==== ==== For Raw Food Diet Tips, check this out: http://www.realdiettips.com ==== ====
"Eating primarily raw foods is a gentle, delicious, nature oriented, and gradual way to restore health" - Gabriel Cousins M.D. Excerpted from Conscious Eating "To be truly healthy and to ensure adequate protection from environmental hazards and pollution it is important that you get an abundance of vital nutrients from live, uncooked foods, and fresh juices." -Ann Wigmore Excerpted from The Hippocrates Diet The Raw Food Diet is a pure vegetarian diet consisting of mostly raw organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Food is consumed in its natural whole state and not heated above 118 Deg F. Why Raw Foods? When you eat foods in their whole natural state all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, essential fats, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, and plant hormones remain intact and ready for assimilation by the body. Doctors recommend at least 9 servings a day of fruits and vegetables for optimum health; the raw food diet takes it a step further by increasing the intake of the amazing health promoting substances found in fresh produce. Here are just a few of the healing substances found in fresh produce and researchers are discovering new ones all the time. Bioflavanoids- naturally occurring plant compounds that are: antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anticarcinogenic, anti-aging, and promote structure and function in the circulatory system. Phytonutrients-concentrated in the skin of many fruits and vegetables. Potent antioxidants that can neutralize free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances that can lead to premature aging and disease. Why Not Cook Your Food? A variety of research has shown that cooking food above 118 Deg F and above: Destroys a good percentage of heat sensitive nutrients Destroys the nutritive value of fat, and cooked fat has been shown to contain carcinogenic substances and free radicals