步邁進。
Wistron Corporation Company Telephone:+886-2-6612-2533 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.wistron.com Company Summary Wistron Corporation is among the world’s largest ODM companies producing ICT products. From its headquarters in Taiwan, Wistron has expanded to include operation in Asia, Europe and North America. Wistron is an engineering-based company whose full array of engineering teams with extensive experiences & expertise in product development, allowing customers to outsource their product development tasks. With 2017 annual revenue reached US$28.6 billion, Wistron has over 60,000 employee worldwide and industrial ranking as Fortune Global 500. For the coming 10 years, we will be engaged in investment and strategic positioning to provide innovative and value-added technical services, which cover after-sales service, cloud computing service, and green recycling business, etc. and are pivotal for our future growth and development. It is Wistron's vision to“be a global leading technology service company providing innovative ICT products, services and systems”. Wistron is also committed to establishing a CS2R (Corporate Sustainability & Social Responsibility) management system that will exceed local regulatory and ethical standards.
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華碩雲端 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.asuscloud.com 公司簡介 華碩雲端為華碩發展雲端服務的經營團隊,以自有技術發展具備海量資料儲存與運算能力的OmniStor雲端數據平 台,以「數據」為核心推動雲端、大數據與物聯網的整合性創新。 華碩雲端於台灣、美國與盧森堡設置資料中心,服務華碩全球終端用戶,並提供公部門、大型企業、教育、健康醫 療與金融等領域高資安私有儲存雲解決方案,是台灣唯一同時具有伺服器硬體與雲端平台系統軟體自主研發能量, 可彈性提供公有雲、私有雲、混合雲服務模式之雲端儲存業者。同時,華碩雲端透過開放平台資源積極與各領域夥 伴、智慧城市合作,加速產業整合與創新,打造華碩雲端生態圈。
產品介紹 AI 學習助理 AI Learning Assistant 華碩雲端的AI學習助理,透過人工智慧協助老師們進行學生管理與學生適性學習分析,可以說故事、跳跳舞、進行 學生出席點名、學習分析回饋等,提昇教學效率,節省班級管理負擔,實現課堂轉型的未來性。 特色: ● 具AI自我學習功能 ● 智慧化出缺勤管理 ● 學生適性學習分析反饋 ● 具高度親和力互動介面
ASUS cloud Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.asuscloud.com Company Summary Responsible for cloud development at ASUS, ASUS Cloud is dedicated in marketing, operations, and research & development cloud services. With self-possessed cloud platform, we provide comprehensive business deployment, IoT data storing and computing, mobility on the go, and integrated innovation services. With 10 years of operational experience and 70 million active users, we have accomplished vertical services in commercial, education, healthcare sectors, with the hope of conveying effortlessly yet highly efficient smart solutions. Product Summary ASUS Cloud AI learning assitant can help teacher to manage students and analysis students learning ability. For examples teacher can via this AI system to read story, dance, doing class roll call and student learning analysis....etc. That can increase the teaching effectiveness, also reduce the cost of management. To achieve the goal of classroom transformation in the future. Features: ● AI self-learning function ● AI Attendance management ● Student personal learning analysis ● Natural User Experience 174
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廣達電腦 公司電話:03-327-2345 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:03-318-4207 www.qoca.net 公司簡介 廣達電腦是名列全球財星五百大的知名台灣公司,為全世界重要的資訊電子產品原創設計及生產廠商。廣達累積了 三十年的高科技市場經驗,是全球各大品牌公司的專業設計製造夥伴。 QOCA®品牌的出現,靈感來自於「世界上最快樂動物」-- 澳洲的quokka。QOCA®標誌,源自於象徵「生命種子」的 古老符號精神,代表著生命裡源源不絕的知識與創造力。 QOCA®系列產品沿襲了廣達在雲端計算與消費性產品的核心工程能力,在世界各地陸續獲得相關醫療器材許可及認 證。設計與生產方面的作業流程,均通過ISO13485品質管理系統認證。
產品介紹 QC3 (Quanta Cloud-based Collaborative Communication) 雲端協同視訊系統為一基於雲端技術之多方協同視訊解決方 案,提供即時線上教學影音、各式協同工具、錄影回播與課後考試系統等,讓使用者能輕易打造溝通無國界的教學 環境,達到師生良好教學互動的效果。
Quanta Computer Inc. Company Telephone:+886-3-327-2345 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-3-318-4207 www.qoca.net Company Summary Quanta Computer, a Fortune Global 500 company, is a global leader in mobile computing revolution. It continues to transform into cloud computing with the mission to enable more disruptive services and businesses with cloud-based solutions: Cloud solutions, connectivity, consisting of client. Quanta is committed to enhancing the quality of human life, developed the healthcare solution “QOCA®”(Quanta Omni Cloud cAre).From hospital to home, all IoT and healthcare cloud computing solutions support for big data applications and analysis, provide early warning signs, and can be used as an important indicator of healthcare management. Product Summary QC3(Quanta Cloud-based Collaborative Communication) is a total solution to collaborative communication based on cloud technology. It provides real-time online teaching, a wide variety of collaborative tools, video playback and examination system and etc. Allow users to easily create a teaching environment without borders to achieve a good interactive teaching effect between teachers and students.
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麥奇數位股份有限公司 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.tutorabc.com 公司簡介 TutorABC是全球規模最大的線上教育集團iTutorGroup旗下平台,由美國矽谷技術團隊研發創立,服務對象從青少 年到企業專業人士,憑藉獨創、獲得專利的「動態課程系統」(DCGS,Dynamic Course Generation System),媒合 學習者與全球外籍顧問,精準打造定製化課程和教材,開創獨有的線上真人互動及實境教學模式。在全球80個國 家、100個城市,擁有5,000多位員工及超過20,000名外籍顧問,近年已提供超過1,800萬堂線上教育課程,客戶遍 及全球135個國家和地區。 公司屢獲世界級投資者的關注,分別於2015年10月份獲得近2億美元C輪投資,以及2014年2月獲得一億美元B輪投 資,投資人包括高盛集團、新加坡淡馬錫、新加坡政府投資公司(GIC) 、阿里巴巴集團、中俄基金(RCIF)以及他國 際一線投資機構,投資金額創全球線上教育行業新高。
TutorABC Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.tutorabc.com Company Summary TutorABC offers live online interactive English instruction, customized vocabulary and sessions by professional consultants, as well as a tailored monitoring system, all available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Online conversation and business English sessions will help you improve your English and speak more naturally. 2017 •TutorMeet Executive named as one of I.T. Month's 100 I.T Innovative Elite •TutorABC wins The Asian Banker's "Best Cash Management Project in Taiwan •Wins The Asset's "Best SME Cash Management Solutions Award in Taiwan •TutorVR wins Business Next's "Best Experience Innovation" Future Commerce Award •Children's English education platform TutorABCJr officially renamed tutorjr
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慧手科技有限公司 公司電話:02-2507-5880 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.motoduino.com 公司簡介 慧手科技(Motoduino Lab.)長期與學校老師合作推動科普教育,針對中、小學資訊教育需求,開發Arduino 與S4A/ S2A互動學習套件,自走車機器人,物聯網學習套件,及與自然生活科學結合之各種感測模組與示範教材與教學 推廣,著重在啟發創意,培養學生邏輯運算思維,實做的創客(Maker)的精神。也提供了圖型化的Arduino開發平台motoBlockly及套件,做為跨領域應用設計的開發工具。 同時,本公司具有多年的嵌入式系統設計開發經驗,也協助客戶做客製化產品開發,結合手機App , 藍牙或Wi-Fi之 燈光,LED 看板,遙控車,園藝澆花系統等多項產品。
產品介紹 國中、小學生輕鬆學習Scratch for Arduino Coding與創客的S4A 互動學習套件教材。 Motoduino 自走車機器人套件: 由學習馬達控制到機器人操控及手機遙控App教學。 ● 生活科技應用教材: 各種感測模組,控制模組與藍牙,WiFi模組, IoT 物聯網智慧生活應用教學套件。 ● 提供motoBlockly Arduino 圖型化開發平台,Arduino控制板,S2A/S4A Sensor Board互動感測學習板,及各種感測 器,如,溫度、濕度、環境光線、蜂鳴器 ... 等等多種感測器,供學習與IoT 創客開發應用。 ● 結合手機App , 網路,物聯網之燈光,LED 看板,遙控車,雲端教花系統等應用之客製化產品設計開發。 ● ●
Motoduino Lab. Inc. Company Telephone:+886-2-2507-5880 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.motoduino.com Company Summary Motoduino Lab. Inc. is dedicated on developing Scratch for Arduino (S4A/S2A) learning kits for more than 4 years. To fulfill STEAM education, Motoduino is delivering Arduino S4A/S2A Learning Kit , Smart Robot Car, S4A Sensor Boards, variety of sensor modules, etc., which was popular adopted in junior and elementary schools and makers. Motoduino also developed motoBlockly – Blockly-base Arduino Development Platform along with IoT (Internet of Things) Learning Set, for smart city/living IoT applications development, as well as smart plant watering system, smart building etc. training/demo platform. With more than 20 years of embedded system design experience, Motoduino also provides customization design service, such as smart light control with mobile Apps, LED T-shirt, Wi-Fi remote monitoring robot car, smart plant watering system, etc. Product Summary ● Scratch for Arduino (S4A) Basic Learning Kit ● Motoduino Smart Robot Car: learning from motor control to robot motion control with App ● S2A/S4A Sensor Board Scratch for Arduino (S4A) learning practice ● Internet of Things (IoT) Training Kit, comprises of Wi-Fi module, and variety of sensor modules along with practical smart city/smart home IoT application examples ● motoBlockly programming platform, Drag-and-Drop block base Arduino program development tool. ● Customized embedded system and application design service, such as, smart lighting control with mobile App, mobile App controlled LED T-shirt and LED Display Board, smart plant watering system, etc. 177
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宜眾資訊股份有限公司 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.ezoominfo.com 公司簡介 宜眾資訊為帆宣系統科技股份有限公司百分百投資之子公司,除涵蓋服務帆宣集團之資訊需求與專案外,更專注 於ICT資通訊產業發展,包括產品代理與專案建置,並透過智慧化雲端系統解決方案,滿足國內外企業在資通訊 (ICT)領域的應用,例如企業雲、教育雲,實現互聯互通,資訊整合與共享的服務。 宜眾資訊致力於智慧平台開發,提供不同場域智慧應用服務的解決方案,目標是「一套平台、多樣服務」,在教育 應用有智慧校園、翻轉學習等;在智慧城市的應用,則有智慧零售的虛實整合營運、智慧醫院與守護健康平台、以 及智慧居家等,提供便捷、有效的智慧服務。
產品介紹 智慧教育:翻轉學習、感動閱讀、評量測驗 智慧醫養:守護健康平台、醫療設備雲、智慧醫院、長照機構管理系統 製造/工程:ERP、商業智慧BI、CRM、SCM 企業IT服務:資訊安全解決方案、網路解決方案、系統解決方案
eZoom Information, Inc. Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: www.ezoominfo.com Company Summary Founded by Ms. Margaret Kao in 2012, eZoom Information, Inc.(eZoom) is committed to be the professional technology service provider dedicated to the information and communication technology(ICT) and enterprise integration solution services. Dedicated to develop the intelligent platform for offering intelligent application service solutions, "one platform with variety of services “, based on different fields. Those applications in education domain are included smart campus, flipping learning and so on. As for smart city solution, those are covered smart retail operation, smart hospital and platform, and home security etc. in order to provide convenient and efficient services. Product Summary Smart Education: Flip learning, Moving reading, Evaluation test Smart Medical Care: Healthcare platform, Medical equipment cloud, Smart hospital, Long-term care facilities management system Manufacturing / Engineering: ERP, Business Intelligence、CRM、SCM Enterprise IT Services: Information Security Solution, Networking Solutions, System Solutions
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安謀國際科技股份有限公司 公司電話:02-8752-1744 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-2627-1682 www.arm.com 公司簡介 作為運算及連網革命的核心企業,Arm的技術正改變著人們生活及商業營運的方式。Arm擁有超過1,000家技術合 作夥伴,而其中包括世界上最著名的企業及消費品牌。Arm積極創新,期望能將創新技術應用到所有需要運算的領 域,如: 晶片、網路及雲端。
產品介紹 Arm先進的低功耗處理器設計已應用於超過1,000億顆晶片;安全地驅動了包含感測器、智慧型手機以及超級運算 等各類應用。
Arm Company Telephone:+886-2-8752-1744 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-2627-1682 www.arm.com Company Summary Arm technology is at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate. With more than 1,000 technology partners, including the world’s largest consumer brands, we are driving Arm innovation into all areas compute is happening inside the chip, the network and the cloud. Product Summary Arm’s advanced, energy-efficient processor designs are enabling the intelligence in more than 100 billion silicon chips and securely powering products from the sensor to the smartphones and to the supercomputers.
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奧雅納工程顧問公司 公司電話:02-7743-8601 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.arup.com 公司簡介 Arup參與全球重大營建專案,觸角橫跨各個產業,在專案中發揮重要的創意力量。我們業務版圖涵蓋35個國家, 設有85個辦事處,旗下擁有1萬3千名設計師、工程師、規劃師,他們深具創意與熱誠,推動專案不遺餘力。 無論是政策建議、都市資訊應用,還是基礎建設規劃,Arup認為智慧城市是都市發展的途徑之一,發展過程以人為 本。我們發揮科技優勢,強化都市系統與服務的運作,打造更聰明、更優質的生活。
產品介紹 Arup為全球客戶提供設計、工程和商業諮詢服務。
Arup Company Telephone:+886-2-7743-8601 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.arup.com Company Summary Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry. From 85 offices in 35 countries our 13,000 designers, engineers, planners and consultants deliver innovative projects across the world with creativity and passion. From policy advice to urban informatics and infrastructure design, Arup sees smart cities as one of the tools for urban development, with people at the heart of the process. We make the best use of technology to optimise the operation of urban systems and services, enabling a smarter better living. Product Summary Arup provides a full spectrum of design, engineering, planning and consulting services.
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英國標準協會 公司電話:02-2656-0333 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.bsigroup.com/zh-TW/ 公司簡介 英國標準協會(British Standards Institution,簡稱BSI)是一家商業標準公司,提供企業不可或缺的解決方案,將 企業最優良的執行標準轉為卓越的習慣。 成立於1901年的BSI,是全球第一個國家級標準驗證機構,亦是國際標準組織(ISO)的創始會員之一。 業務版圖涵蓋182個國家,服務8萬名客戶,BSI的產品與服務激勵全球各地的客戶追求卓越。
產品介紹 BSI持續帶動全球各地的企業進行組織改進、強化組織韌性,採取國際管理系統標準(許多起源於BSI),協助客戶 提高績效、管理風險、永續成長。 BSI旗下擁有數個卓越標誌,包括深受消費者肯定的風箏標誌(Kitemark)。 BSI的影響力涵蓋眾多產業,尤其是航太、汽車、營造、食品、醫療保健與資訊科技。
BSI Taiwan Company Telephone:+886-2-2656-0333 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.bsigroup.com/zh-TW/ Company Summary BSI (British Standards Institution) is the business standards company that equips businesses with the necessary solutions to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence. Formed in 1901, BSI was the world’s first National Standards Body and a founding member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). With 80,000 clients in 182 countries, BSI is an organization whose products and services inspire excellence across the globe. Product Summary BSI continues to facilitate business improvement and organizational resilience across the globe by helping its clients drive performance, manage risk and grow sustainably through the adoption of international management systems standards, many of which BSI originated. Renowned for its marks of excellence including the consumer recognized BSI Kitemark™, BSI’s influence spans multiple sectors with a particular focus on Aerospace, Automotive, Built Environment, Food, Healthcare and IT.
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Micro: bit Educational Foundation 公司電話:+852-69013356 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.microbit.org 公司簡介 Micro:bit教育基金會是一個非營利組織,致力於幫助世界各地的兒童在學校,社團和家中創意習得數位科技應用 技能。我們的使命是為世界各地的全球1億名兒童,家長和教師加強數位及程式編寫相關技能。 針對7歲以上的年輕人與他們的老師和家長所開發的micro:bit科技技術,在教育技術方面具有創造性,並可增強 STEM (科學、技術、工程及數學)能力。
產品介紹 Micro:bit的科技,在教育技術方面具有創造性,老師和家長能輕鬆協助7歲以上的青少年習得數位以及程式編寫 的技能,並同時增強STEM(科學、技術、工程及數學四個學科)的能力。
Micro: bit Educational Foundation Company Telephone:+852-69013356 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.microbit.org Company Summary The Micro:bit Educational Foundation is a non-profit organisation enabling children around the world to get creative with technology and gain digital skills in school, in clubs and at home. Our mission is to empower 100M children, parents and teachers around the world with digital skills around the globe. Product Summary The micro:bit was developed for young people from 7 years old, their teachers and parents to get creative with technology in education and strengthen society’s STEM(science, technology, engineering, and math) skills.
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Chipside Limited 公司電話:+44 (0) 345-470-9009 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0) 345-470-9010 www.chipside.com 公司簡介 Chipside是一個供智慧城市管理者使用的數位平台,可以用於管理停車費、住戶停車證、長期停車證、城市執照等 事宜。只須擁有一個帳戶即可向許多城鎮購買許可證,並透過統一的雲端平台,提供數位通路享受政府的智慧服 務。 2017年12月,Mipermit的使用首次超過了當地政府數位許可帳戶的100萬用戶。 2017年,我們處理了180萬輛獨特 的車輛。 2017年,我們在巴斯市(Bath)則有超過100萬件審查通過的應用。 在2018年初,我們被Worldpay提升到了PCI 二級。. 我們的智慧城市科技,領先全球。
產品介紹 透過Chipside 整合系統,執法人員可以用行動軟體,管理街道違規行為與違規停車罰單。透過案件管理流程系統, 在收費階段時便能處理罰款與罰單。透過數位許可證系統,民眾可以建立單一的線上數位帳號,統一管理當地或其 他地區政府核發的執照與許可證。
Chipside Limited Company Telephone:+44 (0) 345-470-9009 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0) 345-470-9010 www.chipside.com Company Summary Chipside provides digital platforms for smart city managers to manage parking fees, resident permits, parking stays, city licences. One account can be used to purchase licenses and permits from many towns and cities, bringing digital access to smart government services on one common cloud platform. In December 2017, Mipermit exceeded 1 million users of its local government digital permit account service for the first time. In 2017, we handled 1.8m unique vehicles. In 2017, City of Bath exceeded one million annual permit transactions for our smart city application, a world class result. In early 2018, we were elevated by Worldpay to PCI level 2. We may soon be counted amongst the biggest processors in the world. Our Applepay links have been used by about 1 in 3 of all public transactions. 98%+ of the public self serves digitally, a huge result. We engaged another 4 staff q4 2017, bringing our total to 43. We added a number of smart regions, towns and cities to our customer base. We now look after well over 150 authorities. We launched the brand new local authority smart partnership with Norfolk towns and cities. We launched our first Scottish site and our first NHS Trust partnership. We are transforming local government services across the nation. We continue to represent the best of UK Digitech on the world stage, supported by the Department of International Trade and lately British Embassy teams worldwide. During the Slovakia mission, London Borough of Tower Hamlets awarded us the contract to deploy Mipermit digitial permits to that part of London. A great win consolidating our leadership position in the UK.
Product Summary The integrated system includes law enforcement officers’ mobility software managing on street offences, parking citations. The case management workflow system allows fines and citations to be progressed through collection stages. The digital permit licence system gives citizens one online digital account to manage their licences and permits with their local or regional council.
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Briteyellow Ltd 公司電話:+44 (0) 845-557-0520 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44-1908-674044 www.briteyellow.com 公司簡介 Briteyellow提供應用於室內定位與物聯網,讓行人能智慧移動的軟體即服務平台(SaaS)。其營運宗旨在於:採用 Briteyellow專利申請中的「3D室內GPS」技術,來提供室內空間的虛擬導覽。 Briteyellow長期投入於研發工作並致力於合作與領導,是智慧城市應用上值得信賴的好夥伴。
產品介紹 Briteyellow專利申請中的「3D室內GPS」技術提高行人的互動率,亦能加強業者的分析能力,提供更好的室內找路 經驗。 Briteyellow提供虛擬實境與擴增實境的應用產品,適合智慧城市的規劃人員,以及高客流量場地的經營業者。
Briteyellow Ltd Company Telephone:+44 (0) 845-557-0520 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44-1908-674044 www.briteyellow.com Company Summary Briteyellow Ltd provides pedestrian smart mobility software-as-a-service platform (SaaS) for Indoor Location and Internet of Things applications. Their vision is to provide a virtual guide for the worlds’ indoor spaces. Briteyellow's long term commitment to Research and Development and passion for collaborative leadership makes them a trusted partner for Smart City applications. Product Summary Briteyellow’s patent pending “3D indoor GPS” technology gives better pedestrian engagement and analytics for operators who need to offer better indoor wayfinding. Briteyellow powers virtual and augmented reality applications for smart city planners, and operators of high footfall venues.
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Digital Barriers 公司電話:+60 122029260 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.digitalbarriers.com 公司簡介 Digital Barriers提供軟體解決方案與雲端服務,管理直播影片的影音擷取、分析與串流,隨時隨地傳送可供採取具 體行動的影音情報。 我們的解決方案以軟體為主,能輕易整合影音管理系統、錄影設備與感測器,客戶涵蓋大型國防、安全與執法單 位,營運遍及全球55個國家以上。我們亦與大型商業通路夥伴合作,以授權方式銷售給領導科技公司與服務供應 商。
產品介紹 Digital Barriers的先進的軟件解決方案包括: ● 透過安全無線網絡傳送的零延遲影像 ● 在IP錄影機,智慧手機和穿戴式裝置上運作的臉部辨識技術 ● 部署政府認可的視頻分析軟件在錄影機上,或嵌入企業或雲端的視頻管理系統
Digital Barriers Company Telephone:+60 122029260 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.digitalbarriers.com Company Summary Digital Barriers provides software solutions and cloud services to manage the capture, analysis and streaming of live video, enabling actionable video intelligence to be delivered where it’s needed, when it’s needed. Our software-based solutions readily integrate with video management systems, cameras and sensors, and have been sold to flagship defence, security and law enforcement agencies in more than fifty countries around the world. We also resell through large commercial channel partners and on a licensed basis to leading technology companies and service providers. Product Summary Digital barriers’ advanced software-based solutions include: ● Secure, zero-latency video over wireless networks ● Live facial recognition technology that operates on IP cameras, smartphones and body worn devices ● Government-accredited video analytic software deployed on cameras, or embedded within enterprise or cloud-based video management systems
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Darktrace 公司電話:+44-1223394100 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.darktrace.com 公司簡介 Darktrace 是全球領導運用人工智慧確保網路安全的公司。由數學家創建的企業免疫系統使用機器學習和人工智慧 演算法來偵測和反應在雲端、虛擬化網路、物聯網和工業控制系統等不同數位環境中的網路威脅。 該技術是自我 學習,不需要另外安裝,且能及時辨識如零時差攻擊、內部攻擊或隱密攻擊者的威脅。 Darktrace總部位於英國劍橋及美國舊金山,在全球擁有超過30個辦事處。欲了解更多訊息,請造訪www.darktrace. com。
產品介紹 Darktrace使用機器學習和人工智慧演算法來偵測和反應在雲端、虛擬化網絡、物聯網和工業控制系統等不同數位環 境中的網路威脅的企業免疫系統。
Darktrace Company Telephone:+44-1223394100 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.darktrace.com Company Summary Darktrace is the world’s leading AI company for cyber security. Created by mathematicians, the Enterprise Immune System uses machine learning and AI algorithms to detect and respond to cyber-threats across diverse digital environments, including cloud and virtualized networks, IoT and industrial control systems. The technology is self-learning and requires no set-up, identifying threats in real time, including zero-days, insiders and stealthy, silent attackers. Darktrace is headquartered in San Francisco and Cambridge, UK, and has over 30 offices worldwide. For more information, visit www.darktrace.com Product Summary Darktrace developed an Enterprise Immune System that uses machine learning and AI algorithms to detect and respond to cyber-threats across diverse digital environments, including cloud and virtualized networks, IoT and industrial control systems.
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Movement Strategies 公司電話:+44 (0)20-3540-8520 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.movementstrategies.com 公司簡介 Movement Strategies是世界規模最大,經驗最豐富的獨立專家人流諮詢公司。我們最特別的地方是,我們為了建成 環境結合了過去無與倫比的設計與營運諮詢記錄,以大數據分析與應用的專業知識,為商業決策提供資訊。 12年 來,我們持續的在人員移動分析的領域有所開創,我們不斷發展我們的能力以找尋更有智慧的方式來實現客戶的目 標。 Movement Strategies是英國行動網路和Wi-Fi數據的領先分析師。我們協助我們的客戶Telefónica和O2,在運輸,零 售和戶外傳媒不同的產業間提出位於英國與其他國家的人流分析。 運輸產業中Movement Strategies是全球先驅。我們利用大數據更準確,更高效地捕捉在國家、城市、鄉鎮運輸工具 中,居民和遊客的移動模式,這些資訊皆是匿名與以總和的方式呈現。得出的見解可用於識別各種趨勢,包括增長 模式,同時也有助於更好地理解外部因素的影響,例如天氣。 我們從大數據集中提取有用資訊,用於交通運營商、零售商以及其他第三方,以增強人們體驗一個地點、空間或服 務的方式,驅動更好的商業表現。
產品介紹 我們在台灣的目標是藉由技術移轉我們在英國所開發的知識、技能和經驗,幫助台灣的電信公司為運輸產業提供有 價值的見解。這個獨特的提案對於台灣來說是適時的,在這裡有機會提供基礎設施規劃/投資決策資訊,以及發展 作為智慧運輸議程的一部分的發展移動即服務(MaaS)計劃,和優化現有網絡以提高水平的客戶滿意度。
Movement Strategies Company Telephone:+44 (0)20-3540-8520 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.movementstrategies.com Company Summary We are the largest and most experienced independent, specialist people movement consultancy in the world. Uniquely, we combine an unrivalled track record of design and operations consultancy for the built environment, with expertise in the analysis and application of big data to inform business decisions. For 12 years we have been breaking new ground in people movement analytics, continuously evolving our capability and exploring smarter ways to achieve our clients’ objectives. We are the UK’s leading analysts of cellular and Wi-Fi data. On behalf of our clients Telefónica and O2, we deliver movement analytics projects in the UK and abroad, across Transport, Retail and Out of Home Media sectors. In the transport sector, we are the global pioneers, using big data to more accurately and more efficiently capture the movement patterns of residents and visitors moving on a transport network at a national, regional, city, district and local area scale, all on an anonymous and aggregated basis. The insights derived can be used to identify a variety of trends, including growth patterns, whilst also helping to better understand impacts of external factors e.g. weather. Our work extracts the value from big data sets, for transport operators and retailers, as well as third parties, to enhance the way people experience a place, a space or a service, which drives better business performance. Product Summary Our objective in Taiwan is to help the Telco companies to deliver valuable insights to the transport sector, by transferring the knowledge, skills and experience we have developed in UK. This unique proposition is timely for Taiwan, where there are opportunities to inform infrastructure planning/investment decisions, development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) initiatives as part of the smart mobility agenda, as well as service optimisation on existing networks to improve the level of customer satisfaction. 187
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Westfield Technology Group 公司電話:+44 (0)1384-40-00-77 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: https://westfieldavs.com/ 公司簡介 Westfield集團旗下包括跑車公司、自駕車、GTM汽車和英國工程學院。 全球有兩萬多輛的使用中汽車出自本集團。 POD電動自駕車首度投入運輸,是在倫敦希斯洛機場的UltraPRT無人駕駛捷運系統,自2011年開始在該機場第五航 廈提供商運服務。本集團在2014年向希斯洛機場建議針對POD做進一步研發,供行駛於徒步區、馬路和人行道, 利用新科技讓POD可布署於任何場所。 Westfield集團是英國自駕車代工產業的要員,自駕車產量居英國業者之冠。本集團正積極參與英國的GATEway自駕 運輸系統計畫,負責為該系統打造自駕車。
產品介紹 我們設計、製造和銷售由人為操控或全自動駕駛的燃油、油電混和動力與純電動車,適合行駛於一般道路、私人場 所和賽車場。
Westfield Technology Group Company Telephone:+44 (0)1384-40-00-77 Customer Service/Fax Number: https://westfieldavs.com/ Company Summary Westfield Technology Group consists of Westfield Sportscars Limited, Westfield Autonomous Vehicles, GTM Cars and the National Engineering Academy. Today with over 20,000 vehicles in operation around the globe, the Group design, manufacture and sell petrol, hybrid and pure electric human driven and fully autonomous vehicles for use on the road, in private places and on the race track. The POD started life at Heathrow Airport on the UltraPRT, where the POD has been in commercial service at Terminal 5 since 2011. In 2014 Westfield approached Heathrow to look at taking the POD and developing it further for use in pedestrian areas, roads and pathways so that it could be deployed elsewhere using new technology that is now available. Westfield are a key part of the UK Autonomous Vehicle OEM delivering more fully Autonomous Vehicles than anyone else in the UK. It is heavily involved in the UK's GATEway project that it built driverless pods for the transport systems. Product Summary Design, manufacture and sell petrol, hybrid and pure electric human driven and fully autonomous vehicles for use on the road, in private places and on the race track. 188
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Wonky Star Ltd (Night Zookeeper) 公司電話:+44-77-3631-4175/+819084682591 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44-77-3631-4175 www.nightzookeeper.com 公司簡介 Wonky Star Ltd是具啟發性教育科技品牌Night Zookeeper 的生產商。 其BAFTA提名的閱讀和寫作平台在世界各地和 超過30個國家的2500多所學校中使用。 Night Zookeeper成立於2012年,是一個在英國快速成長的兒童品牌,我們的網站 Nightzookeeper.com,是由一位教師,一位作家,一位設計師和一位工程師創立,他們對兒童的創造力充滿熱情, 此網站則是在全球超過3500所學校中使用,以提升學童英語語言技能。
產品介紹 線上閱讀和寫作平台
Wonky Star Ltd (Night Zookeeper) Company Telephone:+44-77-3631-4175/+819084682591 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44-77-3631-4175 www.nightzookeeper.com Company Summary Wonky Star Ltd are the producers of Night Zookeeper, an inspirational educational technology brand. Its BAFTA-nominated reading and writing platform is used in over 2,500 schools around the world and in over 30 countries. Night Zookeeper is one of the fastest growing children's brands in the UK. Founded in 2012 by a teacher, a writer, a designer and a programmer all passionate about children's creativity, its website nightzookeeper. com is used in over 3,500 schools around the world to improve English language skills. Product Summary An online reading and writing platform for schools.
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TTS Group Limited 公司電話:+852-6901-3356 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.tts-group.co.uk 公司簡介 TTS是經銷和創新的領導者。TTS為全球學校設計、創造和提供教育資源。30多年,我們一直在創造和開發兒童學 習的各個方面資源。透過與教師和教育專業人員密切合作,我們每年能夠開發數百種資源,激勵教師和吸引兒童。 這些教育資源經過充分的嘗試和測試,為您的購買增添信心。
產品介紹 開發國中小學教育資源產品
TTS Group Limited Company Telephone:+852-6901-3356 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.tts-group.co.uk Company Summary Here at TTS we are leaders in distribution and innovation who design, create and supply educational resources to schools worldwide. We have been creating and developing resources to cover all aspects of children’s learning for over 30 years. Working closely with teachers and education professionals, we are able to develop hundreds of resources to inspire teachers and engage children each year. These resources are fully tried and tested to give you the confidence you need when buying educational resources. Product Summary Developing educational resources for children.
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Primo Toys 公司電話:+44 (0)20-3096-74365 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.primotoys.com 公司簡介 Primo玩具製造智慧玩具以進行有趣的學習,打造世界上最好的教育玩具公司。 我們不只是將玩具當作是娛樂用 途,而是作為更加優越的學習工具。 偉大的玩具應該成為偉大遊戲體驗的入口, 會持續的存在並且塑造我們。
產品介紹 我們專門為3至6歲的女孩和男孩製作玩具,不需要使用螢幕即可引入STEM概念。
Primo Toys Company Telephone:+44 (0)20-3096-7436 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.primotoys.com Company Summary Primo Toys make smart toys for playful learning, and we’re here to build the best educational toy company in the world. We don’t just look at toys as tools for mindless entertainment, but as infinitely superior instruments of active learning. Great toys should be a gateway to great play experiences. The kind that last, and shape who we become. Product Summary We make toys specifically for girls and boys age 3 to 6, that introduce STEM concepts without the use of screens.
Booth No.
Naturebytes Evolution 公司電話:+44 (0) 7725050061 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: http://naturebytes.org/ 公司簡介 Naturebytes是一個致力於創造技術,為公眾提供創新的環境和野生動物保育活動,並屢獲殊榮的組織。我們與比利 時自然科學博館、Google.org和國際非政府組織(如倫敦動物學協會)合作,成功地設計、開發並提供智慧野生動 物科技做為消費者產品、教育項目或學校項目。
產品介紹 我們的使命是讓人們與野生動植物重新連接 – 藉由提供人們所需的技能和工具,讓他們能夠以嶄新且刺激的方式 觀看野生動物。Naturebytes的活動由技術與保育專家建立與提供,讓每一個人無論是專業人士或是業餘愛好者,能 夠使用科技成為積極的保育人士。
Naturebytes Evolution Company Telephone:+44 (0) 7725050061 Customer Service/Fax Number: http://naturebytes.org/ Company Summary Naturebytes is an award winning organisation that creates wildlife technology delivers innovative conservation and environmental activities for the public. We have successfully designed, developed and delivered smart wildlife technology as consumer products, education programmes and a national schools programme with Natural Science Museum of Belgium and Google.org and worked with international NGO's such as the the Zoological Society of London. Product Summary Our mission is to reconnect people with wildlife - giving people the skills and tools they need to see wildlife in new and exciting ways. Naturebytes activities are created and delivered by technology and conservation experts to show how everyone, professional or amateur, can use tech to be active conservationist.
Booth No.
TRL 公司電話:+44 (0) 134-477-3131 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44 (0) 134-477-3131 https://trl.co.uk/ 公司簡介 TRL是未來卓越交通的中心。獨立於政府、企業和學術界,TRL為組織提供科學證據基礎,使未來的交通創新成 為可能。核心專業領域包括運輸安全;車輛工程與模擬;調查和重大事故鑑識;人為因素和行為科學;智能交通 系統;基礎設施資產管理和永續發展與氣候變化。TRL同時也負責指導格林威治市的自駕車環境計畫 (GATEway Project)。
產品介紹 我們為地面運輸工具與汽車、賽車運動、保險和能源相關市場提供創新的研究、技術和軟體解決方案。
TRL Company Telephone:+44 (0) 134-477-3131 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44 (0) 134-477-3131 https://trl.co.uk/ Company Summary TRL is a centre of excellence for future transport. Independent from government, industry and academia, TRL provides organisations with the evidence-base to enable future innovation in transport. Core areas of expertise include transport safety; vehicle engineering & simulation; investigations & major incident forensics; human factors & behavioural science; intelligent transport systems; infrastructure asset management; and sustainability & climate change. TRL is also supervising the Greenwich Automated Transport Environment project (GATEway project) Product Summary We provide innovative research, technology and software solutions for surface transport modes and related markets of automotive, motorsport, insurance and energy.
Booth No.
Opportunity Peterborough and Peterborough City Council 公司電話:+44-1733-317401/+44-7545-520572 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:+44-1733-747474/+44-1733-317417 www.opportunitypeterborough.co.uk/www.peterborough.gov.uk 公司簡介 距倫敦僅50分鐘路程,彼得伯勒是英國發展最快的城市之一。 Opportunity Peterborough是一個協助Peterborough經濟發展組織。此機構負責推動彼得伯勒的對內投資,同時支持當 地英國公司的拓展。Opportunity Peterborough與彼得伯勒市議會(Peterborough City Council )合作推廣一個名為彼得 伯勒DNA (Peterborough DNA) 的計畫。這是享譽國際的未來城市計劃,這項計畫引領了全新的循環,創造整個城市 的經濟。 本機構協助許多英國智慧城市的願景,促進當地經濟發展,並執行由英國國際發展部(DFID)資助的所資助的智慧城 市領導力計劃,改造印度的阿馬拉瓦蒂市(Amaravati) 以及中 央邦(Madhya Pradesh)。
Opportunity Peterborough and Peterborough City Council Company Telephone:+44-1733-317401/+44-7545-520572 Customer Service/Fax Number:+44-1733-747474/+44-1733-317417 www.opportunitypeterborough.co.uk/www.peterborough.gov.uk Company Summary Located just 50 minutes from London, Peterborough is one of the UK’s fastest growing cities. Opportunity Peterborough is an economic development company responsible for driving inward investment to Peterborough and supporting local companies to grow. We work in partnership with Peterborough City Council to deliver Peterborough DNA, the internationally acclaimed future cities programme which is spearheading a new circular approach to running the city’s economy. We support a number of UK cities with their aspirations to boost their local economies and deliver a DFID-funded smart city leadership programme for the Indian city of Amaravati and for the state of Madhya Pradesh.
Booth No.
Digital Greenwich 公司電話:+44 (0) 203-040-2255 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.digitalgreenwich.com/dg-cities/ 公司簡介 數位格林威治是由格林威治皇家自治市所建立,作為格林威治市智慧城市的發展與促進策略。 跨領域的團隊提供與智慧城市有關主題的專業知識,特別是:永續設計、有韌性的現代建築環境;執行政府作為平 台概念所需的技術和管理程序改變;數位時代的經濟復興;運輸和人員流動等服務體系的轉型與成人的社會照護。 數位格林威治同時也在塑造思維,探索未來和管理格林威治服務試點項目以幫助管理創新所有可能產生的風險。因 此,它確保了市議會的策略是依據全球最新的想法和實踐。
Digital Greenwich Company Telephone:+44 (0) 203-040-2255 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.digitalgreenwich.com/dg-cities/ Company Summary Digital Greenwich has been established by the Royal Borough of Greenwich as its in-house team to develop and take forward its smart city strategy. The multidisciplinary team provides expertise in the key themes related to smart cities, in particular: the design of a sustainable, resilient, modern built environment; the technology and change management processes required to implement the concept of Government as a Platform; economic regeneration in the digital age; transformation of service systems such as transport and mobility, and adult social care. Digital Greenwich also plays an important role in shaping thinking, horizon scanning and managing pilot projects for Greenwich services to help manage the risks of innovation. As a result, it ensures that Council strategy is informed by the latest thinking and practice, worldwide.
Booth No.
West Lothian Council 公司電話:+44-77-7172-1430 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.westlothian.gov.uk 公司簡介 西洛錫安的中心位置和良好的商業和勞動市場連接,使該地作為蘇格蘭的經濟中心。西洛錫安地理位置優越,蘇格 蘭60%的人口皆位在一個小時的車程內,對於客戶、供應商和勞動人口通勤相當方便。該地區位於愛丁堡和格拉 斯哥之間,地處愛丁堡和蘇格蘭東南部城市地區的財富中心,被視作是蘇格蘭未來經濟增長的關鍵。
West Lothian Council Company Telephone:+44-77-7172-1430 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.westlothian.gov.uk Company Summary West Lothian central location and excellent business and labour market connections, market the area as Scotland’s economic hub. West Lothian is ideally located with 60% of Scotland’s population within a one hour drive, making for easy access to customers, suppliers and workforce. The area is strategically located between Edinburgh and Glasgow at the hub of the wealth creating Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region, identified as key to Scotland’s future economic growth.
Booth No.
Digital Greenwich 公司電話:+44 (0) 203-040-2255 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: www.digitalgreenwich.com/dg-cities/ 公司簡介 DG Cities Ltd是倫敦格林威治皇家自治區的全資子公司。我們公司是智慧城市創新開發和應用的卓特殊技術中心, 包括聯網自動駕駛汽車。DG Cities在高度專業化的領域開展業務,提供智慧城市策略、設計、城市創新、經濟、永 續發展、現代建築環境和新世代科技管理方面的專業知識。 我們的客戶包括全球的科技和移動公司、縣市政府與房地產開發商。我們在開發和應用智慧城市創新提供支援,極 大化其影響力與城市利益。我們積極參與了一系列最高規格的聯網自動駕駛汽車路線,並承辦了英國的一個大型實 境聯網的自動駕駛汽車 (CAV)測試平台。
產品介紹 智慧移動生活實驗室:倫敦 實驗室位於倫敦市中心的格林威治皇后區和伊麗莎白女王奧林匹克公園。它提供真實世界中的複雜公共環境,能夠 在容易理解且全球認可的環境下,展示和評估自駕車科技和移動服務的使用、表現與效益。 實驗室為現有和未來在移動市場上的利害關係人提供開放創新的環境,以利於意見交流與技術和商業解決方案的發 展。這個志向遠大的計畫由TRL和DG Cities領導的財團進行管理,並且獲得英國政府自駕車測試平台競爭基金一億 英鎊的支持。 我們的專業領域包括: •車輛和相關系統的Alpha測試•移動服務的Beta測試•數位分身模擬的實際驗證 •可供未來移動使用的基礎設施測試•都市在移動服務的調適能與融合能力研究
Digital Greenwich Company Telephone:+44 (0) 203-040-2255 Customer Service/Fax Number: www.digitalgreenwich.com/dg-cities/ Company Summary DG Cities Ltd is a wholly owned commercial subsidiary of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London. We are a centre of excellence in the development and deployment of smart city innovation, including connected and autonomous vehicles. DG Cities operates in a highly specialised area offering expertise in smart city strategies, design, urban innovation, economics, sustainability, the modern built environment and next generation technology management. Our clients include global technology and mobility companies, city authorities and property developers. We offer support in the development and deployment smart city innovation to maximise its impact and city benefits. We are actively involved in a number of high profile connected and autonomous vehicle trails and host one of the UK’s large-scale, real-world connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) test beds. Product Summary Smart Mobility Living Lab: London SMLL:L is located in the heart of London in the Royal Borough of Greenwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. It offers a real-world complex public environment, capable of demonstrating and evaluating the use, performance and benefits of CAV technology and mobility services in an accessible and globally recognisable context. SMLL:L provides an open innovation environment for the exchange of ideas and development of technical and business solutions for all existing and future stakeholders in the mobility market. The ambitious project is being managed by a consortium led by TRL and DG Cities and backed by government from their £100m UK CAV test bed competitive fund. Our specialised areas include: •Alpha testing of vehicles and relevant systems •Beta testing of mobility services •Real-world validation of digital-twin simulation •Testing of enabling infrastructure for the future of mobility •Research on urban adaptability and integration of mobility services
Booth No.
澳洲辦事處商務處 公司電話:02-8758-4200 客服專線 / 傳真號碼:02-8789-9577 www.austrade.gov.au/taiwan 公司簡介 澳洲辦事處是澳洲政府在台灣的官方辦事處,成立宗旨為促進台灣與澳洲雙邊貿易投資與教育文化之交流。澳洲辦 事處商務處的服務網遍布全球五大洲,協助澳洲企業成功拓展國際業務,並吸引外商投資澳洲。 澳洲辦事處商務處協助世界各地的企業取得澳洲的商品與服務,以及尋找澳洲的投資機會。
產品介紹 提供研究,詳細說明澳洲各個產業的實力。 協助您尋找合適的澳洲供應商,並與其建立關係。 ● 協助您尋找投資專案與策略聯盟夥伴。 ● ●
Australian Office, Commercial Section Company Telephone:+886-2-8758-4200 Customer Service/Fax Number:+886-2-8789-9577 www.austrade.gov.au/taiwan Company Summary The Australian office is the Australian government's official office in Taiwan, its objectives is to promote bilateral exchanges between Taiwan and Australia in trade, investment and education. The Australian office, Commercial Section is part of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) that has offices across five continents assisting Australian companies to successfully expand their international businesses and attract foreign investment to Australia. Austrade also assists businesses around the world in obtaining Australian goods and services and in finding investment opportunities in Australia. Product Summary ● Provide research detailing the strengths of various industries in Australia. ● Assist you in finding and establishing relationships with the right Australian suppliers. ● Assist you in finding investment projects and strategic alliance partners.
Booth No.
葛蘭富泵浦股份有限公司 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 葛蘭富成立於1945年,每年生產超過1,600萬台泵浦機組,葛蘭富為全球領先的泵浦製造商之一。主要產品包括加 熱與空調用的循環泵浦,以及其他工業、供水、污水及加藥用的離心泵浦。葛蘭富 現今已是全球循環機的最大製 造商,涵蓋此類泵浦全球約 50% 的市場。葛蘭富集團旗下有83 間子公司橫跨 56 個國家,全球約有一萬九千名員 工。 葛蘭富看重台灣市場在經濟發展的潛力,在1991到1992年先後在台灣設立生產及銷售公司。銷售總公司設立於台 中、分公司設立於台北和高雄,生產公司及維修中心設立於苗栗。在台灣提供全系列產品及解決方案並在地化我們 的商品及服務,以更貼近客戶的需求。 永續性是葛蘭富的企業經營理念。每年我們投資約6億台幣來開發更有效能的產品及解決方案。在去年,我們推 出世界上最有效率之一的永磁式IE5性能馬達。結合IE5馬達及水機,其效能遠遠超過現行法規IE3的性能標準。此 外,近年來我們推廣的泵浦節能檢測,協助許多企業和廠房大大地降低耗電量。
Grundfos Pumps (Taiwan) Ltd. Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Grundfos was established in 1945. An annual production of more than 16 million pump units makes Grundfos one of the world’s leading pump manufacturers. Circulator pumps for heating and airconditioning as well as other centrifugal pumps for the industry, water supply, sewage and dosing are the main products. Today Grundfos is the world’s largest manufacturer of circulators, covering app. 50% of the world market of these pumps. The Grundfos Group is represented by more than 83 companies in more than 56 countries and about 19,000 employees around the world. Grundfos valued Taiwan as a huge economy development potential market, so they established sales and production companies in Taiwan during 1991 to 1992. The headquarter of sales company located at Taichung and two branches located at Taipei and Kaohsiung; the production company and service center set up at Miaoli. We offer full range products and solutions and localized them to a better fit for customer’s needs in Taiwan. Sustainability is the way of how Grundfos do business. Every year we invest about TWD 600 million to develop new products and solutions to approach a more efficient performance level. Last year, we introduced one of the world’s most efficient motors, the new MGE with IE5 efficiency. By incorporated IE5 motor and pump, the efficiency far exceeds the existing IE3 legislative standards. On the other hand, pump audit, the solution we promoted recently has helped numerous companies and manufacture delivering an unsurpassed reduction of energy consumption.
Booth No.
丹佛斯台灣 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 丹佛斯是能效解決方案領域的全球領導者,致力於打造創新、智慧節能解決方案。丹佛斯所提供的產品和服務被廣 泛應用在冷凍與空調、供熱、電機控制及移動液壓等領域,以滿足全球市場對於食品保鮮、舒適生活環境與氣候解 決方案日益增長的需求。丹佛斯的技術創新可回溯到1933年,歷經80多年的發展已成為丹麥最大的跨國性工業集 團之一,目前擁有26,000多名員工,銷售遍佈全球100多個國家。我們以「丹麥綠色發展」模式為藍本,致力於降 低地球之溫室氣體排放及減少能源浪費,促進可持續發展。丹佛斯在2014年發佈以「Engineering Tomorrow」為主 題的全新品牌形象,透過為基礎設施、食品、能源與氣候等4大重點成長領域提供創新產品與解決方案,以克服全 球面臨的能源挑戰,實現可持續發展的未來。
Danfoss Taiwan Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Danfoss engineers advanced technologies that enable us to build a better, smarter and more efficient tomorrow. In the world’s growing cities, we ensure the supply of fresh food and optimal comfort in our homes and offices, while meeting the need for energy-efficient infrastructure, connected systems and integrated renewable energy. Our solutions are used in areas such as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, motor control and mobile machinery. Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933 and today Danfoss holds market-leading positions, employing more than 26,000 and serving customers in more than 100 countries. Danfoss has made great contributions to the “Danish Green Development Model”, we’re dedicated to improving energy efficiency and drive sustainable development globally. Danfoss has launched a new brand identity ”Engineering Tomorrow” in 2014, we hope to meet the growing need for infrastructure, food supply, energy efficiency and climate-friendly solutions to address the climate challenge and achieve a sustainable future.
Booth No.
Organization Committee of Kyoto Smart City Expo and Public Foundation of KansaiResearch Institute Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Keihanna Science City, promoted through the collaboration of industry-academia-government and local residents, is one of the world's leading science cities. More than 130 companies and organizations have their laboratories or research facilities there and various cross-projects are being carried out to establish the “Meta-comfort” Smart Society, particularly vigorous on the fields of information communication, environment, energy, and bioscience. Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute is the organization for the promoting construction and activities of the science city and Kyoto Prefectural Government backs them up as one of the supporters from public sector. Among the across-multiple-entities projects is the " Keihanna Research-Complex project" aiming technological development by integrating i-Brain(brain and human science technologies) and ICT including AI, big data analysis and IoT. Also, Kyoto prefectural government leads the development of KYOTO SMART CITY EXPO (KSCE), an international exposition event in Keihanna Science City, and the organization committee conducting this event. KSCE2018 is to be held on October 4 and 5, seeking the participants including supporters, exhibitors and candidate speakers.
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ACCIO Hong Kong Catalonia Competitiveness Agency Limited Company Telephone Customer Service/Fax Number Company Summary Catalonia Trade & Investment is the Catalan Government’s agency for foreign investment and business competitiveness. It promotes innovation, internationalisation, trade and funding of Catalan companies and startups. It also organises trade missions in countries chosen strategically for their business and technology cooperation opportunities. In addition, it offers specialised one-stop-shop services to international investors and corporations, attracting foreign direct investment to Barcelona and Catalonia. Headquartered in Barcelona, Catalonia Trade & Investment operates from 39 offices around the world, covering 110 markets.
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Selangor Information Technology & E-Commerce Council (SITEC) Company Telephoneďźš Customer Service/Fax Numberďźš Company Summary Established under the secretariat of Invest Selangor by the Selangor State Government, the Selangor Information Technology & E-Commerce Council (SITEC) is chaired by Chairman of the Standing Committees of Investment, Industry & Trade, Small and Medium Industries (SME) and Transport; Selangor State Government EXCO. SITEC aims to develop Selangor as the regional trading hub for e-Commerce and to uplift the startup ecosystem within the state. As such, it has undertaken a variety of initiatives, from the four core thrusts incorporating education and active participation, in order to boost and support the nascent e-Commerce and startup scenes in Selangor.
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Hungarian Trade Office Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Hungarian Trade Office in Taipei is the representative of Hungary’s government-owned non-profit Hungarian National Trading House and the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency and offers networking opportunities with innovative Hungarian companies as well as investment destinations with government incentives.
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南法的土魯斯及周邊區域 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 南法的土魯斯及周邊區域(Toulouse Métropole)位於奧克西塔尼(Occitanie)大區中的上加龍(Haute-Garonne)省。它是 法國第六大具有地鐵的城市區域,前五大分別為巴黎(Paris)、艾克斯-馬賽(Aix-Marseille)、里昂(Lyon)、里爾(Lille) 及波爾多(Bordeaux)。著名公司如空中巴士(Airbus)與Sigfox電信的總部也位於於土魯斯及周邊區域中。
Toulouse Metropole Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Toulouse Metropole is located in the Haute-Garonne department, in the Occitanie region, southern France. It’s the 6th largest Metro area after Paris, Aix-Marseille, Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux, and the home of famous tech companies Airbus and Sigfox.
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法國科技 - 法國在台協會 商務處 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 La French Tech指的是和法 國新創團隊一起工作或是合作的人(不論是在法國或是世界各地)。The French Tech生態系 統為企業家、投資者、工程師、設計師、開發者、團體組織、部落客、社群媒體、育成中心等等所組成;且所有人 都一同經歷了新創圈的成長。Business France 是促進法國經濟發展之國家機關,負責推廣法國產品及服務至世界 各地,並協助外資投資法國。
La French Tech–French trade office–Business France Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary La French Tech refers to all people working for or with French startups, in France or abroad. Business France is the national agency supporting development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses.
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Pole Star 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 今年由法國科技與土魯斯帶領來台的Pole Star是室內定位的領導者與先鋒,致力於提供穩健、可靠的室內定位服 務,可被應用於安全維護、行動商務、行動裝置、智慧建築、智慧工廠及工作環境管理,為B2B與B2C帶來重要價 值。客戶已包含例如史基浦機場、拉法葉百貨、法國興業銀行等。
Pole Star Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Brought by Toulouse Metropole and la French Tech, Pole Star is a leader in indoor positioning applicable in security, mobile services, smart building, smart factory or workplace management. Clients include Schiphol Airport, Galeries Lafayette, etc.
Booth No.
Syntony 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 Syntony是個總部位在土魯斯與舊金山的高科技公司,提供以軟體為基礎的高階位置與導航系統。Syntony為市場提 供最相關的技術、產品與服務,同時具靈活與創新。瑞典斯德哥爾摩地鐵系統是Syntony的客戶。
Syntony Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Brought by Toulouse Metropole and la French Tech, Syntony’s core competence is advanced software based indoor location and navigation enabling seamless wireless transmission in tunnel and subway. Clients include the Stockholm metro system in Sweden.
Booth No.
Uwinloc 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 今年由法國科技與土魯斯帶領來台的UWINLOC追求以整合性的物聯網技術達成有效率的資產管理。UWINLOC的室 內定位解決方案與眾不同,安裝容易且可以用於追蹤大量的資產,為各種產業帶來加值。客戶已包含如空中巴士、 賽峰集團等。
Uwinloc Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Brought by Toulouse and la French Tech, UWINLOC presents an impressive indoor battery-less geolocalization solution, with the ability to track massive volumes (millions) for smart factories, logistics, etc. Clients include Airbus and Safran S.A.
Booth No.
駐台北以色列經濟貿易辦事處 公司電話: 客服專線 / 傳真號碼: 公司簡介 以色列工業貿易勞工部 (簡稱: 工貿部) 對外貿易局負責管理並指導以色列國際貿易政策。主要業務包括推廣貿易與 外銷、啟動並維繫貿易協議以改善以色列貿易環境、吸引並鼓勵外商投資、開創與外商策略性合作。連同以色列國 內的活動,本局建構出一個經貿代表網絡,成為工貿部在全球各市場的作業部門。 宗旨: ● 協助以色列產業在現有市場深化活動,並滲透新市場 ● 陪同並支援個別出口商進行海外行銷活動 ● 啟動並應用國際貿易協議,且維繫既有協議 ● 提高投資與策略性合作 ● 改善以色列產業與經濟形象 ● 防範不公平競爭–傾銷
Israel Economic & Trade Office in Taipei Company Telephone: Customer Service/Fax Number: Company Summary Israel's Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (abbreviation: Ministry of Industry and Trade) The Foreign Trade Bureau is responsible for managing and guiding Israeli international trade policies. The main businesses include promotion of trade and export, initiation and maintenance of trade agreements to improve the Israeli trade environment, attracting and encouraging foreign investment, and creating strategic cooperation with foreign companies. Together with Israel’s domestic activities, this Council has built a network of trade representatives and has become the operating department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in various markets around the world. The main objective of the Economic Department is to provide the following services: ● Assisting Israeli industry in deepening activities in existing markets and infiltrating new markets. ● Accompany and support individual exporters for overseas marketing activities ● Initiate and apply international trade agreements and maintain existing agreements ● Improve investment and strategic cooperation ● Improve Israeli industry and economic image ● Prevent unfair competition – dumping