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NEXT LIFE OF ARCHITECTURE LEARNING-SCAPE FILIGREE FIELD HOME EL PABELLÓN, LA MESITA ICE THEATER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 01 02 03 04 0$ architecture is for lifelife as existence to energize within and between culture and contexts; life as every-day to experience with people and narratives in ensembles. ZEKUN TONG, PORTFOLIO Content 2017-2022


Fall 2020, Academics, 5th-year B.Arch Thesis, Individual site: Milstein Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA

1/6 collage of viewpoints

2/6 map of building along time

3/6 speculative installation 1

4/6 speculative installation 2

5/6 speculative installation 3

6/6 a love letter to 2020, milstein hall

Architecture learning space has lifelong impact to whom spend time in it, with generational effects on the built environment outside academia. The undergraduate thesis asks what the next life of architecture learning and its space would be, imagining how architecture studio will change in the entangled future, both physically as learning space and conceptually as a pedagogical site.

Three speculative installations land within Milstein Hall, the proposed site for experimentation, projection and transformation, which correspondingly are “(un)stations at workplace, 2023”, “debris through underside, 2040”, and “playground after basement, 2099”. They together compose a triptych of parallel realities responding to uncertainties in the future of architectural and design learning, shifting toward holistic, resilient, and lifelong learning that next generation may embrace. The choice to propose three speculative installations along time resists the singularity of architectural design.

collage of viewpoints
emergent and missing instances in an in-determined state of constantly shifting positions in architectural learning-scape 01 studio single module 02 studio disassembly 03 VR chorographer 04 gardener and swing 05 model cycling 06 robo-pal 07 mixing lab 08 hologram modeling 09 26 min nap 10 mixed face-to-face 01
COLLAGE OF VIEWPOINTS 1/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall
location of “Milstein Hall” on Cornell University campus
from reading How Buildings Learn: What Happens after They’re Built by
delayering the building “Milstein Hall”, the architecture studio at Cornell

sketch of speculative installation along time

map of building along time

reflect on the construction sequence which de-layers the design intention of Milstern Hall

text collection: How Buildings Learn: What Happens after They’re Built by Steward Brand

the after life of a building after it is built
MAP OF BUILDING ALONG TIME 2/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall

speculative installation 1 [Intention-Interaction, 2023] un-station at workplace

active the post-pandemic studio space via providing missing sizes for intentional interactions

a range of collaboration between face-to-face and digital interaction

vary studio desks configuration by operable modules to give options for diverse needs

SPECULATIVE INSTALLATION 1 3/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall

existing “Norm” of architectural design thinking actual life happens after architects’ care the next generation


speculative installation 2 [Design-Disposal, 2040] debris through underside

explore how an architecture studio building sort and cycle its own waste of used materials from physical models

SPECULATIVE INSTALLATION 2 4/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall
generation of architectural design thinking

play walls into hills play domes into igloos and they


speculative installation 3 [Patience-Play, 2099] playground after basement

respond to future ecological environment that learners encounter, where they mismatch familiarity by playing with leftovers in the built

SPECULATIVE INSTALLATION 3 5/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall
they find the last tree

Shall we land then, here and there, When the point rotates upon the sun and itself Like a debris drifting in the outer-space; Shall we land, through unoccupied thin air, Or definite haze,

Of endless miles along the equator’s shifting sands And millions of bergs' of melting ice: Air traffic that knits an intricate net Of intractable inter-net

To drop us on a familiar shore.

That’s not a question, “Hello, World.” Shall we land and trace our- yes- yesterdays.

On the plate the pupils say congrats with no goodbyes, Drawing heads and toes

The red sprinklers that blink at concrete floors, The green exit signs that sweep metal walls, Filling their hands into all corners of the glass box, Finding their ways through every crack of human scents, We shall land on its vacant roof covered by wild rice, Descend into the sealed magic, shut the red and the green, And re-wiring them until they cuddle in the five AM dawn, Sending the last package of pupils away and stop snoring.

Yet there will be space

For sprinklers protecting floors, Procrastinating its existence, waiting for egress; There will be space, there will be space

To pacify the unconscious minds that are conscious enough to be pacified; There will be space to colonize and civilize, And space for all the trees and caves that are supposed to be enlightened; That shelter whom, and reject the other whoever; Space for you and space for me, And space indeed for the tiniest hesitations, And for the leaking joys and en-joys, After the showering of cash and iron.

On the plate the pupils say congratulations without hellos, Drawing hatches and lines

And for sure there will be a space To demonstrate, “I do.” and “I, do.” Space to back off from the sidewalk and With a dying pencil in my left hand –They want to know, who you left behind. My lost tag, my backpack full of One Thousand My ticket that’s stolen by myself, but passport They want to know, who were you before I don’t know I AM honest

In many places there are space For hesitations and joys which no voids

For I don’t know these somewhat, do Do not know the outside, inside, or boundaries I have walked on edges with broken ankles; I walk intersections of human intentions, Within shear bedrocks piling into the Then how should I proceed?

And I do not know the lines, they are The lines that convince masters in a courteous And when I am courteous, behave like With my time scheduled and questions Wait, how should I reset Away from overnight motion sickness Sure, how should I proceed?

And I do not know the covers, they must The covers that cap sleepless nights, black On the proof, it says nighty something Is it a cacophony from a piledriver That drives me nuts?

Covers that hide my corpse and describe Should I proceed? Or how should I be reset?

May I confess, I have missed rich homeless And smelled the basement that’s sprayed Of the empty town in drizzling speechless

I would have been a piece of barcode Encoding through the mass of long and


and leave the quad, behind.

Thousand and One Nights passport that’s taken by some friends –before you come home?

In the morning, the rush hour, commutes so swiftly! Speeded by hurried hands, Awake…energized… or it clashes, Mismatched on the web, poking up and down. Perhaps I will, upon zero and one and zero, Have the intelligence to take care of pains from this box? But though I have led and dismissed, led and controlled, Though I have landed with no one left behind, I am no giant- and I produce no present; I have offered my last night to the most endeavor, And I have exhausted useless data, and useful facts, And in the end, I am done.

And may I be trustworthy, at the end of yesterday, Before nine, after six, in between buzzing calls, Above the crowds, above motionless them, May I be a reliable source, To press a girl into a city, To seduce a boy out of a town, To label the earth on sale, It says, “Second-hand planet, 100% recycled.” Look at me and listen, listen to my honestyLater on, we will all be re-membered in the club Of milky way: “These are what we’ve been through, together; We’ve been through, together.”

voids will jeopardize

not know: boundaries per cube, ankles; intentions, waterfall. unknowncourteous manner, like a masterplan, questions replied, after shuttles?

must be unknownblack with golden letters. something dollars.

describe slices of life.

homeless men in the subways sprayed by an August storm speechless nights, baby crying next door?

and short necks.

Yes! I am dust of soul, always pretending to be; Am an ubiquitous filigree, some that will let Landing happens, performs a walk or so, Blow the lava; no clarity, a knotty scope, Identifiable, praised to be photographed, Dutiful, moderate, and articulated; Packed with high fidelity, but somewhat loose; Very often, nearly lose the sense of humorNearly, often, the Numb. I sail on … I sail on … I dial my totem and land it lone.

Will he leave no one behind? Does she like to be friends? I will land with no parachute and discharge my body upon arrival. I pass by children making sandcastles, one after another.

I want them to make one for me.

I pass by them taken away by tides Erasing castles of all kinds, leaving sand intact When the ocean calls for proposal from lands We depart from the sealed box sinking into the water-sheet With corals ascending into thick and purple rain Overtime, time condenses, and we dry.

A LOVE LETTER TO 2020, MILSTEIN HALL 6/6 Thesis B.Arch | 2020 Fall

initial prototype tests

3d-printed filigree walls

user-defined wall types



Spring 2020, Academics, 5th-year studio, Individual region: Chongqing, China; *site is self-designed

1/6 emergent technology and materials

2/6 regional mapping

3/6 abstracted site fabric model

4/6 site fabric 1:50

5/6 building cluster 1:20

6/6 construction protocal 1:10

The project integrates emergent technologies with the local context, experimenting 3D printing construction in a rural-urban context in Yongchuan, Chongqing. It propose to “mis-use” filigrees, the by-product during the printing process as a flexible tectonic built element in addition to the percise printed structure.

By vibrating frequencies of spatial dimensions in a “field”, key walls are inserted into the field which is guided by space-filling curves. In parallel, precise 3d printed parts of can give spatial definitions while the filigrees can filter lights and be paired with stones or earths according to its functions.

In between rural and urban, family types can vary from agricultural “hukou” under the tendency of aging to non-agricultural young generations. Unit types, therefore, are tailored to different family needs, with some entrance on the street while some facing the open field, further varied by courtyards or balconies.


regional mapping

chooses the intervention area on a gentle south-facing hillside, adding two-lane car roads to form a circular edge for the community, with one-lane streets following its natural terraced topography.


contour every 10m

6.5m car road

4m street

fabric cluster intervention area

water body extended natural park REGIONAL MAPPING 2/6 Design Studio | 2020 Spring


abstracted site fabric model 20”x20”x20” (50cmx50cmx50cm)

illustrates different densities of the grape crops and the housings carved out of it

primary order

secondary order

space-filling curve

heavy,medium,light walls

spatial figure-ground

ABSTRACTED SITE FABRIC MODEL 3/6 Design Studio | 2020 Spring

site fabric (1:50)

translates the abstract model into a ground plan that gives a graduate transition between street, houses, courtyards and the open field; it preserves the in-between range from the cleaned, girded urban to the chaotic, rule-less rural.

level insertion primary order secondary order FILIGREE FIELD HOME
SITE FABRIC 1:50 4/6 Design Studio | 2020 Spring

building clusters (1:20)

give unit types tailored to different family needs, some are entered on a street while some facing the open field, further varied by courtyards or balconies.

1 on the street 80 sqm 2 between street & courtyard 110 sqm 3 between courtyard &field 110 sqm 4 in the field 110 sqm
1 2 3 4 BUILDING CLUSTER 1:20 5/6 Design Studio | 2020 Spring

type: heavy large lines stone/earth fills retaining foundation level exterior waterproof

no openings

type: medium heavy medium lines partial stone/earth fills ground level exterior waterproof allow openings

type: medium medium lines upper level interior partition permanent allow openings

type: screen small lines upper level interior screens flexible is opening itself

type: heavy to screen combine heavy and screen double heights key moments in the house


construction protocal (1:10)

uses bamboo filament, a highly biodegradable printable material, the off-site designed 3d printed walls are inserted into the site. Villagers can choose to add on-site materials into these frameworks. The architects intervention must leave space for users to customize for their unpredictable ways of living along time.

CONSTRUCTION PROTOCAL 6/6 Design Studio | 2020 Spring


Spring 2017, Extracurricular, Built, Team

Site: Oaxaca, Mexico

Team: Paul Neseth, Mark Nichlos, Paavo Neseth, Brett Biwer, Yu Uchikura, Steven Chuan, Lisa Girard, Lara Makhkouf, Kangxin Wu

Two short concrete walls plus three pairs of thin columns creating a small shelter, La Mesita pavilion captures a view toward the mountain valley and sunrise.

The design-built process encourages us to work with the local builders, and tailor our design specific to site conditions. The logs and roofing aluminum panels are all recycled from nearby deconstruction sites. Our team switches the group leader on a daily basis to coordinate construction tasks. I was responsible for the days for beams and roof constructions.

Being in the space of the construction, architects physically experience “labor”, which is not self-evident from digital screens. It is a decisive choice to meet the unexpected.

LA MESITA PAVILION 1/2 Design-build workshop | 2017 Spring
DETAILS AND PROCESS 2/2 Design-build workshop | 2017 Spring
model iteration 1/16”=1’ site plan structure sktech model ICE THEATRE


Spring 2018, Academics, 3rd-year studio, Individual site: Ithaca, New York, USA

1/3 site atmosphere

2/3 sectional model

3/3 interior texture & exterior fabric

Performance and its space are interdependent: the building is, at the same time, the performer itself and the container where the performance happens.

Laminating eight bays of thin trusses, the structure creates both an informal outside plaza and the formal indoor performance space. It embraces the icy climate by metal-wire weaved facades which blend into the outside winter atmosphere, while texturing the inside with warm tones by various wooden surfaces.

SITE ATMOSPHERE 1/3 Design Studio | 2018 Spring

sectional model 1/4”=1’ (1:50)

layers the theatre box through facade fabric, natual-light filering devices, acoustic panels, dual-side seats and the empty stage.


1 indoor theatre

2 outdoor theatre

3 underground performance

2 SECTIONAL MODEL 2/3 Design Studio | 2018 Spring

1 interior wall texture (model)

2 building plans

3 exterior wall tectonics

4 exterior wall elevation (model)

3 4 INTERIOR TEXTURE & EXTERIOR FABRIC 3/3 Design Studio | 2018 Spring

site sketches

inquiring through artefacts

is a collection of local scenes and artefacts by walking around the neighbourhood again and again, in which I find the site at Marconi, a field covered by wild grass in between dense apartment blocks and River Tiber.



Fall 2018, Academics, 3rd-year studio, Individual site: Rome, Italy

1/2 artefact and inquiry

2/2 site transformation & ground building

Rome attracts global travelers; empty space are often turned into spectacles, hotels, and revenue generators. The site at Marconi, a neighbourhood to the south of Trastevere, is covered by wild grass and surrounded by dense apartment blocks. Walking, collecting and inquiring moments and artefacts of its everyday life is a process of mapping the not-so mundane.

The project propose a community playground and a recreation lounge for the existing residences. It celebrates abandoned structures as found-ruins, and organizes the site with one new structure that’s embedded in the ground, via gradual transformation upon the existing environments, rather than an imposed master plan.

ARTEFACT AND INQUIRY 1/2 Design Studio | 2018 Fall
site walking index

site transformation

is the process of graduate interventions including terrace steps at the entrance with level change, field playground to replace the wild grass, abandoned structures as-they-are, and one minimal new building.

remove all

repurpose by functions

repurpose by conditions

repurpose by corners

repurpose by edges

repurpose all

EXISTING Apartments Government Hotel Office PROPOSAL 4 entrance
terrace steps
abandoned structures Schools Theatre 1 Viale Guglielmo Marconi 2 Ponte della Scienza 3 River Tiber
field playground
indoor swimming

ground building

peals off from the ground, with the hard surface above for skateboarding and the underbelly for a pool, acting as a subtle buffer between the traffic and playground, while maintaining visual connections toward the river.

B-10 B-11 B-9 0304EQ 900 L1层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 M.11.02 06 室内 INTERIOR 室外 EXTERIOR 225m²大堂 LOBBY6EQ 12475 EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 600 900 1 9 9 11 11 9 9 11 11 9 ALIGN 对齐 ALIGN 对齐 2400 ALIGN 对齐 ALIGN 对齐 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) B-H B-J B-K 3600 层完成面标高 L2 FFL +3.600 (27.300) 675 150 1050 150 1050 3075 CE-01 CE-05 GL-01 MT-03 MT-03 11 B-11 B-10 B-9 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) 3600 2层完成面标高 L2 FFL +3.600 (27.300) 115 3190 95 07 A.51.01 08 A.51.01 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) 3600 2层完成面标高 L2 FFL +3.600 (27.300) B-11 B-10 B-9 50 3400 80 01 M.11.02 PLAN M.11.02 平面图 1:50 03 M.11.02 SECTION M.11.02 剖面图 1:50 02 M.11.02 ELEVATION M.11.02 立面图 1:50 04 M.11.02 SECTION M.11.02 剖面图 1:50 建设单位 设计单位 备注 版次 描述 日期 索引 NBARY.H HOTEL NINGBO, CHINA 阿那亚宁波度假区酒店 比例 Neri&Hu Design and Research Office 项目编号 日期 D A1 A210604C 2022.04.08 幕墙扩初设计 宁波三立海城置业有限公司 浙江省宁波市象山县爵溪街道游仙路 中国上海黄浦区建国中路 号 号桥 号楼 室 建筑方案设计 SD 100% C 建筑方案设计 SD 100% 2022-02-25 幕墙扩初设计 PLINTH STOREFRONT L1 基座玻璃门详图·首层 1:50 A.41.034 图例 LEGEND CONCRETE 玻璃 GLASS 注记 KEYNOTES 砌体墙和保温层,请参照设计院图 纸 Masonry walls and insulating layer, refer to LDI drawings. 预制混凝土板幕墙 雨遮,现浇混凝土墙和顶板 Canopy, cast-in-situ concrete wall 预制混凝土板盖板 Pre-cast concrete slab cover 滴水 Drip 排水沟 Drainage ditch 室内完成面 详见室内图纸 Face of interior finish, refer to interior drawings 天窗混凝土装饰肋 预制混凝土条看线 Line of pre-cast concrete edge 上方雨遮投影线 Line of canopy above 金属门套 详见景观图纸 Refer to landscape drawings 非此次图纸范围 NOT IN SCOPE FOR THE 混凝土 木纹混凝土(模板方向) WOOD GRAIN CONCRETE 混凝土板块类型 PLINTH CONCRETE FACADE 混凝土板块类型 TYPE E 砖 05 M.11.02 PERSPECTIVE M.11.02 视图0204B-2 B-1 B-F B-E B-C B-B B-A B-D 1250 300 室内 室外 层完成面标高 L1 FFL 0.000 2 7 1 ALIGN 对齐 ℄ ALIGN 对齐 ℄ 参03 参23 A.51.02 参18 A.51.02 3200 3200 1720 1950 1950 600 1550 600 1200 B-F B-E 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) GL-01 MT-03 CE-01 CE-05 2 150 1050 150 1050 150 B-1 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) GL-01 MT-03 CE-01 CE-05 2 150 1050 150 1050 150 B-B B-D B-C B-A 层完成面标高 L1 FFL ±0.000 (23.700) 150 1050 150 1050 150 GL-01 MT-03 CE-01 CE-05 此图只表明建筑完成面轮廓的设计意图 建设单位 设计单位 备注 版次 日期 索引 图号 NBARY.H HOTEL NINGBO, CHINA 阿那亚宁波度假区酒店 比例 Neri&Hu Design and Research Office 项目编号 日期 DATE D A1 A210604C 2022.04.08 幕墙扩初设计 宁波三立海城置业有限公司 浙江省宁波市象山县爵溪街道游仙路 中国上海黄浦区建国中路 号 号桥 号楼 室 建筑方案设计 SD 100% C 建筑方案设计 SD 100% 2022-02-25 幕墙扩初设计 PLINTH HORIZONTAL WINDOWS L1 基座水平窗详图·首层 1:50 A.41.233 02 C.11.02 ELEVATION C.11.02 立面图 1:50 03 C.11.02 ELEVATION C.11.02 立面图 1:50 01 C.11.02 PLAN C.11.02 平面图 1:50 图例 LEGEND 混凝土 CONCRETE 玻璃 GLASS 注记 KEYNOTES 砌体墙和保温层,请参照设计院图 纸 Masonry walls and insulating layer, refer to LDI drawings. 预制混凝土板幕墙 雨遮,现浇混凝土墙和顶板 Canopy, cast-in-situ concrete wall 预制混凝土板盖板 Pre-cast concrete slab cover 滴水 Drip 排水沟 Drainage ditch 室内完成面 详见室内图纸 Face of interior finish, refer to interior drawings 天窗混凝土装饰肋 预制混凝土条看线 Line of pre-cast concrete edge 上方雨遮投影线 Line of canopy above 金属门套 详见景观图纸 Refer to landscape drawings 非此次图纸范围 NOT IN SCOPE FOR THE 混凝土 木纹混凝土(模板方向) WOOD GRAIN CONCRETE 混凝土板块类型 混凝土板块类型 PLINTH CONCRETE FACADE 混凝土板块类型 TYPE E 砖 04 C.11.02 ELEVATION C.11.02 立面图 1:50 05 C.11.02 PERSPECTIVE C.11.02 视图 3 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE


2017-2022, Professional

*all pieces shown here are parts I was responsible for

1:1 mock up model of a ceiling design (Handel Architects, New York, 2019) daily work-in-progress updates for client meetings leading to 100% concept in CAD and Revit (Neri&Hu Design&Research Office, Shanghai, 2022)

1:50 enlarged plans, sections, elevations on A1 in design development set in CAD (Neri&Hu Design&Research Office, Shanghai, 2022)

20220805 19:18 20220808 15:53 20220811 18:44 20220909 18:47 20220829 18:31 20220906 19:25 20220930 18:38 20220923 18:34 20220928 23:24 20221018 18:23 20220812 18:50 20220830 18:20 2 0$
1 2 3 DAILY PRACTICE 1/1 Professional Experience | 2017-2022

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