Zanesville Museum of Art Spring Bulletin 2015

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FROM THE DIREC TOR Dear Member, Spring is a season of renewal and as I mark my first year as the museum’s Executive Director this May, my thoughts naturally turn to the season’s transformative rhythm. Museum staff, volunteers, and members of our affiliate group, the Beaux Arts Club, have been busy at work all winter refurbishing gallery spaces to make way for new exhibitions, planning new and exciting programs, and preparing for one of our most impressive and exciting initiatives—Art in the Garden. On June 13, members and not-yet-members will enjoy our much-anticipated Gala. This year’s theme is A Night in Paradise and what better place to celebrate than inside the museum where you can stroll the galleries with friends, enjoy tapas, wine, and purchase beautiful works by some of this region’s most celebrated artists during the live and silent auctions. Paradise can also be found the following day, June 14, when club members host the annual Garden Tour. Spend a beautiful afternoon meandering through eight magnificent, well-appointed gardens and view the splendor this season has to offer.

p BOARD OF DIREC TORS R ichard D uncan, President Dr. Chad Brown, Vice President For the first time we will partner with the Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, to display Dr. M yron K nell, Treasurer an outstanding collection of rare, hand-colored botanical prints and books. Scientific Wonders, curated by Deborah Elliott, opens May 7. This exhibition explores the astonishing synthesis Jody Ballas, S ecretar y Nanc y B eitzel Joan Cameron Bill Chr ist y D ean Cole Char les G orsuch Fred Grant Tom Holdren Alan K ing M ilman Linn Paul M cClelland Dr. Car l M inning Cindy M orehead D. S cott M oyer Nanc y Susa, ex o ffi cio Br ian Wagner Fay War ner D on Wietmarschen between art, history, science, and botany present in graceful floral and herbaceous prints. Rounding out our spring lineup is Nineteenth-Century Landscape Paintings from the Permanent Collection, which opens May 15. This small exhibition examines the extraordinary transformation within the genre brought about by French artists Eugène Delacroix, Jules Dupré, and Jean Baptiste Camille Corot and the English painter John Joseph Barker. Several of the museum’s galleries have undergone subtle yet exciting transformations over the last few months in preparation for three new exhibitions opening in April and May. We will collaborate with area teachers, student artists, and the American Association for University Women to host the 59th Muskingum County K-12 Student Scholastic Art Exhibition. Opening on Saturday, April 11, this annual exhibition features hundreds of artworks created by this county’s exuberant, skilled, and gifted student artists. I encourage you to explore the full range of programs offered this spring at the museum and at the John McIntire Library. Whether you are interested in learning the subtle art of willow weaving with Howard Peller, floral Henna painting with Natasha Oliver, or still life painting with Yan Sun, I hope you will find something that inspires your creative spirit. I look forward to seeing you at the museum soon. Sincerely, Laine Snyder

3–4 5 6–7 8 9 10 11

EXHIBITIONS THE COLLEC TION ADULT PR OGR AMS CHILDREN’S PR OGR AMS VOLUNTEERS C ALENDAR AR T IN THE GARDEN GALA | GARDEN TOUR On the cover: Robinia rosea, Pierre Joseph Redouté from Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre, Duhamel du Monceau, 1800. Courtesy of the Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio.


SCIENTIFIC WONDERS of the Lloyd Librar y and Museum May 7–August 1, 2015

| B o t a n i c a l Pr i n t s f ro m Th e Co l l e c t i o n

Meticulously rendered and beautifully hand-colored, nearly two dozen eighteenth- and nineteenth-century botanical prints from the Lloyd Library and Museum Rare Book Collection will be on display in the ZMA’s permanent collection gallery this spring. Guest curator Deborah Elliott of Ohio University-Zanesville organized this exhibition, which will be on view during the museum’s spring Gala, Art in the Garden. Elliott’s thoughtful selection of exceptional volumes and striking works on paper presents viewers with a rare glimpse of these scientific wonders. Popularized during the Age of Enlightenment—a period when science and reason were used to understand the universe—these prints allowed intellectuals to explore the wonders of the plant kingdom. The need to expand upon ancient knowledge on the subject drove a new interest in identifying, categorizing, and recording plant life. Books of botanical prints became fashionable and provided curious viewers with glimpses of the everyday and the exotic, from the medicinal herbs of Europe to the flowers of the faraway tropics. There is more to these prints, however, than diagrams of flowers, stamens, and pistils. These plates, with their blend of scientific, expressive, and decorative elements, represent collaboration between botanists, artists, engravers, colorists, and publishers. The fascinating stories behind these works of art continue to stir our interest and satisfy our desire for knowledge and beauty. P E R S P E C T I V E | C u r at o r ’s Ta l k J o i n e x h i b i t i o n c u r at o r D e b o r a h E l l i o t t f o r S c i e n t i fi c Wo n d e r s : E x p l o r i n g B o t a n i ca l P r i n t s. Th u r s d ay, J u n e 4 , 2 0 1 5 at 6 – 7 p m Fre e Top right: Robinia rosea, Pierre Joseph Redouté from Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre, Duhamel du Monceau, 1800. Left: Aloe sucotrina, Nikolaus Friederich Eisenberger after Elizabeth Blackwell, Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, Elizabeth Blackwell, circa 1750. Both works courtesy of the Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio.

M U S K I N G U M CO U N T Y K- 1 2 S T U D E N T S C H O L A S T I C A R T E X H I B I T I O N

April 11–May 9, 2015 This spring the Great Gallery will come alive with the opening of the Muskingum County K-12 Scholastic Art Exhibition. Featuring hundreds of artworks by students throughout Muskingum County, this exhibition showcases the exuberant spirit of our elementary student artists, the confident skill of middle schoolers, and the bold style of high school students. Organized by the American Association of University Women, this annual show includes paintings, ceramics, drawings, sculpture, masks, photographs, and mixed media created by talented students from Muskingum County public and parochial schools, homeschool programs, and local arts organizations. Since its inception, the AAUW has promoted the arts in this commuExhibition Opening nity as part of its mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. During the 1940s and Saturday, April 11 1950s, AAUW scholarships funded student art lessons which led to 1−3 pm the first annual art exhibition in 1956. For nearly six decades, the AAUW has partnered with the ZMA and local art teachers to create a at the ZMA county institution that proudly showcases the work of our most Free promising young artists. Artists clockwise from top left: Maddie Douglass, Wyatt Roe, Coleman Loyd, Hunter Rossiter, Macie Brokaw, and Kaitlyn Huey.


Through April 10, 2015 The ZMA partnered with the Columbus College of Art and Design to realize a unique site-specific installation in the Golden Gallery. During February and March CCAD students Colette Mihocik, Jeremy Stroud, Heather Taylor, Theresa Touma, Austin Burnside, Taylor Beck and Professor Rob Robbins designed, manufactured, and installed works that integrated light and sound within the unique space. Using collaborative studio practices and innovative technology, students designed a compelling and thought-provoking exhibition that confronted what it means to be here and now.

Exhibition Closing Party Friday, April 3, 6:30–8 pm Free. Light refreshments, mocktails, and a poetry reading by CCAD Professor Dr. Joshua Butts

CCAD student Austin Burnside working on Hub.



April 30−August 8, 2015 This exhibition features a selection of the finest American Art Pottery produced by the J. B. Owens Pottery Company from the collection of Dr. Edward Council. His interest and fascination with this Zanesville manufacturer began in 1986 while attending a pottery auction with his father. Nearly three decades later, Dr. Council’s collection has grown to include 1,300 rare and unique examples created between the company’s inception in 1885, through 1907, when art pottery production ceased. Through exhaustive research into the J.B. Owens Pottery Company, the man behind the company, John Owens, and the wares made almost exclusively for American consumers, Dr. Council has identified seventy unique pottery lines and discovered unmarked ware that, until recently, have been misattributed to other regional producers.

71st OHIO ANNUAL EXHIBITION June 11–August 21, 2015

J.B. Owens Pottery Company, Anna Fulton Best, Decorator, Lightweight Vase, circa 1900.

In our ongoing commitment to discover, encourage, and recognize Ohio’s finest artists and craft makers, we are delighted to present the 71st Ohio Annual Exhibition. Formerly called the May Show, this display will open in the spring and run through the summer. Juror Mary Gray, the Director of the Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery, Columbus, Ohio, will present the Best in Show winner with a $1,000 award made possible by the generous support of The Community Bank. To apply online or by mail visit our website at Entry deadline is April 25, 2015.

Carolyn Heffelfinger, May Apples, 2014.

PERSPECTIVE | Gallery Talk Mary Gray, Ohio’s Vibrant Art Scene Thursday, June 11, 6:30–7 pm Free

EXHIBITION OPENING Thursday, June 11, 7−8:30 pm, Awards at 7:30 pm Music, food, beer & wine cash bars Free

STUDENT EXHIBITIONS The museum proudly partners with regional schools and organizations to feature fine works by aspiring student artists in the Robert and Leona Fellers Gallery, located on the ZMA’s third floor. This spring we will exhibit work by Muskingum County Head Start artists and Philo High School students. MUSKINGUM COUNTY HEAD START May PHILO HIGH SCHOOL June-August


Are you a teacher who would like your students’ work showcased at the ZMA? Call Andy Near, the museum’s Registrar, at (740) 452-0741 to schedule your exhibition.

Students admiring work in the Robert and Leona Fellers Gallery.

THE COLLEC TION | N ineteenth- Centur y Landscape Paintings from the Permanent Collec tion May 15−October 10, 2015 The ZMA’s permanent collection includes wonderful landscape paintings by French artists Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863), Jules Dupré (1811–1889), and Jean Baptiste Camille Corot (1796–1875) and the English painter John Joseph Barker (1824–1904). The works on display in this small exhibition illustrate the profound transformation within this genre during the nineteenth century when the idealism of Classical landscapes was rejected in favor of the naturalism embodied in these artists’ contemporary environs. Primarily associated with Romanticism, an artistic movement privileging emotion, imagination, and spontaneity, Delacroix is best known for his dramatic and powerful images of exotic and historical scenes. Less than twenty pure landscape paintings are attributed to the artist, including Waterfall, perhaps painted during the mid-1840s when the artist lived in a small town outside of Paris called Champrosay. In this work, Delacroix’s expressive brushwork and poignant color palette accentuate the power and underlying forces he sought in the natural world. His keen interest in landscape is evident in his drawings and oil Eugène Delacroix, Waterfall, circa 1840 sketches, which were often integrated into his larger, historical compositions. Fellow Frenchman Jules Dupré, who spent his formative years decorating plates in his father’s porcelain factory in Parmain, had, by the 1830s, developed a reputation as an important landscape painter. Preferring to paint outdoors, en plein air, Dupré observed and captured the effects of natural light, creating lush and gentle scenes like Meadow with Stream, dating from the mid-1840s. A member of the Barbizon School of artists who shared a common interest in nature and explored and depicted the Forest of Fontainebleau not far from Paris, Dupré depicted pristine landscapes, which were often viewed as a reaction to society’s rapid modernization. Perhaps one of the most influential members of the Barbizons was Jean Baptiste Camille Corot. Although he struggled to gain recogniJules Dupré, Meadow with Stream, circa 1840 tion throughout his early painting career, critical success came in the 1850s. Images like Woodland Landscape demonstrate the artist’s desire to capture the mood or atmosphere inherent in his surroundings rather than to depict any particular, geographic details of place. This aspect of Corot’s work influenced an entirely new generation of artists known as the Impressionists. A generous teacher, Corot encouraged younger painters to reproduce his images, which he then signed as his own. As a result, paintings like Woodland Landscape reveal the artistry of more than one hand.

This exhibition is on view in the John B. Mast Memorial and J. William & Jean Baptiste Camille Corot, Woodland Landscape, 19th century M. H. Straker Charitable Foundation Galleries.

THE ZMA GOES TO OHIO ’S SUPREME COUR T Since 2012, the ZMA has participated in a loan program with Ohio’s Supreme Court. This year, two contemporary landscape paintings from our permanent collection have traveled to the Court. Christiane Curry’s Summer Day in Holmes County, from 1990 is on display in the lobby of the Board of Professional Conduct. Kenneth Shaffer’s Hygroglyph, from 1994 can be seen in the main area of the Office of the Administrative Director. In June 2008, the Supreme Court launched the loan program to raise awareness about the art of Ohio. The Court’s art collection includes murals, mosaics, and sculpture on loan from museums around the state. To schedule a tour of the Ohio Judicial Center, call (614) 387-9223 or e-mail Kenneth Shaffer, Hygroglyph, 1994



STEP BY STEP STILL LIFE PAINTING | YAN SUN Join Yan Sun, Gallery Director and Distinguished Professor of Fine Arts at Muskingum University for a five-hour course to learn the basics of still life painting methods and techniques. Participants will study still life composition, color use, light effects, and visual/physical/textural representation. Participants are welcome to bring their own preferred materials with the exception of oil-based paints. Students are encouraged to bring a favorite savory dish to share and enjoy during the lunch potluck party. SATURDAY, April 11, 9 am–3:30 pm. or SATURDAY, April 18, 9 am–3:30 pm. $80 per session for museum members, $90 not-yet-members. Recommended for ages 15 and older. Registration required.

Yan Sun, Still Life, circa 2014


Henna, an ornamental technique primarily used to decorate the hands or feet, is a ritual practice in the Middle East and Southern Asia. Join local Henna artist Natasha Oliver and learn about this ancient and ornate art form while you create wonderful patterns of your own. SATURDAY, May 2, 10 am–12 pm. $10 museum members, $15 not-yet-members. No experience required. Recommended for ages 11 and older. Registration required.

PRESERVING YOUR FAMILY TREASURES | Fabrics This class is the second in a collaborative series offered by the ZMA and the Pioneer and Historical Society of Muskingum County. Join Becky Preiss Odem of the Ohio History Connection and learn how to identify fabrics and care for and preserve your family’s priceless collection of vintage clothes, quilts, linens, and lace. Items from our museum collections will be used as examples. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own items for assessment. SATURDAY, May 2, 10–11:30 am. This class will be held at the Stone Academy Historic Site and Museum, 115 Jefferson Street, in the Putnam Historic District. $10 museum or society members, $15 not-yet-members. Recommended for ages 15 and up. All proceeds benefit the Zanesville Museum of Art and the Pioneer and Historical Society. Registration is required. Please call Pioneer and Historical Society at (740) 454-9500 or visit to enroll.

CREATE A BEAUTIFUL CERAMIC FLOWER POT | TWO-DAY COURSE Jessica Gray will lead an exciting two-day ceramic workshop designed exclusively for beginners. On the first Saturday create a beautifully textured drape mold flower pot, which you will decorate using Amaco glazes the following Saturday. Materials and tools provided. SATURDAYS, May 2 and 9, 1:30–3 pm. $35 museum members, $40 not-yet-members. No prior experience necessary. Recommended for ages 11 and older. Registration required.

Create a leaf platter using nature’s gifts. Join artist and basket maker Howard Peller and learn to use colorful willow rods grown on his willow farm in Roseville, Ohio. For more information visit SATURDAY, May 30, 1:30–4:30 pm. $30 museum members; $35 not-yet-members. Materials included. Recommended for ages 15 and up. Registration required.



Don’t forget about Father’s Day! Join Valerie Norman and create handsome greeting cards for that special Dad in your life. Card-making kits and plenty of inspiration provided. THURSDAY, June 18, 5:30–7 pm. $10 museum members, $12 not-yet-members. No prior experience necessary. Recommended for ages 11 and older. Registration required.


THE ADVENTUROUS PALETTE | CANVAS & COCKTAILS Unleash your adventurous palette once again with Zanesville artist Nora Daniel and create your very own Monet Water Lily masterpiece. Painting materials, wine, and light refreshments are included in the cost of this workshop. Below is an example from the Starry Night workshop. FRIDAY, June 26, 5:30–7:30 pm. $40 museum members, $45 not-yet-members. Must be 21 or older to enroll. No prior experience necessary. Registration required.


PERSPECTIVE | EXHIBITION LECTURES Scientific Wonders: Exploring Botanical Prints, Guest Curator, Deborah Elliott. Thursday, June 4, 6–7 pm, at the ZMA. Ohio’s Vibrant Art Scene, Director, Ohio Arts Council’s Riffe Gallery, Mary Gray. Thursday, June 11, 6:30–7 pm, at the ZMA. Frederick W. Smith, after S. Holden, Musa Cavendishii (The Cavendish Plantian) from Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants, Sir Joseph Paxton, 1837



PERSPECTIVE | ART and GARDENING LECTURES In conjunction with the museum’s Art in the Garden Gala and Garden Tour, the ZMA and the John McIntire Library have partnered to bring you a series of inspiring lectures on artful gardening. For full descriptions of the lectures and to find out more about the speakers, please visit Artistry of Bonsai. The Columbus Bonsai Society, Tom Holcomb. | The Saturday, May 2, 1-2 pm at the John McIntire Library. Oaks Gardens. Founder, Mission Oaks Gardens, Bert Hendley. | Mission Saturday, May 9, 11 am–12 pm at the ZMA. Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens: Broad Inclusion of the Arts. Executive | Franklin Director, Franklin Park Conservatory, Bruce Harkey. Saturday, May 16, 11 am–12 pm at the ZMA. Nature of Beauty–the Beauty of Nature. Garden Designer and Lecturer, Debra Knapke. | The Wednesday, May 20, 12–1pm at the John McIntire Library. Box lunch is available at 11:30 am. Dawes Arboretum: A Landscape for the Ages. Director of Horticulture, Dawes Arboretum, | The Michael Ecker. Saturday, May 23, 11 am–12 pm at the John McIntire Library. Reservations required. Please contact the Reference Department at (740) 453-0391, ext. 116.





APPRAISAL DAY Would you like to know the value of one of your favorite pieces of American Art Pottery? Join Antiques Road Show appraiser Riley Humler from Humler and Nolan, Cincinnati, Ohio, to learn more about your ceramics. Participants may bring two items per person for appraisal. SATURDAY, April 25, 1–4 pm. $10 museum members, $12 not-yet-members. Registration required.

The Art of Planting Trees

Join Schroeder Dodds and other members of The Ohio State Extension Master Gardeners Program of Muskingum County, to learn the best way to plant and care for your trees. This program is free and open to the public. For $10, the Master Gardners will offer one, four-foot tall Thuja plicata, or Western Red Cedar and planting assistance to the first 25 people who email Schroeder Dodds at The first 25 respondents will be contacted after April 18. SATURDAY, May 2, 10 am–12 pm. Registration required. Please email to enroll.

ART ON TAP | THE ZMA AT WEASEL BOY Join the ZMA at Weasel Boy Brewing Company the third Tuesday of each month and enjoy fine craft beer and drawing games. No experience required. Materials are provided. Held at Weasel Boy Brewing Company, 126 Muskingum Avenue, Zanesville, For information, visit TUESDAYS, April 21, May 19, June 16, 7–8 pm, Free. Recommended for ages 21 and older.


MAKE and TAKE | SECOND SATURDAY Children love to create, and what better place to explore different media and art-making techniques than at the ZMA. This spring, on the second Saturday of each month, join us in the studio for a fun-filled hour of creative play. APRIL 11 MAY 9 Flower Power! Learn about artist Georgia O’Keefe and make one of her large-scale flowers to celebrate spring.

u Selfie! Draw an abstract self-portrait like artist Paul Klee, just in time for Mother’s Day. American Made! Pop Art artist Jasper Johns used the American flag as inspiration and so will you. JUNE 13 Second Saturday of the month, 11 am–12 pm $5 per session for museum members, $7 not-yet-members. Recommended for ages 7 to 11. Materials provided. Registration is required. To enroll visit or call (740) 452-0741.


Jessica Gray will lead a two-day ceramic workshop designed exclusively for beginners. On the first Saturday, create an owl wall pocket, which can be used outdoor as a hanging planter. Decorate the piece the following Saturday using an array of bright and bold Amaco glazes. Materials and tools provided.

SATURDAYS, June 20 and 27, 1:30–3 pm. $20 museum members, $25 not-yet-members. No prior experience necessary. Recommended for ages 11 and older. Registration required.

DOODLEBUGS | STORY and CREATIVITY HOUR Second and fourth Fridays of the month, 10:30–11:30 am Introduce a child to the art of the story and the story of art. Join us in the ZMA’s galleries for a children‘s book reading and drawing activity hour that will captivate the imagination of young audiences. For a full list of books we will be reading this spring, please visit our website at www. These are three of the art-related books we will enjoy: Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds Rose’s Garden by Peter H. Reynolds Katie and the Waterlily Pond: A Magical Journey Through Five Monet Masterpieces by James Mayhew Recommended for ages 18 months to 4 years. Free to museum members, $6 per session for not-yet-members. Registration required. Please visit or call (740) 452-0741 to enroll.


u Would you like to spend more time in the museum? Would you enjoy learning more about the collection? Do you want to see how the ZMA operates? You can do all of these as a Zanesville Museum of Art volunteer. When you join this dedicated group of people, not only will you be providing us with essential help, you will also meet new friends, connect with the local art community, and get a firsthand look behind the scenes with regular training sessions that explore museum procedures, our permanent collections, and current exhibitions. We are currently seeking: Visitor service volunteers to meet and greet museum guests, answer phones and process admissions, and provide basic information about the museum to our guests. Marketing volunteers to assist the museum’s Director with marketing initiatives. For more information about our volunteer program, please call (740) 452-0741 or email James Fox at So much is happening inside the museum this spring, but outside, a number of individuals, organizations, and local businesses have been hard at work caring for the museum’s gardens and grounds. One such group is the Meadow Vale Garden Club that has been gardening at the museum for the past three years. “It began with the first Art in the Garden,” says Meadow Vale member Cindy Morehead. “After that, we just kept going.” Some of the group’s projects include planting the annuals in the containers outside the main entrance and cultivating the mandevilla vines on the trellis outside the Gorsuch Gallery.


You can

The ZMA offers individuals, families, organizations, and businesses the opportunity to sponsor a work of art from the museum’s outstanding permanent collection.

Adopt a Masterpiece

The Bebe Grant Memorial Garden is undergoing a transformation, thanks to a group of Master Gardeners led by Janet Taylor-Lehman. Last summer, the group began a project to revitalize and document the garden’s plants and last fall they performed a comprehensive cleanup. Look for the gardeners at the museum this spring when they will plant new species and redesign this beautiful green space. We would also like to thank Timber Run Gardens and McCullough’s Tree Service for their ongoing generosity. Over the years they have donated labor, plants, shrubs, and expert advice, which help us to keep the museum grounds welcoming for the community. Thank you to all who have donated their time, expertise, and resources.

Here is what you may look forward to with your generous $250 contribution: ü You are eligible to adopt one available work of art of your choice for one year. ü Your name will appear on the Adoption Certificate displayed with the work of art. ü You will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing your support helps the museum care for our masterpieces and provide missiondriven public programs.

The museum sta ff and its Board of Direc tors thank all of our volunteer sta ff for generously giving their time: K aren Baker, Nanc y If you have a favorite masterpiece you would like to adopt, or if Beitzel, Shirley Dick man, Deb Ferree, Alice you prefer viewing the collection with the Director to select Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema, Detail, Graham, Jessica Gray, Delber t Gutridge, your masterpiece, please call (740) 452-0741 to schedule an Portrait of Miss Alice Lewis, 1884. Marlene Jones, Carole Jordan, Alan King, appointment. Anna Marie K att, Cathy McDaniel, Mar y Ann Miller, Cindy Morehead, Maggie Nussbaum, Barbara Roth, Nanc y Susa, John TaylorZMA LOANS A CHRIST Y TO THE COLUMBUS MUSEUM OF ART Lehman, Fay Warner, Steve Warner, Olivia The Spirit of America, JOIN! by Howard Chandler Christy, part of the ZMA’s Tami Longaberger Wofter, and Brenda Work man. Howard Chandler Christy Collection, will be on display at the Columbus Museum of Art from March 20 through June 21, 2015 in the exhibition Shine On: Nurses in Art. Visit Memorial Gifts for more information.

GO GREEN Would you prefer to receive a digital copy of the Member Bulletin and save precious resources? Call (740) 452-0741 or email today and let us know you would like to GO GREEN!

In Memory of Billie McCoy Mrs. Phyllis Mast

In Memory of Jean Bonifield Beaux Arts Club



Apr 3 | Friday | Exhibition Reception & Poetry Reading | It Happens Here and Now 6:30–8 pm | Recommended for all ages | Free

Apr 10 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30–11:30 am Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum members, $6 not-yetmembers Apr 11 | Saturday | Workshop | Step by Step Still Life with Yan Sun | 9 am–3:30 pm Recommended for ages 15 and up | $80 museum members, $90 not-yet-members

Apr 11 | Saturday | Children’s Workshop | Georgia O’Keefe & Flower Power | 11 am–12 pm | Recommended for ages 7–11 | $5 museum members, $7 not-yetmembers

Apr 11 | Saturday | Exhibition Reception | K-12 Student Scholastic Exhibition | 1–3 pm Recommended for all ages | Free Apr 18 | Saturday | Workshop | Step by Step Still Life with Yan Sun | 9 am–3:30 pm Recommended for ages 15 and up | $80 museum members, $90 not-yet-members

Apr 21 | Tuesday | Event | Art on Tap | 7–8 pm | At Weasel Boy Brewing Co. | Recommended for ages 21 and up | Free

Apr 24 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30–11:30 am Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum members, $6 not-yetmembers Apr 25 | Saturday | Event | Appraisal Day | 1–4 pm | Recommended for ages 15 and up | $10 museum members, $12 not-yet-members


Jun 13 | Saturday | Children’s Workshop | Jasper Johns & Pop Art | 11 am–12 May 2 | Saturday | Workshop | Preserving Your Family’s Treasures | 10 –11:30 am | At Stone pm | Recommended for ages 7–11 | $5 museum members, $7 non-yetAcademy Historic Site and Museum,115 Jefferson Street, Zanesville | Recommended for ages members 15 and up | $10 museum members, $15 not-yet-members Jun 13 | Saturday | Event | Art in the Garden Gala | 6:30–10 pm | $50 May 2 | Saturday | Workshop | The Art of Henna | 10 am–12 pm | Recommended for ages museum members and not-yet-members 11 and up | $10 museum members, $15 not-yet-members Jun 14 | Sunday | Event | Garden Tour | 11am–5:30 pm | Tickets are $15 in May 2 | Saturday | Event | Art of Planting Trees | 10 am–12 pm | Recommended for any age advance for museum members and not-yet-members and $20 the day of the Free event. May 2 | Saturday | Lecture | The Artistry of Bonsai | 1–2 pm | At the John McIntire Library June 16 | Tuesday | Event | Art on Tap | 7–8 pm | At Weasel Boy Brewing Co. Recommended for all ages | Free Recommended for ages 21 and up | Free May 2 & 9 | Saturdays | Workshop | Ceramic Flower Pot | 1:30–3 pm | Recommended for Jun 18 | Thursday | Workshop | Handmade Card | 5:30–7 pm | Recommenages 11 and up | $35 museum members, $40 not-yet-members ded for ages 11 and up | $10 museum members, $12 not-yet-members May 8 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30–11:30 am Jun 20 & 27 | Saturdays | Children’s Workshop | Ceramic Wall Planter Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum members, $6 not-yet-members 1:30–3 pm | Recommended for ages 11 and up | $20 museum members, $25 May 9 | Saturday | Children’s Workshop | Paul Klee & the Selfie! | 11 am–12 pm | Recom- not-yet-members mended for ages 7–11 | $5 museum members, $7 not-yet-members Jun 26 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30− May 9 | Saturday | Lecture | Mission Oaks Gardens | 11 am–12 pm | Recommended for all 11:30 am | Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum ages | Free members, $6 not-yet-members May 16 | Saturday | Lecture | Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens: Broad Jun 26 | Friday | Workshop | Adventurous Palette | 5:30–7:30 pm | 21 years Inclusion of the Arts | 11 am–12 pm | Recommended for all ages | Free of age and older | $40 museum members, $45 not-yet-members



May 19 | Tuesday | Event | Art on Tap | 7–8 pm | At Weasel Boy Brewing Co. Recommended for ages 21 and up | Free

May 20 | Wednesday | Lecture | The Nature of Beauty–the Beauty of Nature 12–1 pm | At the John McIntire Library | Recommended for all ages | Free May 22 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30− 11:30 am | Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum members, $6 not-yet-members May 23 | Saturday | Lecture | The Dawes Arboretum: A Landscape for the Ages 11 am–12 pm | At the John McIntire Library | Recommended for all ages Free May 30 | Saturday | Workshop | Willow Platter | 1:30–4:30 pm | Recommended for ages 15 and up | $30 museum members, $35 not-yet-members Jun 4 | Thursday | Lecture | Scientific Wonders: Exploring Botanical Prints 6–7 pm | Recommended for all ages | Free Jun 11 | Thursday | Lecture | Ohio’s Vibrant Art Scene | 6:30–7 pm | Recommended for all ages | Free Jun 11 | Thursday | Event | 71st Ohio Annual Exhibition Opening | 7–8:30 pm | Recommended for all ages | Free Jun 12 | Friday | Doodlebugs: Children’s Story and Creativity Hour | 10:30− 11:30 am | Recommended for ages 18 mos–4 yrs | Free for museum members, $6 not-yet-members


The B eaux Ar ts Club

Art in the Garden presents... A Night in Paradise Saturday, June 13, 2015 6:30–10 pm Enjoy cocktails, tapas, and live and silent auctions inside the ZMA. Admission is $50 per person and includes food, two drink vouchers, and one ticket to the Garden Tour.


Garden Tour Sunday, June 14, 2015 11 am–5:30 pm Visit eight lovely gardens in or around Zanesville.

The Bebe Grant Memorial Garden, ZMA Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Jill Martin Dr. Darell & Mrs. Barbara Smith Abbot Senior Living

Mr. Howard Peller & Ms. Maddy Fraioli Mr. Dan & Mrs. Kathy Mohler Mr. Paul Emory & Ms. Nora Daniel Mr. D. Scott Moyer

Image by Carron Baxter, Mission Oaks, 2015

Garden tours feature strolling musicians and local artists painting en plein air. Refreshments are provided in select gardens. The tour takes place rain or shine. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 the day of the event.

Tickets to the Gala and the Garden Tour can be purchased at the Zanesville Museum of Art, at the Muskingum County Welcome Center, or online at beginning Wednesday, April 1. Please call (740) 452-0741 for more information. All proceeds benefit the Zanesville Museum of Art.


p HOURS Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10 am–5 pm 10 am–7:30 pm 10 am–5 pm 10 am–5 pm

Zanesville Museum of Art 620 Military Road | Zanesville, Ohio | 43701 (740) 452-0741 |

Zanesville Museum of Art programs and events are funded, in part, by a grant from The Ohio Arts Council. The Ohio Arts Council is a state agency that funds and supports quality arts experiences to strengthen Ohio communities culturally, educationally, and economically.

WE ARE NOW A BLUE STAR MUSEUM Announcing free admission for the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including the National Guard and Reserve, from Memorial Day through Labor Day 2015. For more information visit

p LONGABERGER ART RESEARCH LIBRARY By appointment Visit us at to sign up for our e-newsletter.



(740) 452-0741 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 203 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 207 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 203 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 206 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 207 (740) 452-0741 Ext. 203


Adults Young adults ages 10–18 Seniors ages 60 and over Children ages 9 and under Museum members Thursday 5-7:30 pm

$6 $4 $4 Free Free Free



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