Easton’s Beach
Location: 175 Memorial Blvd, Newport, RI 02840 Site 1. 55.44 | Site 2. 147.8 Acres: Spring 2016 Term: Software: Vectorworks, Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop
The causeway connecting Newport to Middletown is a vital roadway protecting the reservoir. To preserve Rhode Island’s maritime history and identity as the ocean state a conceptual design of artwork and educational visuals are placed to inform the community.
Rain affects the moat surrounding Easton’s Pond that leads to contaminants polluting the Atlantic ocean. This rising issue causes beach closers on average 13 times a year.
Prevailing winds coming from the northwest and southwest pass over a relatively flat site where there’s full exposure to the elements.
Embracing Newport
Ecology and Habitat
Park Activation in Amenities
Aquatic Center
A. Master Plan B. A-A Section C. B-B Section
B’ A’
The paving pattern flowing across the landscape resembles that of moving water as people traverse across from one destination to another.
B’ A’
Embracing Newport Connecting Rhode Island’s maritime history to Newport’s culture as a coastal town is a vital resource that needs to be embraced. A virtual time line of events is arrayed from the first pilgrims meeting the native Americans in 1635 to Newport’s famous yacht races. People viewing these projected images will visualize the cultural of Newport as they walk from one time period to the next.
Ecology and Habitat The public can utilize Easton’s pond that will encompass floating pools for those who want to sun bath or swim.
Easton’s pond promotes an interactive environment for people and bikers to traverse across. The floating trails connects the north end of the site to the oceanfront where pedestrians can park their vehicles and access the beach by a sky bridge. The public can be educated on the use of aquaponic systems that clean Easton’s pond and provides nutrients to the aquatic specimen. They will learn how aquaponic systems work and how increase- oxygen levels causing less algae blooms. The exposure of Easton’s pond makes this location ideal to receive wind from any direction. The wind turbines will optimize the flow of cross winds prevailing from the south and northwest.
Floating Aquaponic System
Park Activation in Amenities
The profile of the site is to resemble the shape of a terrace garden, increasing in elevation every 5’ feet above existing grade. The new causeway is design to keep water back without interrupting the flow of traffic. As sea level increases within the next 25- 50 year the elevation of the thruway keeps water at bay.
A-A Section
In 50 years the projected sea level rise will be 7-9’ feet higher, inundating the beach along with existing structures. However the roadway designed with a shared bike lane will be converted into a 2-way travel lane for incoming and out going traffic. Bikers will be redirected to use the floating trails on the pond to commute to their destination. This strategy allows planners and engineers to advise a better plan to keep water at bay when theres more advance technology available.
Floating Trail
Slope of Median 4’ + Elevation
Stair Seawall + 5’ Elevation
Aquatic Center The new elevated facilities will meet LEED and FEMA certifications. Offering views of the Atlantic ocean and access to an exterior deck for public enjoyment. These buildings provide public access to restrooms, information and education about sea level rise related to Rhode Island. A new aquatic center in replacement of the last structure will informs visitors about the ocean and other aquatic animals with the display of fish.
Green roof (extensive)
Skybridge The skybridge is an alternate way for the public to access the beach without disrupting the flow of traffic. The bridge is the link that connects additional parking north of the pond to the beach. May be used as a viewing station after a severe storm events or once the beach is no longer accessible. Atrium
B - B Section
Aquatic Center Phase 1 - Within the next 25 years sea level rise will be 3’- 5’ higher then today.
Roof Runoff will be directed to the adjacent rain gardens.
The Beach Shack
Phase 2 - Within 25- 50 year storm event sea level rise will be 7-9’ feet inundating the causeway.
Phase 3 - Within 50 - 100 year storm event access to the beach will be submerge.