CERTIFIGATE Body on Gertification of management systems SE "Gherkasystandartmetrologiia"n certifies that
Nameand addressof the legal entity:
Limited Liability Company .' ROUND CRACKNELPRODUCTSCOMBiNE;' (LLC "RCPC") Registered address:33 Transportna str.,Vatutine,Cherkasyregion,zpz6;,Ukraine, USREOUcode39398625 regardingproduction bakery products: spice-cakes,ring-shapedcranknels, bread stick products, biscuits,cakes (DKPPcodes 10.12.12,10.72.19, category of food chain G, subcategory CIV) conforms to the requirementsof
ISO 22000=2005 CertificateNs UA 80087.010-17_CyEXn In the Registerof the Bodyon certificationof managementsystems registered" 10 " of July 2017 vafiduntil" 09 "of July2020
Deputy Director of SE
StateEnterprise"Cherkasy Metrologyand
V. Shvetsov
Center of Standardization. "(SE" Cherkasystandartmetrologiia',)
2ZBGogotiastr.,Cherkasy,1BOO2, let.(0472)+S_21_Zg, certificateof Accreditation Ns80087 dated24.01.2017 vatidunttt27.o}.2o20. ssuedby the NationalAccreditation Agencyof Ukraine The validityof the certificatecan be verifiedby the phone (+380472)4S_73_7g