1 minute read
The Fake Search for the ‘Weight Loss Cure’
from Truth About Dieting
by zaka shop
Chapter 2 The ‘Stay Fat’ Conspiracy
The Fake Search for the ‘Weight Loss Cure’
Just think about this for a second...how many thousands of dollars have you spent on trying to lose weight and get fit? After all that money, what lasting results did you get? Are you in the best shape that money can buy, or are you still overweight, miserable and worried about your future health?
I know exactly how guilty you feel about throwing away all that money. I know how disappointed you are after making unattainable changes and failing. I know how mad you are about following advice from people who just want to sell you things and don’t really have the answer. I felt that way for many years too.
The diet industry is massive. This includes gym memberships, diet books, diet drugs, weight loss surgeries and diet foods.
Did you know that each year, Americans spend more than $60 billion to try to lose weight? That’s more than any other country.5 And yet our rates of obesity are some of the highest in the world. How could we be spending the most money on dieting and still have the highest levels of obesity?
The answer is rather simple: follow the money.