Journal of Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG ABPL90142_2020_SUM Studio Leader _Hella Wigge
Content Analog Media Experiment _01 Model Making _05 Strategies _08 Drawings _16 Model Making _09 Final Experiment _23 Review and Rethink _33
Analog Media Experiments: Storyboard
06 / Jan - Week 01 Monday Wenwei, Gita, Sean.
Reflection: It's good to draw a storyboard to show the past experience related to the project. Especially to do so by the inactive hand, It can prolong the time to feel and recall the experience in the building. It may be used to help with figure out the direction in the future preliminary design. 06 / Jan - Week 01 Monday 06 / Jan - Week 01 Monday The storyboards of library you have experienced.
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Analog Media Experiments: Analog Media
09 / Jan - Week 01 Thursday Pencil & Watercolour
09 / Jan - Week 01 Thursday Pencil & Acrylic
09 / Jan - Week 01 Thursday Posca Markers & Fountaion Pen
Reflection: In the second session, we tested more than ten different medium to understand the characteristics of different painting materials.
By experimenting with different analog media, I am allowed to learn their characteristics. I may think better to pick suitable and favourite analog media for the representation of future projects. 09 / Jan - Week 01 Thursday
08 / Jan - Week 01 Wednesday The session of experimenting analog media
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Analog Media Experiments: Drawing and Atmosphere 01
Reading Space Quiet sunlight penetrates through dense gaps resemble the sound of water dripping from the mountainside melting character on hand 10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday Five Atmosphere for Library & One of Text
and constrained logic there is only one librarian lazily maintain the order of books and the world tonight I want to read under the moonlight
Reflection: In the process of experiment with space atmosphere, not only ideas but also problems will be found. In my previous projects, I neglected to experiment with the spatial atmosphere. I may think about space early. 10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday 10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday Five Atmosphere for Library & One of Text
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Analog Media Experiments: Drawing and Atmosphere 02
13 / Jan - Week 02 Monday Five Atmosphere for Library (Colour)
Reflection: Colour was a neglected architectural elemet in my past projects. However, it plays an important role of atmosphere. I will pay more attention to the use of colour in the architectural space. 13 / Jan - Week 02 Monday Five Atmosphere for Library (Colour)
13 / Jan - Week 02 Monday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Model Making: Atmosphere and Massing
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Five Models of Library Atmosphere
Reflection: To compare with others' atmosphere model, those of mine pay too much attention on details, rather than overall space. In the future, I may focus on the broader feeling. 15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Others' Work - Jingqian / Bowen
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Model Making: Massing
17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday 3 Options & 3 Openings Model
Reflection: In the past, I seldom made physical massing models because I preferred to use software to do modeling. But the physical model is more intuitive and easier to play with. I will refine my project with a physical model. 17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Model Making: Sketch Model
22 / Jan - Week 02 Wednsday
I am tring to argue that the library is the extension of street. Public space is provided on ground floor for events such as music concert or lecture.
Reflection: The entity model is more intuitive than digital model to handle the space. It means that it allow us to think about spatial form in more perspective. It is good to use more physical model to help you think. 22 / Jan - Week 02 Wednsday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Site Research 01
street layout
Main Road
Grassy Area
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Site Resarch - Flow
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Site Resarch - Collage
Reflection: Familiarity with the base is conducive to the formulation of strategy. Team up to research contribute to understrand the situation of site from different perspective. I must attempt to collaborate more in the future. 15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Site Research 02
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Site Resarch - Flow
I am tring to argue that the library is the extension of street. Public space is provided on ground floor for events such as music concert or lecture.
Reflection: The entity model is more intuitive than digital model to handle the space. It means that it allow us to think about spatial form in more perspective. It is good to use more physical model to help you think. 22 / Jan - Week 02 Wednsday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Site Research 02 THE HISTORY OF COLLINGWOOD
2. Housing growth
4. Vision of Yarra Concil
High density living is increasing in Yarra with close to half of Yarra’s households living in apartments:
The additional 37,930 new residents will likely form households that are:
BEFORE LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO Aborigines settled down. 1800 The small band of the Wurundjeri lived in the Yarra river flat where had abundant food and freshwater. The Wurundjeri came here to socialise and to corroboree. Not only did the land provide them with material well-being but with spiritual succour, a deep-seated indentification with natural objects and places.
‘To identify current and future needs so that Council can deliver and influence the provision of quality, flexible and responsive community infrastructure to support a prosperous, liveable and sustainable City of Yarra.’
-High density dwellings and are most concentrated in North Richmond, followed by Collingwood, Fitzroy and Abbotsford. -Residents aged 20-39 are much more likely to live in flats or apartments than the balance of the local resident population. -Close to half of Yarra’s households are in apartments. -Just over 1 in 5 of all families with children households live in apartments. -14% of apartments in Yarra are rented through the Department of Health and Human Services. Source: ABS Census 2017
-30% Family households (including single parent families). This proportion translates to 11,379 households. -23% Couples households. This proportion translates to 8723 households. -39% Lone person households. This proportion translates to 14792 households.
Named 1805-1839
Community Hub Yarra Libraries aim to create an environment that allows for community engagement, connectivity, diversity and appreciation of culture; libraries now are more than just places to search for and find books. They are community hubs for learning, accessing technology, connecting with others, studying and relaxing.
The name of Collingwood given by the name of Lord Cuthbert Collingwood(1750-1810). The land that become the municipality of Collingwood, ws sold in February 1839.
The Demise of Wurundjeri & European 1840s
Diversity of Medias Yarra library spaces are changing to reflect the different ways people want to use them and further change will enable spaces to respond to community needs. Flexible spaces, access to new technology, spaces to meet and study and community and cultural events are just some of the ways libraries are being used, in addition to traditional library borrowing.
(Cuthbert Collingwood)
European settlement in Maribyrnong in the 1830s had a massive impact on Aboriginal people – decimating communities, displacing families and disrupting lives. And yet in spite of this, Aboriginal culture remains a dynamic force in contemporary society, contributing to the diverse and thriving inner west.
Census population in Collingwood 2016
1850s Attraction
Due to its proximity to the river and its supposedly unhealthy marshland, the suburb quickly became a favoured location for noxious trades, such as factories, breweries, quarries and brickmaking works.
Personality of Collingwood Each Yarra library branch takes on its own personality informed both by physical space and the immediate surrounding neighbourhood. There is adequate provision of library branches in the City of Yarra with a high number of branches per capita and per hectare, even with forecast population growth, compared to other inner urban municipalities.
(Yorkshire brewery factory)
From Municipal district to City 1860s Since this area located in slope, the immediate problems for the Council
Variety of Space Active learning classrooms, media studios, co-work spaces and other areas conducive to hands-on learning and activities are the type of spaces that will meet current and future needs and maximise community value of Yarra Libraries. These types of spaces are also likely to respond well to the anticipated population profile, particularly professionals, people living alone, young workers and people living in apartments as well as our more vulnerable communities. Community Infrastructure Plan
were easterblishing the drainage system in the street. Some small industrial established themselves along the Yarra. In 1865, Collingwood had 1/4 of boot mamnfacturers. Quite a community life was developing.School, hothels, bridges.
REMPlan 2018
(Mac’s Hotel,Smith Street in the1860s)
Collingwood Overwhelmed 1870s
The population of collingwood increased significiantly, which require the Council to improve living condition. In this time, Collingwood still had no building regulations and most newly built houses continued the style of the old small wooden house. Poor environment- timber housing, narrow street, drainage problems, noxious and smelly industrial.
Registration &Sale
Uder Construction
(Increasing number of dewellings)
1880s Collingwood and the Boom
With the economic boom of Melbourne, the landscape of Collingwood changed dramatically. The wooden buildings were replaced by more sustanial buildings. FOOTBALL CLUB. The biggest and most famous sport club in Austrlia easterbilshed during this period. (Construction of the Town hall)
Planning Assessment
Population Projections 2016 to 2056
(Collingwood Football Club)
Hard time 1890s
The bank s bagan to call in thier overdrafts, building societies and financial institutions closed. The flood of Yarra river in 1891 damaged a lot of bridges, factirues, mills and new terrance housing buildings.
FUTRUE OF YARRA 3. Trend of Future Housing
4. Trend of Pocket Park
Parts of the precinct have already experienced considerable change. The urban block north of Stanley Street is predominantly redeveloped with mid-rise infill forms ranging in height from 4 to 8 storeys. The precinct bound by Peel, Wellington, Cambridge and Derby Streets is under going a similar transition, with recent approvals ranging in height from 4 to 14 storeys. Elsewhere, such as at 107 Cambridge Street and 20 Peel Street new development has sensitively responded to the prevailing streetscape character through lower heights and transitions. These developments are examples of a more sensitive infill development model that successfully integrates into the prevailing character.
The presence of small recently built pocket parks across the neighbourhood are a feature of the area and represent recent gentrification. These parks include the Peel Street Park, Cambridge Street Reserve and Oxford Street Reserve. They are evenly dispersed across the southern part of Collingwood.
4. Draft Housing Strategy
4. Council of Yarra
Source: COLLINGWOOD BUILT FORM FRAMEWORK 2018 (Yarra flood on 1891)
1900sEconomic Revival- Retail Development
Foy and Gibsons made many of its goods in the factory and mill complex between Smith Street and Wellington Street. They included manchester, clothing, furniture, leather goods, hardware, soft furnishings and proceesed foods. (Foy and Gibson warehouses and factories in 1906)
At War1920s-1930s
Local sources of employment dried up in the 1930s, and with widespread unemployment Collingwood once again became a refuge for those seeking cheap accommodation.
23A Johnston Street, Collingwood VIC 3066
450 Smith Street, Collingwood VIC 3066
132-172 Smith Street, Collingwood VIC 3066
47 Peel Street, Collingwood VIC 3066
Peel Street Park
Oxford Street Reserve
The pervading memory that many Collingwood residents had of the 1930s was the smell of 'Collingwood Coke', burning leather offcuts collected from the dustbins of boot factories and used instead of wood in domestic stoves.
Manufacturing Industry1940s Collingwood remained a centre of the footwear, clothing and brewing industries, though many traditional Collingwood residents followed jobs out to relocated factories on Melbourne's outer fringes.
(Harold's Boots)
(Boots’ factory)
1960sImigrantion & Multiculture
(Cathoic churches flourished and Protestant churches closed)
The Victorian Housing Commission built numerous estates in outer suburbs in the postwar years, encouraging an exodus of residents from inner suburbs. Collingwood increasingly became an area that new migrants, including Greeks, Italians, Macedonians, Lebanese and Vietnamese, settled and began to raise families. The demographic of the area changed dramatically with Australian-born residents falling to half the population.
1980s Dealing With Urban Complexities
The hige-rise buildings appeared during this time. Privite development recycled some of the old warehouses and factories. The council began investing large sums of money to manage rivers and manage industrial emissions.
(High rise flats & Collingwood Education Centre)
(The clean up of Yarra bank)
Changing Council 1994
Collingwood city was united with Fitzroy and Richmond cities to form Yarra city.
(The map of Yarra)
2010s A Creative Residential Area
The economy of this area is changing. Once it was a hub of industry and manufacturing and now there are jobs in the knowledge and service sectors as well as in the creative economy.
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday Site Resarch - Context
The history and context of the site plays an important role of the design. Hence, architecture is a mian elements to reflect the local culture. Focusing on the context is an effective strategies to design.
15 / Jan - Week 02 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Site Research 03
05 / Feb - Week 05 Wednesday Site Resarch - Collage
Reflection: Collage provides a visual representation, which is able to show the concept, strategies and context around the site. It may be combined with the other types of diagrams such as mapping in the later projects. 06 / Feb - Week 05 Thursday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Sketch and Diagram 01
17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday Sketches
17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday Bubble Diagram
Reflection: The techniques used in sketching are somewhat unitary so far in my progress. I am going to try more skills such as colour and shadow in the future. 10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday Sketch of Five Atmosphere for Library
17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Sketch and Diagram 02
21 / Jan - Week 03 Tuesday Sketches
21 / Jan - Week 03 Tuesday Sketches
In this session, we team up to discuss our progress.Shuya and Enid asked that the issues about noise and sunlight. I realised that this part of building should be considered more careful.
Reflection: Daydreaming is no contribution to the development of the project. New ideas may spring up when I sketching.In the future, I prefer to drawing rather than thinking when thinking is blocked. 21 / Jan - Week 02 Tuesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Sketch and Diagram 03
21 / Jan - Week 03 Tuesday Materiality Experiment
Reflection: I have tried to break the order to build connection different level. It means opportunities communicate there.
20 / Jan - Week 03 Monday Sketches
floor in between the that more with in
It helps to understand materials better by experimenting it in the selected analog media, especially the colour of materials. It helps to figure out the combine form of the materials. The experiment of analog media not only can used in representing the atmosphere, but also used in thinking the collection of material. 17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Strategies: Sketch and Diagram 04
02 / Feb - Week 04 Sunday Sketch
I attempted to make the terrain, which is the point of concept, to be verticality after interim, thus further emphasizing the concept, the library is the extension of the street. Therefore, the vertical terrain is introduced into the architectural massing. It provides vertical circulation, also provides terrain as a public space where allows visitors to sit, communicate and do nothing.
Reflection: It's important to focus on the one you're most interested in and deepen it, rather than adding too many elements that can get you lost. For example, the concept in this project is that the extension of the street, then apply a similar strategy, terrain elements on both plans and sections. 03 / Feb - Week 04 Monday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings 01: Plan
27 / Jan - Week 04 Monday Drawings
Reflection: The concept was So it looks too plans, this may is necessary to
not clear in the first couple of weeks. many elements are added into these cause difficulties in understanding. It get ideas into shape in the early stage. 03 / Feb - Week 04 Monday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings 02: Plan
29 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Drawings
Reflection: By these drawings compared with the previous plans, the architectural language of these is more uniform. It inspires me to keep the direction while refining the project. 03 / Feb - Week 04 Monday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings 03: Section
29 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Drawings
29 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Drawings
Reflection: It seems that sections and plans should not appear to be part of one project. In future projects should be considered as a whole, rather than designing in separated parts. 29 / Jan - Week 04 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings: Plan 02 _Interim 4
4 5
2 2
10 10
1 1
6 7
1. library collection 2. reading space & study area 3. seminar room 4. balcony 5. storage room
1 1. external stair 2. roof garden
1. entrance 1. entrance 2. lobby 2. lobby 3. reception 3. reception 4.magazine magazinereading reading 4. 5. cafe 5. cafe office 6. kitchen 7. 8. lounge 8. lounge 9.terrain terrain 9. 10. storageroom room 10. storage
2 6 5
Roof Plan 1:100
Second Floor 1:100
9 9
31 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Plan Drawings
N N Ground Ground Floor Floor 1:100 1:100
Reflection: 1. children story tell 2. children reading 3. community room 4. community kitchen 5. void 6. balcony 7. storage room
1 5
First Floor 1:100
1. library collection 2. reading space & study area 3. balcony 4. external stair 5. storage room
The concept really wants to be emphasized. It also needs to be represented in the plan drawings. It is important to keep consistency of architectural language.
2 Third Floor 1:100
31 / Jan - Week 04 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings: Section _Interim
Reflection: Some parts of the painting style are not uniform. Hence, the representation of this analog experiment can not express the concept well. So, it is important to do necessary quantity experiments before lay out, to ensure the quality in the final representation. 31 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Section
29 / Jan - Week 04 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings: Perspective 03 _Interim
Reflection: Using analog media to express the atmosphere and materiality in the space is a quick and straightforward way to help with understanding the project. It will help me with explain my project brief when quick demonstration. 31 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Section
03 / Feb - Week 04 Monday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Drawings: ESD 03
4 1
1. passive solar design 2. layered facade system 3. rainwater storage 4. rain garden
31 / Jan - Week 04 Friday Section
It is making sense to generate a facade depending on the sunlight analysis, by doing so, sustainability was considered in the design process. I seldom noticed ESD before. I will practice ESD design more in future. 04 / Feb - Week 04 Tuesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 01 up
casual reading up
reading area
4 bicycle garage
seminar room
1 enterance
2 reading area
6 7
up up
staff lounge
terrain down
5 up
children reading
children storytell area up
1. entrance 2. lobby 3. reception 4. magazine reading 5. cafe 6. office 7. kitchen 8. lounge 9. terrain 10. storage room
up storage down
community kitchen
terrain community room
up up
N 07 / Feb - Week 05 Friday Plan Drawings void
reading area
Ground Floor 1:100
Reflection: I back to a particular idea and execute this strategy, the terrain. So, the terrain became an important element in the building. I learn a tip from this experience, don't let too many elements distract you 07 / Feb - Week 05 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 02
Budd St.
BB' Section 1:100 0
Site Plan 1:500 0
Reflection: Architectural elements in the section also became the main concept, terrain. As thus, others who may concern this drawings can catch the point easily. Agian, Keep the point!
Johnston St.
07 / Feb - Week 05 Friday
AA' Section 1:100 0
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Drawings
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 03 casual reading
storage down
reading area
machine room
bicycles up
seminar room
reading area
staff lounge
Roof Plan 1:100 0
Second Floor 1:100
children reading
up children storytelling area
void up
up up
Budd St. up
up community kitchen
community room
up up
Johnston St.
Ground Floor 1:100 0
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Plan Drawings
reading area
Third Floor 1:100 0
First Floor 1:100 0
It is breeze through refining the plans when you found out the direction to follow. SO I can think about more detail component such as curtain wall, structure and room layout later on. 14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 04
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Detail Drawings
Reflection: It is a good way to illustrate the spatial atmosphere of the project better by considering the details of the space. I can think about the kind of dimensional atmosphere to achieve in future. 14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 05
17 / Feb - Week 07 Tuesday Plan Drawings
Reflection: The representation of architecture is an important way of expression. Trying to get people to see the point of design visually. I would like to find the highlights of the project in the later expression . 17 / Feb - Week 07 Tuesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 06
17 / Feb - Week 07 Tuesday Plan Drawings
Reflection: The choice of colour is also should be considered. High saturation colours are suitable for expressing lively scenes, like park and school. Low saturation colours are suitable for expressing serious and silent scenes, such as memorial and museum. The choice that should notice colour in the future. 17 / Feb - Week 07 Tuesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 07
15 / Feb - Week 06 Saturday Plan Drawings
Reflection: The choice of model making strategy has a direct impact the time management. So, choosing a suitable modelling technique can ensure that the task can be completed in the appropriate length of time. I need to learn more about physical model making techniques in the future.
17 / Feb - Week 07 Tuesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 08
Terrain at Ground Floor
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Plan Drawings
Reflection: Perspectives can visually represent interior activities and materials. The setting of camera angle can help make the perspective more vivid. I can spend more time refining angles in the future. 14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday
Terrain at Community Space
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 09
Reading Space
Terrain at Reading Space
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Plan Drawings
Reflection: Except for the camera angle, the refining of sunlight is also important. I can pay attention to the sunlight setting, in order to achieve a better light and shadow. 14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Final Experiment 10
14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Plan Drawings
Reflection: Representation by analog medias is not a easy task. I may do more experiments before drawing the final version. 14 / Feb - Week 06 Friday Plan Drawings
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Review and Rethink: Past Projects
Danmin Museum _June, 2016
Reflection: By reviewing the previoues projects, I need to improve the ability of the development of design. It is necessary to know the direction clearly in the period of design. 08 / Jan - Week 01 Wednesday 08 / Jan - Week 01 Wednesday Review Past Projects
Inspiration Tower _June, 2017
Business Incubator Building _May, 2018
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Review and Rethink: Favourite Architects
In the project named home for all, Toyo Ito focus on the community activity. He want to provide a place to meet, talk, eat and drink together afther the Tunami in 2011, rather than build a purely aesthetic architecture.
Yona Friedman raised that the Spatial City claims that the needs of residents is changing and the space should be transformable and moveable to satisfy the changing demands.
Reflection: In the process of learning, I can quickly learn some characteristics from the favourite architects, including get a lot of inspiration from their insights. It may help with holistic thinking by review ing thier ideas when I considering the project in the future. 08 / Jan - Week 01 Wednesday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Inspiration from Others: Lecture and Precedents
10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday The surry hill library and community centre FJMT Architects
06 / Jan - Week 01 Monday Notes of Lecture
10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday Biblioteca de la Escuela de Arquitectura Alvaro Siza
06 / Jan - Week 01 Monday Lecture of Atmosphere
10 / Jan - Week 01 Friday Tama Art University Library Toyo Ito
The lecture is a quick way to know systematic introduction of theoretical knowledge. At the same time, I can also understand others' thingking and experience.
Precendents can provide inspiration and strategies to deal with the issues of design. I may look more excellent cases in the future process.
12 / Jan - Week 01 Sunday
12 / Jan - Week 01 Sunday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Inspiration from Others: Materiality Precedents
Quiet House - Meschede 2001
Travertine & limestone
Concrete - White (Smooth template / acid Timber - Douglas fir etching) Reflection:
21 / Jan - Week 03 Tuesday Materiality Precedents
I can learn a lot from the precedents which allows to refer to other examples of how materials are used. The application of materials in the scheme was rarely considered before. In the future, I will pay more attention to the applicable scenes of building materials. 17 / Jan - Week 02 Friday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Inspiration from Others: Structure
Precedents of Structure
Helsinki Central Library Competition We arechitecture + jaja architects 24 / Jan - Week 03 Friday Structure Precedents
Musashino Art University Museum & Library Sou Fujimoto Architects
Finland's Pudasjärvi Campus
Reflection: The structure in the building is a necessary component,Structure should be considered at an early stage so as not to affect space and concepts.
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG
Inspiration from Others: ESD System
ESD Precedetns
EDU, Empresa de Desarrollo Urbano de MedellĂn John Octavio Ortiz Lopera 27 / Jan - Week 04 Monday ESD Precedents
Edificio Madreselva Vicca Verde
Victor Civita Plaza Open Museum of Sustainability Levisky Arquitectos Associados Reflection: Sustainable architecture is a popular topic. I may pay attetion to ESD things in the future. 02 / Feb - Week 05 Sunday
Studio 13_ YOUR LIBRARY Wenwei ZENG