Women In Sales Awards North America

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Women In Sales Awards Europe 2019 Timeline

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*Dates Subject To Change

Welcome Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 WIS Awards North America. Throughout history, women have led movements for change at every level and have played a crucial part in that change. Some of the stories of the finalists this year have been incredible, stories of tenacity, determination, courage and transformation. Each year I get the opportunity to read the stories of the finalists. For many of them, working life in the 21st century makes it difficult just to stop and breath. I hope the experience of taking part in the 2019 WIS Awards has given the finalists the opportunity to reflect on their careers and their life as a whole. It is important that, occasionally, we pause, take a moment to reflect and appreciate ourselves, our journey and our achievements. Please do take the time to enjoy and cherish all that has brought you to this point. I would like to thank the judges for their dedication, time, and energy during the 2019 awards. We would not be here this evening without their support. To all the companies that keep nominating each year the incredible women in your teams; to the companies that nominated for the first time this year, thank you. And of course, congratulations to all nominees, finalists and winners. Thank you for celebrating the 2019 WIS Awards with us, see you in 2020. AFI OFORI, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ZARS MEDIA

In this magazine




Born into AI – A case of Alpha’s & The Machines


Using Cards to Help Discuss Inclusion and Sales Culture


Three Behaviours Each of Us Can Adopt to Become More Inclusive


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Why It’s Time to Start a Conversation Around Mental Health on Your Sales Team


How Women in Sales Can Increase Your Exposure

Women in Sales Awards North America Judges


The Judging Process


Women in Sales Awards North America 2019 Finalists


And the WINNERS are


5 Tips for Successful Self-Promotion


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Body Language Tips to Increase Sales


It's Appraisal Time: What Works, What Doesn't



How Do You Set Up Your Sales Enablement Team for Success


8 Heath eld Court Fleet, Hampshire GU51 5DX England Tel.: 01252612025 info@wisawards.com

Official Printer: HART PRESS www.hartpress.com

Design by: BRANDBEES www.brandbees.com


Coming soon Women In Sales Awards Asia taking place in Singapore in 2020

Contact Skye Seymour for more information skye.seymour@wisawards.com

Born into AI – a Case of Alpha’s & The Machines

Written by JAVAID IQBAL, Co-Founder & CEO, TransformX, www.transformx.io Illustrations by MICHELE MARCONI


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n November of 2012 a short conversation changed my life forever. It was a crisp San Francisco morning, and we had just had our first session break at the Salesforce Executive Briefing Center for our super cool client Groupon. As I grabbed a bagel and was starting to pour some much needed coffee, a fellow Salesforce colleague said ‘Javaid you will not believe what my 6-year-old daughter did yesterday’. I looked up and said ‘What did she do?’. He goes ‘I was on my laptop in my basement couch attempting to get a head start on the week and she came and sat next to me, quietly for about 30 seconds and finally broke her silence and said dad, why isn’t this TV turning on? I said, Sara, you have to turn the TV on for it to turn on. She said no, it should know I am here, it should just turn on by itself ’.


We both looked at each other, had an amusing laugh and walked back into the next session. But as the day went on, I started thinking about what this little girl had said (and possibly meant) and that was all I could think about for the rest of the day. I couldn’t even sleep that night. As I tossed and turned, I had this uncomfortable urge to comprehed the depth of her ask, her possible belief system (that triggered this entitlement), the innocence hidden in the very powerful demand of hers and above all the monumental expectation she had placed on us adults to create a world that she agrees with, controls and thrives in. Weeks went by with me thinking deeply about how things would evolve for the young humans around us and I couldn’t help but wonder if this little girl had given me a futuristic purpose and crafted a path that carefully tied my collective vision for business, technology and humanity.

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By 2025, Generation Alpha will number 2 billion globally. It will be the wealthiest, most educated, and technologically literate in history — ROBERT HANNAH, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER AT GRANT THORNTON U.K.

AI AS A 7 YEAR OLD CHILD (AND GROWING) Now one can argue that in 2019, the concept of a machine detecting human presence may not be as alarming fresh, but in 2012, it sure was. And what it mentally mapped for me (for the first time) was what a collective human/machine evolution would mean for the world and how AI was going to play a central role in it. As I dug more, I realized that the deep learning breakthroughs that drove the AI boom from 2010 onwards, puts AI of today at the age similar to about a 7-8 year old child. That makes a Sara (of today) and (AI of today) at the same age. And as they take this journey of growth, the world will see a new way of interaction, communication, embracing and evolving of each other. ALPHA’S, THE REAL AI GENERATION Enter Alpha’s. Alpha’s are considered to be children born between the years 2010 and

2025 (also known as the iGeneration). They are to be the children of the Millennial’s and will be the first group in the world directly introduced to the mobile/social tools like iPad, Instagram, Facetime, smart glasses, apple watch etc. (all of which have some variation of AI embedded in them). In essence, this group are the first ones to be Born into AI and the more they engage with the machines, the more they develop a deep and meaningful relationship with them and with an estimated 2.5 million alphas born globally on a weekly basis, these ‘engagers’ are in for a very interesting time growing up. THE NATIVE ENGAGERS As these engagers grow, so will their interaction with all forms of AI and Robots. They will primarily play with connected toys, will respond to commands and demonstrate Emotional Intelligence in ways the older generations did not get to experience at such a young age. As they grow older and develop

verbal skills, voice communication with devices (Alexa, Siri, etc.) will play a key role in shaping it (imagine what their human-human communication would be especially with the non alphas). Alphas will also likely be wearing AI health-trackers from the beginning of their lives, which will certainly lead to data driven decisions around their health, life or death decisions (AI-powered chatbots that are equipped with disease databases, history of the patients, and popular symptoms could easily diagnose sick Generation Alpha patients in no time with perfect accuracy). Imagine early detection of cancer and other fatal diseases and to top it all, their Millennial parents would have no reservations about approving Machine Pediatricians and Robot Surgeons to operate on them as their trusted health providers. Alpha’s will also not have to worry about their aging parents as AI Social Robots will care for them (and Millennial parents would be fine with this too). Imagine, how different the life of an Alpha would be compared to yours.

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So one group gets to have a positive experience with the machine and one not so positive. Imagine the differences in the happiness index of the two groups in their interactions with machines and a potential different growth path both get put on. SO WHO IS ON ALPHA’S SIDE?

BOND WITH THE MACHINE With the abundance of machine interference in the daily lives of Alpha’s, the bond they will develop with each other will be of a different kind (almost that of a sibling). They will learn from each other but not judge each other’s choices, which is interesting because if the machine only learns only certain humanistic traits (let’s say the positive ones), it will respond with positive and favorable choices for the alpha to make. This scenario further grounds their mutual bond as the alphas would learn to rely on them more to make their choices rather than that of a parent (who might add human/rational thinking into the equation). This enables a certain sense of entitlement on the part of the alpha, which will lead to their own brand of happiness and a new form of empathy that is collectively designed by the human and machine experience. But like any relationship, this one will also need work as misjudgments are bound to happen (after all it’s a machine on the other hand). Just recall the number of times Alexa, Siri, or Google Home wasn’t able to get it right and one had to repeatedly ask and fix the commands. This (and other futuristic) lapses of communication have 12

the potential to be frustrating (on both parts), and can teach the machines the not so positive ways about the humans as well. Where that dimension leads, is a whole new story. While a lot remains to be seen in the evolution of the human/machine partnership, one thing is for sure, it’s here to stay and is growing stronger day by day. THE MORAL AND ETHICAL DILEMA OF ALL THIS This stuff is really exciting but at the same time, it’s incredibly scary as well. We are teaching machines human behaviors and expecting them to guide us in ways we wish to be guided by an elder/mature/ knowledgeable person that uses moral/ ethical/empathy led ways in a humanistic form. Sadly, a lot of this is fed into the machines by the values/morals/biases of the adults (of today) writing these programs/algorithms. Many of these adults may not have the most positive values and these negative values/biases have the ability to become the foundation of choices that get made for the alphas as they grow up with. Imagine Sara expecting the TV to turn on and in return, the TV doesn’t because it is programmed to not obey a certain gender or ethnicity.

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It’s a serious question that needs serious answers. The powers to be that oversee the creation of these machines need to instill proper regulation to create a human/machine world that understands the wants of the alpha’s (and other human generations) and creates environments where alphas are not merely subservient to the machines. This is the first generation of humans that would not have had the ability to have an original thought. Every thought of theirs would be influenced by the unknown combination of a human/ machine or a machine/machine. One needs to seriously wonder about who really controls/mandates/regulates the Artificial in Artificial intelligence and as products like Synsis (measures the current state of the user’s mind & body and leads them to a path) Netflix (programmatically suggests programs/genres to watch) Siri (routes physical and virtual paths) Google Home (makes her behave in her own home the way Google pleases) and others become mainstream, where does it really end? For little Sara and her counterparts are just being experimented upon. Do they control their lives at all? The absolute clarity will come in time but my guess is, the control has now been lost to the machines. And yes, the WISA readers, the question to ask yourself is, what am I doing to ready myself to fulfil the demands of future customers like Sara, other alpha’s and the machines?

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Using Cards to Help Discuss Inclusion and Sales Culture By LORI RICHARDSON, President, Women Sales Pros

Do you ever see something new and innovative and say, “I wish I had thought of that!” That’s the way I felt when I saw a box of cards with a cover that said, “50 Ways to Fight Bias – An activity that helps you combat gender bias at work” created by the non-profit organization, Lean In. This is an unbiased review as I have no connection to them but want to share this new, valuable tool – and what great activities can come from using this set. Also, it can give us all ideas for improved conversations around creating an inclusive sales culture where everyone feels valued and heard. 14

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very week, it seems – and sometimes every day, a woman or man in sales or company leadership shares a story with me about something that happened in the workplace and wants my opinion. Often there is some big gender issue involved, and other times someone just wants to better understand what is bias and what isn’t. Recently I got my own copy of “50 Ways” and dove in, unwrapping the clear plastic off each section of cards like they were presents. I love the components of this entire card deck which includes instructions, activities, insights, situation cards and a moderator manual. Two main points in the instructions are that bias isn’t limited to gender, and that we ALL fall into bias traps. It goes on to offer this great piece of advice - to give people the benefit of the doubt. There are six cards that discuss five different types of gender bias – affinity bias, attribution bias, likability bias, Maternal bias, and performance bias. On the front of the card is the definition, and on the back is more detail. The sixth card discusses double discrimination and intersectionality – when women can also experience biases due to race, age, sexual orientation, or other aspects of their identity. This gives everyone some common language and initial understanding. Now come the activity cards – I’ll share four of the situations – tell me if you haven’t heard these before?

“You’re on a team doing performance reviews and notice that a lot of women get feedback on their speaking style” A co-worker asks, “Who’s the new girl?” You’re on a review committee and several members argue against a woman’s promotion because she is not “seen as a leader” even though her team exceeds their numbers. “In a meeting, a woman strongly disagrees with a man about how to approach a problem. He says, ‘We can’t talk about this anymore. She’s getting too emotional’”

Each scenario is on a different card, and each card also has three sections – Why this situation matters, what to do, and why it happens. This means that one can go through this entire deck and find real-life situations that have come up or that will come up in the future on your team or in your organization.

What I appreciate most about this activity deck is that it is grounded in research. Every fact that is offered up is referenced in the Moderator Manual and that is a strong way to get a discussion going focused on data rather than a room full of opinions. I’ve found that most people on sales teams and many in company leadership have good intentions and are either worried they might say the wrong thing, or they don’t know what to say or do. These cards and the activities they offer provide a wonderful bridge from silence to conversation. Bonus: You don’t even have to wait to order the cards as the Lean In website offers the program free of charge virtually. Since I’m tactile and visual I prefer the boxed version. Look for more tips and tools on the Women Sales Pros website, blog, and social accounts.

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Each of Us Can Adopt to Become More Inclusive By RINA GOLDENBERG LYNCH, CEO, Voice At The Table, voiceatthetable.com


DIVERSITY, UNFORTUNATELY, IS ONLY HALF THE STORY. Benefiting from diversity of thought means more than having a diverse group of people. I worked in an office where we counted over 50 different nationalities, but in the workplace, most assimilated into a corporate culture that discouraged us from tapping into our diverse backgrounds. That’s why we need Inclusion. An inclusive culture is an environment in which every individual feels welcomed and valued. In this environment the advantages of diversity can be fully harnessed; we can attract and retain future talent and develop a distinguished and sustainable competitive edge.

HOW DO WE CREATE AN INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT? Here, I often quote Ghandi: Be the change you want to see. As a leader, each one of us must role model inclusive behaviours that invite others to be open without fear of judgment, retribution or career sacrifices. There are nine inclusive behaviours that we can adopt. Here are three of them.

Have you ever wondered why Diversity and Inclusion always appear together? Why isn’t Diversity in itself enough? Surely it should be sufficient to work alongside people of different backgrounds and experiences?


You’re probably not surprised that empathy is right up there as an inclusive behaviour. It is our ability to understand another’s feelings. It’s about asking yourself ‘If the roles were reversed, how would I feel? What would I do?’ This is a key attribute of inclusion because understanding a person’s feelings allows you to adapt your behaviour and judgment. Imagine being the only vegetarian in a group of friends going out to dinner. How would you feel if everyone wanted to go out for steak? Would you feel encouraged to go along? Now think about that colleague of yours who sometimes works remotely in her struggle to juggle work and home demands. If you understand what it’s like for her, imagine how she feels when another colleague jokingly says ‘Have a nice day off!’ ahead of her ‘working from home’ day. How likely is she to share her life, thoughts and feelings in the workplace? Understanding how others feel allows us to step into the shoes of our colleague, our boss or our client to understand the world from their perspective and tailor our responses, demands and services accordingly.

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Listening Skills

Listening is different from hearing what’s being said; it’s about listening with purpose to understand what the other person is saying. How often do we jump in with our thoughts – and sometimes words – while someone is speaking to us? Nothing is more annoying than a person who tries to finish your sentences for you. Of course, it’s a harmless habit, but the message it conveys is not ‘I understand how you feel’ but more of ‘I know what you’re already going to say so there’s no need for you to say it.’ Listening without interruptions is not just a sign of respect, it allows the speaker to open up and to start building a trusting bond with the listener, to feel welcomed and valued. Especially in meetings.


Bias and Self-Awareness

Our brain makes splitsecond decisions about people and matters based on our filters and experiences. It does this by connecting the dots and assuming that all similar situations are the same. When we’re in the hospital, we think the whole world is sick. But what if those assumptions are wrong? When we’ve been bitten by a dog, we assume that all dogs will bite us. What if they get in the way of making good decisions? When we interview the woman who five years ago started as a graduate trainee, we don’t think she knows enough to be our team leader. To avoid making poor decisions, we need to become aware of our assumptions,

If you want to create a culture that benefits from our most valuable business asset - the people who work alongside us - start by adopting these three inclusive behaviours.


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prejudices and judgements. We need to check them and test them: are we making a reasoned judgment or is it based on a potentially wrong assumption? In other words, are we being biased? That is where self-awareness comes in. Self-awareness is about understanding what motivates us. It requires an understanding of who we are - our strengths and weaknesses, our values and beliefs, our emotions. When we learn to tune into our motivations, we become aware of our own assumptions and are better able to challenge and test them. For example, when we assume that a colleague doesn’t have any ideas because they haven’t contributed to a meeting discussion, challenging this assumption allows us to test it by inviting them directly to share their thoughts. Maybe she feels intimidated; maybe she really doesn’t know. Self-awareness allows us to take charge of our thoughts and change them; it allows us to be more aware of our innate biases, be more inclined to question our actions, our thoughts and our feelings. The more self-aware we are, the less biased we can become, creating an environment that values our differences.

Why it’s Time to Start a Conversation Around Mental Health on Your Sales Team By JARED SHANER, Advisor, Friend & Growth Hacker, Chief Revenue Officer, Trellis Inc

Sales is emotional, and that’s what I love about my profession of choice. There are very few things in life that give me as much of a high as the triumph and surge of energy I feel when a proposal comes back signed or, even more exciting, when someone on my team closes a deal that I know they have been agonizing over for months. I take it personally. 20


ome thought leaders might say that salespeople need to remove the emotion from the job and rely only on metrics and processes, a method I have tried both personally and across teams. In the end, however, I have concluded that not allowing salespeople to factor raw emotions into their jobs takes away their passion. The highs are inspiring and rejuvenating, while the lows — losing a deal — should be equally inspiring to avoid having to feel that emotion again soon. Either way, sales is emotional in some shape or form. But beyond that, I have noticed a worrying stigma often attached to salespeople: that they are extreme extroverts who have very high self-confidence and no mental

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health concerns. You might think, “Why else would they be in sales?” Having worked in the tech industry, I can tell you that this is far from the case. In fact, there are two concerning aspects that have recently been getting more attention: 1. The start-up tech industry has rampant mental health issues that can get buried amidst the buzzwords of “start-up life” and “the grind.” 2. Salespeople are just as vulnerable to the mental health concerns that plague many Americans. I will dive deeper into these ideas in subsequent posts, but in the meantime, I wanted to share a couple of findings and thoughts as I delve into a topic that is so personal to my heart.

Succeeding in the sales industry is hard enough when you consider the constant worry of closing deals, meeting quotas, spending time away from family, etc. Amid these stressful work-related issues, mental health problems are on the rise, making day-to-day sales obligations more and more difficult to complete for those who are struggling. Managing your mental health concerns is essential. Work should be a place where you strive to be better than the day before, but that’s hard to do if you are faking a smile and not feeling like yourself. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people around the world suffer from depression, with many of them also suffering from symptoms of anxiety. Health.com reports that sales is among the career fields with the highest rates of depression. According to The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Sales and Sales Management, sales reps who regularly experience high levels of stress “tend to be less involved in their jobs, less committed to the organization, and to experience lower levels of work and life satisfaction.” They also do not perform as well and are more likely to leave the organization.

Sales reps who regularly experience high levels of stress tend to be less involved in their jobs, less committed to the organization, and to experience lower levels of work and life satisfaction. — THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF STRATEGIC SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT

Employees and managers need to be on the lookout for signs of depression and any other mental health-related symptoms so they can seek help or offer support. This is especially important because work problems can follow you home and home problems can follow you to work. Some common indicators of stress and anxiety include: racing thoughts, insomnia, trembling, loss of interest and, in some cases, thoughts of suicide. If you are spending long days at work, don’t be afraid to step outside of the office to give yourself a change of scenery to clear your mind and come back to work refreshed. Experts say that maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and exercising are also important. Don’t hesitate to share your concerns with your employer - this can alleviate tension and allow your team to form a community of those dealing with similar issues. Seeking outside help from

a medical health professional is crucial in these circumstances — these tips are merely suggestions and you should seek professional help if you are struggling. Beyond supporting your employees because you are a community, the World Health Organization states that “for every USD $1 put into scaled up treatment for common mental disorders, there is a return of USD $4 in improved health and productivity.” Your employees invest a lot of time in your company; it’s time for you to invest in them right back. Just like any job, stress is common and expected, but managers and team members alike must be on the lookout for more serious problems. With a little bit of determination and support, we can fight the stigma and help team members achieve sales and personal goals beyond their belief.





Whether we actually have superpowers is up for debate, but the reality is that many founders are viewed as superheroes by their employees — especially in the start-up community. This is why I openly discuss my struggles personally and as a founder. While some may consider this to be exaggerated transparency, I find it to develop more dedicated “soldiers” and also builds trust with employees who feel more comfortable approaching leadership with their struggles.

When rolling out our new health care plan, we were sure to find an option with strong mental health coverage and highlighted this coverage in a company-wide rollout. As part of this rollout, we made our employees aware of services and organizations such as Open Sourcing Mental Illness. Organizations can supplement and provide advice in addition to doctor visits and increasing employee awareness about them promotes the normality of seeing a mental health professional.

While the tech community is filled with influencers peddling the “grind till you shine” mentality and emphasizing that only those willing to sacrifice will succeed, we mandate that employees get their relaxation and come back fresh.

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How Women in Sales Can Increase Your Exposure (and Success) with Better Branding By CYNTHIA BARNES, Founder and CEO, National Association of Women Sales Professionals (NAWSP), @ cynthiambarnes

Many women in sales are concluding that they are not just selling a product or a service; they’re selling themselves (in a good way, ideally). Personal branding is a hot trend in the sales sector, but in no small degree, successful salespeople have always tried to effectively market themselves (i.e., their trust factor, professionalism, etc…) to stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re a woman working with a team of other sales professionals or you’re on your own, you’ll want to develop or improve your personal brand to highlight your strengths and better connect to your audience. 22

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RESEARCH If you aren’t checking up on your competition, you should be. It’s difficult to develop a unique brand without assessing how other people in your field are tackling (or not tackling) the issue. You can learn a lot about the best and worst branding practices by merely tuning into what your competitors are doing. Perhaps they aren’t highlighting a strength that you bring to the table. Understanding the landscape helps you to ultimately fine tune your own branding campaign.


To create exposure for your brand, it helps to establish an online presence. While your company might have its own platform and ideas about promoting you as a woman in sales, you’re still entitled to create your own personal website, blog, or social media presence. An online platform gives you the vehicle to promote your personal brand. If you don’t have one, you’re losing out on multiple channels for exposure that your colleagues and competition are likely taking advantage of. It’s true — online marketing can be a full-time job. You might worry that you simply don’t have the time or disposable income to tackle online self-promotion. Just consider starting small. Use a free platform to launch a professional blog; commit to writing one or two blogs per month and merely promote each to your email list. Even a professional Twitter account can help you brand yourself and increase your online exposure.

To create your personal brand, you don’t need to re-invent yourself. You just need to market who you are and what you do best effectively. You can start to do this with your resume, business cards, and other marketing materials. Many professionals today are turning the traditional resume on its head to stand out from other candidates. To get some ideas about what’s possible in the world of current resumes, check out how graphic designers are transforming resumes into exciting info-filed visuals (Pinterest has many good examples.) If you’re a traditionalist, that’s ok. Try to include at least one unique feature. For instance, add a link on your resume to a video. You might use the video to discuss your education and experience in-depth. You might use it to present your sales record or an exciting project you worked on. The idea is to make your resume and business cards go beyond the basics — to stand out as something special.

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ESTABLISH A LOOK As a professional woman, you’ve probably heard it all when it comes to dress—all the do’s and don’ts. Dressing is a highly subjective area for women, and business/business casual can mean many different things to many different women, so without getting into specifics, just consider being consistent in your look, making it easy for potential customers to remember you. In this respect, women have more of an edge over men when it comes to unique branding style. Men might be able to wear a whimsical tie to stand out, but women have all sorts of opportunities to reinforce their look. Maybe you’re the saleswoman who always wears a vintage Vera scarf. Barbara Bush had her pearls. Jackie Kennedy had her hats. Whether you opt for a couple of signature colors, oversized brooches, velvet blazers — some consistent fashions or accessories can help you remind them about who you are.

NETWORK Once you have established your brand, get out of your office and actively promote it at trade events, conventions, conferences, etc.… Social media networks can be convenient, but they don’t replace the face-to-face connections that you can make when meeting with people in person. Networking events give you the chance to expose your brand, but they can also provide you with real-time feedback about how you’re coming across. Do you draw a crowd or do you feel ignored? Do people seem intimidated by you or are they curious about you? Whether positive or negative, the feedback you generate helps you tweak your message and enhance how you brand your skills and abilities. 24

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Storytelling — that’s another major marketing trends that brands are focused on. Even Facebook is encouraging users to post by helping them to “update their stories.” Think about the types of narratives you want to convey about yourself. You’re not obligated to share anything you don’t want to, but you get to control the stories you tell, and these stories can help you to reinforce your personal brand and to connect to colleagues and potential customers. Some stories you might include: your volunteer work, charities you support, your experiences as a woman in sales, lessons you learned as a manager, your mentors, your continuing education — each of these types of stories can enhance your personal/professional brand. Plus, remember that telling your own stories empowers you and prevents others from filling the void with their stories, their take on you.

All of this information could come across as a little contrived, but all marketing is contrived to some extent. When developing your voice, your look, your brand, always try to be authentic. Think of your brand as an organization of your best traits, all the features you want to share about your professional self. Branding ties merely you up in a pretty bow—all your qualifications and winning characteristics there for your audience to see.

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The Judges Catherine Walker

Cynthia Barnes

Belal El-Harazin

CEO, Maverick Digital, Inc.

Keynote Speaker and Direct Sales Trainer, Owner, The Success Walk

Founder and CEO, National Association of Women Sales Professionals

Head of Sales, Americas Regulatory Intelligence & Compliance Learning, Thomson Reuters

Beth Harhai

Christy Millard

Dana Mata

Grace Perry

Director, Sales/EMG BB Healthcare Solutions , Blackbaud, Inc.


Elizabeth Grande Cassidy

President, Wood Mackenzie Canada

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SolutionsIQ Business Agility Advisory Senior Manager, Accenture

Augmented Reality, Strategic Sales

Gwilym Jones

Karen Atkins

Chief Sales Officer, News Division at NewsBank

Javaid Iqbal

Co-Founder & CEO, TransformX

Vice President of Sales, Benefit Services (retired), National

Kevin Thomas Tully

Hope McIntosh

Julia Wissing

Kathryn Evans

Kunal Mehta

VP Sales & Solutions Engineering New Mexico/Texas, ANM

Performance Improvement Consultant, Creative Solutions

Nunez, National Director, Oncology Diagnostics, Sales and Marketing

SVP North America, Creation Agency

Vice President of Sales Strategy & Operations, Druva


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The Judges Lisa Muller

Martin Cassidy

Miriam MeijersVan Maasdeijk

Maria Valdivieso de Uster

Maureen Haga

Nicole Lemus

Client Executive, Digital Transformation, DXC Technology

Partner, McKinsey & Company


Head of Sales, GRC Large Bank, Wolters Kluwer

President, M2Execution

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Vice President Strategic Sales Europe at XPO Logistics Inc

VP Sales, Contract Manufacturing, International Vitamin Corporation

Rachel Greathouse Global Director, Large Enterprise Sales Development, Druva

Rena Cohen-First Director of Sales, The Wright Group-Food & Beverage Solutions

Scarlett Crawford

Tammy Davidson

Regional Vice President, Latin America, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Executive Vice President, Client Services Florida/Caribbean, Right Management

Sylvia Imm

Tracy Huber

Director of Sales, West Region & Mexico. Kimberly-Clark Professional

Senior Vice President, Health Solutions, Aon

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The Judging Process THE JUDGES A group of senior executives from various sales backgrounds were carefully selected as the evaluation panel of independent judges. Their objective was to review the nominations and interview each of the finalists. You can read more about the judges on the awards website www.wisawardsna.com

THE JUDGING PROCESS The judges were organized into groups; each group was made up of 3 judges and interviewed a number of finalists within their assigned categories. Nominations and any supporting documents were reviewed by the judges. The next stage of the process was a 30 minute interview with the judges. FINALISTS TIME WITH THE JUDGES This was an opportunity for finalists to engage the judges by telling them the story of their success, failures, challenges etc. Each judge awarded points across the same criteria.

After the interview, all finalists had to answer one final question: “why should you win the award in your category?”

An interview allows the judges to further assess each finalist’s sales skills, strategies and process etc. The interview also complements their review of the submitted nomination forms.

The finalist with the overall highest score was selected as the most distinguished saleswoman of the year.


Each finalist’s overall score will be the sum of the scores from all 3 judges. The finalist with the highest score in each category was selected as the winner in that category.

FAQ’s WHO ARE THE JUDGES? WHERE DO THEY COME FROM? Zars Media invites judges from all over North America. Judges may be executives with sales expertise, business people, educators and university administrators and leading practitioners in the field. HOW DO YOU CHOOSE THE JUDGES? We usually look for executives with sales backgrounds and with more than 15 years sales experience. We actively recruit and also take suggestions from partners, mentors and past judges.

WHAT DO THE JUDGES EVALUATE? Judges review all the entries within their assigned categories. This will include reviewing the nomination forms and any confidential supplemental documents and project information that is included in the application. IS THE JUDGING BY INVITATION ONLY, OR CAN I APPLY TO BE A JUDGE? We recruit judges after screening their profiles using LinkedIn and other news sources. We are happy to consider suggestions.

If you would like to be considered, or suggest judges for 2020, please email judges@wisawards.com


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All-women event in the morning, led by women VPs of Sales and C-level executives

REV IT UP – SALES LEADER SUMMIT For men and women sales leaders in the afternoon

Join 300 attendees focused on professional development & connection!

FOR MORE INFO AND TO REGISTER for RISING STARS or REV IT UP https://womensalespros.com/register or call Lori Richardson at (978) 595-2045 @womensalespros


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e th ts s i l a n i F Congratulations from Zars Media proud organizer of the Women in Sales Awards North America.

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Diana Braun My goal is to always look for ways to help and be known for solving problems. Help your clients, colleagues, friends and family. Being known as helpful and caring is always a positive.”

Diane Gove Great things never came from comfort zones. Challenges are often opportunities in disguise.”

Kellie Burke Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss


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Megan Rudolph Only when diverse perspectives are included, respected, and valued can we start to get a full picture of the world.” - Brené Brown

Nidhi Gupta If you never let go, listen deeply, focus on solving problems, you are a salesperson.”

Francesca Dugger

To Achieve Personal Success, you need to be bold and brave enough to be your true self.”

Mary Cheatham Working in sales support gives you a view of your company from your client’s eyes. You can use this perspective both to advocate for your client and to recommend process improvement. It’s a great way to have an impact on overall success.”

Megan Harkins

Aim for happiness and success will always follow”


Pamela Brothers Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it” - Maya Angelou

Shawn Comboy My approach is pretty simple. Failure is not an option. That really narrows down the choices.”

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Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.”

Brooke Simmons Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” - John Wooden

Delaney Burke Success should not be a single person event. True success is enabling people to win alongside you and achieving more together than anyone might individually.”


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Allison Idarraga

Lie Han

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Meghan Wentworth Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life your proud to live.” - Anne Sweeney

Brooke Bachesta As a sales leader, I see it as my responsibility to increase diversity on the sales floor and increase retention of women on the team.”

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincey Adams

Leyda Chacon I believe that awards like this will empower more women to believe in themselves. They prove that women can raise a healthy and happy family, while simultaneously delivering outstanding results in their career.”


Christina Riccardi

Mary Joyce I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.” - Brené Brown

Tamara Gulley

Some people cannot handle a woman on the loose.” - Anonymous

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Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” - Ann Landers

Erin Stewart Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” - Wayne Huizenga

Keegan Denton Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.” - Sarah Blakely


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Cassidy Howard

Lanette Richardson

Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are” - Brené Brown

Lori Gross

The secret to success is knowing something no one else knows.” - Aristotle Onassis

Christine Corson I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should just go ahead and be one” - Calamity Jane

Lynne Pearce There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” - Madeline Albright


Karen Tatten Just imagine where we would be if everyone was operating in a high-performance environment…then do what it takes to get there #takethelead!”

Nicole Rogas Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” - Oprah Winfrey

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Sue Hart It is not how much we do – it is how much love we put into the doing.” - Mother Teresa

Tara Andrews

I am competitive by nature but understand the value of teamwork”



Be strong, now and forever”

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Julie Koch

Alicia Bohannon

The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you finally achieve it.”

Kelly Motz It is not your customer’s job to remember you. It is your obligation and responsibility to make sure they don’t have the chance to forget you.” - Patricia Fripp

Lindsay Turco

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sales is more about “making friends,” than closing deals. Develop a relationship: get to know a person and their needs, and the sales and referrals will flow organically.” - Inspired by my

Cassie Bendix

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable”

Katherine Berry

Either you find a way, or you find an excuse.” - Jim Rohn


father & sales mentor, Miguel Hung


Brittany Rutledge

Christine Collins Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” - John C. Maxwell

Jill Mooney The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up the rain.” - Dolly Parton

Kristen Kagiyama Embracing the unconventional is a key pillar to what drives success”

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Be the kind of woman who believes that she is capable of doing amazing things in this world. Be the kind of woman whose own dreams make her nervous and then go ahead and do them anyway. Be the kind of woman who never asks permission to be herself.”

Christy Mitchell Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” - Brené Brown

Susan Tinney In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” - Coco Chanel



- Rachel Hollis

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Andi Bortoletto

Jackie Guretz

A goal is a dream with a deadline.” - Napoleon Hill

Lauren Cooney

Nothing will work unless you do” - Maya Angelou

Julianne Thompson Mentorship is a critical role in developing career paths for sales development representatives”

Katie Parson

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” - Oprah Winfrey

Change is the only thing that is constant” - B.D.C.


Leslie Hefter

Terry McGrath

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” - Albert Einstein

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d an s r e n n i W e h . t . . e r a THE 2019 WINNERS

Congratulations to the next generation of Women Sales Leaders!

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As women, we set hard expectations on ourselves. We strive every day to have a career and break glass ceilings, while also working to be the most attentive wives or partners, the most engaged mothers or daughters.


he words “Be Unbeatable!” still rang in my head as I boarded my flight home from Los Angeles. It was this year’s theme for the North America Sales Summit for Experian. On my flight home, I reflected on the week and thought about the many people who came up to me and asked me for advice, told me they are inspired by my leadership style, or simply just said “thank you.” I felt overwhelmed with emotion and tried to put this week in the bigger perspective of my life. I paused for a moment to let it all sink in. How did I, a blue-collar kid, end up here? I never expected to become a leader for my company. I never expected to find myself working for an amazing and innovative company that promotes the deepest sense of diversity and inclusion and “bringing your whole self to work.” As I took it all in, I started to cry. 50

I opened my phone as a distraction and checked LinkedIn. My heart stopped. Just as soon as I successfully pulled back my tears, they started all over again. I found out I was a finalist for the WIS Awards for Best Woman Sales Director. I immediately thought of the women who have supported me throughout this entire journey. I had to tell them as quickly as I could. I texted my boss and mentor, Jennifer, the President for Vertical Markets at Experian, as well as my right hand, my Sales Operations leader, Toni. Next, I sent a message to my mother, who is my role model in life and my best friend. She has never stopped supporting me along my journey. I sat with so many emotions. I was humbled. I was stunned. I was honored. Taking part in this process with Zars Media has shown me that authenticity and honesty truly are winning attributes. It validates my belief that hard work and focus can get you where you want to be. However, what resonates with me the most is being a part of this powerful community of women and knowing that together we are better and stronger. As women, we set hard expectations on ourselves. We strive every day to have a career and break glass ceilings, while also working to be the most attentive wives or partners, the most engaged mothers or daughters. We also make it a priority to eat well, get enough sleep, and spend time with friends. It is an impossible feat when think about it. However, winning this award and being a part of

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this program proves that once you accept who you are and have faith in what you are doing, any boundary can be overcome. The greatest boundaries to success are the ones we put upon ourselves. My philosophy is very simple and straight forward. Be honest, authentic, loyal and kind. When I think back on my career, what has been most rewarding is helping others by providing insight, perspective, advice, or simply lending an ear. While my success is humbling and exciting, I am most passionate about helping others find their path to leadership. This award has given me a platform to reach others. If my story, being a kid of humble beginnings, the first to go to college, mom of two small children, helps one other woman realize their worth then I have realized an even greater success. This award is a reminder to continue to strive forward to be the best and never accept limitations others may place upon on us. As employers, I encourage you to nominate your female leaders for this award. Not only does it provide visibility for the values of your organization, it also provides your high performers with the continued confidence they may be seeking. Of even deeper value, this award offers an amazing support network and a venue to show that acceptance and equality matter. This award truly illustrates that anything is possible if you stay true to yourself and you reach for the unreachable.


Nicole Rogas SV P, SA L E S


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Tamara Gulley S R. M G R, E N T E R P R I S E I N S I D E SA L E S, D I G I TA L E X P E R I E N C E


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I learned how to operate with intention and an expectation to win. There was nothing quite like pushing myself to be the best I could be and competing every single day to find a way to win.


s an NCAA track athlete, I can remember wanting nothing more than to compete. In exchange for all of the hours of training I put into perfecting my craft, I craved those few seconds of victory in return. As an athlete, I felt a sense of permission to be relentless, and have an “Eye of the Tiger” approach to perform at a high level. Most importantly, I learned how to operate with intention and an expectation to win. There was nothing quite like pushing myself to be the best I could be and competing every single day to find a way to win. When I found my way into a career in sales, I felt like I finally found something that felt natural. The parallels between

competing as an athlete and working in sales were obvious. “Sales is like sports for adults”, Matt Thompson, Adobe’s EVP of Worldwide Field Operation often says. For me, I have found this to be very true. A big part of why I love coming to work every day is the ability to set goals, execute a strategy and find a way to win. I love making a real impact on Adobe’s business and helping individuals achieve, progress, develop and grow. I have a real passion for competing and striving to win each day. I feel very fortunate to have found my way into a career in sales management. Upon learning I’d actually been chosen as a WISA finalist, I was overcome with many emotions: excitement, disbelief, gratitude and a great sense of humility. With wide eyes, I sent off about twenty text messages that started with “you’re never going to believe..”. It truly is an incredible honor to be counted among such impressive finalists for this prestigious award. The category is such a significant one to me because of the vital role a manager plays in both the professional and personal lives of the individuals they are entrusted to serve, develop, lead and coach. Having been given this incredible award, I have a great sense of gratitude for such

an honor. First, to the organizers of the WISA -- thank you for allowing me to represent women sales leaders across North America. I have been inspired by the incredible stories of the amazing WIS finalists. Second to my Adobe team who nominated me. I have been incredibly blessed to work with a supportive team, including my manager and sales leadership at Adobe. I am surrounded by people who consistently challenge me to be better each and every day. With this wonderful honor, I intend to do whatever I possibly can to inspire other young women to believe in themselves! Working with women who are just beginning in their careers is an opportunity I particularly enjoy. It’s rewarding watching someone mature professionally as they get the chance to discover what they are made of. I would hope more companies would participate in recognizing the exceptional women in sales. I know there are women of all ages who deserve to be recognized for their dedication, fearlessness, and outstanding performance. I feel happier and prouder than ever to have taken this career path and I am truly honored to have been chosen as WISA Sales Manager of the Year for 2019.

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My personal quote, “Bestrong, now and forever” was initiated and coined during my breast cancer journey. My “Bestrong” team was made up of my support system: family, friends, work, and my community.


eing selected as the top Woman in Sales in the Professional Services category is truly a distinct honor and privilege. Representing my organization Epiq, as well as my female colleagues, is a responsibility I take seriously both professionally and personally but also find a heartwarming process. From my first career as a Pediatric Intensive Care Registered Nurse I have always considered myself an educator, trainer, mentor, and creative consultant to my patients, their families and now my clients. In other words, since my first career as a nurse, to my role as VP of Human Resources, to my current role, I’ve been a business woman and sales person my entire career.


Just being nominated by my organization was a powerful acknowledgement of the support and confidence I have always felt as a woman within Epiq. I have been fortunate to be affiliated with, and surrounded by, a number of women in leadership positions, including the President of our Business Process Solutions (BPS) business line to our General Counsel. I have also had the pleasure of working with respectful, supportive men in both peer and leadership positions who have fostered my growth and development over the years. In fact, the chairman at Epiq was the impetus for my nomination. From a professional perspective, winning this award is a launching pad for all future Epiq sales women to follow in my footsteps. I have been, and will continue to serve, as a mentor and role model for other professional sales women and men, and this award will further validate those efforts. From a personal standpoint, it is a wonderful affirmation of my passion and efforts over the years. It demonstrates to my granddaughter, daughter, daughterin-law, and other female colleagues and friends that transferable skills and competencies are critical, and that no matter what your educational background and training is, selling is essentially believing in yourself, your services, and educating, training, and aligning with your audience and their business needs to deliver results and satisfaction.

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My personal quote, “Bestrong, now and forever” was initiated and coined during my breast cancer journey. My “Bestrong” team was made up of my support system: family, friends, work, and my community. My friends, work colleagues, and clients were an ongoing sense of inspiration to me and I believe I, in turn, was an inspiration to them. Now, when I’m facing a significant sales presentation or proposal process to close a deal, I reflect on my journey and know that my mantra, “Bestrong” allows me to tackle any professional or personal challenge or opportunity, knowing that strength comes from within to guide the process and journey. This ‘Bestrong’ mantra is one I try to pass on in my daily interactions with co-workers and others during the business sales and account management lifecycle. The WISA-North America process has been a comprehensive, professional, thoroughly vetted experience that has given me the opportunity to reflect upon my past and open my eyes to the future. From the initial process, to the interviews, presentations, and documentation required, the ‘best practice’ approach followed is a testament to the organization. For other organizations looking to raise up their ‘best and brightest’ sales women, I recommend nominating other sales leaders in 2020 and beyond.




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Meghan Wentworth N AT I O N A L AC C O U N T D I R ECTO R


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My participation in the awards process has really allowed me to reflect on my career and highlighted my strong customer relationships as the key to the success I have had along the way.

Most Distinguished Saleswoman of the Year


received the news of being one of the Finalist for the Key Account Manager when I was in St. Kitts being acknowledged for Ipsen’s Circle of Excellence trip. What an honor to be nominated! It was so exciting and humbling to receive this amazing news with my husband and esteemed colleagues. How fortunate I was to have them with me to share in the celebration and especially my VP who nominated me. I then texted my two teenage children who, like all kids their age, never answer their phones. They were both very excited and proud of me.

This recognition is not only an honor, but validation of my efforts and contributions. To be included with the other Key Account Manager Finalists was testament to all of us that doing the work that matters most to our customers and coworkers matters every day. My participation in the awards process has really allowed me to reflect on my career and highlighted my strong customer relationships as the key to the success I have had along the way. My relationships, personally and professionally, have and continue to motivate me every day. Equally important to me is being the best role model for my daughter and son and to instill in them that always treating others with respect and dignity is paramount. Ipsen has provided me with the resources, people, and support to concentrate on my

customer’s needs and to ensure that my customers are providing access to patients with serious and rare diseases. We all know that managing a family and a career takes a village. I have been very blessed to have supportive family, friends, work colleagues, and bosses. Winning this esteemed honor has inspired me to tell other hard- working women that with support, heart, and dedication any worth goal is achievable. I am proud that Ipsen has been a strong supporter of women and continues to provide us all the opportunity to grow personally and professionally and improve the future for all the lives we touch. Again, congratulations to all the winners and women who have been recognized by WISA and best wishes to all in whatever the future may hold.

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I think self-criticism and a pursuit for perfection are common barriers that women, particularly working moms, must overcome to FEEL successful.


was so excited and honored when I heard that I was nominated for this award. I was even more overwhelmed when the judges selected me as a finalist! It was around 7:00 pm, and we weren’t expecting the announcement until the following day. I opened my laptop to wrap up a few work items when I saw the post on LinkedIn. I immediately ran upstairs to share the news with my family. My husband and two toddlers started dancing around while chanting “yay Mommy, yay Mommy!” As the news spread, empowering messages poured in from friends and colleagues. It was one of those moments I will look back on when I need a reminder that I am doing a great job and it’s all worth it. 58

These tangible reminders are priceless in times when I start to question my achievements and capabilities at work or home. I think self-criticism and a pursuit for perfection are common barriers that women, particularly working moms, must overcome to FEEL successful. We commit ourselves entirely to the task at hand, and we are inherently critical of our results. Although this tends to cultivate a strong work ethic and high performance, it can create a lot of unnecessary doubt when paired with societal expectations and the challenges working women face. This is why I truly value programs, like WISA, that recognize women in business. Their efforts bring awareness to these challenges and inspire behaviors that make a significant impact on the workforce. This process has already been an incredibly rewarding experience. It encouraged me to take the time to revisit my journey and acknowledge my accomplishments. It’s easy to lose sight of them between a demanding job and the beautiful chaos that makes up my life. As I went through this process, I felt empowered and started to see more clearly the reasons I should be proud of myself! I advise other women to do the same because nothing is stronger or more driven than a woman who knows her worth.

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I am grateful to be a part of a company that wanted to recognize and validate my efforts. I hope other companies see the benefit of investing in women and I strongly encourage them to participate in programs like WISA. Winning this award is proof that hard work pays off. I consider it both a personal and professional achievement. I hope this award allows me to demonstrate to other women that you can have a successful career and be an outstanding mother. It’s not easy, but you don’t have to make sacrifices in one area to excel in the other. Finally, I would love to see more women in sales roles. Honestly, I never thought I would go into sales, but an opportunity presented itself and here I am ten years later loving it! I wouldn’t be where I am today without the guidance and support from my family, friends, clients, and colleagues. The advice I would give women entering the sales field today, and that I would tell my younger self, is to surround yourself with strong women, always be true to yourself and open to feedback, never hesitate to ask for help, trust your gut, acknowledge your mentors, and spend more time giving back. Never forget that in sales, just as in life, if you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.


Megan Rudolph R EG I O N A L SA L E S M A N AG E R


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Lindsay Turco T E A M M A N AG E R



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Along the way, I didn't ever feel there was a ‘glass ceiling', not that I would have acknowledged it anyway! I haven't and will never let anything get in the way of achieving my ambitions.


hen I heard the news that I was selected as a finalist it was the morning of my Great Grandma’s funeral. Fitting as she’s one of the strongest, independent women I’ve ever met. I was also in the company of others in my family who have helped shaped my outlook on navigating the world as a strong and empowered woman- my mom, dad, and brother- all sharing my level of excitement for the nomination.

I was blown away while reading the email, and still find myself with butterflies when thinking about being considered for such an honourable award. It is truly incredible to be recognized as the Best Woman in Financial Sales for 2019 and to be part of such an elite, driven, successful group of women. When thinking of how I have had such success in my career in just four years, I immediately thought of all of the mentors I have had while working at Huxley Associates and all of the opportunities my company has given me to succeed. I think back to my first year in the company when I found out there was a “Rookie of the Year” award and knowing at that moment that the award would be mine at the end of the year. When it finally came to fruition, it didn’t matter that I was a woman, or that I had less than a year of experience under my belt. It had truly opened my eyes to what I could accomplish. I remember thinking at that moment that nothing could stop me, and to this

day that thought continues to drive me to set and achieve lofty goals. Along the way, I didn’t ever feel there was a ‘glass ceiling’, not that I would have acknowledged it anyway! I haven’t and will never let anything get in the way of achieving my ambitions. I’ve been honoured to have a number of women across the US reach out to me for advice and have always encouraged them to set aside beliefs that limit their ambition, to ask for what you want, and to set high standards for yourself. Moving forward, I will not only continue to reach for my personal aspirations but as a new manager, I will look to share my knowledge so that other woman I have the chance to mentor can move up through the ranks and attain their own success. I will also strive to recommend deserving woman in sales to apply for the WIS Award. It feels truly great to be recognized, and I hope that all the other woman out there working hard every day will get the recognition they deserve.

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The ability to build good relationships, with clients and with my Experian partners has been a critical success factor for me.


hen you choose a career in sales support, you may have done so as you don’t want to be in the spotlight, and that was certainly true for me. Yet here I am as your winner of the Woman in Sales Support for North America! When I was first nominated, I thought how great it was that this award category existed. We are often referred to as the unsung heroes in sales. The selection process for this award has put us front and center, kudos to Women in Sales for creating this opportunity for my group of nominees and finalists. When first I heard that I had made the short list for this prestigious award; I was both very proud yet very humbled. I’m so appreciative of the recognition and especially what our VP had written of me in his nomination submission. It is such a good feeling to be appreciated for the work I do every day across a variety of Experian clients. Sales is a team sport, and I have been lucky to work with some of the absolute best salespeople in North America.


Looking back on my 20 years in sales I can see that I have carved out the best role for me. I have been allowed to be a part of high performing teams with lofty goals. Experian North America is both broad and complicated, so teamwork is critical. There are many, many pieces and parts of our organization that work together to close a sale and implement the project. The sales cycle is nowhere near over when our clients have said yes. We are fortunate to stay involved through implementation, as well as continuing to manage and grow account relationships over time. We are selling our ability to partner with our clients in growing their business. The ability to build good relationships, with clients and with my Experian partners has been a critical success factor for me. This along with an in-depth knowledge of our data, products, and services is why I have been referred to as the “glue” on the team. I’m very proud of this moniker as I can make a difference every day. In my first years at Experian, I was tasked with leading many training sessions for clients and consumers themselves on how to read a credit report. I developed a curriculum that built a foundation for understanding the basics of the report itself, as well as sharing my expertise in all available data and ancillary products. There is no more significant way to learn than to teach. I greatly benefitted as I could

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quickly become an expert. This strong foundational knowledge of our core product then allowed me to branch out to gain additional expertise. Supporting a winning team is a blessing. I am very thankful to the leadership team at Experian for nominating me for this distinguished award and supporting me throughout my thirteen years on board. I encourage other companies to look for these types of opportunities for those that play the support role in your organizations. It has been an enjoyable experience for me, and I want to see others in support roles recognized in this way. One of my favorite things to do is to mentor those starting their careers. The sales support role can be a great place to start if you are interested in sales. You can get your feet wet, and be exposed to many different types of successful salespeople. If you can find a place to work like Experian, where so much is going on every day, then you can have an almost unlimited set of career options ahead. It is fun to challenge those coming up in the ranks to learn by exposure to a variety of clients and internal partners. Thank you again to Women in Sales for offering this opportunity. I do appreciate receiving this award and the recognition of this organization, the judges, as well as my peers and Experian’s leadership. I feel very proud and grateful that you all took your time to make this happen for me.


Mary Cheatham SA L E S ASSO C I AT E I I I


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Erin Stewart SA L E S D I R ECTO R



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I want to ensure that every girl and woman knows that with drive, determination, and confidence you can achieve more than you knew was possible!


earning that I was selected as a finalist in the 2019 WISA Best Woman in Software & Technology Sales category was coupled with a sincere feeling of accomplishment and excitement! I immediately contacted those within my organization that nominated me as they had earned the right to join in the celebration. The nomination and finalist selection were a result of not only my hard work and results but also the organizations, leadership and mentors that I have had the pleasure of working with along the way.

entire career to achieve. I started working at 15 as a server at a local restaurant because I wanted to earn my own money. This was where I learned the importance of communication, upselling, delivering on expectations and not dropping milkshakes into customer’s Coach purses. Next I worked at a local real estate office at the front desk, this was my first exposure to a professional workplace and were I learned that sales was competitive. After that, I sold furniture and realized that every opportunity was important and what a close rate is. I spent the next 10 years in technology sales for a wireless carrier focused on individual sales, leading a team, launching new markets and developing partner channels.

I was as equally excited to share the news with my family. My husband is a constant supporter and enables me to be the working mom that I always dreamed of being. My kids inspire me to set goals and achieve them with persistence. Seeing my daughter and son take on leadership and collaborative roles within their school and sports activities is a constant reminder that they are always watching. My mom showed me that working outside the home and being respected by executives was achievable by women. My dad is an entrepreneur with a dream and still works hard every day to exceed his goals. My sister is a welleducated businesswoman and is inspiring her daughter to dream big! Our family is full of achievers and I am thankful to be surrounded by people who work hard, support and believe in each other.

Eventually I decided that selling to executives making decisions for their organizations rather than to consumers making decisions for themselves and their families was my career path. Unfortunately there were not many leaders willing to take a risk on me moving from consumer to business sales. Fortunately I took a risk and started from the bottom to work my way into a role I knew I was capable of excelling in. Starting in Lead Generation, moving to Sales Support and then earning the right to move into Field Sales. After delivering on my objectives consistently, I was approached by Interactions to join their team. I was excelling and enjoying my current role but knew this was the next step in my career. I was confident that I would succeed at Interactions. Almost three years later, I was nominated for this award and won the category!

Winning the WISA Best Woman in Software & Technology Sales category is an accomplishment I have worked my

Winning this award will enhance my credibility and confidence as I work to empower other girls and women. More

often than not, I am the only female at the table when meeting with executives across the country. The most interesting part is that it does not intimidate me or lessen my ability to take control of the audience, present as a thought leader and collaborate about strategic objectives. Usually it isn’t until after I leave the meeting that I realize how powerful that last hour was. I want to ensure that every girl and woman knows that with drive, determination, and confidence you can achieve more than you knew was possible! Interactions should absolutely nominate other women for the awards next year. While this has been a great experience for myself, Interactions has benefited as well. By recognizing women in the company for their efforts and achievements this has created a positive energy within the organization leading to more collaboration, support and communication with colleagues than ever before! If you are considering submitting a nomination for an overachiever in your organization, I would suggest moving forward and not with just one.. but a few deserving women. Participating in the awards has been an eye opening experience. After years of dedicated work towards advancing my career I have earned awards that showcase my ability to do things that have not been done before; Fastest Ramp to First Win, Shortest Sales Cycle, Most Efficient POD. However, I have never been asked to take time to reflect on how I got to where I am and the challenges I have overcome. Through this process I have a new appreciation for my story and am now inspired to use it as a way to bring excitement and empowerment to others, thank you WISA.

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We are the faces of inspiration for women yet to rise and pioneer their own accomplishments.


mbracing the unconventional is a key pillar to what drives success, especially in the world of Inside Sales at the leading international logistics company, DHL Express. Whether it’s waking up at 3:00 AM to push the UK branch to deliver band merchandise hours before their concert or navigating through US customs’ entire phone tree to release Ecuadorian beans for a National Press Event, I’m well-versed in finding unique solutions to deliver packages across the world in mere days. I believe this statement also applies to the Women in Sales Awards and its supporting organizations. As many of the other finalists know, being a woman in a heavily male-dominated industry is crucial to not only push higher, but also


lead by example and bring our fellow women up with us. We are the faces of inspiration for women yet to rise and pioneer their own accomplishments. For myself, I was the first woman at DHL USA in Inside Sales to win top 100 salespeople across the globe, but I certainly hope I’m not the last. My goal is to continuously coach my female peers on both a technical and social level to win, as a woman in sales comes with its own challenges. Earning this global title at DHL USA, being announced as a finalist for WISA, and now finally being selected as a winner for the WISA awards are all my proudest career moments to date. It sounds cliche, but our one female trainee was the one who first notified and congratulated me when the shortlist came out. My next immediate reaction was to reach out to my mother. She is undoubtedly my own inspiration as she worked in the engineering industry: an industry even more male-dominated than logistics. Early on in her own career, my mother led a production R&D trial at a manufacturing plant where the plant manager refused to acknowledge her position and leadership. He held very outdated views about a woman’s role in the workforce and ignored her when

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she asked him questions. Instead, he directed his answers to my mother’s male assistant even though she was clearly the lead. It wasn’t until her trial proved successful in providing direct cost savings to the plant that he finally started treating her with equal respect. Today, my mother now oversees a precision manufacturing company as Vice President. Her story is one of thousands that serve as inspiration for how much women can accomplish, even when facing unfavorable odds. Because of her, I am inspired to strive upward and challenge myself to the best of my abilities. The WISA award undoubtedly increased my momentum towards this goal. Who knows? Perhaps I’ll be CEO one day and I’ll be one of the executives offering mentorship to one of the WISA awardees. With that being said, I encourage DHL Express and other companies to continue to nominate the women leading and succeeding in their industries. From personal experience, learning about so many other successful women is empowering, and my hope is that I too can help be a catalyst and role model for those who do not have a strong female figure in their lives to look up to yet.


Kristen Kagiyama I N S I D E SA L E S E X EC U T I V E


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Katherine Berry I N S I D E SA L E S R E P R E S E N TAT I V E , E X P E R I E N C E C LO U D


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I see time and time again the unique value a saleswoman can bring to a predominantly male team. When it comes time to sell into cosmetics companies, women’s retail companies, and lifestyle brands, the perspective and contributions of women become particularly important.

encouraging and inclusive he was, and thus began my career in SaaS sales.


f you had told me three years ago that I would be a Women In Sales Awards Winner, I would not have believed you. First because I never pictured myself in sales, and second because I would not have expected to be recognized so soon in my career. Sales didn’t present itself as a career path for me until Adobe came to campus. The very manager that nominated me for this award impressed me with how

I hope this award provides visibility for young women who never imagined a career in sales. Representation matters. It matters that you see people that look like you on TV, and it matters that young women see peers and mentors pursuing sales as a profession. I’m proud to represent sales newcomers and welcome a new wave of women into sales. While I’m lucky to work with many talented women at my level, going up the ranks, I see so few female Directors, AVPs, and VPs. It was so motivating to read the stories of the female sales leaders nominated for these Women In Sales Awards. I see time and time again the unique value a saleswoman can bring to a predominantly male team. When it comes time to sell into cosmetics companies, women’s retail companies, and lifestyle brands, the perspective and contributions of women

become particularly important. If sales is all about speaking in the customer’s language, we need a diverse sales team to inform us what that language should sound like. Further, as a young woman in the workplace, I recognize the helpful viewpoint of millennials in sales cycles. I fondly remember being the only millennial in an on-site meeting where the CEO suddenly pivoted the conversation to influencers and social media strategy. Being a social media native, I was the only one in the room able to articulate how Adobe could fit into their social media vision and truly add value to that conversation. I’m thankful to win Best Sales Newcomer and am excited to receive the opportunity to shadow a sales executive as part of this award. These are the kinds of meaningful connections that will launch more women into management. I can only hope that I will enter those leadership positions as well.

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I believe my peers would agree that I have a strong go-getting personality and I can only hope that I am a great role model to other women, leading by example.


ow! My exact response when I opened the email that revealed I was a 2019 WISA finalist for ‘Pharma Sales’. I immediately reached out to a fellow colleague from Ipsen, who was a finalist as well, and we celebrated and high fived one another over the phone. I then notified my husband Paul, and my parents, who have always been my number one fans in everything I’ve ever done. Almost as immediate, I thanked my Regional Business Manager for nominating me and believing that I belonged in such a prestigious category as “Best Woman in Pharma Sales”, a true honor. Next, I took a moment to reflect on what this meant to me. I reflected on all the leaders, mentors, managers, and colleagues that have been an integral part of my success; those who projected a powerful influence and modeled for me the standards of excellence I try diligently to adhere to as a saleswoman for Ipsen.


Introspectively this nomination has reminded me of days past and my very first job out of college; advertising sales, selling yellow page ads (a thing of the past,) and how it gave me the foundation for sales, importance of building relationships, all the while developing some true Grit, which has served me well both in my professional and personal life. After 2 years in the advertising industry, having my abilities tested, refining time management skills, and gaining a level of self-confidence that led to a new mindset: I wanted more! Along with my passion for helping people and health, I entered the pharmaceutical world where I have been the last 12 years. Over this time, not only have I learned about multiple disease states, worked for different companies, and covered different geographies, I have also grown with each experience, product, team, and year. Especially over the last 2.5 years working in the oncology space at Ipsen. My drive and commitment for helping cancer patients and providing hope has fueled my passion for sales and people like never before. The education my industry has presented me is continuous and I pride myself in being an intentional learner. I have been enabled and coached by peers and colleagues who inspire me and demonstrate evidence of respect by valuing my input in collaborative matters. Ipsen has been an incredible company to work for and I’m honored to be a part of a company whose values and visions align with my own.

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Not only is being a successful woman in sales my goal, but elevating other women around me. I’m proud to have been a founding member of our Women’s resource group at Ipsen called Elevate. As the chair person of this group it has been a phenomenal way to empower other women while reciprocally being empowered by other women within the Ipsen organization. It has allowed me opportunities for exposure and growth as well as creating the first employee resource group at our company. I hope that this group keeps women at my company not only wanting, but feeling like they can have a seat at the table, able and capable to achieve anything they set their minds too. I believe my peers would agree that I have a strong go-getting personality and I can only hope that I am a great role model to other women, leading by example. It is important to me and my goal to be exceptional in my role as a daughter, wife, friend, and colleague, and in my calling as an employee, teammate, citizen and woman. Being a part of this elite group of Women in sales is a true honor, humbling, and something that will forever be a major highlight in my Pharmaceutical Career. I’m grateful and so incredibly thankful for everyone that has contributed to my development and success. I can only hope to continue having a positive impact on all women around me. “Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”


Andi Bortoletto O N C O LO GY SA L E S S P EC I A L I ST


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Lauren Cooney S E N I O R E X EC U T I V E C O N SU LTA N T


M A D I SO N B L AC K ( Sthree)

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Being recognized made me realize how far I’d really come; that all of the hard work, long hours and roller coaster ride had been a slow uphill battle that landed me in a place of success.

W hen my VP, Joseph Amanna, told me that he had nominated me, I was very humbled and proud. I honestly didn’t expect to be nominated, yet alone be a finalist. So when I found out through an email from my colleague congratulating me, it was a feeling of immense gratitude.

I was surprised how much being nominated and winning this award meant to me. Of course it’s always a great feeling to be recognized, but as I reflected I realized being recognized made me take stock in the path I had travelled. I came into my current role with no sales experience, I had been running my own business as a yoga teacher. When I started out, I was building out a new market from scratch which came with a lot of hard ups and downs. Being recognized made me realize how far I’d really come; that all of the hard work, long hours and roller coaster ride had been a slow uphill battle that landed me in a place of success. I 100% believe in the quote “Success is never owned; it is only rented, and the rent is due every day!” (Rory Vaden) and it’s encouraged me to keep paying the rent every day, month and year. Speaking of paying, I believe in paying it forward. As I’m sure many females

know, it’s not always the easiest forging forward in a sales environment. I’m forever grateful to my manager Kara Ramlogan for being an amazing role model of what it means to be a successful woman in sales. As well as my mentor and VP Joseph Amanna for encouraging and supporting not only me but so many amazing women in our business which has created an inclusive, supportive and diverse culture. It’s my commitment to try and embody what they both gave to me, to lead by example and give my time freely as a mentor to show other women what is possible. I am very grateful to the WISA experience. Giving recognition to successful women, gives other females an example that they too can achieve the same things. If a company is considering participating in WISA next year, I’d say do it! It is a great way to recognize female talent and encourage other employees to follow in their footsteps.

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I plan to use my win to help other women in my company by evangelizing the message around mentoring and the impact it has on one’s career – not only the upward mobility, but the intangibles like meaningfulness, presence and job satisfaction.


n ear-toear grin and butterflies in my stomach as I sipped a latte – I was both surprised and thrilled to read that I was selected as a finalist for Best Sales Mentor in the 2019 Women in Sales Awards. After taking a deep breath of the distinctly scented air at coffee shop near my office, my feelings of excitement transitioned immediately to gratitude. It’s because of the mentors I’ve been fortunate enough to have throughout my career that I had the honor.


The mentoring category is unique and an excellent step toward highlighting this fundamental part of a successful sales career. Having won in my category humbles me, while at the same time inspires me to motivate other sales leaders to become mentors. Early in my career I didn’t necessarily know I was being mentored. However, looking back I realize my success was in lock-step with the coaching and professional guidance I received. I plan to use my win to help other women in my company by evangelizing the message around mentoring and the impact it has on one’s career – not only the upward mobility, but the intangibles like meaningfulness, presence and job satisfaction. I will be the catalyst for this through The Refinitiv Womens Network, which I chair at the local level in San Francisco. The first step is to get the mentoring message out there as one of the network’s tenets. The

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second is to initiate a formal program for matching mentees to mentors, which I aim to launch by the end of the year. My experience taking part in the awards has been incredible. The exposure to diverse, talented, passionate women is inspiring. As a mother of two young daughters, it’s encouraging to see other female sales professionals in the same boat – managing a career, a family and their own well-being. It’s important for our colleagues (and our children) to have role-models like this. My company’s involvement in this event shows their commitment to women in business, recognizing and celebrating talent, which motivates the next generation of leaders. Thank you Refinitiv and a huge applause to the WISA organizers, judges and founders for recognizing and celebrating women in sales across the spectrum of success. Bravo!


Katie Parson D I R ECTO R O F AC C O U N T M A N AG E M E N T, W E ST


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5 Tips

for Successful Self-Promotion: Body Language and Words That Work By SHARON MELNICK, Ph.D, Executive Coach sharonmelnick.com


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In order to advance in your career, other people need to know about what you have done and what you can do for them and the organization. Most women have been given messages by their family or community that they are “too much” and they should keep themselves “small” in order to not make others uncomfortable with their passions. Because of these attitudes, promoting yourself can seem awkward – as if you are going against everything you’ve been taught. Here are five tips for successful self-promotion.

OWN YOUR OUTREACH PLAN SHIFT FROM BRAGGING TO BRIEFING Start by asking yourself, what is the difference you want to make in the world? Whom do you want to help and how do you want to help them? For some examples, maybe you want to heal your patients, help your clients have more financial security, help your community be safe, or be a role model for family members. Self-promotion is not about bragging; it’s about briefing. It’s about educating senior leaders, manager, or prospects to know what you can do for them. Shift from putting attention on you to bringing attention to the contribution you can make to others. If it feels awkward to talk about what you’ve done directly, then tell a before and after story of someone you helped. Once people know how you can help them and their cause, they will want to support your work and help you achieve your mission. Self-promotion thus becomes helping them to help you fulfil your purpose and mission.

AVOID “UPSPEAK” AND FILLER PHRASES Start to become aware of “filler phrases” that might have crept into your language, such as “know what I mean?” or “like.” Similarly, be aware if you are using upspeak (which occurs when you have a higher intonation at the end of a statement). It makes your statement sound like a question, as if you are unsure of what you’re saying. (How would you know if you are doing this? Get feedback from your Manager or from a confidante or hitting the record button on your smartphone).

Identify what the perception is that is needed of you and which decision makers need to have that perception. That will determine who needs to know about you and your abilities in order for them to support you achieving your next level. Is there a specific decision maker for a promotion? Are there people in another department or group that aren’t aware of the contributions you’ve made? Make an outreach plan for decision makers you want to know about you. Set aside an hour every week to connect with influencers in your organization so you are cultivating relationships with decision makers. To reach senior leaders, get on their calendar. Ask them about their most important initiatives and look for a bridge between the work you are currently doing and how you could contribute to their function (or overall to the company).


INSPIRE OTHER WOMEN WITH YOUR SELFPROMOTION You might be worried that by you talking about your accomplishments it will make other women feel bad about themselves. Here’s where a woman’s level of confidence matters. If you are insecure, talking about your accomplishments comes across as trying to prove you are good enough. In contrast, when you are secure in yourself, sharing your wins creates excitement and inspiration that pulls others up. Second, as a woman, you want to learn to brag! The more each woman becomes comfortable sharing her gifts and accomplishments, the more we can change organizational culture so that all women are free to shine and have their wins recorded. In this way, think of bragging as playing your part in changing the world!

If you have taken in others’ messages to not draw attention to yourself, you may unknowingly do body postures that constrict the space you take up. Know that your body language and tone are already communicating on the outside what you feel inside. Think of the words that would describe how you want to show up in any interaction. Do you want to be confident and influential? Have a posture that conveys that. If you are sitting in a chair, take a deep calming breath in to relax and help you feel more expansive. Then sit up in your chair, with your shoulders back and your head high. Have an open stance with your arms unfolded and leaning in toward the meeting table. This posture will convey your ease and engagement. W O M E N I N S A L E S AWA R D S / N O R T H A M E R I C A / J U N E 2 0 1 9



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Body Language Tips to Increase Sales By CAROL KINSEY GOMAN, PH.D, Carol is the creator of LinkedIn Learning’s 2016, 2017, and 2018 most popular video course: "Body Language for Leaders." Carol@CarolKinseyGoman.com https://CarolKinseyGoman.com

In preparing for a presentation to your customers or clients, it’s important to focus on what you are going to say, to memorize crucial points, and to rehearse those key messages so that you come across as credible and convincing. This is, of course, something you already know. But did you also know that the people you’re hoping to influence will be subliminally evaluating your credibility, confidence, empathy, and trustworthiness – and that their evaluation will be only partially determined by what you say? Did you know that your use of personal space, physical gestures, posture, facial expressions, and eye contact will enhance, support, weaken, or even sabotage your message? W O M E N I N S A L E S AWA R D S / N O R T H A M E R I C A / J U N E 2 0 1 9


ADJUST YOUR ATTITUDE People pick up your attitude instantly. Before you greet a client, (or enter the conference room for a business meeting, or step onstage to make a presentation) think about the situation and make a conscious choice about the attitude you want to embody.

SMILE Smiling is a positive signal that is underused in the workplace. A smile is an invitation, a sign of welcome and inclusion. It says, “I’m friendly and approachable.”


If you are a salesperson (and all of us are) here are four crucial things to remember about the impact of your body language.

1. YOU MAKE AN IMPRESSION IN LESS THAN SEVEN SECONDS In all business interactions (and especially in sales) first impressions are crucial. Once someone mentally labels you as “trustworthy” or “suspicious,” “powerful” or “submissive,” everything else you do will be viewed through such a filter. If someone likes you, she’ll look for the best in you. If she mistrusts you, she’ll suspect all of your actions. While you can’t stop people from making snap decisions – the human brain is hardwired in this way as a survival mechanism – you can understand how to make those decisions work in your favour. First impressions are made in just a few seconds and are heavily influenced by your body language. In fact, studies have found that nonverbal cues have over four times the impact on the impression you make than anything you say. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:


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Looking at someone’s eyes transmits energy and indicates interest and openness. (To improve your eye contact, make a practice of noticing the eye color of everyone you meet.)

LEAN IN SLIGHTLY Leaning forward shows you’re engaged and interested. But be respectful of the other person’s space. That means, in most business situations, stay about two feet away.

SHAKE HANDS This is the quickest way to establish rapport. It’s also the most effective. Research shows it takes an average of three hours of continuous interaction to develop the same level of rapport that you can get with a single handshake. ( Just make sure you have palm-to-palm contact and that your grip is firm but not bone-crushing.)

To use gestures effectively, you need to be aware of how your movements will most likely be perceived. Here are four common hand gestures and the messages behind them:

HIDDEN HANDS Hidden hands (held behind your back, in your pockets, of beneath the conference table) make you look less trustworthy. This is one of the nonverbal signals that is deeply ingrained in our subconscious. Our ancestors made survival decisions based solely on bits of visual information they picked up from one another. In our prehistory, when someone approached with hands out of view, it was a signal of potential danger. Although today the threat of hidden hands is more symbolic than real, our ingrained psychological discomfort remains.

FINGER POINTING I’ve often seen sales managers use this gesture in meetings, negotiations, or interviews for emphasis or to show dominance. The problem is that aggressive finger pointing can suggest that the manager is losing control of the situation – and the gesture smacks of parental scolding or playground bullying.

ENTHUSIASTIC GESTURES There is an interesting equation of hand and arm movement with energy. If you want to project more enthusiasm and drive, you can do so by increased gesturing. On the other hand, overgesturing (especially when hands are raised above the shoulders) can make you appear erratic, less credible, and less competent.

GROUNDED GESTURES If you are standing while presenting, remember that arms held at waist height, and gestures within that horizontal plane, help you - and the audience - feel centered and composed. Arms at waist and bent to a 45-degree angle (accompanied by a stance about shoulderwidth wide) will also help you keep grounded, energized, and focused.

2. WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU TALK WITH YOUR HANDS Have you ever noticed that when people are passionate about what they’re saying, their gestures automatically become more animated? Their hands and arms move about, emphasizing points and conveying enthusiasm. You may not have been aware of this connection before, but you instinctively felt it. Research shows that audiences tend to view people who use a greater variety of gestures in a more favorable light. Studies also find that people who communicate through active gesturing tend to be evaluated as warm, agreeable, and energetic, while those who remain still (or whose gestures seem mechanical or “wooden”) are seen as logical, cold, and analytic.

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3. YOUR CREDIBILITY DEPENDS ON VERBALNONVERBAL ALIGNMENT Credibility is established through a perfect alignment between what is being said and the body language that accompanies it. If your nonverbals are not in full congruence with your spoken message, people subconsciously perceive duplicity, uncertainty, or (at the very least) internal conflict.


Elements of Personal Communication

Neuroscientists at Colgate University study the effects of gestures by using an electroencephalograph (EEG) machines to measure “event related potentials” – brain waves that form peaks and valleys. One of these valleys occurs when subjects are shown gestures that contradict what’s spoken. This is the same brain wave dip that occurs when people listen to nonsensical language. Whenever your body language doesn’t match your words (for example, dropping eye contact and glancing around the room while trying to convey candor, rocking back on heels when talking about the product’s solid performance, or folding arms across chest while declaring openness) your verbal message is lost.

4. IF YOU DON’T READ BODY LANGUAGE, YOU ARE MISSING HALF THE CONVERSATION Peter Drucker, the renowned management consultant, understood this clearly. “The most important thing in communication,” he once said, “is hearing what isn’t said.” When you don’t pay attention to your clients’ body language, you miss crucial elements that can positively or negatively impact a business deal. When people aren’t completely onboard with a proposal, you need to be able to recognize what’s happening – and to respond quickly. That’s why engagement and disengagement are two of the most important signals for salespeople to monitor. Engagement behaviors indicate interest, receptivity, or agreement while disengagement behaviors signal boredom, anger, or defensiveness. Engagement signals include head nods or tilts (the universal sign of “giving someone your ear”), and open-body postures. When people are engaged, they will face you directly, “pointing” at you with their whole body. However, the instant they feel uncomfortable, they may angle their







Most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting about three seconds, but when we like or agree with someone, we automatically increase the amount of time we look into his or her eyes.

upper body away – giving you “the cold shoulder.” And if they sit through the entire meeting with arms and legs tightly crossed, it’s very unlikely you’ll get their buy-in. Also, monitor the amount of eye contact you’re getting. In general, people tend to look longer and with more frequency at people or objects they like. Most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting about three seconds, but when we like or agree with someone, we automatically increase the amount of time we look into his or her eyes. Disengagement triggers the opposite: the amount of eye contact decreases, as we tend to look away from things that distress or bore us.

Great salespeople sit, stand, walk, and gesture in ways that exude confidence, competence, and status. They also send nonverbal signals of warmth and empathy – especially powerful for building trust. And they stay alert for nonverbal cues that can help them track the effectiveness of their presentation. Top salespeople use their body language savvy to bond with clients, present ideas with added credibility, deepen relationships, read the true intentions of their negotiation partners, and project their personal brand of charisma. That’s a powerful set of skills for any sales professional to develop.

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It’s Appraisal Time: What Works, What Doesn’t! By RINA GOLDENBERG LYNCH, CEO, Voice At The Table, voiceatthetable.com

Appraisals: a necessary evil, which, if you play your cards right, may give you a slightly bigger slice when the bosses carve up the bonus pot.


es, a cynical but not completely unfounded view of the annual appraisal system - a system which at its worst can be a demotivating and unpleasant experience for everyone. It should be very different: a way of improving rather than judging individual performance. One thing it should never be is a surprise. The annual chat with your line manager is not the place to hear for the very first time how well – or not so well – he or she feels you have done over the last twelve months. On a personal level, I regard it as a major perk of running my own company that I no longer have appraisals. I used to find them demotivating and selfserving, a process needed in order to justify management decisions rather than being a development tool. I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I used to, so I’ve sought out and collated what I think are a few simple best practice


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techniques used by the most enlightened managers. I hope adopting these methods makes me a better manager, and also fosters a culture in which my colleagues feel able to give me open and honest feedback. In that way, hopefully, everyone continues to develop and improve. Isn’t that, after all, the whole point of appraisals? And, what’s more, it’s good for business. Many organisations have already shifted to systems that acknowledge individual performance and development needs. The only thing remaining now is to cultivate a work culture that supports these behaviours – it’s no good if it’s all just a paper exercise. An inclusive culture of mutual respect - a team culture that values our individual differences and experiences and encourages us to utilise them as part of our working lives - will make appraisals and giving and receiving constructive feedback a routine matter to be seen as a genuine, wellrounded aim to grow and develop. We need to take the fear out of feedback.

Don’ts: Don’t wait all year (or even half a year) to give and ask for feedback. It’s never pleasant to be caught unawares with comments about things that happened months before. Equally, waiting until the formal appraisal to give praise feels like a wasted opportunity to capitalise on goodwill and momentum.

Don’t measure people on a bell curve. Putting everyone into one basket for the sake of ease of processing does nothing for motivation or commitment. Instead, it pitches people against each other, knowing that a good review depends on manipulating the system to cherry pick and reward those destined for greatness.

Don’t become a slave to numeric Key Performance Indicators. Yes, objectives are important, but numbers never tell the whole story. Instead, focus on the narrative and heed words rather than numbers.

Don’t focus on the negative it’s enough that we have the tendency to do that for ourselves. Focusing on what’s not working and should be improved brings out people’s insecurities and can force us into a fight or flight instinct that creates a negative association with appraisals and work. Instead, try a ratio of 3 or 4 positive messages to 1 stretch goal. Teams that have positive reinforcement like this have been shown to excel at work.

Don’t make it all about the bonus or the promotion. It’s enough that we already think that appraisals are used as tools to identify how to slice up the pie between the team. Yet there are many reasons to have honest and open feedback conversations that can improve morale, performance, the direction of the team and indeed management issues.

Do’s: Do instil a culture of openness and non-judgment in the team. This encourages people to share feedback with each other frequently and grow not only closer as a team but also as individuals.

As a manager, encourage open feedback on your own performance at the end of each project. Embrace feedback as a form of well-intentioned learning points rather than a personal affront and learn to take yourself less seriously – we all have room for improvement, even as leaders.

Consider introducing individual development plans. Objectives that are based on the strengths of the individual performer, setting goals that continue to develop team members as professionals, regardless of how they compare to others on the team. This will ensure the team continues to improve and work together.

Focus on strengths. Each of us has preferences and behaviours that give us energy. When we do the things we’re good at, we bring our best to the fore. Find out what that is in every team member and help each person to work to their strengths. If they’re great at analysing data and spreadsheets, let them be the go-to person for that. If they’re a wonderful people person, let them be the person who looks after the bonding side of the team. Look out for how each individual can enrich the team and perform to their best individual abilities.

Use appraisal time wisely. Identify the purpose for the entire team and give consistent messages. Use this time to explain how each individual role fits into the bigger strategy of the team and ask - not tell - how each individual can contribute to help the entire team succeed. Give each team member the respect and professional trust they deserve by acknowledging them as a valued contributor and use the opportunity to hear what they think about their role, their fit within the bigger picture, their future plans and aspirations and the direction of travel of the team, as they see it. In other words, use appraisals as an opportunity to learn and to bond. W O M E N I N S A L E S AWA R D S / N O R T H A M E R I C A / J U N E 2 0 1 9


How Do You Set Up Your Sales Enablement Team for Success? By TAMARA SCHENK, Research Director, CSOInsights.com, @tamaraschenk

If you are in a sales enablement role, you probably provide a lot of enablement services for your target audiences. Those services likely include various training services, customer-facing and internal content, some sales coaching and various sales tools.


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Prerequisite Make an inventory of your enablement services. Assess what exists and where, and define enablement service types such as white paper, playbook or case study for content and skills training, value messaging training, etc. for training services. HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE THAT THE PRODUCTION OF YOUR ENABLEMENT SERVICES ENSURES QUALITY, EFFICIENCY AND SCALABILITY?

How do you feel when facing a deadline for your new onboarding program or product launch? Do you have all of your ducks in a row? Does everyone involved know what to do and when? Do they know their roles and responsibilities along the process of creating, say, a new playbook or value messaging training service? Are all of the steps that have to be taken based on some sort of enablement production process everyone is following? Or do you feel nervous, spending most of your time convincing your peers in other functions that your enablement tasks are top priority and have to be done in between to meet the deadline? Let’s look at some data:

only 25% of organizations have some sort of production process for their sales enablement services in place.

only 38.9% of organizations have their cross-functional collaboration efforts formalized, which means they have at least defined the responsible roles per sales enablement service type. Most enablement leaders possess the skills to “get things done,” and they are often admired for that. If you thrive on being the master of chaos and enjoy reinventing the wheel every time, I get that. But I have to tell you that those ad hoc approaches are not in the best interest of your role and your organization’s sales performance, because how you approach cross-functional collaboration and the production of your enablement services does matter. Organizations that follow a formal production process for their enablement services ensure more

Collaboration Define roles per enablement type. Using the orchestrating role of sales enablement, invite your peers from contributing functions such as product management, marketing, sales operations, etc. to discuss who is responsible, who is accountable per enablement type, and what roles need to be consulted and informed. As an example, marketing is accountable and responsible for the content type “reference,” the account executive is probably the role to be consulted, and sales enablement and legal are the roles to be informed.

Process Define the steps from definition to tracking results. Such a process does not need to be complicated. It’s about getting everyone on the same page re: phases that begin with defining and designing the enablement services, then it’s about creating and localizing it, then it’s about providing and publishing it, and then it’s about tracking and measuring the impact.

Connect the dots between collaboration model and process. Now it’s only a final step to connect the collaboration model to the production process, and the foundation for an efficient, consistent and scalable production of enablement services is established.

consistency, better quality, better scalability – and better results. They set themselves up for better performance. The 25% of organizations that follow some sort of formal production process achieve win rates for forecast deals of 54.5%, which is 5 points better than the study’s average of 49.5%.

the 27.2% of organizations that produce their enablement services in an ad hoc manner, without any process in place, must not be underestimated: win rates were 43.5%, which is 6 points below the study’s average. We saw similar results regarding a formalized collaboration approach. Organizations that define the responsible and accountable roles for each sales enablement service show slightly better productivity. Ideally, they also have defined what roles should be consulted or informed.


Often, these inner workings are not considered at all, simply because they are not visible. And because they are not visible, people assume that they don’t matter. But as the data shows, that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not enough that enablement teams are proud to get everything done, in whatever way and with lots of effort. Imagine that the leadership team acquires a new company or changes the strategic direction in a significant way, and the enablement team is forced to scale its services. Then, the ad hoc model is about to crash, and stakeholders’ expectations cannot be met. But an implemented production process connected to a formalized collaboration model can scale and ensure the expected consistency and quality.

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CHRISTINE CORELLI is an internationally renowned keynote speaker and workshop facilitator with a no-nonsense, cut to the chase approach to public speaking, training, and management consulting. In any venue, hers is a voice to be reckoned with – in more ways than one...

Christine is the author of six business books including the best selling, “Wake Up and Smell the Competition.” Her presentations, books, and articles provide intriguing case studies, tangible ideas, and valuable take-away information on vital business topics.


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