Waterscraper - An Automated Shlter on Water / Wenwei Zeng

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WAT E R S C R A P E R A n A u t o m a t e d S h e l t e r o n Wa t e r

Tu t o r s To b y R e e d A n n a N e r ve g n a

We n w e i Z e n g 999787 2021

This experiment about Water-scraper provides an individual Socialeco system from which humans can inhabit in a sea level rising background. According to the research of NGIS, rising sea level pose a huge threat to Melbourne's land in the coming decades. Therefore, it is an urgent need for a city that is adapted to the aquatic environment.

From thousands of years ago to the present day, there has been no end to the fantasy of the future and the aquatic world, and these fantasies provide a philosophy for learning to get along with nature. All of these fantasies show man’s ambition to occupy space: from the first sci-fiction movie Gugusse and the Automaton to Bladerunner, from Aztec’s Chinampas to East Asia’s Raft Bridge, from Australian Native Shelter to Lebbeus Woods’s floating structure.

Some new spatial strategies are needed to respond to the surface of the site, which is different from the usual construction site. In the early design phase, Inside-Out modelling illustrates the wonderful interior space of classical architecture, and continued these spatial elements to the new water art gallery. The ready-made exploration reconstructs existing buildings to find how they exist in new environments. The floating city is chaotic in its overall form, but it operates in an order. Lebbeus Woods imagines a future world built with mechanistic materials, freespace, multiplicity, and heterarchy to create a sort of institutionalized utopia. This order is for the whole micro-city to be able to run steadily. The city utilises the magic of nature itself, we carefully create and sustain a miniature ecosystem, from microbial decomposition of bio-waste into usable degradable to the generation of consumer goods.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


THE PRESENT ST. KILDA Notes. Now St. Kilda has become a attractive coastal destination, there is a windy land with luna park, albert park and sandy beach. Artificial sand beaches and tidal barriers form the shoreline, as well as several marinas. People enjoy the beach here, seawater and sea breeze. Wind and tides are two crucial aspects to be considered.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


N a t i ve H u t - C h a r l e s -A l exa n d r e Le s u e u r

ABORIGINAL SHELTER Notes. Charles Sturt has recorded (on Dark Emu) the way of Australian aboriginal people to get along with the environment in the background of low-tech and deserted middle part of Australia. They uses sticks as the main structure, and using thick clay to cover the shelter to insulate internal heat and rain. It good to learn knowledge from the philosophy of living with nature, their traditional construction techniques and the utilisation of nature.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



The Drowned World



2 0 0 1 ( St a n l e y Ku b r i c k 1 9 67 )

Architects & M ove m e n t s

S o l a r i s ( 1 9 72 )

B u c k m i n st e r Fu l l e r

La J e t e e ( C h r i s M a r ke r 1 9 6 2 )

Po a l o S o l e r i ’s Ba b e l I I D

A l p h a v i l l e ( G o d a rd 1 9 6 5 ) U n d e r

S u p e r st u d i o

the Skin (Jonathan Glazer 2013)


Ba r b a re l l a ( Ro g e r Va d i m 1 9 6 8 )


A I ( St eve n S p i e l b e r g )


Bladerunner (1982)

B r u n o Ta u t

A l i e n ( 1 9 78 )

D ro p C i t y


In the situation of overwhelming global warming issue, the environment is becoming more elusive. Now, it is time to expolre spatial and formal strategies with the background of submerged city by sea. In this chapter, it is going to illustrate imaginary events on storyboard, to explore forms of office buidling and iterations from the 1950s architecture designed by Luigi Moretti’s. Hence, Metabolism and Arhigram raised visionary strategies to help with responding to the fluidity and impermanence of environment.

Fo r b i d d e n P l a n e t Things to Come F i n a l P ro g r a m

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Bladerunner - Film, 1982

M a r i n e C i t y , M e t a b o l i s m - K i y o n o r i K i k u t a ke , 1 9 6 0

2001 - Film, 1968

P l u g - i n C i t y - A r c h i g ra m , 1 9 6 4

Reflection. Both scien-fiction film and architectural movements rasie imaginery architectural forms to cope with future situation. It can be a great source of inspiration, but they can also lead you astray. So, be careful of thinking.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Imaginary Submerged City

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


SUBMERGED CITY Notes. The storyboard tries to represent a series imaginary scene of submerged city due to sea level rising issue. The following scenarios become possible: the spectacular skyscraper could be the water level ruler, to show the speed of water level rising. Raft becomes the common transportation; pier has replaced car park. Seascape may become ubiquitous. The exploration of office buildings forms response to a rapidly deteriorating environment. Functionally, it provides spaces for accommodation, work (office), transportation (piers) and entertainment (parks).


An Automated Shelter on Water


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


P P G P l a c e - J o h n B u r g e e A r c h i te c t s O r i g i n a l Ty p i c a l P l a n

SUBMERGED OFFICE Notes. This office building practise Gothic element in the modern skyscraper. It melds the notion of the modern corporate tower with a neo-gothic monument. The things interested me is that the Gothic emphasizes the matter overflowing its boundaries. This is a kind of extension of space. And, it can be used on the plan modification. M o d i f i e d Ty p i c a l P l a n


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Office Plan

P P G P l a c e ( M o d i f i e d ) - J o h n B u r g e e A r c h i te c t s

MODIFIED OFFICE Notes. In this exploration of ready-made office, the offices are laid horizontally and supported above the water by two large structures. The Gothic architectural elements, which originally sought to be lofty, were extended horizontally. Mankind's ambition to explore the sky now reaches the sea. And, this form provides a wider floor plan for office space.

Office Section

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Wo Z o C o - M V R DV

S i n k i n g Wo Z o C o

SUBMERGED APARTMENT Notes. This resident building glue the additioanl unit on the outer side of the main builidng volume. The cantilevered unit are not only providing more units for residence, but also providing a more free part to do architectrual manipulation. It could be twisted, grafted or stretched to a dynamic form.

Wo Z o C o P l a n

The plan may be good to involve the method of gule volume on. * The modified plan offers a method to locate apartment building.

Modified Plan Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


La y e t te Pa r k A p a r t m e n t - M i e s va n d e r Ro h e

La y e t te Pa r k A p a r t m e n t ( M o d i f i e d ) o n Wa te r

READYMADE APARTMENT 01 Notes. Let us think of this classic high-density housing in Detroit as a prototype for an apartment. It offers an opportunity to refine the sophisticated plan and the oringinal shape of box. When taking the shape of this building and turn it into a volume, it is a good place to manipulate it and change its form to fit into the overall architectural language. In the subsequent operation, the techniques of stretch, fold, raise and carve were used to create an apartment that can adapt to the climate of Melbourne and meet the spatial needs of current residents. Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper

Ty p i c a l P l a n


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


H a Lo n g V i l l a - V T N A r c h i te c t s

H a Lo n g V i l l a ( M o d i f i e d ) o n Wa te r

READYMADE APARTMENT 02 Notes. This project is located in Vietnam, where is in a humid and hot area. Melbourne has the same problem with excessive sunlight in the summer. To cope with hot issue, it has doublelayer facade to decline direct solar radiation. At the same time, it carve out several rectangular holes on surface to be sapces for balcony and greenery. The space between two layers facade is used as circulation space. Ty p i c a l P l a n Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Office Plan

Modified Apartment

MODIFIED PLAN & SECTION Notes. The modified apartment aims to meet the residential needs of the high density city on the water. At the same time, public spaces are arranged in this apartment such as recreation space and communication space. The modified apartment utilises double facade system to cope with the strong sunlight issue. Many holes are carved out on the exterior facade for balcony and greenery space.


Office Section

An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Form sxperiments


I N S P I R AT I O N S Cases

Luigi Moretti used plaste as the experimental material to help with exploring the structure and sequence of space in 1952. In this experiment, plaste had represent the interior and negative space of a series of Classic Architecture.

D r e s d e n Fr a u e n k i r c h e - G e o r g e Bä h r, Dresden, Germany St r u c t u re s a n d S e q u e n c e s o f S p a c e s ( 1 9 5 2 ) - Lu i g i M o re t t i

In this method, provide a series of opportunities to understand the combined spatial forms. Hence, these spatial prototypes can be manipulated to look for new qualities of spaces.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper D r e s d e n F r a u e n k i r c h e - G e o r g e B a h r, D r e s d e n , G e r m a n y


R e s e r ve S p a c e M o d e l - To p V i ew

NEGATIVE SPACE Notes. The methodology (which was used by Luigi Moretti in the structure and sequence of sapce, 1952) is a effective way to look for form prototypes. It simplify the reverse space to get some basic elements of mass and geometry. Different forms give different spatial characteristics. The dynamic relationship between each spaces can produces different spatial forms. A series of geometic concepts can be efficiency tools: intersection, union and Complement.

P l a n a n d S e c t i o n o f D re s d e n Fra u e n k i r c h e

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper N e g a t i ve S p a c e M o d e l


Simplified Elements

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Iteration 01 - Axo

Iteration 01 - Plan

ITERATION 01 Iteration 01 - Section

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Iteration 01 - Diagram

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Iteration 02 - Axo

Iteration 02 - Plan

ITERATION 02 Iteration 02 - Section

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Iteration 02 - Diagram

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Iteration 03 - Axo

Iteration 03 - Plan

ITERATION 03 Iteration 03 - Section

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Iteration 03 - Diagram

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Form sxperiments

Description. On the earth, many cities are surrounded by water. In these places, people have found ways to get along with water. The water-city Vienice has beatiful buildings on water and waterways. In the Southern-China, local people uses boats to arrange a temporary raft bridge for crossing river.

I N S P I R AT I O N S Artists Urs Fishcher Wa n g We i Pe r K r i st i a n N y g a rd Olafur Eliasson A n d y G o l d s wo r t h y Kishio Suga C h r i st e l l e Fa m i l i a r i Objects B l a c k Ro c k C i t y Chinampas

The raft bridge could be regarded as a kind of land art. It functionally and psychologically connects relationship between people and water in the sequence.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper Ra f t B r i d g e i n G a n z h o u , C h i n a


Raft Bridge in Ganzhou, China

RAFT BRIDGE Description. Floating platform is actually not a very new technique. It was invented thousands of years ago by the Aztecs in Mexico. They uses wooden cage to create floating land for farming and constructing. In eastern civilization, local people uses wooden boats to stay together. Then it are covered deck to be a raft bridge to link lands on two sides of river. It could be the prototype of floating platform.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


C o n f l i c t S p a c e - Le b b e u s Wo o d s , 2 0 0 6

I c e b e r g s , f r e e -f l o a t i n g st r u c t u r e s - Le b b e u s Wo o d s, 1 9 9 1

La n d A r t 0 1 .

AUTOMATED SHELTER Description. In the situation of city submerging, Human may needs to run a city on water according to a guidelines. So, in the aspect of form, Lebbeus Woods illustrates a imaginary Ocean shore and city as a shelter for interminate future. He uses "freespace, multiplicity, and heterarchy to create a sort of institutionalized utopia. His architecture looks like a machanical construction, which is affordable and easymaintance. Ra d i c a l l y m o rd e n i n Be r l i n - D a n i e l L i b e s k i n d


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Land Art - Auotomated Shelter

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Auotomated Shelter Aerial Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


S n ow D ra w i n g s - S o n j a H i n r i c h s e n , 2 0 1 2

Wu g a n - T i f f a n y Ku o, 2 0 1 8

La n d A r t 0 2 .

LAND IDENTITY Description. Sonja relectis concerns on ecological environment in her ongoing art practise, and addresses our relationship to the natural world as we perveive it and interact with it. In the background of sea level rising, it is time to rebuild the connection with nature. In Melbourne, Wurundjeri people has their special philosiphy to gei along with nature. They feel Country - wind, water and stars by Walking-up and Talking-up. Mary Miss uses vernacular construction techniques and materials to place courtyard underground, which carve out new opportunities to bodily as well as visual perception of the place.


An Automated Shelter on Water

M a r y M i s s - Pe r i m e te r s / Pa v i l i o n s / D e c o y s, 1 9 78

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


In this experimental island, Australian indigenous pattern are used as masterplan layout protype. Circles are the enrty of the city and the resevoir. When the reservoir reaches a certain depth, enought buoyancy will lift the water inlet, preventing more water fall into city. The salt water will be channeled through canals into a vaultshaped evaporation chamber, where the condensed water, when it meets the cold walls, will then flow down to the fresh water tank.

Land Identity

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


F e a t h e r s - A n d y G o l d s wo r t h y , 2 0 1 7

A L i n e of 6 8 2 St o n e s - R i c h a rd Lo n g , 1 9 76

La n d A r t 0 3.

WALKING UP Description. Andy Goldsworthy uses feathers to lay out the journey the heron went on before it reached its end. Its about all the twists , turns and dead-ends you find along the way in life. Richard Long also offers a stage for visitors to connect with environment with walking along the path. The landscape, the environment in which we move, thus becomes a flexible element that can be altered by the citizen himself. 64

An Automated Shelter on Water

C y r u s F i e l d - Pa t r i c i a J o h a n s o n , 1 9 7 0

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Walking Up

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper




Description. The project aims to create an individual operating social-eco system from which human can inhabit in a sea level rising background. In the first half phase, I focus on the ecological balance system of the microcity. Therefore, an energy cycle was explored to meet the demands of food, energy and greenery.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper Ra f t B r i d g e i n G a n z h o u , C h i n a



Auotomated Shelter Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Auotomated Shelter Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Apartment Plan

Office Plan

Apartment Section

Office Section


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Overall Section

Fungi Farm & Waste Treatment


Crop Farm Shellfish Farm Anchor

Seaweed Farm

Buoyancy Raft


Land Art Section

Description. On this island, Automated O(U)topia, has a Automatic mechanism to cope with the hostile environment. This delicate balance requires careful maintenance, so the city operates like a machine. Each operator needs to follow the procedure strictly. We can harness the power of nature to help us feel ecology and get along with it in harmony.

The breakwater component can take advantage of the tides to raise shellfish, seaweed can grow on the bottom of city, indoor fungi break down material intro degradable material that can later be recycled into production. Heterarchy - is a Top-down organisation structure (In this city, the highest level of management is the manual.)

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Operating Cycle Diagram

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Reflection. It might has too many volumns of apartment. Structure and circulation could be developed more in the after work. Programmes in this city also need to be considered.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


P H AS E 0 2 WEEK 4-6

Development After Mid-semeter

Description. Comments on Mid-presentation give an opportunity to rethink the project from different perspectives. Therefore, more inspirations were raised to help with developing project. After mid-semester, aspects of structure, circulation, program and energy cycle are developed more. And I understood more power of diagram.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper Programme Diagram


Progress Model_ 01 Feb

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Progress Plan_ 01 Feb

Programmes Arrangement in Section

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Art Gallery Roof Garden & Park Bridge & Market Public Facilities


Office Platform Swimming Pool Sea Wall Beach Beach Distillation Chamber

Bio-Waste Generatior

Forest & Farm Green House Agricultural Workshop Sea Wall

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Progress Model _4 Feb

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Reflection. It develops a living space having public facilities such as market, gym, recreation room and park. And, a swimming pool is put on sandy beach, when officer feel tired after a struggling day, they are able to take a rest on the coast, jump into the swimming pool or sitting down on the sandy beach, staring the sky or enjoy the seascape

98 Progress Model _4 Feb

An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Final Submission

Description. This project tries to explore an individual operating social-eco system on water. In the past few centuries, humankind has experienced famine, war and plague.Today, we face a new challenge - how can we survive in a submerged world amid rising sea level? St Kilda has always been a costal playground, hoping to create a familiar environment here, having a lots of relaxing place to be.

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper Farm on Floating City


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Boat View

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Gallery and Office Building

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Marine Farm

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Swimming Pool

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Aerial View

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Site Plan - Sea level rose by 3m

2 8

3 9

5 1



A 6



11 12 B

Site Plan - Sea level rose by 6m N

1. Apartment 2. Office 3. Gallery 4. Raft Platform 5. Farm 6. Restaurant 7. Marine Farm 8. Swimming Pool 9. Sandy Beach 10. Seawall 11. Greenhouse 12. Electricity Generator





50 m

Site Plan Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper






Apartment Building Residence Residence

Gym Catering Street Market

Park Park

Restaurant Office Building Gallery

Greenhouse Electricity Generator

Cafe Swimming Pool



Sandy Beach Sea Wall

Tree Column Structure

Slope Boardwalk & Bench

Marine Farm

Raft Platform

Axometric Explosion - City Programme

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Swimming Pool preliminary filtration



Filtrating & Cleaning

Freshwater Tank

preliminary filtration

Rainwater Tank

Rainwater Collector

Irrigation Domstic Water



Micro-City Wildlife Connection

Solar Panel Farm


Fungi Farm & Greenhouse Forest Marine Farm

Electricity Genertator


Battery Fertiliser

Axometric Explosion - Energy Cycle Diagram

Ash from biomass furnace


Water Cycle

Electrical Cycle

Food Cycle

Wildlife Connectoin

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper











5 10 11






11 2 5

1. Lift Lobby 2. Forest 3. Rest Area 4. Conference Area 5. General Office Space 6. Individual Office Space 7. Coworking Space 8. Meeting Area 9. Light Work Area 10. Toilet 11. Cargo Lift








Office Building Typical Planm

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper




5 6


3 4


1. Entry Void 2. Media Arts Exhibition Dome Space - OmniMax 3. Media Arts Exhibition Dome Space - Projection 4. Ramp 5. Temporary Exhibition Space 6. Lift Lobby 7. Toilet

Gallery First Floor Plan




20 m

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


11 12 13 7 14 15 16 17

1. Vegetaion (Park) 2. Soil 3. Filter 4. Drainage 5. Root Barrier & Mechanical Protection 6. Waterproof Membrane 7. Thermic Insulation 8. Vapour Barrier 9. Draining Slope 10. Bearing Structure 11. Clay Panel Roofing 12. Aluminum Roof Batten

1 2 10


13. Waterproof Layer

4 5 6 7 8 9

14. Structural deck 15. Stell Beam 16. Ceiling Joist 17. Ceiling

Park in Apartment Building - Detail Section Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper










East Elevation

West Elevation


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


1. Park 2. Lift 3. Residential Unit 4. Recreation Room 5. Gym 6. Store 7. Park & Pop-up Street Market 8. Catering 9. Corridor 10. Mechanical Room 11. Raft Platform 8 7




12. Anchor




2 10 9 11

Section A-A





50 m

1. Park 2. Lift 3. Residential Unit 4. Recreation Room 5. Gym 6. Store 7. Park & Pop-up Street Market 8. Catering 9. Farm 10. Mechanical Room

1 4


11. Raft Platform

8 6 5


12. Anchor




9 11


Section B-B




Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper

50 m



Design Progressing

Description. In the design process, there are always a lot of different ideas that come to mind at the beginning, and then iterate and improve from them. These initial ideas can be called prototypes. They may not turn out to be perfect drawings, but being able to document the ideas and process of the design is something that helps me to reflect on what I did well in the design and what I did not do well.

Submerged Office Section Draf t

I N S P I R AT I O N S Artists Urs Fishcher Wa n g We i Pe r K r i st i a n N y g a rd Olafur Eliasson A n d y G o l d s wo r t h y Kishio Suga C h r i st e l l e Fa m i l i a r i Objects B l a c k Ro c k C i t y Chinampas

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Lo o p s Towe r - Pe te r P i c h l e r A r c h i te c t u r e

READYMADE APARTMENT M o d i f i e d Ty p i c a l P l a n

Notes. In the project, The connection of two towers is made by a green parks at podium level in a steps back loop. The interweaveing podium strings provides spatial potentialities for public facilities such as the gym with a running track on the roof. In the submerged micro-city, the interweaving of programmes may promote the efficiency of circulation.

O r i g i n a l Ty p i c a l P l a n


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Lo o p s Towe r - Pe te r P i c h l e r A r c h i te c t u r e

Lo o p s Towe r ( M o d i f i e d ) - Pe te r P i c h l e r A r c h i te c t u r e

READYMADE APARTMENT Notes. It create a curtain wall on outside of the apartment building to protect the houses inside from windy on the sea. In the mean time, it create a freespace for public facilities such as park, market and palyground. The shape of glass envolop has a pitched roof which helps heat air purgeing to atmosphere. Hence, sunlight is sunshaded by beams. However, the curtain wall may still causes the temperature issue.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Modified Section

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



N a t u ra l H i st o r y 5 Wa n g We i , 2 0 1 6

N o t Re d B u t G r e e n Pe r K r i st i a n N y g a rd , 2 0 1 4 YO U - U r s F i s c h e r, 2 0 07

Reflection. These four installations formed in the organic shape try to restore a natural scence. However, these precedents are not satisfactory. Because they have the strong and unique qualities which is difficult to be deconstructed. It can leads design to a dilemma of finding a proper form to express the concept.


An Automated Shelter on Water

R i ve r b e d Olafur Eliasson, 2014 Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Reflection. This island iteration aims to make the island with moves which similar to natural landscape. Moves try to simulate the natural elements like hill, lake, basin and bay. When I review this iteration, I think it expresses the quality of nature too directly. It means that it have not enough information to be taste.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



L i n e i n Le a ve s A n d y G o l d s wo r t h y

La w of M u l t i t u d e Kishio Suga, 1975 Te n o c h t i t l a n & C h i n a m p a s

Reflection. More than 2,000 years ago, The Aztecs found the method, Chinampas, to occupy water area and establish thier great capital. They utilise wood to make cage and place it on water, then covering thatch and marine. This artificial land not only serves as base of building, but also be a very fertile land to grow food on. The average annual amount of grain is an astonishing five times greater than that of ordinary farmland. 144

An Automated Shelter on Water

Flasques C h r i ste l l e F a m i l i a r i , 2 0 0 8 Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Reflection. It regards to the qualities and techniques from precedents. The iteration shape likes honeycomb, and it connected by orange coloured bridges. It has flexible and diverse platform to be building site or farming field. It can be more interesting to think about vertical space. Hence, the methodology and programmes in the void part should be considered. 146

An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



S n ow D ra w i n g s Sonja Hinrichsen, 2012

C u r ve d St i c k s La i d A ro u n d a R i ve r Bo u l d e r A n d y G o l d s wo r t h y , 2 0 0 6 Circles - Molly Haslund, 2013

Reflection. Although round is the main element of these works, it is hard to find common language of artworks and burning man temporary camping city. When I select precedent, it is worthy to think more about the internal relationship between precedents. B l a c k Ro c k C i t y P l a n


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Reflection. This iteration trys to represent the pattern of circle, and the central circle platform can be a performance stage. In the design process, the arrangment of circles should be thought carefully. And, it is a good to think the programme before thinking forms, so it would takes more diversity.


An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Auotomated Shelter Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Auotomated Shelter Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Auotomated Shelter

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Reflection. This land art iteration got the flooding shape, but has a square-shaped platform which is not continuous of the overall form. So, the platform and connection between intervention and land need to be rethink. Hence, It is good to do more consideration of programmes and space. 162

An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Masterplan Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Masterplan Perspective

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Apartment Unit

Reflection. It creates a freespace for each apartment unit, so each unit has space for public facilities such as green land, park, and playgournd.It has spatial interveaving between each unit. The overlapped space could be used as circulation space and communication space such as lounge and restaurant. Curtain wall may causes temperature issue. It has not ability to adapt Melbourne's weather. An insulated enclosure could be a passive energy saving system. 168

An Automated Shelter on Water

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


Reflection. This iteration develops a series of apartment covered by curtain wall as a container. It has forest, public facilities and living units inside. But the utilisation of glass may causes sunlight issue.

AuotomatedPerspective Masterplan Shelter

Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper



Journal 2020— MSD Waterscraper


REFERENCES Text Reference Pascoe, B. (2018). Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the birth of agriculture. Magabala Books. Woods, L. (1997). Radical reconstruction. Princeton Architectural Press Eisenman, P. (1992). Unfolding events. Zone, 6, 423-426. Luigi Moretti(1952), Structures and Sequences of Spaces

Inspirations Bladerunner (1982), film

Richard Long, A Line of 682 Stones (1976)

2001 (1968), film

Patricia Johanson, Cyrus Field (1970)

Kiyonori Kikutake, Marine City (1960) Archigram, Plug-in City (1964) John Burgee Architects, PPG Place, Architecture MVRDV, WoZoCo, Architecture Mies van der Rohe, Layette Park Apartment VTN Architects, Ha Long Villa George Bähr, Dresden Frauenkirche, Dresden, Germany Lebbeus Woods, Conflict Space(2006) Lebbeus Woods, Icebergs, free-floating structures (1991) Daniel Libeskind, Radically morden in Berlin Sonja Hinrichsen, Snow Drawings (2012) Tiffany Kuo, Wugan (2018) Mary Miss, Perimeters / Pavilions / Decoys (1978) Andy Goldsworthy, Feathers (2017)

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