Newsletter: My Peace Boat Journey

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The 95th Voyage








Organized in collaboration with the Alliance of Small Island States, Peace Boat’s Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador Programme brought young leaders from states on the front line of climate change and marine degradation to travel onboard to bring their message to citizens and government representatives throughout the voyage. These young women and men between 19 and 26 years old are from the regions of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Caribbean. We are young leaders in our communities and have extensive experience in the struggle against climate change and ocean degradation locally and internationally. Participants gave testimonials of their experiences and the impacts they face in their communities. Music, dance, art and spoken word were incorporated into the activities in ports for wider appeal and dissemination via social and traditional media both as a call to action and to build momentum for the Bonn 2017 UN Climate Change Conference (COP23). Our experiences throughout the journey was documented and will be shared widely at COP23, and beyond. At the same time, this programme will continue the work of Peace Boat as a committed campaigner for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will explore connections between SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life Under Water), as well as the other 17 goals. Peace Boat was proud to have had the support of Ms.

Christiana Figures, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including during the historical Paris Agreement of 2015, and the convener of Mission 2020. Ms. Figures joined the participants for a part of the voyage and invited the ambassadors to adopt the Shackleton Spirit as she brought us on stage as she received the Shackleton Award from the Royal Scottish Geographic Society. Peace Boat is proud to continue to develop young leaders who strive for a better world. The participants were Kya Lal (Fiji); Selina Leem (Marshall Islands); Matea Matthew Nauto (Kiribati); Ashwa Faheem (Maldives); Shafira Charlette (Seychelles); La Tisha Parkinson (Trinidad and Tobago) and Zana Kristen Wade (Belize). The group embarked upon the 95th Global Voyage in Barcelona on September 22, 2 0 1 7. We c o n n e c t e d w i t h c i v i l s o c i e t y organizations and government agencies in ports visited, including Barcelona, Bordeaux (Sep 28), London (Oct 1), Edinburgh (Oct 3), Reykjavik (Oct 7) and New York (Oct 15). Our voyage ended in New York, where we reported on our efforts to both the United Nations community and the broader public.

BAR CEL ONA Barcelona, Spain was filled with many interviews, presentations and one on one interactions with many students. With none of us knowing each other previous to this day, it was interesting seeing the different dynamics, languages and cultures unfold before us. Each taking a leap of faith to bring the messages of climate action before a new group of people almost every other hour. We were greeted by the organizers of the Peace Boat, students from various “green” high school across Barcelona, the director of the World Wildlife Fund for Barcelona as well as the Environmental Minister for the area just to name a few.



Bordeaux, France was a big eye opener for us. Lacanau is a small beach city that has extensively been affected by Climate Change. Stronger storms, erosion and ocean pattern change seem to be their biggest enemies. Seeing the damage first world countries are also going through gave us an even bigger insight as to the pressing need for action now and not tomorrow. We got to talk to city leaders as well as toured the area with a well renowned photographer who has been documenting the physical changes for the past 3 years.


LIS BON Lisbon, Portugal was a fun informative session. We sailed on a traditional native Portuguese boat through an estuary. With the company of a dozen media personnel and students we discussed many issues and possible solutions to the climate crisis, the sustainable development goals as well as the need for youth involvement. With a short walk to the Pavilion of Knowledge at the Ciencia Viva Center we gave testimonies on the impacts in our individual countries, talked about the power of imagery and had a great conversation with the audience about the small actions each can do to help. With the work behind us we set off for the Aquarium to learn more about the marine wildlife.


London, England was focused on messaging and the power of art. Here I got to give a PechaKucha presentation about “What needs to happen in global politics to save the oceans” to a small group of activist and young leaders who came from all over England. Thereafter we held a small dialogue session called “Conversations with Christiana”. This event comprised of an emotional poem by one of our ambassadors Selina Neem, which touched on the devastation her islands faced from Nuclear testing. A panel discussion held by Jack Black of BBC, Christiana Figures and two other youth ambassadors. As well as a photo series display by youth ambassador Ashwa Faheem of the Maldives. She showcased powerful images of the devastation her islands are experiencing due to climate change.


EDIN BURG Edinburg, Scotland was truly the peak of this voyage. The team got to spend lots of quality time with Mrs. Christiana Figures. Former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including during the historical Paris Agreement of 2015, and the convener of Mission 2020. As invited guests of Mrs Figures, we attended her award ceremony at Edinburgh Castle where we were brought on stage as she gave her speech to the Royal Scottish Geographic Society for the Shackleton Award. One of the most touching moments of my life. Other highlights included private sessions with Mrs. Figures where discussed the process of the Paris Agreement in depth, sitting and presenting at Scottish Parliament as well as discussion tailored on Nuclear Arms with a Hibakusha sharing her message for peace.


Reykjavik, Iceland was filled with Aurora light shows and the pressing need for renewable energy. Currently Iceland is producing +85% renewable energy mostly through geothermal technology. As well, the world’s first “negative emissions” plant has begun operation in Iceland, turning carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into stone. If successful, reaching the intended targets under the Paris Agreement would no longer seem so distant! In the evening we met with the leaders of the Article Circle Assembly which is open democratic platform with participation from governments, corporations, universities, think tanks, indigenous communities, etc. Overall the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic and the consequences for the future of the globe.


NEW YORK New York, United States was another major highlight of the entire program. Here we held the Peace Boat's Floating Festival for Sustainability. A celebration of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the importance of education, partnership and youth engagement which highlighted a diverse range of speakers and performers. The event included a special celebration for the awarding of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), whose International Steering Group Peace Boat is a part of. First we heard from Mr Yoshioka Tatsuya, Co-Founder and Director of Peace Boat. Who gave us a great insight into the path of moving forward in regard to Maritime travel and the new Ecoship which will be launched in 2020. We then heard from Ms Marie Paule Roudil, Director of UNESCO Liaison Office New York followed by Mr Gene Bai, First Secretary, Mission of Fiji to the United Nations (President of the UN Ocean Conference / President of COP23) who gave a touching speech targeting the need for collaboration, to keep motivation and to continue working for a future we know we can reach for. Thereafter we the Peace Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassadors gave our individual speeches and the reading of our Call to Action.

This was fol lowed by the most beautiful compositions created by Mr Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky and Ms Aimee Neimann, violinist. The night ended with words from Mr Kawasaki Akira, Executive Committee Member, Peace Boat / International Steering Group Member, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), Dr Kathleen Sullivan, Disarmament Educator, Hibakusha Stories, Ms Kimura Tokuko, Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) from Nagasakim, Ms Emilie McGlone, Director, Peace Boat US who introduced a very fun Eco-Fashion Show and ended with Ms Cora Weiss, President, Hague Appeal for Peace and Representatives of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). At the United Nations the next day, our session called the “Ocean, Our Future: SIDS Youth Sailing for Climate Action and Peace� was about us sharing our messages for COP23 and the pressing need for more action on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Powerful testimonies were given, bringing most to tears. LaTisha Parkinson of Trinidad and Tobago focused on the Youth Call to Action expressing her deep concern for humanity, leaving the room emotional and deep in thought. Following the UN we had follow up sessions with the United Nations Development Program where we talked more in-depth on the degradation of our oceans and seas and what needs to be done to become more sustainable. This was followed by our final meeting for the day. A talk between ourselves and AOSIS. The discussion focused on general youth involvement, the use of our programs and a short conversation on the use of the word Small Island D e v e l o p i n g S t a t e s ( S I D S ) a s w e O C YA P

Ambassadors felt the need to change the dynamics of that word to Large Ocean States (LOS) in order to empower our nations. With some of the most amazing conversations, the most beautiful forms of art and the vision of a brighter future, in the coming hours it would finally be time to see the Peace Boat off. Though the program is now behind us there are still many activities we as ambassadors are looking forward to. One being the launch of our COP Short Film, the publication of our Youth Call to Action and the launch of many social media campaigns to come. To see some of the events we had be sure to check out these links: Ambassador Programme: https:// 1686314811401173/ Poem by Selina: peaceboat/videos/1698019100230744/ Closing Message by Zana Wade: https:// 1698023140230340/ Melody by Dj Spooky: https:// 1698030360229618/ Nobel Peace Prize Winners: https:// 1698062926893028/ United Nations Live Feed: https:// 1698617720170882/ UN Global Goals Interview: https:// w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g l o b a l g o a l s U N / v i d e o s /

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