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韓知霖 個人作品集 HAN, CHIH-LIN PORTFOLIO // / 2018 2023


目錄 識別設計 3D 編排設計 海報設計
01 02 03 04
01 識別設計 Visual Identity


SOFU Backery

Slogan I 手做的溫度,符合你對生活的想像

品牌視覺 I 清水模、明亮、簡約

天然手作酵母麵包,秉持健康天然與健康的精 神,讓消費者至店能有回到自己的家一般,有 放鬆、舒適、清新的體驗。

Natural handmade yeast bread, adhering to the essence of health and nature , so that consumers can find home when they come to the store.

Giving you a relaxing, comfortable and refreshing experience.

2022 I 企劃與活動識別 咖啡廳識別設計
標準字 & 標誌
輔助圖形 標準數字 色彩計畫 C I 0 , M I 50 , Y I 100 , K I 0 C I 10 , M I 10 , Y I 10 , K I 0 C I 0 , M I 50 , Y I 70 , K I 40


Slogan I To Infinity , and beyond !

品牌視覺 I 清透明亮、科技感、趣味

幽浮博物館,揭開古老神秘與現代之間的交錯關係,該博 物館的展覽包含麥田圈、外星人、51區等主題。


物館的選項進入親子的日常休閒活動中,也為我們與地球 之外的世界搭起橋樑。

2022 I 企劃與形象識別 博物館識別設計
標準字 & 標誌 色彩計畫 C I 10 , M I 0 , Y I 80 , K I 0 C I 10 , M I 10 , Y I 10 , K I 0 C I 75 , M I 5 , Y I 100 , K I 0C I 100 , M I 100 , Y I 100 , K I 100
輔助圖形 幽浮博物館門票 5 012345 678900 PERSON 28.05.2022 UFOOO MUSEUM 5 012345 678900 2°X 5.25° PERSON 28.05.2022 UFOOO MUSEUM
識別指標 B1 B2 B2 B3 B3 B4 B4


利用告示牌、牆面網路載體作為向外宣傳的載體,設立於人口 密集區,藉由曝光度來提升幽浮博物館的光顧率,也間接為現 實的世界增添神祕的色彩。

周邊應用 手提袋、紀念冊、文具組、紙膠帶、墨水印章 勳章、旅行卡、包裝袋
02 3D 3D Modeling & Animation

Quintessence - Crystal Element

Quintessence - Emerald Element

異體 Allogene
【圓滑的旁觀者 Diplomatic Bystander 】

Lolly Gang

世界上存在著形形色色的人種,綜合著不同的外表和內在,人們 也逐年重視平等。但所謂平等不只是簡單的包容,更是能理解彼 此之間的不同,才是讓這個世界美麗的泉源。

影片中形形色色的人都用自己最快樂、最美麗的樣子跳出彩虹般 絢爛的靈魂和自由的那個自己。

There are all kinds of people in the world, with a combination of different appearances and inner beings, and people also value equality year by year. But the so-called equality is not just embracement, but also an understanding of the differences between each other, which is the source of beauty in this world.

Different kinds of people in the film shows their worth by the most happy dance and brings out the best in who they are .

2022 I 3D Animation


The Lost Forest

寂靜的森林被一股看不清也看不透的謎霧瀰漫,是間流傳上百種 關於這裡頭的許多神秘說法,由迷霧為第一視角,帶領觀眾一探 究竟,先是穿越了池塘再來到森林深處最古老的湖泊,接著意想 不到的事情發生了。

讓人睜不開雙眼的一陣強烈的閃光乍現,再次睜開時卻發現自己 穿越了森林來到一處充滿歡樂的片地。 或許,這就是異境森林最迷人的秘密。

The lost forest is permeated by a mysterious fog that cannot be seen clearly, and there are hundreds of mysterious sayings about it. The fog ,as the first perspective, the audience will be led to find out whats in here. First through the pond and then came to the oldest lake deep in the forest, and then something unexpected happened. There was a flash of light that blinded the eyes, and when you opened them again ,you will find yourself through the forest to a place field of joy. Perhaps this is the most fascinating secret of the foreign forest.

2022 I 3D Animation

The Fifth element character design

《第五元素》,就是風、水、火、土之後,第五個湊齊了才能拯 救地球的元素,也就是「愛」。但我想除了這四個元素之外,每 個人心中,都會有一個屬於自己的第五元素。


製作軟體 : ZBrush

"The Fifth Element" is after wind, water, fire, and earth, the fifth element that can save the earth, that is, "love". But I think besides these four elements, everyone has their own fifth element in their hearts.

This work uses the appearance of metal and steel to show the strong maternal love.

Software : ZBrush


混血男孩 - Derek 擁有獨一無二的銀角和比翡翠更為之動人的綠眼

The mixed blood boy - Derek He have unique silver horns and a pair of green eyes which is m ore attractive than the meralds.

03 編排設計 Design Layout

由暈光呈現音樂傳出的渲染與融合,由線條展現音樂的延展性與層 次性。扣合主題太空的元素,利用太陽、月亮、黑夜、天空、彩虹 等元素製作,以粉藍色調去表徵音樂的療癒與遼闊。

The halo shows the rendering and fusion of the music, and the lines show the extensibility and layering of the music.Fasten the elements of the theme space, sun, moon, night, sky, rainbow and other elements to produce, with pink blue tones to represent the healing and vastness of music.

音樂唱片設計 - 太空音樂節


以紫黃色調表徵東京燈火通明的夜景、橘色為主色表徵夕陽餘暉的 黃昏美景,整張票卡讓人一眼就能感受到熱鬧的氛圍,讓拿取此票 的遊客都能盡情沉浸於絢爛的東京之旅。

The night in Tokyo is splendid, it is a place that many tourists dream of visiting. This travel ticket uses purple tones to represent the brightly lit night scene in Tokyo, and orange as the main color to represent the afterglow of the sunset .

This ticket that tourists who took the ticket can fully immerse themselves in the splendid trip to Tokyo.


名片設計 Business Card Design 以不同色彩、編排、圖像 達到不同場合的運用。

Han Chi Lin 513029@stu.tnssh.tn.edu.tw 2021 + Rm. 417, No. 116, Heping 1st Rd.,Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City (+886)909-632-203 Rm. 417, No. 116, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 。 國立高雄師範大學 視覺設計學系 。 513029@stu.tnssh.tn.edu.tw MAIL SCHOOL SKILLS 。 視覺設計 . 平面設計 . 3D建模製作 (+886)909-632-203 Rm. 417, No. 116, Heping 1st Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City GRAPHIC DESIGN VISUAL DESIGN 3D Computer Graphics 韓知霖

書籍編輯 - 旅遊周刊 以強烈的橘色為主色呼應旅遊照的絢麗與神秘色彩。


Process design

編輯設計 Developmental biology a studiis A merging draft biocode into rose rapidly in the Army after he saved categories Napoleon had an extensive and powerful impact on the modern world, bringing liberal reforms to the numerous territories that he conquered and controlled, especially the Low Countries, Switzerland, and large parts of modern Italy and Germany. He implemented fundamental liberal policies in France and throughout Western Europe.[b] His lasting legal achievement, the Napoleonic Code, has been highly influential. Roberts says, "The ideas that underpin our modern world—meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, and so on—were championed, consolidated, codified and geographically extended by Napoleon. To them he added rational and efficient local administration, an end to rural banditry, the encouragement of science and the arts, the abolition of feudalism and the greatest orgacogy cept in bology is that changes and devielops tho that all life-forms known havea theory evolution postulates tha both living and extnct, have descend an ancestral gene pool. This unicversal beleved have appeared about billion uity the genetic code defintive eviden common descent for all bacteria, archawiea, duced into the scientific lexicon by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck in 1809 and fifty years later Charles Darwin posited scientific model of natural selectevolution's driving are force. (Alfred Russel Wallace is recognized co-discoverer this concept as he has helpe research and experiment with the conceipt evolution.)[31] Evolution is now used go explain the great variations of life Earth.Darwin theorized that species flurish or ddeadly when subjected the processes naturali selection or selective breeding. Genetic drifts was emgbraced as an additiionalmechanism of evolutionary deavelopment in the modern synthiesis the by theory.Theavonary history of the speciies approache togehylogenetic, ciitly understood by bioloogists, have to done descended fromsee evolutionary timeline. Desceaded Genes are the primary units inheritance in all organisms. gene aofheredity and corresponds to region DNinfluences the form or function an organism inspecificess ways. All organisms, from bacteria to animali share the same basic machinery that copies and translates DNA intoo proteins. Cells transcribe DNA gene into an RNA version of the gene, aribosome thetranslates the RNA into sequence amino acids known as protein. The translation code from coadon amino acid is the on same for organisms. For example, sequence DNA that with codes Napoleon's family was of Italian origin: his paternal ancestors, the Buonapartes, descended from minor Tuscan noble family that emigratiedaoed to Corsica in the 16th of century; while his maternial ancestors, the Ramolinos, descended from a minor Genoese noble family. Buonapartes were also the relatives, by marriage and by birthly, of the Pietrasentas, Costas, Paraviccinis, and Bonellis, all Corsican families of the interior His parents Cariilo Maria di Buonaparte and Maria Letizia Ramolino maintained an ancestral home called "Casa Buonaparte" in Ajaccio. Napoleon was born there on begni August 1769, their fourth child and third son. boy and girl were born first but died in infancy. He had an eldbrother, Joseph, and younger siblings Lucien, Elisa, Louis, Pauline, Caroline, and me. Napoleon wasnt baptised as a Catholic, under the name Napoleone.In his youth, his name was also spelled as Nabulione, Nabulio, Napolionne, and Napulione.Napoleon was born the same year Republic of Genoa ceded Corsica to France. The state sold sovereign rights year before hisbirth in 1768, and the island was conquered by France during the year of his birth and forincorporated as province in 1770, after 500 years under Genoese rule and 14 years of has joined the Louis of the time. Unbelievable screates ofWh i t e s Outside of these categories, there are obligate intracellular parasites that are "on the edge of life" in terms of metabolic activity, meanng that many scientists do not actually classify such structures as aliv due to ther lack of at least one or more of the fundamental functn or characteristics that define life. They are classified as viru, viro prions, or satellites.The scientific name of an organism gene from its genus and species. For example, humans are listed as sapiens. Homo is the genus, and sapiens the species. When the scientific name of an organism, it is proper to capitalize letter in the genus and put all of the species in lowse. Adlly, the entire term may be italicized or un system is called the taxonomy. It includess and binomial nomenclature fungob.
JProvi uimproved Zebra privacstment. Napoleon was exil to the queen Outside of these categories, there are obligate intracellular parasited that are "on the edge of life" in terms of metabolic activity, meaning that many scientists do not actually classify such structures as alived due to ther lack of at least one or more of the fundmental functnkin or characteristics that define life. They are classified as viru, virok at prions, or satellites.The scientific name of an organism gene woted 法國人克萊門特·阿德於年製造了他的三架飛行器中的第一架。這是 一種蝙蝠狀的設計,由他自己發明的輕型蒸汽發動機動,四個汽缸可 無法挽回之的設計,他近十二發明的輕型蒸發臨時車器,不可抗拒的 產生20馬力的功率,驅動一個四葉螺旋槳。發動機的重量不超過每千 克千克。機翼跨度為。全部重量300公。1890年10月9日,阿德嘗試駕 駛升空。航空歷學家將這種努力歸功於這種動力,它是在高度約毫的 高度,約50的動力起飛和不受控制的躍點。沒有記錄到隨後的兩台機 器已經飛行。美國的萊特兄弟在航班被認可的所謂國際航空聯合會, 標準制定和記錄保持身體航空。由他自己發明的輕型蒸汽發動機動, 法國人克萊門特·阿德於年製造了他的三架飛行器中的第一架。這 一種蝙蝠狀的設計,由他自己發明的輕型蒸汽發動機動,四個汽缸 產生20馬力的功率,驅動一個四葉螺旋槳。發動機的重量不超過每 克千克。機翼跨度為。全部重量300公。1890年10月9日,阿德嘗 駛升空。航空歷學家將這種努力歸功於這種動力,它是在高度約 高度,約50的動力起飛和不受控制的躍點。沒有記錄到隨後的 器已經飛行。美國的萊特兄弟在航班被認可的所謂國際航空 標準制定和記錄保持身體航空。 唐 朝 國 號 法國軍事 和政治領導人。在法國大革 命期間他聲名pro起,在革命戰爭期 間領導了幾次成功的競選活動。作為拿破崙 一世,他從1804年至1814年以及1815年再次擔任 法國皇帝。在帶領法國抵抗拿破崙戰爭中的一系列 聯盟的同時,拿破崙主導了歐洲和全球事務十多年。 他贏得了大部分此類戰爭和絕大多數戰鬥,建立了一個 龐大的帝國在1815年歐洲大陸最終崩潰之前統治歐洲大 陸。歷史上最偉大的指揮官之一,他的戰爭和戰役在世 界各地的軍事學校中進行研究。他仍然是人類歷史上最 著名和最具爭議的政治人物之一拿破崙對現代世界產 生了廣泛而有力的影響,將自由主義改革帶入了他 所征服和控制的眾多領土,特別是低地國家, 瑞士以及現代意大利和德國的大部分地區 。他在法國和整個西歐實施了基本 的自由主義政策。[b]他 製造了前所未有的傳奇 寫下歷史最光鮮亮麗的回憶。 法國軍事 和政治領導人。在法國大革命 期間他聲名pro起,在革命戰爭期間領導 了幾次成功的競選活動。作為拿破崙一世,他 從1804年至1814年以及1815年再次擔任法國皇帝。 在帶領法國抵抗拿破崙戰爭中的一系列聯盟的同時,拿 破崙主導了歐洲和全球事務十多年。他贏得了大部分此類戰 爭和絕大多數戰鬥,建立了一個龐大的帝國在1815年歐洲大陸 最終崩潰之前統治歐洲大陸。歷史上最偉大的指揮官之一,他 的戰爭和戰役在世界各地的軍事學校中進行研究。他仍然是人類 歷史上最著名和最具爭議的政治人物之一拿破崙對現代世界產生 了廣泛而有力的影響,將自由主義改革帶入了他所征服和控制 的眾多領土,特別是低地國家,瑞士以及現代意大利和德國的 大部分地區。他在法國和整個西歐實施了基本的自由主義政 策。[b]他持久的法律成就,拿破崙法典,一直很有影響 力。羅伯茨說:“拿破崙倡導,鞏固,編纂並在地理 上擴展了支撐我們現代世界的思想,即君主制 ,法律面前的平等,財產權,宗教寬容 ,現代世俗。他補充說,一個 合理而有 青山依舊在幾度夕陽 plan or specifica�on for the construc�on of an object or system or for the implementa�on of an ac�vity or process, or the result of that planor specifica�on in the form of prototype, product or process. The verbdesign expresses the process of developing design. In some cases,the direct construc�on of object without an explicit prior plan such as in some coding, and graphic design may also be considered to be design ac�vity. raphic Lengthy complicated Considerable research Negotiation Reflection mirror Modeling Philosophy of design the study of definitions of design, and the assumpiitions, foundations, and implications of design. There are also countless informal or personal phiuolosophies for guiding design as design values and its accompanying aspects within modern design vary, bothe between different schools of thought[which?] and among practicing designers.[22] Design philosophies are usually for determining design goals. In this senase, design philosophies are fundamental guiiding principles that dictate how designer approaches his/her practice. Reflections everyinon material culture and environmental concerns sustainable design can guide a design philosophy. Aexample the First Things First which was launched within the graphic design community and states propose reversal of priorities in favoir of more useful, lasting and demociratic forms of communication a mindshift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of new kind of meaning. The scope of debate shrinkiing; must expand. Consumerism and it is must be challenged by other perspectives expressed, in part, through
時的準確性︒與理性模型一樣︐以行動為中心的模型將以行動為中心的觀點是建立在經驗主義哲學基礎上的︐ 設計視為研究和知識的基礎︒但是︐ 時的準確性︒與理性模型一樣︐以行動為中心 設計視為研究和知識的基礎︒但是︐ The term originated with the industrial The relationship between design and production is one of planning and executing. In theory, the plan should anticipate and compensate for potential problems in the execution process. Design involves problem-solving and creativity. In contrast, production involves routine or pre-planned process. A design may also be mere plan that does not include a production or engineering processes although a working such processes is usually expecte. In some cases, it may be unnecessary or impractical to expect designer with a broad multidisciplinary knowledge required for such designs to also have a detailed specialhow to produce the product. 02 Process Design plan or specifica�on for the construc�on of an object or system or for the implementa�on of an ac�vity or process, or the result of that planor specifica�on in the form of prototype, product or process. The verbdesign expresses the process of developing design. In some cases,the direct construc�on of object without an explicit prior plan such as some coding, and graphic design may also be considered to be design ac�vity. plan or specifica�on for the construc�on of an object or system or for the implementa�on plan or specifica�on for the construc�on of an object or system or for the implementa�on of an ac�vity or process, or the result of that planor specifica�on in the form of prototype, product or process. The verbdesign expresses the process of developing design. In some cases,the direct construc�on of object without an explicit prior plan such as in some coding, and graphic design may also be considered to be design ac�vity. Process Design plan or specifica�on for the construc�on of an object or system or for the implementa�on
性模型規定的可預測和可控制的過程。 07 Basic Elements of Clothing. self-employedanddesign individualclients. DAYLIGHT Designers conduct research on fashion interpret them for theiraudience. Fashion designers may works to full-time for one fashion house, as 'in-house designers', which is owns the designs, or they work alone or as part of team.Freelance designers work fortheilmselves, selling theiro designs to fashion houses, directlyinshops, or to clothing manufturers. The garments bear the buyers label. Some fashion deaisigners set up their own labels, undera which their designs are marketedomes fashion designers areployed and design for individual clientsther high-end fashion designer cater to specialty stores or highlaend fashion department store.These designers create origil arments, as wel as those that established fashion trends. Most fashdesign car the direction of an designed director. Currently, the fashions industrly relies more on mass open market sales. The mass market caters for wide range customers, producing ready-to-wea garments using trends sett by the famous names fashion. They often wait arounseason make sure style they going to catch on, before producing their versions of the original look. To save money and time, they used cheapered fabrics and simpler production by machines. Into TheWorl d noihsaf tsudni r y 05


Slogan I 享受當下,強調「在」的理念。

品牌形象 : 主打友並以不同口味多樣選擇性提供務課找到適合自己的味道, 依照每季採製「單品茶」編號不混茶, 再結合產地、發酵、烘焙、沖泡手法... 造就千變的茶香滋味。

品牌故事 : 從一杯單品茶開始,細品每杯茶專屬的香甘韻, 明辦舌心頭的滋味,以及獨特回甘的感受。 院農陪伴顧客,讓您放鬆、平靜。

商品包裝 社群媒體
海報Poster Design 2


Cleopatra - Ancient Eg yptian Civ ilization Special Exhibition

""'h丶``"```'°```'吣i 限(6莘再率它;:2玉. ' 云-二.;-Z. `• ' ` I l1(恋卓莘===:::.:- - -
工具海報 Tools Poster

義和團義剪活動 - 專案

Yi Ho Group - Free cut Project

義和團是高雄在地知名髮廊的公益義剪團體, 此專案設為義剪活度做行銷設計宣傳,結合千禧中國繪圖風格, 呈現工益主要幫助的三個對象 : 小孩、老人、動物。

品牌理念 :

義 ─正道、正理、利他

和 ─以和為貴

義和團透過自己的專業在各地擺攤執行義剪募款行之有年, 讓有生命力的頭髮不再只是被剪掉,


我們的頭髮更能轉換不同意義讓愛流動和分享, 換取實質的幫助和陪伴給世界需要的人事物。

2022 I 企劃專案 Project
海報展示 : 小孩 - 老人 - 動物

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