Dominic Whitaker GD Portfolio

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Dominic Whitaker Graphic Design Portfolio

Table of Con

Blackwood Bourbon 6 Season of Scares 12 Freedom Alliance 22 Rebel Galaxy 30 Halloween Horror Nights 38 Cold Steel Chaos Kukri 48 Neo-Drive 54


Ethos We are the witnesses to a unique time in the world of Design. What started out as paintings and etchings made for the purpose of marketing an idea or a product have given way to the digital world. The made thing though it would seem, is fighting back. The idea of the hand-made thing, the craft is gaining traction once again. As much as consumers of today crave the next big thing as soon as humanly possible, there is a resurgence of the satisfaction of the made thing, the tangible object. This gives ArtistDesigners like myself a unique scope of work, bridging the worlds of Art and Design into one, harmonious practice. Once more, like the early days of cave painting, like the great paintings of the Renaissance, like the commercialized etchings and prints of the Industrial Revolution, Art and Design are starting to walk hand in hand.

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see” -Edgar Degas 1834-1917

Blackwood Bourbon Branding, Poster Advertisments, Packaging Blackwood Bourbon is a newcomer to the high quality liquor market. As such, it is an unknown. The challenge of this project was to create a recognizable brand that struck potential consumers with a feeling of timeless quality. The solution was achieved by drawing inspiration from classic, more traditional designs done for liquors during the turn of the 20th century. Using vintage engravings and typefaces, a sense of timeless quality and familiarity is imparted to potential consumers. This classic look and feel was then translated into a main logo, store-front posters and hand-made packaging.


Main Brand Logo .


Store-Front Posters Posters for this project use simple, bold statements and interesting textures to catch the eye and generate a personal interest in the brand.


Store-Front Posters


Box Set Packaging

The box is hand-made, imparting the quality of a hand crafted product. The wooden box is stained a dark tone to make the color of the product and the color of the branding stand out on a shelf. The box is wrapped in a belly-band bearing the bourbon’s logo and Master Distiller’s proof marks. Inside the box, the bottle sits atop a set of coasters, bearing the texture of the copper distilling vessel.


Box Set Packaging




Season of Scares Main Event Logo, Park Section Logos, T-shirt Mock-ups Season of Scares (SoS) is a new event attraction at the Dollywood Theme Park in Tennessee. Being a new comer to the world of Halloween events, competing with parks like Universal Studios and Busch Gardens, SoS needed a unique take on the horror genre of entertainment. The main design challenge was to create something new and exciting to guests to enjoy. SoS takes inspiration from folklore and myths from rich, local sources to captivate audiences and provide a unique experience for its patrons. The design choices represent this amalgamation. Mainly typographic in nature, the main event logo and the separate section logos pull inspiration from local stories and provide an interesting variation of styles and textures, each unique to the story that inspired them. With each logo is a t-shirt mock up, for t-shirts account for the majority of sale items at such events.


Main Event Logo


Main Event Shirt The Main Event shall have its own shirt with the Main Event typographic logo


Shirt Back For All This layout will be on the back of every shirt. Styled like a band shirt, it bears the name of the main event with names of all sections of the park.


Park Section Logos and Shirts Each section of the park shall have its own logo. Mainly typographic, each logo is complimented with an image relating to the story directly. There are five in all: The Ghost Hill Signalman, Old Green Eyes, The White Screamer, Skinned Tom and The Bell Witch Cave.


Event Shirts


Event Shirts


Main Event Signage The signage of the event will replace the usual signage during the season. The ride and attraction signage will not be changed, but the location and section signs will be changed to match with the corresponding section.




Freedom Alliance Magazine Ads, Mailer, Social Media(Instagram) Freedom Alliance is a charity organization dedicated to helping disabled veterans. Unlike most of their competitors, they donate 100% of all proceeds to their cause.That being said, they are a little known organization compared to their competition. Coupled with the unfortunate stigmatism that follows many wounded service men, Freedom Alliance has a unique set of challenges In order to generate further interest and educate the masses of their presence and their mission, Freedom Alliance needs more advertising, in the form of magazine ads, direct donation mailer/post cards and an increased social media presence. These media items can also serve to help eliminate the cruel stigma surrounding many who they help. These things combined will generate a greater interest in supporting them in their goal.


Direct Donation Mailer/Post Cards These Direct Donation Mailers will serve a dual purpose. They serve as expected, as prepaid envelopes to send donations in, but are designed as post cards as well, to be held onto if the recipient is so inclined. This dual function will serve as a way to keep Freedom Alliance in the minds of those who receive them.


Magazine Ads The magazine ads approach the topic of negative stigmatisms head on, by forcing the viewer to notice them. Playing off the intimidation of such imagery and stigmatism, the ads then reveal their true purpose, by destroying that stigmatism and showing that these men and women are still functional members of society.


Magazine Ad


Social Media (Instagram) Freedom Alliance already has a Facebook page, but other than that they have no social media presence. By starting and maintaining an Instagram account daily, Freedom Alliance can amass a larger following and inform more people of donation drives, special events and important persons.





Rebel Galaxy Posters, Infographic, Corner Trade Show Booth Rebel Galaxy is a critically acclaimed Indy game developed by Double Damage Studios. Despite it’s high ratings, the game was not released on a large scale and remains a relative unknown in the world of gaming. This is due in large part to the lack of any physical media relating to the game (the game if for download only available on Steam, X-Box, Playstation and To increase the games popularity and improve overall sales of the game, three components were designed: Posters, an Infographic, and a Trade Show Booth for conventions. By bringing physical media into the picture, more of an audience can be reached, thus increasing overall attention brought to the game.


Infographic Poster Rebel Galaxy contains a vast universe of endless play possibilities. From Ships to factions the sheer amount of data within the game can be hard to keep up with. By offering an infographic, buyers are offered an interesting and helpful real world item, the sale of which will only further increase the game’s profit.


Store-Front Posters These posters will find their home in gaming and electronics retailers. by targeting the demographic most likely to play such a game, the likelihood of a potential buyer taking action is greatly increased.


Store-Front Posters


Trade Show Booth Trade shows and conventions are one of the life-bloods of the tech and gaming world. It is joked that if you aren’t at Comic Con you don’t exist. To that end, Rebel Galaxy needs a trade show booth. By making one for an outer corner, the booth will sit at an intersection of different walking paths, generating the most amount of foot traffic possible. Multiple gaming stations set up allow many people to experience a demo of the game for themselves, encouraging people to learn more about and ultimately purchase the game.





Halloween Horror Nights 26 Magazine Ads, Billboards, snapchat Filters, Facebook Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) is a juggernaut in its field. It is the largest, most successful event of its kind. That being said, every year requires a unique advertising campaign to fully capture the events scope. To achieve this, new billboards, snapchat filters and Facebook sweep steaks will be made, and new to the HHN media family, will be magazine ads. The event is already widely known, but these media items will bring attention to the coming year’s feature attractions. *This project was made under the pretense that HHN has announced that its next year’s theme will be horror video games.


Facebook HHN has, in recent years, had a very active Facebook presence, advertising special deals, highlighting different events and counting down the days until the event is on an until the event is over. The next component to the Facebook presence would be sweepstakes. Creating a competition for tickets and even adaptation of guest ideas into the park event.


Magazine Ads New to the arsenal of HHN advertising, magazine ads will prove a powerful tool for conventional advertising. Put in popular magazines across many different genres, the ads will inform people of this year’s themes.


Magazine Ad


Bil boards Billboards have always proven effective for HHN, this time shall be no different. The buildboards will mainly be located in and around Central Florida like past years.


Bil board The Same monsters form the print ads will be used in the billboard format as well. This maintains continuity between advertisements and helps to reinforce the main themes and characters of the coming event.


Snapchat Filters Snapchat has proven the latest effective tool used by HHN. Their filters thus far have been boards featuring the years’ various themes. The filters for this campaign will include sounds and face recognition and transformation for even more user involvement and memorability.





Cold Steel: Chaos Kukri Small Magazine Ads, TV Commercial, Interactive Cold Steel produces some of the highest quality knives on the private market. They have little in the way of advertisements though, which, if taken advantage of, would greatly boost sales of more specific product. The Chaos Kukri is no exception. Small Magazine Ads, TV Commercials and Interactive Displays will prove effective tools to increase sales by targeting a broader audience. The TV Commercials and Interactive Display, uncommon to this market’s advertising, will make Cold Steel’s product line more notable among the casual shopper.


Magazine Ads Small ads, like those seen in most catalogues, are effective means to catch the eye of readers and inform or motivate them enough to research and ultimately purchase a product. Such ads will be placed in outdoor, hunting, hiking and adventuring magazines. The small ads are intended to show rapid, powerful movement of the figure, placing the clear focus on the knife itself.


Commercial TV commercials for such products are rare, even though such advertisements are proven methods or increasing sales. The commercial would be simple and to the point. A jungle scene would gradually increase in volume, a protagonist walks casually into the sounds and draws the kukri. At that moment, the jungle is silenced. This beautifully shows power being imparted to the user of the tool.The commercial ends with the tagline of the specific product, “The world is tough, BE TOUGHER.�


Interactive Display The Interactive Display is an interesting and unique way to market such a product. By providing a tangible experience for passersby, Cold Steel is able to reach out to a much broader audience. Especially if the display is placed in unusual locations, such as cities or parks.




Neo-Drive Typeface Neo-Drive is a typeface inspiered by network conectivity. It is layed out and structuered like circuitry found in most standard electronics.



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