Сертифікат КБВ

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GERTIFICATE Body on Gertification of management systems SE "Gherkasystandartmetrologiia", certifies that

Nameand addressof the legal entity:

Limited LiabilitYComPanY '' ROUNDCRACKNELPRODUCTSCOMBINE'' (LLC "RCPC") str.,Vatutine,Cherkasyregion,20250,Ukraine, address:33 Transportna Registered USREOUcode39398625 regardingProduction

cranknels,bread kes,ring-shaped bakeryproducts: spice-ca ;ll"Ifl:::H:=J

(DKPPcodes 10.72.12,10-72-191 conforms to the requirementsof

ISO 9001i20't5 CertificateNsUA 80087.018-17-Cyfl In the Registerof the Bodyon certificationof managementsystems registered" 10 " of JulY2017 valid until" 09 "of JulY2020

Deputy Director of SE "Cherkasysta

V. Shvetsov


Center of Standardization,

") "(SE"Cherkasystandartmetrologiia 18002,tel-(O472)45-73-79, 278 Gogoliastr.,Gherkasy, validunti|27.08.2020, l& 80087dated24.01.2017 of Accreditation Certificate Agencyof Ukraine issuedby the NationalAccreditation Metrologyand

The vafidityof the certificatecan be verifiedby the phone (+80472) 45-73-79

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