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issue 04


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a bullshitrecognising

peopletalent in small towns with big towns talent big in small c r e a t i v e . d i r e c t o a n t h e a . c h a r a l a m b o u i e d t o c h r i s . b a r k e

r s r r r

c o p y . e d i t o c h e l s e a . a n s t e e c o n t r i b u t i n g . E D I T O R S A M . C O N N E L L Y

c b

o n t r i b u t o r e n . s o w r j a m e s . l l o y g r a c e . b l a k b i a n c a . e d w a r d M Y i L En S . a B A. T sE Mk A n jn e is s n. c a o c. h s r ak n n t io n ma . vc i os sb a u g ri j ae ms as n . t ch o s a .c h hi lr l am n a m . z c . o h b u u nr lt oi z

s y d e s N y y e o n ne n t

a em na cn et rh . am . ch di o l lu mg aa nl s p lF I O i Nz A .z T I . T Hh E R u I Dn G t E s p ALL e nENQUIRIES c e r . PLEASE m c d o u gUSaATl FOR CONTACT



FOR ALL ENQUIRIES US AT PRINTED BY a.p PLEASE and CONTACT prior print Z A EB P NH 2Y 0R 7M 1A 2G 8M 0E 8. C5 O7 M 6 background image by ben sowry

MERCI POUR . FUMER p h o t o g r a p h y . n i n a . s k y model.ruby@jazdalymanagment

@99fantasydogs In true Zephyr style, we found Lizz whilst exploring the murky depths of Instagram. Her pencil-to-paper portraits squeeze out a rare honesty; simplicity at its finest.


photography.fiona.titheridge fashion.anthea.charalambous m o d e l . s a r a h . t i t h e r i d g e

the pinheads

Interview Chris.Barker Photography James.Llyod

If you asked us who the best live band in Australia was, we’d give it to The Pinheads every time. The seven piece (sometimes more) DIY punk group are also total legends, so we sat down with them at a misty beach over some Golden Gaytimes at midnight to discuss bees, cheezles and bowling. Is this the whole crew? We’re missing three people. With this many people in the band, who does what? The bassist and drummer aren’t here. The bassist is the prettiest girl. The drummer is Jimbo the Wildman, micro-hercules is his nickname. Tex plays the keys, Jeremy sings, me and ? play guitars together.Zach does percussion and recently a theremin. How do you fit seven people on stage? There might be one or two people on stage - we prefer to get into the crowd, on the roof, on the ceiling, that’s better. It depends on the show but usually people are either really scared or really into it – there is no in-between. We feed off their fear. You only have one release on your BandCamp...

That was only coz we hadn’t released anything as well. We had our first gig and we were like ‘fuck we need to release something’. We record all the time for no reason so we said ‘lets put some songs up for a laugh’. People thought it was an album

and we were like no! There were some reviews. I heard a Spongebob soundbite in there? Yep and Seinfield, Back to the Future etc. What’s your recording process like? Whatever the process allows. Sometimes it only allows for one or two people. Our new EP is getting mixed at the moment. It was mostly us three who wrote it, then everyone else layered their bits of spice on top. Tex put on some saucy organ lines on top… How much weed is involved? None of us are smokers. We drink Hot Toddy’s in abundance. That’s tea, rum, cinnamon and heaps of honey. And so many darts. For some reason the bees are attracted to the ciggie smoke coz we find so many bees in our shed. Last night we were recording some new shit after the EP and seriously like twenty bees came in and flew under the roof and then they all died. We swept them up. I think once they processed all the treble they just dropped. I think they think we are bees. It’s kinda scary the way they die, like what are we doing? Also last night me and Luke were recording a song and there was a possum with heaps big nuts.

“We know a song is good when the bees come and die”.

Is it a real barn? We live on a horse farm, and there is this giant shed with heaps of hay bales. The horses like to poke their head in, but we scared them so they don’t come

in anymore. We know when a song is good coz they come walking in and start sniffing us. Hockey Dad are also in this magazine, are you friends with them? Yeah we’ve got a little something going on with them. One of our first Sydney shows was with them at The Standard. We got banned from there. We weren’t even going crazy but Jeremy bit someone. Some people were bowling there and we broke one of the alleys. Some guy was trying to be a hero and we bit him, just wanted a taste. I heard about a band promoter who threw pocket-sand at the Police at the Sydney Opera House. That’s sick. We should do that. I hate the feeling of sand in my pockets. Sand in my bed. Sand in my food. I hate it. Cheezles bro. Once Zach was trying to repair a piece of equipment but forgot he had Cheezle dust on his fingers and he broke it even more. That didn’t just happen once. He had a funnel and the remnants of Cheezles and he funnelled it into the input.

“Then I sneezed all the pocketCheezle over the gear and broke it”. What are The Simpsons bowling team called? Pin-Palls Why should people come and see you play? We’re always buying new shit to make it more interesting. Me and Al have these dresses we wear all the time - they smell like beer and sweat

and we haven’t washed them but they’re the best. Luke got a sitar recently. We want to do two tours, one like capital cities, then another in small weird regional places where people don’t go. TThe kind of places where when something’s on the whole town goes. Places where the people will chase us out. We’re getting lost in the mist out here. It’s very salty. We have an organ in the shed and coz of the moisture it’s gone all mouldy. It’s gone a solid step out of tune, you have to play it at a completely different key. Do you all draw? Pretty much. Everyone in the band has had something to do with graff, even Katesy. So when it comes to anything like merch or album covers we’re not like ‘What are we gonna do!?’ we just have a lil’ meeting and bring it together. So many bands are tight on the music but have a shit aesthetic. It’s good coz we know what we want. Can you explain your obsession with Bowling? Me and Tex used to go every week when we were in school, which was ages ago. Then we just all started to go, every cheap Tuesday for about four years now. All of us bowl and that’s why we’re The Pinheads – coz we have pins for heads and we go bowling. We get the lil’ loyalty cards so every ten bowls you get one free. The last bowl was a big achievement – they locked us in and we became great mates. They always have our shoe sizes and they give us a lane each. No one has scored a perfect 300. You would think we would have gotten better but we’ve gotten worse if anything. It’s just a fluke every time. You pretend to bowl and look like you know what you’re doing. Sometimes you get a strike and sometimes you get a gutter ball. That’s life.

B A N G B A N G HOUGH HOUGH p h o t o g r a p h y . b i a n c a . e d w a r d s f a s h i o n . a n t h e a . c h a r a l a m b o u s m a k e u p . n i k k i . p i k e m o d e l . r u b y @ j a z d a ly m a n a g e m e n t shot on location at rad bar & cafe

Isn’t there just something about a girl named Ruby? Yep, and this one is no different. The girl is on the brink of fame, and that’s not even the best part. She’s legs eleven, the coolest tomboy you’ll ever meet and she’s got the badass attitude to match. She was signed a week after we met her and featured on Vogue Italia’s website the week after that. When we look at her our heart thumps along to the beat of Bananarama’s Venus, and we fucking love it.

butter shirt from kingpin

Stylists own bra Celine sunglasses from Frolic Thrasher shirt (worn as skirt) from Kingpin

Lonley bra Nobody jeans from Babes Vans shoes from Kingpin

Natasha Dress from Plume Krew shirt & Vans shoes from Kingpin

Bec & Bridge dress from Frolic Thrasher jumper from Kingpin

Bra, stylists own Maurie & Eve Pants from Frolic Nude Heels from Babes

Manning Cartell Dress from Frolic Krew Shirt & Vans shoes from Kingpin

Ginger & Smart dress from Frolic

Organic by John Patrick dress from My Chameleon Krew shirt and Vans shoes from Kingpin

B LO W I N Photography/Art Jess Cochrane

Raised far beyond the South Coast, we’re more than happy to welcome Jess Cochrane as our own. This artist/blogger/talent is producing some serious paintwork and photography; so serious that she’s getting attention with a stream of gallery exhibitions across Sydney alongside her studio down in Wollongong. In other words, look the hell out.



photography spencer mcdougal @ yours and owls 5th birthday.

When we heard Hockey Dad’s song ‘I Ne ed a Woman’ playing in David Jones on Elizabeth Stre et, we couldn’t help but tell everyone in the store about the local boys killing it across Oz. We’re super proud to call Zach and Billy our mates, and with the best band name to probably ever come out of Wollongong we’re beyond ready for what is next.

Oceana p h o t o g r a p h y. b e n . s o w r y fashion.anthea.charalambous m a k e u p. l e i s a . s t e p h o n s o n m o d e l . o c e a n a @ w i n k

See this right here? You should be looking at several pages of a shoot featuring the stunning Oceana taken on an icecold day at Kiama Beach. Unfortunately we managed to wrangle only two shots before our photographer went completely MIA. Regardless, she is bliss. Enjoy!

Bra, stylists own Georgia Alice vest from Plume

Bilion Dollar Babes Dress from Frolic Industry Coach from Kingpin


five things. to do in europe that aren’t tomorrowland Words Samantha Hillman

Perhaps you’re looking to avoid your southern-cross bearing compatriots, maybe you just didn’t get tickets and now need to console yourself with alternative plans. Either way, here are five things to do in Europe that aren’t a Belgian music festival.

1. Flirt with Death in Norway (NB: And flirt with everything else while you’re there too). Hiking across the majestic fjords of Norway is an experience nothing short of life affirming. Whilst financial molestation is inevitable ($30 takeaway burgers), what Norway lacks in affordability it makes up for in rugged wilderness and an alarmingly attractive population. If ugly Norwegians exist, they are difficult to spot. This considered, Norway is undeniably worth a visit in your twenties; when you’re most likely to be reasonably agile, and least likely to be hideous. The most notorious three hikes - Priekstolen (Preacher’s Rock) Trolltunga (Trolls Tongue), and Kjeragbolten (scary yet totally Instagrammable round rock wedged between two cliffs) - are all within easy road tripping distance of one another. Great for: the physically robust Less so: the poverty stricken Be sure to: take a week-long road trip in the summertime. Help soothe the constant threat of bankruptcy by taking advantage of the local law ‘allemannstretten’, or All Mans Land. Which basically means that as long as you clean up after yourself you can set up camp anywhere in the wild, for free. No way. Yes way. Norway. 2. Eschew Inhibitions in Istanbul You may think that a traditional Turkish bathing ritual isn’t for you. You’d also be forgiven for thinking the transition from being clothed and dignified to laying on a marble rock like a sacrificial lamb, tits out, could be an uncomfortable one. Though in the sticky chaos of Istanbul—where stray cats seemingly outnumber deodorant users—spending a silent afternoon in a palatial room being washed by a stranger is a totally beautiful thing. Traditional bathing rituals typically last around an hour, and once you’ve been scrubbed, rubbed (not like that) and left to play in what could only be described as a bubble avalanche, you’re dried, wrapped up in fluffy towels and plopped on a giant marshmallow of a lounge to sip tea for as long as you please. Great for: hedonists Less so: the bodily conscious Be sure to: find a good one. Kilic Ali Pasa Hamam in Karakoy is excellent.

3. Bender in Berghain, Berlin Flawless sound systems, aggressive techno and people fucking in the open. Berghain is arguably the most famous underground club in the world; a shrine to minimalist beats and gritty sex. The club, set in an almost-cathedral like abandoned thermal power station is open continuously from Friday night until Monday morning. Unsurprisingly, it’s hard to get in; three-hour queuing is not uncommon, selection is ruthless and rejection is rife. As infamous as the club’s brutal door policy are the bouncers who enforce it; Sven (who vaguely resembles a vampire-ish bikie) is actually known around Berlin as ‘lord of the night’, a celebrity status attributable to his years on the door. Another, Rummelsnuff (who vaguely resembles a potato), is a renowned German musician. Some say that the door policy is an attempt to curate the perfect party crowd and protect Berghain’s alternative scene from judgmental eyes. Others offer a blunter reasoning: the doormen are dicks. Regardless, it’s worth going. Or at least, attempting to. Great for: voyeurs, the energetic, lovers of amphetamines. Less so: the particularly sensitive. Be sure to: go on Sunday where the queue is smaller and the crowd is local. Don’t speak in the line. Dress casually. 4. Join the Good kind of Communist Party in Budapest Communism might not do much for a city’s cultural scene whilst it’s in effect, but Budapest is a fine example of how an awkward transition to democracy can pave the way to a killer nightlife. Case in point: Budapest’s infamous ruin bars. At the turn of the millennium, Budapest was plagued with abandoned buildings and locals in need of a stiff drink. Fortunately, a handful of locals connected the dots. True to their namesake, ruin bars are just that; drinking dens thriftily built into the remains of derelict buildings. The paint is peeling, the entrances are nondescript and the drinks are, predictably, as cheap as the rent. Great for: the poverty stricken. The surrounding kebab shops are also not to be sneezed at. Less so: the fancy Be sure to: Use Google maps. Their lack of signage can make them tricky to find. District 7 is riddled with good ones. If you’re going to run into your fellow countrymen abroad, you’ll be sure to find an excellent bunch of them here.

5. Get Gloriously Fat In The South of France Eat the cheese. Eat the bread. Drink the wine. 100% stereotypical, 1000% you should not give a fuck because it is spectacular. This is no time for #cleaneating and faux gluten sensitivities (will they ever end?). This is a time for French food, and lots of it. The glistening Riviera, renowned for it’s fairy blue sea and disproportionate amount of zillionaires is also one of the most delicious culinary melting points in Europe. Food along the Cote d’Azur is vibrant, permeated with Mediterranean and Provincial influences and makes good use of local citrus trees, flowers and olive plantations. Think honey, sugar coated violets and cheap (but excellent) rosé. Think steaming bowls of moule et frites, baguettes lathered in goats chevre and game-changing pistachio gelato. Think eggplants stuffed with meat and breadcrumbs, orange blossom brioche, slow cooked beef, deep fried zucchini flowers, crispy chickpea pancakes and excellent olive oil. Think strategic weight gain to make the harsh pebbled beaches less assaulting to the body. Great for: old people, rich people, obese people, old rich obese people, lovers of food, diggers of gold Less so: the lactose intolerant Be sure to: Venture beyond the touristy Cours Seleya market and old town and into the Liberation neighbourhood for the best ever (ever) gelato at Arlequin and a smattering of incredible Italian delicatessens.


Mt Isthmus, Wanaka

kiwifruit A New Zealand photo diary by Tom Cobur n

The Bay, Catlins Forest Park & Lake Wanaka


Private Far mland near Hawea

Remarkables National Park

Mt Isthmus


BABES p h o to g r a p fashion.ant m a k e u p m o d e l . s

hy . j e s s co ch r a n e heacharalambous . n i k k i p i k e i e n n a @ w i n k

shot on location @ finbox

THIS IS SIENNA aka 5ft nothing and a booty to envy. Shooting this talented and inspirational young thing reminded us of what Zephyr’s all about—unfounded local people who like to have FUN! Sienna has been through a mighty lot (with the scars to prove it), but that doesn’t at all get in the way of her doing headstands, twirling in underwear and pulling gaptoothed faces all day long. She could just be the cutest thing ever.

Finbox shirt from Finbox By Johnny Skirt from Frolic.

First Base Bra from Babes Michael Lo Sordo Trench from Frolic Sol Slides from Babes

Vanashing Elephant Shirt from Lee & Me Bra stylists own Manning Cartell Shorts from Frolic

Alice McCall Top & Shorts from Frolic Sol Sana Slides from Babes

Zulu & Zephyr Bikini top from Finbox White Suede dress from Frolic

Shackuachi Top and Shorts from Babes Converse from Kingpin

Maurie and Eve top and Zimmermann Bikini from Babes.

Celeste Terio Dress from Babes Top, Stylists own.

Seea rashie from Finbox, Uniform Studios shorts from Plume Converse from Kingpin

Vanashing Elephant shirt from Lee & Me Slip Dress Stylists own.

T H E . L AT E . T R A I N When two delinquent teenage girls start a conversation with a 30-ish year old man. Overhead & Transcribed by Chelsea Anstee Man in his late 30s with bandana and army boots: Excuse me, did I just hear you say you had a cattle dog? What’s its name?

15-year-old girl: I only started doing it because something bad happened.

15-year-old girl: Technically it’s not my dog, it’s my boyfriend’s dog, but I feed it. Man: What’s he doing then? It’s his fucking dog.

15-year-old girl: I’ve already got them. Last night I did all this (shows him her arm). It wasn’t too deep. I wasn’t going to run out and say, ‘Mum I need to go to the hospital’. She’d be like, ‘WHAT FOR?’



17-year-old girl: Do you want a Zappo?

15-year-old girl: I’m a runaway.

Man: No thanks.

Man: Make sure you ring your parents and tell them you’re alright.

-----Man: Can I ask a question? Why do you cut yourself ? I’ve seen stuff that would turn your shit white and there’s a lot of bad out there, man. 15-year-old girl: There’s not really. Man: You don’t need to do it. 15-year-old girl: I don’t anymore, but it’s addictive shit. Man: Why don’t you smoke cones and mellow out instead?

Man: Go and get some tatts.

15-year-old girl: No, they can go to hell. They kicked me out at midnight… but only because I was naughty. Man: So what are you going to do, get on the dole? 15-year-old girl: Oh my nan will support me. She’s already said that last time I ran away. ----17 year-old girl: You have such little feet.

15-year-old girl: Well they’re not even your shoes c**t. Man: Small feet in women is good.

15-year-old girl: Well I can’t tell them that now. I don’t want to dog you, but I can’t make them come all this way for nothing.


17-year-old girl: How many are there?

The girls go and sit with the man so the 15-year-old can charge her phone on his laptop.

15-year-old girl: Four.

Man: If I was an asshole, I could go through this phone and steal all your numbers and see all your messages.

17-year-old girl: Well they can sleep on the floor. 15-year-old girl: Sounds like I’ll be sleeping with four boys tonight then.

15-year-old girl: Please don’t do that.

Man: I’ll get you some pepper spray.

Man: No, I won’t, but I could. You’re in enough trouble.

15-year-old girl: No it’s ok. Blake will bash them if that happens. He’s good like that.

15-year-old girl: Please don’t look through it. You don’t want to see what’s on there. 17-year-old: She has naked selfies. -----15-year-old invites her friends over to the 17-year-old’s house. Man: You have to ask the person who the house belongs to before you invite a heap of people over. You can’t just invite people over to someone’s house. 15-year-old girl: Well I told you they can’t come all this way with their friends and not have somewhere to go. 17-year-old girl: I told you two people. And no one is staying over.

----Man: I’m going home to throw my dog in the spa and then get in the spa with him. 17-year-old girl: You’re having a spa with your dog? Man: Yeah, why the hell not? I throw my dog in the shower all the time. ----17-year-old girl: Do you know it’s my birthday today? I’m 17. 15-year-old girl: Yeah, I bought her all this stuff. Man: Did you buy condoms for tonight?

17-year-old girl: No, fuck that. I’m not fucking anyone. Plus, I don’t use condoms. 15-year-old girl: She’s pregnant. Man: Babies having babies. I’ve got no kids. I don’t condone babies having babies, but it’s your choice. 17-year-old girl: I’ll have to take my belly ring out soon. My mum told me. Because my belly will get too big. 15-year-old girl: The baby will eat it. 17-year-old girl: When I pull my tights up you can’t really tell I’m pregnant, but when I do this you can see it. ----15-year-old girl: I just got a text from my nan. She said ‘You were seen at 7pm at the station by the police. They said you were together, so that’s good you’re ok.’ Man: Tell her I’m ok too. ----17-year-old girl: I have to stop working soon. My back has been so sore lately. Man: You’re not even three months pregnant. You’ve got a long way to go. 17-year-old girl: Yeah, I’m a month and a half. When I’m nine months pregnant I’m not going anywhere. -----

15-year-old girl: I sent a nude—I don’t know why, I’m stupid, trust me—and the guy saved it to his phone and sent it all over Facebook. Man: Once you put it on the internet it’s everyone’s to have and see. But it isn’t the end of the world. Boobs are boobs, penises are penises and vaginas are vaginas. They’re just appendices. Don’t worry about it mate. Haters are going to hate no matter what. 15-year-old girl: I know. I don’t care anymore. Man: How old’s your boyfriend? 15-year-old girl: 20. He’s a lad. You know the ones that wear Henleys and Adidas and Nike Air Maxes? Yeah. He punched me in the face once, but it was because we were drunk. Man: [Gives karate demonstration] 17-year-old girl: Remember that time I broke someone’s nose? 15-year-old girl: Yeah, one day this huge group of FOBs came up to us at school and they were calling us little sluts. She went CRACK to her face and smashed them. 17-year-old girl: I have to be careful now because I don’t want to get hit in the stomach. But once I broke a girl’s jaw and eye socket at school. The first day back. They said I hope your baby dies and has diseases and I said, ‘fuck you slut,’ and I chased them. I full made it to the radio. I was like, woop woop.

Because the ambulance and police came, so did the news people. It was the other day. [She then reads out the news story from an online news site]. ‘I made it onto the news!’ I didn’t even mean to hit her that hard. I just grabbed her and went whack, whack. And then I was like, ‘Yes! I broke someone’s jaw.’ -----15-year-old girl: I can’t wait to get off the train and have a smoke. -----15-year-old girl: You should see how much this bitch eats. I gave $5 and a packet of chips to a homeless man and she wanted it for herself.

15-year-old girl: Do you reckon I’d get in trouble for smoking onboard? Man: Nope, there’s no one on board [about 20 people in the carriage]. Plus what are you asking me for? I’m not a policeman. Just go and have one in the bathroom before you get off the train. The girls go to the bathroom for a smoke and return soon after. 17-year-old girl: It says there’s smoke detectors in there. ----Man: Be smart. Don’t be stupid. One day you’ll be 40. 17-year-old girl: I’ll never be 40. Ever.

Man: Don’t blame it on the baby. You’re just stupid.

Man: You can choose. You can say, ‘I’m going to be a dickhead today and I’ll live with the consequences for the rest of my life’ or you can just think about how your friends will laugh at you.

15-year-old girl: She wants a boy.



The man, 15-year-old and 17-year-old get off the train.

17-year-old girl: I’ve just got baby brain.

15-year-old girl: Wanna see my boyfriend? He’s hot. He cracked onto me the first time we met. He was like, ‘you have a sexy ass’. 17-year-old girl: My boyfriend wants to marry me. -----

At the same stop, two men in their early 20s board. Man 1: ‘You’ve got to be good to yourself. Be a nice c**t and things will work out. F***ing up while you’re on parole will ruin your life.’


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