Semiotic Flashcards and Logo - Report and Process work

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YSDN1002 Design & Image < Section M: Lab 3 | Instructor: Angeline Buck

Topic 2: Reading Representational Images Eight semiotics flashcards + negative space icon

Report Submitted by Zainab Alavi and Katerina Davies

1. Anchorage

Anchorage in Semiotics is the additional emphasis towards a message using text. Just as anchors on ships reel in desired items, anchorage in semiotics is meant to ‘anchor’ the audience into a chosen message using text. ‘Squeaky clean’ further emphasizes the idea of clean, pure, and simple, leading the viewer into thinking the soap is clean and desirable. The bubbles and the duck are also associated with baths and cleanliness which further emphasize that the soap is clean. Without the text, the intended message of the soap’s cleanliness is not very obvious, however with the use of ‘squeaky clean’, the viewer is steered into the message that the soap is clean and the overall message is geared towards cleanliness.

2. Metaphor

Metaphor in semiotics is presenting a message by directly relating two subjects. In this case the two subjects that are being directly related are the sun and a person, to present the message of someone being very cheerful and important. This graphic is a play on the metaphor “You are my sunshine� by literally capturing sunshine as a person. The person is physically and internally the embodiment of sunshine through the bright yellow sunshine costume and their happy persona through the radiant smile and body language.

3. Metonymy

Metonymy is a literary device in which an object or idea is used to reference something closely associated with it. I have created my own metonymy, “The pen is to a writer as the paintbrush is to an artist,� and represented it as a semiotic drawing. To a writer, a pen is their life; it is the object that allows their vision to come alive through the words on the page. The vision of an artist is given life through their paint brush, it serves as a tool of creation for the mind of the artist. Both are means of expressing oneself and are equally as powerful in the hands of the composer in their own professions.

4. Relay

Relay in semiotics is redirecting the viewer to an alternate message which was not obvious before. By blocking out certain aspects of a graphics, or cutting out elements, the viewer is directed to a new message or pathway. Relay is represented in this graphic as the viewer (person walking) is redirecting into a different path by the use of cutting off a path. Relay does this as it pushes the viewer into a new direction by adding (or cutting) details - which is shown by the scissors. The tin can telephone, a traditional acoustic form of communication, shows how messages can be relayed. By cutting off a string, we can show how relay redirects a viewer into a new pathway or message that was not previously understandable.

5. Connotation/Denotation Connotation is the idea associated with a subject, whilst denotation is the exact definition of a subject. The subject is represented by a book, in its purest sense. It’s denotation would be that is pages enclosed together to be read. The connotation for a book would be that it can represent a journey, whether it’s through gaining knowledge or using imagination to enter a whole new world. The connotation and denotation of a book is represented by the person walking and carrying a book. She is walking on a pathway of books, this represents the denotation as books are represented in their definitive form. The connotative definition is shown as books can show journeys and alternative worlds, which is shown through the book path and magical door.

6. Iconic

An icon is a widely recognized pictogram representing or alluding to an even wider known person, place, thing, or idea. An icon is present in many aspects of life, such as phone icons depicting messages, and various social media. In my design, I represented the fictional character created by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter; who has been transformed from just another fictional character into an literary icon through his popularity in pop culture. By showcasing many recognizable features of the character such as his scar, glasses, and his scarf, I hope to communicate the image of Rowling’s character to the audience.

7. Indexical

Indexical is a figure of speech in which something indicates the existence or presence of another event or object. When something is indexical, it can give context to objects around itself or objects that may have been previously present . Indexical is presented in this graphic as traditionally, the sight of birds imply that there is land nearby. Birds flying when one is at sea, communicates to the sailors on the ship that land is nearby, without them being able to see the land itself. The sight of the birds imply that they are close to safety, home, and journey’s end.

8. Analogy

An analogy is a simple comparison told in order to explain and make another more complex comparison easier for one to understand. By comparing something an average person is already familiar with, more complex and creative theories/phrases can be understood. I have come up with my own analogy, “Life is like a board game, you may fall down but you never stop climbing.” I created this semiotic. Comparing “life”, a complex thing, to a “board game”, more specifically, Snakes and Ladders, which is widely known due to it being a part of an average childhood in western culture. Life is being compared to Snake and Ladders because they are similar in the regard that in the game, as you advance there is the possibility that you will go down a snake. In life this is the same, when we face a setback, we must keep going.

Icon #1: by Zainab Alavi

This is a logo for York’s Design program. The logo is a bold ‘D’ which stands for Design connected to a heart all while looking bold and reminiscent of a paint stroke. This fun and bold logo represents the ideologies and practices in this program as it represents passion and creativity. The paint-like strokes on the letter represents the creative and hands-on aspect of the program but also represents a loving and accepting community for like-minded people. Ultimately, I wanted to show the inclusivity and passion existent at the Design program but make it look artistic and representative of design. This is what lead to the subtle paint strokes and the bold red, which represents the passion and creativity embodied within the design program.

Icon #2: by Katerina Davies

Using the pen tool on Illustrator, I drew the letters “YSDN� in a fun organic handwritten like font. I used a curvy effect on the stroke to give it more character. The natural flow of the hand is expressed by the personalised font I drew. The lack of conformity, along with the use of the pure aesthetic font exhibited, represents a deeper passion and shows organic creativity. In my design, I incorporated the pen tool icon and I’ve attached it to the end of the logo, giving the impression that the logo was originally hand drawn. This is to represent the creativity of the department and all of the softwares used by its members.

Process Work for 8 Semiotic Flash Cards

Final Critique for 8 Semiotic Flash Cards

Process work for Zainab’s Icon

Process work for Katerina’s Icon

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