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Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


3D MODELIRANjE 1.1 SolidWorks 3D CAD paket – opis funkcionalnosti 

SolidWorks 3D CAD paket se koristi u procesima razvoja proizvoda - virtuelnog prototipa, projektovanju tehnologije, simulacijama, proračunima...

SolidWorks omogućava projektovanje kompletnog proizvoda-sklopa-podsklopa, kreiranje tehničke dokumentacije sa smanjenim rizikom pravljenja grešaka,

SolidWorks omogućava čitav niz proračuna i simulacija, što skraćuje period izlaska proizvoda na tržište i smanjenu potrebu za izradom prototipova,

Upravljanje kompletnom tehničkom dokumentacijom, praćenje izmena dokumentacije.

1.2 Razumevanje modeliranja zasnovanog na funkcijama Postoji određena teminologija koja se mora savladati pre nego što se počne sa modeliranjem. Upotrebljava se termin modeliranje, ne crtanje, ne dizajniranje...SolidWorks (SW) je program za kreiranje virtuelnog prototipa. SW pomaže da se vizualizuju geometrijski podaci proizvoda na realisitičan način. Proces modeliranja sličniji je kreiranju fizičkog modela u radionici nego crtanju na papiru. Modeliranje zasnovano na funkcijama znači kreirati model postepenim identifikovanjem funkcionalnih oblika i premenom procesa za kreiranje oblika. Primer 1 Modelirati kutiju, cilindar i loptu. Nacrtati u ravni kvadrat ili pravougaonik i profil translirati duz prave linije koja definiše treću stranicu kvadra. Naziv funkcije Extrude-izvlačenje, slika 1a. Za modeliranje cilindra postoje dva načina. Prvi je da se u ravni nacrta pravougaonik koji se zarotira oko jedne stranice koja bi predstavljala osu cilindra i to proimenom funkcije Revolve, slika1b. Drugi način modeliranja cilindra: u jednoj ravni nartati kružnicu i zatim je transilati duž prave linije koja bi predstavljala izvodnicu cilindra koristeći funkciju extrude, slika 1c. Lopta se modelira tako što se u ravni nacrta polukrug i zarotira oko stranice koja predstavlja jednu od osa lopte, slika 1c. U slucaju modeliranja lopte primenjuje se funkcija revolve. a)





Osa Slika 1. Modeliranje kutije-kvadra, cilindra i lopte.

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


U većini slučajeva za kreiranje referentne geometrije bilo kog mašinskog dela ili bilo kog tela upotrebljavaju se funkcije kao što su:  Extrude,  Revolve,  Rib, Funkcije koje zahtevaju skicu. Skica-sketch.  Hole Wizard,  Wrap za koje je neophodno da imate predhodno nacrtanu skicu. Pored ovih funkcija postoje još neke funkcije koje kreiraju referentnu geometriju o kojima će biti reči u okviru ovog kursa. Poneke od funkcija za modeliranje referentne geometrije moraju imati dve skice kao što je sučaj sa funkcijom rib.

1.3 Definisanje modela ...podsetnik...važniji termini... Projekcija na ravan koja se, u opštem slučaju, ne poklapa ni sa jednom od glavnih površina objekta koji se modelira naziva se projekcijom-slikom. Ukoliko su projektujući zraci paralelni jedan sa drugim onda je u pitanju paralelna projekcija a ukoliko se sustiču u jednoj tački onda je u pitanju perspektivna projekcija, slika 2. a)


Slika 2. Pojekcije-slike: a) paralelna; b) perspektivna

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Prikaz geometrijskih entiteta klasičnih CAD sistema kao i načini konstruisanja tačke , slika 3.

Slika 3. Geometrijski entiteti kličnih CAD sistema


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3D Modeliranje


Na slici 4 prikazani su načini konstruisanja linije kao i načini konstruisanja kružnog luka kod klasičnih CAD sistema.

Slika 4. Načini kontruisanja prave i kružnog luka

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Razvijene metode koje se uptrebljavaju za 3d modeliranje uključuju predstavljanje geometrije nekog tela kao skup linija, krivih, površina u prostoru. Koordinatni sistem koji se koristi za opis pomenutih elemenata je Dekartov pravougli koordinatni sistem desne orijentacije, slika 5.

Slika 5. Dekartov koordintani sistem desne orjentacije Primeri površina koje su definisane pomoću krivih prikazani su na slici 6.

Slika 6. Primeri površina

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Primer tela – žičanog modela (wireframe model), slika 7.

Slika 7. Prikaz tela – žičani model Primeri funkcija loft i sweep prikazani su na slici 8.

Slika 8. Prikaz tela – Funkcije loft i sweep


Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG ili C-rep) – kao način predstavljanja 3d modela, poznata je i kao Bulova metoda. CSG metoda vrši prezentaciju 3d modela koristeći prosta tela koja se zovu primitivi (cilindi, sfere, kupe...), slika 9.

Slika 9. CSG prezentacija 3d modela

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3D Modeliranje


Svako telo sastoji se od geometrijskih primitiva. Svako telo može se modelirati koristeći geometrijske primitive i operacije koje se nad njima primenjuju – Bulove operacije. Na slici 10. prikazano je telo i način na koji se jedan 3d model može modelirati koristeći geometrijske primitive i bulove operacije. Bulove operacije su: unija, presek i razlika.

Slika 10. CSG prezentacija 3d modela. Primitivi. Bulove operacije.

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3D Modeliranje

1.4 Pregled interfejsa SolidWorksa Na slici 11 prikazani su elementi SolidWorks interfejsa

Slika 11. Elementi SolidWorks interfejsa


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3D Modeliranje

Command Manager i linija sa alatkama grupiše srodne komande i opcije za podešavanje. Padajući meni prikazani su na slici 12.

Ovaj meni sadrži funkcije za modeliranje bilo kog tela-dela, površine, zavarene konstrukcije... Ovaj meni vazan je za tipove pogleda, način prezentacije modela, osvetljenje....

Ovaj meni sadrži funkcije za analizu modela, sklopa, podsklopa. Omogućava određivanje zapremine i mase modela....

Slika 12. Popularni padajući meni


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3D Modeliranje

Rollback bar

Feature - osobina Drvo – tree. Drvo ‘pamti’ sve funkcije koje se koriste da bi se izmodeliralo telo. Slika 13. Feature Manager za 3d model miša


Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


1.5 Generalizovan algoritam za modeliranje tela u SolidWorks paketu i drugim komercijalnim paketima za 3d modeliranje

Analiza osobina tela koje se modelira. Konfiguracija tela (složeno telo, prosto telo, telo sa skulptorksim površinama...)

Odabir referentne ravni (xOy, xOz, yOz) u kojoj će se nacrtati skica-sketch. U okvirru skice mora postojati zatvorena kontura.

Nakon završenog rada u okviru skice neophodno je izaći iz nje – exit sketch (gornji desni ugao ekrana) i primeniti optimalnu funkciju za generisanje tela (funkciju koja zahteva definisanu skicu a to su extrude, rib, revolve...). Dobijeno telo tretira se kao ‘obradak’.

U većini slučajeva telo koje se modelira sadrži različite primitive neophodno je odabrati određenu ravan na dobijenom telu i koristiti je kao skicu.

Nakon završenog rada u okviru skice neophodno je izaći iz nje – exit sketch (gornji desni ugao ekrana) i primeniti optimalnu funkciju za generisanje primitiva (funkciju koja zahteva definisanu skicu a to su extrude cut, extrude.....ili primeniti funciju combine....

Modelirano telo. Završetak modeliranja

Slika 13. Algoritam za mogući način modeliranja tela u SolidWorks paketu

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


1.6 Primer primene osnovnih funkcija za modeliranje. Funkcija koje zahtevaju predhodno definisanu skicu. Upotreba tastera miša i tastarure u cilju manipulacije modeliranim telom. P1. Modelirati kvadar proizvoljnih dimenzija.

Slika 14. Osnovni meni pri startovanju SolidWorksa

Modeliranje telakomponente

Modeliranje sklopovamonraža 2d crtezi. Generisanje radioničke dokumentacije modeliranog dela, sklopa ili podsklopa

Slika 15. Izbor pri generisanju novog solidworks dokumenta

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Postaviti strelicu miša na FrontPlane,desni klik, selektovati show. Pnoviti na sve tri ravni. Rezultat: sve ravni su vidljive. Selektovati desnim klikom TopPlane, selektovati sketch, slika 16. Rezultat je ulazak u sketch-ravan i rad sa skicom, slika 17.

sketch Slika 16. Ravni koje čine ose Dekartovog pravouglog koordinatnog sistema. Ulazak u rad sa skicom – sketch. Definisanje Sketch plane – ravan skice

Drvo- tree

Izlaz iz skice – exit sketch Slika 17. Okruženje pri radu sa skicom

Sekekovati Rectangle, levim klikom miša. Nacrtati pravougaonik, slika 18.

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Tipovi pravougaonika

Osobine – features koje su vezane za funkciju crtanja pravougaonika Slika 18. Crtanje pravougaonika (zatvorene konture-closed contouor) okviru sketch plane Izaći iz skice i primeniti funkciju extrude boss-base, slika 19. Nakon željene dubine izvlačenja – extrudiranja, koja u konkretnom slučaju iznosi 37 mm kliknuti na zelenu kukicu u feature meniju funkcije extrude. Modeliran je kvadar, slika 20.

Slika 19. Funkcija extrude

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3D Modeliranje


Slika 20. Modeliran kvadar U feature manager-u, konkretno u okviru drveta-tree, može se videti istorija modeliranja tj. funkcije koje su se koristile u cilju modeliranja željenog tela. Načini rotacija tela koje je modelirano: 1. konstantak klik na centralni taster miša u kombinaciji sa proizvoljnim pomeranjem miša omogućava rotaciju tela oko koordinatnog početka, odnosno oko osa koordinatnog sistema, 2. skrolovanje centralnog tastera miša omoćava zoom in i zoom out , 3. konstantan klik na taster ctrl i konstantan klik na centralni (središnji) taster miša omogućava pomeranje-translaciju modeliranog tela bez promene orijentacije (sa trenutnom orijentacijom u prostoru). Normal to – Crtl+8 - Pogled normalan na selektovanu ravan Isometric view – Ctrl+7- prikaz izometrijski

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Primer funkcije Sweept boss- base Neophodno je modelirati deo koji je prikazan na slici 21.

Slika 21. Primer tela za funkciju swept

1.klik New. 2.klik

3.Klick Circle Dimension, 4.Exit 5.Klik

Klik Part, Top

OK. Plane a




a zatim nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Klik Smart a zatim dimenzionisati krug sa prečnikom 10mm.





Sketch. Sketch.

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7.Zoom out

8.Exit 9.Klik View

3D Modeliranje


sketch, klik






I nacrtati krivu pribliĹžnu, kao na skici ispod.

Sketch. Orientation>Isometric(crtl+7)

10. Klik Features>Swept Boss/Base. Za profil koji se sweept-uje selektovati Sketch1 (krug) a za vodilju selektovati Sketch2 (kriva).

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3D Modeliranje







Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Primer funkcije Revolved boss/base Koristeći funkciju revolve modelirati deo – torus, kao na slici ispod.

1. Klik New. Klik Part, OK. 2. Klik Front Plane a zatim klik na Sketch.

3.Selektovati centerline,

početka , proizvoljne dužine

4. Klik circle

Vertikalnu liniju koja počinje od koordinatnog



I nacrtati krug levo od centerline.

5. Klik Smart Dimension,

klik na nacrtani krug I podesiti prečnik na neku

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

vrednost recimo 15mm a zatim selektovati centerline I centar kruga I definisati njihovo rastojanje , koristeći funkciju smart dimension,

zatim OK. 6.Komletiran je crtež-sketch. Klik Feature>Revolved Boss/Base

7. Klik centerline kao osu a zatim OK.

8. Deo je modeliran! 9. Kraj.


Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu


****ČAS S1****

RAD SA ZAVARENIM KONSTRUKCIJAMA - WELDMENTS Primer 1. Koristeći modul weldments modelirati zavarenu konstrukciju kao na slici.

1. 2.

Zavarena konstrukcija sastoji se iz četiri dela, Odabrati 3dSketch u Front plane ravni i nacrtati pravu liniju dimenzionisati je na 1000mm,

Right plane

Top plane

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Exit sketch, 3d Sketch. Nacrtati dva preostala kraka dužine 500mm, Exit sketch. Dobijen je žičani model, Odabrati željeni profil koji će biti extrud-ovan duž projektovanog 3d sketha. Structural member,

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3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu

9. Odabrati rectangular tube, 10. Size: 50x30x2.6 11. Path segment: 3d sketch – prava linija dužine 1000mm, 12. Mogućnost rotacije profila oko svoje ose za neki ugao, 13. Način vodjenja izabranog profila po liniji obezbedjuje funkcija Locate profile,tačke:


Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS 3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu 3 14. OK 15. Ponoviti opciju structural member za preostala dva elementa. Voditi racuna da su elementi rotirani oko svoje ose za ugao od 90 ° 16. Ok 17. Sketch Right plane 18. Nacrtati pravougaonih proizvoljnih mera i extrugovati na proizvoljnu dubinu 19. Neophodno je trimovati modelirane elemente jedan u odnosu na drugi. 20. Trim entities.Bodies to trim: selektovati element koji se trimuje-seče. Čekirati allow extension. Trim boundary: face-plane: selektovati odgovarajuće ravni elemenata koje ograničavaju element koji se trimuje. Podesiti elemente koji se seku da li se zadržavaju (keep) ili odbacuju (discard). Ukoliko je neki element “kratak” u odnosu na granice on se automatski produžava zato što je aktivirana opcija allow extension.

21. Ok 22. Ponoviti opciju trim entities na drugi element. 23. U drvetu razgranati opciju Cut list. OBAVEZNO DESNI KLIK ZATIM UPDATE. 24. Ukoliko od ove zavarene konstrukcije zelimo da napravimo sklopni crtez 25. File 26. Make drawing from part 27. Generisati projekcije 28. Annotations 29. Tables 30. Weldment cut list (generise listu svih elementata zavarenog spoja sa karakterističnim merama). Ukoliko bi se pomenuta konstrukcija alanizirala Statički ili dinamički neophodno bi bilo da se svi elementi koji se nalaze razgranati u drvetu pod Cut list saberu primenom funkcije combine što bi značilo da se nakon 23.koraka : 24. Selektovati sve elemente koji se nalaze u cut list (držeći taster ctrl) 25. Desni taster miša 26. Combine 27. Add 28. Konstrukcija je pripremljena za analizu 29. Kraj (napomena: o statičkoj i dinamičkoj analizi zavarfenih konstrukcija biće reči kasnije).

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu


Kreiranje oblika i mera sopstvenog strukturnog člana i dodavanje u biblioteku standardnih elemenata koji se mogu naći u Structural member meniju Primer 2. Modelirati oblik i mere sopstvenog strukturnog člana i pridodati ga biblioteci standardnih oblika profila. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

File, New, Part, Sketch na bilo koji ravan npr. Right plane. Center rectangle.

6. Dimenzionisati 50x35mm. 7. Dodati tacke na polovini sve četiri stranice. 8. Pomenute tacke se dodaju sa ciljem da se profil pozicionira uz liniju vodilju (locate profile) 9. Exit sketch 10.File 11.SaveAs 12.Ime profila npr 50x35. Ekstenzija .sldlfp (Lib file) 13.Fajl sačuvati na lokaciji c:\ProgramFiles\SolidWorks\data\weldment profiles\iso\... 14.Kreirani profil se nalazi u Biblioteci Structural members 15.Kraj.

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3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu

…Razno… Gusset opcija Omogućava efikasno modeliranje ojačanja na zavarenim konstrukcijama. 1. Selektovati dve ravni izmeĎu kojih se postavlja ojačanje (Supporting faces),

2. 3. 4. 5.

Odabrati tip ojačanja, d1,d2-mere, T1-debljina, Location: pozicioniranje ojačanja. Ok Kraj.

End capp opcija Postavljanje završetka na čelo elementa.


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3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu


Weld beed – opcija kojom se generiše var-tip vara. Ova opcija se mora koristiti pre opcije combine (ako za to ima potrebe).

Širina vara

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3D Modeliranje u inzenjerstvu


...Primer3. Modelirati zavarenu konstrukciju koisteći strukturni član prema ISO standardupravougaona cev (rectangular tube) 50x30x2.6

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


**** ČAS 2 **** Primer funkcije loft U okviru ovog vežbanja primenom funkcije loft, modelirati telo kao što je prikazano na slici ispod.

1. Klik New. Klik Part, OK. 2. Klick Top Plane and Klik Sketch.

3. Klick Circle, nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Klik Smart Dimension, kliknuti na krug I dimenzionisati ga tako da mu prečnik bude 30mm.

4. Exit sketch.


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5. Klik Top Plane

3D Modeliranje



, zatim klik Features>Reference, Plane.


Podesiti distancu (razmak između dve ravni) np. 20mm, podesiti # na 2 I kliknuti OK.

Rezultat: pojaviće se dve dodatne ravni (plane1, plane2).

Plane 1 and Plane2.

6. Desni klik na Plane 1, klik Sketch.


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nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Klik Smart Dimension, 7. Klik Circle, podesiti prečnik kruga na 45mm.

Exit sketch. 8. Klik na Plane 2, klik Sketch.

9. Klik Circle, nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Klick Smart Dimension, I dimenzionisati krug tako da njegov prečnik bude 30mm.

Exit sketch.



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3D Modeliranje

10. Klick Features>Lofted Boss/Base


klick sketch1, sketch2, sketch3.

and OK.

11. Hide Plane 1, 12. Kraj.


hide Plane 2.

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3D Modeliranje



Primer. Modelirati lopatice turbine prikazane na slici primenom funkcija koje zahtevaju skicu. Ne obraćati posebnu pažnju na mere. Element 1 tela (extrude1)

Element 2 tela (extrude2)

Element 3 tela (extrude 3)

Element 4 tela (loft1) Lopatice turbine Preporuke: Moguć način modeliranja prikazan pomoću ‘drveta’ - tree.

Kratko objašnjenje funkcije pattern: Funkcija Pattern u konkretnom slučaju CirPattern što u prevodu znači kružni šablonski raspored. Kada se završi sa modeliranjem jednog elementa tela koji se ponavlja više puta, u ovom slučaju po krugu, primenjuje se funkcija CirPattern. Ukoliko je raspored elemenata tela koji se ponavljaju linijski onda se primenjuje Linear Pattern.

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3D Modeliranje


NaÄ?in modeliranja turbine prema redosledu primene funkcija koje su prikazane u drvetu: 1. Extrude 1.

2. Extrude 2


Tehnikum Taurunum-VIĹ SS 3. Extrude 3

4. Plane 1. Reference geometry - plane

5. Plane 2.

3D Modeliranje



Tehnikum Taurunum-VIĹ SS 6. Loft 1.

7. CirPattern


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3D Modeliranje



Primer Modelirati mašinski deo čiji je radionički crtež dat u prilogu. Modelirati mašinski deo prema preporukama odnosno funkcijama koje su korišćenje u okviru 'drveta'-tree. Plane 1 Extrude3

Extrude1 Extrude2


Extrude7-modeliranje međuzublja Extrude5


Manji prečnik otvora Veći prečnik otvora

Primena kružnog šablonskog rasporeda na modelirano međuzublje

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu


-čas SPEC2RAD SA POVRŠINAMA-SURFACE DESIGN U okviru drugog časa posebna pažnja posvećena je radu sa složenim površinama. Na primeru kućišta fena za sušenje kose, koji je prikazan na slici 1 primenom osnovnih i naprednih funkcija za generisanje prostih i skulptorskih površina izvršeno je njegovo modeliranje. Pre samog procesa projektovanja, konstruisanja i proračuna primenom računara dizajner skicira izgled proizvoda u ovom slučaju kućišta fena za kosu, slika 1.

Slika 1. Skica kućišta fena za sušenje kose Kako napraviti 3D model koristeci 2D skicu ? 1. File, New, Part, 2. Sve tri ravni moraju bii vidljive (npr. U drvetu desni klik na front plane a zatim klik na shownaočare). Ukoliko kartica SURFACE nije aktivirana (desni klik na polje kartica a zatim selektovati surface) 3. Selektovati top plane a zatim sketch, 4. Tools, Sketch tools, Sketch picture 5. Selektovati željenu fotografiju i kliknuti open. 6. Kao rezultat jeste ubačena slika u top plane ravan koja se može prilagodjavati po merama. Postoji i mogućnost rotacije. 7. Podesiti parametre skice prema sledećem ekranu:

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8. Exit sketch, 9. Sketch top plane nacrtati splajn :

10. Exit sketch, 11. Sketch Top plane i nacrtati donji splajn:

12. Exit sketch, 13. Sketch Right plane, Nacrtati polukrug


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

14. Exit sketch, 15. Sketch top plane. Nacrtati pravu liniju od Koordinatnog početka duz skice.

16. Exit sketch, 17. Swept Surface

U okviru profile i path opcija. Za profil selektvati Polukrug (Sketch7), path selektovati pravu liniju (sketch8). Options-Flow path. Guide Curves-Selektovati dva spjalna (Sketch 3 i sketch 9). Ok. Napomena: Brojevi koji stoje uz Sketch ne moraju biti identični kao u ovm primeru.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

18. Sketch top plane. Nacrtati kosu liniju koja će poslužiti kao osnova za Trim komandu.

19. Exit sketch. 20. Trim surface,

Trim opcija omogućava da se izvrši presek dve površine i da se odstrani ili zadrži željena površina. 21. Sketch, 3d sketch. Skicirati pravu liniju (vertikalnu na dole proizvoljne dužine). Exit sketch. 22. Sketch top plane. Nacrtati splajn prema uvezenoj skici.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu


Prilikom crtanja splajna u top plane ravni neophodno je da splajn svojim krajnjim tačkama poklapa sa tačkama već napravljenog . Takodje mora se dodati relacija equal curvature kako bi prelazi između dve površine bili glatki.

23. Exit sketcch, 24. Surface swept. Path –splajn, profil- prava linija.

25. U ovom koraku neophodno je povezati dve površine . Pre nego što je aktivira funkcija Surface fill neophodno je izvršiti pripremu. Selektovati Front plane zatim Tools, Sketch Tools, Intersection curve. Na obe površine pojaviće se dve krive linije koje moraju postati deo konstruktivne geometrije. Selektovati obe linije uz konstantno držanje tastera ctrl a zatim kliknuti for construction ili construction geometry. Obe linije postaju isprekidane. Ove dve isprekidane

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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu


linije poslužiće kao osnova za generisanje linije vodilje koja će povezati već pomenute dve površine. 26. U okviru sketcha u front plane ravni nartati splajn liniju čije dve krajnje tačke pripadaju već generianim konstrukcionim (isprekidanim) linijama. Dodati relaciju equal curvature (pre toga selekovati nacrtani splajn sa gornjom isprekidanom linijom ) ponoviti identičan postupak sa preostalom konstrukcionom linijom. Podesiti splajn prema nahodjenju. Exit sketch.

27. Surface fill

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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu


28. Sketch, 3D sketch i nacrtati polukrug

29. Exit sketch, 30. Trim surface,

31. Uvesti jos jednu ravan paralelnu sa right plane na rastojanju od 340mm (ukoliko je podesena slika na identican način kao u koraku 7). Ukoliko nije ofsetovati ravan otprilike na polovini kružnog luka.

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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

32. Sketch top plane. Nacrtati splajn koji prati dršku fena. Početak splajna. Exit sketch. 33. Swept surface. Profil-prava linija, path-splajn.

34. Sketch top plane. Nacrtati splajn koji prati dršku fena. Početak splajna. Exit Sketch. 35. Sketch, 3d sketch. Nacrtati vertikalnu liniju nadole. Exit sketch. 36. Swept surface.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

37. Swept surface

Napomena: Ukoliko se ova komanda ne može izvršiti selektovati ivicu a zatim Extruded surface. 38. Sketch, 3d sketch. Nacrtati pravu liniju. Exit sketch, 39. Swept surface.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

40. Sketch, 3d sketch. Nacrtati polukrug koji spaja krajeve drške. Exit sketch. 41. Sketch, 3d sketch on plane. Pre toga selektovati novu ravan generisanu u koraku 31. Nacrtati splajn koji čija jedna tačka pripada polukrugu. Exit sketch.

42. Boundary surface. Povezuje dve površine uzimajući u obzir konstruisane linije vodilje.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

Obavezna podesavanja Curvature to Face. Merge tangent faces. Mesh density 20. 43. Sketch Right plane. Nacrtati pravu liniju koja je na -10mm udaljena od X ose i paralelna je sa njom. Dužina linije: celom dužinom konture dela. Exit sketch.

44. Trim Surface.

45. Povezivanje svih površina u celinu – Knit surface.


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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu


46. Thicken. Pošto su sve površine povezane može se dati novoformiranoj površini konačna debljina, npr. 1 mm. Surface knit (u drvetu)

47. Reference geometru. Plane. Dodati ravan koja je paralelna sa Top plane na rastojanju od 10 mm. Ova ravan će biti ravan simetrije. 48. Features, Mirror. Preslikavanje tela oko nove ravni iz koraka 47. Obavezno aktivirati merge solids i knit surfaces.


Sketch u ravni smetrije tela nacrtati liniju pod uglom od 75 stepeni. Exit sketch.

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3D Modeliranje u inĹženjerstvu


Sketch, 3d sketch. Prava linija proizvoljna u radijalnom pravcu u odnosu na modelirano telo. Exit sketch.

51. Reference geometry. Plane.

52. Sketch na ravni iz koraka 51. Nacrtati dve splajn krive. Exit sketch.

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3D Modeliranje u inženjerstvu

53. Sketch na ravan iz koraka 51. Nacrtati krug. Exit sketch. 54. Features. Extruded cut. Na ovaj način generisan je otvor na zadnjem delu kućišta fena. 55. Pattern opcija i to Curve driven pattern.

56. Uvesti ravan paralelnu sa top plane na proizvoljnom rastojanju u blizini drške kućišta fena. 57. Sketch u ravan iz koraka 56. Nacrtati elipsu. Exit sketch. 58. Extrude cut. Na ovaj način generisan je otvor za prekidač za paljenje i gašenje fena. 59. Kraj.


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3D Modeliranje



**** ČAS 3 **** Primer Modelirati mašinski deo koji je prikazan na slici ispod.

Rešenje: 1. Right Plane zatim Sketch. Nacrtati dve kružnice sa prečnikom 80mm I 60mm. Rastojanja centra dve kružnice iznosi 120 mm.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

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3D Modeliranje



2. Exit Sketch. 3. Extrude

4. Sketch TopPlane. Nacrtati elipsu sa poluosama prema skici I cenatar elipse postaviti na rastojanju 25 mm od ivice.

Convert entities, selektovana ivica postaje crna, zatimn u feature manageru kliknuti na For construction i zatim linija postaje isprekidana i ne mora se brisati iz sketch-a nakon završenog crtanja zatvorene konture. Koristi se kao baza za dimenzionisanje i pozicioniranje kao što je to slučaj sa elipsom. 5. Exit Sketch

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

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3D Modeliranje

6. Extrude

7. Fillet. Ovu funkciju primeniti I na drugu ivicu.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



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3D Modeliranje



8. Geometry reference. Plane. Postaviti novu ravan paralelnu sa Right Plane na rastojanju od 20 mm.

9. Sketch Plane 1. Nacrtati elipsu sa pozicijom I merama koje su date na slici ispod.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS 10. Exit Sketch. 11. Extrude.

12. Fillet.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

3D Modeliranje



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3D Modeliranje

13. Obaranje ivice (selektovaci 4 ivice)

14. Koristeći extrude cut modelirati oba otvora prema merama na slici ispod.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



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3D Modeliranje



15. Chamfer.

16. Mirror. Omogućava da se telo preslika u odnosu na odabranu ravan.

Ravan oko koje se vrši transformacija preslikavanja

Selektovati telo koje je već modelirano

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS 17. Sketch Top Plane. Center Line. Text.

18. Wrap. Emboss.

19. Kraj.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

3D Modeliranje



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3D Modeliranje


Primer. Primenom funkcije hole wizard modelirati otvore na telu kao na slici ispod.

1.Klik New.

Klik Part,


2.Klik Front Plane

a zatim Klik Sketch.

3.Klik Rectangle, nacrtati pravougaonik. Klik Smart Dimension, pravougaonik 60mm x 60mm.

4.Klik Feature>Extruded Boss/Base,

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



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3D Modeliranje



podesiti D1 na 20mm and OK. 5. Kliknuti na prednju stranu a zatim Normal to (ctrl+8)

6. Klik Hole Wizard, Hole Type selektovati Counterbore, Standard ANSI Metric, Type Socket Head Cap Screw Veličina #10.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

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3D Modeliranje

Klik Positions,

klik 4 tačke blizu temena,

klik Smart Dimension

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

I dimenzionisati 4 tačke 10mm od ivica.



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3D Modeliranje


10 10

10 10 10


Klik OK. 7.Kraj!

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



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3D Modeliranje



Primer funkcije Linear Pattern

Primenom funkcije linear Pattern modelirati otvore kao na skici

1.Klik New.

Klik Part,


2.Klick Front Plane

and klik Sketch.

3.Klik Rectangle, nacrtati pravougaonik. Klik Smart Dimension, pravougaonik 60 x 60.

4.Klik Feature>Extruded Boss/Base,

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


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3D Modeliranje


podesiti D1 to 20mm, OK. 5. Klik front face a zatim Normal to. (crtl+8)

6 Sketch.

7.Klik Circle,

nacrtati krug blizu jednog temena proizvoljnog prečnika

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


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8.Klik Smart Dimension,

3D Modeliranje

dimenzionisati krug prema skici ispod.




9.Klick Features>Extruded Cut,

set Direction 1, Through All , OK.

10.Click Linear Pattern, Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

click left edge,



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on Direction 1 podesiti D1 to 12mm zatim Instances # to 3.

11.Klick bottom edge,

on Direction 2 podesiti rastojanje D2 to 12 zatim Instances # to 3.

12.Klik unutar boksa Features to Pattern.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Taurunum-VIŠSS

Otvoriti drvo, selektovati Extrude 2

OK. 13.Kraj!

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

3D Modeliranje



SolidWorks速 Tutorial 12 CLAMP

Preparatory Vocational Training and Advanced Vocational Training

To be used with SolidWorks速 Educational Edition Release 2008-2009

© 1995-2009, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. 300 Baker Avenue Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patents 5,815,154; 6,219,049; 6,219,055 Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. is a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq:DASTY) company. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and should not be considered commitments by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the explicit written permission of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. All warranties given by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. as to the software and documentation are set forth in the Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. License and Subscription Service Agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. SolidWorks® is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. SolidWorks 2009 is a product name of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. FeatureManager® is a jointly owned registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. Feature Palette™ and PhotoWorks™ are trademarks of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. ACIS® is a registered trademark of Spatial Corporation. FeatureWorks® is a registered trademark of Geometric Software Solutions Co. Limited. GLOBEtrotter® and FLEXlm® are registered trademarks of Globetrotter Software, Inc. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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SolidWorks Benelux developed this tutorial for self-training with the SolidWorks 3D CAD program. Any other use of this tutorial or parts of it is prohibited. For questions, please contact SolidWorks Benelux. Contact information is printed on the last page of this tutorial. Initiative: Kees Kloosterboer (SolidWorks Benelux) Educational Advisor: Jack van den Broek (Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg) Realization: Arnoud Breedveld (PAZ Computerworks)

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Clamp In this tutorial we are going to make a clamp. Many of the topics we will use you have seen already, but we are also going to show you some new tools, including: -

Movements in an assembly.


The creation of a rendering with PhotoWorks.

First, we are going to mold the parts, and then we will make the assembly, in which you can see the exact movements of the product. Finally, we are going to make a rendering in PhotoWorks.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

The first part we are going to make is the base. In the illustration below you can see the dimensions.

First, you will make a work plan. How would you build this part? The main problem in this part is that almost all the vertical planes are at an angle of 5째, which is often the case with castings. To achieve that angle in the model, we use a new feature: Draft. Make a plan by yourself for how to create this model.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


1 2

Start SolidWorks and open a new part. Select the Front Plane and make a sketch like you see in the illustration on the right. Can you build this sketch by yourself? Fine! After that continue to Step 6. If you cannot build this sketch, then follow the next steps.


Draw the lines as shown on the right. Note the position of the origin.


Now, select the whole sketch (all lines and the centerline). The easiest way to do this is by dragging a frame around the whole sketch. Next, click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Set the dimensions in the sketch as shown on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Extrude the sketch over a length of ‘100mm’.


We are now going to make the mounting holes. Create a sketch on the upper surface of the model as shown in the illustration on the right. Can you build this sketch by yourself? Great! Continue to Step 14. If you cannot build this sketch, than follow the next few steps.


1. First, select the plane where you want to make the sketch. 2. Click on Normal To in the menu that appears.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Next, draw the two centerlines, as illustrated on the right. Be careful to draw the centerlines in the exact center of the model. To see if this really works out properly, you can verify it with the Midpoint symbols, which you can find at the end of the centerlines.


Draw a circle, similar to the illustration on the right.


Now mirror the circle: 1. Select the circle. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the vertical centerline. 3. Select ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The two circles we have created will be mirrored a second time: 1-3 Select the two circles we have already drawn before and the horizontal centerline. Use the <Ctrl> key. 4. Select ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Add the dimensions as shown to the sketch.


Make an Extruded Cut from the sketch with depth ‘Through All’.


In these two sketches we have mirrored some parts. This not only saves

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


time because you have to draw less, but the mirrored parts also remain constrained to each other and will always be symmetrical. 15

Now, select the front plane from the model and select Normal To. Make a sketch on this plane.


Can you build this sketch all by yourself? Great! Continue at Step 25. If you cannot build this sketch, then follow the next steps.


First, draw a centerline from the origin vertically upwards. The exact length does not matter.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Draw a horizontal line as illustrated on the right. The beginning of the line is at the upper surface of the model. The endpoint is on the vertical centerline. Push the <Esc> key to abort the line command.


Now, draw a second line as shown. The beginning of the line is exactly on the beginning of the last line you drew. The line is not positioned vertically but at a slight angle in relation to the vertical centerline.


1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Click on Tangent Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the endpoint of the line you have just drawn to get the first point of the arc. 4. To get the endpoint of the arc, click on the centerline as shown. 5. Click the <Esc> key to abort the command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the centerline. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the center of the arc. This is marked in the sketch as a little ‘x’. 3. Click on ‘Coincident’ in the PropertyManager.


Select the whole sketch (including the centerline), and click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Next, you have to draw a circle. Put the center of the circle on the center of the arc.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the dimensions in the sketch as shown.


Extrude this sketch. 1. Set the depth to ‘25mm’. 2. Make sure your extrusion extends in the right direction with Reverse Direction. Rotate the model to its isometric position. Otherwise, you will not be able to see this! 3. Click on OK.


We are going to set all vertical planes at an angle of 5°. For this we use a new feature: Draft. Click on ‘Draft’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



First, we select the ‘Neutral Plane’. This is the partitioning plane from the mold or matrix. Rotate the model so you have a good view of the bottom. Select the bottom plane.


We can now select the planes that we want to tilt. Click on all vertical planes as shown in the illustration on the right. There are 7 planes in total. To select them all, you will have to rotate the model every now and then.


Next, you have to set two more items. 1. Set the ‘Draft Angle’ to ‘5°’ in the PropertyManager. 2. In the model the angle direction is indicated by an arrow. Make sure this arrow points upward. You can change direction by clicking on the arrow. 3. Click on OK in the PropertyManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the right plane in the model and make the sketch as shown. If you can do it yourself, then continue to Step 37, if not, follow the few next steps.


Draw a line similar to the one in the illustration.


Use the Autotransitioning technique that we used before when we wanted to draw a part of a circle using the line command. 1. Move the cursor away from the last point that you drew. 2. Replace the cursor exactly to the last point again (do NOT click on it!) 3. Move the cursor away and you will be drawing an arc. 4. Click as shown in the illustration to set an arc.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Click on the spot as shown on the right. Use the dotted auxiliary line: it is aligned to the circle. Note the two yellow icons near the cursor. These must be visible at the moment that you set the endpoint.


Click on the beginning of the first line now.


Draw a circle with its midpoint on the midpoint of the arc.


Set the dimensions as shown on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Extrude this sketch. 1. Select the option ‘Mid Plane’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Set the distance to ‘6mm’. 3. Click on OK.


Round the corners from the model with the ‘Fillet’ feature. Set the radius to ‘1.5mm’ and select the edges as shown on the right. Click on OK.


Use the ‘Fillet’ feature again to round off the rest of the edges. Do this using a radius of ‘1mm’.


The first part of the clamp

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


is now ready. Save it as: base.SLDPRT.

Work plan

The next part we will create is half of the arm. This part is made from sheetmetal, so we will be using the SolidWorks SheetMetal functions. To make this part you need to use two new features: 1. Jog, which allows you to make a double bend in a part. 2. Sketched bend, which allows you to draw a line on a sheet of metal that will act as a bending line.

Making this part is actually very simple. 1. Use sheetmetal. While making this part is ease, the sketch we have to make is fairly complicated! 2. Next we will Jog the line. 3. Finally, we will bend the sheet with the Sketched Bend command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Open a new part. Select the right plane and make the sketch as shown on the right. Did you succeed? Continue with Step 56. If you fail, follow the next few steps.


Draw three centerlines on the right plane first, as shown on the right. Draw the first centerline horizontally from the origin to the left. Set the dimensions as shown in the illustration.


1,2 Select the two bottom centerlines (use the <Ctrl> key. 3. Click on ‘Offset Entities’ in the CommandManager. 4. Set the distance to ‘8 mm’ in the PropertyManager. 5. Check the option ‘Bidirectional’. 6. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Draw a circle with the midpoint on the left end of the centerline. Set the dimension to ‘Ø10mm’.


Next, draw a line. 1. Set the beginning at random, as shown on the right. 2. Set the second point on the circle. Make sure it touches the circle at the right spot. You can tell by the little icon that pops up at the cursor. 3. Push the <Esc> key on the keyboard to abort the Line command.


1,2 Select the line and the centerline as shown on the right. 3. Click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the angle between the lines to ‘5°’.


Next, we will trim the part of the circle that lies between the lines. 1. Click on ‘Trim Entities’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘Trim to closest’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the parts of the circle that need to be removed.


We need another half circle at the other end of the sketch. 1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Click on Tangent Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the end of the upper line. 4. Click on the end of the bottom line.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We want to round the four corners now. 1. Click on Sketch Fillet in the CommandManager. 2. Set the radius to ‘8mm’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the bottom corner as shown. 4,5 Click on both lines which we want to connect with a bended line.


A message appears. Click on ‘Yes’.


What does the message in Step 51 mean? The upper sloped lines in the sketch are mirrored lines (from Step 46). For this reason, the lines are connected together by a relation: they are symmetrical around the centerline and equally long. When you want to round one of these lines, their lengths will not be equal anymore. The symmetry will be disconnected or destroyed and that is what the software warns you about. The lines were black (fully defined) but after you click on ‘Yes’ and the symmetry is disconnected, they will turn blue (not fully defined). We will show you how to resolve this later.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the radius to ‘4mm’ and round the two other corners in the same way.


To return to a fully defined sketch, you have to follow the next few steps: 1. Remove the dimension of ‘5°’. 2. Add two angles of ‘2.5°’ instead.


Finally, we have to draw two holes. Draw two circles as shown on the right. The midpoints are on the ends of the bottom centerline. Set the size for one of the holes to ‘Ø6mm’.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select both (use the <Ctrl> key). 2. Click on ‘Equal’ in the PropertyManager.


We will make a part with sheetmetal from this sketch. Make sure the tab ‘SheetMetal’ is displayed in the CommandManager. If not, right-click on one of the other tabs and select the ‘SheetMetal’ function in the pop-up menu.


1. Click on ‘SheetMetal’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘BaseFlange/Tab’.


1. Set the thickness for the material to ‘2.5mm’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We will now make a double bend in the sheet. This is called a Jog. Select the flat surface from the model and make the sketch as shown: is consists of one horizontal line and a dimension.


Click on ‘Jog’ in the CommandManager.


1. First, click on the part of the model that must be fixed. Click on the spot as indicated. 2. Set the distance to ‘3mm’. 3. This distance is called the Outside Offset. 4. Select the option Bend centerline to set the position of the jog. 5. Make sure that the jog goes backwards with the Reverse direction command as shown in the illustration. 6. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Next’ we have to bend the upper end of the arm. Select the plane as shown and make a sketch. Draw a vertical line and set the distance to ‘110mm’ from the origin.


Click on ‘Sketched Bend’ in the CommandManager.


1. Again, you will have to indicate first which plane stays fixed. Click on the spot as indicated in the illustration. 2. Set the angel to ‘90°’. 3. Make sure that this part of the sheetmetal is bending in the right direction with Reverse direction. The arrow in the model indicating the direction must point backwards. 4. Click on OK.


This model is now finished. Save it as: Armright.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We need a mirrored copy from this part. This is very easy to create. 1. Select the plane in the model as shown. This is the ‘mirror’ for the mirror command (the mirror ‘axis’). 2. Open the pull-down menus. 3. Click on ‘Insert’ in the pull-down menus. 4. Click on ‘Mirror Part…’.


Click on OK in the PropertyManager.


A new file has opened containing the mirrored part. This part is constrained to the original part. If you change the original, the mirrored copy will also change. Save this part as: Armleft.SLDPRT. Work plan

The next part is a bracket. This is much simpler than the last part. How would you handle this? Make a plan!

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


We will build this part in sheetmetal too. 69

Open a new file and make the sketch as shown on the right plane. When done, continue to Step 74. If you have trouble, follow the next few steps.


Draw a centerline horizontally to the right from the origin. Set a size for the length: ‘45mm’.


Draw two circles with the midpoints at both endpoints of the centerline. Set the dimension from one of the circles to ‘Ø6mm’. Select both circles and set an Equal relation.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the centerline. 2. Click on ‘Offset Entities’ in the CommandManager. 3. Set a distance of ‘6.25mm’ in the PropertyManager. 4. Check the option ‘Bidirectional’. 5. Check the option ‘Cap ends’ and next check ‘Arcs’. 6. Click on OK.


First, click on ‘SheetMetal’ in the CommandManager then on ‘Base Flange’.


1. Set the thickness of the material to ‘2.5mm’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make the sketch as shown. Draw a vertical line and set the dimension from that line to the center of the left hole to ‘12.5mm’.


Click on ‘Jog’ in the CommandManager and set the following features in the PropertyManager: 1. Click on the middle of the model to determine the fixed plane. 2. All other settings will be the same as the last time you did this. So you do not have to change them. Check the settings with the data from the illustration. 3. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make a second ‘Jog’ at the other end of the bracket. Do exactly the same as you did in the last two steps, only now set the vertical line ‘12.5mm’ from the right hole.


Save the file as: link.SLDPRT. We will make the pin now. This is a simple part that you can probably make by yourself without any problem. We only provide the main steps.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Open a new part and make the sketch as shown on the front plane. It consists only of one circle. Extrude this circle with a length of ‘100mm’.


Make a sketch as shown. Use the centerline to make sure that the rectangle is exactly in the middle of the circle. The height of the rectangle does not matter.


Make an Extruded Cut from this sketch. 1. The depth is ‘15mm’. 2. Check the option ‘Flip side to cut’ to make sure that the material on the outside of the rectangle will be removed and not on the inside, like we would do with a normal Extruded Cut.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make the sketch as shown. Draw the diagonal centerline. Next draw a circle on the midpoint of the centerline. Make an Extruded Cut with a depth set to ‘Through All’ from this sketch.


Finally, chamfer the end of the pin by ‘1mm x 45°’ using the Chamfer feature.


Save the file as Rod.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan


The next part is the cap. It only consists of one feature: a Revolved Boss.

Open a new part and make the sketch as shown on the front plane. Make the sketch complete without any fillets. Only when the sketch is done, use the Sketch Fillet command. Make a Revolved Boss, over ‘360°’ from this sketch.


Save the file as Socket.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

Finally, we have to build a rivet. This is also a part made from only one Revolved Boss feature. We need two lengths of rivets though: ‘16mm’ and ‘11mm’. That is why we will make two configurations from this part.


Open a new part. Make the sketch as shown on the front plane. You can of course draw half of the sketch first and mirror it around the centerline. The sloped edge must be done with the Sketch Chamfer command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the upper horizontal line in the sketch. This will be our rotation axis. 2. Click on Boss/Base’.


Click on OK in the PropertyManager to make the rotation.


Go to the ConfigurationManager.


Change the name of the current configuration from ‘Default’ to ‘16mm’.


Add a new configuration. 1. Right-click on the upper line. 2. Click on ‘Add configuration…’.


1. Name for the new configuration ‘11mm’. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Double-click on the model. The dimensions appear. 2. Double-click on the dimension ‘16mm’. The ‘Modify’ menu appears. 3. Change the ‘11mm’.



4. Select ‘This configuration’. The changed value will only be altered in the active configuration now and not in the other one. 5. Click on Rebuild to activate the changes. 6. Click on OK.


This part is ready too. Save it as Rivet.SLDPRT.


All parts of the clamp are now ready, so we can start building the assembly. Try it yourself first. If you fail, follow the steps below. Open a new assembly.


Place the base in the assembly, next the pin and the cap. You can place all items at random on the screen.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Click on ‘Mate’ in the CommandManager. 2,3 Select the two planes from the pin and the base as illustrated on the right. 4. Because the pin is in the wrong direction, you must click on AntiAligned in the CommandManager. The pin is reversed now. 5. Click on OK.


Select the two planes as shown. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the surface at the inside of the cap as shown.


1. Rotate the model and select the plane from the axis as shown. 2. Double-click on OK to end the Mate command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Use ‘Insert Component’ to put the two arms in the assembly.


Click on ‘Mate’ in the CommandManager again. Select the two edges as shown. Click on OK.


Rotate the model and do the same again for the other arm.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Try to drag the parts around the screen now. You will notice that you can only move the pin and the cap up and down and rotate the arms. These movements are determined by the mates you have added. Add two brackets to the assembly.


Start the Mate command again and make a ‘Coincident’ mate (not a ‘Concentric’!) Select the two edges as shown on the right. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the two edges as shown. Click on OK.


Set the other bracket as well. Use the option Anti-Aligned to reverse the bracket.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



You can move the arm now and you will see the clamp functioning. To finish the model you need to add the rivets. You will need one rivet of ‘11mm’ and two rivets of ‘16mm’.


The assembly is ready now. Save the file as Clamp.SLDASM. Checking the model

When you move the arm of the clamp, you will notice that the brackets collide with the base. To solve this problem, we need to extend the base a bit.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The easiest way to extend the size of the base is to do the following: 1. Double-click on the base. The dimensions appear. 2. Find the length (100) and double-click on this. The ‘Modify’ menu appears. 3. Change the ‘110mm’.



4. Click on Rebuild, and check to see if the change is correct. 5. Click on OK.

Checking the model

The arm from the pin can rotate 360 degrees and in the software, the arm goes right through the material of the base. This is not possible in the real world, so we want to limit the rotation of the arm.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



To find out the most extreme positions, we will follow the next few steps: 1. Make sure the arm is pointing upward. 2. Click on ‘Move Component’ in the CommandManager. 3. Select the option ‘Collision Detection’ in the PropertyManager. 4. Check the function ‘Stop at collision’.


Move the arm again. Notice that the movement is limited to the position where two parts collide. At that point, the colliding parts turn green.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

Finally, we will make a rendering from this model. A rendering is a picture of the model with all features displayed as realistically as possible. You can use a rendering for many communications purposes, such as in a presentation. To make a rendering in SolidWorks we use a separate piece of software called PhotoWorks. This is a very robust program with a wide range of capabilities. We will show you how to make a standard rendering using the default settings.


Check to see if PhotoWorks is activated. 1. Click on the tab ‘Office Products’ in the CommandManager. When the button ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ is present, you are ready with this application. 2. If the button ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ is not visible, click on ‘SolidWorks Office’. 3. Click on ‘PhotoWorks’. The buttons and functions for PhotoWorks appear in the CommandManager now.


Put the model in perspective. This will give a more natural look than an isometric or diametric view. 1. Click on View Settings. 2. Click on ‘Perspective’. Rotate the model to establish the view that you want to show in the rendering.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



First, we will make a rendering with the default settings. Click on ‘Render’ in the CommandManager. You will notice that the image is displayed differently, including shadows and reflections.


We will determine the kind of material for the different parts. Click on ‘Appearance’ in the CommandManager.


You will see a small ‘Preview’ window in which you can see your settings. You can close the window if you want, you will not need it in this exercise. The whole assembly is selected now. 1. Right-click on ‘Clamp.SLDASM’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on ‘Clear Selections’.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Check the option Apply changes at assembly component level in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on the cap in the model.


1. Click on the tab RealView/PhotoWorks Items (on the right side of your screen) in the task pane. 2. Click on ‘Rubber’. 3. Click on ‘Matte’. 4. You will only find one kind of material in this category. Select it. The cap is now made of ‘matte rubber’.


1. Click on the pushpin in the PropertyManager. The PropertyManager will remain visible even after you have clicked OK. This will come in handy when you are going to determine the kind of material to use for several parts. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the base in the model.


Select ‘cast iron’. Click on OK in the PropertyManager.


You can do the same with all of the other parts yourself. You can also determine colors for the different parts. Try this or keep the default settings.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Now that we have determined the materials, we can set the ‘scene’ around a product. The scene is the environment, the background, and/or the lighting. SolidWorks has a number of standard scenes. Click on ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ in the CommandManager.


1. You can browse the available scenes in the PropertyManager. Every time you will be presented with the preview. Select one scene and use it. 2. Set the ‘Render Quality’ at least to ‘medium’ or you will not see any shadows. 3. Click on ‘Render’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The rendered image appears. You can browse to another scene in the PropertyManager and click on ‘Render’ again.



The rendering sometimes takes a while, especially when you use high quality with a lot of light sources and shadows. To speed this process up, you can render a part of the model. Click on ‘Render Area’ in the CommandManager and indicate on the screen which part of it you want to render.

Did you find the rendering you wanted, you can save it in a separate file, for instance in JPEG format. You can use it for a report or on a website. Click on Render to file.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the following features in the menu that appears: 1. Select a name for the file, ‘Clamp’. 2. Select a file format. ‘JPEG’ can be used by a lot of applications. 3. Select the ‘Image size’. This depends on what you want to do with it, but a width of between 1000 and 2000 pixels is usually sufficient. The height will adapt itself automatically. 4. Click on ‘Render’.


What you have just seen in PhotoWorks in only the beginning of what you can do with this application. You can change whatever you like: the background, the surface, the lighting, and so on. These steps are not included in this tutorial, but if you are interested, try them yourself.

What are the main features you have learned in this tutorial?

In this tutorial you have learned a few new tools. •

You have used Jogs in the sheetmetal features.

You have used the Draft feature to add sloped planes to the model.

You have seen how to limit the movement in an assembly.

You have used PhotoWorks.

The most important thing you have gained, however, is the practice the tutorial has provided in modeling and, even more importantly, making sketches.

This is the last tutorial from SolidWorks in this series. When you have completed all twelve exercises and have done some additional practice, you should be able to work with SolidWorks quite well now. To get even better, all you need to do is practice, practice, and practice some more! Not all of the features in SolidWorks were presented in these tutorials. That would be virtually impossible, given the vast possibilities and features in the software. SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


You are now a SolidWorks ‘user’ and that means you can try and build something on your own. And you will learn al lot from this! And if you fail with one or more functions, find the Help function. It will help you to get on with your work. For Dutch students, it is possible to get a book called ‘Productmodelleren met SolidWorks’ in which practically all possibilities from SolidWorks are described. Do not be afraid to try things yourself and keep on practicing. You will soon be able to call yourself a SolidWorks expert!

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


SolidWorks works in education One cannot imagine the modern technical world without 3D CAD. Whether your profession is in the mechanical, electrical, or industrial design fields, or in the automotive industry, 3D CAD is THE tool used by designers and engineers today. SolidWorks is the most widely used 3D CAD design software in Benelux. Thanks to its unique combination of features, its ease-of-use, its wide applicability, and its excellent support. In the software’s annual improvements, more and more customer requests are implemented, which leads to an annual increase in functionality, as well as optimization of functions already available in the software. Education A great number and wide variety of educational institutions – ranging from technical vocational training schools to universities, including Delft en Twente, among others – have already chosen SolidWorks. Why? For a teacher or instructor, SolidWorks provides user-friendly software that pupils and students find easy to learn and use. SolidWorks benefits all training programs, including those designed to solve problems as well as those designed to achieve competence. Tutorials are available for every level of training, beginning with a series of tutorials for technical vocational education that leads students through the software step-by-step. At higher levels involving complex design and engineering, such as double curved planes, more advanced tutorials are available. All tutorials are in English and free to download at www.solidworks.com. For a scholar or a student, learning to work with SolidWorks is fun and edifying. By using SolidWorks, design technique becomes more and more visible and tangible, resulting in a more enjoyable and realistic way of working on an assignment. Even better, every scholar or student knows that job opportunities increase with SolidWorks because they have proficiency in the most widely used 3D CAD software in the Benelux on their resume. For example: at www.cadjobs.nl you will find a great number of available jobs and internships that require SolidWorks. These opportunities increase motivation to learn how to use SolidWorks.

Student Kit is available through your teacher or instructor. The choice to work with SolidWorks is an important issue for ICT departments because they can postpone new hardware installation due to the fact that SolidWorks carries relatively low hardware demands. The installation and management of SolidWorks on a network is very simple, particularly with a network licenses. And if a problem does arise, access to a qualified helpdesk will help you to get back on the right track. Certification When you have sufficiently learned SolidWorks, you can obtain certification by taking the Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) exam. By passing this test, you will receive a certificate that attests to your proficiency with SolidWorks. This can be very useful when applying for a job or internship. After completing this series of tutorials for VMBO and MBO, you will know enough to take the CSWA exam. Finally SolidWorks has committed itself to serving the needs of educational institutions and schools both now and in the future. By supporting teachers, making tutorials available, updating the software annually to the latest commercial version, and by supplying the Student Kit, SolidWorks continues its commitment to serve the educational community. The choice of SolidWorks is an investment in the future of education and ensures ongoing support and a strong foundation for scholars and students who want to have the best opportunities after their technical training. Contact If you still have questions about SolidWorks, please contact your local reseller. You will find more information about SolidWorks at our website: http://www.solidworks.com SolidWorks Benelux RTC Building Jan Ligthartstraat 1 1800 GH Alkmaar, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)72 514 3550

To make the use of SolidWorks even easier, a Student Kit is available. If the school uses SolidWorks, every scholar or student can get a free download of the Student Kit. It is a complete version of SolidWorks, which is only allowed to be used for educational purposes. The data you need to download the SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


SolidWorks速 Tutorial 12 CLAMP

Preparatory Vocational Training and Advanced Vocational Training

To be used with SolidWorks速 Educational Edition Release 2008-2009

© 1995-2009, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. 300 Baker Avenue Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patents 5,815,154; 6,219,049; 6,219,055 Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. is a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq:DASTY) company. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and should not be considered commitments by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the explicit written permission of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. All warranties given by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. as to the software and documentation are set forth in the Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. License and Subscription Service Agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. SolidWorks® is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. SolidWorks 2009 is a product name of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. FeatureManager® is a jointly owned registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. Feature Palette™ and PhotoWorks™ are trademarks of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. ACIS® is a registered trademark of Spatial Corporation. FeatureWorks® is a registered trademark of Geometric Software Solutions Co. Limited. GLOBEtrotter® and FLEXlm® are registered trademarks of Globetrotter Software, Inc. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE - PROPRIETARY U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights), DFARS 227.7202 (Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation), and in the license agreement, as applicable. Contractor/Manufacturer: Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp., 300 Baker Avenue, Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA Portions of this software are copyrighted by and are the property of Electronic Data Systems Corporation or its subsidiaries, Copyright© 2009 Portions of this software © 1999, 2002-2009 ComponentOne Portions of this software © 1990-2009 D-Cubed Limited. Portions of this product are distributed under license from DC Micro Development, Copyright © 1994-2009 DC Micro Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Portions © eHelp Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions of this software © 1998-2009 Geometric Software Solutions Co. Limited. Portions of this software © 1986-2009 mental images GmbH & Co. KG Portions of this software © 1996-2009 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Portions of this software © 2009, SIMULOG. Portions of this software © 1995-2009 Spatial Corporation. Portions of this software © 2009, Structural Research & Analysis Corp. Portions of this software © 1997-2009 Tech Soft America. Portions of this software © 1999-2009 Viewpoint Corporation. Portions of this software © 1994-2009, Visual Kinematics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

SolidWorks Benelux developed this tutorial for self-training with the SolidWorks 3D CAD program. Any other use of this tutorial or parts of it is prohibited. For questions, please contact SolidWorks Benelux. Contact information is printed on the last page of this tutorial. Initiative: Kees Kloosterboer (SolidWorks Benelux) Educational Advisor: Jack van den Broek (Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg) Realization: Arnoud Breedveld (PAZ Computerworks)

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Clamp In this tutorial we are going to make a clamp. Many of the topics we will use you have seen already, but we are also going to show you some new tools, including: -

Movements in an assembly.


The creation of a rendering with PhotoWorks.

First, we are going to mold the parts, and then we will make the assembly, in which you can see the exact movements of the product. Finally, we are going to make a rendering in PhotoWorks.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

The first part we are going to make is the base. In the illustration below you can see the dimensions.

First, you will make a work plan. How would you build this part? The main problem in this part is that almost all the vertical planes are at an angle of 5째, which is often the case with castings. To achieve that angle in the model, we use a new feature: Draft. Make a plan by yourself for how to create this model.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


1 2

Start SolidWorks and open a new part. Select the Front Plane and make a sketch like you see in the illustration on the right. Can you build this sketch by yourself? Fine! After that continue to Step 6. If you cannot build this sketch, then follow the next steps.


Draw the lines as shown on the right. Note the position of the origin.


Now, select the whole sketch (all lines and the centerline). The easiest way to do this is by dragging a frame around the whole sketch. Next, click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Set the dimensions in the sketch as shown on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Extrude the sketch over a length of ‘100mm’.


We are now going to make the mounting holes. Create a sketch on the upper surface of the model as shown in the illustration on the right. Can you build this sketch by yourself? Great! Continue to Step 14. If you cannot build this sketch, than follow the next few steps.


1. First, select the plane where you want to make the sketch. 2. Click on Normal To in the menu that appears.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Next, draw the two centerlines, as illustrated on the right. Be careful to draw the centerlines in the exact center of the model. To see if this really works out properly, you can verify it with the Midpoint symbols, which you can find at the end of the centerlines.


Draw a circle, similar to the illustration on the right.


Now mirror the circle: 1. Select the circle. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the vertical centerline. 3. Select ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The two circles we have created will be mirrored a second time: 1-3 Select the two circles we have already drawn before and the horizontal centerline. Use the <Ctrl> key. 4. Select ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Add the dimensions as shown to the sketch.


Make an Extruded Cut from the sketch with depth ‘Through All’.


In these two sketches we have mirrored some parts. This not only saves

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


time because you have to draw less, but the mirrored parts also remain constrained to each other and will always be symmetrical. 15

Now, select the front plane from the model and select Normal To. Make a sketch on this plane.


Can you build this sketch all by yourself? Great! Continue at Step 25. If you cannot build this sketch, then follow the next steps.


First, draw a centerline from the origin vertically upwards. The exact length does not matter.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Draw a horizontal line as illustrated on the right. The beginning of the line is at the upper surface of the model. The endpoint is on the vertical centerline. Push the <Esc> key to abort the line command.


Now, draw a second line as shown. The beginning of the line is exactly on the beginning of the last line you drew. The line is not positioned vertically but at a slight angle in relation to the vertical centerline.


1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Click on Tangent Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the endpoint of the line you have just drawn to get the first point of the arc. 4. To get the endpoint of the arc, click on the centerline as shown. 5. Click the <Esc> key to abort the command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the centerline. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the center of the arc. This is marked in the sketch as a little ‘x’. 3. Click on ‘Coincident’ in the PropertyManager.


Select the whole sketch (including the centerline), and click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Next, you have to draw a circle. Put the center of the circle on the center of the arc.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the dimensions in the sketch as shown.


Extrude this sketch. 1. Set the depth to ‘25mm’. 2. Make sure your extrusion extends in the right direction with Reverse Direction. Rotate the model to its isometric position. Otherwise, you will not be able to see this! 3. Click on OK.


We are going to set all vertical planes at an angle of 5°. For this we use a new feature: Draft. Click on ‘Draft’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



First, we select the ‘Neutral Plane’. This is the partitioning plane from the mold or matrix. Rotate the model so you have a good view of the bottom. Select the bottom plane.


We can now select the planes that we want to tilt. Click on all vertical planes as shown in the illustration on the right. There are 7 planes in total. To select them all, you will have to rotate the model every now and then.


Next, you have to set two more items. 1. Set the ‘Draft Angle’ to ‘5°’ in the PropertyManager. 2. In the model the angle direction is indicated by an arrow. Make sure this arrow points upward. You can change direction by clicking on the arrow. 3. Click on OK in the PropertyManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the right plane in the model and make the sketch as shown. If you can do it yourself, then continue to Step 37, if not, follow the few next steps.


Draw a line similar to the one in the illustration.


Use the Autotransitioning technique that we used before when we wanted to draw a part of a circle using the line command. 1. Move the cursor away from the last point that you drew. 2. Replace the cursor exactly to the last point again (do NOT click on it!) 3. Move the cursor away and you will be drawing an arc. 4. Click as shown in the illustration to set an arc.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Click on the spot as shown on the right. Use the dotted auxiliary line: it is aligned to the circle. Note the two yellow icons near the cursor. These must be visible at the moment that you set the endpoint.


Click on the beginning of the first line now.


Draw a circle with its midpoint on the midpoint of the arc.


Set the dimensions as shown on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Extrude this sketch. 1. Select the option ‘Mid Plane’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Set the distance to ‘6mm’. 3. Click on OK.


Round the corners from the model with the ‘Fillet’ feature. Set the radius to ‘1.5mm’ and select the edges as shown on the right. Click on OK.


Use the ‘Fillet’ feature again to round off the rest of the edges. Do this using a radius of ‘1mm’.


The first part of the clamp

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


is now ready. Save it as: base.SLDPRT.

Work plan

The next part we will create is half of the arm. This part is made from sheetmetal, so we will be using the SolidWorks SheetMetal functions. To make this part you need to use two new features: 1. Jog, which allows you to make a double bend in a part. 2. Sketched bend, which allows you to draw a line on a sheet of metal that will act as a bending line.

Making this part is actually very simple. 1. Use sheetmetal. While making this part is ease, the sketch we have to make is fairly complicated! 2. Next we will Jog the line. 3. Finally, we will bend the sheet with the Sketched Bend command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Open a new part. Select the right plane and make the sketch as shown on the right. Did you succeed? Continue with Step 56. If you fail, follow the next few steps.


Draw three centerlines on the right plane first, as shown on the right. Draw the first centerline horizontally from the origin to the left. Set the dimensions as shown in the illustration.


1,2 Select the two bottom centerlines (use the <Ctrl> key. 3. Click on ‘Offset Entities’ in the CommandManager. 4. Set the distance to ‘8 mm’ in the PropertyManager. 5. Check the option ‘Bidirectional’. 6. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Draw a circle with the midpoint on the left end of the centerline. Set the dimension to ‘Ø10mm’.


Next, draw a line. 1. Set the beginning at random, as shown on the right. 2. Set the second point on the circle. Make sure it touches the circle at the right spot. You can tell by the little icon that pops up at the cursor. 3. Push the <Esc> key on the keyboard to abort the Line command.


1,2 Select the line and the centerline as shown on the right. 3. Click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the angle between the lines to ‘5°’.


Next, we will trim the part of the circle that lies between the lines. 1. Click on ‘Trim Entities’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘Trim to closest’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the parts of the circle that need to be removed.


We need another half circle at the other end of the sketch. 1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Click on Tangent Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the end of the upper line. 4. Click on the end of the bottom line.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We want to round the four corners now. 1. Click on Sketch Fillet in the CommandManager. 2. Set the radius to ‘8mm’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the bottom corner as shown. 4,5 Click on both lines which we want to connect with a bended line.


A message appears. Click on ‘Yes’.


What does the message in Step 51 mean? The upper sloped lines in the sketch are mirrored lines (from Step 46). For this reason, the lines are connected together by a relation: they are symmetrical around the centerline and equally long. When you want to round one of these lines, their lengths will not be equal anymore. The symmetry will be disconnected or destroyed and that is what the software warns you about. The lines were black (fully defined) but after you click on ‘Yes’ and the symmetry is disconnected, they will turn blue (not fully defined). We will show you how to resolve this later.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the radius to ‘4mm’ and round the two other corners in the same way.


To return to a fully defined sketch, you have to follow the next few steps: 1. Remove the dimension of ‘5°’. 2. Add two angles of ‘2.5°’ instead.


Finally, we have to draw two holes. Draw two circles as shown on the right. The midpoints are on the ends of the bottom centerline. Set the size for one of the holes to ‘Ø6mm’.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select both (use the <Ctrl> key). 2. Click on ‘Equal’ in the PropertyManager.


We will make a part with sheetmetal from this sketch. Make sure the tab ‘SheetMetal’ is displayed in the CommandManager. If not, right-click on one of the other tabs and select the ‘SheetMetal’ function in the pop-up menu.


1. Click on ‘SheetMetal’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘BaseFlange/Tab’.


1. Set the thickness for the material to ‘2.5mm’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We will now make a double bend in the sheet. This is called a Jog. Select the flat surface from the model and make the sketch as shown: is consists of one horizontal line and a dimension.


Click on ‘Jog’ in the CommandManager.


1. First, click on the part of the model that must be fixed. Click on the spot as indicated. 2. Set the distance to ‘3mm’. 3. This distance is called the Outside Offset. 4. Select the option Bend centerline to set the position of the jog. 5. Make sure that the jog goes backwards with the Reverse direction command as shown in the illustration. 6. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Next’ we have to bend the upper end of the arm. Select the plane as shown and make a sketch. Draw a vertical line and set the distance to ‘110mm’ from the origin.


Click on ‘Sketched Bend’ in the CommandManager.


1. Again, you will have to indicate first which plane stays fixed. Click on the spot as indicated in the illustration. 2. Set the angel to ‘90°’. 3. Make sure that this part of the sheetmetal is bending in the right direction with Reverse direction. The arrow in the model indicating the direction must point backwards. 4. Click on OK.


This model is now finished. Save it as: Armright.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



We need a mirrored copy from this part. This is very easy to create. 1. Select the plane in the model as shown. This is the ‘mirror’ for the mirror command (the mirror ‘axis’). 2. Open the pull-down menus. 3. Click on ‘Insert’ in the pull-down menus. 4. Click on ‘Mirror Part…’.


Click on OK in the PropertyManager.


A new file has opened containing the mirrored part. This part is constrained to the original part. If you change the original, the mirrored copy will also change. Save this part as: Armleft.SLDPRT. Work plan

The next part is a bracket. This is much simpler than the last part. How would you handle this? Make a plan!

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


We will build this part in sheetmetal too. 69

Open a new file and make the sketch as shown on the right plane. When done, continue to Step 74. If you have trouble, follow the next few steps.


Draw a centerline horizontally to the right from the origin. Set a size for the length: ‘45mm’.


Draw two circles with the midpoints at both endpoints of the centerline. Set the dimension from one of the circles to ‘Ø6mm’. Select both circles and set an Equal relation.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the centerline. 2. Click on ‘Offset Entities’ in the CommandManager. 3. Set a distance of ‘6.25mm’ in the PropertyManager. 4. Check the option ‘Bidirectional’. 5. Check the option ‘Cap ends’ and next check ‘Arcs’. 6. Click on OK.


First, click on ‘SheetMetal’ in the CommandManager then on ‘Base Flange’.


1. Set the thickness of the material to ‘2.5mm’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make the sketch as shown. Draw a vertical line and set the dimension from that line to the center of the left hole to ‘12.5mm’.


Click on ‘Jog’ in the CommandManager and set the following features in the PropertyManager: 1. Click on the middle of the model to determine the fixed plane. 2. All other settings will be the same as the last time you did this. So you do not have to change them. Check the settings with the data from the illustration. 3. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make a second ‘Jog’ at the other end of the bracket. Do exactly the same as you did in the last two steps, only now set the vertical line ‘12.5mm’ from the right hole.


Save the file as: link.SLDPRT. We will make the pin now. This is a simple part that you can probably make by yourself without any problem. We only provide the main steps.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Open a new part and make the sketch as shown on the front plane. It consists only of one circle. Extrude this circle with a length of ‘100mm’.


Make a sketch as shown. Use the centerline to make sure that the rectangle is exactly in the middle of the circle. The height of the rectangle does not matter.


Make an Extruded Cut from this sketch. 1. The depth is ‘15mm’. 2. Check the option ‘Flip side to cut’ to make sure that the material on the outside of the rectangle will be removed and not on the inside, like we would do with a normal Extruded Cut.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Make the sketch as shown. Draw the diagonal centerline. Next draw a circle on the midpoint of the centerline. Make an Extruded Cut with a depth set to ‘Through All’ from this sketch.


Finally, chamfer the end of the pin by ‘1mm x 45°’ using the Chamfer feature.


Save the file as Rod.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan


The next part is the cap. It only consists of one feature: a Revolved Boss.

Open a new part and make the sketch as shown on the front plane. Make the sketch complete without any fillets. Only when the sketch is done, use the Sketch Fillet command. Make a Revolved Boss, over ‘360°’ from this sketch.


Save the file as Socket.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

Finally, we have to build a rivet. This is also a part made from only one Revolved Boss feature. We need two lengths of rivets though: ‘16mm’ and ‘11mm’. That is why we will make two configurations from this part.


Open a new part. Make the sketch as shown on the front plane. You can of course draw half of the sketch first and mirror it around the centerline. The sloped edge must be done with the Sketch Chamfer command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Select the upper horizontal line in the sketch. This will be our rotation axis. 2. Click on Boss/Base’.


Click on OK in the PropertyManager to make the rotation.


Go to the ConfigurationManager.


Change the name of the current configuration from ‘Default’ to ‘16mm’.


Add a new configuration. 1. Right-click on the upper line. 2. Click on ‘Add configuration…’.


1. Name for the new configuration ‘11mm’. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Double-click on the model. The dimensions appear. 2. Double-click on the dimension ‘16mm’. The ‘Modify’ menu appears. 3. Change the ‘11mm’.



4. Select ‘This configuration’. The changed value will only be altered in the active configuration now and not in the other one. 5. Click on Rebuild to activate the changes. 6. Click on OK.


This part is ready too. Save it as Rivet.SLDPRT.


All parts of the clamp are now ready, so we can start building the assembly. Try it yourself first. If you fail, follow the steps below. Open a new assembly.


Place the base in the assembly, next the pin and the cap. You can place all items at random on the screen.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Click on ‘Mate’ in the CommandManager. 2,3 Select the two planes from the pin and the base as illustrated on the right. 4. Because the pin is in the wrong direction, you must click on AntiAligned in the CommandManager. The pin is reversed now. 5. Click on OK.


Select the two planes as shown. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the surface at the inside of the cap as shown.


1. Rotate the model and select the plane from the axis as shown. 2. Double-click on OK to end the Mate command.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Use ‘Insert Component’ to put the two arms in the assembly.


Click on ‘Mate’ in the CommandManager again. Select the two edges as shown. Click on OK.


Rotate the model and do the same again for the other arm.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Try to drag the parts around the screen now. You will notice that you can only move the pin and the cap up and down and rotate the arms. These movements are determined by the mates you have added. Add two brackets to the assembly.


Start the Mate command again and make a ‘Coincident’ mate (not a ‘Concentric’!) Select the two edges as shown on the right. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the two edges as shown. Click on OK.


Set the other bracket as well. Use the option Anti-Aligned to reverse the bracket.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



You can move the arm now and you will see the clamp functioning. To finish the model you need to add the rivets. You will need one rivet of ‘11mm’ and two rivets of ‘16mm’.


The assembly is ready now. Save the file as Clamp.SLDASM. Checking the model

When you move the arm of the clamp, you will notice that the brackets collide with the base. To solve this problem, we need to extend the base a bit.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The easiest way to extend the size of the base is to do the following: 1. Double-click on the base. The dimensions appear. 2. Find the length (100) and double-click on this. The ‘Modify’ menu appears. 3. Change the ‘110mm’.



4. Click on Rebuild, and check to see if the change is correct. 5. Click on OK.

Checking the model

The arm from the pin can rotate 360 degrees and in the software, the arm goes right through the material of the base. This is not possible in the real world, so we want to limit the rotation of the arm.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



To find out the most extreme positions, we will follow the next few steps: 1. Make sure the arm is pointing upward. 2. Click on ‘Move Component’ in the CommandManager. 3. Select the option ‘Collision Detection’ in the PropertyManager. 4. Check the function ‘Stop at collision’.


Move the arm again. Notice that the movement is limited to the position where two parts collide. At that point, the colliding parts turn green.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Work plan

Finally, we will make a rendering from this model. A rendering is a picture of the model with all features displayed as realistically as possible. You can use a rendering for many communications purposes, such as in a presentation. To make a rendering in SolidWorks we use a separate piece of software called PhotoWorks. This is a very robust program with a wide range of capabilities. We will show you how to make a standard rendering using the default settings.


Check to see if PhotoWorks is activated. 1. Click on the tab ‘Office Products’ in the CommandManager. When the button ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ is present, you are ready with this application. 2. If the button ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ is not visible, click on ‘SolidWorks Office’. 3. Click on ‘PhotoWorks’. The buttons and functions for PhotoWorks appear in the CommandManager now.


Put the model in perspective. This will give a more natural look than an isometric or diametric view. 1. Click on View Settings. 2. Click on ‘Perspective’. Rotate the model to establish the view that you want to show in the rendering.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



First, we will make a rendering with the default settings. Click on ‘Render’ in the CommandManager. You will notice that the image is displayed differently, including shadows and reflections.


We will determine the kind of material for the different parts. Click on ‘Appearance’ in the CommandManager.


You will see a small ‘Preview’ window in which you can see your settings. You can close the window if you want, you will not need it in this exercise. The whole assembly is selected now. 1. Right-click on ‘Clamp.SLDASM’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on ‘Clear Selections’.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



1. Check the option Apply changes at assembly component level in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on the cap in the model.


1. Click on the tab RealView/PhotoWorks Items (on the right side of your screen) in the task pane. 2. Click on ‘Rubber’. 3. Click on ‘Matte’. 4. You will only find one kind of material in this category. Select it. The cap is now made of ‘matte rubber’.


1. Click on the pushpin in the PropertyManager. The PropertyManager will remain visible even after you have clicked OK. This will come in handy when you are going to determine the kind of material to use for several parts. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Select the base in the model.


Select ‘cast iron’. Click on OK in the PropertyManager.


You can do the same with all of the other parts yourself. You can also determine colors for the different parts. Try this or keep the default settings.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Now that we have determined the materials, we can set the ‘scene’ around a product. The scene is the environment, the background, and/or the lighting. SolidWorks has a number of standard scenes. Click on ‘PhotoWorks Studio’ in the CommandManager.


1. You can browse the available scenes in the PropertyManager. Every time you will be presented with the preview. Select one scene and use it. 2. Set the ‘Render Quality’ at least to ‘medium’ or you will not see any shadows. 3. Click on ‘Render’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



The rendered image appears. You can browse to another scene in the PropertyManager and click on ‘Render’ again.



The rendering sometimes takes a while, especially when you use high quality with a lot of light sources and shadows. To speed this process up, you can render a part of the model. Click on ‘Render Area’ in the CommandManager and indicate on the screen which part of it you want to render.

Did you find the rendering you wanted, you can save it in a separate file, for instance in JPEG format. You can use it for a report or on a website. Click on Render to file.

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp



Set the following features in the menu that appears: 1. Select a name for the file, ‘Clamp’. 2. Select a file format. ‘JPEG’ can be used by a lot of applications. 3. Select the ‘Image size’. This depends on what you want to do with it, but a width of between 1000 and 2000 pixels is usually sufficient. The height will adapt itself automatically. 4. Click on ‘Render’.


What you have just seen in PhotoWorks in only the beginning of what you can do with this application. You can change whatever you like: the background, the surface, the lighting, and so on. These steps are not included in this tutorial, but if you are interested, try them yourself.

What are the main features you have learned in this tutorial?

In this tutorial you have learned a few new tools. •

You have used Jogs in the sheetmetal features.

You have used the Draft feature to add sloped planes to the model.

You have seen how to limit the movement in an assembly.

You have used PhotoWorks.

The most important thing you have gained, however, is the practice the tutorial has provided in modeling and, even more importantly, making sketches.

This is the last tutorial from SolidWorks in this series. When you have completed all twelve exercises and have done some additional practice, you should be able to work with SolidWorks quite well now. To get even better, all you need to do is practice, practice, and practice some more! Not all of the features in SolidWorks were presented in these tutorials. That would be virtually impossible, given the vast possibilities and features in the software. SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


You are now a SolidWorks ‘user’ and that means you can try and build something on your own. And you will learn al lot from this! And if you fail with one or more functions, find the Help function. It will help you to get on with your work. For Dutch students, it is possible to get a book called ‘Productmodelleren met SolidWorks’ in which practically all possibilities from SolidWorks are described. Do not be afraid to try things yourself and keep on practicing. You will soon be able to call yourself a SolidWorks expert!

SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


SolidWorks works in education One cannot imagine the modern technical world without 3D CAD. Whether your profession is in the mechanical, electrical, or industrial design fields, or in the automotive industry, 3D CAD is THE tool used by designers and engineers today. SolidWorks is the most widely used 3D CAD design software in Benelux. Thanks to its unique combination of features, its ease-of-use, its wide applicability, and its excellent support. In the software’s annual improvements, more and more customer requests are implemented, which leads to an annual increase in functionality, as well as optimization of functions already available in the software. Education A great number and wide variety of educational institutions – ranging from technical vocational training schools to universities, including Delft en Twente, among others – have already chosen SolidWorks. Why? For a teacher or instructor, SolidWorks provides user-friendly software that pupils and students find easy to learn and use. SolidWorks benefits all training programs, including those designed to solve problems as well as those designed to achieve competence. Tutorials are available for every level of training, beginning with a series of tutorials for technical vocational education that leads students through the software step-by-step. At higher levels involving complex design and engineering, such as double curved planes, more advanced tutorials are available. All tutorials are in English and free to download at www.solidworks.com. For a scholar or a student, learning to work with SolidWorks is fun and edifying. By using SolidWorks, design technique becomes more and more visible and tangible, resulting in a more enjoyable and realistic way of working on an assignment. Even better, every scholar or student knows that job opportunities increase with SolidWorks because they have proficiency in the most widely used 3D CAD software in the Benelux on their resume. For example: at www.cadjobs.nl you will find a great number of available jobs and internships that require SolidWorks. These opportunities increase motivation to learn how to use SolidWorks.

Student Kit is available through your teacher or instructor. The choice to work with SolidWorks is an important issue for ICT departments because they can postpone new hardware installation due to the fact that SolidWorks carries relatively low hardware demands. The installation and management of SolidWorks on a network is very simple, particularly with a network licenses. And if a problem does arise, access to a qualified helpdesk will help you to get back on the right track. Certification When you have sufficiently learned SolidWorks, you can obtain certification by taking the Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) exam. By passing this test, you will receive a certificate that attests to your proficiency with SolidWorks. This can be very useful when applying for a job or internship. After completing this series of tutorials for VMBO and MBO, you will know enough to take the CSWA exam. Finally SolidWorks has committed itself to serving the needs of educational institutions and schools both now and in the future. By supporting teachers, making tutorials available, updating the software annually to the latest commercial version, and by supplying the Student Kit, SolidWorks continues its commitment to serve the educational community. The choice of SolidWorks is an investment in the future of education and ensures ongoing support and a strong foundation for scholars and students who want to have the best opportunities after their technical training. Contact If you still have questions about SolidWorks, please contact your local reseller. You will find more information about SolidWorks at our website: http://www.solidworks.com SolidWorks Benelux RTC Building Jan Ligthartstraat 1 1800 GH Alkmaar, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)72 514 3550

To make the use of SolidWorks even easier, a Student Kit is available. If the school uses SolidWorks, every scholar or student can get a free download of the Student Kit. It is a complete version of SolidWorks, which is only allowed to be used for educational purposes. The data you need to download the SolidWorks voor lager en middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 12: Clamp


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Kako podesiti Solid Works tako da mere budu u metričkom sistemu ? Otvoriti Part Klik Options


, selektovati Units I odabrati MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

). kraj. Primer. Modelirati zupčanik sa kosim zupcima.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



1. Klik New. Klik Part, OK. 2. Klik Front Plane a zatim Sketch.


Klick Circle


nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Klik Smart I dimenzionisati krug sa prečnikom od 100 mm. 100

4. Exit sketch. Klik Features>Extruded Boss/Base.

Podesiti D1 na 25mm 5. Klik na front face I klik Normal To (crtl+8)


Klik na front face a zatim Sketch.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS


Klik na Centerline


Klick Line


Klik Smart Dimension, 2

D 111

3D Modeliranje


I skicirati vertikalnu isprekidanu liniju.

I skicirati profil zuba


D 94

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

dimenzionisati zub kao na skici


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Klik Exit Sketch,

a zatim ctrl+7 (izometrijski prikaz)



11. Rotirati deo tako da se vidi druga strana cilindra koja je paralelna sa njegovom bazom.

Klik na zadnju stranu, zatim sketch a potom ctrl+8

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



12. Konstantan klik na taster CTRL I selektovati sve linije koje se projektuju na selektovanu ravan

zatim klik Convert Entities

Klik Display/Delete Relations

klik Delete All

. a zatim 13. Selektovati sve projektovane linije u sketch ravni

Klik Rotate Entities,

Klik Center of Rotation (centar rotacije): Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

. Obrisati sve odnose-relation.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

klik na koordinatni pocetak - origin (center part).

U boxu Paremetri upisati vrednost 10 deg kao ugao rotacije.

a zatim


Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

14. Klik Exit Sketch,

3D Modeliranje

, zatim ctrl+7.

15. Klik Features>Lofted Boos/Base,

otvoriti drvo sa strane boksa klik Sketch2 I Sketch3

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Uslov da su dve zelene tačke na istoj poziciji na oba sketch-a, ako nisu, izvršiti premeštaj.




Klik na Loft1 (zub)

zatim klik Circular

Pattern. Klik na izvodnicu cilindra po kojoj će se izvršiti kružni šablonski raspored.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Broj ponavljanja elementa-prema potrebi, zatim

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.




Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS 13.

3D Modeliranje



Klik na front face- ne na front plane, zatim sketch pa ctrl+8


15. Nacrtati krug - Circle sa centrom u koordinatnom poćetku. Klik Smart Dimension, dimenzionisati krug sa prečnikom 30 mm



Klik Features>Extruded Cut

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

podesiti Direction to Through All I


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS


3D Modeliranje



Klik on front face selektovatit Sketch.

18. Klik Rectangle nacrtati pravougaonik prema skici ispod. Click Smart Dimension, dimenzionisati prema crtežu ispod 9 10



Klick Features>Extruded Cut

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

podesiti Direction na Through All zatim


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Primer. Modelirati oprugu-zavojnicu

1. Klik New 2. Klick Option MMGS.

(File>New) , click Part

, OK .

(Tools>Option…) ,Document Properties tab. Units , under Unit System selektovati

3. Selektovati Top Plane , zarim crtl+8.

4. Klik Sketch

,klik Circle

ikonica koja služi za izlazak is sketch ravni.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

. U gornjem desnom uglu ekrana pojavljuje se ova


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



5. Nacrtati krug sa centrom u koordinatnom početku. Krug neka bude proizvoljnog prečnika.


Klik Smart Dimension

, podesiti prečnik kruga na 100mm

6. exit sketch

7. Ctrl+7 (izometrijski prikaz)

8. Klik Insert>Curve>Helix/Spiral

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



9. Zoom to fit, podeisti parametre zavojnice kao što su: Pitch-korak 15, Revolutions-broj zavojaka 5,

početni ugao 0 a zatim


10. Klik Right Plane

, Sketch, ctrl+8

. 11. Klik Circle .Nacrtati krug prečnika 6mm ali tako da centar kruga bude polazna tačka zavojnice.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

12. Klik exit sketch

13. Klik Swept Boss/Base

3D Modeliranje



. Klik Features

podesiti profil - Sketch2 (seletovati krug ili u drvetu sketch 2)

Podesiti path-linija vodilja selektujući

zavojnicu – helix.

13. Izometrijski prikaz crtl+7. 14. F –zoom to fit.


Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Primer. Korišćenjem 3dSketch i sweept funkcija modelirati rešetku prikazanu na slici ispod.

1. Selektovati Front Plane, zatim 3dSketch (nalazi se gde i standardna ikona za sketch funkcijukliknuti na strelicu ispod)

2. Klik na Line, pomoću TAB tastera odabrati ravan u kojoj će se nacrtati linija u konkretnom slučaju odabrati ZX ravan a zatim nacrtati 3dSketch prema merama koje su date na slici. Nakon dimenzionisanja linije čija je dužina 90 mm, isključiti funciju SmartDimension, kliknuti ponovo na Line, pomoću tastera TAB odabrati ravan u kokoj će se nacrtati nova linija itd.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



3. Right plane. Sketch (Ne 3dSketch). Circle. Nacrtati krug prečnika 2mm sa centrom u koordinatnom početku.

4. Exit Sketch. 5. Funkcija Sweep


6. Selektovati Front Plane. Sketch. Ctrl+8. Nacrtati kružnicu prečnika 2mm na 1.3 mm od koordinatnog početka.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



7. Exit Sketch. 8. Extrude Boss-Base. D1 iznosi 120mm

9. Top plane. Sketch.Ctrl+8. Line-CenterLine. Proizvoljnja bilo gde. 10. Exit Sketch. 11. Linear Pattern. Pravac za pravolinijski šablonski raspored. Line 1 (isprekidana linija). Rastojanje između linija iznosi 20mm, ukupan broj elemenata koji će se generisati ovom funkcijom je 5.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



12. Mirror. Ravan oko koje se vrši transformacija preslikavanja je Right Plane. Raširiti drvo. Kliknuti na Features to mirror i selektovati Lpattern1, Sweep1, Extrude1.

12. kraj.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Primer. Odrediti masu modeliranog tela.

Podesiti materijal na carbon steel

Sada je materijal podešen kao Plain Carbon Steel

Klik Evaluate>Mass properties

Očitati masu, zapreminu, ukupnu površinu…..

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS


Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

3D Modeliranje



SolidWorks for Sheetmetal 1. Start a new inch part, right click on any toolbar and check the “Sheet Metal” tool for the Sheetmetal toolbar to be available.

2. Create a new Sketch on the front plane. Sketch a 6.00 inch square rectangle that is centered on the UCS origin. Exit Sketch

3. Orient your sketch to an Isometric view. The first tool on the sheet Metal toolbar is Base – Flange/Tab, we will use this to give our sketch thickness. Set the part thickness to .0747 inches (14 gage), K Factor .50 and leave Auto Relief to the default settings.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


4. If you noticed there is no library of material for the K Factor and you were not prompted for the bend radius. The K Factor can be customized by Excel spreadsheets and the bend radius can be set after the part has thickness by editing the Sheet Metal feature in the browser bar. Set the bend radius to .125 inch.

5. Next we are going to add an Edge Flange to one of the sides of the base part. We will add a 90 degree X 2.50 inch flange, create the settings so after the flange is complete the total measurement of the flange will be 2.50 inches and the original length of 6.00 inches will increase by the sheet metal thickness.

6. Create another Edge Flange on an edge perpendicular to the last flange. We want to add this flange as a 90 degree X 2.50 inch with the settings set so the final flange will also be 2.50 inches tall, however; on this flange we don’t want the 6.00 inch base dimension to increase with the addition of material.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


7. The next tool on the Sheet Metal toolbar is Miter Flange. We will create a Miter Flange on the combination of the first flange that we applied and the base feature. Create a new sketch on this face. Sketch a line that is .500 inch long from the outside edge. Exit sketch.

8. Select the Miter Flange button and the size of the flange is selected from the sketched .500 inch line. The first edge is also selected from the edge that the line was sketched from. Select the outside edge of the bend and the far side edge of the original base feature. We will keep the material inside of the part. Turn on trim side bends and leave the gap distance to .02 inch. Set the start offset to 1.00 inch and the end offset to .500 inch.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


Finished part up to this point.

The Auto Relief creates the cuts at a transition point based upon a ratio of the sheetmetal thickness.

9. The next tool on the Sheetmetal toolbar is Hem. We are going to create a hem on the flanged side of the part that we started the Miter Flange on. Create a Rolled hem on the outside edge with the material inside. Roll the hem 270 degrees and give the hem an inside radius of .125 inches.

10. The next tool on the Sheetmetal toolbar Sketched Bend. On the .500 face of the long side of the Mitered Flange we will create a sketch for the Sketched Bend.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE



11. Once the sketched is complete select the Base – Flange/Tab tool on the Sheetmetal toolbar, this will give the last sketch the correct thickness based upon prior settings.

12. Next we need to create a sketch on this tab that will start and stop on the far edges of the tab. The sketched line can either be perpendicular to the edges or at a selected angle. I placed my line .375 inches from the miter flange. Exit sketch and select the Sketched bend tool. The first requirement is selected the Fixed Faces, then you can set the bend angle requirements.

13. Next we will explore the Jogged tool. Create a sketch on the same face as the last step. Exit sketch, select the Base – Flange/Tab tool and give this new tab thickness.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


14. Create another new sketch on this tab and sketch a line that will be used for the Jog tool. Dimension as shown and exit sketch.

15. Select the Jogged tool. The first requirement is to select the fixed face. Then you can set the jog offset, the dimension position the jog position and the angle of the jog.

Example part up to this point

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


16. Add a 2.50 inch Edge Flange on the side of the base part that we haven’t used yet. Set the flange position to material inside and select the trim side bends option.

Now we have a sheetmetal corner that we can use the Closed Corner tool on. 17. Select the Closed Corner tool and select the face that you would like to extend and the corner type that you prefer.

Finished corner

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


18. Next add louvers and pattern Go to the Design Library and make the Forming Tools Folder the current folder by using the context menu.

19. Drag and Drop the louver to the surface that you would want the forming punch to come from. (The first surface that the forming punch would contact)

Apply the Geometric Constraints and Dimensions for your requirement. And finish

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


20. Pattern the louvers. We want 7 louvers that have a spacing of .75 inches.

21. Now we will use the Unfold tool to unfold the jogged tab. Select the fixed face and then select the two folds that need to be unfolded.

22. Next we will create an opening on the tab that we just flattened out. Create a sketch on the face of the tab, sketch the geometry, constrain and dimension. Exit sketch.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


23. Using the Extrude Cut on the Sheetmetal toolbar we will cut out the last sketch, linking the sheet metal’s thickness to the depth of the cut.

24. Now we can refold the tab by using the Fold tool on the Sheetmetal tool bar, returning the tab back to its original shape.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


25. Now we can create a flat sheet metal layout of the part by selecting the Flatten button on the Sheet Metal toolbar.

26. Now we can use the Corner-Trim relief options to add a corner relief. Set the Relief Options to .1875, select the edge in the corner and set the Relief style to Circular.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


Now let’s use SolidWorks to create a sheet metal transition.

27. Start a new inch part and create a new Sketch on the front plane. Constrain the geometry and dimension as shown.

The rectangular geometry on the right side of the sketch is used to create and center a gap in the sketch geometry. Finish sketch and Exit Sketch.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


28. Create a new offset Workplane 4.00 inches above the Front Plane.

29. On this new work plane create a new Sketch. Constrain the geometry and dimension as shown.


Exit Sketch

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


30. On the Sheet Metal toolbar the Lofted Bend tool is now available. Select the Lofted Bend tool and then select the first sketch profile and then select the top sketch profile. Set the material thickness to .0747 inches (14 gage).

Reminder: It does matter where you select these profiles. Select them close to their profile gaps.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


31. Select Flatten on the Sheet Metal toolbar and the sheetmetal transition that we just created will turn into a flat pattern layout.

Mark Eilers Southeast Community College Milford, NE


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



*** ČAS 5*** Primer. Modelirati sklop (cilindar, osovina, klip, klipnjača, radilica, ležaj), prikazan na slici ispod. Modelirati ceo sklop I uspostaviti odnose izmeĎuelemenata koristeći funkciju mate.

Cilindar (blok motora) Klip Klipnjača Osovina



Modelirati klip:

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Sketch. Front plane. Nacrtati profil prikazan na slici.Exit Sketch. Primeniti funkciju revolve.

Sketch Front plane. Nacrtati profil prema merama na slici a zatim primeniti funkciju mirror (napomena: za funkciju mirror mora se nacrtati isprekidana linija koja u feature manager-u ima osobinu for construction.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje

Exit sketch. Extruded cutt.

Shell. Selektovati donju stranu klipa. Debljina zida 8mm.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.



Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Sketch- ravan koja je zasečena (dobijena funkcijom extruded cut). Nacrtati krug pozicioniran kao na slici ispod a zatim primeniti funkciju extruded-cut.

Modeliranje klipa je završeno. Neophodno je sačuvati fajl. File-Save as. My Documents. Make new folder 3dmod. Sačuvati deo pod nazivom klip. Modeliranje osovine: Pre nego što se počne sa modeliranjem osovine neophodno je da se u okviru padajućeg File menija slektuje funkcija Make Assembly form Part(Pravljanje sklopa od delova). Nakon primene ove funkcije dobija se potpuno novo okruženje prilagodjeno radu sa sklopvima.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Zatim selektovati Insert componen ts-zatim new part.

Solid Works postavlja pitanje: Do you want to delete the empty sketch and continue saving ? Odgovoriti sa NO a zatim se u ‘drvetu’ se pojavljuje nov deo. Levi klik na novo telo u okviru ‘drveta’ a zatim Edit Component. Pristupiti modeliranju osovine. Na ekranu se nazi modeliran klip. Prelaskom u okruženje rad sa sklopom klip postaje providan-tansparent ali I dalje postoji mogućnost da se selektuju sve površine klipa. Voditi računa o tome da posle selektovanja funkcije make assembly from part sve dalje se odnosi na modeliranje novog tela- u konktretnom slučaju osovinice dok ravni ‘providnog klipa’ mogu poslužiti za lakše modeliranje tela-elementa sklopa koje se trenutno modelira. U cilju lakšeg modeliranja osovine selektovati zasečenu površinu klipa a zatim Sketch.

'zasečena površina'

Selektovati ivicu otvora a zatim Convert entities. Exit sketch.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Extrude. U feature manager-u selektovati up to surface. OK. Modeliranje osovine je završeno. Neophodno je sačuvati modelirani deo. File – Save as- telo sačuvati pod nazivom osovina.Ukoliko SolidWorks postavi bilo kakvo pitanje odgovoriti sa Yes. Klikunti ponovo na Edit component I zatim se ponovo pojavljuje okruženje rad sa sklopovima. Rezultat: na ekranu se pojavljuje modelirana osovina I klip.File SaveAs MyDocuments.3dmod.Osovina

Modeliranje klipnjače: Analogno sa modeliranjem osovine modelira se i klipnjača. Modeliranje klipnjače vrši se u sklopu. Right Plane. Sketch. Nacrtati klipnjaču kao na slici ispod.

Klik na ivicu otvora klipa a zatim convert entities. Levi klik na projektovani krug. For construction.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje


Exit Sketch. Extrude. OK.

Selektovati prednju stranu klipnjače a zatim Sketch.

Convert entities.

Klik na ivicu otvora klipnjače. Convert entities. Na rastojanju 200 mm od centra projektovanog kruga nacrtati drugi krug prečnika 36mm Exit sketch.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Extruded cut. Širina klipnjače iznosi 10mm. Ok.

Modeliranje klipnjače je završeno. File save as ......klipnjaca Modeliranje radilice: Selektovati jednu stranu klipnjače koja će se koristiti kao Setch ravan. Sketch. Koristeći funkciju convert entities projektovati otvor klipnjače na Sketch ravan. Izaći iz Sketch-a.

Sketch ravan

Convert entities

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Primenom funcije extrude formirati deo radilice kao na slci. D1 iznosi 15mm

Selektovati krajnju površinu extrudiranog elementa i njega koristiti kao Sketch. Sketch ravan

U sketch ravni nacrtati konturu-drugi deo radilice prema merama na slici. Exit sketch. Napomena: za dobijanje pravih linija koje su tanentne na kružnicu koristiti relation:tangent.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Extrude. D1 iznosi 12 mm.

Reference geometry. Insert plane. Ubaciti novu ravan koja se nalazi na rastojanju 7.5 mm u odnosu na čeonu ravan prvog extrudiranog elemetna .

Prvi extrudirani element

Nova ravan

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Koristiti funnciju Mirror. Izvršiti preslikavanje u odnosu na novu ravan.

Sketch ravan drugog extrudiranog elementa radilice zatim nacrtati kružnicu, zatim extrrude. U funkciji extrude obavezno mora biti uključen merge result.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Modelirati identično telo sa druge strane. Modeliranje radilice je završeno. File SaveAs.....radilica

Modeliranje cilindra: Top plane. Sketch. Klik na ivicu klipa. Convert entities. Zatim nactati kvadrat sa presekom dijagonala u koordinatnom početku. Exit sketch. Extrude.Ok. File Save as.....cilindar. Analogno predhodnim primerima samostalno modelirati dva ležaja. File save as... lezaj1, lezaj2.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

SolidWorks速 Tutorial 8 Bearing Puller

Preparatory Vocational Training and Advanced Vocational Training

To be used with SolidWorks速 Educational Edition Release 2008-2009

© 1995-2009, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. 300 Baker Avenue Concord, Massachusetts 01742 USA All Rights Reserved U.S. Patents 5,815,154; 6,219,049; 6,219,055 Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. is a Dassault Systèmes S.A. (Nasdaq:DASTY) company. The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and should not be considered commitments by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. No material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. All warranties given Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. as to the software and documentation are set forth in the Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. License and Subscription Service Agreement, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. SolidWorks® is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. SolidWorks 2009 is a product name of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. FeatureManager® is a jointly owned registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. Feature Palette™ and PhotoWorks™ are trademarks of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp. ACIS® is a registered trademark of Spatial Corporation. FeatureWorks® is a registered trademark of Geometric Software Solutions Co. Limited. GLOBEtrotter® and FLEXlm® are registered trademarks of Globetrotter Software, Inc. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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SolidWorks Benelux developed this tutorial for self-training with the SolidWorks 3D CAD program. Any other use of this tutorial or parts of it is prohibited. For questions, please contact SolidWorks Benelux. Contact information is printed on the last page of this tutorial. Initiative: Kees Kloosterboer (SolidWorks Benelux) Educational Advisor: Jack van den Broek (Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg) Realization: Arnoud Breedveld (PAZ Computerworks)

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


Bearing Puller In this tutorial, we will build a bearing puller. This product consists of three parts. We will learn a few new functions in this tutorial. We will also perform a simple analysis on some of the parts.

Work plan

The first part we will make is the main bridge. We will make this according to the drawing below.

Make a plan! How would you build this part? Make a plan for yourself and compare it with the plan we have developed for this tutorial.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


1 2

Start SolidWorks and open a new part. Select the Front Plane and make a sketch like in the illustration on the right. The sketch consists of four lines and three dimensions. Make sure the left bottom corner of the sketch is at the origin.


1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Click on Tangent Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the right end of the upper horizontal line. 4. Put the end of the arc at about the same location as in the drawing. The exact spot is not relevant at this point. 5. Push the <Esc> key to end the line command.


Set dimensions for the arc you have just drawn: 1. Click on ‘Smart Dimension’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on the arc. 3. Set the dimension. 4. Change the radius of the arc to ‘85’. 5. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make a curved edge between the arc and the vertical line. 1. Click on Sketch Fillet in the CommandManager. 2. Change the radius to ‘5mm’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the arc, to the left of the vertical line. 4. Click on the vertical line, just below the arc. 5. Click on OK.


Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager and next on ‘Revolved Boss/Base’.


Next, you have to set the rotation axis: 1. Click on the left vertical line in the sketch. 2. Make sure the rotation angle in the PropertyManager is set to ‘360 degrees’ (a complete circle). 3. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



The basic form is ready. We will now remove three triangles from this body. Select the Top Plane and create a sketch like in the illustration on the right. The sketch consists of two lines emanating from the origin: one line goes straight up and the other runs downwards under an angle of about 120 degrees to the first line. Both lines cross the outside edge of the part. Set the dimension of ‘120 degrees’ between the two lines.


Make a parallel copy of the two lines. 1. Click on ‘Offset Entities’ in the CommandManager. 2. Change the distance in the PropertyManager to ‘12.5mm’. 3. Make sure the option ‘Select chain’ is selected. 4. Click on one of two lines in the sketch. You can now see a preview. Both lines from the sketch are copied. 5. When the lines are copied in the wrong direction, click on ‘Reverse’ in the PropertyManager. 6. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Round of the corners between the two lines. 1. Click on Sketch Fillet in the CommandManager. 2. Check to make sure that the radius is still 5mm (you set this in step 6 already, and it should have remained in SolidWorks). 3. Click on the corners of both copied lines 4. Click on OK.


Next, we will make construction lines from the first two lines we have drawn. 1. Select the first line. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key on your keyboard and select the second line. 3. Check the option ‘For construction’ in the PropertyManager. The two lines will now be displayed as centerlines. Tip!

We have also used centerlines in other tutorials. These lines are actually auxiliary lines. When you use a sketch to make an extrusion, for example, SolidWorks only uses the ‘real’ lines and not the auxiliary lines. In step 13 you have seen that you can easily change a ‘real line’ (or circle of arc) into an auxiliary line and vice versa. For this the option, the ‘For construction’ box in the PropertyManager must be checked.


Next, we will cut a corner from the model: 1. Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘Extruded Cut’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You can see a small arrow In the model that indicates from which side of the sketch the material will be removed. 1. Make sure these arrows point outwards. Click on it when you need to change the direction. 2. Click on OK.


In most cases you will use a closed sketch for an ‘Extruded Cut’. In the case of a circle or a square you will only make a hole in the shape of that sketch. In the last step, we used an open sketch to make an ‘Extruded Cut’. It is handled in the same way except for two differences: 1. An ‘Extruded Cut’ with an open sketch will always go through the entire depth of the model (‘Through all’). You cannot set a depth. 2. SolidWorks needs to know from which side the material has to be cut away. You must pay attention to the little arrow, which indicates the cutting side. By the way, you can also change this direction in a closed sketch and cut away the material from the inside or outside of the sketch boundaries.


For the next features we need an auxiliary line that runs through the middle of the model. This axis consists in the model already but is not visible with the standard (default) settings. 1. Click on the Hide/Show Items icon. 2. Make sure the button View Temporary Axes is set.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Next, we can copy the part with the cut three times around the axis. 1. Select the last feature: ‘Extrude1’ in the FeatureManager. 2. Click on the arrow below ‘Linear Pattern’ in the CommandManager. 3. Click on ‘Circular Pattern’.


1. Select the centerline that runs through the middle of the model. 2. Change the number of copies in the PropertyManager to ‘3’. 3. Click on OK.


Notice that in the three last steps we first selected a feature in the FeatureManager and then selected the ‘Circular Pattern’ command. At this point, SolidWorks ‘understands’ that you want to use this command for the selected items and automatically adjusts the settings in the PropertyManager. You can also do this in the reverse order by giving the command first and then selecting the elements in the PropertyManager. SolidWorks does not have a preference for how you do it. You will have to find out for yourself the approach that works best for you.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



We will now make a sketch on the lower surface of the model. Rotate the model so you can see the bottom plane of the part. 1. Click on the surface to select it. 2. Click on Normal To in the menu that appears.


Draw a Centerline. 1. Put the first point right on the origin. 2. Set a second point at a random distance directly below the origin.


Draw a circle and a line at the locations indicated on the right. The midpoint of the circle must be on top of the centerline.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make a mirrored image of this line at the other side of the centerline. 1. Select the centerline (hold the <Ctrl>-key). 2. Click on ‘Mirror Entities’ in the CommandManager.


Now, set the three dimensions you see in the illustration on the right. Do this using Smart Dimension and change the values.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Click on ‘Trim Entities’ in the CommandManager. 2. Select the option ‘Trim to closest’ in the PropertyManager.


Next, click on the parts of the sketch that must be removed. Make sure you end up with a sketch similar to the one on the right. Should the dimension of 10mm disappear as a result of the trimming command, resize that item by using Smart Dimension again in the sketch.


Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager and then on ‘Extruded Cut’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You must pay attention to which direction the material is removed from because the sketch is not entirely closed. 1. Make sure the little arrow that sets the direction is pointing inward. 2. Click on OK.


Next, we have to make some holes. 1. Select the plane as indicated in the illustration. 2. Click on ‘Sketch’ in the CommandManager. 3. Click on Circle.


Rotate the model with Normal To, and draw two circles at random positions like in the drawing on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Use Smart Dimension to set four dimensions in the sketch, and change their values as indicated on the right. Push the <Esc> key to close the Smart Dimension command.


Next, set the circles to the same size: 1. Select one of the circles. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the other circle. 3. Click on ‘Equal’ in the PropertyManager.


Next, set the circles to the same height: 1. Select the midpoint of one of the circles. 2. Hold the <Ctrl> key and select the midpoint of the other circle. 3. Click on ‘Horizontal’ in the PropertyManager.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager, and after that on ‘Extruded Cut’. 1. Set the depth to ‘Through All’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Click on OK.


We must now copy the holes we just made to the other ‘legs’. 1,2 Select the last two features in the FeatureManager. 3. Select (holding the <Ctrl> key) the axis that runs through the middle of the model. 4. Click on the arrow below ‘Linear Pattern’ in the CommandManager. 5. Click on ‘Circular Pattern’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Set the number of copies in the PropertyManager to ‘3’. 2. Click on OK.


Finally, we have to make the metric thread in the hole: Click on ‘Hole Wizard’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Set the following features in the PropertyManager: 1. The ‘Hole Type’ is Tap. 2. The ‘Size’ is ‘M12’. Check the other settings to make sure they concur with the illustration on the right. 3. When everything is set properly, click on ‘Positions’ to place the hole.


Set the hole on the top plane of the bridge at a random position. Actually, you are setting a point now, which will determine the position of the hole. The point is on the plane, but unfortunately it is not possible to put this point in the midpoint of the plane. To do this, we conduct an additional step.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Push the <Esc> key first. 1. Select the point that you positioned in the last step. 2. Push the <Ctrl> key and select the axis we used before for circular patterns. 3. Click on ‘Coincident’ in the PropertyManager. 4. Click on OK. The hole will now shift to the middle of the plane.


You can now return to the ‘Hole Wizard’. Click on OK.


When you have to place a hole using the Hole Wizard (steps 36-37), you are actually making a sketch. By putting a point in that sketch, you are positioning the hole. The sketch you are making at this point is not an ordinary sketch, but a 3D sketch. In a 3D sketch you do not work in a plane (like in a regular sketch) but in a 3D environment. These 3D sketches will only occur in special applications in SolidWorks.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



The model is now ready. Save it as: bridge.SLDPRT. First, create a new folder, so you can keep all files together.


We would like to have more information about this model. What does is weigh? Where is the center of gravity? Is it strong enough? To be able to answer these kinds of questions, we must first determine the kind of material to use to make the part. 1. Right-click on ‘Material’ in the FeatureManager. 2. Select ‘Edit Material’ in the menu.


1. Open the main group ‘Steel’ by clicking on the ‘+’ symbol. 2. Select ‘Alloy Steel’ as the desired material. 3. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



We can evaluate the data now. 1. Click on the tab ‘Evaluate’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘Mass Properties’.


A menu appears, in which you can read the data, including: 1. The weight of the part. 2. The volume. 3. The total surface of the part. This could be important when a part has to be painted. 4. The coordinates of the point of gravity. This is also displayed as a coordinate. 5. When you have finished reading the data, click on Close to close the window.


Next we want to know if the part is strong enough for our purpose. We want to be able to pull 600kg (=6000N). To find out if our part is strong enough for this, we will use COSMOSXpress. Click on the ‘COSMOSXpress Analysis Wizard’ in the CommandManager.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



COSMOSXpress starts as a wizard. You will be led through a number of steps and will get a result at the end. Click on next in the startup screen.


First, you must select the ‘Material’. We already did this so click on Next.


We then establish the ‘Restraint’: the fixed part of the bridge. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Select the inside of the threaded hole in the model. In this calculation we assume that this is the plane that is fixed and cannot move. 2. Click on Next.


When desired, you can add more fixed planes. In this example we will not do so, so click on Next.


We have now reached the tab where we can set the ‘Load’. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You can set the load as a pressure or as a force. 1. Select ‘Force’. 2. Click on Next.


1. Select the six holes in which the arms will be mounted. 2. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You must now set the direction of the force. 1. Check the option ‘Normal to a reference plane’. You will set the force in one direction with this command. 2. Click on ‘Top Plane’ in the FeatureManager. 3. Set the force to ‘6000 N’ (Newton). 4. Check ‘Flip Direction’ in order to let the pink arrows point downward. 5. Click on Next.


You can add more forces in you like, but we will not do so in this example. Click on Next.


The calculation can now be made. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Click on ‘Run’.


The result of the analysis is that the lowest factor of safety is 1.7. The part is strong enough (read the tip below). Do you want to see the weak spots? 1. Set the FOS value to ‘3’ (as an example). 2. Click on ‘Show me’. You will see the weak spots in red now.


The factor of safety (FOS) is a number calculated by COSMOS. When the FOS value is less than 1, the part will collapse when the given forces are applied. When the FOS value is more than 1, the model is strong enough, maybe even too strong.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Because the calculated FOS value is 1.7, the construction of the model is obviously too heavy. You can now decide to optimize the design by setting the FOS value to exactly ‘1’. 1. Click on Yes. 2. Click on Next.


We will alter a dimension, so the FOS value will decrease to 1. Click on Next.


All dimensions are visible now. 1. Select the dimension of 25mm that indicates the height of the model. Make sure to select the right dimension! In the pink selection field in COSMOSXpress you can see the selected dimension is extracted from ‘sketch1’ (the first sketch you have made in this part). 2. Set the minimal height to ‘18mm’. 3. Set the maximum height to ‘25mm’. 4. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Click on ‘Optimize’.


COSMOSXpress has calculated that the model can be reduced in height. The weight has reduced by 22%, from 381 grams to 297 grams. Click on Next.


You can now see the results of the calculation. The distortion during the application of the force is clear now. 1. Click on ‘Show me the displacement distribution in the model’. 2. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You can now see how the model distorts (exaggerated display) under the influence of the force. 1. Click on Play to see an animation of the distortion. 2. Click on Stop to stop the animation. You can save the animation in a separate file if you like. 3. Click on Next to go on.


You will now return to the screen from step 68. You can try other options if you like. Click on Close when ready.

You can now save the data that was generated by COSMOSXpress.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Save the changes to the file. Click on Save in the Standard toolbar.

Work plan

The next part we will make is one of the arms. In the drawing below the part is already completed.

We will build this model by shaping the upper circle and lower part of the finger and will add the arm as a sweep later. 68

Open a new part. Start a sketch on the Front Plane. Draw a circle with a diameter of 16mm, with the midpoint above the origin.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make an extrusion from this circle: 1. Select the option ‘Mid Plane’ in the PropertyManager. 2. Set the thickness to ‘10mm’. 3. Click on OK.



We have not used the Mid Plane option before. This tool is very convenient when you want to build a symmetrical model. The sketch will extruded equally wide in two directions.

Select the Front Plane again and make the sketch similar to the drawing on the right.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make an extrusion from this sketch. 1. Use the option ‘Mid Plane’ again. 2. Set the thickness to ‘10mm’. 3. Click on OK.


We will create a sweep now. A sweep is a feature in which you extrude a sketch next to another sketch. So, we have to make two sketches first. Select the Front Plane and make a new sketch on it. 1. Click on Arc in the CommandManager. 2. Select 3-Point Arc in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on the origin to set the starting point. 4. Click at the point as illustrated here to set the end of the arc. Its position does not have to be accurate at this point. 5. Click at the third point as illustrated here. Again, accuracy is not required. Add two sizes as illustrated. It does not matter if the arc is not properly aligned at this point.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Select the upper end of the arc. 2. Select the bottom end of the arc too (use the <Ctrl> key). 3. Click on ‘Vertical’ in the PropertyManager.


We will use this sketch later on. Click on ‘Exit Sketch’ in the CommandManager to close the sketch.


The second sketch is made at a right angle to the end of the first sketch. For this we need to create an auxiliary plane first. 1. Click on the ‘Features’ tab in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘Reference Geometry’. 3. Click on ‘Plane’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Click on the upper end of the arc that you drew before. The auxiliary plane will be positioned at a right angle to the end of the arc. 2. Click on OK.


Rotate the model so you will have a clear view of the plane you just created. 1. Click on the last mentioned plane. 2. Click on Normal To in the menu that appears.


Zoom in on the origin, and draw an ellipse: 1. Click on Ellipse in the CommandManager. 2. Click on the origin. 3. Click on a horizontal position besides the origin to set the long axis of the ellipse. 4. Click straight above the origin to set the short axis. The exact dimensions do not matter yet.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Set the dimensions of the two axes as illustrated on the right with Smart Dimension.


This sketch is now done, so Click on ‘Exit Sketch’ in the CommandManager.


We will combine the two sketches to a sweep. 1. Select the sketch with the arc in the FeatureManager. 2. Select the sketch with the ellipse too (use the <Ctrl> key) 3. Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager. 4. Click on ‘Swept Boss/Base’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



You do not have to set any other features in the PropertyManager. Click on OK.


The connection between the arm and the top and bottom parts has to be finished. Click on ‘Fillet’ in the CommandManager. 1. Select the cutting edge between the arm and the upper circle. 2. Set the radius to ‘5 mm’ in the PropertyManager. 3. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Next, round off the connection at the bottom. Click on ‘Fillet’ in the CommandManager. Select both cutting lines now. The radius is also set to ‘5mm’.


Finally, we have to put a hole in the upper circle to accommodate a bolt. Make the sketch as shown on the right.


Make an ‘Extruded Cut’ from this sketch. 1. Set the option ‘Through All’ to go all the way through the material. 2. Click on OK.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Save the file as: Arm.SLDPRT.


Of course, we also want to know if the arm is strong enough for our purpose. The complete tool should be able to pull 600kg, or about 200kg (=2000N) per arm. 1. Click on the tab ‘Evaluate’ in the CommandManager. 2. Click on ‘COSMOSXpress Analysis Wizard’. Run the wizard by clicking Next every time. We will only display and describe the steps that need input.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Define the desired material: 1. Select ‘Alloy Steel’. 1. Click on ‘Apply’ (do not forget!). 2. Click on Next.


Define the ‘Restraint’ (this is the fixed plane): 1. Select the hole where the bolt goes through. 2. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Set the ‘Load’, 1. Select the plane in the model as illustrated on the right. 2. Click on Next.


Set the force to ‘2000N’. The pink arrows in the model must point downward. When they do not, click on ‘Flip direction’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



After the analysis is done, the FOS value turns out to be 0.98. So this is just not enough! 1. Fill in ‘1.5’ in the menu. 2. Click on ‘Show me’. You can now see clearly where the strain is the highest: on the inside of the arm. 3. Click on Next.


We can strengthen the part by decreasing the curve of the arm, so the radius will increase.


We improve the model to get a FOS value of 1. Click on Next.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Select the dimension ‘R75’ in the model. We will change this radius to optimize the model 2. Set a minimum value of ‘75’. 3. Set a maximum value of ‘85’. 4. Click on Next. Pay attention: the minimum and maximum values are values that should be within a certain range. When you change a value that leads to an error, COSMOSXpress cannot use that value.


COSMOSXpress has now changed the dimension. If you would like to see more data (e.g., the distortion), click on Next. If not, end COSMOSXpress by clicking on Close.


Save the changes to the file. Work plan

The third and last part of this product is relatively simple: an extended bolt with an M12 thread. In the drawing below you can see how this part looks.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


We will create the rod with the thread and the pointed end as a rotation form. The hexagonal part will be added to this as an extrusion. 100

Open a new part. Make the sketch as you can see on the right on the Front Plane.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make a Revolved Boss/Base from this sketch. 1. Select the line which you want to use as a rotation axis. 2. Click on OK.


Select the top plane to the model. We will make the next sketch on this. Rotate the model to Normal To.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Click on Polygon in the CommandManager. Draw a hexagon, and set the dimensions according to the illustration on the right. Make sure that one of the vertices of the hexagon is vertically aligned directly above the origin.


Make an extrusion from this sketch. 1. Set the height to ‘25mm’. 2. Click on OK.


We have to create a sloped edge at the top of the hexagon head. Select the ‘Right Plane’ in the FeatureManager, and rotate the model Normal To.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Make the sketch as in the illustration: Draw the centerline from the origin vertically upward. Next, draw a triangle. Add two dimensions to finish it.


1. Click on the tab ‘Features’ in the FeatureManager. 2. Click on ‘Revolved Cut’.


Click on OK in the PropertyManager.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



Finally, we will cut thread son the bolt. You will find the command for this in the Pull-down menus: 1. Open the Pull-down menus. 2. ‘Insert’. 3. ‘Annotations’. 4. ‘Cosmetic Thread’.


1. Select the edge of the plane you want to convert into thread. 2. Set the diameter to ‘10.2mm’. 3. Click on OK.


To display the thread you can: 1. Right-click on ‘Annotations’ in the FeatureManager. 2. Click on ‘Details’.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



1. Check the option ‘Shaded cosmetic threads’ in the menu that appears. 2. Click on OK.


This part is also now done. Save it as: wire_shaft.SLDPRT.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



We will assemble all parts to build a bearing puller. Open a new assembly. Put the bridge in the assembly first. Next, add the arm three times and add the wireshaft once. Place them at random positions in the assembly.


First, put the arms in the bridge. Click on ‘Mates’ in the CommandManager. Select the two edges as illustrated to put the first arm in its place. Next, set the two other arms in their positions in the same way. Pay attention: use the Mate alignment command (‘aligned’ or ‘anti-aligned’) to turn an arm around when necessary.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



To set the arms straight, we will add a few extra mates. 1. Click on Multiple Mate Mode in the PropertyManager. 2-4 Select the three top planes at the end of each arm one by one. 5


Click on OK.

Finally, we have to put the bolt in position. Create a mate between the surfaces as illustrated on the right. How far to insert the shaft in the bridge is up to you.


Add bolts, washers, and nuts to the assembly from the Toolbox. Find the bolts in the Toolbox by looking for ‘Din > Bolts and Screws > Hex Bolts and Screws’. Select ‘Hex Screw Grade AB – DIN and 24014’. Set the size: ‘M8’ with a length of ‘40’. Add this bolt to the assembly three times.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller



For the washers, find ‘Din > Washers > Plain Washers’ in the Toolbox. Select ‘Washer – Grade A – DIN125 Part1’. Select size: ‘8.4’ (for thread ‘M8’). Add this washer to the assembly three times too.


Finally, we need to place the nuts. Use ‘DIN > Nuts > Hex Nuts’ from the Toolbox. Select ‘Hex Nut Grade C – DIN and 24034’. Select size: ‘M8’. Again, add this nut three times to the assembly.


We have finished the assembly. Save the file as Bearing_puller.SLDASM. What are the main features you have learned in this tutorial?

The most important item you have seen in this tutorial is how to use COSMOSXpress to find out if a model is strong enough to perform its designed purpose. A number of other new items include: •

Creating a more complex model (the bridge) and using the ‘circular pattern’ command.

Using an Axis and learning another way to define an auxiliary plane.

Creating a model using a ‘real’ material.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


Determining the weight and volume from a part or from the model.

Using the sweep feature

Learning it is very convenient to create outer parts first and building up the middle sections later, as in the modeling of the arm.

Working with Cosmetic Thread.

After finishing this tutorial, you have learned a lot about using SolidWorks. You probably understand much more about using the program now and are building real expertise in the use of SolidWorks. You can continue to grow your SolidWorks skills and learn even more by discovering the purpose of additional functions yourself. If you get stranded at any point, use the Help functions or refer to a book on SolidWorks where all of the functions are explained.

SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


SolidWorks works in education One cannot imagine the modern technical world without 3D CAD. Whether your profession is in the mechanical, electrical, or industrial design fields, or in the automotive industry, 3D CAD is THE tool used by designers and engineers today. SolidWorks is the most widely used 3D CAD design software in Benelux. Thanks to its unique combination of features, its ease-of-use, its wide applicability, and its excellent support. In the software’s annual improvements, more and more customer requests are implemented, which leads to an annual increase in functionality, as well as optimization of functions already available in the software. Education A great number and wide variety of educational institutions – ranging from technical vocational training schools to universities, including Delft en Twente, among others – have already chosen SolidWorks. Why? For a teacher or instructor, SolidWorks provides user-friendly software that pupils and students find easy to learn and use. SolidWorks benefits all training programs, including those designed to solve problems as well as those designed to achieve competence. Tutorials are available for every level of training, beginning with a series of tutorials for technical vocational education that leads students through the software step-by-step. At higher levels involving complex design and engineering, such as double curved planes, more advanced tutorials are available. All tutorials are in English and free to download at www.solidworks.com. For a scholar or a student, learning to work with SolidWorks is fun and edifying. By using SolidWorks, design technique becomes more and more visible and tangible, resulting in a more enjoyable and realistic way of working on an assignment. Even better, every scholar or student knows that job opportunities increase with SolidWorks because they have proficiency in the most widely used 3D CAD software in the Benelux on their resume. For example: at www.cadjobs.nl you will find a great number of available jobs and internships that require SolidWorks. These opportunities increase motivation to learn how to use SolidWorks.

Student Kit is available through your teacher or instructor. The choice to work with SolidWorks is an important issue for ICT departments because they can postpone new hardware installation due to the fact that SolidWorks carries relatively low hardware demands. The installation and management of SolidWorks on a network is very simple, particularly with a network licenses. And if a problem does arise, access to a qualified helpdesk will help you to get back on the right track. Certification When you have sufficiently learned SolidWorks, you can obtain certification by taking the Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) exam. By passing this test, you will receive a certificate that attests to your proficiency with SolidWorks. This can be very useful when applying for a job or internship. After completing this series of tutorials for VMBO and MBO, you will know enough to take the CSWA exam. Finally SolidWorks has committed itself to serving the needs of educational institutions and schools both now and in the future. By supporting teachers, making tutorials available, updating the software annually to the latest commercial version, and by supplying the Student Kit, SolidWorks continues its commitment to serve the educational community. The choice of SolidWorks is an investment in the future of education and ensures ongoing support and a strong foundation for scholars and students who want to have the best opportunities after their technical training. Contact If you still have questions about SolidWorks, please contact your local reseller. You will find more information about SolidWorks at our website: http://www.solidworks.com SolidWorks Benelux RTC Building Jan Ligthartstraat 1 1800 GH Alkmaar, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)72 514 3550

To make the use of SolidWorks even easier, a Student Kit is available. If the school uses SolidWorks, every scholar or student can get a free download of the Student Kit. It is a complete version of SolidWorks, which is only allowed to be used for educational purposes. The data you need to download the SolidWorks voor lager and middelbaar technisch onderwijs Tutorial 8: Bearing Puller


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen

Base (Basisplaat)


Voor gebruik met SolidWorks Educational Release 2009-2010 En SolidCAM Educational 2009

Deze tutorial is ontwikkeld door CAD2M, en mag door iedereen gebruikt worden om te leren werken met het 3D CAM-programma SolidCAM. Elk ander gebruik van deze tutorial of delen daarvan is niet toegestaan. Bij vragen hierover kunt u contact opnemen met CAD2M.

Initiatief: JurriĂŤn Scheffer (CAD2M) Afstemming op onderwijs: Jack van den Broek (Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg) Realisatie: JurriĂŤn Scheffer (CAD2M)

SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Start SolidWorks. 1.Klik op Open om het SolidWorks model van de Base te openen.


Š 2009-, CAD2M


1. Selecteer het bestand Base.SLDPRT .

2. Klik op Openen.


LET OP!! De plaats waar de base is opgeslagen kan verschillen.



SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

1. Activeer het pull-down menu SolidCAM.


2. klik vervolgens op New.



3. Daarna kies je voor Milling (Frezen). Het kan even duren voordat het volgende scherm wordt geopend. SolidCAM moet namelijk eerst opstarten.


Er wordt een menu geopend om te kiezen waar je het SolidCAM bestand wil neerzetten. 1. Zorg ervoor dat het vinkje aan staat. Zo wordt het SolidCAM bestand op dezelfde plek neergezet als het SolidWorks part.



2.Klik daarna op OK. 5.

Het SolidCAM bestand is nu aangemaakt. Er zijn ook twee iconen bij gekomen in het SolidWorks scherm 1. Dit zijn de SolidCAM manager. 2. En de SolidCAM toolbar.

2 1

Ook is het eerste menu van SolidCAM geopend, De CNC-Controller, dit is de besturing van de machine daar worden de basis instellingen gedaan: Kies hier voor 3. FANUC . 4. Daarna klik je op Define om het werkstuknulpunt te bepalen.

3 4


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Dit is het menu om het werkstuknulpunt te bepalen. 1. Klik daarvoor op het bovenvlak (geel in het voorbeeld). 2. SolidCAM legt het nulpunt nu op de hoek van het part.

3 2

3. Keur dit nulpunt goed met het groene vinkje.


In het volgende menu worden wat hoogtes van het product weergegeven. Hier hoef je niks mee te doen. Je kan dus direct op OK klikken.



SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

SolidCAM geeft een overzicht van het nulpunt wat aangemaakt is. Ook dit menu kun je dus direct goedkeuren met het groene vinkje links of rechts. (Later in de tutorial ga je nog een tweede nulpunt aanmaken.)


Je bent nu weer terug in het eerste menu. Het ruwmateriaal (Stock) en het eindproduct (Target) zijn al bepaald door SolidCAM. Dus je kan dit menu afsluiten met het groene vinkje links of rechts.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Om een duidelijker beeld te hebben zet je de planes uit. 1. Hiervoor klik je eerst het brilletje aan.


2. Dan het eerste knopje voor de planes.


Als eerste ga je de Base afschuinen. 1. Deze bewerking start je door een rechter muis klik op Operations . te geven.


2. Vervolgens klik je op Add Operation fromTemplate.




SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


© 2009-, CAD2M

In deze ‘template’ staan de meeste instellingen in de bewerking alvast goed ingesteld. 1. Kies in dit menu voor Afschuinen .


2. klik nu op OK.

2 13.


Het volgende menu wordt geopend. Hierin selecteer je het werkstuknulpunt. Je kan direct op OK klikken. SolidCAM heeft nu de bewerking aangemaakt. Het enige wat je nog moet invullen is wat SolidCAM moet bewerken. 1. Om dat in te vullen geef je een rechter muis klik op de bewerking. F_No_Geometry. 2. Daarna klik je op Edit…

TIP !!! (Je mag ook dubbel klikken op de bewerking. Daarmee open je hetzelfde menu.)

1 2


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Je zit nu in het menu van de voorfrees bewerking. Hier ga je ingeven welke randen je wilt afschuinen. Daarvoor klik je op Define.


Om aan te geven welke randen je wil afschuinen, kies je eerst voor de: 1. Onderste lange rand van de afschuining. SolidCAM kan daarna de andere randen zelf kiezen. 2. Dit doe je door het bolletje voor Auto-constant Z aan te klikken.




SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Je ziet dat SolidCAM de drie andere randen zelf kiest. Ook komt er een menu dat vraagt of je dit wilt goed keuren. 1. Hiervoor klik je op Yes (Het kan zijn dat het menu bij jou op een andere plaats staat)


De frees-contour is nu aangemaakt (1-Chain). Dit gedeelte keur je goed met het groene vinkje links of rechts.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

1. Omdat alle andere instellingen al zijn ingevuld kun je nu direct op Save & Calculate klikken, dit om de bewerking op te slaan en te berekenen. 2. Om daarna de bewerking af te sluiten klik je op Exit.

Wat je niet hebt hoeven ingeven zijn onder andere het gereedschap, de voeding, in- en uitloop, enz.



Om te bekijken hoe de gereedschapsbanen er uit zien, kun je het vinkje voor de bewerking aan zetten. In dit voorbeeld staan de gele lijnen voor de bewegingen van het gereedschap (de frees), als het materiaal wordt verspaant. Tijdens de rode lijnen beweegt het gereedschap naar beneden of boven en wordt er niet verspaant.



SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Als tweede bewerking ga je de gaten boren. Omdat de afschuining van de gaten aan de onderkant zit, draai je het product om en maak je een tweede nulpunt aan. Hiervoor geef je een dubbelklik op de CoordSys Manager. Op de machine zou dit betekenen dat je het blokje uit de klem haalt, omdraait en opnieuw inklemt.


We zitten nu weer in het menu van de werkstuknulpunten, wat je misschien herkent van stap 8. Om een werkstuknulpunt toe te voegen geef je een rechter muis klik op MAC 1 daarna kies je voor Add‌.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


© 2009-, CAD2M

Let op je hebt het product omgedraaid, zodat je de afgeschuinde gaten kunt zien. Net zoals bij stap 6 klik je ook hier op het: 1. bovenvlak (g geel in het voorbeeld).

3 1

2. SolidCAM legt het nulpunt weer op de hoek van het part .


3. Keur dit nulpunt goed met het groene vinkje.


Eerst komt het menu met hoogtes. Ook nu kun je dat direct doorklikken met OK.


Dan zit je weer in het menu van de nulpunten. Hier kun je zien dat er een tweede nulpunt is aangemaakt. Je sluit het menu weer af door één van de groene vinkjes aan te klikken.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


© 2009-, CAD2M

Je gaat nu twee boor bewerkingen toevoegen. Namelijk voorboren (om af te schuinen, en te centeren) en boren (om de gaten te maken). 1. Deze combinatie van bewerkingen start je door een rechter muis klik te geven op de zonet aangemaakte bewerking F_contour_T… 2. En daarna te kiezen voor



Add Operations from Process Template…


In dit menu kies je voor 1. Boren met afschuinen. Waarna je de twee bewerkingen die daar onder vallen ook ziet staan. 2. Je gaat verder met OK.



1. In het menu van het nulpunt kies je nu voor het tweede nulpunt! 2. Daarna ga je verder met OK.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

SolidCAM heeft nu de twee (boor) bewerkingen aangemaakt. 1. Door een dubbelklik te geven op de eerste nieuwe bewerking D_No_Geometry_ ga je deze aanpassen.


Je moet nu ingeven waar SolidCAM de gaten moet boren. Dit start je door op Define te klikken.


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


© 2009-, CAD2M

Om SolidCAM de plaats van de gaten te laten herkennen, hoef je: 1. Alleen het bovenste vlak aan te klikken. (blauw in dit voorbeeld)


Je ziet dan meteen het pad wat SolidCAM volgt “De paarse lijn” om alle vier de gaten te boren. Je keurt dit goed met één van de twee groene vinkjes.


Ook hier is de rest van de bewerking al voor je ingevuld, dus je kan weer direct, 1. Drukken op Save & Calculate 2. En afsluiten met Exit.

Voor deze bewerking wordt een 90 graden boor gebruikt, “Centerboor” waarmee niet volledig door wordt geboord.


Zo zorg je er voor dat de ‘normale’ boor makkelijk de posities kan vinden.

Ook de afschuining van de gaten is met deze bewerking gemaakt.



SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Nu ga je ook de andere (de tweede nieuwe) bewerking aanpassen. D_No_Geometry_T 1. Door ook hier een dubbelklik op te geven. Dit is de bewerking om de gaten van 5 mm te boren.


Je wil de gaten op dezelfde plek boren als de vier hiervoor.


1. Daarvoor kun je achter Define het kleine zwarte driehoekje open klikken.


2. En kies. Drill. Dit zijn de vier posities uit de vorige bewerking. Als je dat gedaan hebt kun je weer op: 3. Save & Calculate klikken.


4. En afsluiten met Exit.



SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen



Š 2009-, CAD2M

Om de gereedschapbanen zichtbaar te maken, kun je voor beide bewerkingen de vinkjes aan zetten.

Nu ga je het product controleren in de simulatie. 1. Geef hiervoor een rechter muis klik op Operations .

2. Kies voor Simulate


1 2


SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Š 2009-, CAD2M

In de simulatie kun je zien hoe de bewerkingen worden uitgevoerd. 1. Kies hier voor de SolidVerify dit geeft het duidelijkste beeld. 2. Met de play knop kun je de simulatie starten.


3. Met de schuifbalk kun je de afspeelsnelheid bepalen 4. Wil je de bewerkingen stap voor stap bekijken dan kun je de frame knop gebruiken. 5. Om de simulatie af te sluiten gebruik je de laatste knop. 38.



3 5

Als je de simulatie bekeken hebt en het product goed gefreesd werd, dan kun je de NC-code laten uitgeven.

Dit is de code die de freesbank aanstuurt.


1. Dit doe je door een rechter muis klik te geven op: Operations . 2. Daarna kies je voor: Gcode All . 3. En kies voor: Generate





SolidCAM Tutorial Frezen


Afhankelijk van de besturing van de freesbank kun je verschillende codes krijgen. Hiernaast is een voorbeeld van een code in “FANUC” Taal!!

© 2009-, CAD2M

a% O5000 (BASE_.TAP) (SUBROUTINES: O2 .. O5) G90 G17 G80 G49 G40 G92 X0. Y-200. Z0 G54 (*TOOL 1 - DIA 12.0*) N5 G43 H1 D21 G0 X157. Y-2.001 Z50. S1000 M3 M8 T2 M98 P2 (F-contour-T1) G80 G28 H0 Z0 M5 T1 M6 (*TOOL 2 - DIA 12.0*) N10 G43 H2 D22 G0 X140. Y15. Z50. S1000 M3 M8 T3 M98 P3 (D-drill-T2) G80 G28 H0 Z0 M5 T2 M6 (*TOOL 3 - DIA 5.0*) N15 G43 H3 D23 G0 X140. Y15. Z50. S1000 M3 M8 T1 M98 P4 (D-drill-T3) G80 G28 H0 Z0 M5 T3 M6 M30 O2 (----------------------) (F-CONTOUR-T1 - PROFILE) (----------------------) G0 X157. Y-2.001 Z10. Z2. G1 Z-4. F33 G41 G1 Y0. F100 X0. Y46. X150. Y-6.99 G40 G1 X152.001 G0 Z10. M99 O3 (------------------) (D-DRILL-T2 - DRILL) (------------------) G0 X140. Y15. Z10. G98 G81 Z-4. R2. F33 M98 P5 (drill) M99 O4 (------------------) (D-DRILL-T3 - DRILL) (------------------) G0 X140. Y15. Z10. G98 G81 Z-13. R2. F33 M98 P5 (drill) M99 O5 (--------------) (DRILL - DRILLS) (--------------) Y30. X10. Y15. G80 M99 %


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien



Voor gebruik met SolidWorks Educational Release 2011-2011 En SolidCAM educational 2011

Deze tutorial is ontwikkeld door CAD2M en mag door iedereen gebruikt worden om te leren werken met het 3D CAM-programma SolidCAM. Elk ander gebruik van deze tutorial of delen daarvan is niet toegestaan. Bij vragen hierover kunt u contact opnemen met CAD2M. De instellingen van SolidWorks en SolidCAM zijn die van de standaard installatie.

Initiatief: JurriĂŤn Scheffer (CAD2M) Afstemming op onderwijs: Jack van den Broek (Vakcollege Dr. Knippenberg) Realisatie: JurriĂŤn Scheffer (CAD2M)

SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien

Š 2009-, CAD2M

In deze tutorial ga je een CNC programma maken om het SolidWorks asje te draaien op een draaibank. Dit doe je in de draai module van SolidCAM. In SolidCAM ga je een bewerkingen aanmaken die op de draaibank uitgevoerd kan worden. De tutorial duurt ongeveer een 15 minuten. De plaatjes in deze tutorial zijn gemaakt met Windows 7. Gebruik je zelf Windows XP of Vista? Dan kunnen de menu’s die je zelf krijgt er iets anders uit zien. 1.

Start SolidWorks. Klik op Open om het SolidWorks model van het Asje te openen.


1. Selecteer het bestand Asje. 2. Klik op Open. LET OP! De plaats waar het asje is opgeslagen kan verschillen.


2 3

SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M


1. Open het SolidCAM Part tabblad. 2. Klik vervolgens op New.


3. En daarna op Turning.



Er wordt een menu geopend om te kiezen waar je het SolidCAM bestand wil neerzetten.


1. Zorg ervoor dat het vinkje aan staat. Zo wordt het SolidCAM bestand op dezelfde plek neergezet als het SolidWorks part. 2.Klik daarna op OK.



SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

SolidCAM opent vervolgens het menu van de basis instellingen. 1. Kies bij de CNCMachine (de machine besturing) voor: OKUMALL.


2. Vervolgens ga je het werkstuknulpunt bepalen. Dit begin je door op de Define knop te klikken.



1. Bij het aanmaken van het nulpunt kies je eerst voor Center of revolution face (hart van een cilindrisch oppervlak). 2. Klik daarna op het aangegeven cilindrisch oppervlak. SolidCAM legt het nulpunt aan de voorkant van het part.


3. Om het menu af te sluiten klik je op Finish.




SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

SolidCAM gaat nu terug naar het instel menu. Ook wordt het asje zo op je scherm gezet, alsof je er op de draaibank tegen aan kijkt. Je gaat nu aangeven wat het basis materiaal is waar je mee begint. 1. Klik op Stock.



1. Kies uit de uitklap lijst voor Cylinder. 2. Klik het model aan. 3. Klik als laatste op het groene vinkje om dit menu goed te keuren.


Het model wat je wilt draaien (Target) is al bepaald door SolidCAM.




SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Als eerste zet je de planes uit, om een rustiger beeld te krijgen. 1. Om de planes uit te zetten, klik je eerst op het brilletje.


1 2

2. En daarna op het eerste knopje View Planes. 3. Klik daarna op het groene vinkje om dit menu goed te keuren.


1. Om de achtergrond rustiger te maken, klik je eerst op Apply Scene. 2. Daarna klik je op Plain White.




SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

SolidCAM heeft al automatisch een klauwplaat (de klem op de draaibank) toegevoegd. Deze ga je aanpassen. 1. Klik op clamping fixture met je rechter muis toets.


2. Klik daarna op Edit.



De roze lijnen laten de vorm van de klauwplaat zien (1). Deze ga je aanpassen.



SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Om de klauwplaat aan te passen vul je de onderstaande waarden in: 1. -65 2. 25 / 52 / 7.5 / 17


3. Klik op het groene vinkje om dit goed te keuren.




Nu ga je de draai bewerking toevoegen. 1. Klik op Operations met je rechter muis toets. 2. Klik daarna op Add Operations. 3. En daarna op Turning.





SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Je zit nu in het menu van de draai bewerking. Hier ga je ingeven wat je wilt bewerken. Dit doe je door vlakken van het model aan te klikken. 1. Klik hiervoor op Solid.



2. Daarna klik je op Define.


Je gaat nu de vlakken selecteren die je wilt bewerken. 1. Als eerste klik je het eerste vlak aan. 2. Klik daarna op het tweede aangegeven vlak. 3. Klik daarna op het groene vinkje om de contour goed te keuren.

3 2 1


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

De contour is nu aangemaakt (Chain 1). 1. Dit gedeelte keur je goed met het groene vinkje.



De geometrie is nu gekozen dus ga je een stap verder in de bewerking.


1. Klik daarvoor op Tool.


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Om een beitel te kiezen, moet deze eerst aangemaakt worden. 1. Klik daarvoor op Select.



Dit opent de gereedschap bibliotheek. Hier ga je eerst een beitel aanmaken. 1. Klik op Add Turning Tool.



SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

1. Klik daarna op Ext. Rough.



1. Pas twee maten van de beitel aan:

Deze kun je aanpassen door een dubbel klik te geven op het getal. 2. Om de beitel te kiezen klik je op Select.

1 2


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Je komt dan terug in het hoofdscherm. Je gaat nu bepalen op welke manier er gedraaid moet worden. 1. Klik hiervoor op Technology.




In Technology kun je aangeven of je wilt vooren nadraaien. Het voordraaien staat automatisch aan. Maar het nadraaien niet.


Om dit te wel te doen ga je naar het tabblad. 1. Klik op Semifinish/finish.


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

1. Om het nadraaien aan te zetten kies je uit de uitklap lijst voor ISOTurning method. Hierna moet je ingeven dat het nadraaien buiten de contour start en stopt. (Dit noemen we in- en uitloop.)

1 2

2. Klik hiervoor op Link.


In het menu Link zet je de in- en uitloop aan. 1. Kies uit de lijst voor Tangent. 2. Maak de inloop 5 mm.


3. Zet het vinkje Same as Lead in aan. Hiermee wordt de uitloop gelijk gemaakt aan de inloop. De bewerking is nu klaar, maar moet nog berekend worden. 4. Klik hiervoor op Save & Calculate.


2 4

5. Klik op Exit om de bewerking af te sluiten.



SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Om te bekijken hoe de gereedschapsbanen er uit zien, kun je het vinkje voor de bewerking aan zetten. In dit voorbeeld staan de gele lijnen voor bewegingen van het gereedschap als het materiaal verspaant. Tijdens de rode lijnen trekt het gereedschap zich terug om de volgende baan te bewerken.


De bewerking is klaar en nu kun je bekijken of het asje goed gedraaid wordt. Dit doe je in de simulatie.


1. Hiervoor geef je een rechter muis klik op Operations. 2. Daarna kies je voor Simulate. Deze manier geeft een simulatie van alle bewerkingen.


Wil je een enkele bewerking bekijken, dan kun je met de rechter muis knop op een bewerking klikken. Ook dan kies je voor Simulate.


SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

1. Voor de duidelijkste simulatie kies je voor Solid Verify.


Standaard wordt deze doorzichtig (transparant) weergegeven. 2. Daarvoor klik je het knopje Render Mode aan.


3. Je kan de simulatie starten door de Play knop aan te klikken. 4. De snelheid van de simulatie beĂŻnvloed je door de schuifbalk .

4 3


1. De simulatie kun je ook stap voor stap bekijken. 2. Ben je klaar dan kun je de simulatie afsluiten door de meest rechter knop te gebruiken.


3. Of het kruisje aan te klikken.




SolidCAM Tutorial Draaien


Š 2009-, CAD2M

Als je de simulatie bekeken hebt en het asje goed gedraaid werd, dan kun je het CNC programma uitgeven. Dit is de code die de draaibank aanstuurt. 1. Dit doe je door een rechter muis klik te geven op Operations.


2. Daarna kies je voor Gcode All. 3. En Generate.




Afhankelijk van de besturing van de draaibank kun je verschillende codes krijgen. Hiernaast is een voorbeeld van een code in FANUC.


Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



ČAS 6 UPOTREBA SPAJALICA-MATES na primeru jednocilindričnog motora Područje Mate u okviru drveta ostaje konstantno jedan direktorijum, ali se može organizovati tako što će se preurediti spajalice i grupisati u direktorijume. Svaka spajalica prikazana je simbolom koji odgovara njenoj vrsti. Spajalice – Mates omogućuju da se definišu meĎusobni odnosi elemenata sklopa. Mates omogućava da se definišu ograničenja elemenata sklopa. Prilikom rada sa funkcijom Mate obavezno voditi računa o Mate Property Manager-u. Spajalice paktično oduzimaju odreĎen broj stepeni slobode elementima ostavljajući one stepene slobode koji su važni funkionisanje sklopa-podsklopa. Za početak defisati odnos bloka motora- cilindra u odnosu na referentni koordinatni sistem. Desni klik na cilindar u okviru drveta feature manager-a selektovati float. Pored cilindra u feature manager-u pojvljuje se slovo (f)cilindar što označava da je fiksan u prostoru.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Definisati odnos izmeĎu cilindra-bloka motora i klipa U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je concentric1. Selektovati omotač klipa a zatim omotač cilindra tako da se u okviru mate selections pojave dve površine. U toku rada klip je uvek koncentričan sa cilindrom pa zbog toga odabrati Mate-concentric. Ok. U Feature Manager-u pojavljuje se u Mate direktorijumu concentric 1.

Definisati odnos izmeĎu osovine I klipa U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je concentric6. Selektovati omotač osovine i omotač otvora na klipu i odabrati ograničenje concentric. Ok. Na osnovu ovog ograničenja sada je moguće da se osovina aksijalno pomera u odnosu na osu otvora na klipu tako da je neophodno da se ukine i ovaj stepen slobode tako da se ponovo definiše jos jedan dodatno odnos izmeĎuosovine i klipa.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Definisati dodatni odnos izmeĎu osovine I klipa U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je distance 4. Selektovati čeonu površinu osovine a zatim zasečeni ravnu površinu klipa. Odabrati u okviru Standatd Mates distance i upisati 0mm. To znači da će uvek rastojanje izmeĎu čela osovine i zasečene površine klipa biti nula.

Definisati odnos izmeĎu osovine i klipnjače U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je Concentric7. Selektovati omotač osovine klipa i omotač otvora klipnjače. Odabrati Concentric. OK.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Definisati odnos izmeĎu klipa i klipnjače U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je Distance5. Neophodno je definisati odnos takav da su ravni klipnjače i klipa uvek na meĎusobnom rastojanju od 25mm.

Definisati odnos izmeĎu klipnjače i radilice U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je Concentric8. Selektovati omotač dela radilice koji se spreže sa klipnjačom i omotač otvora na klipnjači. Concentric.OK.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Definisati odnos izmeĎu klipnjače i radilice U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je Distance6. Selektovati ravnu stranu klipnjače a zatim selektovati bližu stranicu radilice i uspostaviti razdaljinu takvu da ona uvek bude konstantna, 1mm.

Definisati odnos izmeĎu radilice i ležaja U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice je Concentric11. Selektovati omotač radilice a zatim selektovati omotač otvora ležaja a zatim odabrati concentric.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Na identičan način definisati odnos izmeĎu radilice i drugog ležaja. Ova spajalica u okviru drveta nosi naziv concetric12. Definisati odnos izmeĎučeone površine radilice i čeone površine ležaja U okviru drveta naziv ove spajalice coincident4. Selektovati čeonu površinu radilice a zatim čeonu površinu klipa i zatim selektovati coincident. Ovaj tip spajalice onemogućava da se ležaj translira duž ose radilice. Predodna spajalica omogućava da se ose radilice i ležaja poklope. Identičan postupak ponoviti pri definisanju odnosa izmeĎu radilice i ležaja2. Ovaj tip spajalice u drvetu nosi naziv Coincident6.

Definisati odnos izmeĎuklipa i klipnjače Ovaj tip spajalice u drvetu nosi naziv Parallel1. Pri radu jednocilindričnog motora neophodno je da su površine klipa i klipnjače uvek paralelne. Upravo iz tog razloga definiše se ovaj odnos-ograničenje izmeĎu klipa i klipnjače.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Definisati odnos izmeĎucilindra-bloka motora i ležaja Naziv ove spajalice u drvetu nosi naziv Distance7. Ova spajalica definiše rastojanje izmeĎu čeone površine bloka motoracilicndra i površine koja je tangentna na ležaj i paralelna je sa čeonom površinom klipa. U odnosu na koordinatni sistem ograničava se da se ležaj ne povera u odnosu na blok motora po Y osi. U konkretnom slučaju ovo rastojanje iznosi 94 mm.

Definisati odnos izmeĎucilindra-bloka motora i ležaja Naziv ove spajalice u drvetu nosi naziv Distance10. Ova spajalica definiše rastojanje izmeĎu čeone površine bloka motoracilicndra i površine koja je tangentna na ležaj i paralelna je sa čeonom površinom klipa. U odnosu na koordinatni sistem ograničava se da se ležaj ne povera u odnosu na blok motora po Z osi. U konkretnom slučaju ovo rastojanje iznosi 33 mm.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



... Na osnovu postavljenih ograničenja sklop jednocilidričnog motora može da se opiše na sledeći način: Cilindar-blok motora je u fiksan, oduzeti su svi stepeni slobode u odnosu na koordinatni sistem (tri tanslacije i tri rotacije). Odnos između ose bloka motora i klipa je takav da se poklapaju, odnosno leže na istoj pravoj ali postoji mogućnost da se klip kreće duž ose cilindra i da se klip rotira oko svoje ose u cilindru a to se mora eliminisati (ostala je jedna translacija –koja je potrebna i jedna rotacija koja se mora eliminisati). Sada se definiše odnos između osovine i klipa. Prvo se pomoću spajalice concentric poklapaju ose otvora klipa i ose osovine (ostala je jedna rotacija osovine oko ose-koja je potrebna ali je neophodno eliminisati translaciju osovine duž ose uvodeći dodatno ograničenje). Dodatno ograničenje se definiše izmeĎu osovine i klipa tako da je rastojanje izmeĎu čeone površine osovine i zasečene površine klipa iznosi 0mm. Definisati odnos između osovine i klipnjače odnosno odnos izmeĎu ose otvora klipnjače i ose osovine je takav da se poklapaju-concentric (postoji mogućnost da se osovina rotira oko svoje ose ali i da se klipnjača translira duž ose osovine a to se mora eliminisati). Definisati odnos između klipa i klipnjače odnosno izmeĎu zasečene površine klipa i ravne površine klipnjače je takav da je rastojanje izmeĎu njih uvek konstantno i da iznosi 25mm (čime je eliminisana translacija klipnjače duz ose osovine). Definisati odnos između klipnjače i radilice odnosno neophodno je poklopiti osu otvora na klipnjači i osu radilice. Rastojanje izmeĎu ravne površine radilice i ravne površine klipnjače iznosi 1mm. Neophodno je da se poklope čeone površine ležaja sa čeonim površinama radilice. Definisati odnos između klipnjače i klipa tako da ravna površina klipa bude paralelna sa zasečenom površinom cilindra. Definisati rastojanje izmeĎu čeone površine bloka sa ravni koja je sa njom paralelna i tangentna u odnosu na ležaj, čime je eliminisana translacija duž Y ose. Na identičan način eliminisati translaciju duž Z ose. Na osnovu postavljenih ograničenja zaključuje se da su oduzeti odreĎeni stepeni slodode i mehanizam može da se pokrene. Kako pokrenuti mehanizam u programskom paketu SolidWorks? Kada su definisana ograničenja - mates imeĎu svih elemenata sklopa moguće je pokrenuti projektovani sklop i na taj način izvršiti proveru da li su oduzeti neophodni stepeni slodode. Konstantno držati taster Alt i konstantan levi klik miša koji se predhodno pozicionira na komponentu koja se pokreće u okviru sklopa. Na taj način pokrećemo odreĎene elemente sklopa.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje




Kreiranje tehničke dokumentacije nakon završenog modeliranja: sklopa, podsklopa ili mašinskog dela Programski paket SolidWorks omogućava lako generisanje tehničke dokumentaije nakon generisanog 3D modela ili sklopa. Primer. Generisati sklopni crtež jednocilindričnog motora, na slici ispod, sa potrebnim presecima.

Nakon završenog modeliranja poslednjeg elementa sklopa i nakon isključenja funkcije Edit Component ponovo se pojavljuje okruženje-rad sa sklopovima. Kako bi se počelo sa generisanjem sklopnog crteža neophodno je da se u padajućem meniju klikne na File a zatim na Make Drawing from Assembly.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Odabrati format papira:

Definisati projekcije. Na desnoj strani ekrana nalaze se projekcije sklopa jednocilindričnog motora. Odabrati prijekciju koja sadrži najviše informacija za frontalnu jednostavnim prevlačenjem sa desne polovine ekrana na odgovarajuće mesto na papiru

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Ostale projekcije se same generišu na taj način što se pomera miš desno od frontalne projekcije i na taj način generiše projekcija sa strane...

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Svaka projekcija ima svoj okvir tako da se može pomerati proizvoljno u odnosu na papir. Uvek se proizvoljno pomera samo jedna projekcija a ostale se prilagođavaju. Na slici ispod prikazano je okruženje za generisanje radioničke dokumentacije. Seketovati karticu View Layout.

Dupli klik na projekciju koju želimo da definišemo (dimenzionišemo, preseci.....) pojavljuje se crveni okvir oko projekcije što znači da je ista aktivna i spremna za definisanje. U konkretnom slučaju u pitanju je Frontalna projekcija. Neophodno je definisati ose u aktivnoj projekciji. Kliknuti na karticu Anotate. Selektovati Centerline. Kliknuti na jednu a zatim na drugu izvodnicu cilindričnog elementa i na taj način osa je definisana.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Nakon definisanja osa isključiti funkciju centerline. Pristupiti dimenzionisanju koristeći funkciju SmartDimension.

Nakon završenog dimenzionisanja Frontalnog pogleda omogućiti da ni jedna od projekcija nije aktivna odnosno da nema oko sebe okvir. Kako izvući pozicije sviih elemenata sklopa? U okviru kartice Anotate postoji funkcija Auto Balloon, klik na pomenutu funkciju a zatim na okvir projekcije u kojoj izvlačimo pozicije, u konkretnom slučaju frontalna projekcija. Pozicije koje nije mogao da označi u selektovanoj projekciji SolidWorks će označiti sam u sledećoj projekciji. Kako generisati sastavnicu ? Selektovati karticu Anotate. U gornjem meniju selektovati Tables i odabrati Bill of Materials. Pojavljuje se sastavnica koja se pozicionira levim klikom miša.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Kako napraviti poprečni presek sklopa? Selektovati projekciju u okviru koje će se napraviti presek. Selektovati karticu View Layout, Section View. U aktivnoj projekciji, frontalnoj, nacrtati liniju koja se poklapa sa osom cilindra.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Nakon crtanja linije-ravni preseka povlačenjem miša levo ili desno od frontalne projekcije bira se pozicija projekcije. Nakon toga generisan je Presek A-A. Aktivirati projekciju u kojoj je definisan presek A-A a zatim Auto Balloon i u okviru aktvine projekcije pojavljuje se pozicija 3 koja je vidljiva.

Na identičan način na koji je generisan presek A-A, generisati presek B-B.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



U okviru kartice View Layout klikom na Detail View generiše se detal, detalj E.

Kako definisati delimični presek u frontalnoj projekciji? U okviru kartice View Layout odabrati funkciju Broken Out Section. U okviru željene projekcije definisati zatvorenu krivu liniju, odabati dubinu preseka a zatim ok. Na ovaj način generisan je sklopni crtež jednocilindričnog motora.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



ČAS 8 U okviru osmog časa student samostalno modelira sklop na osnovu znanja i veština koje je stekao na dosadašnjim predavanjima. Pimer Koristeći programski paket SW modelirati sklop koji je prikazan na slici.

U prilogu ove postavke zadatka nalazi se radionička dokumentacija svih elelemenata koji se nalaze u okviru sastavnice sklopnog crteža. Radionička dokumentacija ima za cilj da olakša proces modeliranja svake pozicije sklopa koju student samostalno modelira. Nakon završenog modeliranja sklopa generisati sklopni crtež i radioničku dokumentaciju. Prilikom montaže modeliranih elemenata sklopa definisati meĎusobneodnose svih komponenti koristeći Mate fukciju.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Smernice za definisanje odnosa izmeĎu modeliranih komponenti. Nazivi i broj ograničenja-mates koji jednoznačno definišu sklop prikazani su na slici:

Nova ograničenja: Zavojno vretenonavrtka (Screw1) i kaišni prenos (Belt Mates)

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Kako definisati mate Screw1? Nakon završenog procesa modeliranja vratila (u sastavnici sklopnog crteža pozicija 5) i klizača (u sastavnici sklopnog crteža pozicija 8) pristupiti definisanju ograničenja-spajalice-mate Screw1. Na sklopnom crtežu primećuje se da nisu modelirani zavojci vratila i da se u tehničkoj dokumentaciji ne prikazuje navoj. Ovaj 'propust' namerno je učinjen kako bi se pokazalo da je moguće definisati ograničenje zavojnog vretena i navrtke-klizača bez predhodnog modeliranja zavojaka na vratilu i u navrtki-klizaču. Definisanje mate Screw1 odvija se na sledeći način:

Selektovati omotač vretena i omotač navrtke u okviru Mechanical Mates selektovati Screw i defiinisati Distance-revolution: 50mm. Na ovaj način definisan je sklop zavojno vreteno i navrtka uzimajući u obzir da je željeni hod zavojnice 50mm po jednom obrtaju. Ukoliko se ne želi da se na kraju definisanja sklopa 'pokrene' modelirani sklop onda nije neophodno da se definiše Mechanical Mates već je dovoljno definisati standard mate koristeći funkciju concentric. Funkcija concentric samo bi izvršila poklapanje osa vratila i navrtke. Važna napomena: Kada se vrši 'pokretanje' modeliranog sklopa neopohodno je da se definišu standard mates u kombinaciji sa mechanical mates. Mechanical mates se upotrebljava ukoliko su odreĎene pozicije sklopa neke vrste standardnih mašinskih elemenata tipa: zavojno vrteno-navrtka, kaišni par, zupčasti par itd. Standard Mates definišu meĎusobni odnos izmeĎu dve komponente: saosnost-concentric, paralelnostparallel, rastojanje-distance, poklapanje odreĎenih površina ili ivica- coincident, povezivanje dve komponente u celinu-lock, itd.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.

Tehnikum Turunum-VIŠSS

3D Modeliranje



Kako definisati Belt mate? Nakon modeliranja pogonskog i gonjenog kaišnika (respektivno pozicije 4 i 6) prsitupiti definisanju Belt Mate. Kaiš modelirati tek nakon uspostavljanja Mechanical Belt mate.

Selektovati omotače i pogonskog i gonjenog kaišnika. Na osnovu predhodno definisanog osnog rastojanja izmeĎu kaišnika koristeći standard mate distance, Solid Works računa dužinu kaiša (u konkretnom slučaju 609.11mm). Obavezno selektovati u okviru Properties Engage belt čime se automatski definišu sva potrebna ograničenja-mates izmeĎu pogonskog i gonjenog kaišnika. Selektovati i opciju Use belt thikness koja će definisati debljinu kaiša u konkretnom slučaju 2mm. Klik ok. Ovim je definisan Belt mate i izmeĎu pogonskog i gonjenog kaišnika automatski se formirala linija koja predstavlja kaiš koji se mora naknadno modelirati s tim da je on već ubačen u 'drvo' nakon definisanja belt mate ograničenja. Neophodno je 'editovati' mašinski deo koji se zove belt i docrtati u sketch-u ofsetovanu konturu kaiša a nakon toga primeniti funkciju extrude, zatim save as, kaiš. Belt mate omogućava da se pri 'oživljavanju' modeliranog sklopa, modelirani elementi kaiš-pogonski kaišnik-gonjeni kaišnik, pokreću kao što bi se ponašali u realnosti. To znači da je ispoštovan prenosni odnos koji je definisan prečnicima kaišnika i odgovarajučim osnim rastojanjem.

Predavač: mr Milan Milutinović, dipl.maš.inž.































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