Certificate of Registration Auditor Number: 175007
Alcumus ISOQAR Limited (an accredited certification body 0026) certifies that, having conducted an audit For the scope of activities: Including voluntary modules of: Exclusions from Scope: Product Categories:
The manufacture of maize grits and flour corn for industrial supply packed in multi-layer paper bags with poly-liner. N/A N/A 15
At DEMAR PLUS Ltd, Chkalova St.11,18011 Cherkassy, Ukraine BRC Site Code: 1012636 Has achieved Grade:
AA Meets the requirements set out in the BRC GLOBAL STANDARD for FOOD SAFETY, ISSUE 8: February 2019
Audit programme: Date(s) of audit: Certificate issue date: Re-audit due date: Certificate Expiry date:
1-3 December 2020 25 January 2021 from 3 November to 1 December 2021 12 January 2022
Authorised by: Steve Stubley, Technical Director
Certificate number:16696BRF001
This certificate remains the property of Alcumus ISOQAR Limited. If you would like to feedback comments to the BRC Global Standard or the audit process directly to BRC Global Standards, please contact TellUs@brcglobalstandards.com or tel: +44(0)20 3931 8148. To verify certificate validity, please visit www.brcdirectory.com
ISOQAR CEE Sp. z o.o. ul. Wąwozowa 11, 02-796 Warszawa T: +48 22 649 76 64 F: +48 22 349 95 62 E: isoqar@isoqar.pl W: www.isoqar.pl (Polska) Alcumus ISOQAR Limited, Alcumus Certification, Cobra Court, 1 Blackmore Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0QY. T: 0161 865 3699 F: 0 161 865 3685 E: isoqarenquires@alcumusgroup.com W: www.alcumusgroup.com/isoqar This certificate is the property of ISOQAR and must be returned on request.