Why Allah (God) forbids Associating Partners in His Worship?

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Why Allah (God) Forbids Associating Partners in His Worship?

Zaid Ghazzawi Website: www.quran-miracle.com

Zaid Ghazzawi

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Introduction What is the sin of associating partners to Allah (God)? Associating partners in the worship of Allah (God) means that a person believes that a created object has qualities like those of the creator, like for example, if a person believes that a human being can forgive sins then this is considered as associating partners to Allah (God) since the only one who can forgive sins is Allah (God). Having clarified this lets proceed to see why Allah (God) forbids this sin and the impact of associating partners to Allah (God) has on the quality of a person’s life. Before proceeding I want to make it abundantly clear that the reasons why I am showing the topic presented in this article are the following: 1. It is the obligation of each and every Muslim to teach people the message of Allah (God) (i.e. The Quran). 2. We as humans need to have mercy and love towards each other, and as such if you love someone and you know that he or she is doing something wrong which will bring him pain and despair in this life and the hereafter then out of love you need to advice him or her and to show the person the right way learnt from the guidance of The Quran in order for that person to have happiness in this life and the hereafter.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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By pondering upon verse 116 of chapter 4 of the last revelation of Allah (God) to people (i.e. The Quran) we learn that the act of associating partners to Allah (God) is the greatest sin and that if a person dies while associating partners in the worship of Allah (God) he or she will be placed in Hell. Thus the question arises as to why Allah (God) does not forgive this sin and why the ultimate torment is linked to this sin? To answer this question we need to realize that if all the people on this earth do commit this sin (i.e. associate partners to Allah (God)) then that will not affect Allah (God) not in the least, so why is it that Allah (God) warns so much against committing this sin? We can know the answer to this question by pondering upon verse 7 of chapter 40 of The Quran which is shown in the next page.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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Such that we learn by pondering upon the above verse that the angles described Allah (God) that He encompassed everything in mercy and knowledge which means that the mercy of Allah (God) proceeded His knowledge, such that when Allah (God) wants a certain decree to be done then the requirements of mercy are the basis for that decree and then comes the knowledge of Allah (God) to translate this mercy into a created object and to understand this further I will give the example of the mercy and knowledge of Allah (God) in the creation of human teeth which is shown in the next page.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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When Allah (God) wanted to create human teeth then the mercy requirements are the basis for this creation, such that the mercy requires that humans are able to cut and chew food with minimum effort (i.e. minimum output from skeletal muscles involved in mastication). Then comes the knowledge of Allah (God) to make these mercy requirements a created object such that if we ponder upon the design of human teeth we realize that Allah (God) created them to have sharp ends which make cutting and chewing the food much easier (like a knife effect), so a minimum output from masticatory muscles can cut the food due to the sharpness of the teeth. So we see in this example how that every decree of Allah (God) is based on mercy, and thus we can conclude that the reason why Allah (God) forbids associating partners in His worship should be out of mercy on human beings and we will see this more clearly in the coming examples.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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The first example to explain the wisdom of Allah (God) in forbidding associating partners in His worship is Christianity. Such that the majority of Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God having Godly qualities such as forgiving sins, bringing the dead back to life on His own powers, etc. The following is an explanation why this belief brings Christians pain and despair in this life and will bring them also pain in the hereafter.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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In the Quranic verse shown above Allah (God) tells us that whosoever believes that Jesus is God then he or she is a disbeliever, also we learn from This Quranic verse that Jesus peace be upon Him told the Children of Israel to worship Allah (God) alone and that whosoever sets up partners in the worship Allah (God) then Allah (God) has forbidden him paradise. So the question now arises as to why Allah (God) warns Christians so much about committing the sin of believing that Jesus is God? The answer is that all of these warnings are out of the mercy of Allah (God) onto Christians such that it shows them that they are doing something wrong and this sin will bring them pain and despair in this life, such that if we examine Christian communities we find that since they believe that Jesus paid for all of their sins then in actuality they do not have a real fear of committing sins since Jesus paid for them all and thus we find on statistical basis that Christian countries and communities have the maximum percentage of crimes such as rape, stealing, fraud, incest, etc. So we see brothers and sisters that part of the wisdom behind Allah (God) warning people of Hell for those who believe that Jesus is God is for them to stop committing this sin such that they will fear Allah (God) and obey His commandments and not believing that any sin committed is paid for by Jesus peace be upon Him, and as a result their quality of life will increase and the rate of crime will decrease.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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Another example which shows the horrible consequences of associating partners to Allah (God) is Judaism, such that the majority of Jews committed this sin by following the commandments of their rabbis and abandoning the commandments of Allah (God) and in the next page the bad results of this sin on the Jews will be shown.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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In the above verse of The Quran we learn that the Jews committed the sin of associating partners in the worship of Allah (God) by obeying the commandments of their rabbis which contradict what Allah (God) taught The Children of Israel in the original Torah, and the bad consequences of this is that the majority of The Jews learn from the Talmud which is written by rabbis that they are superior to all other people and thus when Jews commit crimes towards other nations or individuals they do not feel remorse and thus they do not have anything that stops them from committing injustice towards non-Jews and this brings them pain and despair in this life and the hereafter. So we realize now the mercy of Allah (God) in forbidding this horrible sin of associating partners in the worship of Allah (God).

Zaid Ghazzawi

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Another example of the bad results of committing the sin of associating partners to Allah (God) can be seen in Hindus, such that the majority of Hindus believe that everything is God meaning that they believe that God can be a human being, stone, cow, etc. The bad consequences of this belief is explained in the next page.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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We can deduce from pondering upon the above verse of The Quran that Hindus worship created objects like humans, stone, cows, etc. that can neither hurt nor benefit them. Thus we find that the majority of Hindus spend most of their life trying to please these created objects by wasting everything that Allah (God) gave them like wealth, health, intelligence, time, etc. on these created objects and as a result of this they are lost in this life and this brings them pain.

Zaid Ghazzawi

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