Zaid Marji - Extended Portfolio

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Zaid Marji Selected works


Content Selected works

Computational Design & Digital Fabrication


Research 01

Cavity shell

Kinetic Facade 02

Cube X3



Coding 04

Robotic Exhalation

Robotic Fabrication 05

Mod(ular) Pods




Incremental Forming



Research 11

A Change of State: Water Cemetery for the Unclaimed

Integrative Systems 12

Google Tower


Mafraq: Sahara Corridor

Architecture & Urban Planning Housing 09

Soft City Transformative Co-Living in Detroit's DTE Greenway Development

Urban Planning

Thesis 10

House of Culture

Adaptive Reuse 14

Carakale: Story of a local Beer

Zaid Marji

Architecture, Computational Design & Digital Fabrication (734) 968-3155 Ann Arbor, MI

An architect and computational designer specializing in digital fabrication and technology integration. Proficient in leveraging computational, digital fabrication, and programming tools to optimize and automate design and construction processes and currently seeking a full-time position to synergize design, fabrication, and technology expertise for transformative projects.

Education Master of Architecture (August 2021 to December 2023) University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (GPA 3.85) Master of Science Digital and Material Technologies (July 2022 to May 2023) University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (GPA 3.91) Diploma of Digital Fabrication (January 2021 to July 2021) The Fab Foundation at Techworks Amman


Peer-reviewed Paper Bindlish, S., M Marji, Z., Aghaei Meibodi, M. (2023). Cavity Shell: Sequential Cast-in-Place Method to Create Compression-Only Structures with Ultra-Thin Additively Manufactured Form-work Assemblies. ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy.

Bachelor of Architecture and Design (September 2015 to July 2020) Jordan University of Science and Technology (GPA 3.32)

Filed U.S. Provisional Patent Application M Marji, Z., Bindlish, S., Aghaei Meibodi, M. Sequential Cast-in-Place Method to Create Compression only Structures with Additive Manufactured Form-work Assemblies. UM Invention No. 2023-425. US Patent Application No. (63/461,159). 2023/04/21 (Patent Pending).


Skills & Tools

Research Assistant (March 2023 to December 2023) DART Laboratory with Prof. Dr. Mania Aghaei Meibodi

Methods: Workflow Optimization, Computational Design, Fabrication Automation, and Computational Simulation.

Graduate Student Instructor (August 2023 to December 2023) ARCH 509 Computational Design with Prof. Dr. Mania Aghaei Meibodi

Design: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Revit, Sketchup, Adobe suite, Fusion 360, Solidworks, Blender, Maya, ZBrush, and Unreal Engine.

Graduate Student Instructor (August 2022 to December 2022) ARCH 537 Fabrication with Associate Prof. Tsz Yan Ng Research Assistant and Research Fellow (January 2022 to January 2023) With Associate Prof. Sean Ahlquist Design Fellow (January 2021 to July 2021) Crown Prince Foundation - TechWorks Amman Architect/Site Engineer (December 2019 to April 2020) Farah Architects

Programming: Python, Rhinoscript, Processing, C, and ArduinoC . Fabrication: Kuka Robots, UR Robots, CNC, 3D Printing, Molding, Wood Works, Waterjet, Welding, PCB Circuit Design, Arduino, Digital Sewing, and Vinyl Cutter. CAM: MasterCam, KUKAPRC, Robots, V-Carve, and Fusion 360. Render: V-ray, Lumion, Keyshot, and Cycles (Blender).

Project Designer (April 2018 to June 2019) Jordan Green Building Council - The Green Affordable Homes project Fabrication Assistant (July 2017 to October 2017) Uraiqat Architects with architect Moushira Elamrawy

z a id mma rji. c o m

01 Cavity Shell


Sequential cast in place method to create compression only structures with ultra thin additively manufactured formwork assemblies

Compression-only structure's impressive strength-to-weight ratio allows it to span large spaces using significantly less material. However, prefabricated masonry or concrete components used to construct compression-only structures are prone to damage during handling and transportation and contribute to CO2 emissions. Additionally, assembling these components requires heavy falsework, which results in material wastage and increased construction costs. This research paper presents an alternative approach to constructing compression-only structures by introducing a new in-situ construction approach based on coupling 3D-printed ultra-lightweight plastic formwork on- site and sequential casting of the formwork in compression.

Team: Stuti Bindlish Instructor: Dr. Mania Aghaei Meibodi Location: Ann Arbor MI, USA Phase: Built prototype Year: 2023

This is achieved through developing: 1. a new construction method base on the assembly of lightweight 3D printed plastic formwork in compression only from that is then sequentially cast with concrete in place; 2. an integrative formwork system informed by structural and casting logics (i.e., flowability, the height of the casting point in relation to hydrostatic pressure, placement of formwork interface in alignment to internal forces in the structure; 3.a parametric model for translating force-form diagram to integrative formwork. To verify this research method, Cavity Shell, a 1:1 scale compression-only table leg structure measuring 1.4 meters in radius and 0.8 meters in height, was designed and built. This ultra-lightweight formwork took less than 48 hours to assemble and sequentially cast by two people. This research demonstrates the potential to rethink the construction of compression-only structures by minimizing the material used and improving economic and environmental efficiency in their construction life cycle.

Design Process

The design process consists of two major steps a) the design of the compression-only structure through the computational form-finding method and b) the formwork system design informed by structural and casting logic. Form-Finding of Compression-Only Structure: This research utilizes 3D Graphic Statics (3DGS) as a form-finding method to generate a compression-only structure as the first step of the design process. This method is a three-dimensional extension of Graphic Statics (GS) principles in 3D Space. GS is a graphical methodology of solving the forces acting in equilibrium on a rigid structure by representing forces as vectors or polygons. 3DGS is utilized to derive 3D funicular structural lines by subdividing force polyhedrons (Akbarzadeh et al. 2015) based on reciprocal polyhedral diagrams (comprising edges and vertices). With geometrically linked force and form diagrams, this approach permits alterations in support positions, magnitude and angle of applied forces, and their overall distribution.

Casting Inlets

Sequential casting simulation

Casting Inlets are introduced to enable SC into the cavity of the assembled compressiononly formwork. The placement and height of these inlets within the formwork depend on the achievable casting height with respect to hydrostatic pressure for each casting cycle. The formwork has numerous casting inlets for each pouring cycle. The inlet openings are strategically located on the same Z plane, which enables the concrete to flow through the interconnected channels, filling each segment adequately until complete saturation is achieved during the designated casting cycle‫ز‬

Generating hydrostatic membrane

Generating casting Inlets

Casting Inlets

H – structure height h – hydrostatic height�

Formwork Discretization

The size of the formwork segments directly correlates with the build volume of the 3D printer. To meet these fabrication constraints, the overall design of the formwork is discretized into segments. The cutting plane of these segments is perpendicular to the direction of the dominant compressive forces to preserve the structural integrity of the formwork and ensure these formwork segments are in compression once assembled . An algorithm is developed to automatically discretize the formwork based on the bed volume of 3D printer input. SLA 3D Printing of a highly complex, detailed, and ultra-thin formwork is done using ABS-like resin. This fabrication method enables the 3D printing of sophisticated interlocking joints for the formwork segments at a minimum layer height of 25 microns, reducing the risk of any leakage during the casting process and optimizing material consumption in formwork production. The formwork features (a) hydrostatic membrane, (b) casting inlet, and the joinery connection are integrated, and 3D printed as a part of the formwork segments, making it a uniform geometry for casting

Form Finding

Establishing the global equilibrium and the equilibrium of external forces

Subdividing the global force polyhedron and extracting the constrained, compression-only structure

Formwork Discretization

Female joint Male joint

Joint mechanism Formwork thickness of joints – 0.75 mm

Assembly and Scaffolding

The discrete segments of the formwork are assembled without any mechanical connections. Instead, the compression-dominant structural shape of the formwork enables a simple interface design, utilizing a male-female interlocking mechanism. These interlocking features ensure precise alignment of the formwork segments during assembly and prevent any concrete leakage during the casting process. A minimal scaffolding system was designed. This system provides support during the formwork assembly and prevents any deflection in the formwork during the casting process. It consisted of 3D-printed upper and lower holders, threaded rods, and turnbuckles, allowing the scaffolding system to facilitate the structure's leveling in cases of variations in the ground level.

Formwork Design

A parametric model was developed to integrate formwork features based on the structural and casting logic. In Cavity Shell, the SC was divided into three casting cycles based on the height value achieved from the hydrostatic equation. This division determined the placement of the 1mm thick hydrostatic membranes, resulting in 15 cold joints in the formwork. The position and alignment of these membranes informed the integration of casting inlet parameters, such as their position, height, and diameter, into the parametric model. Additionally, this computational model also analyzed the integration of casting inlets parallel to horizontal branches in the form to utilize pressure differences and assist in directing the concrete flow horizontally. Based on the formwork prototyping, a constant thickness of 1.5 mm was maintained throughout the formwork, making it ultra-lightweight to transport to the site.

3D Printing: A setup of three SLA 3D printers, each having a build volume of 219x123x250 mm, was used to 3D print the formwork of Cavity Shell using ABS-like resin. The entire formwork was segmented into 54 discrete 3D printed segments based on the build volume of the 3D SLA printers and was distributed over 27 prints (Figure 9). These 54 discrete segments were printed at a layer height of 50 microns culminating in a total printing time of approximately 400 hours. In addition to these formwork segments, 21 custom scaffolding structures, accounting for a total of 42 parts, i.e., 21 lower and 21 upper parts with a 25% infill, were also printed on the SLA 3D printer using ABS-like resin and took around 60 hours of print time to complete.

02 Cube X3


Project brief

Amman design week 2017 In servo We trust!

The installation design was an object disseminated through space, and society disseminated through movement. Built for Amman Design week, X3-Cube was an experimental project designed for Uraiqat architect. It experiments with creating a large-scale object, composed of tiny bits that each move individually and help the audience question how they see themselves and how they see themselves within the city? Designed as a cube, Each facade side was 3 meters, and the project was displayed in a public place. Creating an interaction that depends on sensors that move when you move, which was the initial scenario designed with the cube, was not going to be meaningful in the crowd. So the other option that we decided was to provide an individual experience. So it is you, amongst the crowd, against this reflective creature, which at times, you can’t control its movement, at other times, you are the center of the movement, and there are moments where you look at others thinking that we see the same image, but we are getting exactly opposite views.

We designed a way to control 134 triangles (8 rows of 17 triangles in each cube face) in a sync motion, and through those motions, we also designed scenarios that reveal citizens' interaction with the city and themselves. Technically speaking, everything was possible, and realistically speaking it was doable to control over 500 motors at once, to end up in individual movements of each triangle, which shall together drive a geometrical effect. The 4 sides of the cube had different movement scenarios that revealed different meanings.

Team: Moushira Elamrawy Location: Amman, Jordan Phase: Built installation Year: 2017


Electronics and network

Images: Amman Design Week

Images: Amman Design Week

03 Mashrabiya kinetic facade system



Project brief

Fab academy 2021 - Final project

Fab Academy is a 20 weeks program where you learn new technology related to digital fabrication each week. This part of my portfolio demonstrates my experimental trials of bridging the gap between culture and digital technologies. Mashrabiya was the final project for this diploma that I worked on in parallel with the weekly assignments for five months. The main objective of these projects was to show the compatibility between old Arabic crafts and digital fabrication, which helped integrate these products into the community’s daily life. They also ease introducing new technologies to the younger generation of students through projects related to their culture.

Mashrabiya is originally an element of Arabic architecture. It is a projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework located on the upper floors, sometimes enhanced with stained glass. It is traditionally used to catch and passively cool the wind; jars and basins of water were placed to cause evaporative cooling. The original Mashrabiya works using passive air pressure coming from the courtyard, so if you want to add it to an apartment, you need to modernize it. I tried to do that, keeping some authenticity to the product hiding all the mechanical parts, and using Arabic wood technics.

Mashrabiya is a lighting and ventilation unit inspired by arabesque mosaic; it provides multiple options considering light, patterns, and ventilation. Mashrabiya is made using natural wood, epoxy, and mechanical parts. It was made of various geometrical layers that move in angular combinations to create different iterations. It is assembled using interlocking and press-fit techniques. It is wirelessly and manually controlled or via a mobile application. The mechanical movement combines the gear systems and timing belts that work responsively to heat and light sensors.

Type of project: Independent. Location: Amman, Jordan Medium: Product prototype. Year: 2021.

Project process

During this phase, an analysis of the original model was conducted, encompassing the entire process, including floor plan design. Subsequently, decisions were made regarding necessary modifications and the level of sophistication required for the mechanical components. This step played a crucial role in achieving an optimal balance between a passive and active system. The early prototyping phase involved conducting testing trials with inexpensive materials to validate the proof of concept. This informed the selection of the desired pattern and workflow for the entire project, along with the identification of potential challenges. In this stage, a comprehensive 3D model for the machine was developed, incorporating movement and assembly simulations using software such as Solidworks. Based on these simulations, the appropriate fabrication technology for each part was chosen, and files for fabrication were meticulously prepared.

Concept development

Early prototyping

Computer-aided Design

Technology used

In this stage, worked with multiple types of wood to create an arabesque mosaic piece. The use of natural materials like rosewood, maple, cherry, and walnut wood in this project helped maintain the product's authenticity. Press-fit old techniques were employed in the project assembly. Utilized laser cutting technology to craft complex geometrical patterns and other machine components. Various processes, including cutting wood veneer for pattern formation and etching identical geometrical designs on acrylic to enhance light visibility Employed casting and molding to produce geometrical 3D shapes as central pieces of the pattern. Oomoo silicone was used for the mold, and various epoxy shades were cast into acrylic pieces to create stained mosaic glass Utilized 3D printing to create molds for casting and custom-made mechanical parts using an SLA printer. The mechanical components facilitated the transfer of movement from the motor to the panels through a timing belt.

Wood work

Laser cutting

Casting & molding

3D printing

Input and outputs

Networking & Interface

PCB design & fabrication

Operated panels using six servo motors that generated synchronized angular combinations. Addressable LED lights were employed for light patterns, and output parts were dependent on signals received via HC-05 Bluetooth or manual inputs. Pressing a button multiple times allowed changing iterations.

Controlled servo motors and lights through a mobile app developed using MIT App Inventor. The app featured visual options reflecting desired iterations. Backend programming involved assigning a number to each option, sending it via Bluetooth, and adjusting motor angles and LED lights accordingly.

Completed early prototyping with Arduino, designed the PCB board using Eagle, and produced it using a CNC milling machine. The PCB board was programmed using the C language, serving as a permanent controller for the machine.


The images above depict the outcome of rotating one layer of wood by 30 degrees, unveiling the acrylic layer beneath. It's essentially a play of revealing and concealing

The images above showcase various light iterations. While all mechanical pieces are precisely adjusted and secured based on their size and location, the light can extend beyond the facade system by adjusting its intensity, color, and movement.

04 Robotic Exhalation

Introduction The project titled "Robotic Exhalation" explores the materiality of concrete through the ingenious use of compressed air's physical properties. Acting as a platform and methodology, air is leveraged for patterning, forming, and surfacing material. This investigation focuses on directing controllable air into cementitious slurry, posing complex challenges addressed by designing a computer numeric controlled machine, creating a digital plugin for generative toolpathing, and cataloging material properties.

Team: Machine and project design Elliot Smithberger Collin Garnett Location: Ann Arbor MI, USA Phase: Built Prototype Year: 2023



The resulting amalgamation of computer-generated toolpaths and material imperfections embodies the essence of the project. While primarily centered on process development and aesthetic exploration, the collaborative team aims to advance the research with low-carbon mix alternatives and rigorous thermal and hygroscopic panel testing. This pursuit seeks to generate a quantitative body of work that both complements and scrutinizes the preceding research

Images: Elliot Smithberger Collin Garnett

My collaboration with Elliot Smithberger concentrated on developing a design workflow and an optimized system for generating design G code for the machine designed with Collin. My role involved creating a Python code streamlining the workflow, providing enhanced advantages for design exploration. The code facilitated various design aspects, including panel size control, grid-type tool paths, and sorting logic for tool paths, contributing significantly to optimizing the design and fabrication process. Additionally, a real-time G code generator and a simulation option for a dry run before job execution were implemented, further enhancing project efficiency.


The Python code developed facilitated various aspects of the design process, including the control of panel size, the formulation of grid-type tool paths, and the implementation of sorting logic for the tool path. These functionalities played a pivotal role in shaping the concrete, contributing to the optimization of the design and fabrication process. Additionally, a real-time G code generator was implemented using a formatting algorithm, accompanied by the integration of a simulation option for a dry run before the actual execution of jobs. This coding endeavor significantly contributed to the efficiency and efficacy of the overall project.

Images: Elliot Smithberger Collin Garnett

Code optimization

This code consolidated various design tasks into a user-friendly component, optimizing code generation for the CNC machine. By eliminating the need for separate Grasshopper codes, it streamlined the design and fabrication process, making it more accessible for designers. The code enhanced efficiency by controlling panel size, formulating grid-type tool paths, and implementing sorting logic. Additionally, real-time G code generation and a simulation option were integrated, adding extra user-friendly features for a seamless design experience.


The Python code developed facilitated various aspects of the design process, including the control of panel size, the formulation of grid-type tool paths, and the implementation of sorting logic for the tool path.

Images: Elliot Smithberger Collin Garnett

As urbanization continues to rise, so does the need for the demands of the housing crisis. Mod(ular)Pods, an ongoing that can help solve this problem. frame






se, so does the need for

. Mod(ular)Pods, an ongoing




that are not only optimized rform better structurally. By in additive manufacturing, combine naturally occurring 3D printed assemblies, cyclable materials at various re sustainable approach to ointprototypetoshowcasean -conventional space frames

re in the world, providing an

complex branching geometries that are not only optimized in terms of materials but also perform better structurally. By leveraging the latest advances in additive manufacturing, this project has found a way to combine naturally occurring structural elements with 3D printed assemblies, allowing for the incorporation of recyclable materials at various resolutions and promoting a more sustainable approach to construction.The result is a printed joint prototype to showcase an assembly and reassembly of non-conventional space frames 13

since they can be printed anywhere in the world, providing an


the face of rapid urbanization

MOD(ular) PODS:

Team: Stuti Bindlish, Raha Kamravafar, Instructor: Dr. Mania Aghaei Meibodi Location: Ann Arbor MI, USA Phase: Built Prototype Year: 2023

Introduction The Mod(ular)Pods project addresses the growing demand for affordable and accessible housing in the face of increasing urbanization. This ongoing research initiative focuses on innovative construction techniques to tackle the housing crisis. Utilizing space frame structures for their lightweight, efficient, flexible, durable, cost-effective, and aesthetically appealing attributes, the project employs graphic statics as a form-finding method. This approach produces optimized complex branching geometries that excel both in material efficiency and structural performance.

Through the integration of additive manufacturing, Mod(ular)Pods combines naturally occurring structural elements with 3D printed 13 assemblies. This allows for the incorporation of recyclable materials at various resolutions, promoting a sustainable construction approach. The project culminates in a printed joint prototype, showcasing the assembly and reassembly of non-conventional space frames. These structures offer a quick and accessible solution to housing needs, as they can be printed anywhere globally. The Mod(ular)Pods project stands as an innovative response to the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, providing effective and sustainable housing solutions

Form finding

In the initial design development of the space frame, the form-finding technique of graphic statics was instrumental. This approach facilitated the creation of a network of lines, offering crucial insights into the critical members essential for the overall structure and those experiencing tension or compression forces. The primary emphasis during this phase was on simultaneously developing an optimized system and designing the form. This proactive approach allowed for enhanced control over the structure's geometry, employing subdivision techniques on the same polyhedral. The subdivision was strategically executed to prevent buckling in the longer members, ensuring structural integrity.


Geometry Form Diagram Dual Subdivision Initial Form Finding Iterations

Initial Brep Finalised Form

Initial Brep

Sub division

Single Assembled Unit

Form Diagram

Sectional Module


Following the creation of the initial module, the team proceeded to segment the form into intricate joints suitable for 3D printing, alongside standardized rods for easy sourcing. This segmentation enhanced flexibility and efficiency during the assembly process. The current design proposal comprises four modules, each incorporating two significant joints. One functions as the edge joint, while the other facilitates seamless assembly with the subsequent module. This modular approach ensures a streamlined and accessible assembly process for the overall structure.


Replaceable joint for extending the unit


Assembly Logic - 3D Printed Branching Components

Module Connection Joint

Typical Edge Joint

Topology analysis

Mesh segmentation


KUKA KR 120 Toolpathing

KUKA KR 120 Robotic 3D printing

06 QUBBA 3D printed clay dome

Team: Stuti Bindlish and Mohammad Karkoutly Instructor: Catie Newell and Mark Meier Location: Ann Arbor MI, USA Phase: Built Prototype Year: 2023 “


Introduction Qubba is a project that combines robotics, 3D printing, and clay craftsmanship. It features an interactive luminaire integrated into a robotic 3D-printed clay dome. This creation showcases precision engineering and serves as a platform for artistic expression, expanding the possibilities in architectural design. Qubba starts with digitally sculpting a detailed dome, using advanced computational design to discretize and slice it into carefully crafted bricks. The integration of a Kuka Kr 60 robotic arm and a specialized clay printing head brings the digital design to reality. An algorithmic workflow guides the creation of tool paths and patterns, ensuring a seamlessly executed manufacturing process through robotic printing

Qubba goes beyond its structural design by incorporating an interactive luminaire. Fitted with a distance sensor, the luminaire changes light colors based on hand movements, transforming Qubba into an engaging and responsive piece of interactive art . To achieve precision, cutting guides were 3D printed to create a double-plane edge for each brick, eliminating excess clay and resulting in a smooth dome profile. Meticulous attention to detail enhanced the overall precision and finesse of the project, distinguishing it in both form and function Post-production involved the assembly of bricks into the dome, showcasing the synergy of traditional craftsmanship and technology. Qubba stands as a testament to the seamless blend of innovation and artistic expression in architectural design

Robotic printing

Dome discretization

KUKA KR 60 Clay printing

Testing with interlocking

Testing with shape of the prototype

Testing with light interaction

Layer height details

Testing with interlocking


Testing with shape of the prototype

Testing with light interaction

Post production



Fabrication processes



d panel system

Casting plaster in PETG sheets

Incremental forming


PETG molds for plaster tiles.

In this project, a workflow was established for creating reusable models of plaster tiles through robotic incremental forming. The design process began by creating a parametric facade, which was then discretized into multi-tiles. Subsequently, a tool path for the KUKA Kr6 robot was developed to form a PETG sheet. The logic used in the tool path aimed to minimize material deflection and achieve consistency by employing different-sized metal balls as a forming head.

Team: Naomi Grigoryan , Miranda Bibb Instructor: Christopher Humphrey Location: Ann Arbor MI, USA Phase: Built Prototype Year: 2023 “Academic"

The PETG sheet, once formed, served as a material for a mold for plaster tiles. In this phase, plaster fiber and fiber optics were integrated as a lighting unit for the tiles. The project involved a systematic approach, from initial design to robotic forming, and finally, the use of the formed sheet as a mold for innovative plaster tiles with integrated lighting components.

Design Process Tool-path The fabrication setup showcases the utilization of a KUKA Kr6 robotic arm in conjunction with a PETG sheet. The robotic arm is strategically positioned to execute precise tool paths, forming the PETG sheet with a logic-driven approach to minimize material deflection. This image captures a pivotal moment in the workflow, highlighting the advanced technology and methodology employed in the production of reusable models for plaster tiles.


Slicing was done in Grasshopper, enabling parametric segmentation. Tool path development utilized KUKA PRC for precise control of the robotic arm, ensuring accurate execution. This integrated approach underscores the project's efficiency in automated fabrication. KUKA Kr 6 Incremental forming

Incremental forming process

The images reveal the implementation of sorting logic for tool path optimization, effectively minimizing material deflection. Varied ball sizes contribute to enhanced surface accuracy. These visuals showcase the project's commitment to precise fabrication techniques for optimal results.


KUKA KR 6 Toolpathing

Casted Tiles

During casting, fiber optics were integrated for both aesthetic appeal and functional lighting elements. The deliberate addition of fiber optics seamlessly embedded a dynamic lighting solution within the structure. To enhance luminosity, a fluorescent material was carefully introduced to the casting mix. This strategic combination not only brightened the tiles but also created a captivating interplay of light and form. The outcome is a collection of illuminated tiles serving a practical lighting purpose and showcasing the fusion of innovative materials in architectural design.





Advanced digital Fabrication

This Stool redefines contemporary seating with its forward-thinking design, particularly highlighted by the incorporation of cutting-edge technology. The focal point of this stool lies in the utilization of a Kuka robot-powered rod bending process, showcasing a harmonious blend of innovation and craftsmanship.

Rhino (Grasshopper), 3D printing, KUKA Prc Medium: Product Type of project: Independent. Year: 2022.

Intricately designed, the stool's base undergoes a meticulous manufacturing process. The Kuka robot meticulously bends the rods, ensuring precision and consistency. These bent rods are then expertly welded together to form a sturdy and reliable framework. The innovation doesn't stop there – a 3D printed connector is seamlessly integrated into the design. This multifunctional connector serves a dual purpose as both a welding jig and a crucial link to the stool's distinctive solid walnut top.


Speaking of the top, the solid walnut component adds a touch of sophistication and natural elegance to the stool. The walnut top undergoes a state-of-the-art robotic woodwork process, guaranteeing a flawless and smooth surface. The marriage of the technological prowess of the Kuka robot and the timeless appeal of walnut creates a chair that not only serves its functional purpose but also stands out as a statement piece. The meticulous attention to detail in both the manufacturing process and material selection reflects a commitment to quality and aesthetic finesse. The result is a stool that seamlessly integrates modern technology with traditional craftsmanship, offering a unique and luxurious seating option. The Press-fit Tripod Stool with its Kuka robot-manufactured base and solid walnut top is not just a piece of furniture; it's a testament to the intersection of artistry and innovation in contemporary design.

KUKA Kr 120 Rod bending Robotic milling

09 Soft City


Site Strategy & Urbanism

Building Performance & Environmental Strategy

Transformative co-Living in Detroit's DTE g reenway development

Detroit is known for its diverse architectural landscape that shares only one common denominator: its individuality in units. This rich tapestry reflects the city’s history, resilience, and adaptability. However, amidst this mix, the Soft City project identifies an opportunity to transform the urban fabric, transitioning from detached, standalone structures to cohesive, participatory architecture. It aims to introduce a new paradigm in urban living, forging a sense of community through an innovative design approach. It introduces an innovative approach to design that is adaptable and inviting—a habitat that embraces the diversity of its human and non-human residents.

Central to the transformation is the introduction of bioswales, acting as catalysts for change and symbolizing a radical shift in design thinking. These bioswales enhance the city's aesthetics and visually intertwine public and private spaces, creating a soft city that harmonizes with developers, human residents, and biodiversity. Curvy greenways seamlessly integrate natural elements into the urban fabric.

Prioritizing resident well-being and sustainability, the project adopts a single-loaded corridor design to promote natural light and ventilation, reducing energy consumption. The bioswales serve a dual purpose, enhancing visual appeal and addressing stormwater management concerns, showcasing a holistic approach to environmental responsibility.

Concept of Unit Flexibility & Co-living

Structural Concept

The Soft City design prioritizes flexibility, introducing modular units adaptable to diverse residential configurations. These units, transformable based on user preferences, cater to families, individuals, or co-living arrangements. Modular furniture ensures efficient space utilization, transitioning effortlessly between various functions throughout the day.

Soft City innovates with a dynamic building envelope, using cross-laminated timber (CLT) for environmental alignment. The multifunctional facade enhances aesthetics and empowers residents to personalize their surroundings, reflecting Detroit's evolving spirit.

Team: Stuti Bindlish Instructor: Lars Gräbner, Christina Hansen Location: Detroit, MI, USA Phase: analysis and concept Year: 2023

Unit Program Diagram - Exploded Axon Typical 1 Bedroom Unit

Overall Labeled Plans - Occupancy

Overall Program Diagram - Exploded Axon



2 1




Unit Labeled Plans - Occupancy Typical 1 Bedroom Unit




8 1






1 Overall Axon Key

Scale: 1/8” = 1’ Plan Key Occupancy 1 Flexible Area 2 Bathroom 3 Kitchen

Unit Axon Key Program Collective Spaces Circulation Dwelling Spaces

Program 1 Dwelling Spaces 2 Egree + Elevator 3 Fire Escape Egress 4 Community Space 5 Enterance Lobby 6 Double Height Gathering/Activity Space 7 Floor Plate + Balcony 8 Half up- Half down Parking

Key Plan

Plan Key

Arcade - Human and Non-Human Habitants Enternace Lobby Trash Loading / Unloading Co Living 4 Bedroom Unit Circulation

Co Living 4 Bedroom Unit 3 Bedroom Unit 1 Bedroom Unit 2 Bedroom Unit Multi-Functional Community Space: Vegetable Garden, Kids Playing Area

Architectural strategy

Flexible furniture module allowing users to utilize the same space in N number of ways.

4 Bedroom unit plan - flexible iterations

on a sunday afternoon


on a weekday night



on a saturday movie night


Party Place

on a friday night

Flexible Furniture Module


construction systems





RY: Building Enclosure

SUMMARY Environm

Ventilation system







Studio: Ha

Stuti Bind

sive and Active Systems


Facade system


n, Gräbner

Zaid Marji

Facade system


Irbid: House of Culture

Thesis project

Instructor: Prof. Shoaib Nouh Maabdah Location: Irbid’s city center, Jordan Phase: Analysis and concept Area: 180,000 sqm Year: 2020


Location and justification

City background

The Irbid House of Culture presents an inspiring proposal, leveraging the city's rich historical legacy as a foundational pillar for future progress. This visionary initiative entails an innovative urban and architectural project with the primary goal of transforming the city center into a vibrant cultural district. Through the meticulous reimagining of pivotal landmarks and local architectural elements, this transformative endeavor, focused on the iconic Irbid city hill, conveys a profound message to both residents and visitors. The result is a meticulously crafted tapestry of cultural symbols intricately woven to define the essence of the city's identity.

1. The primary objective of the project is to establish a journey to the cultural heart of the city's downtown area.

Irbid is among the most crucial cities in the northern part of Jordan. As the second most populated city in the country, its significance manifests across various realms, including economic, educational, cultural, and notably, in terms of its borders.

2. The Irbid House of Culture proposes to replace the police station, which has hindered cultural activity on Irbid hill due to privacy concerns. 3. The project emphasizes the preservation of old historical buildings and the city's heritage, utilizing their presence and arrangement to narrate the city's history. 4. It seeks to create an inclusive space that provides a panoramic view of the city. 5. The project aims to counteract the city's ongoing changes by establishing multiple well-defined new cores within the city.

Objective The primary goal is to construct an inclusive, socially sustainable cultural environment accessible to all individuals in Irbid. Additionally, the project aims to reflect the city's rich culture, offering a panoramic perspective of its vibrant cultural scene.

*This template has been provided by Arch 562

University of Michigan/ Taubman College

ARCH 672, 5

Systems Studio Fall 2023

11 A Change of State:


Location and justification

Site Theme: Change of State

Water cemetery for the unclaimed

Inspired by a site parcel in the industrial heart of Chinatown in downtown Chicago, this project utilizes water as a primary material to create a lasting memorial and resting place for the numerous unclaimed bodies that find their way here each year. Serving as a symbolic guide from the commencement to the culmination of the journey for unclaimed souls and remnants in transition, water emerges as a connecting and partnering element. Visitors to this cemetery embark on a cyclical journey of introspection, navigating through the contraction and expansion zones on the site, marked by continuous corten steel walls accompanying the living.

"A Change of State: Water Cemetery for the Unclaimed" is a ritual-driven endeavor. For three hundred sixty-four days annually, the site operates as both a memorial and a park. However, as the sun sets on the shortest day of the year, December 22nd, a barge descends upon the memorial. Volunteers gather to guide 200 ice urns through a shallow pool to a corten steel plate frame, serving as the final transition site for the remains and souls of the unclaimed. As the sun dips below the horizon, the urns illuminate, and the corten steel frame initiates the melting of the ice. Water remains a steadfast companion, overseeing the perpetual changes of state for both the deceased and the living within this Water Cemetery for the Unclaimed.

Taking the melting of the ice urn on the corten steel plate as a starting point, our exploration delves into how corten steel material inherently captures states of change. In the presence of water, corten steel undergoes a chemical and visual transformation, transitioning from a smooth grey to a rusty red. This material becomes a metaphor for water, symbolizing the cyclical and eternal journey of state changes. While water manifests changes in the short term (days and hours), corten steel reflects changes over the long term (years and decades). From a site perspective, vegetation serves as a seasonal marker of change.

Team : Stuti Bindlish and Margaret Jane Gies Instructor: John Ronan Location: Chinatown Chicago, USA Phase: Analysis and concept Year: 2022

Site Theme: Change of State

Water serves as a vessel accompanying the departed throughout their journey to the afterlife. Post-mortem, water initiates the aqua cremation process, gently transforming the body through continuous washing, ultimately reducing it to clean bones. These bones are then placed in a two-foot ice urn, symbolizing the transition to an after-death state. The ice urns undergo a third state change on corten steel plates, transitioning from ice to steam, releasing the soul as the smoke ascends and the revealed bones return to the earth. This entire process signifies the soul's departure from the body.

Ice urn section

Burial System: Ossuary Water serves as a conduit for the remains of the deceased during their journey to the otherworld, activating a transformative state change through the gentle process of aqua cremation. In this meticulous procedure, water is repeatedly washed over the body, ultimately reducing it to clean bones. These remains are then placed in a two-foot cylindrical ice urn during the second state transition, symbolizing the body's passage to an after-death state. The ice urns undergo a third state change as they melt on corten steel plates, transitioning the water guide from ice to steam. As the smoke ascends and the bones, revealed by melting ice, return to the earth below, this transition symbolizes the soul's departure from the body, completing the profound journey.

Ossuary Water Cemetery Ghats

Section through the Ossuary

Shape of the water cemetery & relationship with the river The water cemetery pool, designed explicitly for the ritual, takes the form of a spatialized semi-circle, resembling a broken circle. When perceived as a complete circle, it serves as the visible realm accommodating receptiveness, reflection, emotions, and memories. Simultaneously, the river embodies the unseen or empty segment of the circle, fostering the unknown, imagination, and journeys into the beyond. Positioned atop the ghats' steps, attendees can observe the interconnectedness of the water cemetery and the river, where the semi-circles seamlessly merge, erasing distinctions between life and death, viewer and deceased. Mirroring the fluid states of change experienced by both water and the soul, the water cemetery serves as a transition from life to death and back to life, embodying eternal continuity.

Sectional Perspective


As the sun sets on the year's longest night, a barge carrying 200 unclaimed deceased individuals sails along the Chicago River. Dozens of volunteers gather at the dock to carry the two square foot ice urn remains from the barge to a nearby shallow pool water cemetery. As the sun dips below the horizon and the last ice urn is placed, the tiered landscape in the surrounding area fills with spectators ready to witness the coming ritual. All two hundred ice urns glow vibrantly, signaling the change of state ritual. As the corten platforms slowly heat the ice, columns of steam rise above the ice urns. The crowd watches as the steam dissipates into the darkened sky and the brightening ice urns slowly start to shrink. The ice then melts beyond the pool's waterline, indicating that the deceased's remains have been returned to the earth in the ossuary below. The last rites of the unclaimed are over, the soul has been liberated, and the body has transitioned. But the water has remained and will continue to remain. The water will continue to be the companion for the change of state for the non-living and living.

Glimpses of the moments on the site

1. Connection of the site to the urban edge - Entry to the Site 2. Pathwaybounded by corten steel to the first courtyard 3. Green-roofed covered courtyard with a single viewing lookout to the river 4. Water Cemetery revelation point and entry to the ghats 5. Water Cemetery with Ice Urns being heated 6. Memorial for the unclaimed







12 Google Aqaba: Tour de la mer Integrated systems

Team: Tariq Alrashdan Location: Aqaba, Jordan Phase: analysis and concept Year :2019


The project aims to build a technology park in Aqaba facing the Red Sea. This park will function as a vertical village and a mixed-use tower that provides users with their daily needs. The project has a horizontal foundation containing six stories linked to the existing pedestrian path on the beach and the tower has forty floors. As a requirement of the course, we must choose an international brand to design the internal experience based on brand policy, which is why we chose Google. Google Business Policies suggest a friendly interactive environment with advanced building systems.

Integrated systems

City background

In this process, we focused on combining multiple systems to fit together perfectly:

Over thousands of years, Aqaba has been Jordan's only coastal city, and its strategic location on the northeastern tip of the Red Sea between Asia and Africa made Aqaba an important port. The proposal is a plan to replace Aqaba's destroyed food silos.

We used structural systems for the building facade and shell. We also used various structural systems to support different mechanical systems. Mechanical systems include three parts one is the interface system that opens and closes to control the proportion of natural lighting in the building, this system is connected to the second system which is the HVAC system. The last system is the circulation system with elevators, escalators, and access control..

Team roles For most of the project, Tariq Rashdan and I worked side by side on every detail of this project. In terms of responsibility, Tariq was in charge of the mechanical systems and I worked on the internal architectural experience for each user. We worked together on designing the façade, the podium as well as urban design.

Levels rhythms (backbones) Site plan

Multiple atriums


Tower plans

Podium plans

Podium 7 floors



Structure I for glass

Interactive building skin mechanical systems

Interactive building skin mechanical systems

Structure II for floors

Floors vertical circulation

Structure III for mechanical systems

Elevation panels glass

Structure IV for tensiont

Circulation for podium

Interactive building skin

Comprehensive systems relation

Comprehensive systems relation

Interactive building skin

Skin elements

Interior | offices

13 Mafraq: Sahara corridor Urban intervention

Instructor: Prof. D Ahmed Salah El-Din Attia Team: Ehab Al-Adwan Imran Jibarah Mohammad M. Al-Qubbaj Location: Al-Mafraq, Jordan Phase: analysis and concept Year: 2018


City background

Hejaz railway

Dedicated to the reinvigoration of Mafraq, a town historically significant in embodying movement, the project focuses on crucial objectives. This includes enhancing infrastructure to elevate city activities spanning commerce, tourism, culture, and social districts. Concepts like walkability, efficient public transportation, and vehicular flow are integral to establishing seamless connectivity between the city center and its diverse spatial environments. Another pivotal aspect involves the creation of culturally rich commerce sectors, incorporating elements of folklore and societal dynamics, positioning Mafraq as a distinguished tourist destination while respecting the traditions and ethos of its residents.

Mafraq, situated on a vital commercial route and characterized by its diverse population, necessitates a comprehensive development approach. The project aims to fortify the city across sectors and enhance its infrastructure to adeptly navigate future changes.

Envisioned as a designated area, the Mafraq Museum seeks to consolidate the collective memories of the local community, providing a platform for diverse activities and enticing residents away from the city center

Mafraq museum

Team roles

A key component of the proposal involves the adaptive reuse of the Hejaz railway building, complemented by the construction of an adjacent museum to serve as a focal point, thereby establishing a resilient tourism foundation in Mafraq

In a collaborative effort, the team played a vital role in designing the primary urban path. Individually, the contribution extended to the design of two key buildings, including the Mafraq Museum, within the overarching project framework

Analytical maps

Urban interventions

Urban interventions

Site plan

Mafraq museum

Urban sections

Hejaz railway building

Food Market

14 Carakale: Story of a local Beer Adaptive reuse

Instructor: Nida Al Hamzeh, Location: Madaba, Jordan Phase: analysis and concept Area: 5,000 sqm Year: 2017


Design brief


This project entailed selecting a local brand for the construction of a factory and a corresponding visitor center, incorporating the existing structure of Rukus ibn Uzazi's house. The chosen brand, Carakale, Jordan's pioneering microbrewery, inspired the design of the factory, tailored to meet its manufacturing needs. The visitor experience seamlessly integrates the center with the factory, providing a comprehensive understanding of the manufacturing process and the brand's historical journey.

The Carakale factory and visitor center, characterized by corten steel and precast concrete elements, serves as a compelling storyteller of a local Jordanian brand intertwined with the history of a Byzantine city. This multifaceted project comprises the adaptive reuse of the house of Rukus ibn Uzazi, featuring a gallery and museum that narrate the company's stories, alongside a new 3000 sqm building housing the brewery and administrative offices.

Carakale, Jordan's pioneering microbrewery, is dedicated to reviving the ancient tradition of beer, tracing its origins back to Mesopotamia over seven centuries ago.

To ensure a harmonious flow of visitor experiences without disrupting the manufacturing process, strategic connections are established between the two structures through bridges and mezzanines, enhancing the overall journey for visitors.

City background Madaba, the capital city of Madaba Governorate in central Jordan, distinguished by its Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, is particularly renowned for a significant Byzantine-era mosaic map depicting the Holy Land


Corten steel shell



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