portfolio zainab saif ahmad
academic portfolio
Transforming the Bus Experience................................................................................................01
Revitalisation of a Heritage Market- Kharibaoli, Shahajahanabad.......................................05
Documentation of Strachey Hall, Aligarh Muslim University.................................................13
Hi-tech City Commercial Centre, Hi-tech City........................................................................19
New Delhi.
Old Delhi.
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. .
Low Floor Articulated Bus
Boarding/ De-boarding problem
seat easily
-boarding problems
Source : Anecdotal survey of 60 DTC bus users
“ we have to create conditions so that BRT comes as THE a natural thing, rather IMPROVING BUS EXPERIENCE air quality and help the city remain compact. Improvements like these will than something that is imposed ” prove to be the backbone of public transportation in the city.
“ The Streets seem to signal : Come, you are welcome. Walk awhile, stop awhile, and stay as long as you like... Streets have been given a new form and a new content ” These strategic interventions will latent transit demands, BUSattract RAPID TRANSIT | NEWimprove DELHI
n for usual
Issues faced by the Daily Bus Users
“ we have to create conditions so that BRT comes natural thing, Theseastrategic interventions will rather attract latent transit demands, improve 60% as air quality and help the city remain compact. Improvements like these will Over shooting bus stops prove to be the backbone of public transportation in the city. than something that is imposed ”
osed 30M) iders aged tro’s
100% “ we have to create conditions so that Inadequate information University of Westminster Trophy 2014-15 | Group members: Lohit Mathuria, Rahil Malik, Sabika Zaidi at Bus Stops
BRT comes as a natural thing, rather than something that is imposed ”
Source : Author
Issues faced by the Daily Bus Users
Refining Delhi 32% Bus Rapid Transit Floor-Ceiling height 30% 2700 MM Source : Author Issues by by the Daily Bus Users 60%faced “T Issues faced the Daily Bus Users 3D Sectional View Aisle Width Floor-Ceiling height 35% 80% 60% 1000 MM 2700 MM 30% ssues faced100% by Aisle theWidth Daily BusThese Users strategic interventions attract latent transit demands, W Reasons forwillFailure of BRT in32% Delhi improve Low 60% 1000 MMthe city “T 80% Escape Hatch 30% 30% air quality and help remain compact. Improvements like these will 40% 32% 2 Floor-Ceiling 35% 2700 MM St 80% height 60% Don’t get a seat 50 Hatch Seating Capacity60% Escape Suffocation M 2 prove to Width be the backbone of public transportation in the city. Delhi which W 30% 32% 100% • BRT Phase I was carried out in South has the highest number Aisle 90 1000 MM Exit Standing Capacity Emergency Over shooting bus stops Exit 2+1 5Emergency M 60% 2+1 Don’t get a seat 80% Suffocation 30% 40% Escape Hatch 60% 9M 2 owners 35% Inner Turning radius St of private car Luggage Carriers Eve teasing Issues Don’t get the seat easily Over shooting bus stops 0MM 12 Exit “ we have to create conditions so that Emergency 14.5 M 2+1 Luggage Carriers Outer Turning radius 100% 35% Product Design Refining Delhi320MM Bus Rapid Transit 60% 12 • The jams were particularly lanes -- an obvious Luggage Carriers Eve Issues80%bad where the bus 12teasing Ground-Floor Height Don’t get thebegan seat 30% easily Inadequate information 100% BRT comes as a natural thing, rather Multi Functional Boarding/De-boarding problemsZone Design at Bus Stops De-boarding problems bottleneck Inadequate information 80% Design 30% ZoneBoarding/ Multi Functional Design Product Refining Delhi Reasons for Failure of BRT in Bus Delhi Rapid Transit Low Floor Articulated Bus problems which otherwise at Bus Stops Boarding/might De-boarding • BRT wasn’t to the haveproblems leveraged than something that Boarding/De-boarding islinked imposed ” Metro, Entry/Exit controlled Bus Stop Don’t get a seat
Eve teasing Issues Don’t get a seatSource : Author
Don’t get the seat easily Suffocation
Boarding/ De-boarding problem
Boarding/De-boarding problems Eve teasing Issues
Boarding/ De-boarding problems Don’t get the seat easily
Suffocation Boarding/ De-boarding problem Source : Anecdotal survey of 60 DTC bus users
Boarding/De-boarding problems
Boarding/ De-boarding problems
Over shooting bus stops Inadequate information Over shooting bus stops at Bus Stops Inadequate information at Bus Stops
Source : Anecdotal survey of 60 DTC bus users
Multi Functional Zone D
• BRT Phase I was carried out in South Delhi which has the highest number added riders to both Reasons forcar Failure Low Floor Bussystems. 3D Articulated Sectional View of private ownersof BRT in Delhi 3D Sectional View Reasons forwere Failure of BRT in Delhi Designateddeliver Hawker Zones • The corridor didn’t actually riders to their destination, even for • The jams particularly bad where the bus lanes began -- an obvious blic Designated Hawker Zones • BRT Phase I was carried out in South Delhi which has the highest number des Locate in areas where • bottleneck BRT Phase I was carried out in South Delhi which has the bus goers it was essentially a short, smooth ride in between the usual Locate in areas where of private car owners pedestrian tend to wait or BRT wasn’t linked to the Metro, which otherwise might have leveraged Smart Card o Route • Thehighest jams were particularly bad where the bus lanes began -- an obvious stop-and-go. • number of private car owners. congregate. pedestrian tend to wait or added riders to both systems. ne bottleneck Reasons for Failure of BRT inriders Delhi • TheThe corridor didn’t deliverbad to their destination, even for- congregate.Low Floor Articulated Bus • jams weretoactually particularly where themight bus have lanesleveraged began • BRT wasn’t linked the Metro, which otherwise bus goers it was essentially a short, smooth ride in between the usual for Failure BRT in Delhi Low Floor Articulated Bus added riders to both systems. anof obvious bottleneck. Source :Delhi Author which has the highest number stop-and-go. • BRT Phase I was out inriders South • The corridor didn’tcarried actually deliver to their destination, even for Public Toilets BRT wasn’t linked to the Metro, which otherwise might have Floor-Ceiling height bus goers itout was essentially a short, smooth ride in between thenumber usual of• private car owners 2700 has MM hase I was carried in South Delhi which the highest Located near every alternate Proposed BRT Design Approch stop-and-go. • The BRT corridors should start from the outer edge of the city, towards leveraged added riders to both systems. Aisle Width bus-stop. Frequency should 1000 MM • The jams were particularly bad where the bus lanes began -- an obvious ate car owners Public Toilets be every ~500 800 M Escape Hatch • The BRT corridors should start from the outer edge of the city, towards 2 lanes • The corridor actually ridersbegan to their--destination, the interiors. bottleneck ms were particularly baddidn’t where the deliver bus an obvious Located near every alternate Proposed BRTExit Design Approch the interiors. Emergency 2+1 Universal Accessibility • A hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, with closed even for bus goers it was essentially a short, smooth ride in • BRT wasn’t linked to the Metro, which otherwise might have leveraged neck bus-stop. Frequency should • Luggage A hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, with closed Carriers located every ~800-1000 M. 12 outer edge of the city, towards • The BRT corridors should start from the BRTs atthe the outskirts and left lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) BRTs at outskirts andMleft lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) added riders to systems. theboth usual stop-and-go. asn’t linked to Metro, which otherwise might have leveraged bethe every ~500 - 800 thebetween interiors. • The BRTs should be designed such that the first leg of the BRT takes riders Bus stops with Route Maps A corridor hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, with destination, closed • The BRTs be designed such that the first leg of the BRT takes riders • The didn’t actually deliver riders to their even should for riders to• both systems. directly to a major Metro exchange, both systems will have leveraged d be located every ~800-1000 M. Universal Accessibility BRTs at the outskirts and left lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) bus goers it was essentially atoshort, ride between the usual to a major Metro exchange, both systems will have leveraged orridor didn’t actually deliver riders their destination, even fordirectly added riders. And the BRT,Approach in particular, will getsmooth a boost from the in Metro’s major Proposed Design • The BRTsBRT should be designed such that the first leg of the BRT takes riders located every ~800-1000 M. street cred with the middle class. areas oers it stop-and-go. was essentially a Metro short, smooth ride in between the usual BRT, in particular, to a major exchange, both systems will have Pelican Signals andwill get a boost from the Metro’s 3D start Sectional View • directly The BRT corridors should from the outer edgeleveraged of the added riders. And theAuditory annot added riders. And the BRT, in particular, will get a boost from the Metro’s nd-go. Raised Table-Top Designated Hawker Zones street cred withwith the Route middle class. Crossing Bus stops Maps street city,cred towards interiors. with thethe middle class. Source : Author At all mid-blocks/Tjunctions Locate in areas where
Product Design Product Design
Refining Delhi Bus Rapid Transit Refining Delhi Bus Rapid Transit 3D Sectional View
Designated Hawker Zones Proposed BRT Design Approchwhere Locate in areas pedestrian tend to wait or congregate.
Multi Functional Zone Design
Public Toilets Proposed BRT Design Approch Located near everyM.alternate located every ~800-1000 • A hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, pedestrian tend to wait or Integrated System of Transport d BRT Design Approch bus-stop. Frequency should and Common Parking ne. • The BRT with corridors closed BRTsshould at the outskirts and the left lane switch in of nar congregate. start from outer edge the 3D city, towards Sectional View Link different modes of Public Width 3600 MM 320 MM Plinth Pelicantransport Signals and the rower lanestart (less from than 30M) interiors. RT corridors the MM outer edge of the city, towards Length 14000 MM~500 3000 beAuditory every - 800 M Floor -should Ceiling height Raised Table-Top Crossing
Sectional View Ramp ratio 1:10 • A• hybrid of Open/Closed systems should beofadopted, closed 2 +BRT 2 eriors. The BRTs should be designed such that the first leg the 3Dwith Ticket Entry/Exit Gates Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw Stands 50 Seating Capacity Source : Author At all mid-blocks/Tjunctions Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility 1 Ticket Counter Within the Multi-Functional BRTs BRT at the outskirts and left lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) id of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, with closed takes riders directly to a major Metro exchange, bothto prevent 90 Standing Capacity Steel grills vandalism 18 Public Toilets Seating Capacity Zone. Universal Accessibility M • outskirts The BRTs should be designed such that the first leg of the BRT takes riders Inner Turning radius at the and left lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) Located near every alternate systems will have leveraged System of950 Transport SeatingIntegrated Capacity 14.5 M Outer Turning radius located every ~800-1000 directly to ariders. major exchange, systems will leveraged Pedestrian Way Finding M. 90 bus-stop. Frequency should RTs should beadded designed such that the first leg ofboth the riders Standing Capacity and Common Parking Smart AndMetro the BRT, in particular, willBRT get atakes boost have 320MM Ground-Floor Height Card 9M radius every ~500MM -from 800 Inner M riders. And theWidth BRT, in particular,will willbe get a boost the Turning Metro’s Link different modes to a added majorfrom Metro exchange, both have leveraged Dustbin of withPublic Route Maps 0y MM the Metro’s street cred systems with theofmiddle class. 3600 14.5 M Outer Turning radius • To further promote integration of different modes Public Transport, Street Directional Signage street cred with the middle class. transport Lengthwill get a boost from 14000 MM Ground-Floor Height riders. the BRT, in particular, the Metro’s 00 MM And 320MM Universal Smart Card system can be implemented at Metro Stations, Bus Accessibility Entry/Exit controlled Bus Stop Bus stops with Route Maps Ramp ratio located1:10 every ~800-1000 M. cred withStops theand middle class.booths. 2 Cycle Renting Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw Stands • These cards can be recharged at bus stops and metro stations. visibility Fibre Glass facade to ensure Within the Multi-Functional Universal Accessibility M. located every ~800-1000 Entry/Exit controlled Bus At Stop Integrated Public • Online recharge of these cards will also be available. the begining of every Bus stops with Route Maps Steel grills to prevent vandalism Transport Nodes Zone. • Alternative token system at counters. pavement / corner
located every ~800-1000 M. BRT lane
e : Author
“w BRT “w BRT
Source : Author
Floor-Ceiling height Aisle Width Escape Hatch Floor-Ceiling height Emergency Exit Aisle Width Luggage Carriers Escape Hatch Emergency Exit Luggage Carriers
2700 MM 1000 SourceMM : Author 2 2700 MM 2+1 1000 MM 12 2 2+1 12 3D Sectional View 3D Sectional View Source : UTTIPEC
Source Existing : Author Metro Route Integrated Public Transport Nodes Left Lane Zone
Thes air q prov Thes air q prov
Se St Inn Desi Loca Ou pede Desi Gr cong
Loca Pedestrian Way Finding BRT lane pede 3D Sectional View Auditory Pelican Signals and Auditory Pelican Signals and BRT Multi Functional Zone design Centralized Monitoring System Existing Metro Route cong Dustbin with Route Maps Raised Table-Top Crossing 3D Sectional View Source : Author Left Lane Zone There of should be aTransport, centralised monitoringSource system at all Raised Table-Top Crossing ifferent • modes Public : Author At all mid-blocks/T- junctions Street Directional Ent Hawkers Signage provide Publ endly Sulabh Centralized Monitoring the bus depots, bus stopsSystem and busses, in order to keep The High Capacity Loca lemented at Metro Stations, Bus variety of services alya - Public Source : Author At all mid-blocks/Tjunctions Floor the passengers updated about the arrival, departure 50 Integrated System of Transport Seating Capacity Articulated Buses bus• There should be a centralised monitoring system at all with negligible system that and location of buses. Publ Aisle aligning itself to theParking Seating Capacity be e and Common Floor-Ceiling heig the bus depots, bus stops and busses, in order to keep 90 infrastructural 50 Standing Capacity Loca rates stops local • Route maps and vocal assistance 3600 shouldMM be available bus and metro stations. Integrated Public Link different modes of Public Bus-stop doors Width Universal Accessibility the passengers updated about the arrival, departure costs Esca Aisle Width busent and water 9 M Univ 90 Inner Turning radius at each bus and bus stops. Standing Capacity Transport Nodes Integrated System of Transport ll also be available. At the begining of every and location of buses. transport Length 14000 MM be e system locat Eme Escape Hatch 14.5 M 9M Outer Turning radius BRT lane Shuttle Service • Route maps and vocal assistance 1:10 should be available Inner Turning radius ers. pavement / corner RampBus ratio Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw Stands and Common Parking Lugg Univ at each bus and bus stops. Emergency Exit Traffic through 320MM Existing Metro 14.5Calming M Ground-Floor Height Auto pick-upOuter point: Turning radius Bus s Fibre Glass facade ensure visibility Source :Route UTTIPEC Source to : Author Within the Multi-Functional locat The shutter bus service should be Table-Top crossing different modes of Public locat Linking different Luggage Carriers Shuttle Service Width 3600 MM Source : AuthorLink Left Lane Zone 320MM SteelBus grills to prevent vandalism Ground-Floor Height Zone. facilitated to carry people from major to create safe Acticity Source : Author
modes of transport
bus stops to14000 the neighbouring areas for pedestrains transport into an integrated Length The shutter bus serviceMM should be BRT Multi Functional Zone design Centralized Monitoring System Zones where the normal buses cannot and cyclists hence Pedestrian Way Finding system Entry/Exit controlled Busand Stop facilitated to carry people from major Centralized Monitoring System travel. inhance quality of life Ramp ratio bus stops to1:10 the neighbouring areas Entry/Exit controlled Bus Stop • There should be a centralised monitoring system Dustbin with Route Maps Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw There should be a centralised Stands monitoring system at all where the normal buses cannot Hawkers• provide Public Transport, BRT to Left Lane Switch Street Directional Signage the bus depots, busbusstops and orderintoor keep Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility travel. The High Capacity ofPublic at all the the depots, busbusses, stops andinbusses, Within Multi-Functional Integrated variety services ro Stations, Bus Signalling Prioritized for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. Transport Nodes the passengers updated about the arrival, Providing Articulated a barrier Buses Width 3600 MM negligible der to keep the320 passengers updated aboutdeparture the ar MM Public with Plinth Steel grills to prevent vandalism Integrated BRTbetween to Leftthe Lane Switch Zone. BRT lane and BRT lane Transport Nodes
Source : Author
Source : Author
Length 14000 MM aligning itself to the MM and location of buses. Floor - Ceiling height etro stations. infrastructural Metro rival, departure 3000 and location of buses. Prioritized Signalling for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. Universal Accessibility MVL through landscaping. Existing Route Ramp ratio 1:10 2 + 2 BRT lane Ticket Entry/Exit Gates Bus-stop doors e. 3600 MM 320 MM At the begining of every • costs Route maps andmaps vocal assistance should be Width available Plinth Low heighted ornamental • Route and avail Glass facade to ensure visibility Source : Author LeftTicket Lane Zone 1 vocal assistance should beFibre Counter Existing Metro Route Length 14000 MM 3000 MM Ceiling height trees enhancing the pavement / cornerat Floor each Capacity bus and bus stops. Steel grills to prevent vandalism 18 Seating
Pedestrian e Lane Zone 1:10 Entry/Exit ableGates at eachWay bus2 +and bus stops. Source : UTTIPECRamp ratio 2Finding nLeft Ticket esthatic qulaity of the Source : Author Centralized Monitoring System t La BRT corridors aim to f e Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility 1 L Ticket Counter street. encourage people to shift Shuttle Bus Service Traffic | 01 18 zed• Monitoring System Seating Capacity Calming through Steel grills to prevent vandalism public transporation Auto pick-up point: neto at Smart Card There should be a centralised monitoring system all B
Dustbin with Route Maps
Bus s Audi locat Rais At al Audi Rais Integ At alC and Link Integ trans and C Auto Link With trans Zone Auto With Pede Zone
3D Sectional View
Reasons for Failure of BRT in Delhi
D L • BRT Phase I was carried out in South Delhi w Entry/Exit controlled Bus Stop BRT lane pe of private car owners Existing Metro Route 3D Sectional View co • The jams were particularly bad where the bu Left Lane Zone Desi Integrated Public bottleneck Transport Nodes Loca nitoring System • BRT wasn’t linked to the Metro, which othe BRT lane pede added riders to both systems. e a centralised monitoring system at all Existing Metro Route cong • The corridor didn’t actually deliver riders P to , bus stops and busses, in order to keep Left Lane Zone L bus goers it was essentially a short, smoot soring updated about the arrival, departure System b stop-and-go. 30% buses. 32% b Don’t a Suffocation Don’t get get should a seat seatsystem centralised monitoring at all Suffocation nd vocal assistance be available Publ us stops and busses, 35% in order to keep U 80% 60% d bus stops. Proposed BRT Design Approch Loca teasing Issues Boarding/ Don’t Eve teasing Issuesdeparture Boarding/ De-boarding De-boarding problem problem Don’t get get the the seat seat easily easily updated aboutEve the arrival, lo busrvice 80% 30% • The BRT corridors should start from thebeout 40% ses. e Boarding/De-boarding Boarding/ Suffocation Boarding/De-boarding problems problems Boarding/ De-boarding De-boarding problems problems Suffocation the interiors. vocal assistance should be available Bu The shutter bus service should be Source :: Anecdotal Anecdotal survey survey of of 60 60 DTC DTC bus bus users users • A hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems Univ shou lo us stops. Source facilitated to carry people from major BRTs at the outskirts and left lane switchlocat in n ce bus stops to the neighbouring areas • The BRTs should be designed such that the fir A where the normal buses cannot Busss directly to a major Metro exchange, both R Thetravel. shutter bus service should be locat added riders. And the BRT, in particular, willA Source : Author facilitated to carry Smart street Card cred with the middle class. Low floor articulated Buspeople from major Articulated Low Floor Bus bus stops to the neighbouring areas ne Switch • To further promote integration of dif Audi In ber where the normal buses cannot an ing for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. ferent modes of Public Transport, Rais travel. Li Width 3600 MM 320 MM Plinth Source : Author At al • Length Smart Card system can be 14000 implement ous tr MM 3000 MM Floor - Ceiling height Switch ed at Metro Stations, Bus Stops and Integ Ramp ratio 1:10 2+2 Ticket Entry/Exit Gates A ged andWC g for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. Glass facade to ensure visibility 1 Fibre Cycle Renting booths. Ticket Counter Link Width 3600 MM 32018 MM Plinth Steel grills to prevent vandalism Seating Capacity Zo • These cards can be recharged at bus e n for trans Length 14000 MM 3000 MM La Floor - Ceiling height t f ual Le Rampstops ratioand metro stations.1:10 2+2 Ticket Entry/Exit Gates P Auto Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility • Online recharge of these cards will 1 Ticket Counter With Smart Card BR Du Steel also grillsbetoavailable. prevent vandalism 18 TC Seating Capacity Zone Transport, e n • To further promote integration of different modes of Public a or St tL rid Lef • Bus Alternative token system at counters. Smart Card system can be implemented at Metro Stations, or Peded These strategic interventions will attract latent transit rds Stops and Cycle Renting booths. Smart Card air quality and help the city remain compact. Improveme RT Dust • These cards can be recharged at bus stops and metro stations. U to be the backbone of public transportation in the • To further promote integration of different modes of Publicprove Transport, sedCor • Online recharge of these cards will also be available. A Stree rid Smart Card system can beatimplemented at Metro Stations, Bus or M) • Alternative token system counters. pa Stops and Cycle Renting booths. Source : Author ers Source : Author • These cards can be recharged at bus stops and metro stations. ged Univ • Online recharge of these cards will also be available. At t o’s • Alternative token system at counters. pave Integrated Public Transport Nodes
Improving The Bus Experie
“ The Streets seem to signal : Come, you a Walk awhile, stop awhile, and stay as long Streets have been given a new form and a n
Product Design
“ we have to create conditions so that BRT comes as a natural thing, rather than something that is imposed ”
an Level Interventions
Source : Author
Eco friendly Sulabh Shauchalya - Public Toilet system that incorporates local 3D Sectional View Ecotreatment friendly and Sulabh water Shauchalya - Public cycling system Toilet system that Floor-Ceiling height 50 incorporates local Seating Capacity Aisle Width 90 treatment and water Standing Capacity Escape Hatch 9 Mcycling system Hawkers along Inner Turning radius Emergency Exit 14.5 M the road provide Outer Turning radius Luggage Carriers 320MM ‘Eyes on the Street’ Ground-Floor Height making it an active Hawkers along ng indeginous and safe zone the roadBus peciesEntry/Exit along the controlled controlled Stop Entry/Exit Busprovide Stop ‘Eyes on the Street’ to capture and Providing a barrier making it an active stormwater. While cc between the BRT lane and indeginous and safe zone gs greenery and s MVL through landscaping. cies along the ing shade. Low heighted ornamental capture and oute oute Providing a barrierthe trees enhancing rmwater. While between the BRT lane andthe esthatic qulaity of greenery and MVL through landscaping. street. shade. Low heighted ornamental trees enhancing the esthatic qulaity of the street.
n Level Interventions
be jor Proposed Bioswale eas not nt
One - way Service lane
Proposed Bioswale
Stormwater flows directly into a biofiltration or bioretention swale.
One - way Service lane
Stormwater Plinth flows stormwater d Extra directly Floor into a- Ceiling bioSW height d flows into existing filtration Ticket or Entry/Exit bioGates drains. retention swale.
Ticket Counter Seating Capacity stormwater
Extra flows into existing SW drains.
Green Medians Prioritization of BRT through Design and Management
Source : Author Source : Author
Hawkers The High Capacity Centralized Monitoring System variety of Articulated Buses with n • There should be a centralised monitoring sys aligning itself to the infrastruc Shuttle Bus the busService depots, bus stops and busses, in ord Bus-stop doors Hawkers pr costs The High The Capacity shutter bus serviceupdated should be facilitated the passengers about the arrival, variety of se Buses Source and location buses. bus stops to Source :: Author Author Articulated with to carry people fromof major the negl aligning itself to the maps and vocal assistance • Route should infrastructu 2700 MM Auto where pick-upthe point: neighbouring normal costs buses be Bus-stop doorsat eachareas bus and bus stops. 1000 MM cannot travel. Linking different 2 Shuttle Bus Service modes of transport 2+1 into an integrated 12 Auto pick-up point: system The shu Linking different facilitate modes of transport bus stop into an integrated where t system travel. 3D Sectional View Designated Hawker Zones BRTareas to Left Lane Switch Locate in where pedestrian tend to wait or Prioritized Signalling for a hasslefree switchove congregate. BRTBRT to Left Lane Switch corridors aim to Prioritized Signalling for toa shift hasslefree switchover encourage people to public transporation of BRT lane to Left lane. Public Toilets thus helping ‘escape’ Located nearcorridors every alternate BRT aim to traffic congestion. bus-stop. Frequency should encourage people to shift be every M to ~500 public- 800 transporation BR TC thus helping ‘escape’ 8000 MM Universal Accessibility or rid traffic located everycongestion. ~800-1000 M. o Prioritizationr of BRT through Bus Rapid Transit System Bus stops with Route Maps Design and Management 8000 MM located every ~800-1000 M. Prioritization can be achieved
Multi Functional Zone De
Prioritization is essential for ‘taking buses out’ of congestion through: of BRT through Prioritization of BRT through Gre Green Medians Prioritization Bus Rapid Transit System and to make people prefer Auditory Pelican Signals and Design and Management Design and Management the use of buses over private of Intelligent Closed BRT- Proposed inRaised the outer edge of Crossing• Use Table-Top vehicles. Transportation Systems T the city Prioritization is essential for Prioritization can be achieved Source :: Author Author At all mid-blocks/T- junctions Source (ITS) technologies for I through: Trees species : ‘taking buses out’ of congestion corridors fully at grade. B and to make people prefer Integrated System of Transport • Dedicated bus-only Roheda (8M) the use of buses over private of Intelligent Closed BRT- Proposed in the outer edge of Parking • Usecorridors and Common for interferenceTree JarulMM (8M) vehicles. Transportation Systems Link different modes of Public the city 3600 MM Width 320 free high-speed movement Crape Myrtle (6M) (ITS) technologies for India transport Length 14000 MM 3000 MM of people. Trees species : Tumri (14M) corridors fully at grade. Open 1:10 BRT - Proposed in the interior/ Bak Ramp ratio 2Nagkesar +2 (5M) Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw Stands • Dedicated bus-only congested areas Roheda (8M) Source : UTTIPEC Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility 1 Within the Multi-Functional corridors for interference Jarul (8M) Steel grills to prevent vandalism 18 free high-speed movement Zone. Crape Myrtle (6M) of people. Tumri (14M) Open BRT - Proposed in the interior/ Pedestrian Way Finding Nagkesar (5M) congested areas
Urban Level Intervent
| 02
facilitated to carry people from major bus stops to the neighbouring areas BRT to Left Lane Switch where the normal buses cannot Prioritized Signalling for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. travel. Plinth travel.
e Prioritized Signalling for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. Lan eft L
BR Urban Level Interventions Refining Delhi T Bus Rapid Transit
Product Design
Eco friendly Sulabh do Reasons for Failure of BRT in Delhi Floor Articulated Bus Shauchalya - Low Public r Toilet system that • BRT Phase I was carried out in South Delhi which has the highest number incorporates local of private car owners treatment and water • The jams were particularly bad where the bus lanes began -- an obvious cycling system bottleneck • BRT wasn’t linked to the Metro, which otherwise might have leveraged added riders to both systems. • The corridor didn’t actually deliver riders to their destination, even for Hawkers along bus goers it was essentially a short, smooth ride in between the usual the road provide stop-and-go. ‘Eyes on the Street’ making it an active Proposed BRT Designindeginous Approch Planting and safe zone tree species along the • The BRT corridors should start from the outer edge of the city, towards road to capture and the interiors. filter stormwater. While • A hybrid of Open/Closed BRT systems should be adopted, with closed adding greenery and BRTs at the outskirts and left lane switch in narrower lane (less than 30M) providing shade. • The BRTs should be designed such that the first leg of the BRT takes riders directly to a major Metro exchange, both systems will have leveraged added riders. And the BRT, in particular, will get a boost from the Metro’s street cred with the middle class.
Planting indeginous Stormwater flows tree species the directly into aalong biofiltration or bioroad retention to capture and swale. filter stormwater. While stormwater Provides ground Extra adding and into existing SW water reacharge and flowsgreenery drains. reduces pollutants providing shade.
Trees species :
Thes air q prov
Providing barrier Sulabh Eco afriendly between the BRT lane and Shauchalya MVL through landscaping.- Public Low heighted Toilet ornamental system that trees enhancing the incorporates local esthatic qulaity of the street. treatment and water
8000 MM Source : Author
Prioritization of BRT through Bus Rapid Transit System Floor-Ceiling height Design and Management 50 2700 MM Aisle Width 90 1000 MM Escape Hatch Prioritization can 9M 2 be achieved through: Emergency Exit 14.5 M 2+1 Luggage Carriers 320MM 12 Closed BRT- Proposed in the outer edge of the city
Providing a barrier between the BRT lane and Open BRT - Proposed in the interior/ congested MVL areas through landscaping. Low heighted ornamental trees enhancing the esthatic qulaity of the street.
Left Lane Zone
Centralized Monitoring System • There should be a centralised monitoring system at all the bus depots, bus stops and busses, in order to keep the passengers updated about the arrival, departure and location of buses. • Route maps and vocal assistance should be available at each bus and bus stops.
“w BRT
BRT corridors aim to encourage people to shift to public transporation thus helping ‘escape’ traffic congestion.
Entry/Exit controlled Bus Stop
Roheda (8M) Jarul (8M) Integrated Public Crape Myrtle (6M) Transport Nodes Tumri (14M) BRT lane Nagkesar (5M) Existing Metro Route
Source : Author
Linking different modes of transport into an integrated system
3D Sectional View
Permeable Pavement
“T W St
Univ At pave
• To further promote integration of different modes ofpP Hawkers The High Capacity of se Smart Card system can be implemented variety at Metr Articulated Buses with neg Stops and Cycle aligningRenting itself to the booths. infrastructu doors • These cardsBus-stop can be recharged at bus stopscosts and me • Online recharge of these cards will also be availabl • Alternative token systemAuto at counters. pick-up point:
cycling system
One - way Service lane
Dus Stre
Smart Card
Urban Level Interventions
Proposed Bioswale
Source : Anecdotal survey of 60 DTC bus users
Source : Author
Hawkers along Green Medians Prioritization of BRT through Seating andCapacity Management the road Design provide Standing Capacity Prioritization is essential ‘Eyes on the Street’ Inner Turning radius for ‘taking buses out’ of congestion Outer Turning radius making it and an toactive make people prefer Ground-Floor Height the use of buses over private and safe zone vehicles.
Auto With Zon
320 MM 3000 MM 2+2 1 80% Boarding/ 18 De-boarding problem
Plinth Issues faced by the Daily Bus Users TC Floor - Ceiling height • To further promote integration of different modes of Public Transport, or rid Ticket Gates Smart Card system can be implemented atEntry/Exit Metro Stations, Bus 30% or 32% Don’t get a seat Suffocation 60% Stops and Cycle Renting booths. Ticket Counter Over shooting bus stops 35% • These cards can be recharged at bus stops and metro stations. 60% Eve teasing Issues get the seat easily Capacity 100% • Onlineerecharge of these cards will Seating also Don’t be available. n Inadequate information a 80% • t Alternative token system at counters. 30% problems at Bus Stops Boarding/ De-boarding problems f L Boarding/De-boarding Source : Author Le Source : Author Smart Card
Integ and Link tran
Width 3600 MM Length 14000 MM Ramp ratio 1:10 Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility Steel grills to prevent vandalism
320 MM 3000 MM 2+2 1 18
Floor - Ceiling height Ticket Entry/Exit Gates Ticket Counter Seating Capacity
BRT to Left Lane Switch
pede Source : UTTIPECcong
Publ Loca busbe e
Univ locat
The shutter bus service should be facilitated to carry people from major bus stops to the neighbouring areas where the normal buses cannot travel.
One - way Service Prioritized Signalling for a hasslefree switchover of BRT lane to Left lane. lane Proposed Bioswale
BRT to Left Lane Switch
t La
Stormwater flows directly into a bioTC or filtration or biorid or retention swale. Extra stormwater flows into existing SW drains.
Urban Level Interventions
Bus s locat
8000 Audi Green Medians Prioritization of BRT through Design and Management
Plinth Floor - Ceiling height Ticket Entry/Exit Gates Ticket Counter Seating Capacity
Smart Card
Provides ground water reacharge and reduces pollutants
• Use of Intelligent Transportation Systems Tre (ITS) technologies for Ind corridors fully at grade. Bak • Dedicated bus-only 3D Sectional View corridors for interference free high-speed movement Desi Loca of people.
Shuttle Bus Service
Permeable Pavement
Rais At a
Source : Author
320 MM
3600 MM
Dust Stree
Trees species :
Tumri (14M) Nagkesar (5M)
Integ and C Link trans
Prioritization is essential Length for 14000 MM 3000 MM Ramp ratio 1:10 ‘taking 2 + 2 buses out’ of congestion Auto Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility 1 With and to make people prefer Steel grills to prevent vandalism 18 Zone the use of buses over private Closed BRT- Proposed vehicles. the city Pede
• To further promote integration of different modes of Public Transport, Smart Card system can be implemented at Metro Stations, Bus Roheda (8M)Renting booths. Stops and Cycle • These Jarulcards (8M)can be recharged at bus stops and metro stations. • Online these cards will also be available. Craperecharge Myrtleof(6M) • Alternative token system at counters. Source : Author
Rais At al
Bus Rapid Tran Source : Author
Source : Author
Unive At t pave
Open BRT - Propos congested areas
| 03
Auditory Pelican Signals and Raised Table-Top Crossing At all mid-blocks/T- junctions
Source : Author
Width 3600 MM Length 14000 MM Ramp ratio 1:10 Fibre Glass facade to ensure visibility Steel grills to prevent vandalism
Integrated System of Transport and Common Parking Link different modes of Public transport Auto/Cycle-Rickshaw Stands Within the Multi-Functional Zone.
Improving The Bus Experience
Pedestrian Way Finding
Public Transport, he seat easily
ro Stations, Bus
De-boarding problems
etro stations. le.
Boarding/ De-boarding problem
Source : Anecdotal survey of 60 DTC bus users
“ The Streets seem to signal : Come, you are welcome. Walk awhile, stop awhile, and stay as long as you like... Streets have been given a new form and a new content ”
Dustbin with Route Maps Street Directional Signage
Universal Accessibility At the begining of every pavement / corner Source : UTTIPEC
Source : Author
BRT Multi Functional Zone design Hawkers provide variety of services with negligible infrastructural costs
The High Capacity Articulated Buses aligning itself to the Bus-stop doors
Traffic Calming through Table-Top crossing to create safe Acticity Zones for pedestrains These strategic interventions will attract latent transit demands, improve and cyclists and hence air quality and help the city remain compact. Improvements like these will inhance quality of life prove to be the backbone of public transportation in the city.
Auto pick-up point: Linking different modes of transport into an integrated system
“ we have to create conditions so that BRT comes as a natural thing, rather than something that is imposed ” BRT corridors aim to encourage people to shift to public transporation thus helping ‘escape’ traffic congestion.
Source : Author
Floor-Ceiling height 2700 MM Aisle Width 1000 MM MM Escape Hatch 2 Emergency Exit Prioritization of BRT 2+1 through nsit System Luggage Carriers Design and Management 12
d in the outer edge of
sed in the interior/
Source : Author
Green Medians
Source : UTTIPEC
Hawkers Zone
Multi Functional Zone Design
Prioritization can be achieved through: • Use Intelligent 3DofSectional View Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies for corridors fully at grade. • Dedicated bus-only corridors for interference free high-speed movement of people.
One - way Service lane
Trees species :
Designated Hawker Zones where pedestrian tend to wait or congregate.
Indian Coral Locate in(12M) areas Bakain (14M)
Z116- 03 Public Toilets Located near every alternate
| 04
Annual NASA Design Competition 2013-14 | Group members: Amy R. Joseph, Atia Khursheed, Eesha Jain, Sabika Zaidi, Zeeshan Hussain.
“ Dilli jo ek sheher tha, aalam mein intekhaab rehte thay muntakhab hi jahaan rozgaar ke Us ko falak ne loot ke veeraan kar diya Hum rehne waale hain usi ujde dayaar ke... ”
Delhi has well been described as the Indian Rome. It has been the
imperial city of India for over seven hundred years, and the seven hills of Rome are represented by the seven cities of Delhi. Modern Delhi only octtcupies a small portion of the sixty square miles, Over which are scattered the monuments of its former greatness, and the abandoned cities are difficult to distinguish on the deserted plains.
Shahjahanabad, is the most northern and most modern of a number
of capitals and fortresses constructed on the above plain between 700 and 1550 of the Christian era, from the Lai Kila of Rai Pithora at the Kutab Minar eleven miles south-west of Shahjahanabad to the Jahannuma palace and quarter, built by Firoz Shah Tughlak on theridge, slightly in advance of the Moghal capital.
The 'designed infrastructure' of shahjahanabad comprised: • The Fort. • The Friday Mosque. • The other major mosques and waqf properties. • The two main Boulevards. • The Bazaars around the Friday mosque • The system of water channels • The major gardens and city wall • The geometrical arrangement of these elements.
Seven principal cities were chiefly created by different rulers - some of them are no more than villages today with splendid ruins and tales of valour while others have assimilated with the modernistic skyline. The ruins are also a telling tale of the evolution of architectural styles of the times and the synthesis of various cultures and influences. JAHAN PANAH
Seven Cities of Delhi. | 05
| 06
Lahori Gate Market
Lahori Gate Market
Typical Street Layout
Street - The axis from the Red Fort
• The major streets in the new capital were designed as wide and straight. • The east-west street called Chandni Chowk connected the Lahori Darwaza of the fort to the Lahori Darwaza of the city wall. • It ran in a straight line forming a wide boulevard with broad vista. The Fort was visible from any place on the street. • This perspective viewmarked a new concept of town planning for the Mughal capital. • Chandni Chowk is 1.4km in length and jogged right at the Fatehpuri Begum Mosque. • It was built as the central axis ofthe city . Karawan Sarai and begum ki Sarai were also locatedin this area. • The basic network of the five main streets extended from Chandni Chowk and Faiz Bazaar to other gates and to different parts of the walled city . • The streets were built as the spines of major activities and developed as commercial thorough affairs. • They connected the Ajmeri Darwaza with the Jami Masjid and Turkman and Lahori Darwazas. • Their intersections formed a landmark. Important buildings were located on these arteries. • The other streets were less significant andwere mainly built as access roads to the residential areas. Street Section 50 years ago.
Street Section 25 years ago.
Street Section- Present.
| 07
Site Analysis
Base Map
Satellite Map Typical Elevation- Present Typical Elevation- 50 years ago
Typical Elevation- 25 years ago
| 08
Planning Khari Baoli was declared as a Central Business District according to the Zonal Development Plan ( 1856-65). Today, it is the largest spice market of Asia. The market came up around the Fatehpuri Masjid, which was built in 1650 by Fatehpuri Begum, one of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan’s wives. During Shah Jahan’s reign it came to be known as Khari Baoli (from Baoli meaning step well, and Khari or Khara, meaning salty) from a saline water stepwell used for animals and for bathing. It was constructed along with a fortified gateway on its western end popularly known as Lahori Gate one of the 14 gates of the fortified city of Delhi or Shahjahanabad . Sketch showing the shadow casted in the narrow Galis of Kharibaoli by the built structures. Keeping the temp down in the alleys.
Gadodia Market “Gadodia Market”, situated on the south side of Khari Baoli was built by wealthy merchants in 1920s has one of the numerous spice stores and is Asia’s largest wholesale spice market. This market speciallazies in Spices only.Today, Kari Baoli is not only Asia’s largest spice market but also an important and busy commercial district, as it caters to vast spice market of North India, including states of Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and even as far as Madhya Pradesh, making it perpetually crowded with traders, and shoppers looking for the cheapest deals and bargains, in the narrow margin.
Side Wall Section Three three floor structure is a heritage site and orinally had a courtyard in between. In the last 50 years though this courtyard thas been illegaly encroched with shops, ruining the identity of this Market.
| 09
Sound Mapping
Site Layering
Built- Unbuilt
Heritage Mapping
The Sound Intensity of the motor Vehicles heightens at the Fatehpuri Chowk and the Lahore Gate Chowk. The Sound of Aaazan can be prominentsly herd 500-600 m from the source. i.e the Masjids. Intensity of the sound prduced by Hawkers increases at the Nades and at the Entry/Exit points of the Masjids.
Road Network
Building Heights
Land Ownership Map
Landuse Mapping
Commercial Stratification
Food Mapping
| 10
Design Solutions Reclaim the Heritage Value Bring it back to its Glorious Form
Facade Treatment to Shops These would include: • Uniform Display Borads: Same size text and font engraved on Metal plates. • Projected Balconies: From the first floor and create semi-covered corridors on the pavemnts. • Jali Work: on the windows and AC cases. • Bundeling all the wires on the street in a thick epoxy/pvc hollow pipe. • Wooden Doors: remove the ugly stainless steel shutters.
Identifying Illegal Encrochments
Reclaiming Breathing Spaces And Green Areas
Bamboo Covering on the main Market Streets In the Indian Climate where the harsh sun is always a source of hinderence in everyday activities The Spice Market with its already strong smell of Chilli and Tamarind becomes unbearable during the day.In order to pedestrianse the market we need to take maximum possible steps to make the street comfortable for the customers as well as the traders.
A 2 M wide Cart lane is provided on either sides of the Kharibaoli Road.
Bamboo Covers provided in Patches.
Cover not provided in places where Trees are located or at the Nodes
Barriers created to permit only Pedestrians and Handcarts
Pedestrian Friendly Lanes
Only Non-motorised vehicles allowed in the main Market Street.
| 11
Reviving the Baoli During Shah Jahan’s reign it came to be known as Khari Baoli (from Baoli, meaning step well, and Khari or Khara, meaning salty) from a saline water stepwell used for animals and for bathing. An Opening to The Lost Baoli from the “Godown of shop no 136”. This godown once used to be a part of the Haider Kuli ki Haveli. Proposed Baoli
Reclaiming Encroached Open Areas
Illegal Encrochments in Areas that were orinally Courtyards, Parks and Community Spaces has ruined not only the aesthetics of the place but also detoriated the hertage buildings.
| 12
LIK Trophy 2013-14; Innovation,AMU | Group members: Amy R. Joseph, Anam Kamil, Anshul Abbasi, Eesha Jain, Ishita Makhija, Sana Ahrar, Zeeshan Hussain.
| 13
| 14
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| 16
| 17
| 18
Thesis 2015-16 | Individual Project.
Introduction Omaxe Water Front - A 1535 Acres Self Sustained Hi- tech Township Project by Omaxe is conceived under the grand vision of under Hi-tech Township Policy initiative of Govt of Uttar Pradesh, establishing self-sustained hi-tech settlements within the state for harnessing the rapid growth of its economy for a balanced development of its hinterland. Offering an array of stunning residential and commercial options, including Villas, Plots,Group Housing, Commercial Spaces and Office Complexes studded with all the basic amenities and the ornaments of contemporary living like hi-tech clubs, sprawling green area, supermarkets, entertainment zones, educational and medical facilities, this exquisitely designed hi-tech city provides much more value to its citizens than just luxurious and comfortable living. Site SITEPlan PLAN
Landscape Features RETAIL
SITE AREA : 32943.2 SQ M GROUND COVER : 28.9% (9254.2 SQ M) GROSS AREA : F.A.R. ACHIEVED :
Open-air Cafe G
Floating Wetlands
Central Atrium
SCALE | 1:500
Landscape Stairs
| 19
Concept OFFICE The office block is a high-rise building with open floor plate concept of designing.
RETAIL The retail block too are designed on the open floor plate concept.
The building constitutes of Kinetic Facade with LED panels.
The shops can be sold on the basis of grids.
The building has a separate entrance for parking.
A separate central cooling system has been installed for each block.
FOOD OUTLETS The food court in Block A constitutes of a total of 21 shops of different areas. Kiosks: 4 sqm, Food stalls: 12 sq m, Medium-sized Restaurants: 80 sq m. Block B has a specified area for food chains that blends with waterside open air cafe and seating.
GUEST HOUSE The Guest House in Block A has a total of 20 beds with an approximate area of 30 sqm each, a central lobby, a restaurant and a pool bar at the top floor.
WATER - AN AMENITY AND AN ATTRACTION The transformation can be accomplished by by dressing up the existing stream and turning it into an attractive lagoon with the stream running across the site. This would elevate the site as an active “Waterwalk� experience with an inward looking softly landscaped waterfront community with an urban edge. BLURRING DISTINCTION The transformation of the spaces from the rejuvenating streams to the dynamic deck area and open-air cafe to the attractive retail stores, food court and multiplex, approcahing the high-rise quiet, serene office areas, the spaces will blend into one another, in harmony with tansforming functions. DESCENDING SCALE From a distance, tall distinguish structures make the project identifiable the skyline. Closer up, the street front architecture maintains a consistan turban scale, with points of entry clearly defined. Furthermore, the open activity areas, facing the waterbody create a distinctive precinct at the waterside, wher contemporary architecture, landscaped terraces, boardways,and lush planting provide an urban people-centered, sustainable environment.
Vertical Zoning
SPATIAL FLEXIBILITY The buildings contain highly flexible space that can be configured in open plan or cellular from . Each floor can also be let as single tenancy or as multiple tenancies split into divisions of two, three or four seperate, fully independent tenancies.
View of the Mall from across the stream.
| 20
Block A Block A comprises of a double-heighted Food Court, and a Guest House at upper floors. The Guest House is clubbed with a Restaurant on the eighth floor and a Pool Bar on the top floor.The walls are Double-unit Glazed Floor-Ceiling Curtain wall, with terrace gardens at different levels.
Ninth Floor: Pool Bar
Eighth Floor: Restaurant
Seventh Floor: Multipurpose Hall Section 1
Sixth Floor: Rooms
Fifth Floor: Rooms
Fourth Floor: Rooms
Third Floor: Service Floor
Second Floor: Reception Lobby
Ground Floor: Food Court
Section 2
| 21
1 2
| 22
Block B Block B is comprises of the retail section. The open floor plate designing approach divides the shops in 8mX8m grids. The central atrim constitutes of green-roofed Kiosks of 3mX4m each. The restaurant area faces waterside, and has been clubbed with open-air cafe at the other side of water, connected via wooden deck bridge. PHOTOVOLTAIC GLASS FACADE Photovoltaic glass (PV Glass) is a technology that enables the conversion of light into electricity. To do so the glass incorporates transparent semiconductor based photovoltaic cells, which are also known as solar cells. The cells are sandwiched between two layers of glass.
Second Floor
First Floor
Ground Floor
| 23
Block C
15th to 18th Floor
Block C comprises of the retail section on ground floor, multiplex on the second and third floor followed by offices on subsequent floors. Open Floor Plates: Open Floor plates planning with linear/ central serivce cores. Refuge Areas: Refuge Areas are provided with grass-beds. Multiplex: Multiplex on the second and third floor merges with the retail block. Air Garden: The double heighted void on the thirteenth floor has been designed as an urban garden. It can also house a cafe.
Eighteenth Floor
Fifteenth Floor
Fourteenth Floor
The flaps are made of LED Panels which harness energy from wind and later convert the Kinetic energy into Electric Energy thereby emitting light at night.
5th to 12th Floor
Thirteenth Floor
KINETIC FACADE Kinetic Facade reacts to the interior and exterior environment by allowing more or less light, wind flow. Kinetic Facades are used in conjunction with bimetrics and piliable materials to allow facades to contour themselves in a form that creates performance based results depending upon conditions.
Fifth Floor
Fourth Floor
Third Floor
Second Floor
First Floor
Ground Floor
| 24
internship portfolio
Working Drawings..........................................................................................................................01
Approval Drawings.........................................................................................................................11
Conceptual Designing / Planning.................................................................................................15
Proposed Bungalow for Surendar and Sucheta Vishwanathan at Socorro,Goa; Proposed Bungalow for Bubloo Rizvi at Porvorim,Goa, Horizon Apartments,Old Goa.
Proposed Farmhouse for Lyndon Monteiro at Cavelosim,Goa; Proposed Bungalow-Vivara House at Asagaon,Goa.
Landscape Apartments at Dauna Paula,Goa; Proposed Beach shack at Sinq,Goa.
3D Modelling....................................................................................................................................17
Raintree Apartments at Condolim,Goa; Niraamaya Retreat at Benualim,Goa.
Niraamaya Retreat at Benualim,Goa.
* 17 Weeks Practical Training at Raya Shankhwalker Architects, Panjim, Goa.
| 01
| 02
| 03
TOILET-4 2.70 X 2.72
Working Drawings
| 04
| 05
Sections and Working Drawings
| 06
| 07
| 08
| 09
Internal layout, Elevations, Sections and Working Drawings
| 10
| 11
Elevation, Section and Approval Drawing
| 12
| 13
Approval Drawing amendments
| 14
Conceptual Designing and Site Planning.
| 15
Conceptual Designing and Site Planning.
| 16
Elevation Development, 3D Modelling and Rendering.
3D Modelling and Rendering.
| 17
Photoshop Rendering.
| 18